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Redpill me on transgender stuff? I keep having thoughts of doing it but I know I shouldn't.
Bumping. Please don't die.
Some transgenders are liberal. Some transgenders are conservative. They're actually pretty normal people. They're fine.
I always make sure to sage trash, that's for sure!
I mean I have thoughts of transitioning. Convince me otherwise.
>normal people

Most transgender are mentaly unstable and the soucide rate among that speaks clearly they only thing changing gender would solve their problems. They are just perverts.
I won't. Some people feel that way, and that's fine. You don't have to be a liberal SJW post transition. Just come to the conclusion you think is going to be best for you, it's your life and your decision. It has nothing to do with morality.
Thanks. I can agree with that, I for one don't feel it emotionally, definitely feels more perverted than anything. Just don't know how to rid myself of it.
Please describe the relationship you have with the closest person in your life that is transgender. Your words reflect someone that doesn't actually no any, and has bought into all the bullshit.
How much are you doing it for:

a) Attention from peers
b) Unwillingness to man up


They don't cut people's hands and feet off when they convince themselves they need to because it's a type of harmful body dismorphia. It's absurd that when it's the cock it would suddenly become ethical medical practice.

It's just a fashion statement, and thus dumb.

Like a tattoo but much worse.

Why do you want to do that? do you think your life will be different? Why dont you change your life and behaviour already without changing your body? Are you sure you're not hiding behind the transgender thing having it as the excuse that will solve your current problems?

You'll never be the opposite sex, just a lookalike. With this in mind, why do you care so much for imitating the other sex then?
Transgender doesn't exist. It's a delusion. Those are all abominations with fucked up bodies.

If you're feminine enough to become a purely cross-dressing trap and be convincing, then that's hot, and nothing permanent.
You need more testosterone.
A) 35%
B) 65%
Their hormones are fucked up, and a shit load of them commit suicide after mutilating their genitals. Bro get your T levels checked if your having fucked up transgender thoughts, and stop eating soy.
Radical feminism actually offers some of the best analysis and criticism of transgenderism. Look up Sheila Jeffreys.
Trans people have a suicide rate post transition thats the same as cis.
The cure for BIID is actually amputation.
Only do it if you'll be able to look cute, and don't mind becoming a fuck toy.

Wow '''she''' surely looks feminine. Damn. So hot... I can't believe I used to be blue-pilled on trans.
The bible specifically condemns genital mutilation

Only weird gay guys would ever find you attractive

You'll still have man face

You'll never be a parent

You won't have a vagina just a hole where your dick used to be

You won't be able to function properly in society

Your parents will be heartbroken

Your co-workers and friends will be secretly horrified and cut connections

You'll become even more depressed once you regret what you've done

You'll become suicidal after the novelty wears off and likely end up dead within a year of wasting all that money to "transition"

If there is a Hell you're going to it head first

Also, those kinds of thoughts suggest a more severe underlying mental illness I highly suggest you put your money to better things like a psychologist
I'm not sure. I'm pretty sure it ties into childhood trauma. I really DONT want to be trans. But part of me I seem to be unable to convince. Its like someone brainwashed me to be trans and I am having trouble fighting it
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>doing it

doing what mate.
This. Lift, eat farm fresh foods with a shitload of grass-fed animal protein, filter your water. You will see a difference.
Instead of changing your body to match your brain, try changing your brain to match your body. Get some testosterone in you and maybe the desire to cut your dick off will subside.
If you have dysphoria, its NOT gonna go away. I regressed for 15 years before i went through with it.
Cut your dick off, but then just leave it and bleed yourself to death. The gene pool will thank you.
>Doing it
Transitioning. Aka what I don't want to do.
>Redpill me

There's a lot of people who end up still/more depressed after surgery or even just after beginning hormone therapy. There's some transgender people that are happy.

It seems that a lot of the happiness comes from aesthetics. If you're young, thin, and attractive by a gay man's standards, you could transition into a pretty woman and maybe that would make you happy. If you age terribly, you might end up more depressed. But there's also other issues. You may have to act the part (depends on your philosophy, you could be a transgender person with a manly voice who plays football if you want).

Bruce Jenner lowers her voice and becomes more manlike when she drinks. That's what people have been talking about, since she is a party girl and people who go to parties and see her have phones just like anyone else. They talk about it. She stands out, of course.

I'm not exactly convincing you of anything, just telling you two parts of it. I've been iffy about the whole subject because while I support anyone's right to do something like this, which doesn't affect me, and not be discriminated in the workplace for it, it's a much more complicated issue than that. IT's not a sexuality. It's nothing like coming out of the closet. It's a complicated situation with a lot of focus on the aesthetics of the sex you want to be, and a lot of people encouraging you that you should do it and telling you you're stuck in a man's body. Anyone would lose their mind if they found themselves questioning their gender.

She needs some advice on how to cut her dick off. I'm sure you will be able to help.
>Trans people have a suicide rate post transition thats the same as cis.
Totally false. They're all mentally ill and there's no cure.

>Persons with transsexualism, after sex reassignment, have considerably higher risks for mortality, suicidal behaviour, and psychiatric morbidity than the general population.
Thanks. Will do. Any testosterone boosting foods or shit you know of?

Exactly, it's a brainwash.

Just like you wont solve any problems of your life by moving countries you wont solve any problems of your life altering your body.

You probably wont even care to take all the laborious steps to do it, even if you never overcome the brainwash.

What do you care anyways? You're not that important. Dont think about yourself all the time. It doesnt matter.
I heard eggs help
>The bible specifically condemns genital mutilation
Please read Galatians 5:12
>Me and not she, he.
I need help convincing myself not to cut my own fucking dick off

Fuck off, no way
Here's the best resource I've found, not going to summarize it here

I care because I'd rather not be a fucking libtard tranny sheep.
you will still be whatever sex you are just with mutilated genitals

Take your pick
You'll always have an adams apple, even if you slice your dick off.

Foods? You need injectible test-e baby. Get on that Bulgarian website and order some. Go on /fit/ and get advice.
Please read Deuteronomy 23:1
>He that is wounded in the stones, or hath his privy member cut off, shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD.
Haven't transitioned. I am saying I'm trying to not give in to some jew-y brainwash bullshit.

You don't have the balls to cut your balls off. What are you, too much of a pussy to behead your cock? Are you too much of an asshole to slash your guts? Sissy.
Transgender is the purple pill anon.

Get it right.
Nope, none of those refute what I said. All transgender people kill themselves at higher rates than the general populace. Read again.

Well dont be.

You'll never not be a libtard tranny wannabe sheep if you're always nailing the idea of transition in you head.

Forget about it. Do other things. Stop thinking about YOU and what YOU want or dont want to be and what YOU should do and how YOU would feel etc...
>All pro trans sites
Thanks for your reliable and unbiased data
Why do you even want to transition?
Well fuck the purple pill, give me the red one or black one asap.

Cutting your dick off because you're sexually attracted to yourself and become a suicidal circus freak that horrifies children and strangers is A-OK!

You're just attention whoring.

You do think like a woman btw.

Go fuck yourself whore. You just want (You)s
Transgender people before transition DO have higher rates of suicide. Obviously. In the same way all depressed people are more likely to suicide. I'm on mobile so i dont wanna search thoroughly, but if you looked it up yourself without "one swedish study says it so it's true so it must be" thought process, you'd realize it just isn't so.
its unbelievable how much airbrushing has been applied to this faggot for his magazine covers
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Yes life is easier for a woman, no you can't become a woman.

So unless you want to be some freak-show that everyone outside of virtue signaling fags will mock behind their back then find some other purpose in your life.

>be an island with one palm tree next to an island with no palm tree
>get called "palm tree island"
>get hit by a grenade
>my coconuts and palm tree get blown away into the ocean
>i am still palm tree island

You're making no fucking sense there
This will redpill you

How about this.
Come over to my house. We'll get naked and I'll have you sit on my cock facing me. We can just sort of stare into each other's eyes while I use my hands on your torso to move you up and down riding my member inside your ass. We'll do your makeup, doll you all up. It'll be great. I'll make you feel like the girl you know you are. I'll make you my woman.

There'll be no turning back for you, and I swear I'll make you happy.
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>nothing to do with morality

Okay moshe schlomo shekelstein
Its a fucking mental illness. Nothing more. Something went wrong in your brain that tells you your body, your chromosomes, your hormones and your sexual organs are wrong. Ummm. I wonder where the problem is when all those things don't line up.
Like i said in >>90935699
I'm on mobile, just clicked the first three result. It's all based on a single study.
>Transgender people before transition DO have higher rates of suicide.
I never once said this wasn't the case. Learn how to read.

Again, ALL transgender people off themselves at a higher rate than the general populace. You claimed that post transition is the same as cis. That's completely false. Transition reduces the risk, but it doesn't eliminate it. It's a treatment not a cure.
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You have Y chromosome in every cell of your body making proteins that only men have. If you get sex change you will just be mentally ill man
You have some serious problem, I'd recommend seeing a psychologist but you're probably beyond help
Can't you get TRT to help get your T levels to a healthy level for a virile man? Prescription that is.
Welp. That just helped to redpill the fuck out of me. Thanks goy.
That's even less reliable then.

Based kangabroo
kill yourself faggot
Whatever, maybe so, I'm just repeating the same "as cis" thing because that's what i always hear.
but the fact that is reduces suicide rates means it's effective, people who still have higher suicide rates are probably those who figured it'd fix ALL their problems, and were upset when it didn't.
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Get this tattooed on the back of your neck.

Regret it? Now imagine how cutting your dick off is going to feel.
Please continue to get this jew-y Shlomo brainwash tranny shit out of my head thanks.
Yeah probably.

Plus YOUR OWN PARENTS will want to kill themseves from being literally humiliated for having raised and previously loved a garbage tier disgusting pervert like you

Thanks for all the sacrifices mom and dad, I've decided to shit in both you mouths with my very public disgrace to the family.
Sorry, nevermind >>90936255
I thought you were saying my pages were unreliable, the study that says the rates are higher is based on a single study in sweden.
It sorta works mainly because of hormones. But you'll always be slightly mentally unstable.
I'm FtM, they're probably all the more happy for it.
don't listen to him... you're perfectly normal.... what not normal is the arbitrary ideas of gender that are forced upon us... do what you want... there is nothing perverted about not conforming.
Cognitively men and women are different on levels affected by hormones meaning that any attraction to men you feel is brainwashing. You'll also never be able to think or act like a real woman, you'll just be a man who thinks he sounds like one.
For some people probably, but those people are unstable to begin with. In my case it was pure physical dysphoria, with the rest of my life being perfectly average otherwise.
>The bible specifically condemns genital mutilation
Too late, I was circumcised at birth.

>Only weird gay guys would ever find you attractive
I've met more male to female trans with girlfriends or wives than boyfriends or husbands

>You'll still have man face
Plastic surgery has come a long way.

>You'll never be a parent
If freezing your sperm is out of the question you could always adopt.

>You won't have a vagina just a hole where your dick used to be
I don't suggest anyone to have that sort of surgery performed on them, it's butchery. However, artificial wombs and lab grown limbs (including genitalia) are quickly becoming a possibility.

>You won't be able to function properly in society
If you function fine now, I don't think a change of clothes and makeup is going to fuck anyone over too badly.

>Your parents will be heartbroken
It really depends on what kind of parents you have but I think you're projecting a little too hard with this one.

>Your co-workers and friends will be secretly horrified and cut connections
That's fine. If someone stops speaking to you over something that doesn't affect them at all then they're not really your friend.

>You'll become even more depressed once you regret what you've done
>You'll become suicidal after the novelty wears off and likely end up dead within a year of wasting all that money to "transition"
It's true, lots of transgendered individuals suffer from mental illness.

>If there is a Hell you're going to it head first
I don't believe in any religion, but what makes you say that?
Oy vey.
Thanks. Any idea what caused this brain washed jew-y bullshit?
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You, a transgender person, came to /pol/ for advice? Do you want to suicide in a few years? These people will NOT give helpful advice.
mmm I love FTMs... especially hot hairy bear FTMs.... yum...I'm a gay male and I still consider myself gay despite being attracted to FTMs... budabump!
Oh I thought you were saying your websites came from one study. They are from biased websites and it's a well known statistic here that 1/3 transgenders attempt suicide whether before or after transition.
Bump. Yeah I have no idea what transgenderism is. I don't understand the people that want to transition outside of a sexual fantasies. Never had a feeling of my 'soul' being female, though I've heard others say that. For most of my life I have fantasized about having a sex change/HRT/feminization. Pretty much every single time I masturbate since I was 12 I fantasize about being a girl/trans and getting fucked by a guy. After I'm done I have no interest in it and just want to forget about it. I've never identified as or felt female outside of fantasy when jerking off. I'm not attracted to guys in real life but I found most women fucking annoying, though I've met a few I've fallen for.
Don't, you'll eventually kill yourself once the "fun" is over

Just be a trap or regular homo
I'm not beary yet, trying hard to get bearmode but i need more arm bulk and my beard is still patchy.
You are who you are, all flaws included. If you have feminine feelings, that's ok, but ultimately you were created a man and are a man.
just skip all the medications and doctors then kill yourself while cross dressing.
it will save you a fortune.
It's my dream for our eyes to lock while you're taking my dick in your mouth. You'll be wearing some eyeliner, and some lingerie I'll buy for you. You'll be my princess, and will want for nothing. Please stop cutting your hair anon, so that when we finally get together we can style it up and make you feel special. Imagine waking up every morning spooning with me as I wrap my muscular arms around that little body of yours and hold you close.
I wouldn't do it past 20 yo.
I would never cut my dick off.
With those two conditions met you can do it if you want and your situation allows, it's p hot.
oy vey? what? if a man wants to wear women's clothing or vice versa, what's wrong with that? Who cares? Getting your genitals mutilated... well that's a whole other bag of worms I'm not educated enough about to comment on.
Nope. 2% regret for mtf, less than 1% for ftm.

>parents are happy
>ha ha they actually told you this
>and you actually believed it
>being that selfish

Thought experiment: imagine your mom tryig to tell old friends she hasnt seen in a while what her daughter is doing

>she uh, thinks she's a man now for some reason
>your mom literally dying from humiliation

Your parents hate you, they wanted grandchildren from you not some pervert sex fantasy you insist on advertising
let me know... I'll be around
you'll just an hero when you realize you're neither a man or a woman, you're just a freak
post transition depression and suicide are pretty common.

on the other hand you could convince yourself that reality is correct and live a real life
I am saying I want to de-brainwash myself of this tranny Shlomo bullshit.
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The real reason behind all this is you want to be a normal woman with normal friends and a normal "woman life". However, this will not come to you because you will never be a true woman. You will never be able to have kids and be a real woman and live the feminine life.

You will most likely not be very attractive. You will forever be a horribly disfigured, dillusional, confused man. You may fool men, but women always can always tell. The shape of your hips, shoulders, legs, feet, and hands will always show your manliness.

If you decide to go through with this, you will have a face resembling that of a womans, rubber tits and a pink fuck hole. You can buy pretty outfits and do your hair up cute but you'll still be a man. Every cell in your body will still be that of a man's.

You can fool most men, but women always can always tell. Your parents will be disappointed even if they don't show it. You will lose many friends and lose many career choices.

Don't do it anon, the grass isn't always greener on the other side. You'll just end up as pic related, "that wannabe tranny" who you see just updated *her* facebook profile picture.
I have two sisters with kids.
My parents are liberal. (Though I'm MAGA)
My brother died when we were very young, so they're happy to have another chance with a boy.
Oy vey goyim.

He's not a transgender person, he's looking to not turn into a sick mess of human waste

>/pol/ can hekp this anon by letting him know what his future will really be like
>reddit tier faggots will encourage you so they can make a faceberg post about how social justicey they just were. But they will stay have working dicks
>other mentally ill people will encourage you to join them so their horrible lives are marginaly more bearable by having other miserable faggots to commiserate with
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Wrong screencap, meant to post this.
Sounds like severely untreated depression leading to an onset of disphoria or even neurosis. Just see a psychologist and tell them you've been having intrusive thoughts that you are not who you are. Be specific but be sure to mention that you don't want to transition.
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Can't hide this faggot
Thanks for the inspiring screen cap. This shit helps man.
Don't mutilate your genitals dipshit.
Trips & XeK, you know it's true!
Just sack the fuck up and be a fag

Why pretend it's all cause "muh nonexistent vagina"
>muscular arms
fat isn't muscle you greasy, slimy freak of nature. I don't know what they do to feminize american men like this but it's a sad phenomenon
You go believe what you want. When I'm pumping my monster into her tight little ass, taking her from behind, addicting her to my cum, dolling her all up and giving her the emotional experiences she's needed this whole time, then... then... I forgot where I was going with this, I think I just wanted to talk about fucking her hard.
no joke you may have schizophrenia.
when people with gender dysphoria where given medication for schizo treatment, they had no thoughts of becoming the other sex and even felt ashamed for their actions regarding their gender dysphoria.
Spoken like a true virgin
Seriously? That's what I was thinking sorta. That or just some jew-y brainwash bullshit
I would recommend seeing a psychologist or two. But be careful if they seem too pushy or excited for you to transition.
No kidding. I'd like to avoid as many shills as possible.
>talks about a study with a single trans person who already had schizophrenia
Shouldn't you be out in the snow, drunk, and ready to stab someone if they stand within 3ft of you while lined up for the bus?
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Don't do it OP. If you're like I am and have been seduced by the trap porn on 4chan in the past, you can overcome.

I ended up looking at sissy shit simply because I had already looked at everything else. I reached the end of Porn, and the wrongness and cognitive dissonance of it was dangerous and exciting to me. I started watching sissy hypnos having no desire to actually do what they told me. Soon it was the only type of porn I watched, and Shemale/Trap was the only category I searched for.

Except this cap is completely right


I didn't like sissy shit because I was gay. It was a weird internalization of my desire for women... wanting to become the woman that I couldn't get so that I would have her by being her.

The Bible is right, gay shit is an abomination.

Millennials are doing it because we're brainwashed by the internet, poisoned with xenoestrogens, and afraid to man the fuck up in our lives.
Good posts. If OP doesn't find this arousing then clearly he shouldn't transition, what the fuck.

I find this very arousing btw.
This needs to be a screen cap. Minus the god stuff. No offense.
Trapping would actually be pretty fun I bet until you're like 30. I just try not to get too sucked in to those sexual fantasies. Hopefully it won't bite me in the ass down the road like Bruce Jenner
Oy vey Shlomo. Oy vey! Just keep gobbling it up like a good little goy...
I will force you to be my cute little feminine girlfriend, because I know you secretly want it. We'll paint the Canadian flag on those cute little cheeks of yours, and dress you up in an adorable fall outfit. We'll have a night out on the town before I take you back to my place. All male behavior from you will not be tolerated. Only girly behavior will be positively reinforced by me.
Sounds hot until we cum and then we're just two dudes fucking
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>Obviously shilling
Thanks everyone for your advice. Enjoy a hopefully shill free day.
>I keep having thoughts of doing it but I know I shouldn't.

Let's say you're one of the 0.00001% of passable MtF trannies.

You still can't have kids and are subject to all the genetic risks of your single X single Y chromosomal situation.
phytoestrogens and non-gmo soy don't turn you into a tranny, retards.

i've been including both in my diet for a decade and have a full beard, full head of hair, chest hair, strong sex drive, good physique, good health, etcetcetc...

soy is my main source of protein. i use soy milk (1-2 cups a day), soy sauce (on spicy indian veggie burger for lunch or brown rice), and soy protein powder.

also: i actually knew an old tranny who said h/she was allergic to soy and only ever had it once and got deathly ill.
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Gee, uh, I wonder who could be behind this??
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Bruce didn't do it on purpose. He is making th emost out of a bad situtaion.
summary please
There is your answer, why would being a woman change one percent of it.
If you do it you will realize it after and kill yourselfe. If you dont you may turn your life around and do something with the remaining time you have.
Also stop masturbateing and drugs i know you do it both. After your brain has adjusted itselfe to not having these impulses you will be a new man and you will master life easily.
If it's what you believe is best for you, there really isn't anything preventing you from doing so.

But before you transition, remember that it is physically impossible for you to ever become a biological female. All you are doing is effectively mutilating your genitals, and creating a shit ton of chemical imbalances in your brain from fucking around with hormones. it's also important to note that a great deal of people who transition end up regretting their decision or eventually committing suicide.

My advice to you would be to stop jerking off to degenerate tranny porn (doesn't matter if it's futa, real porn, feminization captions or hypnosis, all of these things yield either unrealistic or even more dangerous consequences), start getting /fit/, and fulfill your biological purpose famalam.
If it's what you believe is best for you, there really isn't anything preventing you from doing so.

But before you transition, remember that it is physically impossible for you to ever become a biological female. All you are doing is effectively mutilating your genitals, and creating a shit ton of chemical imbalances in your brain from fucking around with hormones. it's also important to note that a great deal of people who transition end up regretting their decision or eventually committing suicide.

My advice to you would be to stop jerking off to degenerate tranny porn (doesn't matter if it's futa, real porn, feminization captions or hypnosis, all of these things yield either unrealistic or even more dangerous consequences), start getting /fit/, and fulfill your biological purpose amigo.

Your "vagina" won't be capable of self-lubricating and will have to be dilated regularly to keep it from healing shut. The technology does not exist to make you a woman, only a crude mockery of one.
You cited a pro-tranny website and two blogs.

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