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What a fucking time to be alive.

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 330
Thread images: 108

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What a fucking time to be alive.
"it's worth the debt"
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This is so fucking stupid.
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Can I get a PhD in pepenautics
Write cuck on the whiteboard as you're leaving and take a picture
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> Oy vey, Teach them, oooh teach them it is hatred. Americans will forever be our dumb slaves
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I love you, Weedman!.jpg
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Are you fucking kidding me?! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
>American education
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what shitty course are you studying where this would be part of any lesson at all?
>$10k+ a semester to learn about memes and women's trans lesbian arts studies
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>Your shitposting on a Mongolian basket weaving board has now made it into mainstream education

Can't say I never achieved anything now.
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link to the original thread?
Did anyone end up sending that professor some rare pepes to his email?
Did you fax him a rare pepe?
It was deleted by mods
2016 keeps delivering, be fours hours away from /pol/ and this happens. Fuck me.
Pruned by faggot mods
We have broken into the mainstream. We have broken into the minds of impressionable youth.

We are the Jews now.
It's getting to cringe levels I never thought existed.
Why do they ruin all of our fun?!
this is clearly a well organized and well funded campaign. we should replace pepe for the star of david like nigger google
what a fucking autist he knows wojaks real name
And people wonder why we shoot up schools. If I went into my sociology class and this was on the projector, I would shoot up the school.
$675 well spent
give me tempmail and I send you the html
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They are taking measures to delegitimize your opinions when shit hits the proverbial fan. If this continues, it will be accepted worldwie by normies that anyone who has a pepe, browses 4chan and alternative media sites, and subscribes to views that "are evil, bigotted, racist and sexist (guess who gets to decide that criteria, it ain't you and me) are undesirables and should be removed from society. Perhaps put in to labor camps.

They don't know how far they go with this bullshit, they are experimenting. It's quite pathetic, but essentially what they have done is demonstrated that they can isolate a meme, program a specific interpretation of it into the masses, then the people who have the views originally represented by the meme become undesirables and irrelevant.

Anyway the point is that something needs to be done on our part. Make no mistake gentlemen, the Meme Wars foretold by the prophet Kek are upon us, already the hour draws late.
Who pays money to take this course?
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Not amused.
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Post his fax number. The rest will happen on its own.
And all to prevent "Le sad frog meme" from going mainstream almost 10 years ago. The libshit faggots are being made fools of by a meme that was created almost 10 years ago to protect "our" meme. Prog are so out of touch that it's pathetic. If no comprende, Google poo poo pepe.
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This is getting fucking pathetic
Wake me up
its on screencap
It really is a bad sign when these fucks aren't embarrassing themselves with false nomenclature. We must secure the existence of our website and a future for dank memes.
This fellow appears to be quite well versed in truth.

What all here seem to fail to understand is that we are all meme magicians, and that CNN and friends, and this professor, are merely our opponents. They are well trained in meme manipulation.

It is only that we are not warring with them in the open, whereas before they were alone without any opposition.

We must destroy them all, and use their tactics right back at them. There should be ZERO room for interpretation of these rats.

The only way to win is to brand them, propagandize against them, and label the little propagandist subhumans for what they really fucking are.
>getting meme degree at uni
>we are the Jews now
>wasting your time on such uni/school
Pepe has had such a long, strange journey.

>Feels good, man.
>Feels bad, man.
>Poo poo pee pee
>(Does Foul Bachelor Frog count? I feel like it should)
>Making friends, and then enemies with Wojak
>Smug Pepe

Memetic evolution is fascinating. What's next?
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>OP is a fucking faggot and hes wasting his money on commie silverhaired seminars
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Make them danker
>pay for this

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American education is the worst in the world. Prove me wrong. Protip....you can't.
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you americans are the biggest retards to have ever walked this planet
The only course of action
hes stealing the rare pepes
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jesus fuck....
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The normies know, shut it down!
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Stupid nazi frog
i would've walked the fuck out and called the professor an idiot
I think we should pepefy that professor. After all he is teaching pepeology to a new audience.
It's in the image on the right. >>90898880
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Come again tamir?
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I would really like to see the costanza meme also get associated with the "alt-right movement"
Guys what colleges are not cucked and at the same time Good?

I am a senior in HS (I'm 18 hur dur) and I don't want to go to a cucked college, but I don't want to go to Jimmy joe corn county community college in Iowa

Is Princeton bad in terms of bleeding heart liberalism? I have the grades to be competitive for ivy league.
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fucking kek, he used my OC.
The whole maze thing came from when reddit & 9gag started posting Pepe as Le sad frog. 4chin was pissed that "our" meme was being hijacked; so we spammed the net with Pepe pissing, shitting on people & raping, murdering and wearing nazi garb to end that shit. These fags think this is new for contrived reasons. Sad.
You heard me Mr 60%
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>he didn't major in meme studies at a top college
is this a cringe thread?
normie culture is the worst.
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Send it to Brit Humes Campus Crazyness

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you guys do realize that this is the same campus as the Frankfurt School
Of course they'd talk about this the Marxist Jews
Ok, so if we have the power to do this, how can we make it so Pepe turns normies into having white pride and no guilt for who they are? But it has to come off as something not-racist such as a KKK pepe

The jews fear us

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It is truly notable though, that Merchant didn't get added to ADL database
Nazi. Not maze.
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Don't you have some type of pro refugee rally to go to?
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go to community college for 2 years to save money or join the military. you will be saving thousands of dollars... then if you transfer to 4 year uni you have your general education classes done and at half price or if you go military have gi bill.
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im gonna make a car sticker. and sell it. and put it on my car.

im not even white. frogs are cool people i guess.

give another look at that pic
>tfw normies are taking /pol/ serious
>tfw your shitposting has an effect on the world
>tfw life finally has purpose

Post yfw you realize the colleges name is

and here i was thinking about finishing my degree as a CS major. i would probably have to retake my prerequisites.

no thanks ill just get another certification.
Are all these /pol/tards in the same class?
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Thanks Kek our cult is still intact.

Praise KEK
>American education
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i want to believe that this is only a beginning
toronto sucks

Indeed our meme se used to lurk in the shadows. They would hear our whispers but that's all they were...whispers. now that trump has come and brexit has taken place the whispers spread before they could react. This is the reaction and it's first step to silence the whisper
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uh look at the email address and try again it is Fordham

im guessing you know nothing about college names... good thing I grew up playing college football games
This anon appears to have figured it out... >>90901687
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Well our universities is free for all (also for Internationals) come here and experience cucked universities while cucked Norwegian taxpayers pays for your education
Dont you have some niggers to applaud who burn down your cities?
lol no has to be photoshop.

i dont have any access to mainstream media (no tv) , i dont believe that bullshit frog meme got spun into nazi propaganda lol

this is not worth the sociological and anthropological time to study or teach, unless you are indeed being trained as a fucking government/private shill troll fucker

Of course the catholcucks would be fooled by Internet witchcraft.
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the man is either retarded or a fucking genius

>have tenure
>fuck did think of a semester syllabus
>whats that cartoon frog cnn is complaining about
>proceed to dedicate class time to it

cant wait to see his moon man lecture
I wanna know what they're saying about TSwift
I think Pepe's usefulness is near an end.

Fighting about Pepe is fighting on their ground by their rules.
Pepe is a meme of peace - and if you disagree Pepe will chop your head off
I'm triggered! This professor should be ashamed of giving racism & antisemitism a forum in his class! As clever as the anonymous hacker 4chan is; he may even be a covert operative to normalize such evil. With what's at stake. Can we even gamble with something so dangerous? Where is the petition?!
You need to transfer to a serious school OP

This is what I am saying. It seems funny but what we are seeing is some extremely creepy forms of brainwashing. The liberal narrative is being contested so it is going all out to defend it's self. First the media, then academia, then hollywood will be next followed by primary education.

actually this is not a bad idea, get a (you) hoping some photshop fag can help
Hate to break it to you and your dubs but this is very real, as real as your dubs
How could anyone sit through this "lecture" without laughing uncontrollably? I'd probably end up wetting myself if I had the opportunity to sit in this class.

This is the point where /pol/ should declare Kek-ism a religion and Pepe as His Prophet so they can get tax breaks for internet access and animu.
this is a mestizo supremacist board, not white supremacist, get it right

heil espana y azteca

>not paying to get a PHD in MEMEOLIGY

you fucking idiots I will be there at the start of this field of work, I will be at the forefront

it's already having that effect i think, Nazi are being seen as something funny and not entirely horrible from the start
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If we make him dank enough some normie news outlet will make an interview -> WE ACADEMIC NAO
This old guy lecturing on the history of pepe. A self proclaimed expert. How many other self proclaimed experts are there in academia and if this is how knowledge is passed down how much of history and what we were taught in school is also total BS?
The amount of overly horrified CTR shills and scared Jews and leftists on this forum is a 100% sure sign that they are terrified of the effect that we are having.

This "Pepe" sociology stuff isn't a joke and they are doing it en masse and using their usual tactics to make us into a thing that we aren't, corner us and call us "Alt Right Goons" and defame us so that we can't actually ever be seriously addressed.

Seems like faggot tier shit to me.
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Wh-what phone number do I put?

>inb4 my own
You just know this professor knows how to prep a mean bull
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>This is the point where /pol/ should declare Kek-ism a religion

All bullshit aside what do you have to do to become a official/legal religion in the eyes of the state?
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>that kiwi pepe
I think its time to ditch pepe in favor of a new meme before we inadvertently become what they are pushing due to all the interested normies and newfags.
Seconding community college followed by transfer.
>how much of history and what we were taught in school is also total BS?

this is exactly how i feel about the whole matter. the pepe affair has been the biggest redpill; i don't trust anything anymore
>his """study""" ends in -studies
Except it's more like "oy vey... lol those goys are so stupid... lol Pepe... they're the bad kid in the classroom, ignore them! Hillary Rodham Clinton for president! We're still the good ones goys! ignore those internet memes! they're just funny and stupid! they're the bad kids!"

They're militarizing their students to have the attitude of "if you use the internet and use free speech you're a racist bigot" and then everyone gets paranoid and believes they're defending the communist utopia of Zionist Jews and thinks they are fighting against "Real Nazis" or whatever

Wake up dude they're not trying to be funny or cute, they're trying to control the fucking narrative as usual and they are succeeding to a large extent.
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I'm going to serious send him an email
and you should too

what the fuck
I'm not even american, but this is pretty embarassing desu
Go to a traditional community college, super cheap then attend your state school for free

So basically a Pepe head with slightly shaded glasses and a beard. I think there is already such a Pepe!
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Neo Pepe Theory is one possible approach. Or just turning their little tactics right on their head and forcing it down their throat like they do.
You wouldn't laugh if you paid 50k dollars for this
>not getting a PepeHD in Quantum Memetics
>not interrupting the class to declare you are the hacker known as 4Chan and Correcting The Record
You'll regret this the rest of your life anon.
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They're burning their own cities. Where they live at. Unlike your kebabs that's are blowing up your local area.... and raping your women, while your cuck ass stays at home shit posting on 4chan..
This horrible antisemite is only normalizing hate in an effort to propagate it!
>Classic White Mug

He knew what he was doing.
>shart in mart
>urinate to educate
I would have audibly laughed at this guy. I would make it clear I was laughing at him too not with him.
>professor in memes

I think I've found an exciting new career path.
The actually funny part is imagining that people like that professor are browsing /pol/ at this very moment to stay up-to-date with the pepe memes
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>the pepe affair has been the biggest redpill; i don't trust anything anymore

You´re welcome

i don't know m8, they seem the one stupid pushing a fucking frog into a nazi symbol actually

I agree that they are trying to push a narrative, but from my actual experience it's not a message that can sell ( i explained to 2 normies here in italy about the Pepe symbol)

I don't know how much polarized you are now in America because of elections, but i don't think you can mantain a state of total seriousness 24/7 so that you don't ever laugh at that
Let's be real, the only reason Pepe is a "hate" symbol is because white people who get together and talk about it use him. That makes it fair game for the kikes to defame it, drag it through shit, and make us all out to be pure evil who should be PURGED FROM OUR OWN NATIONS. Think about that: that's what they want to happen to us. That's what they want to happen to people who use Pepe. Kick that around in your head.

White women, white girls, white daughters... thats what they want to happen to YOU. To YOUR children. Kick that around for a second and recognize, nobody else gets that kind of response. NONE.

Yet Jews feel absolutely zero remorse spreading this kind of attitude toward EACH AND ALL OF US. Think about that, really let it sink in what they're doing to you. Feel it in your body. Let it rest. See what they're telling you you can and can't do. See how they shamelessly are using their power to demonize you and your friends, and the people you care about. See how they are working actively and aggressively to hurt YOU. Think about that, and let yourself feel the emotions you have when you consider that fact.

And then recognize that this Pepe thing is just another part of their demonization plan. And then recognize that picture related is perfectly fucking justified treatment of them, because it is what they are doing to you and all of us. When you realize that, you stop giving a fuck about treating them the way they treat us. When you aggress, you get every fucking thing you have fucking at you.
>higher education

>literal meme degrees
Dr Rosenblatt, Associate Professor of Memeology
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Picture related (88): Praise fucking Kek. I love you Kek!
How do I got PhD in shit posting?
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let ben be an example, memes will literally have the power to financially wound you. be careful gentlemen.
>Professors are sending students to study shitposting on a laotian ramen cooking cardboard
How much do we bet on them staying here because its fun,liberating and most of the time,true ;-)
This is great. Create art of pepe as a family man who takes care of his body and hates drugs. 4chan has had a pretty big impact on popular culture in the 2010s.
Fax sent, telling Rodriguez he has to go back + 5 usual pages of â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â–  toner waster
Its actually not that stupid.

I can easily see a meme degree can be useful in settings like PR, Marketing, Politics etc
>american journalist
Just dont take any arts classes....
>defame us
>a bunch of autistic NEETs shitposting on a Mongolian Basket Weaving image board who worship an Egyptian death god frog

How could they possibly defame us any more? it's like pissing in an ocean of piss
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that's the point... they are so stupid to not get the jokes and they get triggered so it is pushed more..

it's like they dont understand humor and trolling
Go to a fucking community college! The first two years of college are high school 2.0 and can be done at a cc for pennies. Then transfer to a college, OR if that cc has good medical programs like respiratory care or radiology tech, just do one of those.
hes so misunderstood :( they just hate green ppl
Mods were quick to remove this once someone doxxed the professor

> 4188
>14 88

He listens
You, sir, are wise.
we need to get amazon to pull all pepe gear. the media will report on that and proclaim it as a victory over racism, never fully getting it that its a fucking cartoon frog.

the funniest part of this whole shit is leftists freaking out about it. its a fucking cartoon frog.

Original thread

Someone has to fucking pinch me.

I just can't believe this is real.

I refuse to believe that in 2016 there is some professor talking about dank memes, rare pepes and all that shit. In the same year pepe is a hot topic in the US presidential election between fucking Hillary Clinton and Donald J Trump

This is so surreal. Did I drown in that river a year ago, is any of this real or am I in a coma?
I bet this pepe fiasco is going to wake up a bunch of millennials to how clueless journalists are.
(((they))) are so fucking terrified they are holding college lectures about our MS paint cartoons

meant to say "it's a message that can't sell"
>This is so surreal. Did I drown in that river a year ago, is any of this real or am I in a coma?

I have actually started to wonder this myself. Did I die and now I'm in an alternate universe? Nothing makes sense anymore.
I want to call this guy and tell him that he's a fucking joke

Will I get in trouble?
Pretty sure it was a top voted design in New Zealands new flag contest. Obviously they didn't accept it, even though it was the top requested one

Because they're faggots with pathetic lives that revel in their inch of authority over everyone else here.
Same feelings here. At some point during this year the entire planet was wiped out, this is some Kekist simulation we are living now.
>Will I get in trouble?
I doubt it, just don't threaten him. His office is already gunna be pissed that the fax machine has been spewing insults and swastikas for the last 30 minutes
That's some good quality banter right there ladies and gents.


Angola é nossa furriel Pepe.
Rare pepe btw
The chaotic powers of Kek are not to be underestimated

yep, there is an independent article about it


i want that mug now, that thing is going to be worth millions one day
no crime in calling someone and telling them they're a moron. just dont do it alot and no death threats
>americans get themselves into debt for those lectures
Jesus christ liberals are so dumb
That teacher has to be conducting some sort of a social experiment here.
>I wonder, how retarded can I make my classes without getting fired.
Also he's an asshole for obviously illegally downloading those rare Pepes.
The creators should sue him, there's always a copyright symbol somewhere and a text saying.
>Do not download this Pepe or you're liable to pay 300k in damages.


I mean, I thought Brexit was pretty crazy stuff. But this US election thing is on a whole different level.
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What in the absolute fuck.
This is truly the most amazing year I've ever shitposted through.
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I guess that calling someone once and telling him in a respectful matter what you think, can't be illegal.

If he asks you to stop, stop. If there are >100 anons doing the same, you might get in trouble.
The dubs of high value, I guess they aren't good enough to get checked by more people:


Sometimes I feel what I write just seems to slip past what people are capable of addressing
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it is real ... or is it

captcha please select all bodies of water

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>americans studying shitposts from third world shitholes

Does his fax machine actually work?

If we can make Pepe a Nazi hate symbol, surely we can make this libtard professor one too.

Anyone proficient in photoshop? This old man would look good with a swastika on his shirt.
Holy shit, that's my school. I'm an IT major and in my senior year. Military covered most of my gen Ed and all electives so I didn't have to endure that kind of shit. My data science class is basically just an Excel course. I constantly find myself thinking I'd be pissed if I had to pay for this expensive ass school. I'm so sorry bro.
Debate your professor that such alt-tight doesnt exist. That not believing the media doesnt follow mean you belong to a movement
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Oh boy

Off with his head.
I wonder if it is a simple sort of coincidence that

sounds like

As though the act of "demonizing" people is set and simple to the act of making it impossible for them to make a living

That's what these kikes do to us really, and when you see it like that, I mean what difference is that from actually taking your hands and choking us to death?

They're aggressing against us and our ability to feed ourselves, raising children, and living our lives. I don't see how that's any different from killing us directly. I treat it exactly the same way and with the exact same response, except of course more roundabout.

I don't see white people doing that to Jews or anyone else. It's really just an inherently unethical and wrong way to act, and it should be treated as such.
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Rodrigo you are doing alright, you are a second world shithole in my eyes already
hhahhahahahhaaaa one of those is mine I made because i was bored shitless and tired of niggers.ROTFLMAO
it ain't easy being green
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Aliums and sheeit.png
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>4chan is inadvertently educating Americans

2016 keeps delivering

My god what 2017 brings I don't even want to fathom
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>Does his fax machine actually work?
I used https://www.myfax.com/free/
It said the fax was sent, but I didn't haven't got a confirmation e-mail yet, although I did use a https://temp-mail.org/en/ account. Some other anons need to give it a try with a good throwaway yahoo or gmail, I'm to lazy to make one right now
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shut up Poland, or should I say Pooland. lol.
I called with a withheld ID

I basically said that as someone in academia I think that he is a huge joke and its simply an insult that while I'm rearranging the DNA of other organism the same resources that are being spent on my research is also being used to give kids lessons about internet cartoons and that its appalling that this is what students are getting into crippling debt for

No threats or pointless profanity

>there are >100 anons doing the same
>you might get in trouble

you have no concept of the power of mass anonymity
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>meme degree

This is a great picture.

Pepe is smugly looking at the students and everyone in the class is thinking the same damn thing, including the frog.
>Yeah, you guys actually paid real life money for this, some of you are in deep shit for decades to come because of your debts.
>You paid thousands to sit and watch pictures of frogs, created by some NEETs of a Mongolian basket weaving forum.
>How's the education working out for you.
where did everything go so right?

Not even in my best dream I expected that Pepe would be able to show at once the stupidity of leftist politicians and the tardness of some intellectual academics.

Why are you there taking this class?
Do it OP. Post results.
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I imagine he's feeling like this now
>have about 90 credits in amerilard credits
>the shitposts i contribute to are now course material

not your own? ...
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What a fucking joke of a country. Shitty ocean sweden.
>you have no concept of the power of mass anonymity

But gamestop could screw a few anons preordering battletoads.
you guys should call and tell him he's a conspiracy theorist. make him think he's crazy. ask him if his mental health is well
Am i doing this right? Read this. Share this.
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I'm not doing another semester of this shit that's for sure
OP if this is your photo, how come you didn't redpill the professor, explain you go to /pol/ and what the alt-right is about.
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>"Why are you so Pepephobic, Anon?"

How do you respond?

>Pepephobia or Ranidaphobia (see section "Terms" for related terms) is the prejudice, hatred, or bigotry directed against Pepe or Cartoon Frogs.

>The causes and characteristics of Pepephobia are still debated. Some scholars have defined it as a form of cultural racism.[1] Some commentators have posited an increase in Pepephobia resulting from Hillary Clinton's attacks on the cartoon, while others have associated it with the increased presence of Pepe's in the Internet and in the Mainstream Media. Some people also question the validity of the term.

>This is so surreal. Did I drown in that river a year ago, is any of this real or am I in a coma?

...is this my subconscious trying to let me know I'm in a coma? Hello?
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Thanks OP. If I ever hear some faggot bitch about student debt, I'm going to show them this thread. Fucking lel
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Oh my god, what the fuck is happening? Is 2016 the year the west officially went off the deep end?
>Two of them look like hyperlinks
Is it that hard?
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wtf go outside or watch the news.... do they want to ban the fucking news for showing how crazy humans can be??
>pepe card game - collect your rare pepe cards!

Holy shit I'am dying of laughter here.
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>meme degree
This is spiralling completely out of control.
It's getting beyond anyone's ability to contain.
I wasn't in the original thread, do you guys know if the /pol/ack requested the ppt of the class?
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> 2160x2160

Get the fuck out of here

tell you revealed your powerlevel and spouted some retarded meme
Or at least that you rediculized your professor for that gay shit
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Wake me up when they study baneposting

I feel like an Academic study of this meme could unlock the potential and power of it

Its not enough to crash planes, but we must crash the universe with no survivors
Interesting how Kek is rarely mentioned.
Not only did we destroy the "credibility" of the mainstream media, but now entire departments in school.
>Wake me up when they study baneposting
post yfw I wake you up when September ends
>This is what the FBI is afraid of, being labeled a white supremacist group, in a time where ISIS is literally rioting in the streets and being shipped in, in droves.

After calming down about how absurd this is, and how many times this has happened before (Bought a dog, exploding vans, kek uprising) I realized that Hillary most likely had a part in this beyond what she imagined, and it's still not going to configure a fix for her campaign, she doesn't realize how many people this wakes up, how many oldfags she and her media collusion has woke up. These are times we will remember, memes infiltrating every sector and square inch of this land to show these people living in a bubble that we have always been here waiting for them to fuck up like this, we meaning, people who can disseminate information still and construct responses based on our own thought instead of what they thought was here, idiots watching TV and reacting to whatever stimuli they were given.
>Not only did we destroy the "credibility" of the mainstream media, but now entire departments in school.
>you legitimately believe this

oh the delusions
"feels guy"
Call him a conspiracy theorist, that's what they always say to us. It will completely discredit him.
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Seriously, what the fuck happened? 10 years ago it was crusty old religious conservatives trying to Censor things, blame violence on videogames, and ban certain themes from artistic expression. 10 Years ago, It was liberals who said:

>Silly Conservatives, Videogames don't make kids violent it makes them better problem solvers.

>Silly Conservatives, you can't just censor artistic expression because it offends.

>Silly Conservatives, Stop living in your dream world and wake up to reality!"

What's mind blowing is that the PC SJW Libtard Left is 100% oblivious to the reality that they have become everything they once claimed to hate and fight against.

When I was in grade school, it was the kids from uber conservative/religious families that grew up totally sheltered and acted like weird faggots.

Now There's all these Parents who are proud "Tolerant, science-loving, atheists" and their kids are some of the most awkward, weird, intolerant, ignorant people ever.

This is exactly how I have felt over the past few weeks. I feel like reality is disintegrating right in front of my eyes. I mean, how can any of this really be happening? I refuse to accept any of this is real. What if none of this is real and my entire life has just been some sort of simulation that is now in the process of glitching out? HELP!
>memetic warfare happened
Is it only Me thats scared about 2017. Like what wikl we start. Maby a war?
this is very well put.
>we become the globalists, our flag is literally pepe shitting on the world
>we are the migrant invaders
>Why cant I find a job
CTR would hire someone trained in advanced social memetics
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All of a sudden, everyone who talks about this alt right thing, pepe the frog as a symbol of ... fuck me... nazi or white supremacy on tv or whatever like OP's picture LOOKS SO FUCKING STUPID.

It's like farting really hard, so hard that you paint your underwear and the next day you have 3 laboratories analizing why you farted so hard, TV's and papers talking the meaning of the hard farting, scholar discussing the philosophical point of the fart itself

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>someone got paid to write a class on memes
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That is the point

They are dangerously close to being a laughing stock. Their power rests on being taken seriously, if they lose that they are fucked totally
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CTR couldn't afford me
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when pic related happened, i knew this was all just a dream. a simulation. virtual world. whatever.

at this point the ayy lmao coders are just fucking with us before they hit ctrl-c and tell their bosses "nah, didnt work".

a few weeks before we discovered Kek, i had serious Mandela effect shit happening
Kek and Mandela effect are absolutely related.

there are 3 realities, not just two. anyone else seen the "third version" of Star Wars?
it says "No, I am THE father"

not "Luke i am your father"
not "No i am your father"

but "No, I am THE father"

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I guess so. Jeez, all it takes to turn a "reasonable, tolerant" person into a hateful frothing-at-the-mouth fascist is a Cartoon Frog.

Who would have ever guessed that shit? Like get in a time Machine and go back to the Democratic Party of the 80's and say:

"Hey guys, I'm from the future and in the year 2016, your entire party will lose their goddamn minds and totally lose their grasp on reality."

>"Really? What causes this, Time-Traveler?"
>Show picture of Pepe
>Democrats laugh at you

Is the professor the cunnyposter on /tv/?
> implying that professor is trying to be well informed and doesn't get his information through Clinton news network
Anyone "trained" in memetics is a fraud. Liberals have wasted their time trying to study it and have come up with nothing.
And yet they such ridiculousness very seriously yet will never fully understand it no matter how hard they try.
This is why we're winning.
Just imagine if someone swings a false flag the right way and attributes /pol/ to ISIS. We'll go from being a "hate clique" to being a "international clique of peace"
Pepe has never been closer but at the same time further away from us.

Normies will defer from posting him on goybook and the like now, but the establishment now has pepe in their hands. Pepe may have been nothing more than an ironic meme, but they can and are actively changing that.

Nothing is set in stone, including the impact and meaning of something as a simple image of a cartoon frog.
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>no apu-apustaja
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Im just saying that if they're using Pepe as a propaganda tool to fight Trump, creating fake ties of nazism and white supremacy


Maybe its time for a spinoff and create an afropepe who embrances black culture. So they have to shut the fuck up forever and ever. Think about it. Propaganda warfare.
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>this is what millenials actually believe
OP gets arrested instead of demanding a refund for his class

they aren't super-smart and they do not have the memetic expertise.

they are pushing what they have always done:

racist nazi association game
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>American Education

meme magic
That's is a compltely moronic article to be reading at any level of education. Not to mention, pepe and wojak are some of the most terrible cancerous memes to come out of this shithole, and I've been here a very long time.

This is bad news for everyone, but keep up the memes guys. Just remember to filter out the bs when it hits your front door.

In my first year philosophy class in the early 90s, someone carved Air Supply into the wooden chair in front of me with a pocket knife.

Out of that class, I remember Plato's cave and this (but this way more).
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>he fell for the college jew
I hope the person in that class shouted at that professor instead of just being a beta cuck and taking pictures.

They're probably just a beta cuck though.
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They reward SJWisms now.

OP you should have asked the professor to Google image search "Mickey Mouse Nazi" and then ask him "Since Nazi's have co-opted Mickey for use in Nazi themed art, memes, and propoganda, Should Mickey Mouse be added to the list with Pepe? I mean, Walt Disney WAS a n outspoken anti-semite".

His response would be priceless.
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Let's make dabbing the new sieg heil
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et ok aupu
>OP gets arrested

You need to commit a crime to be arrested, anon.
Intelligent Irishman, You give me hope.

Dublin is starting to be lost to this kind of bullshit too. Not as pathetically ridiculous yet, but latently ready to become so.
I hope this solidifies that college is nothing more than another tool of the elite to distribute propaganda.

We told you so.
This has always been the truth, and part of our end goals. We need to push forward.
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Please just stop

Bring me back to 2008 or better yet 2004

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deleted forever.webm
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>it was deleted!
>i'll e-mail the html to you
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Let me guess, this guy is the Dean.
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Muslim pepe.

I want to see the regressive left spin out about a Muslim cartoon frog.
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just bought a pepe lapel.
gamer gate happened
right up there with "social media consultant".
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is Spurdo still safe :DDDD?
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>American education
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These people are going into debt and brainwashing themselves to learn about things that I contribute to by writing stupid shit and sharing retarded drawings for fun

And society will tell me these people are smart


We should make one of their memes nazi. Does tumblr have any memes?
Because the perpetual crush of history blinds its inhabitants to the sameness of their seemingly unique problems.
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This. DARPA was involved in GG. That shit went deep. But then again declassified CIA documents from the 60s showed they tried summoning demons back then. To say nothing of Monarch and other fucked up shit. Really nothing is off the table for these people.
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if double digitz he is
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holy shit
touch her hair
I don't have email. Can I get them to send me a confirmatory fax?

Regarding death, we are incapable of not perceiving. We cannot truly experience death because we cannot perceive it. When we sleep, our brains still functional, so we still perceive reality. There is a theory that our perception cannot truly end, and that when we die, our mind jumps to a different reality, where we continue living. The lucky escapes that people have from events which realistically should have killed them could support this theory. In order to continue perceiving, your consciousness was transferred to a different reality in which you had a lucky escape. This would of course imply that you actually died in your birth reality. The existence of near-death experiences and the phenomenon that have been reported leads me to believe that some form of afterlife exists in which we continue to perceive reality.
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alpha version 1. do not copy this rare pepe

Kek. Needs more swastika.
How do I send him a DMCA claim about my rare pepe copyrighted that he used in his slide
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This is unironically what I think happens.

The number of times I should have died but somehow ended up perfectly fine is staggering.
>retards actually paid for this class
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Kek Man.jpg
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Kek has given his only begotten son, Pepe, to make /pol/ most powerful organization in all of world.
Pepe the frog is a meme like Trump, I despise Kek and His supposed black magic, He is a crook and fraud like the fake millionaire Trump.
Quasi-religious trash. Wishful thinking at its worst.

Read some Heidegger and sort your head out.
This. The fact that your ancient libtard teacher is talking about a fucking cartoon frog just goes to show how retarded the left is.
4K is 2160p you little shit. 16:9 is for cucks.
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>he doesnt collect hyper rare pepes for his duel deck
>"No, I am THE father"

Horseshit, post a link.
just goes to show you how scared shitless they are right now.
>"alt-right" adopts cartoon frog as symbol
>liberal sudo-professors immediately start preaching why said cartoon frog is ebil.

were on offense gents. they are playing defense.

pot calling the kettle black
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The one thing that you can be sure remains constant in all timelines is pepe.

Really makes you ponder

Nice argument, kiddo.
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>gets done with class
>goes on pol for some more 'dank meme' research
>sees this screencap

Physical rare pepe
What is with the left's obsession with the alt-right, whatever that is, and internet memes?

Have these people literally just started using the internet within the past 5 years?
>at judo practice
>let a girl pin me on the ground for practice
>tapping the mat for her to get off me
>she won't get off
>she's waiting for the instructor to check her form
>no air in my lungs
>she's too heavy
>can't breath in
>can't lift my arm
>weakly tapping my hand on the mat
>everything went black

Maybe I did die that day.

Maybe I'm in a coma after all
Lefties tend to be young, <22, before they've left the nest

So it's entirely possible
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