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CRT using NSA tools

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Thread replies: 137
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Secure your networks faggots. CRT is coming for " the thought leaders. the meme-generators. the shit-posters." using NSA intrusion packages.
bumpity bamp make hillary snap.
so after over a year of abject failure in shilling operations, is CTR's new tactic to spam threads hyping themselves as omnipotent in hopes it will get anons paranoid about posting or something?
Even law enforcement have been denied from CTR's resources. Calling bullshit.
read the whole thing, its hysterical, they know the are outmatched.
Faroe Islands
>CTR attempts to use this package.
>Accidentally access the honey pot federal computer
>Door broken down in the middle of the night, bag over the head.
>Don't put me in gitmo, I was just trying to get them to give us free college.

If OP's story is true (and I have very serious doubts), they need to walk carefully. They have no clue how high up some regular /pol posters really are.
>story is true (and I have very serious doubts), they need to walk carefully. They have no clue how h
OP here, I can't prove it, i came across this and thought I should share.
How does a Super PAC have access to NSA technology? Isn't that illegal collusion with the government?

This seems highly illegal
How can they magic lantern us from a website? I know it's saying use IP but is this even possible that all of what they claim in that line of attack is able to happen?
even the most useless shitposters here are 100x more tech savvy than these CTR mongs. Theyre no match
Correct Record The?
Would be fun if some cucks got 20 years in federal prison for basically espionage on a goverment agency.

I mean its no mystery the alphabet soups are here to.

Would be a hillarious turn of events.

Any feds reading this please click CTR links, if only to make sure they are not linking bomb recipes
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report them to the FBI for hacking
basically this

thought the exact same thing

posting memes online and talking shit about Hillary Clinton isn't against the law, jfc
They're gonna threaten the livelihood of the top memers
>using NSA intrusion packages.

Thats a federal crime right there, put them all to prison under RICO
LOL, saw at least 20 guys reporting it to FBI, if they actually do something they might get really fucked. Imagine if CTR is the one to finally put Clinton in jail because of stupid obsession with internet shitposters
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As if some shitposting paid campaign is gonna sway my opinion. Fuck you CTR.
LOL Clinton's fucking lost it with the online trolls.
She took the b8 so hard she and the whole mainstream media are going after our memes. Just goes to show she's a corrupt bitch who controls the media with Soros. I'm laughing so hard, these fuckers will get their asses handed to them by shit posters.
I'm shaking in my boots, I hope they won't use IP address satellite analysis software microcodes to go after Australian shitposters.

I have a family and a frog to feed.
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>Implying we aren't all on a list already
Came across where?
>lets illegally dox autists on 4chan
>you know, the losers with nothing to lose

I dare them to dox me. The consequences will never be the same.
man, those people are fucking retarded. /pol/ rig the polls, so what? Why don't this guys just stop doing online polls? It's so stupid, they have all the mainstram media, they can just tell them "stop doing online polls", but no it's a much better idea to waste millions on the worst shitpost swamp of the internet and them when nothing works you try again and again and again...
they paid a lot of money to make those polls say Hillary won and they're butt hurt we deny them that
Even if they have the tools they don't fucking work on Windows

CTR is too faggy to use linux
You're talking about a lady who kept classified state department information on the same email server as her own charity, all physically and digitally accessible by people with no clearance.

Legality isn't really a thing they care about.

While it's almost certain that this is a hoax, I really wouldn't put it outside the realm of possibilities since it's all political back-scratching with Hillary. She knows a guy.
Lol I'm browsing in a private tab, good luck.
t. CEO of the alt-right
man, attacking /pol/ is so fucking stupid, why they don't waste the resources stopping /pol/ spread in Twitter or Facebook, /pol/ isolated is not a danger, /pol/ is only dangerous when we spread in the normie social media.
Hey you know those /fit/ political right wing people who are armed to the teeth, lets go get em!
exactly. Cut off the head, remove the top memers, and it never gets to social media. It just stays a circle jerk of reposts
I know some /pol/acks that have top secret clearances, system compromise from such tools are considered acts of war in some cases.
if these fucking idiots are seriously doing this they are going to get their door busted down it's really only a matter of time lol.
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>thought leaders

This entire board is one homogenous entity, people are nowhere near as retarded as they used to be. the entire population of pol understands subversion far beyond our ancestors.

I give no fucks, out me NSA.
Btw this is fake as fuck, some autist role playing shit
Yeah, I don't think there's any way that's real, as much as I'd like it to be

If you've seen how morons in a business chat type, they speak nothing like that.
Man, if they try something with someone in /pol/ the following will happen:
>CTR try to DOX/hurt/intimidate a /pol/ member(after the leak people know how they act)
>guy posts it here
>/pol/ goes mad with CTR, start revenge
>war with CTR creates noise on the internet
>Styx/RamZ/other YouTuber picks story
>Molymeme/Alex Jones pick story
>shit spreads to YouTube, everybody attacking CTR and Clinton
>normies being redpilled in the thousends, all of them going to /pol/
>CTR gets image of mafia/crime organization
>/pol/ gets stronger

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>that conversation

We must end them.
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And what the fuck does CTR think they're going to do by doxxing us?

1. They can't do any legal actions against us. Obtaining info illegally cannot be used in court.

2. If they plan on visiting our homes to "pay us a visit", then they better come with heavy fuckin' artillery because most /pol/lacks are armed and ready to defend themselves.

The worst they could do is tell our employers about our 'rayciss posts' on an anonymous Chinese basket-weaving enthusiasts forum. Most of the top meme'rs are probably NEETS anyways...

This whole thing smells of a shitty psyop that is trying to scare away Trump supporters.
relevant in the train crash?
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All you mongs who clicked on that worldwide.vote website just got yourself on their list

I knew that thing was a honeypot

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>visiting our homes to "pay us a visit"
yup this is exactly it.. js dom html5 storage writing isn't used for rootkits it's used for browser fingerprinting and tracking across websites
you're an idiot
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they can't dox anyone. they're spamming this chan to make all the plebbit idiots here that refuse to do a simple google search paranoid
What are they doing?

It's like an army going to war and then ordering their troops to shoot all of their bullets into the ground.

They can't win a war against memes because there's nothing there to fight.
Oh no they got my ip address

Too bad it changed yesterday

>CTR nu-male knocks on your door

e-excuse me sir, but you have been posting some DANGEROUS and PROBLEMATIC memes
p-please stop
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Even if fake and gay, this is entertaining
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Go fuck yourselves CTR
What is with all the role-playing bullshit this year?
Let's find the ctr then. Post their addresses, post their actions, shitposts etc.
CTR is just /pol/'s boogeyman.
The levels of desperation are actually comical, aren't they?

The mass suicides when Trump is elected is going to be great.
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>scared a few elite haxxor cucks might learn your super secret ip address
Who gives a shit. More likely than not it's just a scare tactic
sauce please?
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Also some anons posted CTR's address a while back if someone still has it, share it.
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This is fake leak bullshit designed to scare people into stopping their contributions on the chans. They can't do shit, they are all nu male cucks I dare them to come to me in real life.
Was that the one on google maps that was an empty lot?
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Shit bro i also used ip backtracing and found this gem
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When your IP from your ISP is dynamic.
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>ctr shill detected
>implying hacker known as 4chin isnt backtracing the rgb sequence of the pixels to your ip
LOL ctr is really getting lazy nowdays guys
I'm not sure desu I only gave it a quick glance at the time. In hindsight I should've saved it.
I believe it was in PA though but I'm not 100%
One might go as far as saying they'll be done goofd
But would they be back traced?
My Mosin-Nagant is ready for their ugly fucking faces.
Hell I recall being on /new/ back in the day through govt intranet. I can only imagine the outpouring of rampant buttfuggery should they pull bullshit
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The CIA backs ISIS I could see this happening, but it's not happening.

CTR is a shilling group, they want this narative pushed for whatever reason

were the NSA tools not leaked just last month?
Did he make it?
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Ya, he later became a comedian or something.
Pic related
They don't know how to use them, and the tools aren't for websites. Things like Cisco router exploits were what's released.
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It will be nice to have visitors, I haven't seen another human being in weeks
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If some CTR sponsored scum knocked on my door I'd cunt punt that faggot so hard it'd turn his outie into an innie. Come at me you mongs, got my sharpened spoon at the ready!
im a real human being. wanna play ask me ask you?





Yeah there's like 4 threads about this right now. Weird. And there's a dude in this thread who claims it's real with no evidence.
I haven't had a real conversation in 6 years

It's so full of logical holes to me I don't believe a word of it. Even if it leaked technology it is still not meant for public use and american tax payer dollars were used to create it. They'd literally be using stolen technology to spy on people for trolling too hard and risk prison.

Just doesn't make sense.
sorry m8, but im gonna have to report that.
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It's a bunch of Linux scripts, one being the Cisco backdoor program (still using shitting linksys faggot) and a phone cmd exe like thing that is probably a plug in with xkeyscore to GPS locate phones and what not (aka useless).

From what I remember when they were leaked, they need to be used in an "Ops Server" whenever they were done with an Op they were to remove them. The just was the NSA got so fucking lazy they just left them there. I bet you anything either Snowden stole them before his leak or he told someone (Shadow Brokers) where they could find them.
Oh no, they will dox me, all the friends i dont have will stop talking to me, the girlfriend I dont have will leave me, i will get fired from the job I dont have, and have to move back into the basement i am already living in.
Now that it's exposed, if they go through with it and people start getting doxxed -- what do they think the end result will be? Do they really think we don't fuck back? The difference is that they can only escalate so far, they're trying to rob a gun store with a baseball bat.
Ask me why I should give a fuck if some shills know who I am? I don't exactly hide my power level.

In the full transcript they talk about keeping the lab on lockdown and "do we have to order from we the pizza".

It sounds to me like they're in a government facility that only allows certain delivery food. The lab is probably the computer lab. God = Obama and Heaven = the whitehouse.

I just googled we the pizza, it's on Pennsylvania Avenue.

I mean, it's just so obvious that this is Obama's cyber hackers it can't be true. From peppered use of the word sir in the chat indicating government level discipline to the fucking shoehorned mention of a pizza place near government buildings, it's just too convenient.

Fake and gay.

>$0.02 has been deposited in to your account. Thank you for correcting the record!

This man is an impostor. I am the real Milo!
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Suck my cock CTR
yeah, okay, CTR
How do I protect myself?
CTR members are known. We can not just dox them but also make their lives pure hell.

Instance, I bet they have some muslims working there, so that's as easy as a phone call.
Any married fatty I can call their home and apologize to the husband for giving them VD (your choice).
install gentoo
We should find their discord servers and get in it so we can post rare pepe's for our new friends.
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make sure your IPs don't share some pattern CTR

I'll eat you alive

check out my thread for more info on how these CTR n00bs got pwned hacked
shitposters are international, you cant stop us, if you tried, you put to much heat in yourself, so go ahead, be my guess.

I guess the ICANN going to UN control is part of the crackdown against us.

I do believe its possible, i just dont believe they are stupid enough to do it.
Plot twist:

I AM running gentoo
like I give a fuck, I can still travel to the States
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>doxx them
eat shit ctr faggots. doxx my gay asshole

ctr doxx:
pic related


I've reached the point where I no longer care if they find me. I'll never bother with a proxy, and at this point the only measure I'll bother taking is just not using my real name.
If they came after me I'd just be happy that I did enough for them to consider me a threat.
if they come after me they'll have to dig through terabytes of porn and anime and anime porn on my computer to find personal info and then what? call my mom and tell her i say mean things on the internet?

What are they gonna do anyway? Call my non-existant wife and say I had an affair? Send me pizzas? Freeze my non-existant bank account? Show up in person and get shot? Please do.

I didn't know the NSA still used old cathode ray tube monitors.
Did he died?

What shit hole country is this?
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Nice work
Just found this image to go with it
This. /pol/ has gotten so paranoid over the CTR stuff that any opinion other than the "right" opinion has to be shutdown with cries of "shill! Shill!" rather than just putting up an argument. Besides, the CTR staff arent paid very well, so why would we spend all our time on /pol/? It would be smarter for the CTR to just go to reddit and jump on those message board. CTR is a myth
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Bring it THE FUCK ON CTR. This is my real face.
>hopes it will get anons paranoid about posting

there are too many, they want to grab 500 people thats not even a drop of the people shitposting nonstop

basically you only have to say something once and it lives forever

total idiots
>They have no clue how high up some regular /pol posters really are.

basically this, they're going to start doxxing intelligence spooks? sounds cromulent

this whole shebang is Hillary getting setup, someone just has to catch CTR using this shit and document it and the whole thing goes down like the hindenberg, this is America, they're only so much bullshit people will take, you need staff in newsrooms, when an op like this goes down they will have a prescripted narrative waiting at the media centers, anything with too much info too early is hiding a crime, I hope those CTR kids realize what they're fucking with, jailtime won't be fun when they get caught not to mention being considered treasonous betrayers of democracy

these people are disgusting
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I am a thought leader and meme generator, CTR. I generate all the pepes and guide these lost anons into voting for Trump. Find me, see what the FUCK happens.

they're talking about murdering you, probably via drone strike, covered by a BLM riot
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Bap would've sounded better than bamp
I think it's funny hilldog is fighting a fucking anon image borad like just think about that for a min. It's a fucking frog that changes once a year
>someone just has to catch CTR using this shit and document it and the whole thing goes down like the hindenberg, this is America, they're only so much bullshit people will take, you need staff in newsrooms, when an op like this goes down they will have a prescripted narrative waiting at the media centers, anything with too much info too early is hiding a crime, I hope those CTR kids realize what they're fucking with, jailtime won't be fun when they get caught not to mention being considered treasonous betrayers of democracy
>these people are disgusting
Lets say you are high up. If the MSM covered this openly and fairly and it would disarm the people angry at the MSM.

But most of the people here are the deplorables angry at the MSM and they've already lost their trust. It would take huge reform to gain it back. The system of control is breaking down and the politicians need to have non-partisan discussion with the people. Calling us tinfoil hats doesn't work anymore.

There is alot of fear mongering going on and if both of the candidates disarmed their own voters it would defuse this shit. The left won't do that, they are content to pretend to be angels and call us all sorts of names and smear shit on us every day. At the end of the day the left prefers political suppression to some issues that need consensus. And many many many people are getting pissed off about he far-left getting in their faces.
no wonder they're so shit, it's all women
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Damn CTR is getting really scared. I think we are real close to something big boys. Good job keep it up
How many people post here
please don't tell me anyone thinks this is real

did you niggers even read the chat log

David Brock is not praising the Trump campaign with every breath
>What do you think this is, the Trump campaign?
>his charisma is too much

if you've ever met an anti-trump voter you know for a fact none of these things would ever come out of their mouths

please stop being retarded
>Open notepad
>Write literally anything
>Dumb fucks here will believe it
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(((CTR))) must be one of the toughest jobs in the world, trying to sell such defective merchandise!
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CTR is gonna find the original kermit meme we corrupted to become pepe and crucify its creator (which was a transwoman, for those who don't know)

Can anyone point me to the article btw where the clueless 40 year old "culture" writer said pepe was kermit?

>Israel is on Trump's side
>Israeli Mossad notices their NSA tools are being used by Hillary
>Mossad reverse-hacks CTR and places 40,000 emails detailed transactions with ISIS and Al-Qaeda onto their servers

Truly, Merchant, you ARE our greatest ally!
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No laws for shadow government employee's hillary rank and hire.
would require the fbi to prosecute... they don't prosecute new world order shills unless they become loose ends of course, then it is convenient suicide time.
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