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Thread replies: 240
Thread images: 40

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What did Horsey mean by this?
Me on the middle right.
>Who scares you?
Dumb comic illustrators
same here
>Who scares you?
>Characters intentionally drawn to seem innocent except for the redneck and the cop
The guy with his hand in his pocket. He's an unknown threat.
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None of the above since I'm not a spineless pansy who gets scared of his own shadow?
1. A lot
2. Somewhat
3. Nothing
4. A lot
Horsey never fails to trigger me. Every single comic of his seems to be designed just to make me rage
Slide thread.
The two on the left obviously, I live in Chicago.. Has this dumbass ever met a fat redneck? The worst they'll do his say "hi" to you from the next gas pump and ask you who won the baseball game..
guy with his hand in his pocket and hood over his head. The nigger
What's threatening about the redneck and the cop? They both look sad.
I just want him to draw porn
>you shouldn't make judgments based on the actions of others
>except for the ones I don't like
No but what did he mean by this?
I would probably be more alert around the redneck and the nigger. Unless the guy with the cross and the tattoos is supposed to be latino, in which case him too.
All of them
Come on /pol/ post Horsey chicks
The nigger, because statistocally he's more likely to be a violent criminal.
redneck cop here

I am sad
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That guy has some issues.
None of them really, they don't seem to be showing any aggression. If I had to pick one I'd go with far left since I can't see his hand and he might be trying (poorly) to conceal his face.
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>it's a "white people are bad" horsey comic
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none of them but i'd be more alert if i saw the nigger and spic approaching me
the guy with his hood up and hand in his pocket scares me
Only the one on the left
>black, statistically the one in that lineup most likely to cause harm
>it's hot why does he need a hoodie
>only one with hand in pocket

It's a totality of circumstances and factors. I know you're trying to race-baiting horsey but you sick at it.
Rednecks are literally harmless.
None of the above, because you didn't include a lobbyist stuffing money into the pockets of a politician.
urban youth
Me in the middle.
Hands where I can see them coon. Jose, get back in your house man. Thanks for the tip Earl. Jack, call central tell 'em we've got the second coming of Trayvon here.
They all look like faggots to me
>bad dude
really made me think
I noticed the covetous jew is missing....
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He's obviously a racist using race to make a point about racism.
>Who scares you?
None of them, but the guy with the hoodie on looks like he's about to pull a gun and rob me.
The 2nd one (from left to right) suppose to be Mexican?
The two on the left are clearly dressed up like gangbangers, so I would rightly assume they're in a gang.
>none of the above
the 3 from the left
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Aside from the cop, since which I will respect his authority; none if I have a gun.
That dude is going to get stabbed before he gets the first shot off.
>AVOID he is in the "confused africanus" a step before "violent africanus"
>Tribal tatoos just a dude bro
>just a redneck
>just a cop
Confirmed for not knowing rednecks
They can be very rude and violent, depends on the person.
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>IWB holster

End yourself faggot
Nah, he already has the hammer cocked before he unholsters the gun. What could go wrong?

(Yes, spellcheck. Unholsters is a word.)
Cops and rednecks are always bros to me... The other ones, not so much
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Get a load of this faggot.gif
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>Masculine characteristics are scary.

Illustrated like a true beta faggot.

I swear Horsey would fall over in a breeze, the little chickenshit.
I'm most scared by officer Romney.
Cop. He doesn't understand my culture of stealing cars. Racist
1. Obey law so not scared of cop
2. Redneck looks like a trucker. Probably hauls produce across the state. If the trucks stop nobody eats.
3. Hispanic guy is clearly christian. Looks like he works in a tattoo parlour. Not the most christian of jobs but at least its honest work.
4. Dindu wearing a hoodie. Might have skittles but probably has a gun. Definately unemployed and definately gunnig for white guys.
All I really got from this is Horsey is probably afraid of rednecks.
>not posting the original
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>libs will never know what it's like to win a duel because their not obelisk the tormentor.
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Fear is the mind killer.
Everything these Liberals do, is done out of fear.
They are slaves to baser instinct and fear free men more than anything, because we reflect what they cannot, in their fragile, jumpy, broken minds, can be.
Liberals are fools. And they are allowed to propagate their foolishness. They have infected society with fear.
>not posting the original
I can't believe that is a real comic.
>3. Hispanic guy is clearly christian.
all spics are, and yet they are still no better than niggers.

dont let it fool you.
how is this bad, I wish I were ripped like this.
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>Fear is the mind killer

man this guy horsey is a fucking fagget
>posts video game music instead of a proper quote from the book or scene from the movie
the guy hiding a gun in his pocket
Literally what is the point?
none of the above

Now if one or more of them were engaged in some sort of violent or threatening behavior, I would say that person.
delete this here face is disgusting
the cop. you never know what will happen when one gets involved in your life. usually not good. even if you're a good citizen you can get fucked over.
The nigger with his hands in his pocket.
Is the I AM SILLY comic based off this or is this just gods way of proving its point?
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>hiding behind hurr durr muh books muh movies


He meant, "RAYCIS" just like all of his blog tier newspaper memes.

Newfags, learn to sage shitty slide threads.
Spic and nigger of course.
>hoodie with hood up
>tShirt with religous necklaces and ball cap
the hatred is what the problem is.
Do you not know it's from Dune?
"scares?" No one.
Who am I wary of? The nigger and the cop.
Nigger = watch this baboon, he might do some monkey business like try to suckered punch me, watch where he keeps his hands
Cop = watch my speed, make sure I'm not doing anything possibly suspicious myself

Others I don't care, they won't bother me.
None of them, I'm not a limp wristed liberal faggot
Black guy is clearly reaching.
Depends on the volume of alcohol
Why would a redneck scare me?

It's basic math, blacks and Hispanics are more likely to commit crime, therefore I'll be more wary around them.

It's just like if I saw a tiger and a dog, I'm going to be more wary of the tiger than the dog, even though it possible the dog is vicious and the tiger is harmless.

As for the cop, you just do what they as and talk them like a regular person and they are generally very friendly
take your pills
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Still not posting
>when I get a duplicate error because op's is the original..

the nigger has his hands in his pocket.

could be a gun.
>religious necklaces
Literally means nothing. Ive known drug abusing alcoholics who wore crucifix necklaces and earrings. It's just a shiny piece of bling to them.
That's comedy gold right there.
None of these people frighten me. All of them look okay, and even if they did harass me, I've always got my gun.





>blacks and hispanics





But yeah i will agree the nigger and the mestizo are generally scarier


It depends on who you stereotype the most.
This. It's fucking common sense.
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>hurrr its metizo not Hispanic!!
>mixes up NZ with Australia
Fuck off
High cheekbones is a trope for villains.
IE. the cop
Never relax

Think they own the place and will get mad at you for no reason and start talking shit to you in their own language

Tend to keep to themselves so not a huge issue

>Police Officer
Slow down my car when driving past them, don't feel nervous around them despite not being white because I haven't done anything wrong and if they suspect you of doing something it's simple to talk it out and be on your way

>Who scares you
Lol you're country brought us into this world dad, don't go and try to ignore any responsibility for all us rape babies.

That would be a pretty nigger thing to do
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None of them appear to be doing anything threatening, however the African American is wearing his hood up, possibly to hide his identity and he does have a hand in his pocket. Given that people of his racial characteristics are over represented in violent crime statistics, I'd say I feel most threatened by him.
>any white person who isn't a wigger is a redneck
>making the cop look like the villain from Terminator 2

Horsey's really pulled out all the stops on this one.
cop looks like puddy
Two on the left
hispanic =/= spaniard
Why does the bad guys in horsey comics looks always more alpha and testosteroned than the other
I hate the way that cuck Horsey draws, always the same faces.
I also love how hypocrite this guy is. He always depicts poor wyte mails as racist retarded scum of the earth, just to show how non-racist he is.
a black alone can't do shit. actally what will happen if you stay too long around them: nothing
The T1000 on the right
It's not fucking hard. It asks at the top "who scares you?" It's a comic about how different people are scared of different stereotypes.
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Take two.

Made her too tall. Don't want anyone to say we were exaggerating her threat.....
Not by American labeling standards

We don't have the caste system here, monkey
Hol up
Hol up
So you telling me
*smacks lips
That every individual, regardless of race, has the potential to be scum, but some races produce more scum than others on average?>>90896975
>It's a comic about how different people are scared of different stereotypes.

Oh, I get it. Using racial stereotypes is fine in a comic if you are a liberal. But using a frog is racist if you are a conservative.

Makes total sense.
This. Actual, low class rednecks can be real fucking pricks when they drink, even if they are super cool to neutral when sober.
none of them desu
black guy isn't looking suspicious
spic is christian and is unarmed
redneck seems like a cool dude to shoot funs with
dad is a cop so i pretty much know every cop on earth
>This. Actual, low class rednecks can be real fucking pricks when they drink, even if they are super cool to neutral when sober.

Rednecks are Irish?
>this asshurt

Take your pills cuck
the funny thing is the guy in the comic looks like Horsey in uber /fit/ tier mode.he is self projecting.

None of them, because I have a CCW and can deploy lethal force on any of them at any time.

Yes, even the cop. A badge doesn't make you bulletproof.
It's alright, daggers only do 1d4 piss poor damage.
Guns are like at least 1d10 per shot with like 2 shots per round at least.
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After looking at both of these I'm fairly certain you are supposed to be afraid of the cop because of hist strong jawline.
pee pee incites racial hatred and an increase in white on black crime
A good portion are probably scottish or irish. Appalachians are pretty much all scottish.
>black guy isn't looking suspicious

Who scares you?
1. A lot, a negro wearing a hoodie with his hand in his pocket.
2. A lot, but not as much as #1. A cholo with prison tattoos.
3. Not very much- A fat dumb redneck. Probably just wants to spend his time watching WWE and chugging beer.
4. A lot- A cop with a gun and aviator sunglasses. Wants to ruin my day, give me a ticket, and arrest me for "muh promotion."
The cop looks the least scary out of all of them. It's a spectrum from left to right of most to least scary.
desu if I ever saw a coon with a raised hoodie walk towards me with his right hand concealed in his pocket like this I'd draw my magnum that I regularly open carry on him. we don't take kindly to that behavior around these parts.
Well, living in the south I see all of these kinds of people on a pretty regular basis, (as a matter of fact I saw far right pulling over left for driving without a license today). On their own none of these people would intimidate me if I just saw them walking down the street. It just so happens that statistically left and far left are vastly more likely to commit a violent crime than right or far right. It follows that if I were walking somewhere alone or at night and I saw one of these individuals deliberately walking towards me I would be more leery of a Hispanic or a Black than I would of a redneck or a cop, not because I inherently dislike either but simply because they are more likely to have malevolent intentions for me.
The google is ready to play the knockout game on the redneck, but he has to punch around the spic.

The spic will run like he's headed for a border fence because he's wearing Bloods colors, and has 6 bags of meth in his sock.

The cop will draw son on the google for assault, and the google will charge him and end up getting shot.

Hillary will praise the spic for being a brave immigrant, the google by reminding us Black Lives Matter, call the redneck a racist for provoking the google with his Confederate Flag cap. She will then have the cop arrested for hate crimes, email a memo to Comey demanding immediate prosecution, delete the email, and find someplace for a private diaper change.
(draw down)
Answer? All of them.
>Black people in america commit a lot of crim and this one has ONE but only one hand in his pocket.
>Whoever that guy is he has some tattoos and wears a bandana. That looks like thuggery to me. The cross conflicting with the tattoos doesn't inspire confidence either.
>The rednecks are known to be violent and this one doesn't seem to care about clothing too much, making him probably irrational. He does not care about himself (fat) but about his country (confederate flag) making him further irrational.
>The cop looks way too smug and disapproving, and american cops have been known to shoot someone dead over attempted suicide, and taser someone 11 times after they had a brocken back after a failed suicide attempt.
I'm not scared, I'm armed
They guy whose arms aren't exposed.
What does he mean by scared? As in, I'm actually terrified and afraid for my life? None of them, there's a reason I have a gun on me at all times.
Or does he mean which scares/worries me on an intellectual level? All of them.
The redneck and the cop doesn't seem that bad.
Can't say the same for the other brown guys
State power
The nigger. Is this some kind of survival quiz?
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>freaked the fuck out
Anyone got the comic where he mocks people who believed that the DNC fucked Bernie Sanders?
None of them because there's a peace officer present.
No idea. It's difficult to tell since the black guy is supposed to be Trayvon Martin but then the redneck and the mexican both look scary and shit. But the comic itself seems like it might be saying the cop is the worst, or that being afraid of everyone but the black guy is okay, or it's some kind of introspective thing like "who you're afraid of tells who you really are".

Fucking Horsey, he draws THICC girls though. I wish this country had a stronger comic industry and was less prudish so we could have things like Toloveru but drawn by Horsey. At least we have Toloveru.
Das rayciss, indians are supposed to have high cheekbones (or so goofy elizabeth warren claims)
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What did he mean by this?
I guess the intention was a spectrum of least scary on the left to most scary on the right
fuck all these "what did X mean by this?" threads. god.
>What did he mean by this?

Trying to be relevant while taking the safe way out by not actually making a point but appearing to be insightful.

#1 and #2 are the only acceptable answers.
everyone but the cop
None of them because I'm not a liberal cartoonist (Read: pussy).
>lol just 9mm
Now what faggot?
all of them
This right here. Don't fuck with a drunk redneck.
1,2, and 4
they usually aren't super friendly, but they're generally the type to not start shit with other whites
the first three are alright

rednecks, cops and mexicans aren't usually beyond reasoning with

on the other hand you can't really reason with a chaotic evil niggerbeast with no morals or conscience
the spic and nigger because they will objectively commit the most crime.
duh the nigger reaching for his gun
They're all pretty spoopy the cop looks like a terminator too.
Does the redneck legitimately scare anyone?

Do rednecks even fucking do anything anymore?

Also if you're a black person, the one that should logically scare you the most is the black guy in the hoodie. He is statistically more likely to kill or harm you than any of the other 3.
The left two obviously.

The redneck looks dumb but not violent (which is typical) and the cop looks like a trim and proper ideal police officer stereotype.
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>all those people
>all want to get into the castle.
>refugees carrying isil battleflags
>>all those people
>all want to get into the castle.
>refugees carrying isil battleflags

So is he saying, let them in and mocking the castle dweller for selfishly wanting a bigger moat (racists!)

Or saying stop the unfettered influx of refugees without any sort of controls or background checks (terrorists!).

The cartoon means absolutely nothing at all because it refuses to take a side and make it's point.
The second one. He looks like a straight up gang member. The nigger just looks lazy with his sweatshirt and sweat pants, the redneck is just a typical redneck who usually don't bother people and I'm a law abiding white male so the cop is on my side.

the black guy of course. I live in the metro Detroit area, its only natural.
The two on the left.
I highly doubt the two on the right want to steal my shit.

that red hat guy looks like a dude bro to me. He even has the douchy tribal tattoos
It clearly picks a side.
"You're going to need a bigger moat."

And then presenting the refugees as they are with isil people in them.

Just because he doesn't say "gas the sandniggers racewar now" or draw an ugly caricature of the party he doesn't like he's still very much picking a side.
Well, it's supposed to be a mexican although he looks like a biker. Either way, I'd rather a nigger rob me then a spic slowly cut my head off.
LOL i get it... europes fucked. good one horsey, nailed it.
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Hungary bro. Please stop. Here's the original.
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When will they learn.jpg
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low test
Well never mind then.

That really is not making any point at all.
The Mexican. If nothing else, I share a common language with the other three.
>no IWB holster
The nigger and the cop. Why? Who scares you?
If you ever thought that Horsey's "insights" were a bit fucking retarded then now you know why.
>black guy actually looks kinda chill (the more dangerous ones have a different look to them; I'm from the south I can't go getting scared of every nigger I see)
>Mexican is a bit edgy but I don't go out of my way to antagonize people and he's not gonna start shit completely out of nowhere
>redneck probably isn't the most pleasant person but like with blacks there's a look to the more threatening ones; at most he'll be a little argumentative and dull
>cop actually looks competent and upstanding, the ones likely to get on your case for small or made-up shit are the ones they relegate to speedtraps and shit

None of them. The nigger is the most likely to try to cause harm to me though.
2 and 3 are the least intimidating.

They're both stereotypes of people that have calmed down with age.

3 is harmless because by this point, he's lived out of his partying, violent days and is mostly just a goofball working some real blue collar job if he's still working. Might be a bit dopey and prejudiced, but usually pretty friendly otherwise.

2 is 90s as fuck, the guys who still dress like that just became comfortable in/could only really afford those outfits back in the day or are the kids of those people. And of those, they don't usually like to cause any problems. Maybe talk a bit of shit and fuck with you if you're in wherever they're pretty much the only style of person there, but if you show you're not really an idiot and know they're playing around they're fine, if friendly.

They're both confused as to why they're dropped into this situation.

1's worrisome because I can't read him. He's got a completely blank face. As a guy who's been mugged, it's always some dude with a straight face with his hood up and talking real quiet. No eyebrows up or down, no real emotion shown. You could make him any ethnicity and keep up that style and I'd still be worried. Give him a smile or a frown or whatever and I'd be able to figure he's at least feeling something and not trying to hide it.

4's intimidating for a similar reason. He's got sunglasses on and a straight mouth, with his hands at his sides. Most calm cops I've seen who've got those kinds of shades have their hands on their hips. Typically they're just very intense/imposing by nature, but I'm also not a moron who'd go pulling a gun on him so it's more irrational. Same as 1, make him smile or frown or something and typically it's a bit easier to tell if he's a threat.
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2nd plague .jpg
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And yes that is a child running away from reading, writing and math so that they can take up subjects that don't require any of those.
Like science for example.
>dat nose

Is he our guy?
Maximum kek
Duh, niggers spics and gov cuck police don't get on here.
>implying the entire board isn't government agents trying to spot extremists
>implying I'm not Sunday
Nah it's meant to look like a witch whose physical characteristics in folklore were based on jews.
I'm sorry. You just got so worked up that I didn't want it to keep going.
>implying witches weren't Jewesses
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The guy on the left
Good point.
>nigger dressed in all black at night with a gun in his pocket
>hispanic youth with gang tattoos and a gang colored bandana
>curious looking hard working farmboy proud of his heritage
>clean cut upstanding officer of the law
What do you think?
I just realized something...... did he really use George Lincoln Rockwell as the cop?
Nigger is clearly reaching for a gun, spic might be pulling a knife. They scare me. Good old southern boy is just hanging out and the cop is getting ready to arrest the minorities, just as he should be.
I'm white and live in Oklahoma.

The Southern dude and the black guy scare me equally.
The point of the comic is actually legitimate.

They pump random information for the test into you that you'll forget over the summer and science experience and PE have fallen wayside because it's not on the test.

There's no more practical applications in schools anymore.
I'm scared of the nigger on the far-left reaching for his illegally-obtained firearm.
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Horsey is a weird guy, sometimes he's reasonable and other times he's full retard
>What did Horsey mean by this?
Niggers are least scary, Mexicans are more scary than niggers, then red necks and finally cops are the most scary people of all
your right or my right?
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OC comin through
Muh nigga
Please make this happen baal
That's the original.

The spic is clearly a Banger

the one on the right is the only one who has a legal mandate to kill me without repercussion
>What did Horsey mean by this?
He's having a personal/existential crisis. It's manifesting in his art.
I though people here were supposed to be able to pick up on this shit.
The two on the left.

Horsey fucked up again. Most people are going to instinctively fear the two on the left and realize the falsehood of the narrative that whites and cops are dangerous.
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Horsey parodies?
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I love this new women.

Hurr durr I'm retarded
what is that a parody of?
None of them scare me.
I bet that cops safety is always off
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Thorkell is the new face of the alt-right.
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Just another racist comic by David "pull the trigger on every nigger" Horsey
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Top kek it's a fucking power fantasy. Just look at him with his shit ginger goatee and cuck hair, he's envisioning himself as someone alpha. What a fucking omega, my sides are unironically in orbit.
Horsey has pretty terrible perspective
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pic related.

Criminals can be dealt with easily. Criminal factories are subsidized.
Were is the ((()))???

Its a trick question, he's behind this post.
high cheekbones is a trope for having facial aesthetics
>there are horsey porn parodies
My boner is now interested.

no the idea is 'if some nigger thug, a spic, a redneck, or a cop walked up to you in a dark alley who would you be scared of?'

the comic was made around when trayvon was shot, and the 'nigger thug' is meant to look like trayvon.

the answer is d, the cop. the comic is a blm supporting comic that wants to make you hate cops.
Someone saw Men in Black.
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>no sock puppets
frigid bitch
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Nigger who might be holding a murder tube, with an explosion nugget in it. Cholo and Cleetus probably don't have weapons it would seem. Though having the cop here makes me feel much safer.
The Sunglasses removes the humanity. Have any of you ever seen Terminator?
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