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Thread replies: 338
Thread images: 144

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trump frame data.webm
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Text TRUMP to 88022 or get the Official "AMERICA FIRST" app for important campaign updates
>Volunteer to be a Trump election observer
>Trump Playlist
http://pastebin.com/X9qQJVKJ (embed)

>Trump Rally in Waukesha WI 9/29/16
>Trump on ORLY 9/29/16
>Pence Rally in Leetonia OH 9/28/16
>Trump Rally in Council Bluffs IA 9/28/16
>Trump meets Pol American Cong Chicago IL 9/28/16

>Trump Rally in Melbourne FL 9/27/16
>Trump TH at Miami Dade College FL 9/27/16
>Trump stops at Miami Diner 9/27/16
>First Presidential Debate 9/26/16
>Pence Rally at Milford, NH 9/26/16
>Trump Rally in Roanoke VA 9/24/16

>Trump on F&F 9/27/16
>Trump/Hannity Post debate 9/26/16
>Trump/Bloomberg post debate 9/26/16
>Trump on Full Measure 9/25/16

>The Lion
>Trump Ad: Movement
>Deplorables Unite
>Trump Triumphant
>American Hero
https://pastebin.com/v7WHnG6b (embed)
http://pastebin.com/XuJpPFni (embed)

prev >>90886103
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The Run Begins: Deutsche Bank Hedge Fund Clients Withdraw Excess Cash

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>Kellyanne goes on the view
>asked about the allegations of avoiding the Cuban embargo
>They paid money, as I understand, in 1998

So Kellyanne went on national TV and ADMITTED that Trump violated US law?

Bravo Kellyanne

Black Trump Supporters Protest Launch of Hillary Campaign Office


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>The Cascade Mall shooting suspect, Arcan Cetin, may face an additional investigation related to his voting record and citizenship status.

>Federal sources confirm to KING 5 that Cetin was not a U.S. citizen, meaning legally he cannot vote. However, state records show Cetin registered to vote in 2014 and participated in three election cycles, including the May presidential primary.


WTF? Obama Administration Admits It Does Not Screen Refugees For Radical Views! New Poll: 51% of U.S. Muslims Want Sharia; 25% Okay with Violence Against Americans

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>You used to call me on my cellphone
From last night's hanger rally, if anyone missed it.

Trump walking in. You can see the thousands outside the fire marshal wouldn't let in

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Under Trump, NATO will start building EVA units.
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If trump can't even keep his office clean, how can he clean up the country?
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The butthurt is real here

On average, how many shills are in a single general now?
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>Unironically supporting the retard responsible for this quote
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Blacks are waking up
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>>90889844 repost

Hillary's campaign has a grand opening event for a new headquarters in Hollywood, FL

>8 Hilldogs show up
>Many more protestors show up

>Black Trump Supporters Protest Launch of Hillary Campaign Office

>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7wHKJ7RFq4 [Embed]

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tfw to intelligent to vote for Trump
Clinton's Slow Eye Blinks Are a Parkinson Symptom

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That might be a bit too over the top

But we will be in a better place, that's for sure
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When will we hear about our "nazi wolf girl" on MSM?
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Hey Dahnald.
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Do you get $0.05 for repeating old news?

>July 28,2016
Go pickup your wife's son from school now.
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AM I BLACK ENOUGH FOR YOU? - Hillary Clinton

>This is attempted murder
Every time they are the first to bitch to the police they hate
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The only retard is whoever typed that up. Jesus, the punctuation and formatting is terrible.
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It needs to happen
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he had 15 years to clean up his office, here it is in 1999

if he can't clean an office in 15, he couldn't do much with the country in 4
Litter ally who gives a shit. Hillary is a traitor to America and should hang beside you shill cucks
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We got the black vote, hillary

Now all you have left are illegals, literal retards and SJWs, how many of them are even going to vote?
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Barstow here....

I wish my vote actually mattered.

You fellas are so lucky living outside of Cali.
#ClintonScandals still going nuts on twitter

>who cares that Trump violates international law

You'd lick shit straight from his asshole, wouldn't you?
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Post things in this election that make you question if this is real life.

>the son of a presidential candidate tweets an image comparing refugees to Skittles
>Twitter butthurt reaches 7.1 on the Sphincter scale
>Godwin's Law condenses to a singularity
>the fucking Skittles manufacturer releases a statement disavowing the comparison
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too* intelligent
Are terrible*
I guess I'm a retard too. So two retards now.
It depends how bad the news is for Hillary. If it looks really bad, they are here in force attempting to spin it as a positive.

If it looks really good for Trump, they're here in force attempting demoralization tactics.
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How brainwashed are the americans when it comes to Russia?

Serisously, would the american people be okey with a declared war against Russia for no good reason?
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>It's a CTR™ hasn't read "The Art of the Deal" episode

No $0.05 for you
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>tfw in 6 weeks you will wake up to watch trump victories every day
>tfw in 6 weeks you will wake up to watch trump interviews every day
>tfw in 6 weeks you will wake up to read trump tweets from @POTUS every day
>tfw in 6 weeks you will post in a President Trump General every day
>tfw trump will repair america in your lifetime
>tfw america won't turn into mexico because trump will deport 15 million beaners and the wall will prevent any more from coming in
>tfw the political spectrum will move right, and every future president will be somewhere between a trumpublican and a white nationalist
>tfw guns and other rights will be preserved because trump will appoint at least 3 supreme court justices, tilting the supreme court conservative for your lifetime
>tfw america will rise again, and destroy china and its clique of rootless international power brokers
>tfw america will forever be the most powerful nation on earth, and europe is forcibly uncucked and restored to former glory
>tfw the white race will finally win the war against international jewry and preserve western civilization forever.
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International law? The US sanctions aren't international dumbass
If only they could wake up on time for work.
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The amount of shitposting and shilling today is off the charts
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The Full Armor Of God

Yeah because Hillary never violates law, huh cuck?
Don't count yourself out yet.

Wikileaks plus Hillary's next debate failure could put CA in play. I doubt she does the last debate.
Hillary can't even clean her own asshole by herself
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lets make it happen
So you admit he broke US law.

Thanks. You can share a prison cell with him
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But neither strategy works

Yet they keep on coming back

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>believe me folks

>international law

Spoken like a true globalist traitor.

Everything on that desk was pointedly and painstakingly positioned for that interview. Trump did an interview with the Economist earlier this year and the interviewer noted that Trump had fanned out every single issue of the Economist that had him on the cover on his desk.
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The enemy is panicking.
Wells dry retard. They tried this back in July with Bloomberg.

Your vote is very important. It shows that not all Californians are democrat-bought illegals and/or SJWs.
Your vote counts, anon. Show these fucker that there are sane people in Cali!
Poll: Hillary Clinton has the edge among people planning to skip election

>Reddit picks a novelty candidate
>It's a derelict socialist
>Ends up drinking their own Kool-Aid
>Spend all their NEETbux for the cause
>Discover the DNC was a huge scam the hard way

>Cry on national TV as their wizened, delusional "hero" sells them out for a minimansion and private jet access
>Alicia Machado adored 'famous publicity!' from her fat-shaming star turn as Trump paid for lavish wellness routine and said her weight was 'not unacceptable' as Miss Universe
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Shit man, that's only about 40 minutes from me... I would have loved to have gone down there for this.
The left hates Putin because Muh gays and the right doesn't push back hard because many still think in Cold War terms. Many have been programmed just to accept conflict with Russia as inevitable
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>Private servers
>Bleaching emails
>Destroying cellphones
Wew lad. David Brock hires real winners.
It's all they know
I feel sorry for them, honestly.
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>trump wins so much
>scientists want to keep him alive forever
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Since when did shilldog supporters care about the law lol

Certainly not when it comes to classified emails or American ambassadors dying, just buying cigars or something from a shitty island off Florida
“If a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, of what, then, is an empty desk a sign?”
(((Albert Einstein)))
Day #10 – FBI Director James Comey Admits “Stonetear” is Paul Combetta During Hearing….

You don't really understand US law do you?
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pretty obvious at this point
Literally goes to extreme lengths to protect her title, helps her stop being a fat cow, gets shit on for it.

Great job Clinton campaign, you just got Trump sympathy.
Never trust a man with a clean desk.

>a Presidential candidate calls a cartoon frog racist
>Farage, on the back of Brexit, appears with Trump at one of his rallies
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>photographer issues DMCA over skittles photo
>only because it's associated use by Trump or surrogates
>wouldn't give 1 fuck if it was anyone else
>he isn't flying Trump flags in his Jeep or truck in Cali
shameful tbqh
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Some of them are just /b/ tier trolls doing it for the lulz.

The real CTR shills that are here are here mostly for "research". To keep a thumb on the pulse here. When they post it's most likely out of sheer ass pain. They have to know they aren't really going to influence anything here, but sometimes they just can't fucking stand how much we make fun of Mrs. Cunton.
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You're right, never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake
Loretta Lynch on Crooked Hillary's Short List of Supreme Court Judges. Now We Know What Deal Was Cut On That Plane.

The Cuba story is more MSM BS.

If you read it, it basically says Trump Hotels & Casinos had some communication with a US based consulting firm about the hypothetical question of business in Cuba if [and only if] the embargo was lifted.

No money or anything went to Cuba. And business there would be legal if the embargo was lifted. And that was the entire premise of the conversation.

It never went anywhere past that discussion with the US based consulting firm. And there isn't any proof it was Trump. Just some person at his hotel and casino company.
Anyone have more videos like this?

I'd love to watch
Fucking Hillary. She needs to close down that Twitter if she wants any hope at winning.
I believe that messy desks are a fairly common thing among successful people. If I remember correctly even Einstein said to work better if his desk was messy.
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Why is the leftist commie fucks at VICE pushing the email stuff now?

What is their endgame?

Late Wednesday, the State Department agreed to post to its website by November 3 as many as 1,850 pages of emails that Clinton failed to turn over originally. The FBI recovered the emails during the bureau's investigation into Clinton's email practices.

The deal was hammered out between VICE News and the State and Justice departments in response to our ongoing Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuits against the agencies. We sued State in January 2015 for all of Clinton's emails, two months before it was publicly known she exclusively used private email to conduct official business as Secretary of State. Our FOIA case was the catalyst behind the yearlong release of 30,000 of Clinton's emails.

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That means I am trust worthy???
Loretta Lynch is a corrupt cuck

Ugly hack has no kids of her own
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Shill Chart.png
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nah, ctr doesn't respond

here, have a chart
>Yet they keep on coming back
Some are actual trolls from other boards & reddit. Others are actually paid to do this here.

I feel a tiny bit sorry for the latter since they will face legal issues for shilling for a candidate and they are paid by CTR to do so and they don't issue a disclaimer with each comment.
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Is anyone else going to Novi tomorrow?
it's obvious

they're for a Leppo man
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I'd like to thank you, Anon, for raising that important issue.

Okay I laughed
You're taking the fucking quote out of context. He's saying young people are vulnerable to recruitment from isis.
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>autists from /pol/ topple both bush and clinton dynasties
>made them waste hundreds of millions of dollars

Imagine the humans reading the history books in a couple centuries from now. We just made history interesting.
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Leppo man is a better candidate than Hillary Clinton

Clean record when compared to Hillary
Farage appearing was overwhelming, I still can't believe it happened and I watched it live
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Dubs so its true what the leaf said
Revealed: the men with stolen identities

In general Americans would not approve at all. Some would be able to rationalize it based on their own ideological positions (faggotry for example). Most would be horrified because most realize that Russia isn't USSR anymore and no matter what (((media))) says, they aren't our enemy.
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That choice is like The evil corrupt career politician or that annoying weed libertarian dude in your class when you were 14.
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Would this match up have more KEKS?

Maybe an alternate me can answer?
Why hasn't the GOP been declared a hate group yet?
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>MSM repeatedly reports on the new racist, dangerous, evil, white nationalist symbol: a cartoon frog used on a Taiwanese animation appreciation forum to express the joys of urinating with your pants around your ankles

>One of the presidential candidates claims that her opponent is proven to be a racist because a member of his family retweeted an image that included a cartoon frog
Well, she's successful in that at least.
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original awoo.png
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too obvious
>trumps essence preserved in mechanical sarcophagus
>trump acts as high energy beacon for all interstellar travellers to bounce their radars against
>visit distant planets
>comeback with ravenous species of insect like lizards that do nothing but eat from a newly discovered planet named Tyran.
It would have meant outright war with Reddit instead of the skirmishes we're experiencing now. They aren't behind hillary the way they were behind bernie. Bernie was their man.

>It mite have been gud.
i need a fucking gif of that copper shrugging holy kek
Yes anon... It kind of like the "never trust a skinny chef" axiom.
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From Webster

Bigly: a word, coined by business man Donald Trump to mean enormous, especially in the context of winning.
>We are apparently powerful enough to rig entire polls with millions of votes
>Direct congressional investigations
> Change elections forever
I think Trump mentioned Barron in cyber security because he knew shitposting powered by autism is the way to defeat ISIS and control the future
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Is this the real time line?
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Someone should make a hillary edit for pic related, the butthurt from the next debate will be legendary
so is Trump confirmed to win Florida because of early votes?
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We have won every war with Reddit quite easily. We took over there site in a few months and have even used it now to prove Clintons crimes.
Uh oh...

Hillary Clinton teams up with Pusha T for voter registration drive
The Democrat presidential candidate is offering voters the chance to meet the rapper whose work with Clipse glorified a cocaine-dealing lifestyle

This week, in a bid to drive people to register to vote, her campaign website is offering the chance to meet one of her supporters from the music world. And it’s not one of the baby boomer heroes or jazz musicians her husband, former president Bill Clinton, goes for.

Instead it’s Pusha T, who came to prominence as half of Clipse, the Virginia rap siblings who built a career on rapping about dealing cocaine. Though his lyrics have been a little less starkly criminal-minded since he went solo, it’s still not exactly what you’d expect from an ally of the potential next president.


How can we even compete?

(and liberals tried saying Trump's sniffles were from cocaine...)
He mentioned Barron, because Barron hacked the DNC and have the info to wikileaks.
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It's the only timeline that matters
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How do you guys pronounce "MAGA"?
I say mag-ah
So in this election, is Trump the representative of GDI and Clinton the representative of NOD? NOD controls all of the news networks and wants to hand over the world to alien overlords. GDI is trying to just keep the world "normal".
Anyone else notice the media has started referring to Obama exclusively as "The First Black President" ever since Hillary used that term?
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wtf i love the KKK now

its gonna be a fucking landslide unless hillary successfully registers every dead person to vote
(((CNN))) falsely reports Adnan Bukhari & Ameer Bukhari as hijackers of 9/11

Is there some reason we don't take over the politics forum there?

It would be as easy as mass voting.
Trump vs Sanders would probably spark an all-out cultural war between left and right.
Does that make her a necromancer?
>Hello fellow googles.
Funny about that...


And also Britain will remain part of the EU according to recent polling.
You always did
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literly who
>the best she could get was some 'literally who?' rapper
It looks pretty good. Clinton camps seems to have given it up and Trump has had a strong base there for a long time
that looks like the desk of man who does actual work
I knew Trump wasn't a true conservative. We should have nominated Marco Rubio. Rubio has a firm position on not going to Cuba and becoming friends with a Communist. Rubio would have stood up to the Castro regime. Trump is a Bolshevik in disguise. Rubio is a true American and a true Conservative.
If trump doesn't win it'll leave a scar in my mind for the rest of my life.
>have even used it now to prove Clintons crimes.


Not only did Reddit basically give the lying cheating whore who rigged the game against their ancient commie nutter, they ALSO HELPED HER AGENT COVER UP HER RICO CRIMES.

Reddit: Kings of the own-goal game. The most massive pool of failure on the entire internets.
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Pepe happy.png
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It's the best one.
Thanks for the memes Goofy Guac Man!
They've deployed the shills today because the polls are indecisive as to whether there was the mystical Clinton poll bounce they want to push.

Pretty simple tactics at play, if you can't make the data say it definitively, control the conversation. There's about 10 obvious shills shitting up slide topics that they make to cover the whole place with Clinton spam.

It's about the same as it was after the DNC.
How much are you getting paid to post this every day, Drumpftard?
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we can hope lad
I can't wait
now kiss
more shills than legitimate posters

not always true- but a lot of the time now

we need the lurkers who never post to speak up more

there are like 10x as many watching as participating

we could drown out the paid shills with their voices

The mods there are literally CTR.

They won't allow any opposing viewpoints to become popular.
How desperate do you need to be to poll non-voters?

Poll: Hillary Clinton has the edge among people planning to skip election

The survey found 38 percent of people not intending to vote support Clinton while 27 percent of them back Donald Trump if they decided to cast a ballot.


Who seriously gives a fuck who non-voters like?

Fucking pathetic..
Trump is more of a classical liberal desu
>tfw I'm a skinny chef due to fast metabolism and having to work up to 16 hour shifts without something to eat
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Your pic made that comment funnier
Trump behind the scenes
They can't control what gets downvoted and upvoted. This place could easily run them into the ground. They'd have their thumbs up their asses.
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What the fuck is up with this new twitter thing. Now there's a description under the hashtags.

The Trump one says" Report: Trump's company illegally conducted business in Cuba"
That place is akin to stage 4 cancer. Any dissenting opinion is lost down the memory hole.
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you are very close now

you almost blend in

next time use the -


character to make greentext

>tfw no gf

it's way more important than you think

gold star for effort though

you are one of the smarter ones
It's controlled as all hell, and the change its structure every time we make progress. Its just easier to steal the spotlight
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>>Godwin's Law condenses to a singularity

pusha t selling out hard

Virginia won't like this nigga after this
>CNN falsely reports
I see some redundancy here.
I guess it's nice to see how unenthusiastic her base is
Means good news for us
NOD wants to instigate conflict to advance weapons tech so both sides can resist the aliens. That way Kane can use the alien portal to go back in time to prevent the release of C&C4.
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Syrian Militants in Tumult after Israel Moves to Restructure Fatah Al-Sham Command in Quneitra

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Trump possessed her
Kek. Keep believing that kiddo
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can't relax until Trump officially wins

it feels like a fucking anime but its one of those "anyone can die" animes and its driving me up the fucking wall
>Hillary Clinton has the edge among people planning to skip election
Translation: people supporting Hillary Clinton are planning to skip election
A Trump versus Sanders debate would be the meme of the century. In some ways it's good Sanders lost, and in such a dishonest fashion. All those disaffected Bernouts won't be voting for Hillary, and at the same time Hillary is so corrupt she's more or less solidified Republican support behind Trump.

If Sanders had won the Democrats would had a lot more enthusiasm, and #neverTrump types would have had more clout since America wouldn't be facing down the barrel of a Hillary presidency.
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I apologize.
new Molymeme + Persuasionman
>How Donald Trump Won the Election | Scott Adams and Stefan Molyneux

>we're hitting meme levels that shouldn't even be possible
He was being sarcastic, my dude.
>willfully violates US embargo with Cuba (confirmed by his campaign chair)
>uses other's charity money to settle his lawsuits
>illegally donates to a political campaign using charity money
>bailed out twice by Saudi money
>regularly cheats small business owners
>heavily involved with investments by russian oligarchs
>children by 3 different women

and you want this man to be president?

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Shinji Bernie out.png
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shit edit

Give shinji a hillary hat, bonus for another pic where it's on the ground like pic related
I know we had it locked in late July before CTR showed up after the DNC convention.
You fellas see this shit?


Such peaceful people, eh?
Classical liberals don't get their political ideas from Castro. Trump is a Commie and we should all vote Hillary like Conservative hero, George W. Bush.
Trump speaks about his desk:

For those interested, the full playlist (copy and paste link):


If you want to win, boys, you have to get white people out and voting.

>Here’s a scary stat for Democrats: In 2012, President Obama won re-election by almost 5 million votes, but about 47 million eligible white voters without a college degree — including 24 million men — didn’t bother to vote. In 2016, these nonvoters are part of the demographic that is most strongly in favor of Donald Trump.
Trump will be president
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why does trump have such a large reddit following?
You just cant understand him. He's not an introvert cuck. He's extrovert and checks up every idea that comes up. That's why he nees a messy desk.
It's a numbers game. CTR has about 500-1000 shill accounts they use to manipulate that place.
I really can't comprehend how anybody could cast a vote for Hillary and not feel shame.
>El Cajon
sounds spicy
feels good man
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Never, sadly.
I remember Bill Maher dropping a new rule back when Dubya when president how he needs to have his desk more messy like Trump because the organized mess looks like you're working.
I've been out all day so missed that bit in particular, but I knew it had to be something that either made her look really bad or made Trump look good/better.
Utah Representative Jason Chaffetz just filed contempt charges against Bryan Pagliano

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MAGA as in MAGAEvoution
Didn't O'google just open up an embassy there?

Also didn't Bloomberg bring this up two months ago and no one cared? How desperate are you?

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Kek wills it.
I don't have a Hillary hat, and won't bother to cut one out of another pic. Do you have one?
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ctr on the run.png
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>implying they won't all sit at home and smoke weed after Clinton and the DNC bent them over their knee and spanked them for being too uppity
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Kek confirms.
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Of course
>willfully violates US embargo with Cuba


The Cuba story is more MSM BS.

If you read it, it basically says Trump Hotels & Casinos had some communication with a US based consulting firm about the hypothetical question of business in Cuba if [and only if] the embargo was lifted. As in, post Castro regime.

No money or anything went to Cuba. And business there would be legal if the embargo was lifted. And that was the entire premise of the conversation.

It never went anywhere past that hypothetical, post Castro regime premised discussion with the US based consulting firm.
kek wills it

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Fun Fact!

Trump's Office is what started to make my Dad like Trump.

Here is what he said: "It's a very shitty office, you know? Not like Obama's all for show; You can see Trump busts his balls working, and I know it being the boss of so many incompetent government workers".
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Debunking the "The Saudis did 9-11" nonsense!

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>shit guys we're out of non-issues to blow out of proportion
>how can we stump the Trump?
>i know, let's re-hash a non-issue that nobody cared about the first time around
>surely it will succeed this time
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They don't know any better.
Just like how cities have been democrat-controlled for decades, They vote blue for the sake of voting blue.
They don't understand what Make America Great Again means, because the cycle of poverty that they're used to actually indicates that they don't know when America was great.

>Trump playing underdog going into the 2nd/3rd debate
>Trump can only go up
>Clinton can only remain or get worse
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Hill Hat.jpg
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Will this do?
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Attacked, beaten, thrown to the ground and kicked live on periscope. He is then followed until he is rescued by police.

Why do Trump supporters go to shit like this alone?
>tfw no Trumplike person in germany, fucking the establishment
Hillary killed 4 men in Benghazi, started 3 unnecessary wars in the Middle East, is sucking Soros' cock along with those of the Saudi royal family and took money away from Haitians to give to her donors.

Half the shit you just said is either false or blown out of proportion. The shit Hillary's done is 100000 times worse than all the shit Donald's done.
>implying you're not a liar
Not only that but through a rag like Newsweek rather than mostly respected and serious Bloomberg.

I mean shit, your credibility is already shot, may as well flush the remains down the toilet.

Isn't he the furry?
>feel shame.

That is all these people feel. Self contempt is their creed, and pushing their toxicity on others is the only catharsis they can find.

I don't want you to feel pity for them. Only disgust.

Your trips, I have checked them in accordance with Lord Kek's wishes. Their misery is his will.
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Clinton memes feel so fucking forced.
>No money or anything went to Cuba
apparently, you need to read the story better if you think that's what happened.
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Hillary Russians.jpg
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"When Hillary Gets Scared, She Plays The Russia Card"

>68k just for a consulting firm to futz around in Cuba

I'm not disagreeing with you, you're right. But damn, I need to get into the "consulting" business.
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i won the debate.jpg
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Digits confirm her base won't come out to vote

Digits confirm anyone who does vote for the hag will feel intense shame
This isn't real life. Everytime you (You) a CTR post they get paid. If you have a point to make don't (You) about it
>Protip: YES (You) CAN'T
>Multi-hundred million dollar dynasty candidate annihilated by Trump on-stage with two words
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I really want him to do stuff like this in the Oval office when he gets to the WH. Maybe like once a month, at least. Updates, his thoughts on his agenda/current events, and general shitposting.

helps for transparency, though I don't think he'd be the one to dismantle this surveillance state we're in rn. Plus it will help the people feel closer to the president, especially kids.
Has anybody ever challenged the constitutionality of the Federal Government barring US citizens from ever going to Cuba, even if from a foreign country? Where does it get that authority?
Girls with flowers in their hair and a bikini are my fetish
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>Molymeme + Persuasionman
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God, I fapped so hard that night. It was so good. So very good.

I want that feeling again, anon. I need it. This November is going to require some intense hydration to prepare for.


>The absence of a discernible pro-Trump registration spike in key states doesn’t make it impossible that there will be a white, blue-collar “Trump surge” on Election Day. But it means he’d need to build that surge of voters out of the smaller pool of 14.7 million white nonvoters who are already registered, rather than realizing his full potential with the much larger pool of 47.1 million “missing” working-class whites.

Be the change you want to see
That bitch looks like her snatch would reek of yeast infection
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kek, this will do

now do one with the hat on the ground so I can post 2 in a thread
>apparently, you need to read the story better if you think that's what happened.

I've read two different versions of it, and that's all it says, as far as factual statements of events.
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>our memes making it onto mainstream media
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Holy shit.

>when you pull too much aggro.
you don't even need to register to vote in Minnesota

>mfw all you cucks need to register to vote
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Here's Alice in Human form.
She's actually the Monster Lord but she fits the criteria.
Given the pile of bodies that tends to accumulate around Hillary during an election year, why would anyone in their right mind take a job with her?
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Dont let your dreams stay dreams
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Kek wills Trump to be POTUS
It is known
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Hillary isis al qaeda.jpg
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Russia speaks at UN Security Council: ‘Al Qaeda receiving tanks and heavy weapons from US coalition’


Hillary Clinton: 'We Created al-Qaeda'

because reddit is a large place
This may be the Taiwan chinks best contribution yet.
with such a low viewership does CNN qualify as MSM
popular youtube uploaders routinely get more views than the Clinton Network
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When Trump wins thing will only get better
How do we convince "both candidates are shit" people?
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It's like that Fefe meme: completely unnecessary and not funny. There's no joke to them unlike Pepe or Spurdo or something. Speaking of Spurdo, when is he going to become a right-wing Nazi sympathizer symbol
That's the money they paid to the consulting firm you dummy. That's not illegal.
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No. The events were that Trump wanted to explore the possibility of opening a casino in Cuba. So he hired this firm to scout it out and they went to Cuba (illegally) and did their thing. And when they got back Trump reimbursed them (illegally) for their trip. Kellyanne confirmed that Trump paid money for this. They then were exploring how to make it all look like it was for charitable reasons.

I suggest you work on your reading comprehension skills.
Let your memes be dreams
Most make it easy for the Somali rapefugees to vote

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Dumbass shouldn't have started that war then. Why the fuck did he invade poland in the first place, anyways? What did we do to him?
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>Trump did Harambe
That's pretty funny.
Put it to them that trump is the lesser of two evils.
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The Mol.png
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I may be with the Mol for the Trump hype, but isn't THIS a wee bit too... premature?

Im scared Florida and Nevada are going blue
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poor bastard.
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I remembered this all happened on my birthday too, no greater gifts than seeing a fucking pinko commie get BTFO'd and his 16-19 year old supporters cry like fucking babies.
You should go to North Korea and try it out.
what makes me a liar?
Hillary is the worst candidate the Democrats have ever chosen
They have gigantic balls.
>>Trump did Harambe
>That's pretty funny.

If you're 12yo
So, what? Is your argument that the embargo was a good idea? Or is your argument that we should always value the rule of law?

Both of these choices preemptively lose you this argument, btw.

Welp, we had a good run.
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You fuckers took Danzig and we want it back.
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Going undercover. Can't say much. Wish me luck.
YOu don't know shit about Florida if you think it's going blue this year
t. Actual Floridian
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geez what was he doing? was he trying to be like those guys who want to get a selfie while benig chased by a mob of monkeys
>Hillary killed 4 men in Benghazi
>started 3 unnecessary wars
Hillary has that kind of power? wow. I wouldn't want to mess with her

go eat Trump's ass. It's your main source of nutrients isn't it? That and his jizz
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Assad Jews.png
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President Assad Of Syria Is Not An Evil Dictator Killing His People: The US Lied about It

Not only that but many CNN viewers are going to be in doctors offices and shit.
No, Florida is going red.
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That doesn't work though...

They tried the lesser of two evils with Romney...
My argument is Trump knowingly broke the law, then conceived to hide his wrongdoing.
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Poland was preparing to attack Germany and Adolf sucker punched the shit out of you
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im so happy to finally be leaving the bernstain universe

the math in this dimension is all fucky
No, it's still pretty funny regardless of age, you fucking stick in the mud.
>Kellyanne confirmed that Trump paid money for this.

All she confirmed was the consulting firm was paid for their work. They submitted an invoice.

And you keep avoiding the story clearly saying that it was about if the embargo was lifted.


No embargo, not illegal to do business there
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unrestricted meme warfare.png
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I wanted to make a U-boat captain into Pepe and add the caption but I'm terrible and image editing.

Have this caption, anons.

May Trump save America from Hillary's fading grasp!
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>May 5 - Donald Trump posts picture of him eating a taco bowl. Libs get assblasted.

>July 22 - DNC Email leak shows the DNC refers to Hispanics as "Taco Bowls.

She is not. Don't underestimate her, friend-o. She is a globalist agenda delivery system
as a former Bernie supporter, i think that she is cute- just misled
> fast metabolism
Nice meme
So, the rule of law is it? Too bad Hillary is literally above the law, what with Comey admitting if anyone else had done what Hillary had with her private emails they'd be in jail right now.

Now, which do you think is a bigger deal, Trump futzing around in Cuba 20 years ago playing golf, or Hillary willingly leaking top level government secrets, illegally hiding the evidence, and then using her influence throughout the government to keep herself out of jail?
hmmm... that really makes me think... interesting
>as a former Bernie supporter
Yeah, because all of the Bernie bitches are fucking disgusting
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we are trying to win new votes here friendo
The bigger deal is that Trump is highly leveraged with loans from Russian oligarchs. He's bought and paid for by the Kremlin.

They even managed to get Manafort in his inner circle
I understand where you're coming from, but it still doesn't change the fact that they're pigs.
>mfw Republican voters in Minnesota are useless anyway just like in California and New York
>i think that she is cute- just misled

I think you mised my point, mate. It was her tears, her soul-crushing suffering that aroused me. Seeing a woman broken, all her hopes and dreams CRUSHED.
>Moving on to a different topic instead of directly answering my question

Guess that Cuba smear isn't as potent as you were hoping.

I don't even know how to respond to crazy, wild eyed theories of Trump being a Putin plant. I thought Trump wanted nuclear war with Russia, you guys never seem to be able to make up your minds.
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Hillary will win
kek, that tweet.
Someone should write a book of these instances
They seem to happen at least every week
What the fuck are you talking about? I don't see any mess in his office, Please snap your fucking neck right now you fucking leaf.
Thread posts: 338
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