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Lonesome Wyatt's Euro-American Political Risk

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Thread replies: 253
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Let's go.
Merchant Kingdom
Caliphate of Al-Andalus
Sunni Islam
Near to Moscow
Holy Roman Empire
Oh Goys across the thread, join the great religion of Judaism, or are you a bad goyim?
Jewish american empire
New York
>Jewish american empire
Madrid spain thats worth +2 right?
Ted cruz
Any color
How does religion work?
Great Floridian Empire
Any colour if available
South Florida
NFSA (Nigger Free States of America)
Washington D.C
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yay my friend
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Judaism (baal-ism/ satanism) is just for jews
Christianity is the altered version for the goyim, Islam is another
>Catholicism >jewish
Goy in denial
Forgot name.
Already taken
Join Judaism, and your traitorus acts shall be forgotten
Anglo Empire
I forgot the name
can my PEOPLE be jewish i thought 1 religion per empire or something?
Don't listen to this goy, he is lying, we aren't taking over the world, don't worry, he is a bad goyim
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I put you in London for being a retard.
We have IDs.
if 1 reli per player, no empries would be possible, so I think no.
Take that city in Portugal
destroy that guy below me
Take those slaves, and that town.
Go north
Time to take Virgina
spills take that city in canada and go for that yellow thing in the west
Rolling to expand north towards Denmark, spill into Sweden.

Also I cant tell what bonus Berlin gives me..
Go to city on the east
Go for that city in turkey> then city in Greece> fish
Fill UK
yeah more than one reli per player, protestantism has been adopted multiple times, so does catholicsm, want to join Judaism, and form an empire with me?
Move towards portugal city
Guys what is pali and straights?
Isn't lonesome wyatt a gothic country artist? I want you to know I loved the album Sabella (I think it was called)
That's Lisbon (lisboa) bro
naah im good for now since i fucked up that guy below me
palis are digits that can be read from back and front the same eg 323, 424
Straights are consecutive digits eg 123, 456,987.
My nigga. As soon as spain is mine I've got your back.
what means 3/4/5D palis?
i guess 5D straights is like 34567, but don't understand how it work with pali
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I am Lonesome Wyatt.
You don't want to go in an empire they rek shit
OK bro, what religion have you chosen?
The one of us that reach 10 points can declare an empire, for each player that join to the emperor gives +3 to the emperor
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Very slow expansion in Iberia, kikes conquer a shit ton, and Russia makes gains.
that is 5D palis?
and how would be 4D?
Kill Ted Cruz and take his delegates

Take lisbon
Continue expanding into Sweden, conquer the cities north of me

ok lets be a empire
Now to the south to get next bonus
Sail to Ireland
Resist if attacked> fish> destroy blue
Am I already out?
Kill whoever is in anatolia
Continue expand North
sunni islam
Conquer Reykjavík and Iceland. Any spills to Olso
Ho yassss I resist by one that go for fish
Kill this stupid fuck
When you get +10 would you like to form an empire?

>OP wears fedoras
Cancel my attack, fill Africa, take the fish.
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Bro, you can take that +1 at Northwest Spain too later
my apologies
Pece? take Anatolia in eschange for nap?
and roll to fill rest of south and spills go north
not my Anatolia the rest of it.
Nigger Faggot
Light Purple (Lilac)
Tuareg Confederacy
North African city
Any color
Sure. NAP
forgot tripcode
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Yes, and the progroms will begin
Good choice OY VEY
so how do we form an empire?
someone has to get +10
Great Emperor, if you would allow me to control North Africa, I can protect your western flank.

Praise Hashem.
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Year three, kikes begin to slowly lose land in Anatolia. Pope Sloth is a good name, as he slowly advances into Sweden. Irish become slaves again. And speaking of niggers, niggers and niggerfaggots uprise against their masters.
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Adding that roll.
Attack and conquer towards the slaves
Take the Wheat fill UK
fine, help kill retard. NAP?
take first tiles from east to the west (border)
spills go north and preferably to that nuke or something
Conquer Oslo, even if it means attacking
Focus on getting that town
Take down yellows bonus
Yes, and maybe an alliance?

Conquer Iceland and the Fish in Baffin Bay. Any spills to fill Greenland
Reach to Virginia without invading JAE, than conquer Africa.
first 3 TILES SRY
OP why you painted only 7 territories for me? I had 3 from the roll and the bonus +6.
Nigger Faggots migrate south and invade merchant controlled Syria to help our gay retard orthodox brothers
no allies here, get +10, and form an empire
Shit wait is retard yellow? If so please redirect for nearest city
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Resist if attacked> eliminate jfmsupfam

Ho shit, too many merchants
Oy vey, I must go, give the remains of my shithole, to a new player.
We will take Kiev!
And then go for the fish on north.

Don't forget about 2 territories that you don't painted for me on last turn.
can he have my glorius empire?
Merchants vs anti-merchants
What a risk map boys, what a risk map
Hello my south friend
I can take over if you wish
Hello, wanna a nap, let's fight against the merchants bro
I do but is that allowed?
I think you can handle it by yourself
fuck this gay retard advance north to croatia stat
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Lurkers will take it, I'm sure.
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This is year four now.
Did you used this?→>>90901374
We will take the fish and go to Helsinki!
Fill England and Wales then sail to France
Fill Iceland, Greenland and Newfoundland
→use this for destroying blue please
time to invade Finland
Consolidate North Africa

Convert to Shia Islam as the Kingdom of Israel has been abandoned and the 12th Imam has shown his grace.
im gonna go to sleep so for my last roll go get that nuke thing north
Did you count my roll? Posting on new ID because off of phone now.

I said attack Gold in Florida last round, attack them again. Attack Gold again so long as they're not retard, if they are then I expand east towards nearest cities.
No it's not
Continue migrating south, invade Syria if possible, spills take other merchant provinces
onwards to serbia/kosovo, filling that area up
Would you like to work together against the Pope, my fellow Protestant?
Nice doge bro, the Russia guy wants finland, even so take care bro
Join my Empire next turn and let's destroy HRE.
artic norway
Norther horde
pale color
Gladly. What shall the Empire be called?
You will see.
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Year five.
Take northern Morocco

Defend and counter attack if attacked
Sail to France take Paris head to Berlin
Ahhh shit guys, my connection's fucking up.
Finish Greenland and conquer Oslo. Any spills to conquer Stockholm
Defend if attacked, spill to expand into France
Expand southwards to greece & bulgaria, any spills attack gay retard
Catch fish> destroy blue
Shit, didn't pay attention. Attack the south
it is I my friend
Now I creating Nordic Empire and Risaveldi joins that.
Take Helsinki and go on other HRE's and neutral Finland!
Updated Sig
Of course tuareg
Continue taking America, focus on yellow's last bonus.
>No Baltic Paganism

This desu
>no Phoenician polytheism
Nobody gives a fuck.
reinforce everything and spill for the arctic fish
Now you want nap.
Sure nap
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Jews are kill. They are scattered across the world now, while Constantinople is conquered by faggot retards.
Kill the Northern Horde. Any spills to fill Norway
Conquer the south.

take that mediterrannian fish and continue swallow all of Anatolia, start by attacking gay retard
reinforce and then expand neutrally
Fuck, escape into Central Europe
Reconquer Greece city> turkey city> bizanti in m
Invade Spain and restore the Caliphate of Al-Andalus under my reign!

Change my color to green OP
1) If Northen Hore is still alive - destroy that.
2) Fill neutral porvinces near to Caucasus.
3) Take Russian Finland.
No bro I'm with him, sorry for not mentioned it earlyer
If there is too many territories: fill north-east.
I'm sorry but I must reinstitute the caliphate
Help me out here a turn or two and he'll go down real quick. Why is this loser attacking me unprovoked anyway?
Suci my diki fagot
Trader State of Haven
Whatever color
Anglo, are you here?
i asked the same thing yesterday of you
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Kill Ted
Make a path for Rome
take back greece, mediterannian fish and then continue swallow up more of western Anatolia

also checkd
Conquer Toronto and New York. Any spills to HRE in Sweden

OP use roll to take down Caliph he didn't have 6 last time just 4.
You've forgot my Empire bonus +3. I'll write it before main bonus.
Conquer Constantinople> then destroy brown
3d straight
wew lad

Still worth less than >>90906111

... poor bastard
1) All on HRE.
2) Take neutral provinces in Scandinavia.
Spills to filling Italy
Rip, I retire the HRE. My time as Pope is at its end
Noice for me, bad for HRE
Oh fuck it wasn't roll
But i have another pali
i have to restore the ottoman caliphate
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Of course you have to restore the caliphate, I would not expect anything different from a swedenistani
I always thinked that south portugalian and spanish are the same syrian. Is this true?
well fack me
Nord, NAP?
op r u ded
Hope so, you don't deserve this victory.
Shut up, you ain't even a country
Convert to Protestantism and I shall sign your NAP.

His connection probably shit itself again. Hopefully he fixes it before everyone bails
Convert to Islam Ted and hand over the spanish delegates

I'll let you live in america
Portugal and Spain have some differences
> almost 99,9% same language
>Only half Celtic, 33% ± have some Jewish antecester

>allot of languages
>Spain is a union between various kingdoms
>less Arab and Jewish blood then Portugal
>¾ celtic
My city is bigger than your "country" sprat.
How do I get a Ukrainian gf
Shit meme
>>Spain is a union between various kingdoms
Catalonia isn't Spain.
Waiting for referendum guys.
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Being Putin?
>implying Islam is a better meme
It's Catholicism or nothing
Orthodox is fine I guess
>language is 99.9% the same
Don't you dare compare the Spanish language with that monkey tounge you call Portuguese
It's easy. You must just let she know that average salary in USA is 25 times bigger than in Ukraine.
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>not being Shia and praising Ali
The leader and crown is castela & Leon then they have Galicia (the Iberian one, were Portuguese culture came from, Portugal separated from them in 1139.) They have bask country, Catalonia, Aragon, and much more
Wrong country, fag.

And good luck using those wool socks we send you as ammo against russians
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>tfw no money
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Well anyone want to start a new game

Got a pretty good map but I can't host
Monkey tongue!?!?!?!? Portuguese tongue is almost as hard as German, allot of people can't speak our developed and complex tongue, other Iberians can't understand unless they read what we say, you muricans should try to speak a more complex language instead of your Easter to speak language (the monkey one)
Too many rules
It's hard to read that for me
My friend sadly he's right Portuguese is truly the language of apes
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Why do you say that?
Porque é que vocês dizem isso?
>bla bla bla
You have one tank for three baltic cities. Wanna tell me something about the army you sprat?
Your city have the most suicide rate in Europe so go kill yourself like a fish on the beach.
>bi lingual(going for tri) master tounge
The only reason I hate is because of the Down syndrome version of it that is Brazilian Portuguese. It might be a bias but Spanish is far superior
It sounds like baboon speak. Portuguese chicks are hot though I fugged one in Toronto.


Didn't your army get btfo by legit militia?
Hahahahaha Brazilian people have an hard work to understand us, we don't speak like them, we don't open our mouth so much, in fact Portuguese have some sounds like the French j and r.
Brazilian Portuguese is allot different, they have allot of words that we don't and vice versa.
Strangely our language have allot of similarities to French and Catalan (don't ask me why) then castellan
>hurr durr we make rocket engines and airplanes, but we piss it all away on golden shitters and cheap chocolate factories, pls send clothes, we cold here

Our port city still doesn't belong to Russians and we are able to afford actual human food in here without gibsmedats
It was the period when we was without national government and conscript army. We had only volunteers and that was the same like Donbass militia.
I find French equally unappealing
Do you live in Kiev?

I asked you this before but I left the thread and didn't see your response.

Is life better after maidan or worse?
Don't worry, bitches like it, ho and sometimes they can get interested in Portugal Portuguese too
That is not your merit. Russia can conquer ALL baltic cities just in 60 minutes but they just don't do it as yet.
Russia would take a week at most to take the Baltics, but no 60 minutes
At this moment I live in central Ukraine.

After revolution all prices were increased by 1,5-2 times, dollar is now 3 times expensive than in 2014. But now I take thought... After the State Duma elections in Russia they wanna adopt many crazy laws and reestablish sort of KGB (MGB). At least in Ukraine we have standart of living almost on the same level like Belarus and we have freedom.
A week? Don't make me laugh. If war really will start they can conquer Kiev in 2 hours and that's true. They have a fucking lot of mobilized troops on border with Europe.
You sound a lot like a Russian living in Kiyv.

And yes, Russia could BTFO us immediately, but they're not going to do so, as that would make them go back to stone age ultra quick. We're safe here, not enough Russian minorities to cause any real shit.
>as that would make them go back to stone age ultra quick
What? Have you invented nuclear weapon already?

It's really easy.
Basically there are countries, kingdoms and empires.
They each have different qualifications.
Countries get +1
Empires get +2

Catholics have pope
Orthodox have patriarch
Protestant can make Anglican Church if english
Also Muslims

Pope can bless for +2
Different areas give different bonuses

8, 9, 0 can revolt in territory

>oppressed russian minority

Angry Ivan has entered the game. I don't think this discussion should go any further, as I know exactly what's going to be said next. Calm down, Zhirinovsky, let's drink some Vodka.
Russia need the corridor from Belarus to Konigsberg and your territories can help them with that. A half of Latvia and Estonia is pro-russian, so it easy to make there "people's republic". Without direct conflict they can conquer almost a half of baltic cities territory.
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Maybe one day I'll try to play on that map.

Also I've made the final map for our game.
If they really needed that corridor that much, they would have done it already in the 90's. Also all the minorities in Latvia and Estonia only love yelling about how much they love Putin and having Russian friends, but they certainly wouldn't like to live in Russia.


Not enough dindus and feminazis here to make anyone feel oppressed.
Ok bro, good night. And I want you to say - I'm not pro-russian. I'm just realist.

He бyдь yкpaинo-/pyco-/etc-фoбoм и тoгдa никтo нe бyдeт yщeмлять твoe чyвcтвo дocтoинcтвa мaлeнькoй бaлтийcкoй нaции.
He кaкoй Я тyт .......фoб. Пpocтo быйoбибaтcя люблю.

Good night bro. It was a fun bant.
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