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Taking back our board

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What the fuck happened here?

Ever since the debates ended, I've seen nothing but shitty bait threads, blatant shilling, /b/ tier shitposting and only a few threads with actual civil discussion.

I feel like we're being raided.

It's pretty clear that our mods aren't doing enough to clean this shit up, but I think Hiro's consensus threads on /qa/ were a step in the right direction. But until new rules are made, we need to find a way to get rid of this low quality content.

I love this board. I've been lurking here since the great SJW shitstorms of 2014 and I've come to appreciate /pol/ as a bastion of free speech in an era that needs it the most.

So, /pol/acks. Today I ask you not what your board can do for you, but what we can do for our board.
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We can start by not bumping stupid one sentence threads
>unironically admitting to being gaymergate cancer
>"""""""taking back"""""""" anything
tip top lel
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Don't comment on shitty threads.
Make good threads.
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We can start by not bumping leafposters
>a bastion of free speech
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Apparently I heard Shillery raided this board after the debates. They admitted to doing a day after. But huffinton post picked up hillery shills and pasted blatent lies in the Huff Post. it said something about the alt-right and pepe hating trump now.
CTR is all over this board. One post said that the moderators got bribed 40-60 bucks a week to look the other way for shills.

Also google 4chan's twitter.

There is also some shit going down at the senate where the net is supposed to be given over to the globalists.
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/pol/ wasnt meant to last forever.

it was meant to change the world outside of it.
Good question, I tried
Filling threads with junk posts = banned
Complain about of topic threads = banned
Overusing filter to block most threads = boring
Making threads that were relevant = slid of the board
Making better content = banned. Off topic

I'm back to filtering and hiding threads because 3 day bans are no fun.
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Nigga just ignore it, they aren't fooling anyone and they'll be gone after the election.

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>What the fuck happened
I don't and I think many other users avoid threads like that, but there's enough fucktards on here to give shitposters 40+ replies.
Don't let the shills demoralize you. If we survived /pol/ harbor in 2014, we can survive the shills.
We are being raided, but it will never work.

Beauty of a truly anonymous board structure is we control the narrative.

Dont like a thread? Report and move on to something more fitting.
1 person reporting 1 thread doesn't seem to do jack shit.

But what if we mass reported all threads that say:
>really maeks u think XDDD
>how can whitebois even compete?
>((((Le Forced Liberal Drumpf Meme)))
>/pol/ BTFO

Will that get the message out to the mods?
I've never really gotten the sudden hatred of GG this site has nowadays. Yes, it's irrelevant now, and yes its base is primarily Reddit.

But you're forgetting that it was a huge wake-up call for a lot of people on the left's insanity and it was arguably the first successful rebellion against SJWs.
You and your kind never owned this board and it's time for all you Nazi fags to fuck off.
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We are, don't doubt that for a second.

But this is different than your SRS/Reddit raids or Gamergate exodus. I've been noticing some patterns that suggest WAY more sophistication than just angry cat-ladies trying to shitpost our Siberian hair-weaving annex.

Been collecting screenshots for a couple days now. Trying to see if I can put something together that doesn't come off alex jones-tier, but we'll see.

CTR is real and we're no strangers to internet censorship or attempts to SHUT IT DOWN. Most likely it's AstroTurfing that's started to grab hold of the influx of newfags. All I can say right now is be wary of people saying things like

>"Hey /pol/ let's turn X into the new pepe!"
>"pepe's dead, Y is the new nazi meme!"
>"Can this be a meme guys? COME ON GOGOGO"
>"Let's turn Z into a nazi symbol and send it to the ADL! It's for teh lulz!"
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The Swastika is one of our earliest and most revered symbols, anon. /pol/ has always used the Swastika.
>Ever since the debates ended, I've seen nothing but shitty bait threads

Proof you've only been here since the debates.

/pol/ is 90% shitty bait threads, lurk more.
/pol/harbour was merely a gentle breeze compared to the catastrophe you cucks are about to face on Nov. 8. You've invested so much of your identity in him that his inevitable defeat will leave you with no choice but mass sudoku.

Hell, I'm sharpening my shitposts right now :^)


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The swastika is one the the rarest and oldest memes
bump. He's right I've noticed this too.
It's not a nazi board, you stupid faggot. It's about non-conforming and independent opinions. You are the cancer that is killing /pol/ and you need to die. Also, why the fuck are you quoting JFK?
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There was considerable less bait here before the debates and it generally got less attention too.
Report all threads like that. Seriously.

Also isn't forcing memes technically not allowed on 4chan? I knew a guy who got banned for posting le lenny face back in 2013.

This is what the fuck I'm talking about. All these snarky comments are starting to pop up more and more.
we should raid every single social media site and show these fuckers what we are capable of.

These faggots are making fun of us and we are not doing anything against it.
They are literally comparing us to 9fag and plebbit.

Remeber the good old times when tumblr shat their pants just when they heard 4chan?
Oh, we've already done that plenty of times, my Kraut friend. But the downside is that all our raids might be what's attracting so many shills to our board.
>There was considerable less bait here before the debates and it generally got less attention too.
lurk more
Read my OP, bogan. I've been here since 2014 and I still noticed a sharp decline in the quality of the posts here ever since the debates ended.
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i dont think you understand but our memes are going mainstream. we have planted the seeds for things far bigger than you can comprehend. we live in times of chaos and revolution, and we embody those ideals all too perfectly.
Except that's just not true ribbit, /pol/ has always been shit, sometimes there's a corn in the nugget but for the most part it's shit, claiming /pol/ is "more shit" now is just completely false, it has always and will always be mostly shit.
>Ever since the debates ended, I've seen nothing but shitty bait threads, blatant shilling, /b/ tier shitposting and only a few threads with actual civil discussion.
>Ever since the debates ended
I've got bad news for you. It's been like this for months.
>le epik anonymoos/pol/ savs the worlds xdd
Fuck off newfag.

>Be Australian
>Think lurking has some connection to posts other people make

>I've been here since 2014
>only now sees the sharp decline in quality
>thinks joining in 2014 is oldfag real/pol/-tier
Spotted the big-boy newfag.
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They are indeed and that's a good thing. Hell, even the stoner who sits next to me in my HTML class thinks Hillary is corrupt and the MSM calling Pepe a hate symbol is bullshit.

Subtle redpills are still redpills.

>It's the 4chan has always been shit argument
I noticed this shit for months, but the shills pr whover has been raiding /pol/ seems to have gone into maximum overdrive since the debates.

Maybe they've gotten desperate. Who knows.
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Mods have been pruning these types of threads but I see one or two pop up and get a hundred or so posts occasionally. There was a johnny bravo one up a few hours ago.

A poster from spain and switzerland are in these threads a lot so just another thing to look out for.

Keep in mind too that we've been all over the news lately so you have your usual reddit/newfags but you also have people from other boards hoping on the shitposting train as "revenge". Keep in mind /pol/ is a boogeyman on boards like /co/ and /v/ that are basically reddit colonies at this point.


It's been tier shitposting since /pol/ harbor last year.

Also it's been bait threads since Trump became the clear frontrunner in the primaries. Only after he won the primaries did CTR go full mental on this place

In short. Where the fuck you been?
>reading peoples posts has no connection to knowing what is posted regularly

t. American intellectual
It's largely newfags, newfag.
>boards like /co/ and /v/ that are basically reddit colonies at this point.

Sure, /r/the_donald
>This is what the fuck I'm talking about. All these snarky comments are starting to pop up more and more.

Muh safespace!!!
No Swissfags or Spainanons have showed up yet. I guess we'll have to keep an eye out for these Euro harbingers of doom.

They look like shills to me but newfags also are to blame. They're the ones who keep bumping the shit threads.


>ID: SooN
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>Muh safespace!!!
Fuck off, reddit.

November 9th.
CTR took yesterday off but now are back. It's not permanent thankfully.
There's a difference between a conflicting argument that's well written and thought out vs the bait that we've been getting.
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>pic related
would never work. only reason why pepe got banned is because $hillary controls the media narrative and her massive paranoia and controlling nature is causing censorship. Obama never censored google results about himself
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>I feel like we're being raided.

Who is we? You and your 5 stormfag friends? Lol.
If you want concrete proof on how the board's quality went to shit compare the post count of now to the post count a year ago and two years ago.
it's doubled every 3 months since march use neet tv
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>40-60 bucks a week

Fuck me, the inflation on 30 Pieces of Silver hasn't gone up very much in 2000 years.
That's fine too.
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It's a perfect storm of CTR shilling, r/thedonald, newfags and the Eternal Canadian.
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It's not about memes or 4chan, it's about targeting us. Sure you can censor or shut down a website, but that just means anons will find a different board site. There's no shortage of chan clones already.

It's the removal of anonymity that you should be wary of.

>"Look at all these disgusting trolls and their nazi pictures!"
>"See look at how they want to turn everything into hate!"
>"I bet they wouldn't be so smug if we knew their identity"
>"Welcome to 4chan, please sign in with your gmail/phone # and remember to post safely!"

Obviously that's not how it's going to play out but you can see where i'm going.

>pic related

This is the kind of shit im talking about. TRAP
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waste of digits nigger
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I have a feeling Reddit and maybe even Tumblr would help if protest if was an attack on anonymity. Say what you will about their hugboxes and echo chambers, but Redditors value their throwaway accounts almost as much as we value our anonymity.
Kek has spoken.
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Reddit is different.

-First off they already require creating an account to post. Sure you can make throw aways but more and more you see requirements of phone #'s, links to facebook or other forms of ID to even make email accounts. That's assuming the person even bothers to go through that.

-There is a record of your post history, where you went, what you looked at. All available at request from site owners, which has been done before.


So on and so forth. Basically there is already a large degree of moderation/control reddit users are susceptible to. That doesn't mean they aren't being target too, all forms of social media are. But the degree of true anonymity 4chan has (relatively speaking) is what makes it a less subtle target.
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>They do it for free
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Not everyone uses Gmail. I switched to Protonmail last year because I was getting sick of all the ads and Jewgle account bullshit.

You have a point on Reddit's censorship though, but even many users there are starting to wake up.
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More sites are requiring gmail, especially as Google continue to grow into more of a bloated behemoth than it already is.

Again if it's not that then it's facebook or your phone #.

Even having Windows 10 is a huge invasion of privacy and will only become increasingly so as more companies integrate all forms of online media and entertainment in the name of "convenience". It's not up to us to say "Lol install Gentoo fagget", it's about making people get more and more aware that the Nanny state is not a meme. It's fucking terrifying how ignorant people STILL are on how easy it is to find out who you are and every dirty thing you've said or done.
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