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Thread replies: 331
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Early reports of a full on bank run on DB

DB America collapsing

DB EU 10.08 per share. 11.00 was its death sentence

Single digits means crash is imminent
Black friday expected tomorrow

DB COLLAPSE MAKES 2008 Look like childs play
Could be worse than 1929 for global markets


DB holders are in for more anal devastation

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First for comfy and happeningos
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billionen = trillions
It's only another 4~ hours until DAX opens right?
soon leafy bro
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crying tears of joy because we're free to openly shoot niggers on the street?
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Those better be tears of joy nigger faggot
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>German banks about to fuck shit up
>French unemployment skyrocketing
>Euro continues to stagnate

thank you based crashi-chan
I'm loading up on coffee for this one leafbro. But yes about 4 hours.
What does this mean for countries other than Germany? How fucked are we?

how is this legal?
See also >>90829561
there are screencaps of articles talking about how deutsche bank has refused delivery of client's gold.
We are fucked too. We import lots of food.
swedes have been fucked since they were cucked into letting the sandies in by the thousands.
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Mama merkel said it was good
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Europe is completely fucked if Deutsche bank collapses.
America will get kinda fucked too.
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wew lad
It will effect global economy frienderino.
>Reminded to short the EURO if you can.

I hope the mail still works by wednesday I have 500 of 9mm in the mail.
Now you know why the Bible was anti usury. Fuck even Islam was against it.
Link to previous thread?
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>how is this legal?
Jews got their shekel grabbers on the money system.
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>pig in ID
>Fuck even Islam was against it
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Thanks guys

>that fucking bar chart again

And in the OP, too. Honestly, how can you faggots post about economics every fucking week and still not understand how that chart is retarded?

You fucking idiots.
A-are there any streams to watch for this kind of happening? maybe a business network?
Are you the person >>90931209
is talking about?
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I dont like Islam, just pointing out even they saw how bad this was.
you are merely a messenger of KEK

legitamitely spooked tee bee ayche
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>TFW you use citizens bank and for some reason none of this shit ever effects use

Feels good man
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We went through this bollocks last September and nothing Happened.
What are the futures saying about DB though? Will it opening lower or higher than it ended yesterday?
>time stamp after a threads been archived

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Lord Kek bless this mess
Give DB its failing test
When the nukes fall lest
they dud, collapse this market with a giant thud
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> Nothing happened

I shorted the SP500 and made off like a bandit.

I'm ready for that again.
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Reminder: DB is done and will surely being going into the single digits without an increase in interest rates. Eurozone getting BTFO imminent
it will not be opening higher, lmao, take a look at the trajectory in last hour of trading yesterday
I want this to be male.
trade with russia
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Lord kek told me to give you this rare pepe
Everything will be fine. Do not panic. Go to Bed.
BTW DB, when Merchel said she won't bailout DB. Not only she won't, but she can't. It is so big that it would take a countries whole wealth to bail it out.

I see why the Germans went to war with the Jews. At the end of the day. You put your money in the bank. That bank has the responsibly to invest your money wisely.
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>tfw the DAK forced meme wasn't a coincidence
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Have this gondola friend!
H-hes gunna need that source medbro.
When it happens I'll be slamming down drinks to this man. Based fucking Leyonhjelm, on ya maaaate.
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Here we go again. Jesus why..
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literally and unironically, jews
Haha TD bank faggots

I too want source on this. That pick makes my dick tremble.
Could a DB collapse the Euro and the Dollar though.
Thank you based crashy-chan
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DB collapse would make the great depression look like 2008's recession
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Looks like dead man wonderland.
knowing Shiro's autism, probably is
>no hate shiro
If their was a crash in the Eurozone their would definitely be a world wide crash, so yes
So anons. OPEC cutting production , Elections , DB crash.... could there be a recession on the horiozon.

Will i reach vahalla in the upcoming days and bow before Odins glorious feet,
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Walking with my dog in the woods is comfy as fuck.
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I have no idea about banking, what are the chances of a real collapse?
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Always comfortable for me

> you will never leave midgar for the first time again
> you will never awe at the size of the game world for the first time again
> you will never hear the main theme for the first time again
> you will never dump 110 hours into a game just to have a shit-tier party that gets wrecked constantly again
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that's a big doggo
thank you based crashi-chan
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Let me explain why that chart is fucking retarded and why you should stop posting it.

Imagine you're a bookmaker taking bets on the Miami/Cincy game tonight. The odds/line is set in order to 'balance the book' - i.e. minimize your losses. As bets come in for one team, you adjust the odds on the other to cover the amount you'll have to pay out if those bets win. If more people bet Cincy, you increase the odds on Miami to make them more attractive, the idea being that when Cincy win, you pay those winners out using the money you took from bets on Miami.

The total amount of money you take in on both teams is NOT your exposure; your exposure is only the amount you have to pay out to winning bets, which - if your a good bookie - will have been almost balanced out by the money you take in on the losing team.

What that graph shows (and what makes it retarded) is that it equates the total money taken in (in this case) with the exposure, which is completely and utterly wrong.

>mfw it's posted, every time
explain why the derivative book is relevant at all.
How fucked is the UK and America?
I know Canada is fucked given they sold all their gold.
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Found the idea of floating into complete darkness like the open ocean comforting
I dont know lord kek blessed you

try asking him
>implying anything short of a 45 is happening approved
Canada = KEKED

Could go anyway for Burgerland, hopes aren't high though

I would be more worried about Bongland, it's still connected to the EU technically, right?
What countries/currencies would this most effect?
Are you retarded nigger?

happening approved ammos are 9mm, 22lr, .17, 38 special and 380

Because its fucking plentiful and if you are scavenging and find ammunition its going to be one of those

30k rounds of 22lr here
I'm ready for the British Empire to once more rise from the ashes of the western world

The sun will never set on the British Empire

Thank the Germans you guys.

DB bank owes 2 trillion dollars.



$3.371 trillion[3] (4th)

Per capita
$41,267[3] (20th)
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welcome back old friend

i havent seen you since january

i hope you have been prospering off this silly shit
We just need to stall payments for 2 years after A50.
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> there is something in that water
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bye leaf cucks. I guess you'll be hitting that black puck on white sulfur in Helheim.
>no 7.62
>2 trillion dollars
54.2 trillion, actually
Cant set on an island thats been nuclear striked into the ocean floor

The survivors will tell tales of a the sunken nation of the United Kingdom and no one will believe them
If subprime mortgage backed securities was the cause of 2008, what's the cause of this one?
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Newfoundlands man. They're master race tier dogs.

males anywhere between 140-200, sweet temperament, easy to train, loyal to a fault.

I don't walk him with a leash because I don't have to. I walk him through these farmlands near my house because neighbors are cool as fuck and we help scare away anything bad coming through.

Expensive but highly recommended.
Because we are in the states and your going to find 5.56 more often than that shit

if this was eastern europe id say stock up on it

get green tip nato you nerd
>4 hours to German opening bell
>massive sell off of dB
>panic ensues
>leveraged companies also sell off
>investors turn to commodity safehavens
>banks close to tide the bloodbath
>no available food, food riots ensue
>markets crash further due to chaos
>global markets plunge
Is this how the pain ends anons?
>54.2 trillion

You fucking idiot.

Where do you get that? Why is it way smaller on a Wikipedia where everybody gets the numbers.
>no 5.56
>happening approved
pick one, uninformed burger.
So what happens to Greece if Deutsche Bank collapses?

My stepmother is there right now.
Greece is probably headed on an expressway to failed state status if this goes down.
>Is this how the pain ends anons?

this is only the beginning
I forgot to add it.
I got three AR's and i didnt think i needed to say it

forgive me /k/ gods
how do you rack up this much debt, i don't get it

i get that whole principle where the banks can lie about how much assets they own so long as it doesn't exceed 9x their real assets. and I get that debt is money because muh usury.....but $54 trillion?!?!?!?!
Goodluck finding Real Fucking NATO.

what about 223. and 5.56. for shame burger. for shame.
song related.
>The Jews couldn't hold back the collapse long enough
>Global economy will shit itself before the elections
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pic related
Bubbles, bubbles everywhere.

If DB goes down, it'll domino the world banking system and with it all artificial bubbles will burst.
But i have 2k rounds of 7.62 and about 3k rounds of 9mm.

I feel I should be fine as im not fielding an army.

>I also have topo and "resource" maps of the county as well as a stock pile of misc parts and a stock of food/water
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This doesnt have anything to do with the thread but I stumpled across this on youtube:

https://youtu.be/NdEq5Y-e_iM [Open]

I am 100% certain the music is from an album I downloaded back in July.


What does this mean?
jew magic.
You realize most ammo will be conserved to hunt if you are innawoods?

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Greece is fucking dead lad they literally leech off of Germany
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Advice please. I have a few hundred dollars. Should I exchange to chilean pesos before or after the fall of DB?
I read that shit wrong. DB owes $54 trillion dollars. FUCK FUCK FUCK is that right?
>no 308win
I'm looking for a job. Will this make it hard?
I was thinking doberman maybe down the road for me
when does it open?
Id exchange your chilean pesos for chile beans my friend
Digits confirm if anything major happens to DB today.
It's in the OP pic.
>dawn of the first day: the post.
ya thats the bubble they are balancing on
What happens to all the poor """"""refugees""""""" once Deutsche Bank goes under and the welfare system collapses in Germany?
It's imaginary money. Thats how you build up such debt by dealing with money you just dont have.
Funny thing, wasnt this exactly what Hitler tried to resist?
After a second look i'm suddenly unreasonably uncomfortable.
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I'm not incredibly well versed in economics or investment banking but I have one question for /pol/:

What are the odds it drops below €10 tomorrow and SHTF?

Basically, have we started the fire?
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Should I nut one out before or after the stock market opens?
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Who else /comfy/ for coming collapse of civilization?

> mfw classes canceled tomorrow
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See >>90933196


Nothing right away. Germany, the EU and the ECB won't allow DB to collapse but in saving it, they're going to make the last few years of EU fuckery look completely pointless and hypocritical which means Portugal, Greece, Spain etc. will withdraw from the EU.
Jesus christ that's not debt you fucking morons.

Refer here:
So what should she do? What does this mean for people who are travelling there right now?
404 DB not Found
thats the plan. lots of deer here.
7.62 to hunt and 9mm for defense.
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Chimp outs.
Chimp outs everywhere.
They migrate back to prosperous oil nations.
White people rebuild.
>What are the odds it drops below €10 tomorrow and SHTF?
Good enough that the country/bankers are already preparing a bailout for the bank.


How expensive? And would they be good with rabbits?

My fiance fucking loves rabbits so that is a must.
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>German welfare system collapses
Holy shit I didn't even think about that
Can't wait for the peaceful multiculturalism to hit once the mudslimes stop getting their gibmedats

DB going down is still from the 2008 bailouts. They owe so much money that it just pilled up. They are a black widow web bank. They have so many dealings with so many banks.

When the bank bailouts happened some banks never got them.
We're fucked m8.
Recession incoming. Even worse for Canada, you sold your gold when it was at a low price. Blame weedman.
Trading is frozen at 10% right?
How much would it need to go down to hit that?
Doobermans are good dogs too man. They live longer and are lower maintenance,. I admit to my bias though for Newfoundands. Can't help it.
I'm sure they'll still be provided for.

Kind of like when Sweden kicked a veteran out of his apartment to make way for migrants, and then he later froze to death on a park bench.


I'm going large, 7%!!
UK's plutonium stockpile dilemma - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-21505271

Plutonium standard any one ?
thank you based crashi-chan
I'm always posting wtf?
And imagine what a strain that will put on Merkel when the economy is shit and she's allowing hundreds of thousands of muds into the country.
>my 5m euro house isnt large enough for my family
Time to fuck off, m8s
i like this guy
They'll be taken care of first. Before the White citizens. Even at the expense of the White citizens.

To do otherwise would be racist and intolerant.
It'll open up 1.5%
Close down 5%.
Meh, I'm sure it will work out.
I have a balanced international portfolio and about 40k in gold.

I'll ride it out neet mode.
Well, it's a derivatives bubble. And American banks derivatives exposure is 4x larger than world economy
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Can someone explain to me what does this mean
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>yfw Merkel crashes the economy
>with no survivors
Right now Adolf Hitler is rolling in his grave. A banks that probably has Jews running it on the verge of causing not only Germany to suffer, but the world.
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post more comfy
But they don't even have enough Y to bail it out? Won't these idiot Keynesians just lower the overall long term value of the € with another bailout and set it up for a another bubble? I
God, I hope we see Sweden burn before the internet becomes an expensive luxury.
I agree with you but it shows what kind of dealings DB has been doing for the last decade. Proverbial tip of the iceberg.
>derivatives exposure is 4x larger than world economy

This is very underestimated value.
She's basically going to go down in history as the German Chamberlain.
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the first volley will be an anti-nigger volley, hence the minimum of a 45

your 9mm or 22lr scheme is negated if jamal is skull fucking your eye sockets
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DB happening will happen today.

Not gonna lie, you're looking at a 1K-1.2K USD for a purebred Newf pup. I can't imagine it'd be a problem if it grew up with though. Mine chases after wild rabbits. But I know if i had to introduce mine to a pet rabbit. I'd hedge my money on him figuring it out and being friends. Granted mine is not use to other animals. He's a people dog.

vid related: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cayF-NOxA9A
Your scheme is negated because I live in Utah and havent seen a black person in 3 years
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could someone post comfy pepe?
>implying derivatives are as simple as bets
They are contracts, though. With terms, dates and everything.
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>letting nogs get close
>not setting traps all day, erry day.
i havent seem any economic happening potential since january, what have u been posting about?
>But they don't even have enough Y to bail it out? Won't these idiot Keynesians just lower the overall long term value of the € with another bailout and set it up for a another bubble? I
When given the option, yes they'll do anything to kick the can down the road instead of letting it collapse and let it built itself back up naturally.
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They will still have derivative exposure, it's just that it will probably be in the low billions rather than OMG ALL TEH MONEY IN TEH WORLD levels.
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22lr can't pierce a skull, from what i know
My guess is a bail out/rescue package will be made Sunday just before markets open on Monday morning. Or a EU Deal will be made.

(perfectly timed to limit damage)
The German market is closed on Monday due to a Holiday, (perfectly timed to limit damage).
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>in after hours
i call some central bank propping up the stock until the next song stops
This Is How Much Liquidity Deutsche Bank Has At This Moment, And What Happens Next
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more like this pls
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> not having luxury fortified cabin complete with enough food and energy to last entire happening

And you call yourself red-pilled
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every time
It can take out a deer, rabbit, coyote, fox, your mom and thats whats important
This is why I REEE the fuck out when normies look at me funny when I say we need to return to a gold standard and abolish the fed and just let the business cycle run its course to achieve natural progress and avoid the house of cards stilted up on the manipulation of massive bubbles
It absolutely can famalam.
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Yes, but the simplified analogy above is accurate.
get the colonies back together
If Soros and Rothschilds have bet on the bank going bust, it's going bust
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>the electric jew in your home
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Thank you based Crashi-chan

Waking up to this song tomorrow.

No he is right. When a bank lends money in derivatives that is a different thing than when the bank itself owes money like $2 trillion dollars. That type of debt means the bank might close their doors and layoff people with means all those derivatives won't be paid back. HOLY FUCK this shit is much worse than we all thought.
the threat of a 14B lawsuit is still enough to break the bank so if they still stay afloat and have to start paying on top of the fines they get on a pretty much daily basis, this bank has been cooked and is about to catch fire.
Shoot yourself in the head with a .22lr and tell me it's an ineffective round.
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All these replies and no gets. Market going up?
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How'd I do guys?

The head was at 150 yards and the cheat at 250 using iron sights.

Not too bad right? RIGHT!???
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>10.08 -0.78 (-7.16%)
You guys are just kidding around, right?
This isn't really happening, right?

I was looking into spending about 900 on a golden from a non-breeder. So that isn't much more.

Problem is where I am its often humid (Maryland).

Interestingly enough that is exactly the type of rabbit she wants to get.
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How else am I supposed to see the carnage and stay comfy?
the saddest words of tongue and pen...
>This is why I REEE the fuck out when normies look at me funny when I say we need to return to a gold standard and abolish the fed and just let the business cycle run its course to achieve natural progress and avoid the house of cards stilted up on the manipulation of massive bubbles
No more Federal Reserve.
No more fractional reserve banking
No more usury.
The economy would be strong and natural.

In order to do that though...you're going to have to go through the Jews.
Check'em m8

Any predictions on what tomorrow looks like?
Then why doesn't the US or NATO use .22lr?
We'll find out in 3 hours 30 minutes.
Sauce me up senpai.
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I'm not disputing that the bank's in deep shit. I'm disputing the "900 trillion bazillion" drivel you see posted in these threads every single fucking time.
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Here's mine :
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A little hype never hurt anyone.
The hidden domino effect will be the real cake though. Who the fuck knows what they have been doing off the book and what stake other banks have in DB.
The ironic part about a German bank is, investors put their faith in Germans being smart knowing what they are doing with their money. But, look at history.
I don't understand you gold standard people. The natural result of not being able to print money is deflation. And the natural result of deflation is a deflationary spiral that will stop any economy. This is simple to understand. What about it that you gold standard people don't get?
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>tfw nothing ever happens when I'm awake for it
should I sleep this one out?
Holy shit
That is rough bro. They're a cold weather dog.
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Enjoy economic collapse senpai.
Because in war, infantry engage at distances of around 600 meters, wear armour, use cover and get regularly resupplied so they can carry less ammo of a higher caliber. A survivalist needs to offset that by being able to carry more ammo of a lowed caliber that is effective against unarmoured targets at ranges of
around 300 meters.

Not just the Jews. To do all of what you just said, you'd have to convince a majority of American voters to elect someone who will put the country into temporary poverty in order to secure future prosperity. In other words, you'd have to do something that is impossible in a democracy. And, of course, you'd have to find a leader willing and capable to take on the richest and most powerful institutions on the planet. So unless Adolf Hitler shows up again, it seems unlikely.
00:00 pst
>>90935281 (you)
He's dead.

Utah is beautiful, mate.

Ziion national park is heavenly.


Yeah I'll stick with the golden. First dog I will truly raise on my own. I had a lab growing up but my dad helped a ton.
After this works its way though it will go down as one of the classic blunders:
1. never get in a land war in asia
2. never march on Moscow
3. never invest in a German bank
4. only slightly lesser known, never trust a Sicilian when death is on the line.
Literally just buy from us, the hat, or the cunts. We're all major food producers. Like, to the point the three of us feed something like 50% of the world.
I am a fucking Jew. You have no idea what it's like with my people and relatives. Many of the normie-tier Jews in terms of wealth and property ownership (let's say upper middle class, normie enough to be taking out mortgages and loans left and right) are total lefty cucks. Surprisingly the old money Jews tend to be extremely conservative and agnostic like any other 1%er. It just pisses me off to deal with the normie cuck men Jews from day to day. Me and my dad always say that people like them are the reason it's so easy to convince people we need to be exterminated, because they're fucking intolerable. This is why I will never EVER live on the east coast
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Seriously? I was told only at specific angles

>tfw America is so superior we don't get as many happenings as EUROPE
what have you done!

lel you weren't talking about the park.

oh well
Why did the Greek debt crisis just drop from the news never to return after the refugee happening?
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So are the Jews going to be named for this?

also comfy
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You'll want to get the coffee pot on for this one mate. It's going to be hilarious the shit that the msm comes out with later this morning.
>tfw you never knew how to get into guns
that sure is one moist nugget you have there sir
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one can only hope.

>"The market is going to push down Deutsche Bank until there is some recognition of support. They will get assistance, if need be."


There's very strong odds that it's really happening this time.
Dont worry, every group has them.
Lefties everywhere.

I have 150k market exposure and 35% in international funds. Feels bad man.
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>Tfw into guns but I know I would be one of the first to go because my entire family is not prepared
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Am I fucked if I bank at a local Federal Credit Union? Or can I just watch all you faggots and meme?

I've been out there in the summer.

It's even more beautiful than that.

Take advantage of the national park system. It's one of the few things our government does very well.
>To do all of what you just said, you'd have to convince a majority of American voters to elect someone who will put the country into temporary poverty in order to secure future prosperity. In other words, you'd have to do something that is impossible in a democracy. And, of course, you'd have to find a leader willing and capable to take on the richest and most powerful institutions on the planet. So unless Adolf Hitler shows up again, it seems unlikely.
Oh I fully admit there is no way to vote ourselves out of this mess.

>I am a fucking Jew.
Good. Move to Israel. Where you belong.

>You have no idea what it's like with my people and relatives. Many of the normie-tier Jews in terms of wealth and property ownership (let's say upper middle class, normie enough to be taking out mortgages and loans left and right) are total lefty cucks. Surprisingly the old money Jews tend to be extremely conservative and agnostic like any other 1%er. It just pisses me off to deal with the normie cuck men Jews from day to day. Me and my dad always say that people like them are the reason it's so easy to convince people we need to be exterminated, because they're fucking intolerable. This is why I will never EVER live on the east coast
There are no good Jews, sorry. You just don't belong.
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it's happening everyone
Thanks to based Teddy
What time fellow bong?
Maybe I can catch a cheeky little hour.
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Thanks friend! im accurate with in 2" at 250 yards with Iron sights.
I think thats good...
your links are old and your claim that DB is gonna face an immediate collapse sound weird because of that
If Ecb does bail them out, will it solve the problem or make it worse?
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i love you guys who seem to think hunting is just shooting animals...
> makes slight mistake when gutting
> dies
>bank's in deep shit.
The 14billion is the problem.

They aint got it.

But the German tax payer has....
>Be Germany
>Invite millions of 3rd world savages to come and live on the tax payers dime.
>Economy collapses 12-18 months later.

Jesus Christ. Germany is going to be a blood bath.
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It basically means the end of the EU as it currently stands. Every country that's been told to wind its neck in because of the under-performance of their own banks won't stand for Germany deciding the rules don't apply to them. Greece will definitely leave as will Spain, probably Portugal, perhaps Ireland. It'll be a shitshow.
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trump rally.png
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>A killing bolt will shine in the night but will not kill.
So when was that posted?
I love you Canadians who project all the time.
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shooting shit sac
>proceed to ferment it into the meat
>Eat the meat
>Get gains
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There are happenings everyday anon.

The jew news just choices the most profitable one.
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>meme Union
You know it's not your money anymore, right? Any withdrawal you make is just a loan since your deposit was a donation.
I'm figuring 8am as ze germans are an hour ahead.
I never got into hunting, urban area.
What mistakes?
I assume just a few shitty organs that store toxins.

Remainers wont admit we were right.
What exactly happens to the banks in this pic?
My family has monis in Santander.
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You lose all your money and your family loses everything
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So how long until this is the Euro?
Well if you catch the frontal or parietal portion of the skull at a really weird angle it MIGHT deflect but a dead on hit is lights out. Temporal or sphenoid shots will go through a lot more easily.
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red suppository.jpg
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3 hours and 15 minutes away

Look man I know y'all don't like Jewish people and I really understand why, but just because my parents and family practice a certain religion doesn't mean I'm any ethnically different from any other Slavic person. It's not my fault that manipulative lechers in big banks continuously sell out normie white masses to their globalist pals.

The German tax payers have it for a private bank with will only get it from a bailout that Merckel said she won't do.

If I was the German people. Time for another revolt if I had to pay for a private bank not doing what they should on top of paying for illegal immigrants invading your country and taking up your valuable resources.

No wonder the German government told the people to stock up on 10 days of food and water.
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Don't forget Italy.
My family and forefathers have hunted for generations.

Basically just shooting animals.
The upcoming German election is going to be decided by whether or not there's a run on the bank.

There is also a hotly contested French election next year AND a Dutch one with Wilders set to be huge going in.

Europe is fucked, and the UK hasn't even declared Article 50 yet.
Time for a kip then. Gonna need my energy for tomorrow.
>tfw your family didnt listen and withdraw money
Lets hope Barclays do ok.
Im closing on our house on the 10th and then i'll be debt free. If this fucks that up I'll be pissed.

Kek keep DB alive until the 10th.

Frankfurt opens at 8am, lads. Same as London.
>Look man I know y'all don't like Jewish people and I really understand why, but just because my parents and family practice a certain religion doesn't mean I'm any ethnically different from any other Slavic person. It's not my fault that manipulative lechers in big banks continuously sell out normie white masses to their globalist pals.
If you're Jewish enough that you identify with it, you're not White and therefore don't belong in White countries. Move to Israel to be with your people. It's safer for all of us that way.
ay yo spoiler dat shit dawg ma family in da room
That center mass vertical variance is improper breath control and unstable firing position.
That center mass lateral variance is improper trigger squeeze.
The lack of grouping in center mass comes from improper sight picture and unstable firing position.

Think of yourself as a gun vice when you shoot next time.
Don't dick around in between shots.
Squeeze the trigger, do not pull.
Be aware of your breathing patterns.
Top hold pop, exhale, skip, bottom hold pop, exhale, skip.
>>Basically just shooting animals.

Yeah, just that finding the animal is the hard part
you have to actively make sure you dont cut too deep for one, mainly due to the fact that damn near every organ is toxic to you (or will turn the meat)... and you WILL learn what kind of man you are when youre up to your elbows scooping guts.

quite frankly its awesome, we generally cut out the tenderloins and heart/liver and fry them fresh.

>global economic collapse just before hunting season
>every day is hunting season
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If $600 billion kicked off 2008 what will $75 trillion do?

I think this might be it, anonbros.
>other Slavic person
Kikes aren't Slavs. Fuck off troll.
>3 hours 30 minutes
should i stay up for it or go to be not knowing if life will ever be the same?
Oh yeah, I know you need to avoid splitting anything open, but isnt that about it?
Good thing I owe them money in a car loan then I guess?
Lol I can trace my entire lineage back to some Belarussian villages senpai. I have mousey dark brown hair, green eyes and curly chest hair. I'm Slavic
trust me its ALOT harder than you'd think.

>ruined my first deer
i'd recommend trying it yourself first to see if you can even stand the smell. my nephew threw up all over the place the first time he saw me gut a moose
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Why don't you try it and see then?
well its you do it or you dont eat so lol
thats fair, and to be honest im a little hard on you guys. I kinda in my own tinfoil hat wearing way made sure i learned a few skills... helps that everybody hunts here though
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And? Niggers in the US can trace their entire lineage all the way back to some fucking plantation in the south. Does that make them Native Americans. Who gives a shit about your eye and hair color. If you're a kike, you're a kike.
Stay up for the breakfast news bants
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>mousey dark brown hair,
Yeah you're definitely a Jew. Lol! That's the gayest description I've ever heard.
thank you based crashi-chan
>The natural result of not being able to print money is deflation. And the natural result of deflation is a deflationary spiral that will stop any economy. This is simple to understand. What about it that you gold standard people don't get?

How every economy wasn't "stopped" when there still was a gold standard.
worse than 1929
>some Belarussian villages
You're definitely a jew. Because that's where tsars were expulsing jews to.
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