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BLM rally sdsu. Wat do.

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BLM rally sdsu. Wat do.
Anyone have bananas and a gorilla costume?
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this desu
Ignore and go to class.
Dress up like gorilla
Hand out bananas
Profit when they arrest you, because you are using your first amendment right, counter sue and bankrupt the government. Allowing us to start over, applying rules that keep politicians from becoming rich by peddling public influence.
My next class is at 14:00
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deyz be killin us :,(

lol, piniche negroes

just ignore them, back in the 90s they were still standing up and fighting back here in LA but now we're the majority in Compton. OP just continue on, they can't even be fucked to get up now. They're laying on the ground, and have accepted their fate.


trolling a sick person isn't very nice, blacks are being pushed out of CA anyway so it's not productive
Easy there Cho 2.0 maybe even a Elliot 1.0
Jump across them with your friends
Walk up to them and take a massive nasty shit on the side walk.

While wearing a frog mask.

KEK wills it
Keep studying your major and maybe pickup some coding skills no matter what your major is. Everyone from Bill Gates, Elon Musk to Zuckerbeg knew how to code.

Let the epidermis majors whine they picked a major with no chance to monetize their schooling outside of politics.
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Start shooting, bro. Easy hunting.
Holy shit, what a rally! There are at least 10 people participating

This really made me aware
I am actually majoring in computer sciemce and minoring in Russian and Physics.
He пизди

Fucking niggers are such attention whores.
point a vape at them
Иди нaхyй гoмoceк
They look fucking stupid
If someone rolls trips i shout "make America
great again". Are there any polacs here to film this?
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A хyлe зaпятыe нe cтaвишь?
If repeating numbers start the race war now Op
Do eet
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Dubbs and you scream Heil Hitler
go lie down next to them with your laptop and surf the webz
Order them 50 pizzas
we need brave men to do this in every BLM rally

c'mon, don't you want to have a cool story to tell your children about how you helped to smash the cancer in society??
>yfw they are just the bench players on the bball team
Tell them all lives matter and get beat up for great andti-blm publicity.
throw bananas at them
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There are more now
Lol brt
Go and show them statistics about race being linked to IQ as well as violent crime stats. Film reactions of at all possible.
You know anon
Dress up and sing mammy

just stand in the corner with a sign saying all lives matter and watch the googles chimpout
Yell out the window that those niggers better get back to the cotton field before sundown.
go pretend your piss drunk and piss on them

or you know just get piss drunk and piss on them anyways
Why are niggers so stupid?
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you're a genius
Still waiting for dem trips.
Write "All Lives Matter" on a piece of paper. Then fold it into a paper airplane and throw it out the window at them.
False flag it.

Make up the most viciously anti-white, kikey sounding sign you can and go stand with them.
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What about a Banana costume?

Do it OP
This would be good, but sadly the winds this week have been killer. And rn they are at least 15 km/h.
Throw water bottles from inside
Although this is my favourite answer, don't do it OP.
>(2) A person convicted of the offense of assault with a bodily fluid shall be fined an amount not to exceed $1,000 or incarcerated in a county jail or a state prison for a term not to exceed 1 year, or both. ... (a) "Bodily fluid" means any bodily secretion, including but not limited to feces, urine, blood, and saliva.

No need to be jailed, thrown out of school, and fined.
I would, but am no money poor college bloke.
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Toss the Football or Frisbee with your bros.
Toss it over on their patch of grass.
Go and get it and don't even acknowledge them.
Hop over one of them even.

Though, make sure they see that you're having a good time.
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Get a sign saying trans lives matter
Holy shit they are demanding that "White people of the usa must pay for their slavery and oppression."
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you know what to do
I'm a quarter black, how do I get oppression bux?
that little perv oogling her figure

his mother should be ashamed of her son's behavour towards women
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You won't do jack shit you scared pussy.
Find my ex and tell her I miss her
demand they pay for BLM criminal damage
if you wana risk getting eaten alive
If kek was with you and you rolled trips i will.

OP this
Fuck. Double reipa on myself. Ok how do i make webm in samsung galaxy s6?
Go and ask them why black men are 6% of the US population but commit 50% of murders. Maybe that's why they are pretending to be dead?
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Start lighting the crosses. All niggers must die.
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Bro where you at?
Уёбывaйтe из мoeй Aмepики.
you know what to do
HH 2nd floor
Film it
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Neither of you spineless faggots will do shit
thoroughly explain to them how they're being manipulated by the nwo.
How about them Aztecs?
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Nice digits! You have to fuck with them now.
OP, listen to me here, you have an opportunity to make a difference right now.

Go out there, find the biggest nigger of the bunch, and sucker punch him square in the jaw as hard as your bony wrist can muster. In the moment of silence before they beat you to death, scream KEK WILLS IT as loud as you can. Martyr yourself for the alt-right.

Or just do nothing and be a pussy forever, your choice.
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print out the crime statistics for 2015 on a poster board
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what damage? for the most part BLM protests have been peaceful. I would however support businesses to sue them for lost revenue
This >>90889461
No balls
No balls
No balls
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Throwing bananas is too direct.

If you want to prank rioters or people like this, which I do not endorse nor encourage, then putting laxatives in water bottles and handing it out to thirsty protesters would be pretty epic.

Said prankster would need a sign saying something like "LET'S CLEAN THE SYSTEM" (the digestive system lmao). Just to be safe, you would probably have to drink the laxative-laced water yourself as well if confronted to avoid suspicion.

Just let it be known (((((FBI))))) that I am merely dictating an idea into empty space and am not participating in nor would I ever considering doing anything like this. Also, suck my balls.
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His cock bounced so gracefully
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But he wont, cuz he's a beta cuck
Go to class. Get good grades and then a good jarb. Let these morons "protest" and get their arts degree with D's. Don't be dumb OP.
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Just throw bananas at them
yell: "GET A JOB"
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YESS! Rally to the cause! Lead our people to victory for the Reich!
Check my digits and ask "why is it a dog can be told to stay but when a black man is asked by police to stay they move away?"
The niga that is in sdsu film it, i have no clue how to make webms.
Yell, "Vote for Jill Stein!"

Kek wills it.
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How does it feel getting BLACKED?
Ignore them and get your degree and a job.
Practice your golf putt on the green they are laying on.
What in Christ's name are those people doing?
Just yell Pepe out the window and film it.
mk81 dead center would do.
"Jill Stein is the ONLY candidate who supports Black Lives so go VOTE"

yell it, record it, upload it
another police shooting of a black guy happened a few days ago in the city that this university is located. protesting about how black people are being intentionally targeted when they really aren't.
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>implying OP would do anything
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This girl is 15...?

What the fuck
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Start chanting "Korean Lives Matter".
Bring some Hifi equipment, play some loud cumbia music to drown them out, if they say shit, call them racist against hispanics
Talked to a representative. I asked him about the crime statistic, he had no idea what to say. Just said i am watching you.
Film them on your phone. Go up to them and pretend you are from the school paper and conduct and interview. Throw in as many cringey /pol/ memes as possible.
Any San Diegans want to meet up at El Cajon and anti protest?
Martyr yourself OP
For the cause
For the god emperor
Kek wills it
>not ucsd

Asking for it.
ignore them

doing anything offensive will just vindicate them. ignore them and they'll feel like idiots.
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nah mate she's 18

any kind of counter protest is not advised. Black Lives Matter protestors have been known to get aggressive even against their own for something as innocuous as All Lives Matter signs
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You didn't do shit faggot. Stay cucked.
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Get a lot of Antifa stickers and stick those to bananas.
As a white cuck do what you were born to do

Random school shooting
Good talking to you bro

Hold up a sign that says "Harambe died for our sins"
college ave. and el cajon blvd. reporting in

i go wherever kek wills
take a dump on one of them while they're down.
kill them
Will do
>BLM rally sdsu. Wat do.
Dress up like an Achmed and join them.
desu some nice strong chlorine bombs would do the trick
I'm in Del Mar right now. I heard that they are going to protest inside of Parkway Plaza on Saturday. That should be entertaining to watch.
Call the police and tell them that a black male just assaulted you with a gun. Watch as every single nigger gets rounded up and searched.
Sigh. What I wouldn't give to toss a backpack in the middle of all that and run away.
Who /ucsd/ here?
are they protesting because that nigger got shot in san diego? why protest at a campus when he wasnt even shot there. these fucking niggers are getting a free ride to college with taxpayer money and all they think about is this shit? kick them out.
I actually live here where the shooting happened in El Cajon, and the police suck, they pulled my dad over for not having a seatbelt two blocks away from our house. Everyone here has a story on why they're stupid ineffective and arrogant
Start mowing lawn
fuck i have class at 4

should i skip it?
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Niggers smell like shit.
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tell your grown adult dad to wear his seatlbelt, anon.

What are they doing? Are they holding up things to block the sun?

Isn't uncomfortability supposed to be part of the protest? This is what people do when they're lazily surfing the internet on their phones.
Just send in an anonymous tip to SDSU Community Safety Alert that a BLM protester threatened your life. All classes might get canceled. My friend has his midterm today so maybe you can help him out?
With the meth problem the robberies and the constant accidents i'd expect the cops to worry about something else than a 70 year old man wearing a seatbelt in his own neighborhood
say no more
whats with all the SD /pol/acks, del mar reporting in, ucsd
You can't talk to these people. I was there.

BLM is detrimental to the community but I think blacks are mostly effected. Most normies paid no attention. Maybe they'll read about it later on social media but these people are never going to achieve anything in America. We're not so cucked that we'll usher in our own demise to black marxists.
>White people of the usa must pay for their slavery and oppression
Yell out "the jews enslaved you, not white people."
Ahh.. this is the shooting to distract people from wikileaks isn't it?
What is it with blacks and laying down on the ground?

They've been doing this as a protest for over 50 years.
I just got out fo class and walked by there did they already break up lmao? Everyone's too busy eating all the good thursday food.
Go on with your day as usual, laughing audibly as you walk by them.
Also this.
Because their only ability is to lay around and do nothing.
Looks more like a circle jerk
I'm pretty sure this isn't BLM, but there's an on campus african student union. I think it's just them and some people from the african studies class. Everyone else at this time is either leaving campus or in class.
Damn they breed fast

get a black towel and lay down with them.
inb4 it becomes an actual circlejerk to promote "sexual freedom"
Underrated post.

these 2 whit bois aint gon do shit

stand on the sidelines hiding behind a tree and on the 2nd floor like the cucks you are
Banana lives matter sign
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>Australian niggers so lazy that instructional ads created to keep them from sleeping on roadways
kek, the guys eyes.
Our roads are pretty comfy..
It's like when a toddler is having a temper tantrum.
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Go for a drive.
>Being this edgy
>Being this much of a proxyfag
Illegal in commiefornia
I am from Russia studying in the US.
Yell out "GUN!"

Haha, Black Lives Splatter amirite!?
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