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Brit/pol/ - no-life sweaty metal faggots edition

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 294
Thread images: 98

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>Liam Fox signals Britain will leave the single market in 'hard Brexit'

>Liam Fox interview: the EU is ripping out Europe's social fabric

>Planning for Brexit could cost the Government £65 million a year

>Ken Clarke launches scathing Brexit attack on May

>Chris Law becomes third SNP MP to be investigated by police over financial dealings

>UK Govt Report: Employers Must Islamise Because Muslims Least Likely To Have a Job

>Italian PM Matteo Renzi warns UK over EU rights
1st for dead aryans
Beat me to it.
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first for british empire
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How do you pronounce 'H' is it 'haitch' or 'aitch'?
Aitch master race here
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fer GOD's sake
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British Metal edition
Shouldn't you chaps be in bed? What on earth would your mothers think of you being up at this time of night?

>Bolt Thrower

how can amerifats even compete?
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>tfw almost reached breaking point
>ready to become neet until i end it all
feels calming tbqh
Who cares what my mother thinks
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Shame on you, lad.
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I want a qt scottish gf with a funny accent
She votes labour
Pestilence is god-tier death metal
I want a qt Welsh girl with a horrible accent but its ok as she will be gagged
Nth for where is the theme

reminder that everything based Van Drunen touches becomes gold

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Tfw chopped my hair

At least you can listen to Chvrches
Disown her, lad.
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Reporting in. Hoping for a bailout happening when Markets open.

large kek
My mum already knows I'm a failure
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Brit/pol/ waifu thread?
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Got a business idea lads. Might start selling car horn kits that scream "ISN'T IT FUNNY" and "NOT LAUGHING NOW ARE YOU?" selected at random each time you honk. Are Nige just keeps on giving.
Tfw no retro-synth gf

no time for grills, only edgytunes now

1. Elizabeth Hurley
2. Nigella
3. Mel Sykes
Up the Irons.

Nigella = Liz Kendall >>>power gap>>> Lorraine Kelly>>>> Helen Mirren if I was stuck on a desert island
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Nice, I will have to dig out Red Alert 3 again.
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>british rock post 1975

I would rather sit in my garage while repeatedly plunging a knife into my forehead and listening to Billy Bragg while my car engine idles, than very slightly overhear some queer 2016 post-emo dog ultra effeminate unlubed anal beads "heavy" rock shit.


you may have missed the point here
You take that back.

Animals and The Wall came out post 75.
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I'm 19 in like a a month I feel like a right old bastard.

>hollow laughter
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I like shit like The Killers and Hoosiers, does that make me gay?

just out of interest how does this strike you?

Iktf. I'm 20 and I already feel my life is over

Why can't I just be happy and young again...
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The one and only.
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Fuck off kid, you can still save your soul
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Sounds like something one of my skinny-jean wearing, shaggy-haired friends would listen to.

If I listen to metal I listen to soft stuff.
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>not listening to 15th century English composers
The guys that wear these are eunuchs right
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>I'm 19 in like a a month I feel like a right old bastard.

>not listening to erudite music while you study and sick death metal while you party
>not appreciating the balance

how hard is it to get a gun in britain? what was the defining event that made the pollies implement gun control?
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Think it was the Dunblane school massacre. Lucky are Andy didn't get capped.
Just bought a new set of drum pedals and mics.

I play double kick.

Would Brit/pol/ be interested in hearing some once it arrives?

>technically easy but in practise it depends on a) being out in the country and b) knowing your local police so they'll sign your application
>Dunblane massacre, shooting died as a sport after that
>how hard is it to get a gun in britain?
getting a shotgun is easy

what was the defining event that made the pollies implement gun control?
There were several that logically lead to why we have the gun laws we have now Hungerford massacre- lead to which banning the ownership of semi-automatic centre-fire rifles and restricts the use of shotguns with a capacity of more than three cartridges.

The Dunblane school massacre_-lead to the ban on handguns
no, it's undoubtedly fucking shit

t. classically trained violinist
How does it feel being near obsolete in this decade?

post when you can do this

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Germany's gonna take us with them. Ain't they?
>>UK Govt Report: Employers Must Islamise Because Muslims Least Likely To Have a Job
im starting to find it hard to even reply to these threads when all you want to do is post trigger material. This only applys to international companys, because we have the bill of rights, not the court of human rights (EU)
please stop posting breitbart its just smelly shit
I can play max 220bpm 16ths.

I'm no 280bpm beast.
No anon, don't you remember that immigrants are a benefit to society!
It's not hard to get one, it's just a kick in the balls that we can't carry one in public for self defence and, while there is a grey area around this, you can get in serious shit for using one in your own home for self defence.

>being out in the country
No, your location is irrelevant. So long as you can show that you intend on using it in a proper designated location, you can get a gun just as easily in the center of London as you can in the middle of the Dales.

This is also a pisser, the ban on centerfire semis. You can actually get a shotgun with a larger capacity than 3, but these go on a FAC and not on a typical shotgun license.

Are you in a band? What kind of level of style/level of skill are you aiming for? Influences?
I play drums. That shit's just annoying to listen to...

desu though I play drum and bass mostly because it's what I enjoy. But a bit of reggae and metal is fine but that video just irritated me.
Nu-Metal/Groove Metal
Roy Mayorga, Joey Jordinson, Chris Adler, Jeremy Spencer, Alex Lopez, Alex Shelnutt etc
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>supporting news you can't social talk about because it wrong on so many levels.
the goverment can't force companys to do this, because its contradicting liberty
Oh, interms of level of skill, i Hope to hit the 240bpm Mark eventually but still keep my drumming rudimentary.

It sounds awful on its own but in context it's more of another layer of texture along with the strings than traditional percussion. Sounds fantastic to me but it's an acquired taste obviously
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well first of all
>implying i play for other people at all
>implying all instrument players aren't slowly being replaced by software

not much of that around anymore, nu-metal drumming can be cracking though. keep it up I guess m9
If i, lord of the manor, what to underpay aload of shitskins, then you require guidelines of how to treat your slaves.

brietbart is not a relieable source of news, and are unable to intellectual give a right wing view, and it makes anyone who reads it look stupid when they try and talk about the subect, only making the right look like flaming racists.
The violin isn't going obsolete, it's still massive and used in everything from rock to pop. People like Lindsey Sterling have helped the violin gain mainstream popularity in recent times and, all in all, violin is just a proper top instrument. I play guitar but if I could be arsed to learn, I'd learn the violin.
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>mfw someone actually said the fucking violin is obsolete

I mean

Here's a short rough demo, recorded with a bunch of shitmics from our practice room.

Once my new mics come the sound will improve so much. So bear that in mind.

It's got that nice loose rolling early Slipknot sound, I'd happily listen to more of that desu
Difference between early Slipknot and I is that Joey didn't bother using a metronome.

I don't know about all that, just sounds bretty gud to me. This is my favourite drumming for reference:

I play guitar also but he wasn't necessarily wrong. Violin is becoming obsolete. As are all instruments. Guitar is becoming obsolete in my eyes.

Music in general is truly in a bad place. And don't fucking say "You're just not looking in the right place" or whatever.
No. The internet has not made everything okay or easy. No, it's not better than it's ever been. The output is all garbage. I've spent fucking years of my life searching through Bandcamp, YouTube, Soundcloud... all of it, fucking all of it, everything I've ever fucking found... worthless. I've already forgotten it. Nothing memorable whatsoever. Perhaps it was good for a short while, but none of it stands the test of time at all.

It obviously saddens me to say that since it is my fucking career and I love the violin like nothing else in this world, but... it will die out in this century and become part of some "retro" fad a few years after. Maybe even sooner.

Even when computer-generated music takes over there'll still be real musicians keeping it alive outside of the mainstream. If anything it'll be the way things are right now, relying on word of mouth to sift through the mountains of shit on the internet to find good stuff while normies have kike rubbish channeled directly into their brain-chips
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That`s just like your opinion man.
Bloody hell lad, bit of an overreaction there. Remember though, even modern music has to get it's samples from somewhere and more often than not those samples come from instruments like the guitar, violin, etc. Things like the violin and the guitar are the backbone of our music and music will always fall back on that stuff. I'm inclined to agree with >>90938077.
Nah you're right. I sell dnb to non-believers in the same way and tell them to listen to the off beat or whatever.

My comment was a bit cuntish. In the right song or scenario I can definitely enjoy it. Just that that video stressed me out!

No worries la, listening to stuff that you hate at first then eventually come to like is the best. I've got into loads of electronic stuff that way and I'm a boring metal fag
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Why is this so fucking delicious and the perfect breakfast lunch or dinner?
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>tfw vegefag and can't eat rustlers
You're wrong. I could tell you why and go into great detail but it would take literally hours to type out.
Take some time to spectate the "underground" right now. Look at the artists who are "not the mainstream", look closely!

Image is the very core now, it may be even more important than the music itself.
Why would you do that to yourself lad?

raised that way, hippy mum. eh


inward-looking formalist kinds of music like metal and folk sidestep all that desu. they're not even 'alternative', they're just totally off the path and unaffected by modern shit for the most part
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>not eating halaal meat
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How about some quorn mince?
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>is a vegetarian cos his mum raised him that way
>he's a mummy's boy and probably still lives at home
>he's giving his opinion on music as if it means anything coming from him

get fucked cunt, sometimes i forget where i am posting
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>mfw it's current year and confessing to being vegetarian gets you roasted harder than coming out as a bumlord
Well. I've arrived at the conclusion that you're a massive bellend and need to go to sleep, you're a grump little sausage when you're tired.

All it takes is one chicken nugger, just one nugger.

I like sweer potatoes but I just can't take them nuggers desu
You're a fucking retard though, mate.
What do you know? You don't know the slightest about what you're even talking about, yet you speak as if you do. It's my job to know, hence the self–assuredness.
I'm willing to bet money that you're aged between 18-24, and a typical know-it-all who actually knows fucking nothing at all.

>modern music has to get it's samples from somewhere
>Things like the violin and the guitar are the backbone of our music
>our music
>will always fall back on that stuff

I'm not tired, you're just a fucking mug lmao

well we've already established that regular music will carry on even if it's just a niche interest, what do you have in mind that's so fucking special? It had better be some mindblowing shit to justify all the smug you've been spurting around
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I work in a pub, veggies and fags are the worst.

we literally just want chips why does everyone hate us REEEEEEEEE
Great album.
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>we've already established
>regular music
>will carry on even as just a niche interest

It would be a waste of time to try and explain or get through to you, so instead take this ad hominem and fuck off
You're full of shit and know nothing about music.
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you're an empty HACK FRAUD, don't post again til you have the stones to justify your shit
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You`re a poofter that makes me do extra work.
Get some meat in you, it`s healthy.

>please give me some chips and a pint
>"phwoar all that extra work not cooking a steak"

Have yo ever eaten meat?

I got through half a chicken burger in spoons once before I realised they'd fucked up the order. Felt slightly ill for two minutes then got on. Bretty boring story I know
Who else /MrSlippery/ ?

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I make the elaborate green shite, prep the orders, check the tables, check the orders, set the trays and me boss cooks the red stuff, it`s especially bad because all the cute girls left and the only competent guy left broke his leg.

I don't know what any of that shit means but it sounds like you have a case of hipsters, not veges.Nobody likes fancy salads and shit like that. Here's how to prepare vege pub food:

>take a fake burger off the left shelf instead of a real one off the right shelf
>cook it
So you have never eaten chicken tendies???
Do you know where you are lad
Veggies and vegans are hipsters.
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you've got your stereotypes twisted lad. Hipsters eat piles of bacon and pulled pork because 'le manly', being a vege hasn't been cool since about 1973
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Football is shit! SHIT!
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I`m the comfiest Liverpool supporter, young and southern.

Calm down la.
reckon I can get away with spamming some Bowden on goybook and hoping no-one listens to it?
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>I`m the comfiest Liverpool supporter, young and southern
I'm guessing you're a paki

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Good moaning
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>tfw dead hours
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>TFW never letting Brit/pol/ die
If you ever decide to eat meat I suggest baby back ribs from costco
Worse comes to worst you just say you didn't really understand what he was saying.


>I thought he was saying Engels is bretty gud
Viewers YES..!!

>meanwhile /pol/ in human form gets applause on QT


>This only applys to international companys
...like, almost all of them?
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I wonder if the day will ever come when the media becomes unshackled from the Jew machine.

they didn't factor in our bantz, the program is breaking down


Advertising a thread
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>catholicism in a brit thread
I'm Catholic.

literally no-one cares, blow up an orphanage or melt some nuns or something it's the 21st century
>it's the 21st century
[Current Year Intensifies]
It`s current year isn`t a very good argument tbqh
Are you Irish?
No, I converted.
You probably can't process that shit by now. I heard that is a problem for some hippie children.
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Are you being serious?
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You've come to the wrong place la
>I converted
>to Catholicism

take it or leave it, the muzzies have put on some fucking belting shows the last few years. Everyone expects mass death and fireworks, some old faggot shuffling around kissing feet won't bring the numbers in

What's the issue? I was raised reformed congregationalist.
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I understand that the glorious Church of England is less than a shadow of its former self at the moment, but that's no reason for complete and utter treason.
>meanwhile /pol/ in human form gets applause on QT
I was never Anglican.
All Englishmen are Anglican by right of birth.
Nah, the church I was raised as part of was specifically created because it refused to join with the Church of England.

an ironic rightist fat hipster with a backwards hat sperged out and said socialism is a mental illness live on tv, it was hilarious
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Yet you didn't rectify this mistake and instead became a dirty Catholic?
mum accidentally spilled 3 cartons of milk into my coffee this morning and she's trying to play it off as "i made you a weak coffee for a change"
Anglicanism just seems like Catholicism-lite. Might as well go all the way.

>my coffee

assuming you're not 10 years old you're the problem
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You know what, I'll let that insult slide and pardon your treachery.
We have bigger enemies in the form of Jews & Mudslimes.


start at 5 minutes in. Bonus for Woolfe being almost eerily smooth and an american nog talking over everyone
threadly reminder of why marriage is pointless and you should distance yourself from anyone that can't commit themselves to you without having one
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Enjoyed that, cheers.
who /respectmalcomxasanationalist/ but despair at BLM faggotry here?
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>respecting a muslim

I've got no problem with muslims m9, I think all the ones who are here should get REMOVED because they don't belong here but I don't think they're some cartoon villain to be hated at large
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Who /awake all night/ here?

My sleeping pattern is so fucked lads.
Just had a nice hot shower going to bed now lad
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The Jews have got to you friend.
Don't lower your guard.

Once you get to this time you've just got to make it an all nighter don't ya? That's what I'm doing.
Yes. Got an exam tommorrow. Have read 4/7 of the assigned chapters and will be reviewing over notes and writing down important important shit to memorize.

This is for an Insurance and Risk Management class, so it shouldn't too hard.
I can't tell how old this girl is.

>tfw finishing my pint and going out for more

can't even be arsed to be ashamed
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who /chukaumunna/ here?
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Old enough.

I don't want jews here either. Is it that hard to wrap your mind around that you can respect people at a distance without cucking out and letting them invade muh Britain?
>Le closet homo Blairite man
How Chuka Umunna and Tristam Hunt are in the Labour party is a joke
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But at this point they're a global menace and need to be dealt with.

They're to be opposed every step of the way, obviously. We're due a fucking massive kebab removal all across Europe. But sitting around sniggering like some redneck idiot about 'muh goatfuckers lol' should be beneath us.
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>not caring for people around the world

Have you forgotten that an Englishman's duty is to guide & protect mankind? We are the greatest people on earth, if we don't take care of everyone else then who will?

We could have been shepherds to the world but we failed, sadly
If you'd allow me to shitpost briefly

I have fallen in love with a girl I met at a open mic night at uni 3 days ago

I literally cannot look at any girl the same way now I know that she exists

This would be the happiest time of my life if it weren't for the fact she has a boyfriend

Basically, I am asking for the easiest of committing suicide, suggestions???
Is the other guy a [spoiler]cuck?[/spoiler]
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Is there a video of the brexit vote night media coverage in a kind of timeline?
I want to relive it again

we already told you, stop orbiting that grill

>3 days

come on lad, have some self-respect
I don't know, if I may be so bold (as I reckon this is me reading into things way to much but) I think when she met me she was all extra friendly to me, and I caught her giving me the eye a few times, but then her boyfriend showed up and she got a little uncomfortable looking, has anyone here got experience ripping a relationship in two to steal a girl??? Is it worth it?

I'm not orbiting yet, I have only seen her once, but I cannot stop thinking about her
The world threw a tantrum and our treacherous son betrayed us in a misguided attempt to become number one, but we can still recover.
It is time to form a new trade empire as we watch the EU crumble.

that cycle of history is over desu, we just need to survive as a race for now
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What's the plan?
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With death comes rebirth.

Create great trade deals with commonwealth nations who have similar economies to our own.
Reduce imports of non-commonwealth resources where necessary to encourage industry growth in our own countries.
Increase spending on navy.
Start our own commonwealth space agency.
Colonise Mars.


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thirstier than Lots wife crossing the Sahara desert

just think about the fact that in a thousand years you will be dead and gone forever so who cares about what happens now

then get over yourself you giant mangina
brit/pol/ already has a waifu you heathen

Alt-right gets thrown around a lot on Reddit now, funny how it only became a thing when Hillary mentioned it.
VICE mentioned it quite a bit before Hillary
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>brit/pol/ already has a waifu you heathen
And her name is Karen.
>tfw on a heavy one and watching In Bruges spacked out on the sofa

Stop being such a bitch
>fell in love with a girl 3 days ago
No you fucking didn't
She might fart in bed, pick her nose, chew with her mouth open or read Huffington post, you don't know the first thing about her. It's a dumb crush now get over it
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>I'd never hit a woman
>Unless she was coming at me with a bottle
>then it's different
great film but legitimately one of the worst trailers i've ever seen. makes it look dogshit
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>Rape and sexual grooming gang jailed for total of 50 years (average 12.5 years each)

>That weekend the 15-year-old said she was raped by Ismail Haji after he said he wanted to talk to her in the bedroom because it would be quieter but once there he pushed her on to the bed and raped her. She had been a virgin until then.

we need to legalise grooming to properly assimilate these people. while grooming is bad what's worse is the inevitable islamophobic backlash which this will cause.

I'm glad it didn't get much PR, it was the last gasp of that underground-ish Film4 stuff that you had to dig a little to get to

>so would all the black dwarves fight all the white dwarves?
>that'd be a good fillum
>Posting hate symbols
>tfw the fillum gets deep and you have feels

fucking brendan gleeson
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[staff member] is late and won't pick up her phone
have you tried her house phone?
I wouldn't do that if I were you, her husband might answer
he's an arab isn't he
[disdainful expression]
she hasn't got a husband
how'd she get the name Abuleil then?
divorced, isn't she
he's probably up a tree somewhere

I love this job
Is it right that democracy gives the same voting power to people don't pay tax as it does to people that pay millions in tax?
No. Democracy is a meme.
>tfw watching Calvary
>tfw when it's supposed to be a grim drama
>tfw the murderer in the opening sequence sound like Tom
>tfw the credits sequence looks like a miserable version of Father Ted

trying not to laugh desu
Think my gf of 4 years is going to break up with me in a few hours

I'm literally on suicide watch
Do something radical to make her reconsider.

don't be a bitch lad, you'll survive
>tfw we broke Germany again
So what? She just another stupid cunt, they all are.
>tfw you try to write a military sci fi novel

You'll be alright mate. She could take your newborn child with her and cut off contact with you for 5 months like mine did.

It can always be worse, and you'll get a better replacement. Plus, there's no point flogging a dead horse.
Better than never having a gf
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16h? FUCKING SIXTEENTHS? It's bloody semi-quavers.
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Sweating desu lads. How do I speak to my GP
>anna soubry saying people voted leave because they wanted MORE immigration but from non-EU countries

Why is this cunt in the conservative party? She's even against grammar schools
Just talk about how you've been feeling and your thoughts
I don't know how. I can't find the words even now.
Don't mention any psychological problems if you're planning on going into the armed forces or they'll shut you out
>Drummer calling anyone else obsolete

Your """instrument""" is the EASIEST to replicate with software, you fucking retard.

>implying any instrument will become fully obsolete
So essentually I should say nothing?
There's no shame in enjoying Maiden anon.
not gonna lie lads, pretty well belted

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Mfw Derek Roddy

>tfw banging like fuck to some Disgorge

Anyone who doesn't say aitch is probably funds the IRA 2bh.
scones is pronounced 'skonz' desu
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Top fucking kek, this year is great.
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Who /comfy/ listening to rain here?
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bloody hell
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Scone rhymes with John
i'm glad she got btfo tbhfam.
This is really good. Don't know why I haven't heard of this before.
>tfw you don't need her anymore after fucking years

it's like getting out of prison
Oyyyy Vey goy, remember Palestine is bad!
that flair tho
>Liberal conservatism
Oh Reddit.

>@cathynewman you and jewish community has never apologise for your well documented role in the slave trade and its the greatest holocaust

if that reddit guy got arrested (or whatever it was), then this woman needs to be as well.
>tfw she's going to dump me in 45 minutes
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>british """metal"""

>leaf METAL

welcome to JUST
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Ok lads, which one of you was this? Hoping the get up was satirical in the vain of Sam Hyde.

>not being a postironic throwback Smash Mouth fan cosplayer
He's transcended this realm
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Blair and Cameron standing together at that Israeli guy's funeral.

Really makes you think.
Based Razor.

England has some good shit too though.


How long does it take m8, literally feeling like aids rn

>Blair and lil' Blair

Also Blair looks JUST
I know, I was memeing.
His Tonyness is looking rough
Literally Trump: the band
I realised a while ago that I pronounce it "haitch" because both my parents pronounce it wrong and have been hearing it this way my whole life.

Trying to fix it now so I don't sound like an uneducated pleb.

I got dumped 4 years ago and tried to forget it, I still dream about her all the time. It literally never ends
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>ywn wake up next to this qt
Haitch beause aitch is literally retarded

>move on
>make a whole new life
>still dream about just talking to her and being happy together, not even fucking
>wake up and remember

it's harsh m9
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kek, what the fuck man...
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>ywn wake up next to anyone
Oy vey what are our experts from Guradian cooking now ?



I mean look at the comments section. Even the readers are telling Guardian to go fuck themselves kek
reminder that Tolkien was a Catholic
You're not missing out lad, always ends up being too warm and you have to go to bed every night worrying that you might fart in your sleep
Not as comfy as you'd think
Never read his books or watched the movies tbqh.

Are they any good?
Just made my first ever ebay purchase lads

Hope I don't get jewed
>not farting and forcing her head under the covers
Silmarillion is weird as fuck and made my brain hurt
The Hobbit is great
Lord of the Rings is good but drags on in places

Lord of the Rings movies are great, if you're going to read the books watch the movies first because they cut a lot of stuff and if you've read the books beforehand you'll be disappointed that certain parts aren't there

The Hobbit movies are garbage, don't watch them

literally GCHQ lads in armour knocking down your door
>yet more good economic data today
Will remainiacs ever stop getting BTFO?
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Excellent idea.
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I was going to try being sober, lasted like five days, now I've got 70cl of apple vodka and I'm damn well tempted to start drinking it now even though it's only 2pm.

Sorry Hitchens.
b-but we haven't left yet!
What's it like being in year 9?
>every forecast ever predicted immediate recession
During the CB craze in Britain in the 1980's - I remember lots of them used to have their mic wired up to some sort of Tannoy!

Very often you would here them shouting some unintelligible garbage out of it (not realising how far their mouth was from the mic.

Annoying times indeed.
Sounds cute

I've been drunk once and have no desire to do it again

Just watched last nights Red Dwarf. Was it written by Hitchens?
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Wait for bump limit you fuck
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