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AWWWWWWWW YEEEEEEEEEAH Clinton presidency, pumping up the Russia

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Clinton presidency, pumping up the Russia hate... we're being prepped for an outright war with Russia lads.

Lots of poor and single Russian QTs are going to be flooding over in 2017. Get hype.

We fucked
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Russia has nukes.
Also if war happens then China, Iran, and North Korea will probably be involved so good luck with that.
sheeeeeit, third world war would be pretty fucked, but the ultra cold climate would be very cool and it could end up with a US loss soo... ok
you're in the war asshole
I guess they ran out of roadblocks in the middle east, I expect a huge false flag that gets pinned on the russians
only russians kneel russia kneel
Jokes on you If I am drafted I will defect.
i would put a bullet in Obama or Hillary's head before i even point a gun at a Russian
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>tfw neutral country that coudn't care less about whatever happens outside this hellhole
Enjoy your WW3, burgers

Feel free to send your White people to bleach us and make our descendants skins lighter
The Jews want us to engage in a war with Russia so the Western world and Christianity is destroyed. The media, and especially New York Times, is completely full of Jews.

Why do you think the Jews pushed so hard for us to attack Syria, a Russian ally? Or put brigades in Ukraine? Or attack Iran?
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Yep! And as a good White American it is your job to defend this country by going in masses to join the Marines and die by the millions!

Refugees had it too hard in their life, so they won't be fighting, neither will the illegals or blacks. Don't worry, I'll make sure your lonely wife will have some company while you're away hehehehe.
I didn't vote for King Nigger.

The American people are so woke these days that as soon as we fight off the Russian invasion (on our own and with our own guns from our houses) we'll overthrow the Clinton administration for being so stupid and getting us into this mess.
Hope I can get me some of that sweet, sweet 5.45x39 'fore I go.
Under rated post
Remember the #GOPwantswar hashtag after congressmen signed a letter warning Iran to back off the Obama deal?

Now it needs to be #Demswantwar
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Finally. Don't matter who will win - it's going to be fun regardless. See you all in trenches guys
>fight off the Russian invasion
Russians will never do that lol. It's pretty hard to drag a million of people and military equipment over the ocean. Besides, Russia is a truly defensive country, they never genocide civilians like you did in Vietnam or Iraq. They will nuke all your nukes and destroy some of your bases in EU, it's enough to win the war.
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>fighting a full-time professional army historically renowed to be extremely destructive using a barely trained conscripted militia that uses semi-automatic rifles and pistols
You people are truly deluded

Don't worry, if WW3 doesn't step into your door you'll become a 3rd world hellhole and share our suffering

You'll get used to it after a few years
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As if they'll get any recruits this time.
>they never genocide civilians
lol what about WWII??

Russian technology is shit anyways

the NSA hacked Russian nukes so that if a nuclear launch is detected it will be automatically redirected to strike the Kremlin (in Moscow) and kill Putin and all of Russia's government
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>See you all in trenches guys
>he didn't hear about WW2?

Well weren't Mongols successful actually?

Don't fall for stupid baits. USA needs Russia to fight China
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Great Eurasian Union from Lissabon to Vladivostok is nigh. Praise Putin, our God-Chosen Emperor!
> lol what about WWII??
And what about WW2? USSR libarated countries from nazis, freed and saved them.
> Russian technology is shit anyways
Look at Siryan footages. We're using soviet era bombs with surgical accuracy. More like we're utilising them. Imagine, what results wuld be, when we would use current century bombs.
Figure of speech
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> keQ

> russian qts flooding over

I doubt you're gonna want to hang out with these 500 kiloton qts that will flood over to you in case of war with Russia, chang.
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Daily Reminder
hot fuzz?
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what was

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Well the mongols did it lad. Ever heard of the golden horde?
IF Clinton wins and we go to war with Russia I'm flying to Norway and asking for asylum.
>War with Russia

Doesn't Russia have something similar to the Samson option? This is fucking crazy.
why is NY Times considered "liberal"? They were such avid Iraq war champions back in the day
We will invade Norway.
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great movie
Could the USA fight off Russia in Europe and China in Asia at the same time ? European and Asian Armed Forces are a joke so they dont count.
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Who cares? They became one nation with mongols.
>something similar to the Samson option
Several of them. I know about "Dead Hand" system and "Status-6" ultragiga-torpedo. Only God knows what they have in Yamantau mountains not mention what have sleeper cells in USA in case of war.
the globalists have installed all these soft ass, ivy leaguers in power across the West, and these morons who have never fired a shot in their lives think they can win a nuclear war.

They are trying to get Russia to throw the first punch so the war can be "justified". I doubt Putin will take the bait though.

>Russian QT

>Literally their best friend is their mom
>Will leave you when times get even a little bit tough
>Flooding over

no thanks desu
Who the fuck would support a war on Russia? I think Russians are based af.
hummmm, that explains Finland defeating the URSS
>so woke
Kill yourself nigger
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War, war never changes.
>what is Karelia

Russia and america will never duke it out 1 v 1

They'll simply start more proxy wars.

Next on the list :

india vs pakistan
iran (syria style)
maybe turkey
Meet you on battlefield Sergei
>Minister of Defense

Please tell me that this picture is taken out of context and all these women are actually generals.
So should we vote for CLITon to propel ourselves into a nuclear hall of cost?
Let's settle this on mw2 not real life pls
I have a 30-06 that can pick off invading Ruskies from the top of my building in downtown Atlanta.
wipe us out... if i see on battlefield i will high five you
How? the idea that Russia or any country at all will attack USA on its soil is a Hollywood pipe dream
I won't fight a war against other white people. We're dwindling in number enough already.

14 million less whites in the US compared to 15 years ago.
I ask this question a lot, how did an orange faced reality star become the last hope for preventing WW3? Reality is crazy
>making a politician a Minister of Defense

I swear to God, career politicians are the biggest thread to a nation there can be.
the in the pic isnt even a general, he has as much combat experience as the women.
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>we're being prepped for an outright war with Russia lads.

Well it will be a good weekend seeing everybody die in a fireball
>having people who never served, let alone women, as your DefMins
Gee, what could go wrong?
No our Minister of Defense Ursula von der Leyen was Minister Family Affairs before. Needless to say that she is doing a shit job but hey at least our Armed Forces are more family friendly now.
See >>90910449

If politics become a career, eventually politicians, becomes a big boy club of people who are above the law and repercussion.
There's a few things have to fall into place first.

I would say war with Russia in 3-4 years.

Last year of Clintons first term
Establishment of a European Army
Control of the internet
UN peace keeping mission in Syria during reconstruction.
I'm fine with that famalam just as long as I don't have to live amongst shit skins.


This is as retarded as picking the Secretary of State from Congress. Get someone with diplomatic experience for Christ's sake.
> from the top of my building
fiery rhiuns is bad thing for cover, wanna-be-steak-guy.
you realize russias minster of defense is a politician too? with no army experience
>Russians were the victims if genocide, not initiators
I think you need to dump some more of that sweet cash in your education system, John.
bring it on Ivan
Yes, but it would be tremendously costly, and prolonged. Also, Europe would be fucked...lots of Lebensraum afterward. They'd also need to make sure they didn't fuck up to make anything go nuclear.
i want to see india vs china
Despite what people think, Russia is still a military superpower. They have more nukes than us. War with them = total annihilation for both parties.
But honestly how can any burger think murrica has a chance Russia has more disposable ports for there navy and will get China to supply endless munitions of good quality.

I for one would welcome the opportunity to have a uncle vlad or sergei rapebabby.

Iran doesn't have nukes though and North Korea can do much but invade south Korea or fire at Japan.

It's cool you still think inbreeding is a good thing and makes you pure. 98% of Sweden are second cousins.
russians were the genociders

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Whoa someone else on /pol/ reads Mark Ames...and I thought you were all drooling retards, damn
>Answering to obvious bait.
No wonder that average IQ in Russia is ~90.
It's not Middle Ages anymore, you don't have to be a war veteran. He is a good, strong and trustworthy manager. The first time in modern history Russia finally got an appropriate defense minister.
What if Global Warming was an attempt to end Russian winters, so that the west could invade them and win?
I think Russia and USA should buddy up. Bridge the bearing straight, World's first super state.
What the frik are these nut cases so obsessed about Russia for?

For hillary its feminism and faggots… but the smart jews behind the scenes…what to they want?

Is it just revenge. Because Putin promotes Christianity and nationalism?

It can't be that petty… there must be some economic angle to go this fully retarded.
Why can't we put that effort towards ISIS and Saudi Arabia.

If you kill the house of saud, terrorism will end.
Good job putting that on the internet faggot

Pretty scary that we're all going to die in a nuclear war once Hillary is elected
>Lots of poor and single Russian QTs are going to be flooding over in 2017.
Why the fuck would they be flooding in to a radioactive wasteland?
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Guys halp what do I do
If presedentess Clinton launches a war at Russia, what do I do? I am an international student from Russia BTW
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Jewish activists want a white vs white war.

And you *know* they won't wring their hands over civilian deaths. They only do that when we're fighting brown people.

Fuck. WW2 was a mistake.
So then global cooling is a Russian attempt to bring there tanks over the ice bridge?
You do know we have a missile defense system, right?

reminder that ww3 will not happen, its being forced because it takes attention. more clicks for newspapers, more clicks for videos, more sells for books and fear mongering always works.
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Send them our way. When nuclear armageddon happens Australia will inherit the world.

The kikes just want to crush EU economy.

And, they want US and Russia to fight so that both of them becomes weakened.
If it could've protected you, Russia would've been full of "moderate rebels" supported by US jets years ago.
>Chinese intel has concluded that a camp of Indian soon-to-be invaders based in the Nepalese mountains after the local villages experience an uptick in hepatitis a diagnoses on the border of Nepal
How the fuck does a US vs Russia war work?
>US troops invade
>Putin takes it up the ass like a bitch instead of firing a nuke at a major American city

>the US nukes one of their own cities as a false flag
>Putin smugly fires a real nuke
Which can be overwhelmed. Simply having nukes is not enough for MAD, what's more important is the methods of delivery and the number of them which is why only the US and Russia can into MAD.
go back to Russia. the US will put you in a camp like they did with the Japanese and Iraqi's.
Because your women are kinky like that.
Finally a war we're not engaged with. I just hope it doesn't go nuclear.
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until it get hacked .. by flame .. your greatest allie and friend ..on behalf of China there new Greatest Allies ..
and take me to russia with you

It doesn't "work" at all.

Both sides will just waste money.

Anyone who thinks that China will help them is a fucking retard.

India on the other hand...

Those shitskins are just gay for USA.

Still, won't be much help.
the US will never go to war with Russia, they only take on countries that are either 50% weaker or already/partly defeated.
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When will the cancer that is the US just fucking die already?

There isn't a country I hate more than your warmongering kike-run shitheap.
Actual Mongols never got as far west as Finland
not sure where this meme comes from
More like
>US gov. starts shooting down Russian planes in Syria and hopes Putin backs off instead of retaliating, which will inevitably end up in a full-scale nuclear war.
>Those shitskins are just gay for USA.
No they aren't. The US is the reason India is never allowed to retaliate against Pakistan and just has to sit there like a bitch pretending nothing happened because for some obtuse reason America still wants influence over the Pakis like it was still the cold war.
Literally what purpose would war with Russia serve besides killing white people? This is a fucking joke and no American would agree to this.
Pootin is too weak to do anything at this point, especially since we fucked your economy (which may or may not have been in retaliation of your retaliation/annexation of Crimea a few years back)
>no one in america would support war against russia

you have too much faith in our populace
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>normies kill eachother
sounds good
> no American would agree to this
You think you will be asked?
more consumers and fewer regulations on western goods
With the creation of AI in the next 100 years do you think the elite are trying to reset the clock with nuclear war?
If a war between Russia and the US would happen, would most attacks from the US be carried out crossing Europe then into Russia's most habited area or would they be executed from the North Pacific Ocean area?
Nope, I will not fight Russia and there's nothing the US government can do about it.
We're getting involved and so will you. You won't get free pass. Mayve if we're lucky we can arrange fake war between us while big boys kill eachother. And when dust has settled we will conquer the world and subject remains of civilizaton to serbs and croats.
>Russia has more disposable ports
No, they don't. Do you know anything about Russia's naval history at all? Or are you just leafposting?
It's obviously to kill off the rest of the nationalists and patriots because you know goddamn well those gun toting hillbilly flag-waving motherfuckers would love a war against the Ruskis
hopefully they bomb LA
there's few euro countries that have US nuclear missile's on their turf ready to be launched.
America annihilates russia's military by sheer strength. Problem is the clown running it rather talk and get bombed then to actually go after them.

>If you kill your enemies, they win
Integrating Srpska and removing muzzies is a piece of cake, I'm saying we won't get involved with the big boys.
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is this a people who did nothing wrong thread?
The US and Russia are already joined in war in Syria, Ukraine, and cyberspace.

A direct large contingency conflict between the two countries is never going to happen. Forget nuclear arsenals, neither has the capacity to meaningfully threaten the territorial sovereignty of the other.
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>Pootin is too weak to do anything at this point, especially since we fucked your economy (which may or may not have been in retaliation of your retaliation/annexation of Crimea a few years back)
The Russian gov. is scaling down everything right now... except for military expenditures, which have been steadily growing for years. We still have enough oil, reserves and industry to last.

War in Syria will inevitably turn nuclear very soon after its beginning nevertheless, however. If we go, we are taking all the fucking humanity with us. I hope they got enough nukes to turn Earth into an uninhabitable stone, so that no underground bunkers can save anyone (I'm not an elite and am not entitled to a bunker, so I want every single last human to die with me if the war starts).

>pudin id ebil :DDD he adagd sirya nd ukran :DDD adagd da ebil pudin :DDDD
If America initiates on Russia they have to come through us. Their only chance will be to drop nukes, otherwise they're looking at another Vietnam.
We're trying our best no one wants this. But if it starts there's no turning back.
They lost their entire empire to Russia almost immediately after conquest ceased. It would be like Americans colonizing all the way to California, only to have the Indians reclaim the entirety of the U.S. by the early 20th century.
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>America wins two world wars
>he thinks we can't handle a state with an economy smaller than Italy and like 2 tiny aircraft carriers

So this is the power of Finnish education
>are you just leaf posting.

You got me m8 I wish Japan and Russia would ally then we could have mobile walking metal gears with nuclear capabilities
So either we can go to war with Russia and commit global suicide

Or we can elect Trump and have the smoothest relations with Russia in American history

choice is yours white man
He's saying Russia would have to come through Finland. And that Finland with US support could hold the Russians just like Vietnam and make a quagmire. They did it once I'm sure they can do it again especially with our backing.
>white man
You mean white woman or non-white whatever, right?
>start talking Russia is bad
>start adding Trump + Russia together
>plant doubt Russia hack emails
>Russia hack, Russia bad
>Homeland security takes over running of election
>Trump wins election
>sorry guise, no he didn't, Russia hacked it
>Ima stay in this here oval office while investigation
>DHS says Hillary really won

It's like they want nuclear war.
>people think a war with russia would be a conventional land war
As soon as one side starts loosing they're gonna let the nukes fly
I don't think there will be nuclear war tbqhwyfam

As of right now, I think Obama needs to accept that the war is lost (without sending loads of troops in)
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>The Balkans will rule the post-apocalyptic world

Please make sure you deal with the Albanians at least. I don't want aliens to see rats scurrying around the ruins of our once-great nations
>not winter war

oh i see. what would be ideal is a joint American/Russian invasion and partition of Finland
You didn't even join the game until the match was 5 minutes from ending
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>almost immediately after conquest ceased
utterly wrong

If you don't have knowledge on a subject, shuft the fuck up and listen instead of talking
>Don't invade Russia in the winter
>Win War

Also, America would be able to pressure Russia from the East and the West.

I don't think any of those meme leaders in your image were able to do that.
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not an argument
>muh territorial sovereignty
That has nothing to do with anything.
Literally not a single fucking thing to do with ANYTHING regarding ANYTHING to do with ANY conceivable ww3 scenario.

a major war between superpowers would probably not even involve troops occupying any territory of their rival super state. Once a country as damaged enough it could not project its power globally (or regionally for you turbo austists) then that would be enough.
IE: main goal of ww3 would be to disable the enemies power economically.

>territorial sovereignty
what a joke.
>choice is yours white man
I think that this is not actual in the your case.
We also didn't use an unarmed slave army.
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I fucking dare you we got more grave plots than you got troops
There's a real problem when two nuclear-armed nations directly fight each other. (Like India-Pakistan). As soon as one side starts to lose, guess what gets used.

There is no way to guarantee that a tactical exchange in Estonia won't escalate into a general attack. Anyone who thinks that something like this won't get out of control is felony stupid.
Just to connect with the accusation that everyone on the internet is a paid Kremlin employee, Ames is a Jew whose newspaper was shut down by Putin in simple censorship. He hates Putin, but he's not an irrational nation-wrecking megalomaniac like Hillary.

Bitch please.

US just wants Pakistan in place so that they can produce more terrorist groups.

Do you ever see any news about what India does to minorities? No?

They're nothing but dogs who fancy themselves to be like Israel.
That just shows our superior strategy while fighting a war on two fronts.

And of course Russia's lack of strategy.


you are the clown here, sir
>attaches 2009 defence spending chart as proof for WW1 and 2

americans not even once
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Russia invading Russia and supporting a legitimate Middle Eastern government against ISIS is literally worse than the holocaust where 6 billion jews died.

t. USA
The Mongols succeeded.

there were twice as many soldiers in our army 60 years ago as there are people in your entire country lmoa
damn Stallone was one evil fucker
This guy gets it
How about we don't fight an unnecessary war with Russia and instead focus on killing Jews and niggers.

Jokes on you, bruh, I'm a proud cuckold. Please send a well endowed super predator to keep my wife happy.

>he thinks I'm arguing about world war II
>he doesn't know that I'm demonstrating US military superiority over the entire world and using our past history as a supporting argument
You won't be able to hold Finland/Russia for long. Once your boys start coming home in body bags, the public opinion will shift, one family at a time. You had fun in the desert, but I don't think you're going to enjoy the forests that much during winter.
>besides killing white people?
You think they need a better reason?
Is Finland a part of NATO?
I'm actually convinced the reason they're pushing this "diversity" homo/trans/gender-nonbinary-fluid-elk-kun-fu-fu/furry/pedo acceptance degradation is to increase the contrast of "values" between Russia's oldschool orthodox christian society and "ours" (what we'll grow to think normal/essential after having it shoved down our throats long enough) and justify as "russia evil". Most people already fall for the weakest memes out there. Meanwhile Israel literally engages in anti-diversity ethnic cleansing and media coverage is zilch.
My homeslice was recently in Intel. Says Russia is the only military we fret about. We may have some numerical advantages, but that's no guarantee and losses could be horrific and, economically, unsustainable.
Plus Putin is based at fampai
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>all those money

made me think
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>You won't be able to hold occupied France/Germany for long. Once your boys start coming home in body bags, the public opinion will shift, one family at a time. You had fun in Cuba, but I don't think you're going to enjoy the Ardennes forest in Winter. >:^)
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>he thinks I'm arguing about world war II

Then perhaps you should read the messages you respond to

>he doesn't know that I'm demonstrating US military superiority over the entire world and using our past history as a supporting argument

past performance is not an indicator of future
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>ywn hide Anne Tatjana and a few other slavic qtp's in your secret cubbyhole from evil Ivan
Why do people think we deployed our entire military to south Vietnam on this board.


>he fell for the "North Vietnam won" meme


If the power and strength of our army has only increased since then it's reasonable to assume that we will continue to enjoy success
Literally nobody ever invaded russia during winter.
>That just shows our superior strategy

Literally not showing up to the fight until 5 minutes before end
KGB subversion of our populace won the war, not rice farmers, they were dying like crazy.
Well you have to wonder why the US became supreme allied commanders as soon as we entered the war.

i dont care, if you are spending that much you need to win.


>w-we won vietnam

my favourite meme
The Democrats can suck my ass. I'll fight them before I'll fight Russia.
Your military couldn't even beat your police

>North Vietnam signs treaty acknowledging defeat and South Vietnamese independence is secured, and the American army leaves Vietnam
>he thinks this is a defeat
Just please don't fuck up and don't elect Clinton, burgers. I don't wanna another war.
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Do these fucking liberals not realize that Russia is not some buttfuck middle eastern country we'll topple in forty-eight hours? There's nothing to gain from this insanity.
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They'll probably send in additional forces and start attacking Syrian troops and kill some Russians in the process. At least if Clinton wins. They'll hope Putin will back off, but he'll probably retaliate instead, shooting down US planes. This shit will get out of hand in no time.

Obama probably doesn't have enough time to transport more troops to Syria, but he might try to anyway fuck up US-Russian relations before he's out of office, so that even Trump wouldn't be able to fix them if the election rigging doesn't work and he gets elected.
>Comparing central european winter to siberian tier winter
And then north Vietnam violates the treaty and takes south Vietnam anyways.

>Suddenly the war in Irak was ok because Hillary supported it and the media must say that to support her
>They demonized Bush for it tho

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>not knowing about the North European Plain


true but we definitely didn't lose the war, even if our achievements were undone a few years after our victory
We didn't pack this ship with life preserves and life boats. I guess we're all captains on this ship filled with niggers.

why would they kill their comrades for a crypto kike imam in usa? also we are talking about usa military


>he still unironically believes vietnam is a win
>implying anybody cared about that treaty

okay lol

Clinton said a week or so ago that state funded cyber attacks or espionage could be met with US military force.

The Democrats really have a hard-on for some war right now.

we need trump in there . he is totally against the syrian war
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here we fucking go again
No, although some of their politicians wish it was.

if every white man voted Trump, it would be a landslide

the problem is, 20% of american white men are utter faggots
I think the real reason we lost Vietnam was that all the greatest generations generals had died or become too old. So general westmoreland being as incompetent as he was fucked the whole thing.
this is the dumbest shit ever.

russia and us may go to war in 80 years if people keep fucking up like this
Fucking trumpfag.
Ardennes had barely enough snow to cover the boots. Here you're gonna have it between your waist and your chin.
The Memory Hole has escaped fiction.

The only time Iraq has been brought up in the last month is to discuss how Trump was supposedly campaigning very hard for the war as if was responsible for it.

He didn't vote for it, he wasn't responsible to constituents, he didn't receive classified briefings.

Oh but wait he mentioned he wasn't opposed to it when talking to a radio host.

>my opponent was for the war in Iraq. He says he wasn't. You can go back and look at the record. He supported it. He told Howard Stern he supported it. So he supported it before it happened, he supported it as it was happening, and he is on record as supporting it after it happened.

it's snows in America too senpai
Mongols invaded Russia during Winter and won.

Tropes like "Don't start a land war in Asia", "Afghanistan is unconquerable", Russia can't be conquered" only reveal your ignorance.
Americans faced this kind of weather in Korea.

could be, i dont know about new ones or those kinda details of US army btw. are they good enough?

btw i dont believe ww3 will happen in any time >>90911410
Somebody explain to this John that Russia is not some kind of Iraq or Somali.

America has a place called alaska, you realize this right?

are the new ones good enough right now*?

Jokes on you, I'm a cripple and useless for military service!
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>you will live to see California nuked in your life time
How so? There's only 30% of you. You need the wives to vote for Trump or get minorities on board.
>definitely didn't lose the war
Yeah, it was a "tie" because you managed to evac from the last stronghold before all remaining troops were slaughtered.

You utterly failed to achieve any of your strategic goals, ultimately your government committed billions of dollars and thousands of American lives (and our shitlicking govt did the same to try and impress yours) in what turned out to be a delaying action that took over a decade and accomplished nothing.

In what sense was the Vietnam war a victory for the US?
>true but we definitely didn't lose the war
>he says while responding to a post that proves we lost and shows how we lost

a fucking leaf maple nigger
The world for the most part has reached a point similar to WW1. Many countries have combat experience but almost none have all out war experience within living memory. So the worlds generals will fight in an outdated style and many men will die at first.
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First time i´ve seen Alaska mentioned on here
We need to get minorities on board a fucking ship back to Africa
Fuck all you wannabe polfags who are saying they would dodge a draft and not fight. I enlisted up for Afghan in 09 and will reup again regardless who our leader is or who the enemy is because that's real nationalism you fucking faggot cucks.
One thing that always ruined the fantasy about being overrun by a giant police state or fighting a major war is the average recruit. An army of genderqueers, gays and other millennial expressions is supposed to kick my door down and make me surrender stuff or fight Russians?
They serve the Jewspiracy, and will turn on a heel if told to by their "sponsors"
Joke's on them, I'm fat and have multiple psychiatric diagnoses, I couldn't join the military if I wanted to.
Current century Russia is last century American. Hows that PAK 50 coming along?

But seriously I dont want to fight you arctic brothers. Why cant we just fight muslims together
That works too. Let's hope they move "back to Germany" if Trump wins.
Sorry motherfucker, you won't catch this polfag fighting the Russians. Love my Russian brothers and they feel the same way. No way we'll fight each other no matter what our 'leaders' say.
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>the North European Plain
>a geographical label erases things like latitude and the moderating influence of nearby Oceans

Maidan 2.0 / Color Revolution / Arab Spring

If Russia crushes them = evil anti democratic hell hole = UN jumps in
If Russia doesn't crush them = they force a coup

US just has to sit back and laugh.

makes sense, agreed
Given what the government has to draw on that wouldn't be an excuse.
>crypto kike imam in usa
I thought Gulen was crypto-gnostic?

Daily reminder that milosevic literally did nothing wrong

rip me
Russia just wants the west to fuck off so they can finish off ISIS. I dont take anything that the media says about Putin seriously. The media just wants us all to be apprehensive and view Putin as this madcap dictator.

Im not saying that I support Russia or Putin but I think that they are far more concerned about the middle east than any western country, and I think the US should back the fuck off and just let Russia do what they want.

I would never fight for the Clinton regime and their kike overlords nor would I fight against based Ivan
>Russian invasion
Russians have neither the resources nor the population, nor really even the desire. The only people who need to fear the Russians are baltic states.

Estonia is looking mighty appetizing... small Russian minority... underpopulated.... stable democracy... *licks filthy russian lips*
I hope they do. I'm ready to sabotage, hunt and avenge every single lapdog of the corrupt anti-Russian regime.
The first German troops to engage English in world war 1 where so ignorant to what modern war would be like they marched in company mass formation into machine guns and fusiliers. They then immediately dispersed their troops by platoons and companies after losing 600 men at Mons.
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Im not fighting my catholics brothers for the kike queen or the king nigger

Hillary Clinton ill with schizophrenia. I'm sure she will be a worthy President of America.
The answer is no. Nobody wants this and they're not going to get it.
> USSR libarated countries from nazis, freed and saved them.
USSR apparent victory was nothing, but a triumph of GULAG over Aushwitz.
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>(((Burgerstan))) gets its shit kicked in
>(((Russia))) goes back into the copper age
>China takes the opportunity to settle its border disputes
>Chingchongs, Pajeets, and Paki goatfuckers glass each other
>Grorrious Nippon reveals its secret nuclear stockpile
>based Abe goes full banzai and finishes everyone off
>restores Nipland to its rightful imperial glory
>Neo-Imperial Japan proceeds to rule to world

I am completely OK with this.
Russian here. I will wage gorilla warfare on you burgerfat cunts.
>Mongols invaded Russia during Winter and won.
Well, Russia as united country appeared only after 1500. Yeap, there was Ansient Rus (or Kievan Rus) but it was divided on several independent states since 1050. Golden Horde was during period of russian feudal fragmentation. And guess what happend with Golden Horde when Moscow Tsardom united all nearest russian states?
You're dreaming if you think Putin isn't being painted as an evil dictator who rules over a slum. Hence the moral obligation to liberate the poor oppressed gays and journalists. Pay attention Ivan.
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"let's attack the worlds largest and most advanced thermonuclear stockpile in the world, what could possibly go wrong!"
The ignorant burger, fatting himself. Watch as he stuffs another big mac down his gaping maw. Watch as he sucks down a 2 liter of diet cola.
Putin should build new comfortable GULAG for you and your family.

i dont have deep knowledge on gnosticism. i read half of kybalion that's all, so im not sure but he might be. he loves occult symbology and he doesn't talk like imam, more dark and way way more poetic
>Ends up that they gave them all away to terrorists in exchange for some person the world literally does not care about.
Neocons and Neocommies have to die off first for that to happen. The former says capitalism should rule the world, and the latter says no, communism should rule the world.
>b-but muh lgbt rightzz putin is bad he asked for it!!

>Jewish activists want a white vs white war.
What, like WWI, and WWII?

Or like how Jewish Bolsheviks killed like 60 million white Christians in Russia, Ukraine, etc?
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So the powers that be think there are too many men again.

War is about population control of the male population. We'll all get drafted and all the poor oppressed Brown uneducated refugees won't have to go because boohoo or something. So while we're out being mowed down, they all move in and bang the women since the # of total men will be down. Replacing us white men.

That goes both ways, and who says the US is going to attack?
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>gorilla warfare
every fucking time


"I believe in a world without with out nuclear weapons"


"Launch the nukes"


"SHEEEEEEIT" while he burns
Every catholic priest I see is a beaner and half the attendance of a catholic church is clearly non-white. Heh
we both have nukes

it will never be outright war
Do tell how Soviet reign and its puppet states in Europe were free. They were shooting people trying to cross the Berlin Wall in East Germany, they were putting people in camps for jokes in Stalins USSR, they were confiscating provisions in Yugoslavia, they wed executing people trying to leave Yugoslavia. USSR was the horror.
I am aware. I don't think it challenges my point though. People that push the "unconquerable Russian Winter" meme are not saying the Russian state is strong, they are trying to claim that the geography and climate make any military adventure in Russia(especially during Winter) doomed to fail.
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T. Shill
Russian bros!

When I get drafted and eventually captured in Russian territories is there something I can say to the Russians torturing me that will let them know that Im from /pol/ and just want to play S.T.A.L.K.E.R irl
That graph only shows how wasteful your nation is.
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>RWDS' will cleanse BLM and all Marxists alike in your lifetime
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We need a secret word for pol users who surrender to Russia
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You can be sure that the moment Russian Federation is attacked, there would be a Partisan Warfare against the Kremlin. People are tired of government are ready to harvest and thirsty for blood.
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His quadruple bacon-cheese big mac consumed, the ignorant fatburger sighs in satisfaction.
"Ne beite, luchshe obossite."

And everything will be fine.
same actor who played Sandor Clegane

Fuck that cunt, US will rise against the government before it starts WWIII
>People are tired
>PARNAS - 0.73%
The US stockpile is heavily outdated, mostly static (silo bound) and low-yield. They don't even re-fuel half of the nukes anymore (Tritium decays quickly and needs to be replaced from time to time) because it's too expensive to produce it. Another fun fact: a lot of the exotic materials used in modern thermonuclear weapons are made and bought in Russia!
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Nice spurdos

The US has zero motive to engage in a conflict with Russia.

Obama's foreign policy has been to hand over our military, intelligence, and diplomatic assets over to the UN to serve as their world police force and arm various radical islamic factions against each other to destabilize a region and create an immigrant crisis that gives legitimacy to the UN as a global governing force.

Russia is still recovering from the collapse of the Soviet Union and simply seeking to reassert it's sovereignty... and the UN is threatened by this notion because they are pushing for a borderless world that will be under their control.

Notice we (the US) have never actually taken action against the true source of islamic extremism? ie. the Saudi government

Instead, we harass Assad, a MODERATE secular stabilizing force within the region... which by the way, happens to host a major Russian military base. The Russians are just defending their assets, and we are fucking around giving weapons to kurds and ISIS affiliates
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>War - is good. It will be possible to show the Americans our new tank.

German leaders thought the same in WW2. Wouldn't an outside enemy not again bring your people together?
Lmao we pulled millions of men and dollars worth of equipment over the Alantic and Pacific Ocean in WW2
It's khohol

So how many Americans here are going to go Innawoods if clinton is elected and war with Russia happens?

I sure am hell not going to fight in that wretched cunts nation building projects. I'll go to prison before I'll be drafted for this shit.
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Russia should be our ally. Fuck these globalist cunts.

I'll take a bullet to the head before I fight against Russia.

Either that or I'll just defect the first chance I get.
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>not mention that almost all of them are opressed numales, hipsters n shit
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If WWIII happens I'm headed directly to the edge of the Canadian wilderness, all Candians will be KOS and I'm going to cannibalize you

I'm serious
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Soviet government had to use NKVD dressed as Germans to massacre villages to turn people against Germans and spread the lies. People are tired enough, trust me. Russians shills here trying to paint Russian people as satisfied with the current day, are the same propagandists that tried to paint colonies as happy and satisfied with the Brits in 1770s
so what
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>Poor and single Russian QTS

Tell me more anon.
>not 50% weaker than the US
fucking kek.
>and they feel the same way.

>Lots of poor and single Russian QTs are going to be flooding over in 2017. Get hype.

They have aids.
I'm moving to Switzerland in case of a nuclear war if I cant I need to start digging a bunker.
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I'm sorry it has to be this way my Russian friends.I don't want to fight any of you.

that doesn't even make any sense u dolt
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Watch out for me in the woods. I'll be in the 3rd bunker on the right.
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The economy is crashing and the only way out is WWIII

This isn't good and not going to be fun. Remember the jews were responsible for 200 million deaths in the 20th century. I could see a billion people dying
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They didn't
They're a little rowdy but know how to have a good time.

Thy prefer white women though they don't see as many black ones in Russia. I'm sure they'll find wives.
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To fight Russia is to fight the Jewish real closest state
>the US having even the slightest difficulty with Finland, like we would actually want to step foot on your forest in the first place
>Finland being a russian ally when it comes to war with the US

LOL :^)
Just think about it not as WWIII but Fallout 5.
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>Literally what purpose would war with Russia serve besides killing white people?

to secure world order.

it is in the USes interest to uphold world order. it is only americans who are too fucking retarded to understand that are against the US increasing tensions with russia.
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Made by Victor Khomenko 200 watts into 4 ohms.. solid state one of the best stereo amplifiers on Earth and stronk as hell too... keeps cutting my legs every time I trip over the solid 1/4 inch aluminum face-plate..
plus Australia getting nuked because of an Russian and Britain agreement so move to one of the islands that isn't important like Tuvalu

This guy fucking destroyed Gavin back in the day.
It isn't in the interest of American citizens for the American government so succeed. Americans have no future under their current regime.
QTs = female

Why would they bring their sisters?
>The US has zero motive to engage in a conflict with Russia.
b-but they're e-evil

Barrel bombs!
In Russia the time all is war. Only the US is at war in a foreign land. Our military is better trained, we have more resources and better weapons. Americans are not a threat in open battle (the only danger, intrigue and spies).
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I'll take nationalist Israel over the leftist Jews infesting the west, over millions of whites killing each other again, and over any remaining white countries being flooded with the third world immediately following, again.


>wanting to die for nationalism as opposed to the globalist power brokers makes you a cuck
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I'm so sorry, Vlad.
in a way it is, for US companies that export goods would then employ more of them americunts, for demand(for goods) around the world will rise.
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If you don't know then don't answer kek.

Ever heard of the Amecicans? The plot is based on reality.

Ever heard of the KGB? They are literally trained to assimilate into our society while retaining allegeance to the Kremlin.

The Tsar was the friend of the USA and the Jews at the New York Times ran a smear campaign on him and propped up Communism in their rag constantly fucking over 100 years ago. Then the god damn kike who owned it and was an investor with one Mr. Goldman, who we all know as one of the founders of Goldman-Sachs, helped fund the fucking Reds.

Kikes in the media.
The US government has a policy of displacing, replacing and degrading and destroying their own population. There is no prosperity under their regime.

This applies to almost all other Western governments too.
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this is good as long that white people stay out of the fighting the blacks and tacos do crime get drafted go to Russia die
Russia get to kill black people
America lowers the nignog pop

If anything, we need to cut the cord from Israel and unite with Russia and the Visegrad states and deconstruct the UN.

I think we need to consider dropping another bomb too. On Mecca.
Actually my implication was that Russia wins and send soldiers who steal your women but I shouldn't be surprised that an American missed the subtext so widely should I?
>Only the US is at war in a foreign land. Our military is better trained, we have more resources and better weapons.
To fat.
Actually we have no chances against USA. But the war between Russia and USA will be disaster because I'm pretty sure it becomes WWIII
I said QTs. You gay or somethin?
Aside from White Christians in America seeing Jews as a chosen peoples from all the brainwashing, you have a rabbi straight up brainwashing them on Christian TV more by calling them Gentiles, you heard that right, they are literally brainwashing them to become good goy. All the pastors next to the rabbi(Schneider is his name) Nod and then say how Jesus was Jewish and that Jews are chosen peoples.

Not sure how a slave population fits into this, but it might show the game plan, I seem to be the only one noticing this.
are you fucking retarded?

the only reason western powers would take in migrants is to create more demand via turning the fucks into consumers.
Wellfare consumers?
Then you are a fool. They work together. Israel finances pro-refuge pro-mass migration groups in the West, because that's how they get Jewish settlers to Israel. And you won't be fighting much Whites if war with Russia to come true. Putin actively displaces ethnic Russians in Army High command, special forces and police with chechens, dagestanis, azeris and kabardians because he knows that they wouldn't hesitate to hunt ethnic Russians patriots and they won't pose a coup threat.
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Hello Putin,

Nobody in the US wants war with Russian only the international kikes wants war because they need an escape goat for the 20+ trillions they stole from us.
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A war between US and Russia wouldn't even be soldiers and tanks and guns. It would be nukes and missile defense system ecploding over canada.

RIP canada.
It would be the return of the European Reign in aftermath. Russian Federation would be crushed, USA would be wickened. There won't be any WMDs fired from both sides - just good old fashioned war. Time for a change
are consumers none the less. this is especially important if you run a service based economy.

I read somewhere that 1 usd spent on welfare, creates 1.67 usd in economic growth.

governments obviously exploit this.
The fucking Turkroaches did in the Caucuses and got their as kicked.
No, it will be the same as was described in Farnham's Freehold. Niggas (and mudslim) world. They will become kungz n shit because none of whites will oppress them no more.
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Australian military: 28,568 (Regular) 14,662 (Active Reserve)
US government is Israel and minorities rights protector in World, Russian government is Israel and mudslime defender in the world. The more each parties drain one another, the better. We need this war. Too biggest anti-White forces in the West are Russia and USA
jesus Fiji could practically take them
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