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What happened to men? When did nu males become a thing?

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What happened to men?

When did nu males become a thing?
He's an asian trying to get a white girl, they're beta af and in the end she'll friendzone him.
Men want pussy.

act like pussy to get pussy
If he's just going to stay in the bathroom, why even put the shorts on?
Check out this queer. This is why all the asian women I see are with a white man
>What happened to men?
feminized society due to women gaining voting rights and also single moms
Pussies don't get pussy mate
What a fucking loser. At least he will learn to never do this again after 1 failure unlike white cuckolds.

t. Asian
>not letting an attractive female borrow your pants and get it wet with pussy juice
>not jerking off for hours with the pussy juice-stained pants
Is this the Asian Masculinity I keep hearing about.
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You wont be alone lo mein
>You are what you eat
Maybe he is trying to be what he will one day eat?? Meme magic etc
What's the cut-off point in terms of birth year?

I notice a lot of 92's and 93's can still function and have balls but a lot of 94's are complete faggots and the women are even worse. Anyone have a similar observation?
t. asianmasculinity
>wanna post pic of myself in gay ass short shorts
>but i dont wanna seem like an attention whore
>I know. i'll pretend I white knighted for my friend
But what about the little gangster 00's?
What is this meme?
Apparently you don't understand reading between the lines. To the girl and to the guy, they both have gotten in each others pants, literally. Plus they now have each other's pheromones on them.
is /pol/ full of faggots and women?

why do you care if numales exist? are not attractive enough for you?


Fawkin zeezbrah
no wonder all asian women prefer white men

>girl asks me for a ride
>say yes
>drop of her off and say bye
>come back
>it's not hers

it happen all the time!
Nu males are a problem but that guy isn't one. As a med student you aren't allowed in the lab without long pants on, it's just a quiz ffs
>Plus they now have each other's pheromones on them

After reading this I realize that I really need to get out of this board and internet forums in general. It really is too autistic. I want to be normal and talk to normal people.

Good bye forever /pol/ it was nice to be here for some time in my life but it is time to move on.
>that random dancing

lmao wtf
Can you or anybody define "nu male" for me?
Nice guys finish last
> At least he will learn to never do this again after 1 failure unlike white cuckolds
>Asians learning anything but math
Fuck I was so tempted to comment "nigga you gay" but even though my jewtube is a fake account, I still like to keep it from being full blown 4chan/Youtube tier troll.
Indeed. And that's why he acts like a flaming, prancing faggot.

literally nobody who is not deep in some very weird shit in their bedroom would even think of this you freak


we're stuck with these people man i'm sorry

this is why we cant let asians take over the planet
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Here ya go.
Women are put on pedestals in every form of influence in their lives.

Their parents browbeating them over being nice to girls. SJW teachers brainwashing them into believing men are evil. The media nonstop broadcasting the message that all men are evil.

It sort of combines with their general angst and redirects all that self loathing towards loathing their gender, so they go out of their way to pussify themselves so as to desperately hold off suicide.
>Shamefur dispray!!!
That's actually pretty funny, pathetic, but funny.
I blame the jews.
Asians learn from their mistakes. Whites make cuckoldry into a national way of life.
Feminism happened.
Welcome to /pol/, newfriend.
>Asians learn from their mistakes
>get nuked, dont realize you made a mistake, get nuked again. 50 years later, build nuclear power planet on a fault line. it melts down and nukes you.
the only things asians can learn is math

You arent very bright, are you?
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>nukes affect a few thousand people
>white cuckoldry will make the entire race extinct within 100 years
Lol stay delusional in meme land
I can guarantee you a virgin made this image
No man in this country does this shit. At most, some browse porn, and they still fuck whores all the time.
It's a scary picture in its accuracy.

yeah probably but it's not wrong
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>being proud of destroying you own people for the jews/Israel for hundreds of years until you finally wipe yourselves off the planet faster than even africans could

We want to save the white race, but you cuckolds are actively trying to fuck yourselves to death with negro muslim dick
Alpha af for an Asian
Why would she take a quiz in her lab?
Why would she need to wear sweatpants to take a quiz?
Why are there so many Nguyens?
How do you pronounce Nguyen?
Why do some vietnamese look more like chinese, but some look more like thais or filipinos?
Top kek. Spotted the butthurt loser who has to wear makeup and act gay to get pity sex.
I resent that you leaf bastard. '94 here and I'm utterly appalled with this degenerate shit. I just wish the average human lifespan wasn't so long so I could fucking die soon
How can the tribe conquer if they don't kill the men from the other tribe and take their women? Not racial purity, but conquering of other tribe. No?
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honestly asians are more cucked than whites.
>Why are there so many Nguyens?
>How do you pronounce Nguyen?
I would love to know the answer to these.
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that looks like a kid I killed in Vietnam back in 1967
A lot of lab courses are split from the lecture course and have to do all their testing in the lab itself. Plus a lot of lecture/lab courses give the quizzes in lab so that you're in a smaller room that can more easily be watched.

Most chemistry labs have very strict "must wear pants" policies to retards from pouring acid on each other.

It's pronounced "Win." Why the fuck that got Englicized to "Nguyen" is beyond me.
Are the only small rooms american universities have labs?
If she's just doing a quiz, there's no experimentation going on, is there?
Good point

Whats the problem with learning self-defense?
96 redpilled af but have found a lot of people my age are soft
>asian nations all remaining asian
>those that abandoned their nation and people racemix
You realize asians that dont want to racemix just stay in their asian countries right? They aren't like blacks/browns fleeing shitholes. Japan is the oldest standing nation on the planet that has maintained its own unique identity/culture.

As an Asian in America I also almost only fuck white girls because that's how you assimilate to America. I didn't come here to set up an asian colony. I came here to help make america great and be and american.

If I didn't want to become an american, I (like many others) would just go back to asia.
Because it would be rude to occupy a booth when he doesn't need to, and it would be weird as fuck if he was just standing there pantless.

That guy needs to start squatting, cause he's not doing those booty shorts justice. I wonder if the girl he got them from actually fills them out properly.

>>Why are there so many Nguyens?

It's something about how a bunch of different groups would get ousted from power and then change their name to Nguyen so they couldn't be associated with the old dynasty and it happened over and over, because it became a more and more common name. To the point where even criminals would change their name to it to avoid prosecution.

Basically trying to lose yourself in the crowd.
why are island asians so effeminate
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Duh, thats why most fail and only the best asian males succeed

Suicide > failure, but honorless cucks would never understand that
No, but there's no reason to go find another small room when you can just use the lab that your class occupies during that time block anyways.

Every chemistry lab course that I've taken had a 2+ hour lab component, so we'd always be doing actual labwork before or after any quizzes unless it was a longer exam+practical type deal. That said, even if they were just doing a quiz, they probably still have the chemical out in the room, and it's easier for the university to just blanket require pants in the lab at all times than to have to worry about some mouth-breather falling over and knocking a decanter full of concentrated H2SO4 on themselves.
>Japan is the oldest standing nation on the planet that has maintained its own unique identity/culture.
you mean by cucking itself with american culture and worshiping american culture after losing ww2?

self defense is for cucks. aggressive self-offense is a state of being.

>every interaction with a female is purely for sexual gain.
This is why you are all virgins 2bh
i would have done the same desu, i would hope to have a friend who would do the same. I was turned down from entering a lab without a long sleeve shirt or coat so my friend let me borrow a sweater.


underage fag here
A unified nation is allowed to like whatever it wants and it's hardly cucked to remain almost entirely japanese. Japanese culture is also not the same as American you retard. That wierd anime shit is a prime example.
If anything, Japanese culture spreads far beyond Japan. People are literally willing to relax around blacks just to catch some japanese cartoon pokemon
>tfw short shorts were actually common for men in the "glory age" you idiots idolize
They were common especially for sports from a functional perspective keeping cool while women had more modest extensive coverings.
It's degeneration that changed fashion to big baggy nigger shorts and whore-wear.
born in 94, I'm a homosexual worthless numale faggot and I want to an hero
born in 92 here and I agree. even back in high school I remember thinking that the class under me was extremely different from my class. I thought this was bias at the time or maybe a bad batch of kids, but the older I get the more I think it's true.

We got the last 'normal' childhood that was spent pre-internet and pre-liberal insanity.
anime shit is literally drawings of white people.

your entire culture revolves around imitating and worshiping american culture
My culture is American retard but I can still talk about other culture's objectively.

I don't watch anime either, it's too wierd for me right now.
>'whites are cucks'
>doesnt even consider himself a part of asian culture

at least they finish, fucking neet cuck
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I wish whites weren't cucks, but as a group they undeniably are

Japanese have a lot of weak individuals that are dying off, but the people/nation as a whole remain strong because they aren't allowing themselves to be overrun with jewish lies and shitskins.
>all this estrogen
Isn't it suppose to be jiu jitsu there?
If pic related did it to get some booty... I say more power to him.
There's definitely a cut-off, although I have no idea when. I'm '97 and my generation is full of a bunch of faggots.
That's why every other race goes to a white country to live a better life and there is ZERO analog for this to whites in any comparable number.

You all literally are our cucks its that simple.
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I'm sensing a thinly veiled r/asianmasculinity thread...
Men have been told over and over women want nice guys

People like the unfortunate fellow in the picture think that they can get into the pants of their female friends by being a nice guy

Hence Mr. Nguyen is chasing pussy in what most would consider to be the completely wrong way and he will continue to contribute to the stereotype of Asians being weak
wow, how the tide has turned... so nobody else thought about busting loads in her shorts? i would have gladly swapped and gave her a surprise
I wouldn't actually mind if I got to slide the booty shorts off her in person and then leave my load in her ass as payment.
We need to bring back the Fag Drag and just apply it to these weak cunts. Straight people and homos together. Fag dragging these betas. It'll teach them to harden up and purge out the weak.
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Nu-males are a plague upon humanity. They make these girls feel way more important that they actually are.
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>how much bigger her legs are
>top kek
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>gets overrun
>goes extinct

Lay off the delusion kid, you aren't making sense at all
I didn't even realize the trips holy shit

Guess that post was right
Then the stupid female needs to be smart...fuckimg female doctors lol, and bring her own damn pants and drop the whore shorts.
Sorry m8 your men are literally not having kids and are simply laying down and dying without the added issue of immigration.

Again you are deflecting why whites are simply superior
You all come to a white established majority nation for a better life even jews do this and there is no analog for whites and if and when America stops being majority white you will all stop coming and follow us to the next one. The other undeniable point is whites have ad more power over you shit skins with less numbers as simple precedent.

keep trying kid
he is homosex https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KWGE0En1Ifk
It's called a washroom you don't fucking nap in the washroom stupid chink
>not having kids is a bad thing

The weak should not reproduce, there are too many weak asians. They are doing a good thing by not reproducing as long as they secure their border. They can always just repopulate later.

You are desperately holding onto MUH WHITE SUPREMACY because you are either a jew or need the self esteem boost to make up for your being a failure.

I don't base my value off what some japs on an island across the ocean do. I am an American now and until I join Japan, my value is based off what I do here in America aka the American Dream

>ID: icukYdRK
And taking a photo about it and needing to share this hot gossip with the world isn't nu-male? Wew lad.
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Being an America when this nation was built for and by whites makes you a cuck m8 you simply left because your own parents and ancestors would rather be around whites and what opportunities we can provide for you labor instead of having nationalism its that simple.

To deny this is butt hurt.
I fucking hate this picture. everything about it. His onion hair, horrible beard, and weird necklaces
>or your a jew
>You all come to a white established majority nation for a better life even jews do this

Jews are inferior as well due to having to live around whites and the opportunities they provide fort heir labors to have a "better life" than what their own people and creations allow.

your simply stuck in a corner as there is no analog for this fro white men in any comparable number.

simply there is more immigration from Asian countries to whites than the other way around because you all crave white superior societies the same reason you would all stop coming if it was majority Mexican or Nigger
I used to wear booty shorts at metalcore concerts. People don't fuck with you in the pit when they think you might be psycho.
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95 here. Everyone in my gen is an assertive asshole (myself included). Feels good
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>Coming to America makes you a cuck
If anything it almost makes you a bull you divide and conquer jew

America always has been and always will be a melting pot but that doesn't mean it should open it's borders to people that do not support it.

You really are just a divide/conquer jew or a pathetic white supremacist like this:

You chose path 3 or you are a jew
Asian countries like Japan don't allow immigrants the way europe/Canada/US do

You are being a retard and only looking at one part of the equation
the fact they fit him made me laugh
>asian cuck spewing muh melting pot meme
>hating the leprechaun man

It's one of the funniest things I've seen in a while. I wish the picture happened before the numale thing. I only associate it with being the epitome of zaniness.
95 here, at gap with 94.
Got GF for some time now, thinking of impregnating her, aiming for 3 kids.
94' here
I was always skating the line of cuckery. I never became a cuck. But I can barely function
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See you tomorrow
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What's with his eyes? I don't even know what color to use to describe them.

Apparently he's Flip? Would Duterte kill him? I can't remember his stance on fags. I just know he hates druggies.
A closed borders melting pot is what America was supposed to be

Until a few decades ago that was working just fine
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this is accurate
Nwin. Like win with a bit of N in front. One syllable
>A closed borders melting pot is what America was supposed to be
(((who))) told you that?

america was a slave colony ruled by whites.
96 also. I fucking hate my class of peers. All fucking faggits
No m8 your simply denying reality no one request immigration into japan or any other Asian country in comparable numbers to white countries as simple fact and is undeniable and historical precedent.

Again you all leave your people in more numbers than the other way around to be cucked by ours and our laws and culture in c country built fro whites and by whites for your labor because you all admit its a better life.

You all will always be stuck in this position as again if whites were not the majority in America you would all stop coming this is not a fucking coincidence.

I suppose when she's improperly dressed for surgery, her plan will be to find an orbiter who's wearing sterile scrubs so she can trade clothes with him.
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For example irish, chinese, blacks, mexicans all being slave labor for their first generation was an acceptable entry fee to America. There should be no reparations and no welfare given to them afterwards, just the opportunity to prove themselves and overcome "racism"
Again your people allowed us to fucking enslave your sweet sideways asses for chance to live near us and our opportunities and you still rationalize it.

>For example irish, chinese, blacks, mexicans all being slave labor for their first generation was an acceptable entry fee to America.
it wasnt just their first generation. and it was intended to last forever.

america is not, and never has been a 'melting pot' its a slave colony ruled by WASPs and has always been that way. dumbass
When they wrote the bill of rights, declaration, constitution etc they could have easily made racial restrictions to the country. They did not because they assumed patriotism would be required for immigration.

America's problem is that it is filled with tens of millions of people that don't fucking support America (from all races and genders).
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When times are tough they dress in drag and sucky sucky faidolla
Everybody has a different preference. Some stayed in the home countries, others who were poor and useless fled to different countries. So yeah America took in the worst and forced them to become the best. It should be that way just no welfare and no helping traitors
>When they wrote the bill of rights, declaration, constitution etc they could have easily made racial restrictions to the country.
they did.

only landowning white christian males over the age of 35 were granted the right to vote, and by extension, all other rights.
So the civil war just never happened? They just forgot to include that in all their founding documents?

You are applying your fantasy to reality and filling in the blanks with assumptions.
If he was a real man, he'd sport the booty shorts and say fuck it
It was actually written as just property owning males over a certain age

Not white christian
Sorry m8 until he 1960s there were laws in placer to ensure a European majority.

They also did not write in laws about slavery but thought it was a given niggers didn't have rights and lived and died in that society .

your logic is BTFO
>You are applying your fantasy to reality and filling in the blanks with assumptions.
no, thats what you are doing.
>So the civil war just never happened?
the civil war wasnt about slavery, it was about northern banks wanting to crush southern industry so they could maintain control of the country.
And yes it said whites hence no one else could vote until generations later.
no. it was actually written as landowning white christian males.
reddit board for Asian guys to talk about their male identity
>My friend needed sweatpants in order to go in her lab and take a quiz

98s on average are worse
>>When did nu males become a thing?

single moms
That does not address how cucked your race is to allow your self to be enslaves as you admit for a chance to work our field because you own people were not able to make a better life for them.
You typically are not allowed shorts in a chem lab for obvious reasons. no open toed shoes either. Hair pulled back. its a safety hazard. but shouldve told the stupid cunt to be prepared
Worth watching?
My little bro and his mates are 95 and fine. In contrast there's plenty of people my age from 91 or older that are complete cucks. There is no specific year cutoff
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Some Southern slavers became northern bankers

It was just wealthy elite helping a jewish/banking agenda
Yeah like I said, a closed borders "melting pot" as in there were more than one racial group but the majority was staying white
Because this is the closest his dick's ever going to get to a pussy
its not a 'melting pot', it was a slave colony.

'melting pot' is a kike term (((they))) made up like 100 years ago trying to push multiculturalism.
No m8 the founders lived and died in a nation that only whites were allowed in as full citizens.
Built for and by whites.
The nineties.
He looks like a lanky distance runner. Most collegiate athletes would take one glance at him, even in his effeminately-colored shorts, and not even think about it.

I have no idea why he is so freaked out, unless the word "BBC SLUT" is bedazzled on his ass.
It wasnt because they were white though

It was based on them being property owning males which just happened to be white christians at the time. They did not write that white/christian was a requirement because that was just a correlation.

I am not saying America should be multicultural at all. America should start heading back towards 90% white ASAP and kick out any minorities/white cucks that don't make the nation better.
>They did not write that white/christian was a requirement
yes they fucking did.

look it up.

its a well known fact.

land owning WHITE christian male above the age of 35. thats the exact wording.

Multiple generations of boys being trained to behave like girls. Nu-males are the Frankenstein's Monsters of feminism, raised to be perfectly feminist men, but only tolerable to their own mothers, as other women, and especially other feminists, find them utterly abhorrent.
> Voting Rights

When the Constitution was written, only white male property owners (about 10 to 16 percent of the nation's population) had the vote. Over the past two centuries, though, the term "government by the people" has become a reality. During the early 1800s, states gradually dropped property requirements for voting. Later, groups that had been excluded previously gained the right to vote. Other reforms made the process fairer and easier


Why do you have to lie?

are you so scared of reality?
Mr Rogers died and parenting got worse and worse. No role models.
Lol my girlfriend knew this dude in college.
He constantly tried to get with her.
He is a faggot.
>The original United States Naturalization Law of March 26, 1790 (1 Stat. 103) provided the first rules to be followed by the United States in the granting of national citizenship. This law limited naturalization to immigrants who were free white persons of good character.

It means nothing --college science labs WILL NOT permit people inside if they're wearing shorts, or sandals. They'll scream their heads off or get u thrown out of school. He's doing what he needs to do in order to get in her pants.
I haven't figured out why asian men act so much more metrosexual than every other race.

Regardless, men are no longer expected to act like men. I went through elementary school with a principle that expected boys to act like little girls.
My father taught me a bit, but I never got the full dose. I spent most of my later teens/early 20s learning how to do shit that I should have been taught. Not a week goes by where I'm not teaching some woman or man how to changes a headlamp, sewing, basic carpentry, etc
Hell, nobody knows how to use a road map or topo map anymore.

What baffles my mind is how inept people are at basic survival but love to be outdoors.
92-93 is the noticeable transition where there started become a lot of more fucked up/nu males.

Does your girlfriend own a pair of green booty shorts that are the right size for a Vietnamese twink?
They have the highest diet of estrogen due to soy hence they have such little body and facial hair.

its that simple they have a head start on all over races on estrogen poisoning their males.

but I will say gay mannerism and homosexual culture in general is a localized type "learned" thing hence black men make up the majority of gays but have high testosterone
>The phrase appears for the first time in the Fourteenth Amendment, which says that states shall lose congressional representation "when the right to vote at any election for the choice of electors for President and Vice-President of the United States, Representatives in Congress, the Executive and Judicial officers of a State, or the members of the Legislature thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitants of such State, being twenty-one years of age, and citizens of the United States, or in any way abridged, except for participation in rebellion, or other crime."
Sorry m8 this does nothing to change how it was originally written as well and is simply the opinion of
>the Atlantic


For whites by whites cuck
This is just an elaborate tangent away from the fact that whites have let jews cuck their nations out of existence
>The Fourteenth Amendment (Amendment XIV) to the United States Constitution was adopted on July 9, 1868


>adopted on July 9, 1868
>adopted on July 9, 1868
>adopted on July 9, 1868

In 1790 it was originally only white land owners m8


I thought Asians were smart but I guess the dishonest meme is real.
the indentured servant is getting uppity again
Sorry m8 they are parasites and you don't respect the guy who steals from behind your back but never can admit it without losing it as whites on the other hand tell you we are superior and you all still follow us

All others including Jews leave their own people and drop nationalism in order to live around whites and opportunities we provide for their labor

its that simple and now your just agitated and mad.
94 here. I'm no faggot.
little boy.
pretty sure it's not about taekwondo (as gay as it is) but more about his indecision and needing the validation to decide
Are you implying the US isn't just a bunch of goyim slaves serving a jewish oligarchy?

The jews have ruled this country for a long time
sorry m8 you thinking of subversion memes from recent years ALL white men signed the constitution and put you shit skins in forever cuck status even until today where you calmer to live with us.

there is a reason you don't move to Israel and instead try to lie and reconstruct white American history so that you feel more of a part of it.
chinks are such faggots
best part of your desperation is the white nations across the world hold the same supremacy claim on shit skins like you and your parents as you all again leave your people in incomparable numbers to live with ours for a better life.
The problem with that sentence was that he wasn't being assertive. He was asking "what do you think?" after his statement because he isn't confident in his choices and was just probing for some validation. If he was a man and serious about it he'd just go and do it, regardless of the social consequences because he is confident in himself.
>icuk with the doubledubs
You'd know. They've kicked your peoples' asses for centuries.
94 here. On a bell curve id say im rare, maybe not on pol but statstically youre kinda right. I hate my fucking generation
winner winner chicken dinner
I noticed this. I'm a 1990 and seriously some of these slightly younger faggots are, well, faggots.
Fucking children.
Great Scott, that's what I'd look like if I was 100 pounds lighter and had bad eyesight.
What would Riley do
'83 here

Get off my north korean phonograph machine, you little shits
he's a beta ching chong who thinks this will get him some white pussy. he is wrong. SAD
Am I the only one here who does not view those shorts as inherently feminine? Like, sure, a man sort of needs the excuse of being an avid runner to really pull them off, but they are not hide in the bathroom shorts.
He should wipe his cum on the pussy hole part of the shorts before he gives them back
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Humanity ended in 1995.

What is born now is human only in form.
'98 here
I can barely talk to woman
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Bas Rutten is the best. 13/10
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>Born in '95
>been here since '07
>kissless virgin
>literally zero friends
A-at least I'm not a cuck
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life cucked you tho
>tfw I literally haven't met a good Asian person in my life
The men are either nu males or supreme gentlemen and their women make the bitchiest Jewess look tame.
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> Vancouver Canucks
They might finish raising their wife's son but that's about all.
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Perhaps I cucked myself
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You should start a dragon dildo collection.
Using a lot of unnecessary products is pretty effeminate, but if you don't regularly shower with soap and brush your teeth you're a degenerate.
Is she hot? I got a few qtpie friends that if they gave me their shorts as soon as they left the room id be wearing them like a mask punishing my dick with the force of a supernova.
Ah fuck, the little gooklet wears make-up. WHY?

Try to imagine a woman wearing those same pants. Her ass would be sticking out. It looks genderless on the gook because he has no muhdik. How could any man be so shameless as to wear a whore's pants. You don't know who the bitch has been dikking and now this fuck is wearing some other dude's cum. Disgusting.
circle lens

it popular for asian and cosplayer that make it look like the eyes is bigger

Am I retarded or is this post nonsensical?
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brain blast.png
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the only nu male thing about that is that he hid in the bathroom
You're retarded

The girl gave him the wrong address. He goes back and finds out she doesn't live there.
It's not bad
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