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Why are Amerilards so attached to their guns? Is it because they

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Why are Amerilards so attached to their guns? Is it because they live in constant fear of attack? Why are they so paranoid? Why can't they just defend themselves with their fists? Too scared?

Thirty three thousand people die each year due to guns. That is far too many. We need to due what we can to get that number down to zero.

First: we should ban any and all semi auto guns. There is no need for anyone to own a semi auto rifle or handgun. A bolt action rifle is all you need for hunting.

Second: we need to implement strict mental screening for anyone buying a gun.

Third: we need to ban removable magazines and implement a strict five round limit.

pro tip: No one cares about your 250 year old paper written by slaveholding white men.
>pro tip: No one cares about your 250 year old paper written by slaveholding white men.
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And then they turn to explosive devices which you can't wear body armor to protect yourself from, or even fight back against.

There's enough AR15s in American homes to last until the heat death of the universe and no amount of legislation is going to change that. In fact, legislation that attempts to seek that would be revolutionary war 2.0.

And asking a woman to defend herself from a 300lb black thug using only her fists is absolutely insane.
>shit tier shitbait posted hourly
>300 replies guaranteed

I don't even care any more.

Sage, hide, go fuck yourself /pol/.
Forget to turn your proxy off?
Oh look, another anti gun troll.
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"Why are we so paranoid"
Because they have no idea how criminality works and how useless and dangerous guns become for yourself when there is an organised crime group holding your city.
>And then they turn to explosive devices which you can't wear body armor to protect yourself from, or even fight back against.
Hardly, they would be much more common in europe.
>And asking a woman to defend herself from a 300lb black thug using only her fists is absolutely insane.
She has a phone with 911 like most people, no?
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Further more, most Americans own pallet loads of these magazines at this point in time, do you honestly think these will ever be taken off the street?
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>Why are Amerilards so attached to their guns?
Our country wouldn't exist today or be an independent entity if common ownership of firearms didn't exist.
Just found out about that phone thanks to your pic, pretty cool
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>Forget to turn your proxy off?
Nope, I'm an American that recognizes we need to do better. I was referring to the pro-gun rednecks.
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>slaveholding white men
Yes, because you're going to call 911 while you're being brutally raped at gun point. That sure helps.

Good logic.
insecure about masculinity

Don't you have smoke detectors over there?

There's only one race. DA HUMAN RACE! Racist!
Sorry about that on lads
>why do people want to defend themselves?
You are a big pussy! We need to ban people like you and send you off to buttfucked land!
>American saying Amerilard
You talk retarded and your shit's all fucked up. Also not every redneck is pro gun and not every pro gun is a redneck.
is that a ksg with a magazine?
>Thirty three thousand people die each year due to guns
>Thirty three thousand people

i do believe the majority are niggers and therefore not people.
once you purchase your first piece, you're addicted to the smell of smokeless powder and the hefty weight of one of the best investments in your future
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Whats the police response time where you live, 15 minutes minimum here.
1/10 bait
>ban people I don't like reeeeee
Defend themselves from what?
Canada exists and it gained independence without the need of guns or a war.
>le 20,000 suicide meme
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In 2015, 3x as many people were killed with knives than with all rifles combined.

In 2015, 2x as many people were killed using just fists than with all rifles combined.

Guns are a non issue and simply mask the complex problems of poverty and mental health within the country.

Also, suck a dick ya fuckin' commie.

source: http://secondcitycop.blogspot.com/2016/09/darn-statistics.html
Self-defence works when there is powerful police force preventing huge gangs from appearing, and the worst you get is bunch of burglars who ran from the sight of home-owner. Try "self-defending" against a member of mexican drug cartel.
a mini minigun
Both of the things you posted are 100% air soft
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22ish thousand of those 33k are suicides. Guess who is responsible for a lot of the remaining firearm related homicides?
>ban things I don't like reeeeeeee
Get fucked gun grabber.
Gun runner myth, police response times are remarkably fast.
I own plenty of guns, I'm just willing to turn them in.
It's a D12
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Please tell me that citizens aren't allowed to own chainguns or miniguns or whatever they're called
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>Why are Amerilards so attached to their guns? Is it because they live in constant fear of attack?
>Why can't they just defend themselves with their fists?

Niggers are getting stupid and out of hand and when was the last time you saw a nigger fight solo with his ape buddies trying to jump in.
If 33k people who deserve to die each year die then that means that they have culled the undesirables at a much higher rate than other Western countries and should be applauded for their efforts.
Its the bill of rights you uneducated liberal fuck.
No they are real.
Willing to turn them in? What a fucking faggot. You don't own shit.
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this is now a raifu thread
Depends on location, I'm 30 minutes away from the nearest town.
No one cares about the emancipation proclamation.
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This kills the leftist.
Op will watch suffer a painful illness.
Ok go ahead and assemble your team of people to confiscate the guns. Pro tip, the military and police aren't gonna join that team.
If you're rich you can.
No, they aren't you dumb dumb. I'm speaking from experience after a shooting, two black men shot the house next door up, took AN HOUR for police to arrive. I think you probably live in a nice neighborhood where the risk of getting hurt is pretty low and the police respond quickly.
Obesity kills more people and costs the economy a lot more, but I don't see you preaching that we should ban high capacity soda bottles.
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Whole gun discussion is based on a logic error that gets exploited by politicians.
It isn't more guns that lead to more crime and social unrest.
It's social unrest and high crimerates that lead to more guns.

For the last decades a firearm, unless used for a hobby or hunting, would just have been an unnecessary expense.
Now gun registrations are skyrocketing.

But please, let that good politician tell you it is the evil guns that are destroying your country, and not this fucktard that wasn't doing his job.
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>from what

criminals, crime happens often in the UK, ive been robbed and held hostage before and stabbed. theres also the stabbings, cat jackings, bombs, and punishment beatings, people are not safe in their own land anymore. if we had guns we could be safer and possibly have better lives. and people also get kneecapped and jummped for "suspicion" of small crimes and peoples houses get raided. doesnt happen as much as it did a few years ago but still happens and could be prevented with guns
Won't need to. All you need is a ban with a callback or buyback (less than 10 percent compliance rate I'm sure) and one generation before owning guns becomes taboo.
>remarkably fast
That's not a number you cuck, answer the mans question.
>Whats the police response time where you live?
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Because I want to kill niggers and muslims when the race war starts.
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Police response times to my area are upwards of 20-25 minutes.

All police do is show up to prepare the crime scene for investigators and take notes.
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Seriously, everyone go look at how stupid this worthless fuck is.
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>Canada exists and it gained independence without the need of guns or a war.
Good for you. But clearly you and your fellow countrymen don't value your sovereignty because you didn't have to fight to obtain it. Now your PM is willing to just piss it all away by letting everyone that wants to come in come in.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained. No sacrifices made means nothing needs to be protected from potential future loss.

You can keep your country the way you want it. We'll keep ours the way we want it.

Just shut the fuck up about guns already. Nobody is asking you to buy them when you don't want them. But you self-important maplesuckers and plenty of others feel the need to tell us that we should give up something that we consider essential.
Guns exist and will continue to exist until no one in th world knows how to make a gun. As long as this is true what you are really saying is, "I know nothing is stopping anyone else from having a gun, but I think I'm going to stick with the 'ol reliable stick for self defense."
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>majority of homicides are done by pistols
>most calls for legislation call for the banning of military style weapons because they're scary
>majority of gun homicides are black anyway
I'm not Canadian, lived in California my whole life.
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shut your fucking mouth you redcoat.

>Have small dick
>Must compensate it somehow

>NRA says you need it to be free
>Always carry around a gun to protect yourself
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>pro tip: No one cares about your 250 year old paper written by slaveholding white men.
That's were you're wrong.
Is there even a difference anymore?
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>I'm an American that recognizes we need to do better
I too, agree we need less niggers
If you lived here and interacted with Americans on a daily basis you would be paranoid, too.
>No one is talking about dicks
>germany starts talking about dicks out of nowhere
Is there something you want to tell us Hans?
You have to get a Class III license and have $25,000 dollarydoos that you want to blow on one.
Then you get to burn through hundreds of dollars in ammunition whenever you shoot it for more than 10 seconds.
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Also what's the rationale of people who say to call the police if there's a problem?

Really, call a man with a gun to resolve a situation you could have resolved yourself if you owned a gun?

Just fucking retarded.

"Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun"

Just because Chairman Mao said it does not make it any less true.
I've been thinking of moving to Texas

>pro tip: No one cares about your 250 year old paper written by slaveholding white men.

You have to go back.
Why are you such a whiny little bitch?
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>police response times are remarkably fast
They aren't, and they have no obligation to protect you
"Hello, police? Yes, im currently being raped and murdered"
>You guys are just so paranoid. You should just use your fists instead of guns
>Guns killed 20,000 people in a 300,000,000+ country. We need these dangerous things banned.

>be american
>grow up watching movies glorifying guns and violence
>grow up playing video games glorifying guns and violence (duck hunt/arcades)
>grow up with super soakers/laser tag
>grow up with paintball
>think "cool, I should get a gun."

Then have the media and everyone around you call you a psychopath for wanting to own "a g-g-gun!"

That's prob the majority of males in this country, others prob went hunting with pop growing up too.

If you legitimately want to deromanticize guns, remove them from every aspect of our culture first.

"Common Sense Gun Safety" just comes off as disingenuous, especially when it comes from Hollywood actors, who launched their careers romanticizing guns, i.e., Stallone (Rambo).

>Thirty three thousand people die each year due to guns.

It's actually ~10,000 homicides (some justified, some by police, most google on google violence) and ~23,000 suicides (largely fucking white males, that's good, no?).

>No one cares about your 250 year old paper written by slaveholding white men.

Don't like it? Change the constitution. Oh that's right, this country isn't that far cucked yet like UK/Australia.
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>Gun runner myth, police response times are remarkably fast.
Faster than it takes for some piece of shit to shoot you? By the time it takes you to call 911, your life could already be over. police response times won't save your life.
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>I'm not Canadian, lived in California my whole life.
No difference. Your states sucks and is full of bitchy little faggots such as yourself.

You can make your state laws shitty for you and your fellow Commiefornians. Most of the rest of the country doesn't want those laws, so you're wasting your time trying to get the rest of the country to be as much of a knob-gobbler as you.
Paranoid gun runner myth
Don't listen to Achmed, he is just nervous because even normies start to stare at him with anger by now.
>Why are Amerilards so attached to their guns?
>Thirty three thousand people die each year due to guns.

You dumb, dummy.
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We dont need a second ammendment to own guns and defend ourselves.

The second ammendment exists merely to let you know that we are gentlemen during times of peace and savages during times of war.
That's where I live, stay the fuck out, we don't want any more of you Californian numale cucks. Austin's already fallen to your cancer.
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>Don't like it? Change the constitution. Oh that's right, this country isn't that far cucked yet like UK/Australia.
Will be soon though, 2050 when whites are a minority.
Well at least there won't be a bunch of basketball americans running around with them
1 hour

Real men fight with guns.
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Is the Supreme Court gun runners?
>wants to ban guns
why am I not shocked
Not really. Go back to your cuckshed. You literally do not own a gun and probably dont know anyone that owns a gun. I have talked to old ladies who cut hair who are more based than you.
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The best part about anti-gunners using suicide by gun rates to demonize gun ownership is that the majority of them support right-to-end-your-life policies.

>pro tip: No one cares about your 250 year old paper written by slaveholding white men.

but this is key. Only slaves and prisoners are prevented from owning weapons. Which are you?
>defend with your fists
Are you 12?
Police response times are in minutes. Getting killed by a gang of feral home invaders happens in seconds.
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But I own 11 guns
I think it's been rude of me to say autism is fake, you've clearly proved otherwise.
Not too long ago, our forefathers carved a civilization out of wilderness. Guns and knives were the tools of survival. They are integral with our national character.

If you're a gun hating American, you're a fatherless perspective-bereft niggerfaggot. No exceptions.

Also, democrats being what they are, we keep our guns oiled and ready for the day those unAmerican scumbags attempt to infringe on our way of life. We will bury you first.
Yanks need guns because there are already so many in circulation it would be unfair to deny good people them in order to defend themselves. For countries like the UK and Japan guns are relatively uncommon so going down a route of relaxing gun laws completely would do more harm than good.
>Warren v. District of Columbia[1] (444 A.2d. 1, D.C. Ct. of Ap. 1981) is an oft-quoted[2] District of Columbia Court of Appeals case that held that the police do not owe a specific duty to provide police services to citizens based on the public duty doctrine.


If police were legally required to risk their lives to protect yours that would violate their right to life.
Whats the police response time where you live?
>250 years old

Truth is eternal.

>muh bible is a lot older
They're too heavy to hold sideway anyway. And you have to attach it to a 24 volt power supply or batteries.
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So I take it you have no argument?
God.... I need that in my life!!
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In the UK people like to get stabbed

If someone has a knife, I'd rather have a gun
Nerf guns and super soakers don't count.
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>She has a phone with 911 like most people, no?

None of that will work because we have a subculture that glorifies drug dealing, gang life, and thug nonsense.
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The 2nd was never about hunting you cuck. It was always about defense of yourself and loved ones (this includes your nation).

As time and tech progresses, so do the means of offense and defense, from rocks and sticks, to swords and axes, to bows, to black powder matchlock, to flintlock, to percussion, to bolt action to semi and fully auto modern smokeless guns. society changes, but principles never change. pulse rifles and plasma guns, should they ever be invented are already covered by the 2nd.

grow a spine you weak 21st century nu-male yuppie. your white collar, air conditioned office having ideology is an embarrassment to yourself and your ancestors.

It boggles my mind that there are Americans that want to model themselves after people and nations outside their boarders.
What state do you live in?
So there's no niggers near you, so why care?
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The same slave holding white men that built your country.
More people in America get stabbed per capita than the UK so your guns aren't helping you that much.
I'm a bean and I have a rifle and a fuckton of ammo and mags, this isn't an exclusively white thing you wierdo.

I'm saving up to buy more and another rifle because I fucking can, what are you going to do about it faggot?

Cry on me?
According to the police that gun down people of color everyday they do.
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>Fewer Hunters
The entire Northwest Coast and Alaska would like a word with you.
>Most young people avoid guns
fuggin milenyuls
>So do most women
They shouldn't if they don't want to be mugged and raped. :^)
>And most Democrats
This is a given, if anything, of course they're gonna avoid guns because they're retards and don't know anything about them.
This. I swear I spend more time sage'ing bait threads than having an actual political discussion on here.

Ever since the fucking debate it's been cranked up to 11. Election cycle has been at 7 or so. The fucking shills man.
>I own
Translation: My parents own
fun for sport and easy home protection, I also go to an mma gym so I'm pretty sure I can handle myself. i really dont understand these threads
>pointing an airsoft gun with the orange tip spraypainted black at the police

niggers deserve it baka tbqh familam
California, thinking about moving to Austin Texas though.
This triggers the americuck


>Inb4 le black crime rate

Ignore blacks and America STILL has the highest murder rate out of all non shitholes

USA's only purpose in the world is to provide interesting stories to talk about in the staff room in European countries, whenever there has been shooting 756359.
OP needs to go choke on a Google cock
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I guess I should tell my dad that he owns the guns in my house then.
>Ignore blacks and America STILL has the highest murder rate out of all non shitholes

nah dude, we're on par with finland if you account for black violence
33000 to a population of over 318 million is nothing. mass shootings are most common in gun-free zones, so tell me what banning guns nationwide would do.
What is the police response time where you live?
Commiefornia... Every fucking time.

The other guy was right. Too many of you faggots in Austin.
>anti gunner
>moving to austin

youll fit in just right with the other drones
About a minute and thirty seconds.
That is by far the weirdest fucking AK I have ever seen.
Is that Chinese?
What, are cartel members bullet proof or some shit?
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Ban swimming pools.
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No, you're 25 percent higher, and even if you were on par having the joint highest murder rate isn't exactly a achievement.
Wow so you live in a very nice probably welathy area right next to the police station.

The rest of us are at best 5-10 minutes. I live in the richest suburb of a Upstate NY city and it still is about 5 minutes. Must be nice living in dream land.
You don't own a single gun, quit pretending.
Nobody believes you're some honest elmer fudd gun owner who owns 11 bolt action rifles but really wants to severely restrict gun ownership.
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I think we need common sense gun control.

Blacks shouldn't possess guns. Ever.
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I agree
>In or about 2006, there were about 60 million (actually closer to 58M, but we’ll use the rounded-up number to be kind to hopolophobes) people in the UK as a whole, including Scotland.

>In England and Wales alone — discounting Scotland — there were over 163 thousand knife crimes.

>By the end of 2006, there were more than 300 million people in the US as a whole.

>In the US as a whole, there were fewer than 400 thousand gun crimes.

>In the UK, based on these numbers, there was one knife crime commited for every 374 people (rounded down).

>In the US, based on these numbers, there was one gun crime committed for every 750 people — less than half a gun crime per 374 people (about 0.4987 gun crimes per 374 people, actually).

>That means that, based on these statistics, you are more than twice as likely to be a victim of knife crime in the UK as you are to be a victim of gun crime in the US.

I don't need an argument.
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Nah, I've built aks in the past. I understand how dangerous guns are.
Captcha is scary how relevant it is.
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Call up your congress person and ask them to lobby for a constitutional convention so you can write the 2A yourself.

Then take careful note as you are laughed off the phone and generally never taken seriously again by anyone who doesnt have an irrational fear of weapons and, by extention, retarded sexual development.

If you are going to spout your bullshit numale opinions, please realize the same could be said for the 1A.

Please review the FBI crime stats on who, where and with what gun crimes are being committed. I refuse to let dindu and beaner thugs jeopardize my rights by way of their criminality, refuse to let clueless politicians use it as an excuse to "do sumthing fer muh chilluns", refuse to let clinically brain dead bootlicking cucks like you make it so only cops have guns.

Neck yourself, or use a gun so you can claim another suicide as "crime stats"
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>Ignore blacks and America STILL has the highest murder rate out of all non shitholes

"White" American Homicide Rate: 1.26

That would place between France and Bosnia on that list. It would also be lower than the rate for Canada
you're fucking retarded if you think said proposals would fix anything, it would in fact have the opposite effect.

and its not that people are a afraid to use their fists, its about evening the playing field unfortunately.

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>it would in fact have the opposite effect.
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why not just ban blacks?

they are more dangerous than guns themselves!
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I don't generally care about the kinds of gangbangers who are killed each year, and I would frankly rather they remove themselves and their line from the gene pool. Compared to gang activity, the number of people who die in mass shootings is statistically insignificant.
>no one cares about your 250 year old paper

Ok, ill be taking your free speech then. Back to slavery you go.

Seriously, why are you even in America of that's how you feel?
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FYI the constitution itself doesn't really give us any rights. It's the Bill of Rights that people are referring to when they are talking about whether something is "constitutional" or not.
Nice mental gymnastics as always from the americucks. writing a billion page long article won't change the fact you have the highest murder rate out of all non shitholes
Who is going to comply with the gun laws?

The Law-abiding.

Who aids the police in upholding the law?

The Law-abiding.

Who do criminals seek to victimize?

The Law-abiding.

Who would these laws disarm and therefore make it easier for them to be victimized?

The Law-abiding.
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desu that number includes an hero's
seriously OP kill yourself
hey ivan,
organized crime has your country
he's baiting
Into the trash it goes. Shame on you for supporting the Jew
Cheeky brit
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disgusting cast recevier. demand forged excellence! usher in a new dawn of forged steel!
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Depends on the source. Some sources have it lower. Fbi and unodc have white around 1.0. also keep in mind white data has included people that definitely were not white. Pic related.
The sources were all listed there. And it's niggers inflating our numbers, you faggots seem to be forgetting that

White America is right in line with the other "non shitholes". It's Somali America that's the problem, as evidenced in this thread
>We need to due what we can to get that number down to zero.
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>making a political thread on the politics board is baiting

>No one cares about your 250 year old paper written by slaveholding white men.

That's where you're wrong kiddo
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>won't change the fact you have the highest murder rate out of all non shitholes
Only in the Democrat-cntrolled areas full of poor Blacks.

Everywhere is is doing just fine.
*do what we can
The 2nd was written at a time when it wasn't feasible for some wacko off the street to walk into a gun shop and purchase the means to kill up to 30 strangers gathered at elementary schools and shopping malls and train stations that didn't exist yet. The premise that guns would be held and used by property owners for defending their property no longer holds.
Are you 18? Because with that edge you're gonna need a permit bong-kun.
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It better be bait
Yeah, but even being generous the resulting rate is lower than dozens of faggy disarmed countries. We're either close to the rate of France or lower than it whether you shift the rate up or down by 15%.

Britcuck now has to assert that France should be considered a "shithole" as far back as 2012.
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If anyone gave a shit, why did the hughes amendment pass?
It's exactly the same in chavvy UK areas, you can't exclude them though
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The thread was an obvious bait thread nigger
>The premise that guns would be held and used by property owners for defending their property no longer holds.

It happens everyday. Watch this little chink kill a dindu and send the other two flying.

I could tell you how banning guns would leave criminals as the only armed people in a country bigger than most of Europe full of nignogs and degenerates, but that's already been said a billion times and you're probably shitting bait all over this board, so

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refute this then>>90892793
not even 1% died according to you. no self respecting gun owner would call for a ban on guns, especially if he has 11 guns, regardlesa of type
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>The premise that guns would be held and used by property owners for defending their property no longer holds.
My property is my castle and I have the right to defend it.

Fuck of you fascist fuck
>No one cares
If no one cares then why are you on here shilling so hard while I am sitting here stroking my many guns?

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SAGED, (you) for the shills.
Anyone touch one of these? Been thinking about getting something for home defense. Already carry a 1911 on my person.
How is it edgy if it's true? You do have the highest murder rate. If there's a debate about gun legislation in the UK the example brought up every time is USA and the ridiculous murder rate.
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Here's some more "white" criminals
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Forgot pic
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>Bringing skills to a gun fight
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Don't forget of those 33,000, 21,000 are suicides.

Pic related.
>people still respond to this copy pasta bait
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>you can't exclude them though
You invited me to then asserted that the resulting rate would still be worse. You were wrong.

So again, the point still stands even if you want to just pretend it's not there.

Our problem isn't guns. It's the same problem you have. There's a part of our country that's full of jackasses that are constantly killing each other. There's no way to prevent them from doing this by simply getting distracted by inanimate objects. Your chavs are stabbing each other. Our Blacks are shooting each other.

Dead is dead no matter what tool you use. And since I'm not the one killing Blacks it doesn't argue logically that I should be the one punished for what they are doing to each other.
They are a bit too gimmicky, I'd get something else.
No, it's a '74 with a folding stock and railed hand guards with those ugly UTG rail covers.
No I don't because I could just ignore certain groups when calculating the UK murder rate, but i don't have to because my argument isn't shit
I wasn't correcting you. Why?
Are you a black hole? You seem pretty fucking dense to not realize cities like Detroit and Atlanta drastically increase the average and expand the Standard Deviation. Go back to freshmen math and learn statistics.
>Guns are a non issue and simply mask the complex problems of poverty and mental health within the country.

You mean niggers.
>no replies
Anti-gun activists cannot debate this simple fact---that the only people affected and hurt by anti-gun laws are law-abiding citizens.

Athens disarmed their subjects before brutally subjugating them. History repeats itself, always.
1.3 million people die in car accidents every year. no one needs cars, public transportation bikes, boats, and airplanesare readily available.
Have you ignored everything? See the charts, the pictures with "white" males skewing data etc. Its mostly fucking Googles and gang Hispanics etc. Have fun on your bin your knife marches.
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Nah, Austin is an unalloyed paradise on Earth with the most beautiful women the USA has produced living there. You'd be surprised how many of Austin's reflexively socially liberal denizens are pro-gun, including the acro and vegan babes.
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>Banning semi-auto firearms would work
>When our own legislators that are championing gun control can get full-auto weapons/explosives into the country by the boatload, just like drugs
The gimmick is whats attractive to me though.

any suggestions for an auto shotgun I can keep by my bed?
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>No I don't because I could just ignore certain groups when calculating the UK murder rate
Go ahead.

Your prior claim was

>Ignore blacks and America STILL has the highest murder rate out of all non shitholes

And your claim was thoroughly refuted with statistics. Get bent.
Anothers obvious shill thread.

>1.3 million people die in car accidents every year

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Pretty much. The 90% white countries are freaking out that people are starting to get gunned down in Munich/Paris when they don't realise diversity=conflict.
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No one ever killed himself whose life was worth living, right?

Do they really have the gall to include suicides in gun violence stats?
>Why are Amerilards so attached to their guns?

We live around niggers who would kill us given the chance.
Are you going to ban cow shit too? You can make a bomb out of that. How about kitchen knives? Those hurt people. Scissors too. Oh and spoons could be used to scoop out eyeballs. Don't forget rocks and sticks!
Oh yeah, the cops always show up instantly before the guy kills her with his bare hands or guns her down with his illegal gun stolen or smuggled in from Mexico.

Top KeK
it's like once a week this retardation shows up. sage.
You can do a lot of damage to someone in a minute. It takes far less than that for someone to shoot you and take your wallet.
Problem is some people do care about that piece of paper written by slaveholding white men. And those of us that do will take your life over it.
It is? There is a difference between non black and white.

Not many people realise this either but the survival rate for getting stabbed is insanely high at 97 percent, and a knife is the best weapon available here. (The gun survival rate is also high, but nothing like 97)

I thought it was bait and didn't reply, I thought most people would understand non BLACK does not equal white.
>Are you going to ban cow shit too? You can make a bomb out of that. How about kitchen knives? Those hurt people. Scissors too. Oh and spoons could be used to scoop out eyeballs. Don't forget rocks and sticks!
Kitchen knives shouldn't be banned but there is no need for military knives and machetes to be legal.
How does it feel knowing the elections in this country that's good for nothing for silly stories has a larger impact on your country than your own elections?

With our $200 Harbor Freight presses even AKs are at historic levels of easy-production.
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>Gun runner myth, police response times are remarkably fast.
Nice number you fucking retard. Do you know how fast a bullet is? Protip: it will reach your brains before a trigger happy cop appears to save your white ass. Also nice source on your opinion.
>enforcing your right to live without guns
Please kill yourself, save the burglars the trouble.

>The entire Northwest Coast and Alaska would like a word with you.
You also forget the entirety of the nation's great plains and south.
>fuggin milenyuls
Objectively false. Maybe city millenials, but not rural ones. I have a friend that just got out of medschool, a registered democrat, and he's a huge gun enthusiast. I'm a democrat and a gun enthusiast, too, while I'm at it. I hunt, to boot. I'm also a southerner, for reference.
>This is a given, if anything, of course they're gonna avoid guns because they're retards and don't know anything about them.
Most of my friends are registered democrats, one has a couple long guns, one owns an AKM and a K-98, the other is the doctor friend that has four pistols, three long guns, and an AR-15, and I own several long guns and a snub nosed .38 special for home defense.

Again, I think it's a cultural thing depending on the region of the country, not necessarily age groups or political parties. Californians, or people growing up in cities that otherwise wouldn't be exposed to firearms, wouldn't like them.
They don't.

The elections are also a top source of entertainment with the candidates being a retard and sjw. The way it's broadcast if funny, to think Americans take this seriously instead of just entertainment.

>pro tip: we care about the second amendment and the 250 year old paper it is written on very much.
as a matter of fact we care about that paper so much that we are willing to acquire very deadly weaponry and kill our fellow man to protect it.

coincidentally it is that same 250 year old piece of paper that also ensures you a right to privacy, protection from unwarranted search and seizures, blacks and women the ability to vote and be counted as equals in society, and also speak freely without fear of retribution and worship the god of your own choice, again, without fear of retribution.
>They don't
Keep living in your fantasy land then.
I pulled that number from a quick Google search
So did I
Where do I go to learn more about this?
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>234 replies and 120 posters on this obv bait
These people use the exact same arguement that has been blown the fuck away 1000 times over, why are you still replying to them every time they post?

If any of you have a brain you'll use the remainder of the bump limit using this as a cool guns thread.
>pic related, my favorite gun ever made.
But if you care so much to kill a man, why was there no uprising after the hughes amendment or the AWB? After semis are banned give it twenty years before people look at them the same way as automatics. "Oh you can own those? Wow."
Honestly your never really notice any changes no matter who's elected. Some things like uni prices rising and prices rising after brevity are noticeable, but that's about it. The things people talk about the most are stupid shit like the bag charge and be currency, instead of trade deals.
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The stg is aesthetic.
What's the police response time where you live? Give me a number.
*New currency, as in the new fiver
Just stating the obvious: that gun ownership implied a certain level of wealth and responsibility when the 2nd was written. Consider also the relationship between property ownership and voting rights in that period. The notion that the 2nd would be written differently had it been written today should not surprise you.
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Yes. I live in constant fear of Democrats. Because 70% of criminals are Democrats, and Democrats commit most homicides, and Democrats also constantly vote to take my guns away, you'll forgive me I see a pattern there.

Nothing that any Democrat will ever say will dissuade me from the truth: Democrats are afraid of Republicans with guns because we're harder to rob. They want to be able to do whatever they want to this country and to brutalize and rob and terrorize us. Look at BLM. Look at Antifa. Look at all of their rioting and rabid behavior. Democrats are the most dangerous people in this country, and THEY want to disarm ME.

The answer is no. I will never give up my guns and nobody else with an ounce more sense than a billiard ball will either, and if you send someone for my guns, I'll send you a video of him crying for his mommy with a hole in his belly the size of a softball courtesy of my 10 gauge.
If they wanted it to pertain to white land owners they would have said so like how property owners could only vote, or that white men could only vote.

It says PEOPLE for a reason.
While we're at it, throw out free speech to. And right to a fair trial. And the 8th amendment.
You know what just burn it all up. We don't need our rights.
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So you're saying poor people don't have the right to defend themselves, and that right should only be for the "privileged few"? How progressive of you

The notion that the 2nd would be written differently had it been written today should not surprise you.
It doesn't. Pic related
>free speech
I think there should probably be hatespeech laws.
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That's because knife users are stupid. To kill with a knife, always aim for a vital organ or major blood vessel. Slashing gets you nowhere.
Sometimes people could be a bit too dangerous so can we really wait on a trail if we can just lock them up?
We compensate for our not-knife-or-buller-proof skin

If we face foreign invasion we have the means to fight back

Its fun to shoot shit
Black market
oh I read the global number by mistake
Gee I guess we shouldn't have laws then, because they can be broken. Give me a break.
Vepr 12
they will never stop /pol/

pic related
only law we need is the NAP
Because guns are fucking awesome.

point is majority of criminals who shoot with guns get them from the black market, so all gun control would do is take them away from people who defend themselves
One word
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that spindle does NOT have enough torque to machine at that speed
I need my guns to prevent from getting the levels of faggotry you emitted through a single post.
it's perfectly acceptable. stay in your box and I stay in mine. when everyone agrees anachro-capitalism is the true way to go and cleanse the evil from themselves, the NAP will be the supreme law of the land :^)

Fucking newfags actually replied to this pasta. You fuck newfriends need to learn how to SAGE

Protip: type sage in the options field and you wont bump this shitty pasta.
its easy as fuck to make an automatic weapon out of some pipes in a garage. 3d printers are only going to make it easier to obtain firearms.

How many people die each year due to drowning in pools or car crashes? should we limit pool depths to 6 inches and cars to 20mph?

in a time of global turmoil you want me to not have firearms. Theres hordes of mudslimes destroying europe and raping everything with a pulse. obongo wants those shitskins over here.

Do you think they would be destroying Europe if the EU had decent gun laws and concealed carry permits?

Get the absolute fuck out of here, you filthy, filthy califag liberal cuck.

>ban all semi auto guns
How about not. theres likely more semi auto guns in private ownership right now than there are people. (in the US)

>strict mental screening for buying guns
I dont totally disagree with you, but how far do you take the screening? I dont care much for quacks, who certifies the quacks as competent?

>ban removable magazines and 5 round limit
this meme again? only law abiding citizens follow laws, whats going to stop jamal from modifying any cucked gun to accept removable high cap mags? You know, the ones you can print out now?

>insult constitution
then go to china, I think their oppressive communist laws would suit you.

Are you CTR trying to distract us from the fact your using scriptkiddie shit stolen from the NSA on us?
or are you seriously this retarded? Go back to your "safe space", your not welcome here.
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I'd provide argument but you're clearly baiting with how retarded those arguments are

I believe it is

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EU crime is from individuals, US crime is from groups. Blacks atrack in groups most of the time, a gun is needed, but this is even more true for muslims. Europeans will need guns badly in the near future.
>a national survey

Lets imagine how this went:
>democrat sitting at home
>doing nothing
>gets a phone call
>answers all the questions

>republican sitting at home
>gets a phone call
>"Hello sir, would you like to take a surve-"
>hangs up because he's a productive member of society and has better things to do
And in the off chance he DOES answer the questions:
>"Do you own any guns?"
>thinks it's nobody's fucking business and says "No."

This is where you get your retarded statistic that 3% of people own 50% of the guns. Nobody really knows unless people self report, and it's just not a thing people self report openly.
this post violates the NAP. enjoy your b7 :^)
You do know the reason they will never be legalised is because of America's "success"with then?
I use a machete every day on my job
that mini gun is sexual
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>it is October 2016 and /pol/ is still falling for elementary school b8
>Third: we need to ban removable magazines and implement a strict five round limit.
Heh, maybe we should just ban crime.
I wouldn't post it if it didn't work every time
Because we're better than you.

I can tell you're just visiting.
>but the survival rate for getting stabbed is insanely high at 97 percent
False. It's 75% and is within 1% of the survival rate of being shot.
Really made me think
Lived here my whole life
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here, I fixed that illiterate text
>.40 short and weak
>military knives
Literally what the fuck would that even be? It's a fucking knife.
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Anything that's not pictured
I live in a rich suburb of San Diego (yes also a Califag) and when I caught a guy lurking in my side yard and called the police, it took them about 30 minutes to show up.

I live about a 3 minute drive from the police station, but at midnight there are only two officers/cars on duty and they were busy/else where.

(ps I dont think the guy was breaking in, I think he was either going through my trash or stealing the aluminum cans out of the recycle bin.)

t. gun owner (but didnt even get them out)
>30,000 people die every cus guns

>over 7 billion global population

Too much..?

That isn't even a drop in the bucket. It's barely a water molecule.
>implied a certain level of wealth and responsibility
Almost everyone had fucking guns, whether you were a fucking pig farmer or the fucking king of France.
Protip: I will shoot you if you attempt to illegally take my guns
obvious bait but what the hell.
>muh constitution

Try bill of rights faggot.
Won't have to, 10 years after banning semis they'll be looked at like how people look at automatics today. Socially taboo and unnecessary.
>Were/ where
Used to be located or its location?
I cant wait for the first news report of faggots like you being strung up from a tree.
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We both know that will never happen

Because there are 150 million people in the US who need to be shot.

I just became a fudd (well i grew up with my parents 22 pistol and rifle), but California just passed a law that takes effect Jan 1st, and will ban all non-featureless centerfire rifles and any shotgun that accepts a magazine. So of course I have bought 6 firearms and 3 receivers in the last 2 months.
I don't advocate any gun control whatsoever (and even believe we should be able to own full automatic), but if they were to completely ban semi automatic guns, I would be ok with that, as long as I got 100% value in the buyback. I don't HAVE to have guns, but would prefer to have them.
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>cat jackings

Way too try hard.

Bait skills are subpar
>305 posts
>156 posters
>Bait skills are subpar
New rule:
If the scroll bar on a bait thread is shorter than my cock, you have all failed
Thread posts: 308
Thread images: 94

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