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Thread replies: 311
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Why did megyn kelly transform into middle age dyke mode?
Shit we really need Florida.
Nah, she's just copying Trump's 'do...
It's going to happen. Megyn who's biased is even saying Florida is dead heat but Trump's got the enthusiasm and its likely to change.
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I saw a poll that said he was losing 5 states today/ How the fuck is Florida blue now?

Who is changing their minds all the fucking time?
We want Trump!

t. Floridian
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Top kek
Didn't he snag Florida from Rubio after everyone swore it would be impossible for him? Could happen again
I'm in north FL for a few months and I've seen 1 Hillary sign/sticker my whole time here. Many more Trump signs. Not sure how south FL is doing though
He's losing Florida now. What the fuck are you talking about?

And from what I hear he's lost ground in Iowa, Nevada and Colorado since the debate.

Not to discourage but don't think this is smooth sailing, we are in for a vicious month and if he's going to win it'll be by the skin of his teeth.
you sir are from the future
Horseshit. Trump is polling the lowest ever since the debate. He's fucked and deep down you all know it
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> Hillary winning FL
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>PA is still Blue

Why cant the rest of my state be like my suburban/rural area where there are trump signs and support everywhere. ITs probably all concentrated in Philly.

We need to cleanse Philly and Harrisburg
I'd tend to assume it's more people deciding to vote than people changing their minds.
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im more worried about Ohio than Florida even if hes leading. Finally fox news stopped being cunts
>1£ had been deposited into your knife bin
polls will go up n down from here on out

unless she falls face first into another van
It's in his benefit that Rubio is running and going to BTFO the faggot Democrats. Same goes in Iowa with based Grassley. Republicans can show up for the senators and hopefully vote Trump too, or vis versa.
IMO it's going to come down to Florida. Trump has to win Florida.
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Yeah but he called a model fat.
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Wasn't he up in Florida not too long ago?
Add State College to the list too. This campus is chock full of mudslimes and degenerates.
yes, dont worry about it
He still won't win.
Fear not rust belt brudda


tldr: we have to depress black turnout in Philly
Florida and PA and "its over Johnny!"
Americlaps, what are the most valuable battleground states and how is Trump doing there?

Also if you are feeling extra generous could you explain what the electoral college is in a sentence or two?
awesome also wanna hate fuck megyn kelly
The problem is metropolitan areas.
We got this boys.

Vote for trump!


Glory be to KEK.

Pitt here.

There is a surprising amount of trump support even in town.

People love their steel and coal and shit,
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How come you guys cant post the link or the name of the site you get these "Map/Stats" ?
Im talking to Both Camps here
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>awesome also wanna hate fuck megyn kelly


why are girls so fucking oblivious to this shit
Trump has to win Pennsylvania and Florida to win the election. Those are not optional states.
He's up one in Florida in latest poll. RCP has him down half a point in rolling weighted average. Not exactly losing.

>Trump Yes!

God damn it OP you forgot the meme is that [noun] Yes means something bad.


That will show which states are the most important and which are currently too difficult to predict exactly where they'll go.

The electoral college is our way to make sure that candidates appealing to narrow regional interests can't become president of the whole country.

Ie, imagine a guy from the west coast who ran on a platform of ass raping everyone else. 100% of the west coast and 20% of the rest of the country vote for him, he still comes barely out to 51% and in a popular vote determined election becomes president. But in our system after you get 50%+1 in a state it doesn't matter if you run up the score or not. So in theory, candidates must appeal to as broad a swath of voters throughout the states to win.
he doesnt NEED pennsylvania.

BUT if he got it............election over
The mediocre debate performance, the fat bitch and the Cuba 'scandal' all in a three day span, this close to the election is a huge blow. Just two weeks ago when Hillary collapsed we thought it was in the bag. It's amazing how fast things change. I hope the next two weeks are the same
I mean it in a good way lol
nice trips

he'll win fl, he doesn't need PA thanks to flipping colorado

The EC, while flawed, prevents concentrated population centers from running the country.

The dems would faceroll by appealing to only the major cities and their cucked residents.

LA, NY, Houston, Philly, Chicago, Boston, Baltimore, Miami, Dallas, Seattle, etc. > the rest of America, population wise.

You would only have to appeal to a narrow demo to win. So you would have city dwellers telling people living in the sticks how to run businesses, etc.
You're right. Time to deploy our secret weapon to demoralize the black vote: Hillary Clinton!
Hillbot is only up 1 to 2 points in PA. It'll flip too.
He just NEEDS Florida and Ohio.

If Cuba and a literal whore are her October surprises then I am not too worried.

Wikileaks bombs better drop. They can really push people from her depending upon how serious. Even CNN would have to cover a literal bought for favor.

How come people who live in cities hate Trump so much? I mean not just black people, but white people and Asians too.

The Electoral College is very similar to the "Prince Electors" of the Holy Roman Empire. They are basically a bunch of important luminaries of their States Business and Political Elites who vote on who gets to be President.

In US Presidential elections, you are not actually voting for the Candidates. You are voting for Electors who promise they will vote for the candidate you want. For a long time now, this was a distinction without a difference as Electors are not allowed (usually) from going back on their promise. The number of Electors a State gets to field is based upon its population relative to the other States.

Pennsylvania, Florida and Ohio are without a doubt the big three.
Tampa here at USF. I've heard a few conversations as I'm walking to class of people supporting Trump. If she doesn't have college campuses locked down this shit is over.
>Deciding State will be Florida

We 2000 now

Floridian here. That is *not* going to happen based on what I see and hear everyday.

quads don't lie
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I might be going back to State College soon to finish up my degree.

How goes things there? Are tensions high?
Thanks but I'm still not totally sure how that works, could you go into more detail or link me to a good video explaining it?
It's because those particular maps are made by the faggots that post them on 270towin.com. They have no stats backing them up.
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>yfw when Trump wins the popular vote

>yfw when Trump loses Florida by a couple hundred votes following a recount.

She won't get Florida. She was 5 points ahead there through early voting and Trump came out on top by 100,000 votes; which has never happened before in FL early voting.

It is now safe to assume that Trump is "very likely" to be elected based on all evidence.

I presume Colorado is now his along with Iowa and Ohio (the latter are no longer even competitive.) He has a 50/50 chance in both Michigan and Wisconsin and will probably grab one of them up.

They're surrounded by people who are essentially the same.

The people who live in a city are the type who are 'looking to live the city life'. They are conformists by nature.

It's staggering how much I lie through my teeth just to get by here. People think I am a Bernie democrat. If I stepped out of line, I would legitimately lose close friends.

I even had a good friend, whom hadn't seen me in years, come to a wedding I was attending. We talked politics, I hid my power level, and by the end of the night he said "I knew you weren't a racist!".

Living in a city as a right-leaning person is a test of mental fortitude. One slip-up and you're done.
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>Wikileaks bombs better drop. They can re
Big cities are not doing too bad... also they have lots of "gibmees" that believe Trump would take that away from them. Than u got the richer guilty feeling whites that have been brain washed by the electric jew.

BTW im Arab. i know whats up

Pedo State and Philly googles


Imagine every one of our 50 states and the District of Columbia hold their own individual elections. Because that's what happens.

So my state, Delaware gets 3 total votes. When we inevitably vote democrat, whether we go 51/49 or 60/40 all 3 of those electoral votes go to Hillary. She wins the state of Delaware. We get 3 votes because we have 2 Senators and 1 Congressmen.

Each state gets a number of congressmen, minimum 1, based on population size. And every state gets 2 senators, so min votes is 3.

You need to get 270 electoral votes in order to be president.
Yeah, stop being gay, Florida. I kind of want to move there, but forget it they fuck up the election for the Dongald.
>It's staggering how much I lie through my teeth just to get by here. People think I am a Bernie democrat. If I stepped out of line, I would legitimately lose close friends.

You are part of the problem.

For all you know there might be other people in your peer group who feel the same as you do but are afraid to speak our for the same reasons as you.
Trump stumped her hard after the first GOP debate.

She got so triggered that she took a 3 week vacation and then when she came back, she had a dyke haircut and looked like she aged about 15 years.

No really. That's what happened.
Dude if you can't even say what you believe without losing friends then they are not real friends. Fuck them. Meet people with similar in beliefs and make new friends.
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Mi will go red reee
Currently at Fresh. Hillsborough is one of the most important counties in the election. It's almost certainly going red.

People have had enough.

Basically by making the state vote as a bloc, you diminish the effect of the population centers. You have to appeal to more than just them to win. For instance, PA might flip because Philly + State College + Harrisburgh + Pittsburgh might not out-equal the in-between areas. Especially with her comments about coal and steel going over very poorly in the Pitt area.

Without the EC, Hillary would be running on a pro-city, anti-country platform. We are talking a literal BLM platform with a $20 min. wage, a pure gun ban, and free college. Regulations out the ass, and probably a ban on fossil fuels.

It's flawed, but its necessary.
Miamifag here

I've seen both Trump signs and Hillary Clinton/NeverTrump bumper stickers, but Dade County is also the most liberal county in Florida so we'll see
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>Clinton Leads Trump in Washington State by Just 6 Points
Can it be flipped?
>Being this new

I was really hoping the filename was Jeb!
Florida is going to Trump

100% guranteed

No. King County literally reigns over the entire state, and no way in hell those latte drinking hipsters are voting for Drumpf.
No way Florida is even leaning slightly to Clinton. There aren't possibly enough gay latinos here to make that happen.

There are a few people I trust enough, and they know. But acquaintances? People I work with? Not worth it. I work in a hospital. Do you know how cliquey that environment is? I don't need nurses shitting on me because of my beliefs.
>Trump winning PA

Such fucking delusion.
Thank you
Okay, so why would all 3 go to Hillary if atleast 34% of people vote Trump, why would one not go to Trump?

The city bias in these elections pisses me off..Virtually all their food and raw materials comes from outside the city.
Only down 0.5% in Florida
Trump won Florida

Dems got BTFO in early voting counts
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President Trump!!
Broward county here. It's mostly butthurt bernie supporters who will vote clinton and some will vote gary johnson.

That's just how our system works. With the exceptions of Maine and Nebraska, if you win by even 1 vote you get all the electors in the electoral college.

It ends up working out, all the republicans in New York and California enjoy their vote never mattering and the democrats in Texas and Mississippi enjoy the same thing. The only votes that really matter are the ones in Ohio and Florida. So we get to miss out on all the annoying retarded ads and they get to suffer. I feel like we're the real winners in this bargain.
Same since I am a miamifag, but i feel like I have seen more trump stickers than hillary. Today and yesterday I saw two people wearing trump shirts. But two of my friends/classmates didnt like trump, shilled for the johnson and convinced one.
Because we live in a republic not a democracy. The system is to ensure that minorities wouldn't be outnumbered.

Without this system swing state votes would be halved because of large population centers, and republicans would never win.

Yes WS is blue you retarded Trumpfag.
>"I knew you weren't a racist!"

god whatta faggot
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They will all go red, kek predicts

meant this for this post
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After House of Cards First Lady. Pic related. Any porn stars look like this for fapping purpose?
Women cut their hair after a traumatic experience.
Mental gymnastics is the only thing sustaining some of these faggots.
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first time doing this
Early voting looks good from Trump which means it will probably be a blow out


Yeah you are retarded
*in Florida
I know maaaaaany people willing to vote trump in wisconsin including myself, we will do our best to swing that state to the republican side! Far more trump supporters there than you think. lets just hope the madison retards dont vote
It's red on my map though. In fact, I should have made NH red too.
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MI will go Red.

I voted blue in 2012, and I have since been redpilled.

I am not alone
If it's that close I think I'll be on edge all evening.

The US political system is specifically designed to avoid political coalitions, in favor of binary choices. It keeps all the various factions consolidated under one roof or the other, and also makes it easier for various regions to have a political consensus at the national level.

Its also designed to insure there is a layor of protection between the highest office and mob rule. The College of Electors was envisions as a check on popular power. Though it has been severely curtailed in its powers over the centuries.

This is ridiculous, she's just taking the current RCP map, nothing new came out, beside the PPP poll that's not in RCP's aggravate that shows Hillary leading in five battlegrounds. .
Trump called her a "bimbo" and that's her version of "non-bimbo"
North Florida is essentially southern georgia and alabama. The real votes are in Miami. Cubans always vote repub and likely hate mexicans.
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Guys have you noticed. CTR is silent right now. Their staying the hell away from this thread.
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>T-Trump's got this guys!
I know PA is unlikely...but as a PA resident I will be FUCKING MAD if he loses this state.
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Bumping from Flanders
Okay, this is the system as I understand it, correct me if I am wrong, in the electoral college system, to be president you need 270 votes, each state has a number of votes that is determined by congressmen + senators, all of the electoral college votes in the state must go to the candidate that most people overall vote for in that state.
I'm King County. I've never voted Republican in my life. I will be doing so this coming election without a doubt.

I hope there are enough of us here to tip the scales, but I know it won't be enough. I'll cross my fingers anyway.
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this is how the democrats work. so fucking sleezy
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majority of florida supports him, i will be genuinely surprised if he doesnt win this state
electoral college is appointed by population. this is why california has 55 and new hampshire has 4.

the more populous the state, the more electoral college votes it gets.

if you win the popular vote in a state, all of its electoral college votes go to you. (usually, sometimes the elector fucks up or goes against his representation.)

Trump will win Arizona.


I mean, why?
>In florida
>by a mere hundred thousand votes.
I live in Florida
I'll do my best
I see Trump bumper stickers and Trump signs in yards all over the place
I don't think I've seen one Hillary 2016 sign or bumper sticker anywhere
A few Bernie bumper stickers
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We are not down in Florida guys, chill. Clinton needs to match Obama's 3 point lead to be competitive in the state, so far it ain't happening.

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>women with short hair
Anyone one else here worry that they are in a little bit of an echo chamber here? I mean I hope that Trump does win the election, and from what I can tell it is looking okay for his chances, but isn't he still polling well below Hillary in the opinion polls, and doesn't that matter?

Central Florida here. It's Trump territory.

Just need to make sure we all actually go out and vote.
I don't pay that close attention to the polls really, but I seriously have no fucking idea what is going on anymore. Can any Ameribro explain to me what the fuck is happening in the polls? Is Trump fucked eternally? Why is there so much fluctuation? What in God's name is happening?
No. I've been working up here for the fall and I can tell you, Seattle won't be overcome this time around.

t. actual political organizer

If you know a couple of people who are on the fence or aren't really political, try to get them to go to the polls and vote Trump. Your state is important.
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please don't tell me Florida's going to decide the election again
welcome to the electoral college, enjoy your stay
How scared are you?
Pinellas here
I don't venture down to St. Pete because I like not being mugged

People I work with are uninformed idiots or just don't really care who wins
I've shown up in my Trump hat and no one cared

Yes, that's how the system works. You've got it britanon.
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>I would legitimately lose close friends

They aren't your friends. I'm not even being the edgy internet wise guy here, but they are not your friends, let alone close ones. I could understand keeping up appearances when it concerns your employment, but in your social life? Why would you torture yourself like that?
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>Women cut their hair after a traumatic experience.

>start reading up about this
>women in emotional turmoil cut their hair off
>it all makes sense
>make the connection with SJW's having fucked up haircuts

m8. thanks. Learn something new on 4chin everyday
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I like your optimism.

Guy can't even string a full fucking sentence together
Obama had the college kids fully erect in 08. That takes organizing, which Obama does just fine, better than he runs countries. But there is nothing approaching anywhere near Obama levels of enthusiasm for the washed up harpy.
Were giving the polls a strong brexit +5 for trump

In reality, som
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how's this then
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the ride never ends

Personal insult with no additional information
Even democrats are looking at this election like "lesser of two evils"
They're just going to vote for whoever has a D next to their name
Went to USF for a bit. I didn't have any trouble with the liberals there. They seemed decent, but young and ideological. Hadn't been scarred by life yet.
Anon, have you thought about getting involved and helping out with the campaign? I know a few people in the King County RCC and could point you in their direction.
Mad he didn't practice responses that mean LITERALLY nothing?
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I have a feeling that this will happen. I hope it happens. I'll be on the edge of my seat the whole night.
Women cut their hair when they feel like they need to change, but don't exactly know what to change. She got triggered by Trump.
Thanks for correcting the record.

You guys should listen to this anonymous poster. Top "kek", & thumbs up to you.
that probaby the map the trump camp is aiming for. he is campaigning in mi, and pa as insurance in case florida and NC are lost
trumps advisors must feel like nic cages agent.

Just don't understand the appeal. He struggles with English. I wanna see him write a 1 page essay prompt.
based as fuck
honestly more important than politics
Trump is going to lose Arizona and SC too.

Hey man, you're welcome. Good luck with things
Tampafag here, I've literally never seen a Hillary sticker anywhere here. I see Trunp ones almost daily. Hilary is shilling hard on our local radio stations though.
Also, DC gets three EVs, even though it has no representation in congress.
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Would you guys fug megyn?
If you live here you can just tell it is red. You didn't feel this during Romney or McKain no matter how many people shilled for republicans then. This state is all but guaranteed for Trump.
By God Donald Trump will win florida
Florida decides the election.

I think it will be rigged for Hilary.
this election is so exciting with the kinds of people it's exciting. there's nothing sexier than a big, strapping, edgy, gay-bashing alt-righter who loves animals and secretly actually finds me cute and only tolerates me but never tells his alt-right friends
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he a map with the accepted red/blue distribution and then changed the toss up states to suit the OP

so the source is the OP post
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I second that
Which are the other two battleground states?

Aren't these just the current RCP averages? We won't have an accurate picture of where things stand until the pre-debate polls fall off.

Nevada, Colorado and Iowa don't even fucking matter. Ohio and Florida are the ones he really needs to get.
Even though trump has the AG in his pocket?

B-but you're english. Why the fuck do you care? You won. You got brexit. You got may. Go celebrate, go fuck anglo women. Go make anglo children.
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>Big cities are not doing too bad...
Its amazing how prosperous a group of people can be when they can just steal wealth from everyone around them. EVERYONE in big cities are basically living off the government. 17th Amendment turned all cities into tax sinks
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I forgot about that.
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I honestly don't know how the fuck Shillery has Florida. I live in FL and drive around from Daytona , to Jacksonville, to Palatka and Gainesville. And even as far as Cedar Key for work. I get to drive around the roads of the suburbs.

And I see Trump signs all over on ppls yards and Trump bumper stickers on cars when driving . I see Trump supporters a few times by the dozens early in the morning by 4 way intersections hold signs and waving the American flag while nearly every passer-byer honk their horns for support.

Not once have I seen one Hillary bumper sticker when driving or one yard sign anywhere in the central or northern state of FL as long as she has been in the race.

Who the fuck is supporting her for her to have FL???
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Have to post another one
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>and Iowa don't even fucking matter.
Fuck you you foreign piece of shit
Which never fucking happens for Republicans
We have Ohio and Florida already. PA is going to Clinton. We need CO.

How is Florida blue?
I thought Trump basically has it locked down after winning early voting?

People are tired of politicians who give boring 100 paragraph speeches about shit that everyone knows they'll never get accomplished while in office.
fucking minnesota
aren't you all fucking white people?
People are more enthusiastic about him, and in tight races that's more important. It's easy to say you'll vote for the person other than Trump on the phone, but to actually go out and vote is a different thing.
Florida is comfy desu
nordicucks... it's confirmed a gene at this point
We especially need CO as to trigger the Calirefugees and Weedrelocators and send them packing to Seattle.
FUCK OFF. The Northwest is full.
I live in Florida and I see one Hillary sign for ever 10 trump signs

Though he will conquer western PA by a landslide, due to voter fraud in Philly, he'll be down by about 750,000 votes overall.

He will get FLA and OH.
It will be a fucking landslide. In my last year's governor elections the mysoginist, loud mouthed prick was losing in every single poll and he won against the ruling party bitch by almost double the votes.
It's the twin cities, they are so full of Somalis and niggers who all want their gibsmedats

2 days.
Same here. Live in Palm Coast and I have not once seen a Hillary sign, but Trump signs all over, even in front of my college.

Palm Coast was Trump's in the primary as well.
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Friendly reminder that Trump is probably going to lose because of that last debate.

Also, he's definetly going to lose after the next one.

Pic related: current map, no toss ups, mostly pre debate polls.
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How would you say the current housing market in Florida is doing right now?
>Also if you are feeling extra generous could you explain what the electoral college is in a sentence or two?

When we vote for president, we're not actually casting a vote for the candidate, but rather for a group of electors to represent our state in the electoral college. These electors then decide the presidency.

he's had the election in the bag since they stole the democratic nomination from cuckbern sandsalot
What poll?


against Hillary? please, America hates her guts
He really needs to focus on PA now that it's crunch time. In York I see a lot of Trump signs but they're still overwhelmed by Hillary signs.
I wont be happy until my American brothers are happy. Also the pure american pussy is alluring.
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Nice right slant spin from faux news, Her Highness Queen Hillary might let that organization exist after she is elected, but probably not.
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Maximum Swedish ancestry that lets the government import billions of Somalian muslims.
>based on what I see and hear everyday.
Why does that matter?
i agree netherbro
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Yes. That is correct. Expect this gap to widen when new post debate polls come in. In fact expect him to lose ground in several states.
he has left every other arguably worse scandal in his dust and kept on growing stronger... the faithful tremble but he prevails again and again... why should this juggernaut come to some sudden abrupt end now?
Flip Florida and you'll have the final outcome most likely. H - 263 T - 275. Florida is dead heat with Trump pulling ahead.

It's looking good for Donald.
Sorry honey. That's wrong.

Florida bro here who owns a house. Bought in 2009 and it looks like another bubble building. Our house price is now 150% of what we bought for, and I don't think it is worth that at all.
I'd split this chick in half like a bandsaw turning prime rib into steaks.
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uhhh.. yup. now i would
Look at how fucking misleading this graph is.
are you going to s ell? I missed the last bubble and hope to sell before this one pops.. I however want to relocate so its for the best.. if you're happy where you are its just a suckfest due to higher property tax

Literally Trump

Imagine the electoral college is your Parliament. In your country, the winner of the Parliament seat is determined by the winner in the district/voting area/etc. The majority party will get the vote.

The electoral college is much the same way but the winner of the state gets as many votes as it has population (roughly). Whoever gets to 51% wins. There are some exceptions to how it is divided (like Maine), but that is how it works.
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Do you have a source for that or does your ass exceed the file size limit?
Most polls are being manipulated to give Hiliary a post debate bump. The real world isn't giving her a bump no matter how hard the media is trying to shill for her. Just look at how hard they try to push that Cuba shit. And no one buys it. Dems are FREAKING out.

Nah, we got a really good rate, but I told my wife if the price goes up to what it sold for in 2006 ($500K) I told my wife we're going to sell and live in an apartment for a while until the whole damn thing crashes again.

Thank lutheran social services.

Fucking cocksuckers imported them all.

Genocide when?

when will this meme die?
No way, the entire national media saying that Trump supported the KKK was far worse than this.

The disaster for Hillary is that Trump rambled his way through the debates and he either tied or just barely dropped a little in the polls. They threw the best they had at Trump and it did nothing.
What an argument
We have a lot of Somali and Hmong.
That said this is the closest Minnesota had been to going red in a long time. There's a chance we could flip.
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Clinton literally pulled out of the state because its going so bad for her and early voting ballot requests are up bigleague for Republicans.

Trump is leading by 5-10 points in counties in Pennsylvania that were within 1% of the state's final result since 2000.

Hillary is not leading in PA or FL. Those states are just part of the media narrative to convince you that Clinton is ahead.

To see how nonsense this is you only have to look at how good Trump is doing in other blue states that where Hillary is down 10-15% from where Obama was, enough to bring the state in play for Trump.

There is no way that could be happening in other states yet PA and FL would still be blue. The disparity is because democrats didn't think they'd have to fake the polls in so many places at once.
Florida is red bro
switch AZ and WI and it's a good shot.
It's almost like people don't care about muh emails even with the 92739583 /cfg/ threads
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Maybe if Trump comes close to taking the lead there for the first time the entire damn election. Sure he's been getting raped there all year but I'm sure he will totally turn it around in the last few weeks...
>Clinton literally pulled out of the state because its going so bad for her

is this true?
Reuters is polling the most biased ever, D+11
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Fuck ya he was. Witnessed. Pic related.
>Clinton literally pulled out of the state
>Clinton literally pulled out of the state

People do care about her emails. Why do you think shes doing so bad in the polls? No one finds her trustworthy. Don't pretend her email shit isn't killing her right now
If she's going to try and fix it anywhere, it'll be Florida
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Kek. This isn't even with post-debate polls.
Is all of this based on how you feel?


I mean, what WILL you do when the polls close, Hillary loses, and your shekels dry up?

I'm hoping for wrist slitting in your household to be the final cap on the night.

So glad we got this record corrected.
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I've read that she left a skeleton crew behind in Florida and basically pulled out right around the time early voting statistics started getting published.

Also no phone banking.

If you want a concrete source I can't give you one. This is all stuff I've read several times over the past few days in Trump Gen.

The fact that it started right when early voting ballot requests started makes me believe its legit, because its a 10% swing from democrats to Republicans this year.

Same goes for NC.

It's talk. They're not putting real resources into the state anymore because its a loss for them.
Its called reality buddy. Any other candidate would be killing Trump. Shes so bad shes actually letting him into the race. This is the person that lost to a no name black Jr Senator from Illinois
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Nice try idiot. Liberals and Democrats have taken control of Clark County and Reno.
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561 here... can confirm.

Even in this liberal kike infested, otherwise paradise I live in people are consistently stealing or running over HilLIARy signs while leaving the Trump signs unscathed more often than not.

Every now and then a kike or spic takes one or two but the $hillary ones never last more than 24 hours in any location.

feels Goodman
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I'll be glad. I despise Hillary Clinton. However, I prefer to base my predictions on facts rather than emotion and the fact is Trump is going to blow it. He dug himself in too deep of a hole and can't debate for shit.
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Islam Is With Her
Didn't Trump already win the early voting by a large margin? I'm having a hard time believing most of the polls from Florida especially. Clinton hasn't even done anything there.
>thinking the debates really matter

As long as you don't make a meme of yourself, they don't matter much.
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>All these fags thinking we're gonna let Trump win Florida.
>Nevada doesn't matter
Suck my dick bong
Huh, it's almost like you have no argument for him flipping VA
the only good news from florida right now is that trump is the 1st republican to win there with early voting (by a large margin too). romney only lost the state by 75k votes, less than 1%. trump has already got more than twice that from early voting alone.
Yes I would. And I would really like it.
u wot m8
So you have no actual proof that she did?

I thought Trump was winning FL

fuck this gay shit election jesus christ
.02 shekels have been deposited into your account.
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>stopping anything from Debt Island
Actual results aren't out
Fucking Pennsylvania what the hell.
>.02 shekels have been deposited to your Trump University account
Please, feel free to show anything that supports him taking VA
The election is coming down to florida just like in 2000

Hillary will benefit from dnc pulling dirty voting tricks

But the RNC wont help trump with any backbone or enthusiasm
If you want a good map go to RCP electoral map and hit "no toss ups"
Go away CTR. Your standards of proof are irrelevant.
She was BDSM mode the other night ƒam.
When the fuck did Florida go back to blue?
Kek. Literally alt-right tumblr
>inb4 le mask maymay
he won early voting by like 150k votes, the first time a republican has ever won early voting. romney only lost florida by 75k votes.

florida is probably the closest of all swing states, it really could go either way. whoever loses florida will lose the election.
It didn't.
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An additional .02 shekels have been deposited into your account.
When they unmake the DC suburbs
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You have been warned cuckboi
so whats the difference between realclearnews and realclearpolitics, or cnn? aren't they all the same brand of shill?
Oh shit lad sauce on that image
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Literally laughing in your face

>can't even vote in the election

>not american
>likes globalist shills

fuck off.
Umm, you don't get to bring friends
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So if Trump can survive these next two debates and do a little more offense against Clinton, he should win Florida right?
>American Education

I'm talking about the ones in FL. You do know we are citizens right? We get our right to vote the exact moment we step in the mainland.
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This doesnt have anything to do with the thread but I stumpled across this on youtube:


I am 100% certain the music is from an album I downloaded back in July.


What does this mean?
This is a losing election graph though

Without Florida he's fucked
So go back to your island spic
I thought early voting hadn't even started? Or is it absentee ballots?
Colo is probably the closest State. Trump will win Florida by 100k+
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Praise Kek!
What do you mean?
Trump got lucky, the moderation was so obviously and godawfully one sided that it fed into the overwhelming public distrust of the media, which helps him.

The debate was a tie but he needs to get more aggressive.
check check

i hate that old guy so much
his job is pretty much just to rile people up.
I'm not sure why they show florida going blue now, but there's data on absentee ballot requests available from FL. More republicans than democrats have requested ballots. Also note that early voting is something typically dominated by democrat voters anyway, so the fact that more republicans are bothering to vote is incredibly telling.
Go vote, but its going to be a win for Trump. Hillary leaving Ohio means its not even close according to her internals.

Not close in Ohio means wins in FL, NC, IA, NV, and CO no problem.
Broward bro here all I see are Trump stickers and flags
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