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/sg/ Syria General - Tired of this war edition

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 315
Thread images: 84

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Everything you need to know

>Newest Interviews w/ Assad

>Live hohol with ticker
>Interactive military map
>Timeline map of Syria

>Fan maps

>Latakia Sept 9
>East Ghouta 2 September
>West Ghouta 18 September
>North Aleppo City September 24
>Shirqat September 24
>South West Aleppo September 24
>North Hama September 24

Developments Sept. 30
>US deploys troops near Aleppo City
>Explosive belt malfunction kills 16 ISIS terrorists
>Saudi Arabia could threaten to pull billions from US economy, hinder military base access
>No-fly zone would ‘require war with Syria and Russia’ – top US general
>U.S. weighs tougher response to Russia over Syria crisis: officials
>Kerry threatens to cut off all contacts with Russia over Syria, unless Russian and Syrian bombardment of Aleppo ends

South Front 29-9, US deploys soldiers dangerously close to Aleppo city - https://youtu.be/mpIvajib3fg
What's REALLY Happening in Syria (by SyrianGirlPartisan) - https://youtu.be/JCy_zFSM498
>US To Suspend Syria Diplomacy With Russia, Prepares "Military Options"


It's over lads. been fun while its lasted. see you in the Greater Israel!
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“To your descendants I give this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the Euphrates…”
(Genesis 15:18)
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third for jews
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Greater Israel when
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did someone say holocaust?
fugg :DDD
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God yes

Genocide of Shia rats when?
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Shit, many sources saying that Kindi Hospital is under control, other saying that FSA/Nusta launch a counter-attack and other that the fight inside of the hospital are still on going.
So how does the US justify helping the (((moderates))) ? Do they have some kind of corrupted institution saying who's a good guy and who's not, or do they just fund foreign support ?

how can yellow still exist if surrounded by 2 enemy forces
>usa will go to war against russia to protect al qaeda
Wew. Who would have guessed this after 9/11.
Don't forget your hazmat suite and iodine.
(((The United States of America)))
So it's probably the latter
Because YPG may be shit, but the sheikh maqsoud YPG are based
They helped the SAA besiege east Aleppo
>enemy forces
By trying to stay kind of neutral.
(((Draining Israel's neighbor [[[whose land it occupies]]] of wealth, industry and manpower by means of perpetual civil war)))
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>handarat camp
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is tiger top or bottom?
They have a vetting process for direct supplies by CIA et al., but they don't care who the vetted rebels ally with, and they don't have a good control over where the arms go after they reach vetted rebel hands. They also turn a blind eye to the activities of regional funders like Turkey, Qatar, Saudi.

Not to mention there have been instances of "moderate" activities by vetted groups (nour al din al zenki, a CIA vetted group, beheaded a child on camera, and I think they recently joined a jihadist coalition.)
Here is a documentary about them if you are interested

They are neutral but currently aligned with the syrian government. Their supply line goes through government territory.
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"Tiger Forces" fully retreated from Tayyibet, North Hama.
Rebels claim to control 99% of North Hama.


Let me ruin your assadist circlejerk
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>#BREAKING Saudi warns of 'disastrous consequences' over US 9/11 law


>post yfw Saudis knock the World Trade Center again
Holy fuck I've been following this war from the beginning, fucking end already. For fucks sake at this point the war will never end, and I will perpetually have blueballs for the conclusion of this war, whether SAA loses or wins. It's like when a show you really like gets cancelled after a massive cliffhanger and you are stuck in the current story line for eternity.
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>The Department of Defense is preparing to dispatch 615 more U.S. troops to Iraq to help government forces oust ISIS from the city of Mosul, the White House announced Wednesday.
Barack "No Ground Troops" Obama.

They don't justify it, they just keep doing it.

There's been a blackout about it since people started calling them on the "moderate" bullshit.
oh, interesting. Will watch.
And do they also bomb the SAA or do they keep it to ISIS ?

Because that's what we do iirc.
I doubt saudis can do anything right now, they have enough financial problems.
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>#BREAKING Trump warns of 'disastrous consequences' over Saudi 9/11 involvement

>post yfw Trump has CIA train the Houthis again
Why do they blow cheeks?
These fan maps are wrong in so many ways...
Because cheek filled with khat.
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>Has gay pictures stored on his PC
>Calling someone else a faggot
>And do they also bomb the SAA?
They did just a few weels ago in Deir-Ezzor.
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A couple of villages captured.

FSA rebels with support of Turkish army seized Uwaylin village south to Al Rai from ISIS.

Uwaylin, Ghurur, Ziyadihay
Ignore flag, Im not Mark.

The war seems to be in a dead lock, and by the simple fact that no single killing may bring down ISIS, FSA, Al-Nusra or the Kurds, however the death of Assad would destroy, totally, the SAAs efforts.

So it almost seems like the SAA is destined to lose and collapse as by pure chance Assad will sadly be killed or driven to exile.

Can anyone convince me otherwise? I really hope the SAA retake the east.

Fuck off Mark
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Jihadist scum is gonna get BTFO'd
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>Ignore flag, Im not Mark.
Sup mark, how is prison?

'Kill Bag-daddy' - Hillary Clinton (2016)
The US establishment is not a monolith. A lot of the bureaucrats in the Agency and the DoS and DoD are necons and internationalist liberals. Read: people who still think in terms of Russia = gommunism = bad, and people who believe the US should impose its liberal values on the world) They are driving all the propaganda, and the support for the moderates.

They either believe strengthening the terrorists is preferable to leaving a Russian ally in place, or really believe their own "moderate" shtick.

Then there are the realists or reformed internationalists like Obama (yes, really), who just want to keep the US out of the mess as much as they can and keep dragging their heels. But the US president is not all powerfull; he has the deep state trying to pull him into a war.
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There is one fag from Jersey who is familiar with /sg/ and especially Mark, and that is Mark.
t. Ahmed

Go catch some barrel bombs bub
Wasn't that in response to some britfag "journalist's" article claiming thousands of Iraqi Shiites assembled in a town controlled by moderate headchoppers?
With made up nonsense like Assad gassing people and painting anyone who is opposed to eternal warfare as MINIONS OF PUTIN
Im not mark

just answer the question, how can SAA win when over a long enough timeline Assad will be killed or driven in exile, and when that happens the SAA will collapse. I support the SAA but it just seems like it'll take far too long to retake all of the land they've lost (if they even have the man power capable), and even then they'd be incapable of handling the inevitable insurgencies.
Yeah, in Al 'Eis
>I really hope the SAA retake the east.
Of course they will.
Everyone post your rare Marks
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fucking retards
guys does anyone knows what happen to Nikita

Well Mark, both sides are exaust to the bone but so far Assad have the upper hand. ISIS is destroyed so isn't a treat actually, PMU only can BTFO, come on.

And Assad will stay, that was a fact since the last year.

He's gone out of here since Colorado dox him
Confirmed for mark
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now is the time for russia to move additional troops into syria.
its the correct time, its the only time.
the us is already preparing for a shift in policy, theyre not backing down from syria as long as it seems defenseless.
now is the time, before hillary gets elected and while theyre still good with turkey.
but theyre cucks and probably will let assad lose more territory and have to relocate from aleppo to hama etc etc
hello i am marks evil twin brother and i am a neo-crusader, praise mary full of grace!

we will retake the holy land! PRAISE BE TO CHRIST

1 Samuel 15:3,8 Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy everything that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.'
What're they gonna do, jack the oil price up?

Man, I've just been waiting for an excuse to send a Tomahawk missile up the King's ass. I dare you you fucking savages. No one will complain if you jack up the oil price and everyone bombs the fuck out of you.
What makes you think Assad will die? Its not 2013 anymore, the government will not collapse. Aleppo battle is more to decide if Syria will be balkanized, even if SAA is defeated there, they are no risk of collapsing in Damascus.
>dox him

Nah that retard just posted a video where he was burning Russian flag, and channel name was Nikita Sadkov or something, not much of a dox as much of him being retard he is.
shame i got good laughs from his posts
Obama actively avoids striking the Syrian Army no matter how many people insist he should. Even before the Russians showed up, he knew they were fighting Jihadists and it doesn't help America in the slightest to kill the people killing Jihadists.
Now, that is a rare.
Fuck off proxy/fag

Hi Minnesota :^)
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today somebody told me Russia is going to strike in East Aleppo and win the war

is USA finally fucked?
wtf i love the channel isles now
>Assad will be killed or driven in exile
>not mark actually believes this
That was a bait'n switch. ISIS advanced, FSA swept around and behind them and cut them off.

The FSA never does manuevers like that itself, I don't believe they have the mental capacity. They must be under direct Turkish command.
Insha'Allah. But I doubt it'll happen in our lifetimes.
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There is a weird lack of Minnesota posts recently, i wonder who is behind this post..
freshly entered jets have been spotted last week
>US deploys troops near Aleppo City
What the fuck why? The only reason is to prevent Russia from accurately bombing their targets. America is literally protecting (their very own and trained) terrorists.

Seriously, fuck USA
>over a long enough timeline Assad will be killed or driven in exile
What exactly do you base this statement on?
Hopefully spetsnaz finally took him out.
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Daily reminder that namefags should be purged from this thread.
>There is a weird lack of Minnesota posts recently,
what are you talking about? i'm always here
Countryside general we miss you come back to us :^)
chilebro looks handsome as fuck 2bh fampai

He went full denial on the Telegram on hours ago
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>Namefags are the sole reason this thread exist

Purge them all!!
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/SG/ I have to discuss how the United States successes (LOL) and failures to defeat ISIS, the current strategy, and major challenges.

The way I have seen it so far the US military drops off guns for (((moderate))) rebels but they lose their way into ISIS hands and the US acts as ISIS's air force by bombing brave Syrian Army soldiers. And lastly the United States had a hand in creating ISIS with the large power vacuum after pulling out in Iraq and destroying Libya, with Clinton and Obama being the mother and father of ISIS.

Any recommendations to articles would be appreciated
Yep I think so

>Rebels will defend this
Now Im glad Im not on the Telegram
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>rebels will rush through aleppo and into deir haffer
The simple fact that he has so many people out to kill him and the longer time goes on the more likely his assassination is. I mean, where can Assad be that is absolutely 100% safe?

I feel like balkanization is the only thing that can possibly happen, the SAA would simply be incapable of advancing into the east while dealing with extreme insurgency at home and in newly reclaimed territories with their depleted manpower.

ISIS is getting its ass handed to it in Iraq and in the north east, but still the final push to drive them out of the south and reach deir ezor is far away.

Just chance. So many people want to kill assad and where is totally safe for him to stay while still rule?
he looks like your common shitskin.
Basically this >>90901283

I believe the Deir Ez Zor bombing (>>90900691) was the result of an intentional sabotage by strictly anti-assad factions within the U.S. against pro-diplomacy factions
I've posted this a few times, but I bet most of you still don't know. I have very reliable intel that the french foreign legion is scheduling all of it's regiments for combat deployment in libya next year.

Smarter people than me will be able to figure out what this means for the region as a whole.
poor guy will go full mental when this war finishes
This is South Front being intentionally misleading as always.

Look at a map. They're not deployed via the Idlib supply line, they're in Azaz and Marea helping the Turks. There's a line of YPG between them and the Syrian Army. It will get interesting though when the rebels advance around them to the south and hit SAA lines. Many of the rebels the Turks have deployed there are veterans of the fighting in Aleppo against Assad, I have no idea what they'll do when they get there.

Honestly I've wondered for a long time if that Affrin YPG advance to cut the rebel route from Azaz to Aleppo was ordered by the US because it helps the Americans divide the battlefield - it keeps the Jihadists in Aleppo away from the FSA at the border so the US and the Turks have exclusive influence over them, and allows the US and Turks to safely deploy their troops without JFS showing up from Idlib to kill them.
Wait, what?

It's not like it's completely unrealistic, but given how much time has passed since the war has begun and how many opportunities there were to do that, it's not a likely scenario at this point.
> I have very reliable intel that the french foreign legion is scheduling all of it's regiments for combat deployment in libya next year.


>Smarter people than me will be able to figure out what this means for the region as a whole.
Probably secure the oil fields, so they can be pumped and transfered safely.
This was a lie. They have no proof at all. But Putinfags would LIKE to believe it.
They're moving troops to "safer" grounds.
Messing aroung in Lybia is much quieter in terms of public opinion, and Hollande's term is coming to an end, and the campaign is about to really start.
What is it about /sg/ that creates so many namefags?

I mean I only adopted this name recently after being called a CIA shill so many times. Everyone else....I have no idea why.
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Theres a VERY VERY interesting article here

Posted by an american /sg/ poster few days back. It is now deleted on that website because of a comment by the original authors (sofrep.com, a paid site) but is still available on the Internet Archives
No but my point is, for any enemy of assad, killing him is easier to weaken the SAA to the point of near total collapse than to actually beat him in conventional war.
that's not even a bad back

no way that's onur with the shitposting hours he puts in here
I made the pastebin and wordpress
At first it was nesesery to organize threads, wordpress and paste bin.

Now it's just for banter purposes.
no shit
everybody knows Holland licks Haftar dick for the oil
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Thank you very much just the kind of article I was looking for

I was joking when i put the name, but i forgot to erase it, that's how Chilebro borned
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>obligatory rural ralph
I don't have any regarding the libyan deployment itself, I could post some stuff to prove I have a source inside the legion but that might link back to him so I probably won't do it. You'll just have to take my word at it and wait to see what happens in the next year.

Do you know more than I do frankbro?
Now try and logically think about possible scenarios of how that could actually happen.
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you are all narcissistic cunts not accustomed to 4chan culture
Elaborate please
I'm not him,kek
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Every time I try to understand what the fuck is going on Syria, I simply get brainfucked and get just become more confused
I can't

*drop satellite communications*
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What did they mean by this?!?
Most US weapons shipments go to the Iraqi Army and the Peshmerga. A select few, though only of small arms, go to the YPG. Arab SDF units get direct support. Some FSA groups, ones with the stated intention not to create an Islamist Syria, are given small arms and TOW missiles - since more than half of all rebel fighters are Islamists/Jihadists, this isn't that many, and in most cases the Saudis or Turks do the supplying rather than the CIA.

So far, only a couple of TOWs have ever fallen in Jihadist hands - and, since the US has no tanks for them to shoot at, they ended up used against the SAA anyway. The TOW program is actually extremely successful, far more successful than the effort to actually protect the secular rebels from the Jihadists.

To say the US is ISIS's airforce would be to ignore the thousands upon thousands of bombs they've dropped on them and the thousands of ISIS members they've killed, the oilwells blown up, the tankers destroyed and the leaders killed. The only ISIS bigshot they haven't killed yet is Al Baghdadi - the rest of the 'original crew' have all died from US airstrikes, commando raids, or those by its allies.
>keeps the Jihadists in Aleppo away from the FSA at the border so the US and the Turks have exclusive influence over them

Hadn't thought of it that way. Since the U.S. has mostly worked with the other canton group, I always imagined that was just the Afrin troops seizing the opportunity to get closer to the other cantons (with no protests from Assad since they are now a buffer against Azaz rebels).

At some points /sg/ was much lower in activity and it was useful for organization purposes
someone detonates a gigantic explosion near where he is, there may be a coup, he could be killed by a turncoat soldier...etc

I also feel like Assad and the SAA rely on the ideological belief of Syrian unification (and thats understandable, but not achievable), which means they must absolutely retake land from the FSA, Al-Nusra, ISIS and Kurds meaning if in victory, there'll be hundreds of thousands who'll want him dead. Will he hide forever?

The situation he's in is really depressing for me, I feel like its hopeless without a total genocide which would be stopped by the UN/US immediately.
Well its a smaller community than /pol/
Older posters recognize some posters by flag and post style even without name

I dont really have a big problem with namefagging tbqh
/sg/ is a unique egoist subset of /pol/, though very much still /pol/.

No one uses these names outside this thread, except when I forget to delete it.
Not really, but they've been talking about Lybia for a while now, so moving forces from Syria to there isn't exactly surprising.
The carrier group just finished the sea trials for the FCAS, now they'll just qualify some new pilots and if it doesn't break again we should start bombing from the sea in a couple months, and that will be more than enough to keep up with our ISIS killing quotas
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What is a leppo?

I used it for the China Happening or any /latpol/ thread, in the rest of 4chan i don't use it
This song is fucking cool as fuck.


from Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq youtube account (Iraqi Shia paramilitary, for those who dont know)
>States wants to stir the oil market pot
>Tells a branch of the al quaeda and the muslim brotherhood to shake up the middle east
>Muslim brotherhood goes for the middle east plus europe
>ISIS is created
>CIA tries to mossad Assad
>Fails miserably
>installs a civil war
>Domino effect installs
>Proxys are created
>Various groups join each side
>Russian decides to help assad for influence in the middle east
>US decides to keep up the war rolling and supply whoever is against Assad, also pulls its hand and tell the turks to stir the pot even more
Russia and Assad starts winning
>US starts to become worried and Calls their puppets(ONU)
>Russia doesnt give a fuck and keeps bombing the "moderates".
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Your namefaging is only thing stoping me fro saying:

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Ah yes, the good old White Helmets.

>someone detonates a gigantic explosion near where he is
You need to smuggle explosives inside Damascus and close to the president. I'm plenty of sure that the security is tight enough there, considering Assad is even being bodyguarded by Best Koreans.

>there'll be hundreds of thousands who'll want him dead
I don't think you fully understand what you're talking about, but the fact is that even the dumbest rebel commander understands that when all your ties to outside funding are cut, you won't be able to make a successful coup or start another civil war.

>I feel like its hopeless without a total genocide which would be stopped by the UN/US immediately.
See, the fact that the US is getting more and more butthurt over Aleppo mean exactly that Assad is winning and he's winning something that's very valuable in countering him.
The US slowly digging it's own grave with this war, so to speak, with the way they're acting.
I think it's a happy coincidence, I'm just spouting conspiracies. The US doesn't have much contact with the YPG in Affrin because of the Turks' reservations, and I doubt the Pentagon would order them to attack rebels funded by the CIA. We know the PYD want to create a contiguous state, I imagine it was simple opportunism that just worked out for the US in the end.

If they did do it, it would be brilliant, but I've no proof, and I regularly discredit Russian claims for lack of proof out of hand despite the conspiracies floating about, so to nto be a hypocrite, I'll chock my theory up to wishful thinking.
They're moving all regiments in though. Previously I believe they had only the special forces deployed in Syria.

My source also said the sentiment in the french civilian population is reaching race war/crusade levels soon if something is not done. True or not?
Why is it stopping you? Never stopped anyone before.
Used to post as ChristmasTree back when I was one of the few arabs who could translate, but I abandoned the the name after /sg/ was flooded with other arabs.
It's also way comfier to post as anon.
>someone detonates a gigantic explosion near where he is
He is well protected by intelligence services, its unlikely to happen unless USA decides to airstrike him.

>there may be a coup
Unlikely at this point.

>he could be killed by a turncoat soldier...etc
I doubt they let any possible defector near him, he is surrounded by the most loyal soldiers only.

50% of the memes posted here are made by me.
Yes, I remember you.
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Or this neat Harakat al-Nujaba track

I dunno. I like my name. I'm one of the only explicitly pro-US posters, it makes me feel like a supremely cheeky troll, coming in here and shitting up an echochamber.
Namefags are fucking cancer.
Cuz even if your opinin differs, it's nice not to constantly cirklejerk, while having analitical rational arguments.
Unlike countryside general.

And "leaf" argument was made because of oblious canadian shipostin, so that everyone can ignore shity bait argument from canadians, but now it have become a tool to deflect or evade even normal arguments.

Atleast with namegay you have, i know that you are not ordinary shitposter/shill, but someone who posted here before.
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>t. a namefag
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Semi related video to the namefagging discussion that everyone's having.

I should definatly proof read more often, or people are going to remember my shity spelling pattern.
you are a skinny boy, not a man. i will fuck your tiny jewish asshole
Well maybe there are some actual assets that require protection there. But such a move is quite surprising when you're this close to become a candidate again.

As for the public opinion, there's a vocal minority agains bombing because >muh civilians, but most people are ok with it. I doubt a lot of them are actively pro war though, they just want to be safe.
Pretty good

I'm surprised no one from Serbia turned it into a shitty pop/folk Serbian song yet
who's the guy in the video?
Is moot dead?
What namefag discussion?
Funny thing, that wasn't the land God gave the ancient Israelites (whom you have nothing to do with t b h), in fact David was a good friend to the Lebanese, unlike yourselves.
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Here is the picture of his ID my source sent me. I censored 95% of it to protect his identity but it should serve as proof that I have a legitimate source in the legion and my information is real.

For anyone confused, my source has told me there is going to be full regimental deployment of the legion in libya within the next year.
He looks like a fucking loser
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Worse. He works for jewgle now.
>US deploys troops near Aleppo City

Wait wat?
>deploying the French legion in Libya
for what purpose
oh snap
>video of the American UAV claimed down by #Mosul by ISIS

>there is going to be full regimental deployment of the legion in libya within the next year.
I guess it's time to fly to France and try my luck.
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See my post about this misleading line:

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>that "history" lesson
Probably to secure the coastline in an effort against "refugee" smugglers.
Hohol map: Turkish tanks massing for advance to Akhtarin.

Yes, Dabiq soon.
Takes quite a bit of training before getting deployed
No hate symbols pls
He thinks it is the president's last resort to buy back public opinion before the next election, but he doesn't know a lot.

You want to kill sandniggers that bad?
Al-Masdar News


Syrian Air Force foils ISIS offensive before it begins https://aml.ink/452kb
Photo published for Syrian Air Force foils ISIS offensive before it begins
Yusha Yuseef @MIG29_

Breaking Military source :
>Syaf & Ruaf reple ISIS attack on Kanaser Road befor it starts, by Many airstrikes on 5 bomb cars in Etshaneh town
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why are k*rds pro-trump?
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1 hour ago: 8 more pkk terrorists killed by Turkish Forces.
what does this pic say?
Abrahams descendants also include arabs.
Killing assad would put his brother in charge.... his brother would genocide pretty much every city in rebel hands
That's not a k*rd, that's a burger.
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Today in Syria
Hmm, maybe bashar must go then
Really makes you think.
Learn turkish
turkey is beacon of hope of both turkic world and muslim world.
>tfw usa will never have a president as good as obama again
Thanks for the map.
What happens is Turks reach Aleppo

How are pockets like northern Homs and especially Deir ez Zor resisting ? What about their supply lines ?

Is Aleppo the major turning point of the war ?
That's a sweet map, Allepo Now!
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>Turks reach Aleppo
They wont. Their interest lies in blocking a Kurdish state on their border

Deir ez-Zor is famous here. Theyre supplied via the airstrip and UN/Russian supply air drops

Cheers m8s
I thought that JFS have split from Al Qaeda mainly so that they can avoid conflict with the Americans and allies?
I can't help but think the only reason they hired him is as an analyst to explain and deconstruct 4chan culture and posting patterns

which city?

Fuark, I want to see some HD combat footage from the turks but nothing good so far

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Rest in peace their revenge will be taken
>FSA declares Suran-Dabeq-Ahtimilat and Akhtareen Turkman Bareh military zones

dabiq soon...
>Rest in peace their revenge will be taken

But you supported the coup when it was happening bro
i dont know about interamerican policies, but i would prefer obama reelection instead of either hillary or trump, as a better choice for the world in general.
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>Obama actively avoids striking the Syrian Army

that's bullshit, coalition smart bombs "go wide" all the time and mysteriously seem to always hit government controlled infrastructure
nah... it was before they bombed police station and parliament and it was fucking islamist gülen
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MOSCOW, 29 September 2016, 17:15 — REGNUM, the Ministry of defence of the Russian Federation responded to the statement of the US state Department about the possibility of terrorist attacks in Russia in case of continuation of the Syrian war. The corresponding statement was made today, September 29, reporters the official representative of the Russian defense Ministry major General Igor Konashenkov.

We will remind, earlier official representative of State Department of the USA John Kirby at a regular press briefing directly threatened Russia that in case of continuation of the war in Syria, in Russian cities can be committed terrorist acts.
Konashenkov said that the Russian side is well known where exactly and exactly how much in the Syrian Arab Republic, including in the province of Aleppo, is not advertised, Western "experts" that are involved with operational planning and direction of operations of the militants.
As for the threats from the state Department about possible losses of Russian aircraft and send Russian soldiers home in "body bags", in that conversation the American side it is better to avoid any hints of threats by Russian soldiers and Russian citizens, wherever they are.


is handarat camp still secured? That would be good news
I don't think that's Obama's influence, I see it more like war hungry U.S. generals sabotaging peace efforts
So now we know what the October surprise is going to be
>Iraq's Transportation Ministry just claimed the Sumerians built the first airport in history around 5000 BC which was used for space travel

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Happy Birthday to the Russian Intervention!

Remember the good old memes of yesteryear!
That's a somewhat far fetched possibility, but still a possibility.
>1500km worth of ISIS
>Strikes Deir Ezzor
>Strikes SAA positions
>Pakistan media: #Pakistan military kills eight Indian army soldiers, 1 captured - The captured Indian soldier Chandu Babulal Chohan has been shifted to an undisclosed location by Pakistan army
No, it's a recruitment strategy. Al-Qaeda explicitly is only in Syria to fight the Shia as part of its global Jihad. Most Syrians have no interest in global Jihad, they just want Assad gone. Their "domestic" rebranding is an attempt to make them seem more like Ahrar al-Sham and other nationalist Salafists rather than international crusaders, and thus be more appealing to Syrians.

The US still classifies them as terrorists and, were they not currently fighting Putin and Iran, would probably be bombing them too.
He is ultimately responsible

I was just pointing what everyone knew before /sg/ was infiltrated, we are at war with Syria.
Two times is not "all the time" you Putinfag. It's inevitable that as long as Deir ez-Zor is SAA controlled and there are ISIS-controlled oilwells in the area that the US will bomb the area. They almost always manage not to hit the SAA though simply because they usually don't bomb ISIS units fighting the SAA.

If Obama wanted to bomb Assad, he has a prime opportunity, a prime excuse to do so in Aleppo, but he's not doing it yet.

I love how the US can bomb ISIS thousands of times, but bombing the SAA twice by accident counts as "ISIS has an airforce". You people are pathetic in trying to make the US look like the bad guys here.

>IS attacked the base shortly afterwards

really makes me think...
>1500 km2 worth of ISIS
>Bombs Deir Ezzor
>Bombs SAA
WEW 5 shekels for you, goy!
>a prime excuse to do so in Aleppo
Without UN mandate he hasn't. Giving an ally of russia/iran a legitimate casus belli is the last thing they want.
And the very same day they bombed a couple dozen ISIS targets and killed its Propaganda chief.

The SAA has only been hit by the US twice, while thousands upon thousands of bombs have rained down upon ISIS.

Why the fuck would they intentionally bomb them only twice, and in Deir ez-Zor of all places? If they really wanted an excuse to bomb them, they would have bombed Qamishli during the Hasakah fighting or Aleppo/Latakia after the aid convoy bombing and Aleppo siege.

You have neither evidence nor a logical argument to support why the US would target the DEZ garrison on two disparate occasions.
When your bombings slaughter dozens of soldiers trying to fight for their homeland against Isis and against every goatfucker you've supported then yes, Isis does have an airforce and that airforce is the USAF.

I don't known if you're some really stupid /k/ fag or just a shill but its clear that the united states isn't seeking the destroy Isis right away. They're trying to shepherd them towards Syrian lines so they can fight their battles for them. The only forces actually fighting them directly and clearly are the Kurds, Iraq and the Syrian army.
Man that ship is shit.
>implying you don't really know why
Come on, now. We're all anonymous here - you don't have to pretend that you're an idiot.
It was during a tenuous ceasefire, and any defensive formation in Deir Ez Zor is irreplaceable considering it is drowning in a sea of ISIS. I don't think the purpose was to just bomb SAA I think it was to sabotage a ceasefire that had unfavorable conditions, and make it harder for the pro-diplomacy camp within the U.S. to continue their efforts.
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Why would America bomb the people they arm and fund?

They wouldn't so the logical conclusion is they are there to bomb Syrian government.
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all i care about is that these babies are on board
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French wiki page :
"Coalition air forces mistakenly bomb loyalist forces (...) IS then claims the control of Mount al-Tharda (...) According to Russian MoD, 62 SAA soldiers were killed, and more or less a hundred injured in four strikes by two F-16 and two A-10. The OSDH says at least 90 died.
Also, you can't just say it's 2 out of thousands as if every air strike is equal. Sources say at least 60-80 SAA were killed, that is a massive amount and considering the area they bombed was a crucial point that held on since forever, it would be near impossible to mistake it for an ISIS position, especially considering the U.S. is actually very good at pinpointing targets.
They've bombed them TWICE you dipshit, and not intentionally. They're only ISIS's airforce for a couple hours in total at very specific places, and unintentionally. That doesn't count as an airforce, especially since on those very same days they also bombed the shit out of ISIS.

The straw grasping is real.

Everyone fights ISIS, it's just a question of priorities. They're the Kurds' #1 enemy, so the Kurds fight them every day. They're Iraq's only enemy, so they fight them exclusively. The Syrian Army doesn't have the strength to go after ISIS, and in any case the rebel forces behind their frontline with ISIS in Idlib, Aleppo, Homs, etc are far more numerous than the paltry forces ISIS has facing the SAA, so mostly a few SAA sit around while most of them are off fighting the rebels.

At the moment the biggest fights against ISIS are south of Mosul and against the Turks in Aleppo, which ISIS have massively redeployed to meet due to Dabiq being under threat and that being all-important to their ideology. They believe that just as these Turks attempt to take Dabiq from them Jesus will come down as a demi-god to save them and lead them to victory or some stupid shit.
>If Obama wanted to bomb Assad, he has a prime opportunity, a prime excuse to do so in Aleppo, but he's not doing it yet.
I think your pseudo patriotism of the US is clouding any kind of basic logic that you may still have left.
Given that Obama doesn't actually want to fight the Russians, I'm still not seeing any convincing reason to think this is true, other than you want to believe it is.
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>Valery V. Gerasimov. "General death" (28 domestic and foreign awards).
When he laughs - you cry...
God you're stupid. If you actually believe the US arms and funds the very people they bomb around the clock every day, you're completely down the Putin propaganda rabbit hole and I can't help you. Reality does not matter to you, you just hate America and will believe whatever allows you to maintain that claim.
He may not, i have. Deir ez-Zor is an oil route and an important road to pretty much anywhere in syria. Securing that point means not taken absolutely fucked up roads or a huge detour.
Why not bomb Aleppo? Simple, high risk. Qamishli is partly secured by proxies and turkey probably so whatever.
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They are bombing them in Iraq, because they are of no use to them there.
They never bombed ISIS in Iraq when they took all those humvees, tanks and heavy rocket launchers, to bring into Syria.
Even though they could and should've done that, you tard.
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ITT: LITERALLY Samantha Powers
He's on a diet?
>Breaking Military source :

>Syaf & Ruaf reple ISIS attack on Kanaser Road befor it starts, by Many airstrikes on 5 bomb cars in Etshaneh town

That was close
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ISIS was only a couple hundred yards away and since they have no one on the ground telling them what's going on, the confusion is rather understandable.

I have no proof for the following, as the SAA would never admit it nor is there any evidence taken by anyone if it, but there were anecdotal reports that the troops on that hill weren't SAA regulars but militia of some kind (NDF?) and they weren't wearing uniforms, so the US mistook them for the similarly uniformless ISIS troops.

But no not every airstrike is equal. For example, bombing a couple ISIS machineguns - ok, whatever. But the US also blows up all its fuel supplies, its oil wells, and even blew up $1 billion in cash they had stashed away for buying weapons. Added to all the tactical airstrikes against ISIS units they carry out, like that massive convoy that go obliterated leaving Fallujah, and targetting of ISIS commanders, killing all of their original, capable leaders tot his point except for Al-Baghdadi, and they've hurt ISIS not just more than they've ever helped them against the SAA, but more than anyone in this war.
This Canadian In Asspain is well-named. Perhaps the reason no one believes you is because your argument depends on rigorous logic aiding people who think they can shuffle sipr and nipr assets, then blame everything on mysterious Russian hackers.
I actually love Americans, US government is occupied though and these days they don't even pretend to get congressional approval for war.
America admits openly that materials and money have gone from moderate beheaders to ISIS, do you think they couldn't predict that when they are different in name only? Are you a shill or just braindead?
Because they had no aircraft in the area at the time dipshit. It was so sudden they hadn't deployed yet. And no, they were staying out of Syria at the time, because it was and still is a mess. It was only when the Kurds were threatened with genocide like the Yazidis that the US stepped in and saved them at Kobani, and thus became an active player in Syria.

Most of those US vehicles they captured from the Iraqis are bombed out wrecks at this point. Remember the convoy trying to escape Fallujah? Remember how they annihilated that? Yeah.
That's not America's fault? kek
30.000 Iraqi ''soldiers'' fled when they saw 2k armed ISIS militants

Have you seen Al-Baghdadi lately? Asking for a friend.
>Because they had no aircraft in the area at the time dipshit.


>not participating just asking
You don't have to "believe" me. You're the ones making conspiracy theories with no proof, just "They would totally do this because...well they just hate Assad so no matter how random and pointless this strike is, it MUST have been intentional."

You people are out of your minds, but I expect no less from /sg/.
Yes, but not intentionally. And these days, very little, since the SAA has surrounded the rebels and cut them off from contact with ISIS. Only the rebels in northern Aleppo with the Turks have contact with ISIS, and that contact is not friendly, I'm sure you know.

No money has as far as I know. I wouldn't doubt the Saudis have, but the Americans haven't. Hell they won't even give TOW missiles to all the rebels, let alone ISIS.
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Ask Obama
All US forces were required to withdraw from Iraq in 2011 by an act of Iraqi parliament, so they all left. They had no one there.

>Their supply line goes through government territory

not shit sherlock? i thought they were supplied by jihadi east aleppo under siege.
I didn't mean that Obama is doing it, I think it was a sabotage by factions within the U.S.

Your explanation for how the mistake might have happened makes sense, I don't claim to know what happened, but it doesn't seem impossible for it to be intentional either
He said to ask Hillary Clinton, and when I did she gave me some nonsense about "how we gotta go after bag daddy" and "put boots on the ground in Syria" and then had a seizure and passed out.
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>They had no one there
>Only mercenaries and intelligence agencies.
>Looking for chemical weapons...
A clueless guy was asking, idiot, I explained him the basic info. Most people outside /sg/ don't know these details.
She's just confused
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Oh it's not impossible. I just don't see any credible reason that it would have been

The idea that the Pentagon would actively sabotage a peace deal to...I don't know, try to start a war with the Russians? It doesn't make any sense.
Mercs and spies are air groupings. They cannot bomb those ISIS attack groups. Follow the convo.
What? In 2014 US was already carrying out airstrikes in Iraq.

>Remember the convoy trying to escape Fallujah?
Which was a handful of trucks with RPGs, whilst all the heavy armor is either still in possession of ISIS or was captured by Hezbollah.
He look like Ted "Zodiac Killer" Cruz here

>where are the moderates Barry?
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>FFL going to Libya
they're a wee bit too late
Yeah, but not until after that initial blitz. They couldn't stop those vehicular attack groups initially because...they weren't there.

ISIS doesn't have much armour at all, at any point in time but certainly not now. They have a few tanks captured from the SAA and that's about it.

not true.

iraq pm maliki even complained about the little effort the us put into airsupport for iraqi military offensives against isis.
also he complained about the us delaying delivery of ordered jets needed for their missions.
Not a war perhaps, but to make it so that the only way forward in Syria is military instead of diplomatic. I can see neocons and neolibs alike orchestrating such a thing. My only reason for thinking this way is that the "mistake" came at exactly the right time during a last straw sort of ceasefire, on a place that was guaranteed to anger the Russians and the SAA because of its importance
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Its kind of near the middle east but what do you guys think about the recent Pakistan/India tension? Will it escalate?
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Can't wait till Hillary is in office and we take fucking Damascus

Russia and baathist scum will be BTFO soon and Syria will be partitioned.

>Nothing of value was lost that day
As long as Soros and his goons are still alive to escalate it, yeah.
What exactly does Soros gain from India and Pakistan launching nukes at each other?
By definition, US has to destroy any weapons that can or do end up in the hands of the enemy.

Or so they say


And let's not forget that it's literally the same shit as to what happened in Afghanistan.
There's a different between lack of co-ordination and lack of effort. The US eventually deployed a significant air grouping to Iraq as well as a carrier, but since they had left Iraq, they had no embedded liasons with the Iraqi army, so they mostly bombed ISIS targets behind the lines. Thus the Iraqis complained they weren't getting frontline tactical air support. Once Obama felt he could acceptably deploy sufficient troops to Iraq, the scope of air-ground co-ordination was increased and the Iraqis could start relying on US tactical air support, as they do right now.

What I'm waiting for is for the Russians to do this with the SAA. Only in places with notable Russian troop presence (Latakia, Aleppo, Palmyra) do the Russians provide timely tactical air support. Look at Hama currently - Russia planes fly over the area all day but they're either bombing targets in Idlib or on their way to Aleppo. Only the SAAF has been bombing the rebel attackers in Hama and they have been ineffective at tactical support as one might expect given that they're not very competent. This says to me the Russians have not sufficiently invested in ground co-ordination.
People dying, the planet getting fucked up, the world getting drawn into conflict.
>werent there
>their troops can be stationed/were stationed in turkey
>intel agents on soil
And they have. What's the issue?

I know about the airdrop mistake. Again, so what? Even in that case it's just a couple crates of small arms, it's not a huge deal.

Or were you expecting perfection? I mean the US military is good, but no one is perfect.
They didn't have AIRCRAFT or significant ground forces beyond mercs and advisors, neither of which are used for frontline combat. The AIRCRAFT part is significant. They couldn't have struck those ISIS attack groups without AIRCRAFT.
this neo-con namefag is boring
Is there an actual source on those US troops near Aleppo? The video OP provides mentions some Lebanese news report, is there an actual article or something that exists?
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the bombing being a phenomen of internal rivalry of between a wing which favours diplomatic efforts and neocons is somewhat convenient but it does not explain why they put literally zero effort into achieving any of their obligations according to the ceasefire deal.
mod ru reported 360 ceasefire violations. at the very beginning ahrar al sham (kerry related to them as 'our guys') declared they do not accept the ceasefire (as did plenty of others). none of the oh so moderate groups distanced from al nusra. in east aleppo 'people' demonstrated against (sic!) the aid convoy (flags of fsa nusra and ahrar al sham present at the demonstartion). though saa actually retreated from castello road for a day, there was not any such movement by jihadis, instead they shelled the west. only thing the us did was handing over the location of the rebels groups fostered by them and shortly later bomb deir ezzor.
>What's the issue?
That they keep arming terrorists, instead of arming them as long as it benefits them and only will start destroying them after their initial goal is achieved.

>Or were you expecting perfection?
Are you just going to ignore the rest of it?
I even linked an interview with an Al-Nusra commander from few days ago, that openly says that they're getting funded and trained by all kinds of countries, including US.
And even the US has acknowledged Al-Nusra as a terrorist organization.

The US didn't, mistakenly attack SAA in Syria, that's retarded. Considering that the SAA and ISIS positions haven't changed in two years now. And everyone knew that, even fucking Hohol maps.
I only saw it on the Hohol map. I don't doubt it's true though, the US does have a Green Beret platoon attached to the Turkish units in Syria. Whether they're /exactly/ where that report says they are I don't know, but they're there with the Turkish Army, no doubt.
>*instead of bombing them...
Well, they can't all be lifetime achievement winners like raqqa raphael.
Yeah I don't see any reason to think they would randomly strike DEZ for no reason.

If they were actually going to strike the SAA to some discernible end, they'd probably strike Qamishli.

And they don't intentionally arm terrorists. Though the Saudis do, and I'm really not a fan of the Americans' alliance with them (though if the Saudis become punitive because of that 9/11 bill, I hope we see the end of it).
Qamishli doesn't make sense because they can't claim accident there. As opposed to Deir which is surrounded by U.S. targets
Except that the US is forced to keep a carrier in the Gulf, so how come no planes?
Also they have land based fighters there, im pretty sure of that.
>Yeah I don't see any reason to think they would randomly strike DEZ for no reason.
Why would they randomly decide to help the SAA against ISIS all of a sudden then to begin with? And without even giving any kind of warning or acknowledgment to the Syrian government or Russia?

>they'd probably strike Qamishli
Why would they?

>And they don't intentionally arm terrorists.
They don't care who they arm, as long as they can deal with the main problem. They know they can deal with the terrorists afterward. This was the scenario in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and is the same with Syria.
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So where here /comfy/ despite having a hurricane raging by?
I certainly am since I got all my supplies and weatherproofed the house earlier in the week. Not to mention got rid of all branches overhanging or threatening the house.

Glad to see we have reached zero hour and the advance into Aleppo has properly started. So of course we get the US pouting and throwing a tantrum that Russia and Syria have to stop killing terrorists.

If their threats about flooding Syria with manpads are true. It just means that any peaceful end to the conflict is off the table. Only the destruction of the terrorist forces will see an end to the civil war. Which means the US will have to rely on the Kurds very hard to keep Syria from stablizing. Which of course will piss off the Turks to no end.

Washington is severely fucked in the chess game that is Syria.
just kidding m8, what's the name of this hurricane?

I wonder if we can meme so hard to get it to hit Florida
underrated post
Already did
No, they had no land-based planes in Iraq.

The carrier I don't know. I have no idea the exact whereabouts of their carriers at the time Daesh attacked.

In any case, Obama didn't even authorize an intervention until August when it became clear the Iraqis could not handle ISIS and the US would be forced to intervene to prevent a genocide of the Yazidis. You have to remember Obama wanted to be the man who got America OUT of Iraq. He didn't want to be the man who turned around and went back in.
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The US state Department found evidence that the convoy was destroyed by Russia?

the us watched. could at least have attacked suply lines behind the front lines. guess what, they did not. apologetic fucktard.
same in syria. russia dwarfed all strikes of the great us coalition combined in a few months. now shill off.

At least the Russians actually have aircraft to put on their ships. :(
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the 'air drop' included small rockets.
apologetic fucktard.
Dont you think its weird for someone to pull out suddenly when they clearly have science that the opposition of that regime has twice the equipment and troops?
Also ONU AKA USA has troops in Turkey.
As i said USA keeps a carrier at Persian gulf at all times, the gaps between swaping carriers exist however, but they are of about 1 month normally, last year there was a huge gap during the fall and this year there will be a gap during winter. A U.S. Amphibious Ready Group stayed during all these gaps, they have harriers(now/soon f35s). There was absolutely no reason they couldnt give support asap to Iran.
And washington negociated the use of bases on the middle east after operation Inherent Resolve, no clue when they got clearence but they do have land based aircraft in the area.
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