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Thread replies: 313
Thread images: 69

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tfw no teacher to have extra curricular activities with.
Yes pls
Why this never happens to me.
She's more than fuckable
Damn what a qt. Where were all the horny teachers when I was in high school?
Why are their eyes and mouth always making the same expression in these mug shots? It looks empty and crazy.
>tfw was too ugly for a teacher to take a liking to
they were black
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she's probably in a trance state from the shock of getting caught and having her picture taken. Her stare is pretty sad to gaze into, I agree.
Need a full body pic to judge how guilty she is.
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>it's a /pol/ defends child rapists episode
>teacher invites kids over for sex
>kids say hell yeah
>this is somehow rape
why don't ugly teachers rape students?
If its the fucking age of consent in that state, what the fuck is wrong?

Age of consent should be 100% age of consent, not age of consent + with someone with authority = jail?

WTF is wrong with these sexy fuck fuck laws?
That is the face that says: the end of the world prophecies were not a hoax, the world did end, and everything that you think is life is really just dead matter cooling in nothingness.
Shock at having your career ended over lack of integrity and values. Shoulda just downloaded any dating app and got free dick from a grown man.
Only when the rapist is a female. /pol/ is cucks like that
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If a male teacher can't do it then neither should a female teacher. Lock her ass up.
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It's almost like you figured it out.
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This woman just got sentenced 6-15 years for fucking her 15 year old student behind her husbands back

Judge basically called her a pedo and threw the book at her
K. I'll become a teacher and fuck your daughter.
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She's qt, looks a little like Joosten.

You're probably right and now I'm angry.
Love that.
Answered your own question there flash.
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I just hope they weren't niggers.
Noooo, that's not how this works.

You'll become a teacher and invite some horny teenage boys into your moist vagina. That's more like it.
So is this what they call homesexing?
>sacrificed herself to give a 15 year old the time of his life
>society will now spend all of their time trying to convince said 15 year old that he has PTSD

I'd fuck her into next Tuesday
they were definitely niggers.
kek she looks so dead inside and miserable

you just know her husband is a closet gay that denies her sex, so she has to resort to fucking teenagers with unusually huge cocks to get her sexual gratification
It's not about sex per se, it's about the fact that she has authority over her students. Even if her student "wanted" the sex, having intercourse with the women that is older than them, have authority over them and basically is quasi-mother (as in older woman who cares and teaches) can really mess up their emotional, social and intelectual development. It's crazy that you buy into this whole feminist nonsense ("man are just sex beast no matter the age"). Sex is very emotional thing, that should be grounded in relationship and trust, if not it leads to emotional problems.

And this was just the "best case scenario". Now imagine a scenario in which the same looking woman, blackmails and basically forces her students to have sex with her, but she is into really dirty stuff. She rutinely beats, scratches, bites her lovers, she insults them, she whips them, she hurt them, she puts down cigarettes on them. Are you still on board?
i live in detroit dumbass, its not niggers.........were not all inner city apes..........gawd

Did...did you just expose yourself as a pedo?

Because this article is about a woman having sex with boys.

Not a man having sex with girls......
Disgusting, she should get no jail time whatsoever, just fired and maybe fined.
Just like your NTR doujins, right?

>if the students were black, pol will crucify her
>if the students were anything else, pol is noice
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Because you're not a Chad and those 2 kids were probably Chads.
link says it happened in georgia.
The students wouldn't brag about fucking them, meaning the ugly whores don't get caught.
Age of consent is increased for teachers because they have authority over teenagers. I think its a retarded law, teenagers love fucking, but whatever.

>16 is a child
are you mentally challenged?
back in the day men were marrying 14 year olds and now grown women cant fuck 18 year olds

what the fuck happened?
Very noce
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those poor boys. do you even think before you post? do you know what she's done to them?

they're changed. their perception of life & women is irrevocably changed. they'll never be able to live this down or view the world that same way again. think about it.

they are going to spend the next few years of school as fucking rock stars, with every other boys begging to know what it was like to bang their teacher. they'll have no idea what a normal scholastic career is.

>get fugged by teach
>high five other guys constantly until end of school
>get carpal tunnel
>ur fugged
Half of /pol/ wants to fuck prostitues because they keep projecting their failings onto the women around who are not batshit crazy. They wouldn't understand how much sense what you're saying makes.

Nigger it's a fucking woman you gay faggot

I would have give a hundred quid to fuck my teachers when I was a teenager

(The fit ones, obviously)
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Impressive, HOWEVER...
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not suprised... ive seen that eye/mouth combo before on an ex of one of my buddies. when she was with him she cucked him. the about 6 years later she showed up randomly at my place and was off the rocker. she brought her cuck with. we ended up banging and returning like nothing happened. sent them on thier way. i ignored her calls after that she showed up once a few months after that, i told her to leave and lose my number. havent heard from her in about a year... im sure shes fucking somebody over as i type this.


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what if they were girl students
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>Cherokee County Sheriff's Office officials said the students were at the age of consent
>sex with someone legally at the age of consent
>child rape
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>of age


like it's not even statutory, the students were of age.

When is sex just going to be outlawed? My benis no bagina.
Feminism and self-righteous Puritanism (same hellish mix as Prohibition)

>The English common law had traditionally set the age of consent within the range of 10 to 12, but in 1875 the age was raised to 13. Early feminists of the Social Purity movement, such as Josephine Butler and others, instrumental in securing the repeal of the Contagious Diseases Acts, began to turn towards the problem of child prostitution by the end of the 1870s. Sensational media revelations about the scourge of child prostitution in London in the 1880s then caused outrage among the respectable middle-classes, leading to pressure for the age of consent to be raised again.
>tfw two qt japanese teachers at my daigaku
>tfw this would never happen to me
i know i'm in college but teachers fucking students is still a major fantasy of mine
Yeah, nah, noice
This place is very unapologetic about it's blatant double standards.
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We can tell you're both women

Tits or gtfo
She's too hot to be serving jail time.
Snitch kids need to be put down
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this teacher a qt
Goddamnit this happens like every 2 weeks and they're usually cute too.

>tfw massive teacher fetish
The rate of female teachers fucking boys in their class is about 10x the rate of faggot priests fucking boys in their church.
Fucking white knighting cucks, I swear.
How dare you
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She looks good for a 38 year old. Most women go way downhill after 25.

I could never have pulled this off in high school. I was too insecure about my pearly penile papules.
based Poland
was she too embarrassed about her 5 head to get fucked by chad
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Don't you mean sextra curricular activities?
She was giving that pussy up to niggers and she'll get probation and possibly a reality show. America is a sick country and it stems from the women.
Niggers are not human
>invite 17 year old slut for fucking on tinder
>get charged with stat rape
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If you're a teenage boy and you get in the pants of a hot or semi-hot teacher- KEEP YOUR FUCKING MOUTH SHUT!
>2 niggas
>not one 2 NIGGAS
pussy status
[x] Destroyed
*rolls eyes*
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Equality is a great thing. Female "child" molesters should get the same treatment as men, anally raped in prison as well.

When we decided to have the retarded "law of consent" at least uphold it.
Man I have that shit too and I just supposed that everyone has them but I never notice them
>anally raped in prison as well.
>anally raped
By what?
>Because you're not black and those 2 kids were probably black

99% of these cases involve a black student.That's not even fucking cuck shit, it's fact.
BABY WANT MILK MILK HNNNG. her lawyer should have asked all the men if they could resist those juggs
God, I love 3D /ss/.
>all of this to keep the "kids can't consent" meme going
Jews made us notice them with foreskin removal to remind us we're cattle.
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>expecting two little shitheads to keep quiet
>not selecting your favorite of the two and getting them so addicted to you milking their baldy balls dry that they never EVER talk

It's always the other kids that hear tales about it and aren't getting a piece that snitch.
underrated kek
At the same time?
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>Now imagine a scenario in which the same looking woman, blackmails and basically forces her students to have sex with her, but she is into really dirty stuff. She rutinely beats, scratches, bites her lovers, she insults them, she whips them, she hurt them, she puts down cigarettes on them. Are you still on board?

poland-kun what are you doing

Holy fuck, get out

It's just published on the site for a Detroit network affiliate you illiterate fuckwits
a stick, the shower head, whatever, I don't care
tfw no yandere femdom teacher
Just NOT virgin. And to explain, I actually have first hand experience. Not gonna blog about it, but it messes with you in ways you can't imagine and I haven't fully realized long after.
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You mean crapal tunnel

waiit,, Detroit??
sick bastard
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>Coalburning pedophile

Not very nice, no.
How is that post remotely r-eddit? It's you who should go back.
Unless she goes nuts and starts getting clingy or some shit and threatening your graduation.
>tfw no gf
Wait, at the same time or on separate occasions?
>Muh hugbox!
Sorry, newfag. I can state whatever I want on this board and you can't stop me. If a see you acting like a fag, I'll call you a fag.
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>you missed out on /ss/
>lonely christmas cakes you desired as a teenager are just women your age now

Where did everything gow rong?
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Fucking noice.

related esp @ 2:20
is it rape if a student forcibly fucks their teacher without permission? don't really understand your logic, bud. It's a conflict of interests in public school, but calling it rape is autistic
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>county is 86% white
>must have been niggers
N i i i i i c e.

u have super aids now mr. calzone., not sorry


its always "hot" black guys who are on the football team or whatever


being a CHAD is living life on EASY mode
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>You will never fug your qt teacher

why live
Because education is valuable to the growing mind, you inbred spud. This teacher will be forever embedded in their memory as a criminal and rapist
God dammit where were all these teachers when I was a kid.
That cop probably wishes he was 14
Someone didn't get to fuck their qt teacher

Literally the gold standard in pedo teachers.
Imagine how hot this slut is with her hair and makeup done.
Women are such degenerate whores
And the reason why the whole "fall of man" happened too
Fucking retarded idiot shameless animals
>tfw you're 30 but you look 17 and you can't find one of these pedo sluts to legally enjoy your simulated youth

Also I like how all of these whores who fuck little niglets are probably huge fans of "Orange Is the New Black."
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>what should I wear to my hearing?
>just dress like you're a fucking pornstar.

banging svelte muscular chadlings on the dl and not getting caught cause there were no smart phones or social media
who the hell snitches on these teachers? I wouldn't tell a soul and keep pounding her til I'm sick and tired of it. She can't say anything and I can hit it til I don't want to anymore. Win win
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I'm a virgin but I'll keep south tyrol, thanks
other girls in the class
She probably had sex with BBC tho
Damn that's hot...moarplease
seems reserved for a pornstar desu
I wonder that as well, I first wonder if they were somehow observed going to the house, either directly or indirectly (such as being away at night and not having a legit backstory for their parents, etc.) or perhaps bringing the action into school hours somehow, either by being suspiciously close or affectionate to one another
so she fucked a 16 year old and 18 year old students at her school. how is that a fucking crime?

it's a fireable offense. not a jailable offence. American's are some of the most sexually pussies ever.
I would think being forced to stand in front of a room of strangers, authority figures and your parents and recounting your first sexual experience would be more traumatising.

Have you guys ever been here before? Ever?
not really. you recount the encounter and afterwards everyone just nods their head and says, "Nice"
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What the fuck

Why are they on a stage together? Why is Dr. Phil promoting sleeping with negro students? Am I missing something? The laughter. The smiles. There was not a hint of negativity in that interview.

I'm boiling. This is completely humiliating.
because I never got qt pussy in school

because I never get qt pussy at all

because I fucked a fat Mexican whore

drown the bitch pol
>dress like a prim librarian that makes you quiet by sitting on your face
>horny old judge lets you off with a slap on the wrist
>dye your hair and move out of town
>continue sexually initiating young boys with your new babysitting job

Clever girl.
Except the whole time you are treated as if you are damaged and taken advantage of when all you really wanted to do was benis in bagina :DDD
Wow. She's so cute
She said she was the victim and the 16 year old essentially forced her by wearing her down.
Chads arent dumb enough to get caught. I banged a teacher when i was 14. /highfive . Shew that was sitting on my chest a lonnng time
K-keep typing

"uh I uh tried to uh send it to my friend but actually sent it in a group message"

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Go on....
why the fuck cant this happen to me?
I appreciate this post. But degeneracy is too widespread. It's not just 4chan, either. Even normies are afflicted. Porn has ruined the men of this earth. They don't understand that the goal of being a successful man has nothing to do with screwing a lot of women - in fact, that shows you have a real problem.

But yeah, nice try. Dickbrains will never understand how special sex is supposed to be, and how you're suppose to ignore/ look down on people who do it casually (or just pray for them)

>nigger-tier grammar

Nice try Dayquan
Having sex with all of the Chads.
>child rapists
That said I don't feel bad for anyone in this case. The dudes probably wanted it but the woman shouldn't have done it anyways.
Every time this happens its always some crazy redneck white chick.
She really does look like Joos
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>tfw no joost gf
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>this chick
>worked at high school near my town as an english teacher
>bangs student, who's dad was on the school board
>school finds out
>she resigns
>somehow she gets a job as a special ed teacher in my town's high school
>school finds out
>she resigns
>SOMEHOW she gets a job working as a drug & dui court probation officer
>people in courthouse recognize her
>drug court probationer recognizes her from a party where a group of guys ran train on her
>her boss finds out
>she resigns
>warrant issued
>she gets arrested
>she's married and has two kids, husband is military and was deployed during all of this
did she fuck her student too?
>Not a man having sex with girls......

What is the moral difference?
A train on her? With that face? Fucking guys are so desperate
>Tfw too ugly to fuck slutty teachers in high school
> tfw got tinder 3 days ago to try and meet someone
> Use all my likes every day
> not a single match even with the fatties.
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That's all I got
>>drug court probationer recognizes her from a party where a group of guys ran train on her
You had me til this
niggers will fuck anything

source: US prison system

We had a teacher who'd always invite us to her house while she showered and we'd just watch TV and eat . She ended up having to go to rehab for opiate abuse. She came back afterwards like nothing ever happened. I wonder if I could have fucked her if I walked in while she showered.
Wtf are you 12?
thats not even her
>fuck random girl that I found in a club
>get charged with rape becouse "she is a minor and can't consent"

See the similarities?

How long are those boys going to jail for raping her?
people on facebook were talking about her. i guess she went to the bar all the time and basically tried to fuck all the guys in the bar. one guy said that he was dj'ing one night, she licked his ear and asked him to play usher lmao.

don't believe me lil nigga?
and you didnt even do anything with her holy shit her going in the shower while you're there is practically an invitation or at least a sign that she's down. no teacher ever invited me over her house just so i could watch a tv show
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>substitute teacher
>has her own home

she wanted the BBC

white boy status: BTFO
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>she licked his ear and asked him to play usher

wow. 6 years for raping a child. Shit I know a guy who touched his ten year old cousins butt when he was 17 and served 8 years.
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Why does /pol think teachers are fucking 14 year olds?
>99% of these cases involve a black student.
t. Wishful Cuckold
Not anymore

No, just normie with common sense. Given that his other post mentioned about personal experience and fact that it takes time to realize why and how it's fucked up... he probably in his mid 20's or older.
damn she's fucking hot!

lucky ass students spitroasting that cutie!
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>Tfw females can fugh minors but you cannot get that loli's dfc
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>Teacher invited two students to her home for sex

Two questions
>Do we know it was males?
>More importantly, both at the same time?

She's coming to the realisation that her life as she knew it is over because she couldn't keep her fucking legs shut.
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>There was a time when loli prostitutes were a thing
>100+years and an ocean away from where you were born
Read the article. She fucked the 18 year old months later
The kid she fucked was apparently a huge douche too.

Imagine if your school's bully was fucking the teachers lmao. He must have owned that school.

>Detroit is in Georgia


the absolute madman
Very sensitive people may be traumatized by it, but most 16 and 18 year olds will love it. Its just reality. The person who had sex with him was probably taking advantage, but most of the time its horny teenagers fucking hot teachers. There was another person in here saying he did this, and doesn't regret it at all.
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Intersting.... I was just reading about Denmark and their laws allowing 15 year old girls to marry older men because of their religion.

I wonder if she was muslim but did not want to state publicly for fear of islamaphobia.

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where's your leaf anon?
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>work in my local school district now
>am in my early 20's
>my district has a ridiculous amount of hot teachers
>multiple of them are already getting cozy with me and got my number for technical support outside of work
Is this one of the few polish intellectuals everyone keeps talking about?
No pun intended
Kill yourself, leaf.
I mean it.
Just do it for the sake of /pol/
It was a legitimate question. Only a bitter neckbeard would imply that it did any damage to those specific students, on the contrary.
No double standards here.

Female teacher fucking 14 YO = OK. Race mixing = not OK.
>Female teacher fucking 14 YO = OK. Race mixing = not OK.
>He probably thinks this unironically.
>The person who had sex with him was probably taking advantage

Abuse of position of position is more common in these things than you might expect.
I'd hit that
Wich question? The leaf one? Because 12 year olds can be neckbeards?
Also cant read the article on my phone but how did they uncover the scandal? I assume someone of the involved parties wasn't satisfied?
The kids in Detroit finally has something going for them
WTF not a bad looker, usually these crazies are fucking rancid but shes a solid 6/10. who the fuck reported her fucking fag kids
So they are going to make you do stuff for them with nothing in return. But hey, they will tell you how nice of a guy you. are
goddamn it zimmy
Neckbeards are mentally 12 year olds.
>I assume someone of the involved parties wasn't satisfied?
It just says that "Our detectives conducted an investigation", nothing about hints that lead to suspision or anything like that.
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Look at those empty, soulless eyes of hers

I bet she fucks like a wild beast
Nipples............. just like Ivanka

play it slow and steady anon
dont fuck it up


Oedipus complex
Fuck she's qt af

>She will never drag me to her Georgia home and make me her sex slave

Damn why even live
Wow not cool bro rude af ngl
>typical Trump supporter
>I ain't no goddamn racist but fuck niggers yeah Trump for president
Good post
And this is why women should never, and I mean NEVER, be in any kind of position of authority.
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brazilian anon probably wants to rape this innocent school teacher
>Chad's aren't dumb
t. someone who doesn't know what a Chad is.
If it was a girl, it might fuck her up emotionally for the rest of her life. Moreover, the chances of the girl being manipulated into having sex with her teacher are higher than a female teacher manipulating a boy for sex, since most of the time, boys fantasized on fucking their teacher. Therefore, it's something that they already wanted instead of creating a need inside the head of an individual (female cases).
Of course this situation is not always true, but in my opinion, it is most of the type.
Finally, the teacher in question is a fucking qt.
Now if it was a male teacher plowing all the high school girls at a legal age none of you would be saying "Nice"
When will people realize that sex is not just sex
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well yea
adult men having sex with children is degenerate

adult women giving their tender motherly love to boys is the purest form of sex there is
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hold it, posting the full version
Men are not women, women are not men.

t. Joseph McElroy
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Fucked one of my teachers the day after I graduated high school.

Don't worry /pol/ it's everything you can imagine and more. She still calls me when she's shit faced on weekends.

>Mfw she got the coke out and said "it's a fun habit"
Why is it more and more women teacher are getting caught fucking their students? It's a gross misuse of a position of authority.
Actually there was a case of a janitor paying girls (12-14 yo or something) to have sex with him and some girls even approached him voluntarily once the word kinda spread out. Reaction on the Finnish imageboard was largely "niiiice".

>if the student were animals, pol would crucify her
>if the students were human pol would be noice

slowly allowing the age of consent for adult females to be waived once feminists get wind of women going to jail for rape.
would bang
>tfw the qt teachers never hit me up
Was I supposed to make the first move or something?
Fantasies aren't something healthy to act upon. They don't know what they want especially while bursting with horomes.
The teacher took advantage of the student males in every sense. "They must fantasize about fucking me so now I can use them with no moral responsibility."
It is not responsible or proper to have sex outside of a committed relationship. Just because everyone engages in degenerate behavior does not mean its okay.

The boys may have grown into a weird fetish or have specific preferences because of this. They might even have felt bad when she did not want to give them sex anymore.

I hate how people want to pretend that males are automatically tough or don't need much help. Men and boys need as much help as girls do growing up. I'm not saying to baby them, but a healthy individual needs good emotional support and guidance.
Thinking that girls are the only ones getting fucked up is illogical. Help our young men.

Fucking fag.

Giving a quote and name and using it in whatever context that benefits nobody is stupid.

Get help
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not so nice
le friend zoned cuck
>be fixing some teacher's printertest while she racemixes half of the basketball team
the answer is:

Yes. Yes you could have.
>Not reading the article
>Cucksplains the article anyway.

It's in an 86% white county in Georgia. Go jam a black dildo in your eye.
Its the "dont care, i had sex" expression
Shock at being caught, detained, and being processed.

Shame at being caught.

Fear and guilt at what everybody else she knows will think of her and say.

These are all telltale signs of somebody realizing that their life has effectively changed for the worse.
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These laws are made and enforced by the kind of people who would've grown up on /pol/: beta male squares who aren't sexy and don't know how to be sexy to women

>"Hurr its women's duty to be sexy and cook and clean, we should just be gross pigs and women should want us and only us"
I-is that Morrigan? source?
bottom left anon
guy makes a shit ton more /ss/ sfm videos
Statutory Rape

>when someone posts an amateur nudie and you are more interested in the range hood
thank you leaf
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sextra urdickiner activities
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>husband is military and was deployed during all of this

not surprised. I've seen more than one person in Afghanistan run to the MWR screaming because their wife was emptying their bank accounts and fleeing. One guy in my battalion during his Iraq deployment found out his wife not only spent all his money, but put him $100k in debt and was fucking another dude. She showed up at the redeployment ceremony with the dude she was banging. He walked right up to her and knocked her the fuck out in front of the entire battalion and their families while screaming "YOU FUCKING BITCH ILL KILL YOU".

The lesson here is that you deploy when single, then get married later.
Fuck you in advance.

On that note, how would the hood work?
Im going to school to be a teacher and I genuinely cannot wait for this
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dead eyed qt3.14
>You had me til this
>not knowing about barracks bunnies and military wives
The United States Army is an institution that runs on trains
>And the award for "most likely to get raped/beat by Big Bertha in prison" goes to....!
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anon, women actually enjoy sex in prisons, being gay as a woman is not that big of a deal.

If I was a woman, I would seriously rather get raped by a big dyke than a big black man.
>Women become obsolete at the age of 13.
>Complain and change the law to stay relevant.
The guards, duh

it's not the '70s anymore, most US prison rapes are by the guards or at least arranged by and sanctioned by the guards

Glad I'm not a woman

Ms. Jackson was in her 30s and too old for the interest of a 15 year old. She took me to her house several times and didn't even think of anything sexual until I was an adult looking back.


>threesome with two hot teachers

What about a big black dyke?
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>you will never be a young hot teacher surrounded by horny teenagers who will run a train on you
>you will never run a train on that hot teacher

You need to make an account to see all the pics. Knock yourself out.
>every teenboy's fantasy especially with a young cutie like her

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>If I was a woman, I would seriously rather get raped by a big dyke than a big black man.

being that deluded...
Are you sure? Cherokee County is where whites go to get away from the blacks in Atlanta.

>The racial makeup of the county was 86.6% white, 5.7% black or African American, 1.7% Asian, 0.4% American Indian, 0.1% Pacific islander, 3.6% from other races, and 2.1% from two or more races. Those of Hispanic or Latino origin made up 9.6% of the population.[
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