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It's over. Trump is finished. http://europe.newsweek.c

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It's over. Trump is finished.

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>A company controlled by Donald Trump, the Republican nominee for president, secretly conducted business in Communist Cuba during Fidel Castro’s presidency despite strict American trade bans that made such undertakings illegal, according to interviews with former Trump executives, internal company records and court filings.

>Documents show that the Trump company spent a minimum of $68,000 for its 1998 foray into Cuba at a time when the corporate expenditure of even a penny in the Caribbean country was prohibited without U.S. government approval.

>But the company did not spend the money directly. Instead, with Trump’s knowledge, executives funneled the cash for the Cuba trip through an American consulting firm called Seven Arrows Investment and Development Corp. Once the business consultants traveled to the island and incurred the expenses for the venture, Seven Arrows instructed senior officers with Trump’s company—then called Trump Hotels & Casino Resorts—how to make it appear legal by linking it after the fact to a charitable effort.
>At the time, Americans traveling to Cuba had to receive specific U.S. government permission, which was granted only for an extremely limited number of purposes, such as humanitarian efforts. Neither an American nor a company based in the United States could spend any cash in Cuba; instead, a foreign charity or similar sponsoring entity needed to pay all expenses, including travel. Without obtaining a license from the federal Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) before the consultants went to Cuba, the undertaking by Trump Hotels would have been in violation of federal law, trade experts say.

>A former Trump executive who spoke on condition of anonymity says the company did not obtain a government license prior to the trip. Internal documents show that executives involved in the Cuba project were still discussing the need for federal approval after the trip had taken place.

>OFAC officials say there is no record that the agency granted any such license to the companies or individuals involved, although they cautioned that some documents from that time have been destroyed. Yet one OFAC official, who agreed to discuss approval procedures if granted anonymity, says the probability that the office would grant a license for work on behalf of an American casino is “essentially zero.”
This is interesting, but it can easily be spun into talking about smarter trade regulations, not outright banning opportunities.

Normies won't care in the slightest though.

This is old news


It's fucking nothing.
It's spreading


Im american and I went to cuba 4 years ago before Obama even began to talk about opening trade and travel up. There are a few flights out of miami every day to cuba. It is far more open than most people know, understand, or believe. Fuck, my godmother has gone to cuba twice in 5 years.
Castro's a pretty cool guy though
You underestimate how many Cubans don't give a shit and will literally vote anything but democrat because of Kennedy and Bay of Pigs.

You underestimate how many Cubans who came from the revolution are business people and will just see this as a gringo being good at business.

>is cuban in florida
I should add.

Cubans didn't even give a shit when it was revealed that Marco Rubio had lied for years that his family fled the Communist Revolution, when in fact they fled year earlier (and were probably fucking commies themselves, as a result).

If you're Republican, they will vote for you.
next thing I know you'll be telling me rich people buy ambassadorships and FBI directors cover up crimes for politicians. Fuck outta here
Might be a big deal if Obama didn't already brag aboutimproving relations with Cuba part of his legacy.

Obama told us the embargo was stupid and trading with Cuba is a great thing. Trump agreeing with him can't possibly be a bad thing now.
I don't care, I just saw it in the news and I thought I'd post it, since no one else did.
What do people think that posting this information here will accomplish?
My honeymoon was in Cuba in 2013. The hardest part was convincing my wife it wasn't a dangerous place. She loved it. Excellent scenery, lack of obnoxious tourists at the hotel, and some of the best food I ever had.

The locals were very fucking nice to us.
Dunno, discuss it? Could be a big deal or maybe not.
This is the end of Trump's campaign for sure this time.
No one gives a shit about the Cuban embargo.
>Its okay when Trump breaks the law because it makes liberals look like hypocrites.
>grasping at straws
This just demonstrates how panicked Bill Clinton's machine is now.
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>he thinks trump wasnt faking this entire time to ensure clintons win

why do you think he's purposely been shitting all over his campaign for a week straight now? this is all part of the plan
I think this will basically make Trump's argument that Clinton broke the law weaker, if he is suspected to have broken the law too.
Good for Trump for violating such stupid and poverty inducing laws.
And I'm voting thrid party due to hard blue state and wish he wasn't the only thing standing in Hillary's way and thinks the majority of his platform is stupid and damaging to the US but is out of ignorance not malice like Hillary
>It's spreading
you mean it's orchestrated.
this, /pol/ backed the trojan horse and is paying the price will all the shitposting going on.
how many negative stories involving Trump are "orchestrated" and how can you tell?
Lol these hit pieces are getting desperate
No one will care while Obama wants to end the embargo.
i read conspiracy theories for entertainment, but this is just plain stupid.
Do you have any ridiculous reasons to believe such a thing?
I see now, you faggots are false flagging.
Well, yeah, considering how fast it is spreading, it looks orchestrated.
Listen here gypsie cocksucker. Here's your (You).
I said I don't care either way, I just posted the piece of news, that's all.

You guys discuss it, or ignore it.
That is a good thing. the only thing that defeats communism is capitalism. And there should be no embargo. and he will argue it that way.
>you faggots

Are you talking about CTR? I'm at work and I have class in two hours.
oh no, businessmen have shady dealing
oh no, they have offshore accounts

stop the fucking presses

we have life long politicians that have more direct influence and outcomes than the president ever could
The document seems very suspiciously specific.
>Here Mr Trump is the cost of our illegal trip to Cuba
>Also here is the cost of our casino gambling scheme, which for some reason is half of the illegal trip
If real it just seem to confirm it isnt a big deal at all to travel to Cuba, and just needs a technicality to be alright
Ay, fuck the Venezuelan diaspora coming in droves
>this much damage control
trumplerina's are so pathetic lool
Just speculation and what ifs in that article.
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If this is all they have, I'm worried about Hillary. To be honest, I thought it was fairly even. But this is clearly desperation.

Voters don't care about embargos
>lets only investigate who i dont like
>hur dur i dont have an argument so ill just call you names

your a naive shithead if you dont think every politician isnt being shady and dealing with offshore business tactics and these fake "charity" expenses

i swear some of these people dont even try to bait
you really corrected my record.
>1 post by this ID
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Wait, so the premise is Nobel Prize Winner Obama is celebrated universally for lifting the Embargo, but Donald Trump is a bad guy for violating an embargo that im sure not even the writer supported?

Havent read yet, but i just want a justification for this.
So... is paying expenses for a business trip considered 'doing business' with Cuba?

Indeed. Still 1/10 of hillarys transgressions.

If this all the skypes can bring to the table for hillary....well it wont be enough
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>omg drumpff broke the law we need to enforce it strictly.

Can't have it both ways, liberals.
Kek. This
Our embargo is so ridiculous maybe
The idea a US citizen cant travel to a country even if its from another country that allows it fucking stupid
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This is the best you shills have?

WRT the Cuba shit the MSM is shilling:

>In the late 1990’s, the Bill Clinton Administration was licensing and encouraging U.S. companies to take scouting trips to Cuba, with the hope they would return and lobby Congress to ease the sanctions that he codified into law in 1996

> http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/inatl/longterm/cuba/stories/econ072899.htm

>Trump's Hotel & Casino company hired a consulting firm, Seven Arrows Investment and Development Corporation ("Seven Arrows"), to do a scouting trip to Cuba in 1998

>In order to legally do this, Seven Arrows would need an OFAC license

They didn’t have one. That’s the only real issue here. Everything they did, even going to Cuba, was legal with said OFAC license.

That’s the violation. Trying to tie it back to Trump personally would require proof he was aware that the 3rd party consulting firm, 7 Arrows, didn’t have the necessary license before the fact.

Good summary:


It’s virtually certain that contract between Trump Hotels and Casinos and 7 Arrows had standard boilerplate requiring 7 Arrows to obtain all necessary licenses to do they work they contracted for.

Hillary babbles about putin while simult taking bribes to offload uranium to them.

But muh cuba
Hey CTR, if you push this narrative, we will make sure everyone in the country knows that Hillary was on the board of directors with a French industrial giant, Lafarge, who bought Oil directly from ISIS. They also supplied cement for ISIS to sell in Syria,. You CAN'T make this up.
>hurr it's justified if trump does it cuz those ebil bad men do it too >.<
Use the Hillary defense:

Without a conviction there is no crime

i see you're up on your current events there, (you).


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fucking kek

build a wall but around him o the ISR cant get him. fucking lol

he can build the wall in sole debt. what a fucking joke of a man.
I thought the trade embargo was bad.

I can't keep up with the Dems and their changing positions on everything.
/pol/ BTFO
I'm now #withher
Makes me think
Red pill me on treason
Is Cuba white
>can easily be spun into talking about smarter trade regulations, not outright banning opportunities
You mean like Obama and other Demarcates have said.



>Trump does a little business with Cuba

>Clinton steals $2 billion from Haiti

Which is worse?
>Normies won't care in the slightest though.
this sums up the entire election perfectly
ppl who cant vote dont care about embargos.

You are right in that.

the other citizens tax payers, will vote for their best option not the option you think its right becuase your dumb parents have teached you that.

You have only meet stupid and dumb ppl untill now becuase you come from a low income family.

and you will rise a low income family too. so thats why you think just like daddy and mommy,
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Finished in first place!


they were guest at each others weddings.

Now think about that, who are the people you're inviting to your wedding?

Some guy/girl you work with
Some guy/girl you went to school with



>Another pathetic hit job

I wonder what the msm will shit out to damage control the October surprise
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>July 28,2016
>July 28
More (((tricks)))
Most americans don't even know why there is a cuban embargo and won't care about this
>1 post by this ID
I worked at an airport and we saw thousands of Americans coming through to head down to Cuba.
I've brought over Cuban cigars from overseas before
Who cares? Everyone bought Cuban cigars.
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> This story runs
> Most people don't care, no one hates cuba these days, only feel sorry for them
> Cubans in Florida vote for Trump
> Trump wins Florida
> Florida swings the general election
you forgot to include what multiplicity of chess this is, texas
classic doublethink:
>cuba embargo is bad obama is getting rid of it
>b-but look drumpf violated it!!!
Florida is already a huge solid red as we have learned from the early voting.
Not even any evidence in the article of any wrongdoing. The (((author)))'s twitter blew up with people calling him on his bullshit too.
Please say its the very liberals that are hunting for negative trump articles calling the author out.

Also post his twitter.
Leftist cucks LOVE people who bravely fought the embargo
Trump did nothing wrong.
Kek, no. Only /pol/ actually believes the fucking "congress" Cubans.
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