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Thread replies: 137
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I look up to them all
what is a foreign leader?
Duterte, Putin, Orbán, the list goes on
Thought for sure this would be fake, but nope, 100% real. Johnson is a parody of himself.
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Dats a sad pic

what a stupid faggot
Damn Japan, your flag looks kinda sick.

Is it OK?
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>I'm a fucking retard: The tweet
>he thinks a libertarian would look up to those people

C'mon m8, at least TRY to answer the question from his perspective. We weren't talking about who YOU looked up to.
what a pathetic attempt this guy is

go tongue an asshole gary
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Pains me to say this but he has single-handedly destroyed The Libertarian movement.

Press F to pay respects to an ideology that had so much potential.
duterte is an edgy authoritarian imbecile
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Do you not like apple juice?
Jigme Namgyel Khesar Wangchuk
Bashar al-Assad
Rodrigo Duterte
It was always a scam and a meme. I'm glad to see its inevitable implosion finally come to a head.
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>heheh it's that i d-d-don't l-look up to any foreign leaders and that's why i c-couldn't name any i s-swear
>it's not because i didn't know any
everyone I know that supports this autist has the same holier than thou mentality like they're so smart because they vote a certain way. It not surprising the retard they look up to thinks he's so great that he doesn't have anyone that he looks up to
Shut up, Obama.

A leader of a country that is not our country.
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At least he's not a dog fucker faggotty ass bitch. Fuck you and your entire retarded shithole of a nation.
He'd pick Merkle
Alt-Right picked all the smart ones up. Now they're true Nationalists, like they always secretly were in their hearts.

Even someone who was pretending to be a libertarian would not look up to Duterte, and you fucking know that you autist.

Pay attention to the arguments being made and stop being an idiot. You know that what I said is right.
This, Johnson doesn't even know what libertarian means.
Gary is such a moron. Muh george washington claptrap.

What about M. Macri of Argentina? Closest thing I can think of as a libertarian-friendly foreign leader.
>no borders
>no regulation
>everybody do what ever the fuck they want

so much potential
You faggots don't understand what's happening here.

Gary Johnson originally started to be pushed by the media because they thought he'd act as a spoiler and suck votes away from Trump. But then it turned out he was actually taking votes away from Hillary, due to all the progressive weedfag and SJW bernouts voting for him instead of Clinton.

Upon realizing this, Gary (with the media's help) started making himself look stupid. Comments like "what's aleppo" and "I can't name a single foreign leader" are just the tip of the iceberg. He's purposefully tanking his campaign because his only goal is to stop Trump from becoming president.
The juice box is way too "my pyjamas have feet."
>M. Macri

That one might work, but I'm sure Gary doesn't know who the fuck this is.
>Banking shill
>Crony capitalist slimeball
He's not just a statist, he's a greedy statist. 0/10

Yeah he's trying to damage control in the form of smugness.

I can name a few, Abe in Japan, Nigel in the UK. Geert Wilders.
Is this another one of them leopard moments?
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>tfw already have your flag
30 sept? its 29 wtf lol.


I suspected that too.
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>I don't know where Bangladesh is.
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Why would anyone "look up to" any politician?
Daddy's cutest little senator :3
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Just cuck my country up, senpai. Should be his slogan.
How about based Modi?

>poo in loo threatening all out war with Pakistan

Yeah nah cut.
name a foreign leader


crowd gasps
Shit list by a true beta
Feel better Japan
Found the paki
I kind of sympathise with him desu. Are there any foreign Libertarian leaders?
What's wrong with that?
I guess he forgot about Benjamin Netanyahu, Viktor Orbán, Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, Andrzej Duda, and others.
Everyone's laughing at him.

You don't realize he's intentionally destroying himself to help Shillary.

You're all working for the Jews and you don't even know it.
The Illuminati told him "Hey, you're taking votes from the dems for once, you gotta take a dive"
Damn Kenya tearing it up today.
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Complete fag who is just out to rustle jimmies and ended up getting btfo by fucking Obama of all people

Perhaps the most corrupt leader of one of the major powers today, who actually looks up to him?

Pretty based when it comes to migrants but seems like he's fucked up tons of shit in his country without the need to migrants.

Honestly, fuck most of the foreign leaders today but I will say that even though I disagree with most of them you have to be an exceptional person in some way to be able to rise that far and I think that goes for just about every leader in the world today.
H should play it super safe and say José Mujica. Everyone thinks he's a fucking retard, so going with the insanely likable Uruguayan pres would at least win him some points.
sorry, wasn't meant to be a reply...
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That picture is fucking vile.
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His running m8 unironically picked Merkel

>not even once

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Many Chavez though.
That's a really retarded thing to say, not because I think he should look up to any foreign leaders, but because as a presidential candidate, he shouldn't be saying pointlessly incendiary, undiplomatic shit like this. LOL EVERY1 IS FAGS ROFL XD
kill yourself /v/ reddit
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Unedited version
But he is literally the opposite from a libertarian.
He is fat old chavez
What about Stefan Lofven?
this is why you're all dying you know
Seriously? That's fucking depressing.
This is white people all over middle America. They love their heroin and oxycontin more than anything
Duterte is robocop and the flips needed that
Doesnt mean he isnt a great meme, thou. The best.
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Can confirm, ive meet him. Im about 6'0 and had alot on him height wise
Drug dealer detected. Go cry in your little shit shack Manny.
>playing gta online with friends
>mostly empty server
>one guy names gary017363 or thereabouts
>friend pins him to a wall with a truck
>gary: ...
>three of us start saying gary, other friend using soundboard
>walking and driving around gary, have him surrounded
>gary0183756 has left the server
>mfw he accepted my friend request
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Putin, for out kikeing the kikes
But he already said fucking Vincent Fox in the interview.
what is our country?
Duterte is a fag that is also a communist that shills for the Chinese. Fuck him and fuck his government too, the Philippines are ours so stand for your country you fucking cück.
Amerifag mad that he had to foot a $45,000 bill because Medicaid wouldn't cover it.

Legal weed in 2017, human rights for women, liberty and love. Name one thing wrong with my beautiful country. Oh wait, you Cant.

Trying not to be vain but I think I fit that description
Karadzic, putin, pinochet, hitler
It should be illegal for any politician to be this cute

There are no foreign libertarian leaders, let alone ones to look up to. He still could have answered something like 'Trudeau for legalizing the weed' or 'David Cameron for holding the brexit vote'. There must be at least one foreign leader that has done at least one good thing in his opinion.
Took me awhile to get the joke.
Thanks, >>90895581
This sounds completely right to me.
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>I keel you.

>But then it turned out he was actually taking votes away from Hillary...

YES! Finally, someone gets it.

About a month ago I felt like not doing work so I dumped a bunch of election data into Excel--because, who uses Excel to goof off--and started crunching numbers. I was surprised to see that just about then that Johnson was actually hurting HRC for than Trump. Well, the shill media must've been spying on me b/c all of a sudden you start seeing all this bad stuff about GJ everywhere.

Seriously, 2 gaffes. 2 fucking gaffes and they've been acting like he just ate a live baby on TV.
You did it for me. Legal weed and rights for women.
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Yeah, that might have been the best tactic. State that the lack of Libertarian leaders means that there's no leader you admire generally but then list some specifics from other leaders that you do admire.
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Just watched the whole thing. I cannot believe he really said Merkel and Matthews even followed it up with "Can't argue with that!".

How does a libertarian politician (or just any libertarian) look up to Angela Merkel?
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Just read your second para... that part's batshit. Neither he or Weld have anything approaching love for HRC. She universally disliked by everyone. A lot of people are secretly rooting for her to fail what should have been the easiest election ever so she'll go away permanently.

>Democratic vote denier backfires, sucks up Bernie voters, suddenly 5%+ third party candidate is reduced to ten year old Down Syndrome sufferer

None of you are stupid enough to fall for this shit, right?
Based leaf
>not chilling with the missus in footie pajamas and some apple juice after a long day of defending the constitution
Duterte is a cuck. He even apologized to Obongo for a comment he didn't even make to him. Everyone walks over Obongo only this flip gets cucked by him.
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Why is he so perfect?
>not getting stoned with the missus before kidnapping a cute girl and making her pray to Aqua buddha
Gary "JUST" Johnson
Gary "The Only Thing We Have to Fear Are Roads" Johnson
Gary "Syrians Can Rape My Wife As Long As They Don't Touch My Weed" Johnson
Gary "Triggered by my Antivirus" Johnson
Gary "Maps Are For The Detained" Johnson
I agree with your main point but disagree with the motivations of the players.

Johnson is clearly tanking his campaign and trying to destroy the Libertarian Party but I think he is on Trumps side.

He deliberately took his campaign off into leftist bullshit to get Hillary votes. Remember that fucking weird SJW talk about calling undocumented workers illegal aliens? That had to be deliberate signals to disaffected Bernie fags. It worked very well and most of his supporters were leftists.

Why would he do that? Libertarian Party has traditionally drawn most of it's support from the right. I think his intentions were to help Trump win by splitting the Democrat vote. The Democrat/Establishment saw what was happening and threatened him hard. Basically not only told him they would kill family members but would assrape his grandchildren before they killed them. The only way to avoid this terrible thing was to lower his numbers in the polls.

That's when you saw him steering his campaign into the ground at full throttle. Lucky for us the damage has already been done, any voters who were for him are going to be so demoralized they will either stay home or rage vote Trump.

I believe that Gary Johnson is a true hero and patriot who sacrificed his good name and reputation for the God/Emperor.
Hahaha i swear that's what won him the election. The smear campaign about aqua buddha just made people laugh and think Conway was a desperate little shit
That better fucking be Animal Style
>media struggling to prop up an increasingly hated hillary
>attempt to promote the Libertarian Party as a legitimate alternative in desperate attempt to siphon votes away from Trump
>2016 Libertarian Convention will be the greatest opportunity in history to explain a little-known but very principled philosophy
>get naked on stage instead

Gary "Boner Problems" Johnson.

What does "not our country" mean?
I like Duterte. You violent criminal we just hang your stupid ass.
>What are timezones?

What the fuck do you think it means? Are you retarded?
Do you not see my flag & your flag?

no way.

The United States you fucking moron.
Uh i think its called america
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too cute
thanks obama
Benjamin Netanyahu

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tfw senpai notices me
To be honest, there's no correct answer for him.

Who is a libertarian candidate supposed to look up to? Everyone is authoritarian garbage
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Isn't he a gommie though?
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