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Who would you claim to be superior; The Celts or The Germanic

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Who would you claim to be superior; The Celts or The Germanic peoples? Who owns the superior history, culture, and tradition of warfare?

Who would you least want to invade, if say you were a Roman Caesar, at the time before Tutonburg?

Picture related.

Germanics, obviously. Celtic culture is bitching about how teh evil Anglos stole their land.
What the fuck have Celts ever accomplished?
If I was part of Caesar's Legion I wouldn't care. All of them are to kneel before civilisation.
what do anglos has to do with celts? Bohemians are celtic
a modern day anglo is (englishman) would be 60 % celtic, no?
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t. retard
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Shh, don't reveal the big secret that what we think of as "celts" are just Briton celt cosplayers.
Irish, Welsh, and Scots are Celtic. Anglos took their land when they invaded the British Isles
Colts had all the gold.
Roman coins were mostly brass or bronze before Caesar pushed Gaul's shit in.
opinion discarted
Refute what I said or shut the fuck up
dude look at your flag lol
3rd world countries need not apply
make me
check my digits lad >>90881776

Thats a meme, Anglos still exist in Denmark.
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Cymru am byth
Just ask yourself, who got raped more by niggers?

And then you have your answer.


Wow so "Aryan"
i saw your deleted post
Modern Brits share roughly 80% of their genes with the original settlers who came to Britain at the end of the last Ice Age. They are very much Celtic.
goths were just wood niggers even celts didn't to deal with them
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celt master race
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Fuck off faggot
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The Germanic people couldnt be conquered or controlled by the Romans.

The Celts were great warriors, but they were shills who were bought out by the Romans.
Germanic people, obviously. How is this even a question?
Celts probably had superior physiques in general but the Germanic peoples had better weaponry. IMO
>get raped out of the steppes by the huns
>squat in gaul, wellfare queen the western roman empire out of existence
>kill each other for 500 years
>found the "holy roman empire", when you cucks are the reason the actual roman empire was never reformed (Justinian would've been glad to do it)
>greatest contribution to european culture is martin fucking luther

germans are literal negro tier. fuck off back to ukraine. the celts were creating a complex mythology and erecting megaliths thousands of years ago; germanics were just generic steppe people with no legacy whatsoever until they got raped into a new environment.
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The descents of the celtic nations are Spanish Portuguese French and British. These four countries ruled the the entire world.
And what of the slav...?

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>we were raided by anglo saxons who managed to take control of a large portion of the British population at the time and rule them, changing the culture and language of the people they ruled over
>not wiping them out
>not trying to breed with them
>just ruling over us and making us fight eachother for a while
>implying this makes the population of England ethnically Germanic to any significant degree

Literally just 5% anglo-saxon DNA across the board for the whole of England. They are far more closely related to us Welshmen than they are to the Germans. This is why the union works so well lads, we're are kinsmen.
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>Generalizing Saxons and Italians as Celts.
Caesar himself said the Germans were more formidable than the Celts eventhough at the time the Celts had been the only people to successful sack Rome, so obviously Germans
Celts by a long shot. Celts sacked Rome many more times and were well respected.
Celts sacked Rome only once and it was before they even had an empire outside of the italic peninsula
Finally someone who fucking gets it.
I've seen this movie twice and I still can't figure out if it's any good or not
It's good. Raw, but good. Til Valhall
Another retard who doesn't understand haplogroups, great

He doesn't get shit, all of these haplogroup were brought around before the existence of celts or Germans
what is the source of picture? It is a television program right?
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Valhalla Rising
The Celts because unlike the Germanics, they actually built empires.
Celts have basically been cucked by everyone they came into contact with for the past 2000 years.
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Celts tbqh
More than the fucking Austrians.
>'Of all the small nations of this earth, perhaps only the ancient Greeks surpass the Scots in their contribution to mankind.'


> churchill

Is that the fat fuck who gave up the British Empire? What a legend.
"By a long shot" means "a remote chance", you meant to say "by a lot". Sorry, it autisms me to see people constantly use this phrase incorrectly.
The reason why people keep calling this haplogroup the Celts is because their migration is what made the most recent large impact on the genes of the British people and some other groups along the Atlantic coast. They migrated to Britain, the Romans came, the Romans left. Snowniggers and Anglos raided the English coasts and win several battles that ensures them control and authority over the Celtic population that inhabited the land of England. Their rule obviously lasted quite a while, they made a great impact on our culture most definitely, but they made only a tiny impact on the genetic makeup of the average Briton.

We are, for the most part, genetically the same people who were here before and after the Romans and then before and after the anglo-saxons as well, and who was here before the Romans? The Celtic people of Briton.
Germanics. Celtic history is being victims.
Don't fucking change the subject.

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Celts were invaded by Romans in Gaul, Iberia and Britannia. Germanics largely were not beside a few tribes. Eventually Germanics invaded Roman Gaul, Italia, Britain, Iberia and Macedonia/Greece.

I think Germanics won in warfare. In culture England, Sweden, Norway and Denmark have a lot of Germanic traditions still like May pole, may queen etc. I can't think of many Celtic ones that have survived in England. Obviously they have in Wales and Scotland (and to a lesser extent Cornwall).

Religiously I like both, I'm English so obviously prefer Woden and Thunor. I think these are more well known (at least in their Nordic form Odin and Thor) than any Celtic Gods.
i dont see point in comparing peoples
They had these haplogroups way before Celts even existed, these are indo-European, not celtic.
Source of pic?
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Depends where you are from. East Anglia murdered most of their inhabitants. Yorkshire (where I am from) are between 50-60% Germanic. Lots of Western England was pretty much untouched by the Saxons so is still very celtic so when you look at a overall picture it seems to be low. East England is a slightly different story. But the Celts came from central Europe - Southern Germany/Austria anyway (although we got a second influx from northern Spain a few centuries later).

> austrian inventions

Did a paki fuck your earhole, OP's talking about Germanics, you doublenigger.

Never mind the fact that half the "scottish" inventions might as well be anglo, since it was ANGLO universities your "scottish" shitvendors went to.

Besides, the austrian page looks very respectable in and of itself.

Ima shit in your haggis if you keep this up.
Valhalla rising. Pretty shit. It has a 20 minute scene of people just sat on a boat. Not saying a word.

tfw no good viking/Anglo-Saxon movies.
I enjoyed it very much, but that's because I'm autistic neet and I act like that character in real life too.
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Also most English haplotypes are more simliar to Frisian and Northern Germans/Southern Danish than to the Welsh or Cornish. Pretty interesting. You can see the mixed populations on the Welsh and Scottish borders with England as well as in Devon.


Oh my god
Celts are a sub-catagory of indo-europeans you dunce.
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I just thought it was too slow in my opinion. Had a lot of opportunity to do better really.

>tfw you're an American and can't identify with your ancestry
Is there a genetic test for seeing who are? I don't mean the "broadly western European" bullshit. But like Celt, Goth, Germanitic or Anglo?
The film good? This scene looks great. These sort of films usually suffer from favouriting one side however. I understand why - to make you feel more connected to a character but it distorts history and makes one side an evil baddy. Kingdom of Heaven did it well.
well technically once you have your DNA sequenced you can compare it to ancient samples available and see where you fit
The Germanic people got wrecked in every engagement they had with Rome. The Tuetoburg was an isolated one in a blue moon incident.
The Germans also out to the Romans and became Auxillaries.
Marcus Aurelius was gearing up for a Germanic holocaust before trouble stirred up in Parthia.

Even the Scandinavians that came down to Italy got smoked by Marius at Arousio.
Obviously Germanics since they actually won and displaced the Celts from pretty much everywhere.
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they have the same background, both have the holy tree (placenta) which has to do with rebirth

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It is enjoyable if you like Shakespeare. If so, it's sublime for the viewer, if not then perhaps you'll dislike it. All the language is spoken as directly read from the texts.
No. Those nations only became great when the germanics got a hold of them.
Visigothic spain. Anglo-Saxon England. Frankish Frankia.
yeah and we took the redskins land and they dont do anything now adays but bitch
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The British Empire was the largest empire in the history of mankind. You'll probably say this doesn't count because the Empire was mainly English, but even the majority of an Englishman's blood is Celtic. And these days the UK is still probably the second most Celtic nation on Earth after the Republic of Ireland.
Spanish and Portuguese are more like Basques raped by moors, haplogroups are memes.
>Who would you claim to be superior; The Celts or The Germanic peoples?
i'd pick neither. Both were parasitic niggers who adopted the superior Roman culture.

The Celtic monks had to reeducate all the areas of Britain taken by the Anglos, we literally taught them to read.
Are people forgetting France is pretty much still as Gaulish as it was in antiquity?

That's like saying niggers are responsible for the success of the USA
Fuck off, Edinburgh, Glasgow, St Andrews, Dundee, Aberdeen have had active universities for centuries.
Not going to bother entertaining your fucking idiocy by checking each inventor but, suffice to say, the TV inventor, John Logie Baird, the Telephone inventor, Alexander Graham Bell were educated at Scottish Uni's, John Boyd Dunlop was Edinburgh Uni, John Napier was St Andrews.
Face facts, Celts are master race.
Thats fine, I might give it a go tomorrow night. Thanks anon.
Butthurt Austrian inferiority complex. Niggers of the Germanic world.
Praise KEK
My pleasure
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Scots are Germanic master race

Celt is a purely linguistic term. Celts are Germanic or Latin people who speak a Celtic language.
Celtic monks got their information from the Romans. The Anglo-Saxons had a warrior culture like most Germanic people at the time of their invasion hence why. But the Britons knowledge in a lot of things is what turned a lot of our kings Christian however, which made us lose our warrior culture. At least until the vikings came and reinvigorated it in us.

Would that mean Islamic hordes are superior to byzantines?
Moors did not conquer spnaids only annex some territory.

Pretty sure either you or the anglos are our rapebabbys anyways, so you can swatch a me bobby, you clown
South-Eastern Scotland was conquered by Northumbria- an Anglo-Saxon kingdom, which was the first to fall to the Vikings and the northern part was dominated by Vikings. Thats mostly why.
Also this.
They still have some african amixure, but that probably is prehistoric. either way celt is a meme term and more cultural than genetic.
Play some mozart at these hater sauerpreussen.
In terms of strength and valor, the Germanics were superior.

In terms of art and poetry, the Celts were superior.

I prefer the Celts.

Germanics had some good artwork, but in general, they didn't know how to relax like the Celts.
The Mongols

Warrior culture is good in some ways, doesn't really help civilisation advancements too much apart from taking more Lebensraum.

deedle deedle do

i rape the celt in the poo (hole)
The fact spain never used arabic alphabet or language is proof that spain was not conquered.
Yet I have no idea when your 3rd world shithole was founded. Stfu non country.
>Pretty sure
Read:fucking clueless.
You schnitzel fuckers main contribution came from Freud, a fucking Jew, you fucking yodeling wee poofter.
Germanics, they subjugated all the Celts which kind of proves who was better

t. Wales
That map isn't accurate, the Celts also expanded into Northern Italy, Iberia, and Anatolia.


White people shouldn't fight each other until we are the only ones left
It was useful for the Anglo-Saxons to carve out England and to keep the Welsh, Cornish and Picts from retaking it. But it made us fight each other for a long time which resulted in loss of Germanic genes in some areas since most Britons wouldn't want to fight for a Saxon lord.

This 'English are celtic' meme has to die though. Yes in general English are 50% 'celtic' (whatever that means) but thats because you are including Cornwall and cumbria which were never conquered and western England which is where we mixed some. Eastern England is very Germanic. Especially Yorkshire, Kent and East Anglia. But as that other anon said, beside the Iberian ones (which mostly came to Ireland and Western Britain anyway) the Celts that came here were Germanic from Switzerland, southern Germany and Austria regions.
Yodeling was invented when you all collectively got ass-fucked by a army of Turks. Don't come the cunt with me pal. Celts=master race.
Fuck I loved that movie.
The Germanic people were a noble breed. Celts were, and still are, nothing but pests.
>In terms of art and poetry, the Celts were superior.
>didn't know how to relax like the Celts.
that's like comparing European civilization to popular nigger culture

Refn is the greatest director of all time

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LOL celts were famous for their swords whil germanics were bigger than romans
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I dont even know if france is celtic germanic or latin.
Maybe a mix of the three.
I dont even know who i am i feel like a filthy mongrel.

t. 1/8the Cherokee 1/4 nigger 1/2 "German Irish" cultureless mongrel.

Also warrior culture survived in highland Scotland far longer after it died out in England.
I am German Polish, which is irrelevant to what I said.
Theres regional overlap. The north east is more germanic central and north west (because of Brittany) is more celtic and southern latin. Of course there are some areas of overlap or one or two abnormalities. But people generally didn't move about much in medieval times and have only started to since railways came into play really. And even then not in big numbers until the 70s when university started to become the new norm so you moved for that and for work. Most people in England for example still live in Anglo-Saxon kingdoms. France will be similar.
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Consider that ethnic identity is mostly cultural and linguistic, at least within racial lines. It's not really something which is determined by genetics, seeing as how there's considerable genetic overlap between those groups which makes them indistinguishable to the naked eye.

Hold your head high Latinbro. pic unrelated

The Romans built a wall to keep us out, they couldn't conquer an extra few hundred miles of territory in Caledonia because they got rekked everytime they came north.

>German Polish

So you Slav squat on a bratwurst riding your freedom cart?
Anglo is the only correct answer
>they got rekked everytime they came north
>who is Agricola

The only recent austrian invention worthy of praise is fritzels underground daughter breeding unit.
How would I go about finding where in the British isles my family came from?

My dna test came back with 78% British and Irish, what the fuck does that even mean?

Follow the surnames, the less common the better. No family lore with clues? There might even be some DNA labs now that could trace your DNA to specific towns.
Aye, I figured as much. It's hard because all my ancestors go back to 17th century colonial America.

I have a Dutch last name and so far Wintchell and Borne are the only surnames I've found. breddy fun and interesting. All our family records were burned up 50 years ago in a fire in up state New York.
And somehow, the old Celtic language was completely destroyed and replaced by English.

Don't worry about spellings of surnames either because they get changed over the years all the time. So Borne could easily be from the same family origin as Bourne.

French had a massive impact on old English even though the Normans were far smaller in numbers than the Anglo Saxons.
A massive impact is nothing compared to what happened when the English arrived.
fucking AWESOME film

when it finished I wanted to watch it straight through again
>Who would you least want to invade, if say you were a Roman Caesar, at the time before Tutonburg?
Why are all of you French frogs so salty and against anything german? Also it's Karl not Charles.
shilling too hard there
Germania is a much larger area. More history occurred there for more people. Both are fine though.
Greatest ally.
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>tfw I'll never fight for the glory of the Byzantine Empire
After reading Caesar's The Commentaries, the Germans btfo'd of the Celts everytime they faced each other.
Because Scotland was a worthless place to conquer.
They had culture but it was mostly wiped out when the Catholic Church came to power. Knowledge of runes was a death penalty. Druids and their entire families were killed, even babies.

Rome never conquered the Germans and suffered massive defeats by them.
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