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Do you agree?

Then again, I take care of myself and have an interesting job and get along with women pretty easily. It's possessive beta males who need pure virginal girls because they can't cope with the idea of a girl having been with someone who might have more to offer.

Once again, the alt-right chooses to blame women and society for overlooking them when you guys would rather shitpost Pepe memes instead of say, looking at /fit/ for a change. Maybe be an alpha male that no women would dare pass up instead of crutching on "WOMEN SHOHLD WANT ME BAAAAAW SAM HYDE IS RIGHT WE SHOULD ALL GO FUCK 16 YEAR OLDS WHO DONT KNOW ANY BETTER"
It's settled, then.
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Really limits your pool, man.
maybe if it said "not a virgin? no ring" because the hyman will tear and regrow many times in a woman's life. even exercise can "break" it.
fuck misspelled hymen
No one should buy diamonds regardless. Biggest scam in the world.
>Western Women
>Having a Hymen by adulthood
Pic one cucks only some God tier Latina women prudently wait for marriage
No. It sounds like the right thing to say, but if you meet the right woman you won't care about a hymen any more. Don't through it all away because of some moral self righteosness
u know they're just lying right? every Latina girl is a fuckin slut regardless of their religion
For those of you who have never touched a woman, be aware that hymens aren't exactly indestructible and can be broken by things like
>stretching (as in the aerobic kind)
>accidents (as in physical trauma, no not that kind)

Just saying.
If times were better than yes and it would be ideal because muh family values but nowadays its largely impossible
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She says she loves you, wow how meaningful right?

Cept she's had other boyfriend that she said she loved so you just get hollow words.

You are just a number to her, with a set of stats that are good enough for now. She can recall the other men's stats and lust after their better parts and be thankful to have improved on others...but you are part of a composite. Nothing pure. Nothing with a good hope of lasting.
I don't necessarily agree but if I had two strong prospects for marriage I'd pick the virgin every time.

Had a grill when I was in 7th grade years ago break hers from sitting on a chair weird.

She made a....uh....weird sound to say the least.
I was with a virgin a few years ago. Took her virginity, she was completely in love with me, could have married her if I wanted. But I didn't see us as properly compatible in the long term and broke it off, my current gf is not a virgin, we live together and will very likely get married in the coming years.

Basing your entire life with someone on weather or not they're a virgin is so fucking stupid and insecure.
>/fit/ meme
right because the body is more important than face dumb ass
Yes, anyone who marries for sloppy seconds is a disgusting shameless cuckold freak.
You are such an idiot if you believe this shit.

How can a man love a girl in the level of providing her all her material needs, having her giver your children and to grow old by her side, knowing that she fucked around?

Look at the sexual partners/divorce stats. This is just a stupid position for a man to defend.
I agree with it because you can post this on any Twitter and give a panic attack to a good 20 people on there
I have a few requirements for a gf/wife.

>not a whore (determined by age and individual experiences)
>not a cheat
>not a single mom
>be attractive to me

I'm willing to budge on the single mom thing if she's a widow for legitimate reasons. The other requirements still apply.

See, I don't pre-occupy myself with the notion that they've dated better, because they haven't.

>ubermensch facial genetics, like all those dumb nazi fetish pictures you post
>big dick, can make a girl cum multiple times before I do
>interesting job, self-employed, not a wagecuck
>strong and masculine physique
>deep voice
>eat pussy better than most guys, who don't even bother
>like to do fun shit
>hobbies outside of 4chan and neckbeard forums

Some of this shit I was born with, granted, but you can achieve the other stuff too. Stop fixating on what other guys have/had and focus on you.
>How can a man love a girl in the level of providing her all her material needs, having her giver your children and to grow old by her side, knowing that she fucked around?

Probably desperate thirsty betas with no self esteem and non existent standards.
I agree, I'm abstaining until marriage too. I'm not religious, I'm not a neckbeard, I'm not a beta male. I've turned down about a dozen chances to have sex.
Having a high number of sexual partners is considered a virtue in modernity.

Wow, so great. I wish I was a virgin, so I could lose to a virgin girl and stay with her at the same level.

Sex lost it meaning in our days. Don't see nothing wrong in cherishing and looking for a girl who thinks just the same. Go away with your filth.
>eat pussy better than most guys

LOL nice job outing yourself there

Outing myself as what? A heterosexual non-virgin? Yeah, you really showed me there.
Are you...are you a girl roleplaying as the boy of her dreams? omg omg cuteee (ps ur a fagit)
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Are you fucking kidding? No hymen no marriage? You'd be lucky to marry a girl without at LEAST one baby already from another dude. You aint getting a broad in the west that hasn't lost her virginity by the end of high school unless she fugly.
>Latina women prudently wait for marriage

You're so wrong man, so fucking wrong
Their arguments of those invading shills are just:

Enjoy your wives wizard-sleeve vaginas.
Yes you are right. Alcohol talking for me tonight
Of course not.

No see, the trick is to fuck the youngest girl legally possible so you can mentally infiltrate her and have her be subservient to you. It's this board's only hope.
Jokes on you man I post pepe memes on /fit/.

Who puts their mouth anywhere near a vagina especially that has had other cocks inside. Disgusting!
No, I'd marry a lady who has been divorced, just not one who fucks before marriage. You're begging to be cheated on if you fall for such a slooott.

fuck diamonds, fuck debeers, fuck worthless rocks

try and sell a diamond, you can buy one but only the diamond merchant can sell one, thus they are worthless
Are you looking for girls in the garbage can?
Why the fuck would I marry some girl who have a fucking son?

I would never do that to myself. I respect myself too much to sink that low.

Only idiots think this is really an option. Is like saying that eating shit is really an option because all restaurants are closed, and you are really really hungry.

Stop treating yourself like some piece of shit, get some respect for yourself.
Western women are sluts, uppity sluts at that. Latina women are actually bigger sluts. Hard to believe but its true.

In terms of marriage though, you'd do better with a south American latina, traditional values and not brainwashed by amerishit culture.
lol because it's the girls fault. it's never the guys fault.
Are you an achmed or a science denier? Either way you are stupid. Intact hymens don't mean virgin. Little girls can break their hymen by riding a bike or a horse.
I wouldn't marry a skank with kids either, but these boys , holding out for marriage and their virgin bride are living in a fucking dreamworld.

This isin't colonial america, there are no purists here, its the land of the degenerates and by the numbers that one perfect girl you are waiting for is getting fucked in the ass right now by a big lubed up dick.
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The more sexual partners she has had, the more likely her marriage is to end in divorce. Never marry a woman who already has a kid and always remember, the fewer sexual partners she's had, the better. Your wife should be yours, not the town cum dump.

> the idea of a girl having been with someone who might have more to offer

That's not what beta-bois worry about. They worry that their blushing, but previously used, bride is just marrying them for their wallet.
It's mainly the principle behind it.

Either way, it's debatable whether or not the hymen breaks easily, and I've never heard anyone say that it regrows.
Alright, as an old, married man, I feel the need to dispense some observations from this side.

Neither my wife nor I were virgins when we married. She had been far more promiscuous than myself, but that didn't really bother me. The thing is, you don't -marry- the other person for what they were. You marry for who someone is now. That's part of the beauty of it.

As an aside, we are both Christians with questionable choices in the past, but we forgave each other for those faults and never looked back.

So....It only matters if you just can't get over a piece of skin.
Yes. Marriage is an investment of loyalty. Someone who has discarded loyalty even once in the past is an absolutely abhorrent investment. Their track record of past relationships is always 100% failed, the more of them there are, the worse a failure she is.

It's a slogan, you fucking idiot.
>they can't cope with the idea of a girl having been with someone who might have more to offer.
If they had more to offer then why aren't they with them? If it went badly and they got dumped/cheated on, it just means you weren't their first choice.

They're settling. So it is an insult desu senpai.
I bet you're also a chef at Wendy's making six figures as well.
You paid for your sins with cuckoldness. Oh the irony.
... you know, not all women naturally have hymens right?
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>She had been far more promiscuous than myself,

You trusted her moral integrity and it held, despite her track record. Statistically though, people who have premarital affairs are usually more likely to be morally bankrupt and let you down.

That is why. It's always a gamble to trust people, so that's why you'd always play with better odds.

For the same reason you wouldn't associate with genetically less intelligent people, because they're more likely to rob you.
Wtf slogan is this? from your gay ass church group? I've never heard of it an it doesn't even rhyme
His wife will probably wear white her wedding day lel.
>buying into the diamond scam
I see through your jew trick.
>His wife's son*
I agree with this. However, it would be hypocritical to not overlook her minor faults and expect her to do so for me.
TRP and other sites, nigger.
Jesus, look at the amount of SHILLS on /pol/ since the Trump debate.

It's this ever going to stop?

Look at the amount of imbecile cucks here, promoting their filthy whores and unholy marriages.
She's cucking you. If she's been promiscuous in the past, then she's going to remember all the miles of cock she's taken. And at some point, she'll want more.
I hope if you do this, when you finally see your new wife's pussy it's one of the worst roasties you've ever seen
>buying into the diamond scam
If a girl needs feels that you need to spend thousands of dollars on a useless shiny rock, she has much bigger problems then being a washed up cocksleeve.
>My safespace!!!!
Oh thats gay as fuck. This is a retarded "slogan" for retarded people. you fags probably have never had sex with a woman. Jesus fucking Christ you don't even know what a hymen is
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>not getting turned on by outies
Conversely, I'm a virgin still due to my religious upbringing. I'm an athiest now, but I only dare Christian men because they are more likely to be conservative and wait until marriage types like myself.


Let's also point out how weird and sad and creepily gay it is that they need the girls in their porn to wear Trump hats. I can't wait for you retards to off yourself in November.

>"Hurr shillary"

No, I hate both of your stupid candidates. No matter who wins, I'll be happy to see the butthurt. It'll be glorious.
I'm not a butthurt virgin crying about people on the internet like you bro :^)
You're either:
>to impress /pol/

>to impress /pol/

It's pathetic either way. Assuming you're not lying, your superiority complex, steming from your desperate need for validation, from /pol/, of all places, is sad.
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My mother's a dominican. She has oral herpes. She's single, and ready to mingle... with your wallet. ;)
>I shit you not, I have seen her cuck guys for money.
Well, that's what happens when you have autism. I could never lose it with a man who wasnt also a virgin.
Just obvious having that amount of anti-pol stances are due to shills invading this place, trying to appear that those are contested issues in the culture of this board.

An shill army armed with 4chan memefied liberal arguments. It's just shameful.
This has to be true, mine never did "break". :( ????

I could honestly see a guy's logic here. What if you are truly the best she's been with? I had a lot of partners before my man, not really proud of it but nothing I can do now, but he truly is the best. I have been loyal for years and always will be. I'm not settling, I truly feel really lucky to be with him and I now feel like I know what I am NOT missing out on. I guess maybe I'm/we're a dangerous exception but I/we exist.
It's easy as fuck to fool women into thinking you're a virgin.
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>I'd marry a """lady""" who has been divorced
You'd marry someone who previously married someone that she obviously wasn't compatible with? What does that say about her life choices? What does that say about yours?
I mean, I don't think I'd marry someone like that.

Not suprising, I'm a classic case, do well in school, but do nothing but long distance running and video games.

Hell, my social skills are so bad I was suspended in high for a month for racism.
I have literally fallen onto a bicycle seat when I was a kid. My hymen must be made of steel, or something, because it's still there.
Is my weakness a Kryptonite cock?
Yeah, I didn't want a diamond. African slave labor for the Rothschilds/Oppenheimers and overpriced due to the monopoly.
I already took my gfs so when I marry her I don't care, as for everyone else, I also don't give a fuck if she holds the world record for most dicks in her at a time, if you make each other happy then get married
That flag.
You'll never get married nowadays then. I kinda like the idea of it, but it's dumb on a lot of levels.
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fuck all that shit. no one should get married anyways.
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underrated post
not true. Girl i was dating, she was 23 and from colombia, was a virgin cuz she is catholic

To a degree. I'd rather she be a virgin, but I'm willing to compromise. I understand that my dream girl doesn't exist so if I can find a good conservative woman with a sense of loyalty and duty, I can put up with her having a sexual partner in the past.
>woman with a sense of loyalty

I'm so sorry anon...
Yeah, and I'm not going to find a girl who doesn't wear anything above her knees either. Like I said, some compromises will have to be made.
I agree, but in this day and age, impossible
>What if you are truly the best she's been with?
Depends. If they'd had a lot of partners and the guy hadn't, it's still dodgy. People should be similar in experience.
No hymen, no diamond(meaning my penis).
Literal autism. Just because you missed your chance to get some pussy in high school doesn't mean you should try (and fail) to make the rest of the world suffer for it.
If it's been more than three weeks none of the cells that touched penis are still there
Not really, despite the girl that I am seeing is a virgin.
Wouldn't even a dildo break the hymen? Or their fingers?
oh fuck dont let the autists know
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go look at a face gains thread sometime

you will be legitimately astonished
Or horseback riding, or sitting down too hard. Seriously the hymen goes away by it's self at a certain point.
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