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The Election is Over, Trump messed up.

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No path to victory for Trump, now.
PPP post-debate polling shows Clinton is pulling away in:
>North Carolina
With these states the election might as well be called now.
>INb4 "M-Muh B-Brexit!"
>Inb4 "M-Muh, O-Oversamples!"
>iNBfour> "S-Sage! C-CTR!"

flash news, clinton was beating trump in VA and PA before the debates and in NC trump is up
if only polls were accurate. if only it were possible for the numbers to change in the next month.

sage this garbage
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inb4ing valid arguments is not a refutation.
They are over sampling democrats.

Yes, there are 3% more democrats than republicans. But these polls are sampling more democrats than independents, who Trump is winning with.
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>Meanwhile, in reality.
It's always "They're oversampling Democrats by (insert percentage Hillary is winning by) so correct the polls by subtracting the new arbitrary amount."

Didn't you guys learn you lesson in 2012?
b-but muh twitter polls
Saged for lying
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>trump was just 12% in august
>hahaha the election is over drumpf has no chance
>skip forward two months
>omg hillary up over 60 again election over hahahaah
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I wouldn't be bragging but Trump's retarded, so all these coming debates he'll just lose. Therefore the debates will bog him down further as each one is watched less, and election over.
>I expect Nevada and North Carolina to turn for Hillary as well in the coming days.
lol Trump is likely going to be ahead in those states again (and more than once) throughout October. calm down CTR you fuckfaggot
>guaranteed replies
Back to discord
You do realize there's two more debates right? Trump didn't even touch Clinton's biggest controversies in the first debate, he's saving the killing blow for latter.
trump wont win. just there to build his name and make money once he loses.

sucks bc i want to see his taxes. he wont win and willnever have a reason to show them
Oh my god, a purple state and a blue state are blue.
Lets see
>Colorado: Hillary +6
>Florida: Hillary +2.
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>jew nate silver being wrong
he wont be
Top kek
First of all, I don't think that's true, Trump just doesn't know anything, but why? Each debate is watched less and less. Holding back attacks are fine, but was he also deliberately being a retard on stage?

First debate matters the most.
Second debate gets a few glances.
Third debate nobody remembers.

So, this next debate is his last chance. And he's way too stupid. On top of that, Hillary will counter with his own scandals. Motherfucker had rape charges against him and admits to being a tax-cheat, I mean what the fuck
it'll be blu for sure anon. don't be mad
Ofc he is finished, dude goes into a debate and speaks with less eloquence than a fucking 8 year old, broken sentences, scattered thoughts and constant ad hominem.

If he actually participated in the debate instead of talking to himself, perhaps would have been better.

Inb4 hillary shill, no, i hate that bitch, but he was beyond terrible on that debate.
Live near I-4 corridor in FL.
Trump stickers everywhere
Literally zero Hillary stickers
You're just making shit up. I can smell the shilling.
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>job takes me all over the state
>all I see on I-95 is trump and gary stickers
>only place with hillary signs is on I-4
>almost every yard has a trump sign
its a single poll YOU FUCKING RETARD, look at aggregates. your parents must be ashamed, if they arent total retards themselves

Oversampled Dems

>blue state
>the jewyork kikepost

Kill yourself
Literally leftist drudge
>Didn't you guys learn you lesson in 2012?
I didn't vote for Romney in 2012
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Democrats truly are useful idiots.

>No fly zones in Syria
>Resulting in direct conflict with Assad and Russia
>Trump is a Putin agent because he wants to fix relations with Russia
>Trump is more likely to start nuclear war

I want off this ride.
Listen, redneck trucker, nobody cares where in the state you drive to deliver moonshine, Hillary is winning through scientific polls.
You understand that nate's prediction here: >>90874377 Hasn't even factored in the PPP data yet? Its using the current aggregates from RCP which are underscoring cause PPP not in yet. Bitch.
>((your)) polls
>over sample dems by 20%+
>up by 4
>trump btfo

Im just saying, dont unpack yet fugees
Dude go to hell and stop spamming this board with your horseshit
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>First debate matters the most.

Actually if you look at past presidential elections, candidates who won the first debate went on to lose the presidency.
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>/pol/ in full panic mode cause they don't know what to do with their Trump Pepe meme folder if he loses


Cant wait for the "Hillary wins!" Sticky and some annoying song forcibly blaring on /pol/ come November.

I'm so excited for THE biggest shitposting extravaganza in the history of 4chan, like you have no idea.
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Are you triggered by reality, Trudeau?
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Clinton underperforms polls by more then 20 points on average.
Who else feels bad for Bernie?

That's because candidates usually were running much higher pre-debate than Trump was, and had a decisive comeback by the second debate. That's impossible for a retard like Trump.
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Except the NY Post doesn't oversample Democrats. It's readers are amazingly more Republican. You don't know fucking shit, nigger.


Ah yes, the typical Trumpette argument. The first impression always matters today.

This is exactly what will cause Clinton to win in a landslide. Forget all the Trump scandals. Hillary has A LOT more ammo to use. And she'll pin the Trump scandals right head on while Trump himself refuses to change.

I support Trump too and I get this amount of hatred for saying what I say.

>a single poll

Try the majority of polls.
But Michigan was an anomaly in polling. No other state had such discrepancies. So saying "on average" as though that happened anywhere else, is retarded.
>Motherfucker had rape charges against him and admits to being a tax-cheat, I mean what the fuck
no, he admits to paying as little tax as he legally can.

you know, the exact same thing you accountant does for you when you file your taxes?

the way hillary has framed this is hilarious. people actually have the cognitive dissonance to think trump should intentionally pay more taxes than he needs to
There is no reason to oversample dems when dem participation and confidence is 6 points lower then Repubs. Flawed polling methodology
LOL Trump thinks he won the first debate.
He thinks he "held back" cause he didn't mention Bill's sexual liaisons.
He doesn't study for debates and he's going to go on the attack and faceplant HARD at the town hall.
trump fucked up the debate hard

i've never seen more than 3 Hillary signs in my florida town (a college town even)

but since the debate, i can count 25 Hillary signs on my way to work, which is only a 8 minute drive.

They have also been fucking playing TWO Hillary commercials on the radio every day on my way to work.

which again is only an 8-10 minute drive.

Either shes freaking out
Or trump lost

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>primaries show significant reduction in turnout for democrats, significant turnout increase for republicans
>trump is incredibly charismatic, while even leftists will admit that hillary has no charisma
>hillary's campaign platform is, across the board, the polar opposite of what a large portion of the democratic party wanted (bernie)
>trump rallies draw 10x-100x more people than hillary rallies
>early ballot requests indicate a significant increase in republican enthusiasm, reduction in democrat enthusiasm
>models that do not involve polls (primary model, 13 keys, etc...), which are historically more accurate than poll-based models, point to a trump landslide

All logic says that Trump is leading by an enormous margin, and yet "the polls" indicate otherwise. When we see strange results in private industry, we don't just throw up our hands and say, "welp, the data is always right!" No, a result that defies logic warrants investigation. The data is worthless if you can't explain it.

I'm still looking for a leftist to explain why "the polls" are correct despite defying all logic. In previous elections, the polls lined up with logic. Why is this election different?

Yes, the vast majority of leftists are amazingly dumb, dumb enough to think that buzzfeed is a journalistic publication, but I would think that there would be SOMEONE who could offer a logical explanation to validate the poll results. All they can do is say, "well, that's just the hard data, man", "the polls are the polls", "you're just mad that trump is losing", "nate silver can predict the future today since he has hillary leading". Those explanations are only good enough for idiot leftist cattle.

your point was that the election might be lost based on these 5 states, which you base off of a single PPP poll. you don't get to bring 538 into it you fucking mong. articulate yourself better. you're a chubby pathetic faggot and you should drown yourself, nobody likes you, and your parents wish you weren't such a waste of air
Add in Trump's dealings with Cuba in 1998 that were just revealed, and FL is lost.
And do we know about Trump's rape scandal coming up in the next debate? Look forward to that one, Trumpette

>Either she's freaking our or Trump lost

The latter.
Kek demands Trump to win, get over it Hillfags!
Praise Kek
Said the increasingly nervous "man"
There are several rape scandals, on of which Ivana testified on. He's toast.
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Why is the LA Times poll disregarded everywhere despite being listed by RCP?
You understand primaries are a bit different than the general, right? Primaries and midterms aren't relevant to the general. Republicans will always dominate midterms and primaries, but most apathetic dems and left-indps. wont vote, but will vote come November. This has been done like a trillion times and you still dont get this.
It's a consistent outlier from the onset.
Because it's the only poll you Trumpettes use. Find another one. We're showing you at least 20 more and your response is MUH ONLINE POLLS R OVERSAMPLED
Because LA Times has the record to be included, but its an obvious outlier using odd methodology that'll likely get it booted just like Gallup was in 2012, come the next election. We use it to gauge direction, but not actual standing.
So using Bloomberg/NBC/PPP is fine but LA/Brietbart/Rasmussen is not? Why?
The real question is, will Hillary bring it up? She ought too, if Trump brings up Bill.
Are you seriously asking why serious people don't take a Breitbart poll seriously?
Because the first one is using a weird methodology, Breitbart is a right-wing biased entity, and Rasmussen isn't valid enough to be included in the main polling department.

Besides, defend how he broke the Cuba embargo. I'm waiting.
There are only 2 outliers that don't follow the win primary turnout winning the general both of which can be explained

>durrr uh uh uh uh bbbut da general is different uh uh uh but polls!!!! uh uh me right u rong!!!!
Are you braindead? You leftists are all exactly the same, and all drooling retards. You didn't explain anything here, you have literally no argument. All you can do is parrot what your owners tell you. Try again, or don't, you're out of your league... kek
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Which should be taken seriously and why?
If by Brietbart, you mean Gravis, we do use it. And Gravis showed Hillary's post debate bounce.
Those polls have a history of being accurate
Rasmussen skews right because it uses landlines. So its taken less seriously, Breitbart (Gravis?) is taken moderately seriously. And LA openly admits their methodology is different.
More Republican candidates attract more voters


lol, same reason noone takes huffpo or vox or any other leftist rag seriously?

Babbys first election?

538 doesn't disregard it. It's right there under USC Dornsife/LA Times sept. 22-28.
Personally I think her best response is this:
"I'm here to talk about what I can do for the American people. You just dumped a dead horse on the stage and insist on beating it, and I don't think a response would be appropriate. Let's talk about what matters going forward."
Come up with your own argument then. While your at it. Please defend why Trump broke the Cuba embargo and how it will INEVITABLY cost him the election along with rape scandals AND tax returns.
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>Well, the IRS and other agencies that have investigated Trump for the last 15 years have never found that Trump did anything illegal over the years, but our reporters say maybe he did.

This is you.
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Fucking lol!! How does it feel to be an idiot, leftist? Go back to ledit, it's more on your level.

Stopped reading right there CTR shill
He DID break the Cuba embargo and the IRS isn't perfect.

Reminder that Reagan, Bush and Obama all lost their first debate (in which they were worse than Trump) and still won in the end.
Come up with an argument first.

CTR doesn't exist.
Wait, you don't trust the Murdoch owned right wing rag? Good move.
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>but will vote come November.

Sorry honey. Hilairy isn't a meme candidate like Obango. Blacks wont turn out in droves like they did for King Kong. There is absolutely NO enthusiasm for her. Thats why King and Queen Kong are shilling so hard right now to get out the meme voters. They know they are fucked.
They studied and knew they lost.
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Oh, have you finished the election? No? Then wind your fucking neck in
>'inb4 argument which proves I'm a stupid cunt'
But Trump also violated the Cuba embargo, is the center of multiple rape scandals, and still has yet to release his tax returns.

Do the math. This is going to crash down on him next debate. You're not aware of what will come.
nobody is going to turn out to vote for that dried out cunt witch, Hillbag

Trump has this election.

What argument? I asked for an explanation as to why the polls diverge from all other indicators, when in other elections they lined up. You just said "duhhhhh no! duhhhh u rong" like a typical drooling leftist regard. Work that atrophied chicken brain!! I'm humiliating here.

>Democratic pollsters
>agenda push polls to push a narrative

Nice try, cucks
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Well he'll surely be held accountable then since there's so much credible evidence.
Now Trump is successfully un-scary.

The next debate he can take her apart on policy.

Why not on first debate? That would make him scary.

People see ok Trump's not scary, but he still appears to be more of an entertainer than they expect from a president.

Next debate he could bring up the low blows he has against Clinton, but maybe he won'
t. Maybe he'll establish himself as a thoughtful intelligent candidate, keeping the ammo in his pocket.

This is what happened. People who were scared of him aren't but now they think he's a lightweight.

Time to go wonk on Hillary.
>NY Post
>right wing

Fucking retard
Next debate is a town hall. You win those by being touchy-feely. He will go in thinking he needs to be hyperaggressive alpha and in attack mode. This is going to be spectacular.
i hate to say but the woman card might fuck things up.
oh it will be so historic right
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I think she should say: "Firstly, that's not true. You're reading right-wing conspiracy theories, and unlike me, you've been accused of rape and testified against by your wife. Which would be in-line in the way you treat women. But I'm not here to attack you on that issue, I'm here for the American people, not silly Esquire-like headlines."
>This would trigger Trump
>He would spend 20 minutes rambling on the rape accusation by Ivanka
>While Hillary smiles and looks presidential, thus winning
>Nate "Wrong About Literally Everything To Do With This Election So Far" Silver
Oh you don't know? Look that shit up, boss. NYP is right wing as you can get.

I asked a question, you gave no answer but typical leftist "duhhhh me owners tell me dis duhhhhh". You're worthless I already won the argument, im just humiliating you to give a morale boost to other anons.
>they know they are fucked

No, they're just voicing their opinions. This is not desperation. Plus, Trump charges less for his rallies. This is why the poor people can attend! If Clinton lowered her rally tickets, you can bet your behind we'd fill up a lot of venues more than Trump could ever do so
Yes, it's a close race but Trump is the better leader. People are partisan and love their team, but regardless Trump would make a better president.
Except I've provided examples, you've yet to provide all but one.
If you look at statistics with which side wins the presidency, it's very common for it to switch every 1 to 2 terms. Since Obama won 2 terms already it's not in the democrat's favor to win it again. That doesn't mean it will happen, but statistics do show this trend.

>This is why the poor people can attend! If Clinton lowered her rally tickets,

>this is what the shills actually believe

im laughing my ass off right now
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>Trump is the better leader
Explain this
Still angry that our tax payer dollars are going to publicly campaign for Hillary and against Trump. Not that Obongo cares about the laws, likely would find a loophole if confronted.
>in which they were worse than Trump
But they were smart.
They study for their debates.
And they weren't worse than Trump, the fuck are you talking about?
You are obviously not in South Florida. The rest of the state always votes Republican you fucking retard, did you just turn 18? South Florida is where all the Democrat votes come from, hence it being a swing state.
Charge for rallies? You thinking of fund raisers bro? Rallies are free.
>their opinions.

Yes. Their opinion they are fucked. You think he'd be this hard out shilling if they thought they were up? Head Dems are FREAKING out right now.
Oh wow, a bunch of shit that doesnt matter.
Colorado is still +0.5 for Trump in the RCP average. NOT A MUST WIN
Yes, Florida is at +0.5 for Hilldog in the RCP average, but because of one outlier small sample poll that has Hilldog at +5
>>North Carolina
Solid Trump, what are you even talking about. We are talking +0.8 here for Trump in the average
Yes, that is barely for Clinton in the average and it is NOT A MUST WIN

Only NC and Florida are MUST WINS, idiot.
RCP shows nothing. Where are you getting state polls?
>just give up goy there's no point in trying
I wonder if this tactic has ever worked
A small else within the main of error in 4 out of 5 states from a small poll man he is btfo! I'm a hilpdawg now!
(scientific polls)
Yeah, but you're going to have to take into account demographics shift. Minorities and left-leaning whites are increasing, while Conservatives and Republicans are dying with the Boomers. Frankly, as Bush senior says, this is possibly the last presidential election Republicans can get.

And yet Trump still broke the record for most primary votes.
Who are you trying to convince?

You don't even make a single case for why Hillary is better, you just say stupid shit.
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Raw charisma, talent with persuasion, gravitas.... leadership is a personality Hillary doesn't have. She comes across in her best light as an equivocating lawyer. Now, that might trick you into thinking she's smart.

Either way, see my referenced post - her negatives are huge and will in fact reduce her effectiveness in DC. Shes a partisan through and through and... no one likes her.... that matters.

>CTR doesn't exist


Im trying guys.. But north carolina is still filled with protestant cucks. No one here supports trump.. I fucking hate this state when it comes to politics. Our governer is a big fucking cuck too after seeing his plan of action in the charolette riots.
Either he gets his shit together and hammers home the next two debates or he may as well not bother to show up.
PPP has not been factored into RCP yet. CNN's polls skews right, but are still factored in. Only post-debate Colorado shows HRC +6 in Colorado. And without the PPP poll, 538 has HRC likely to win Colorado still at 66%.

Get ready for another Florida poll that has
Hillary +2 four-way and +5 two-way.

All your other shit doesnt matter. The polls are being factored into RCP's average now, Nazi.
>increasingly nervous man says there is no path to victory for trump for the 8 billionth time this year
Ask yourself why RCP didn't bake these into the average yet.
Flip CO in that map and see what happens. Not a must win, eh?
Cause it takes time? They dont just spring in action and put it in. PPP is a commonly used poll in RCP, Canuck. Go back to Tim Hortons and stop being obsessed with American politics you obviously know nothing about
you guys better hope Trump brings his fucking A game in the next debate because if he fucks up that one like he did this one it's over
I honestly don't understand why CTR even comes here. Sure there are a lot of lurkers, but it's not like they will just accept completely whatever CTR is saying without at least some research. Clinton's money is better spent on more facebook/reddit/twitter shit than spamming /pol/ and having it spill over into /v/
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>>CTR doesn't exist
Hilary is gonna win but its gonna be really close due to people being to apathetic to go out and vote for Hillary.

She is gonna lose florida and win a few others and its gonna be 272 or 263 or some shit and its gonna be lots of drama and so close that the establishment will be able to rig it in their favor and not get caught if need be.
The first debate is over, Trump messed up.

The election is more than a month away.
No it doesn't take time.
The Rasmussen polling us up within the hour it was published.
>Swing state.

Basically this.

RCP. Ah yes the good old "Romney beats Obama" announcement.
What does Trump's A-game look like? He's never been any different at any other debate. But he can hide when he's on the ropes in the latter debates that didn't matter.

Now he's front and center, and the contrast could not have been clearer.
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>being this desperate

>Frankly, as Bush senior says, this is possibly the last presidential election Republicans can get.

But, IF republicans do win, then the dems are soundly fucked, as they have been running on identity politics for the last 10 years?

Who the fuck do they have left on their roster? Hilary and Warren and Bernie will all be too old. And they have no token blacks or hispanics left in the pen to take up the reigns.

The senate COULD flip but the house is going to be soundly red for awhile. If Trump wins and packs the supreme court then all 3 branches of government will be red at the federal level.

And God forbid Trump does a good job. If he does a good job then that EIGHT YEARS and not four the dems have to wait making congress presence even LOWER and totally strikes out all the old faggots I mentioned that still wanted to run.

Plus if the two terms are fruitful, then we can say
>lmao all 3 branches were red and look how things went, fuck y'all

That would be a killing blow for dems. Totally game over.

A lot hinges on this for both sides.
PPP is the equivalent of Breitbart polls.
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I thought so too at first, and it would've helped with Trump talked more actual policy instead of usual sound-bites, but later I rewatched the debate and notice that: Trump had to deal with having two opponents constantly on the attack instead of one. It's hard not to mess up when almost every question is either direct attack or meant to put you on the defencive.
You're such a twerp. When it does get put up, what's your complaint going to be, then? You honestly think they're ignoring PPP? They use it all the time.
I didn't vote in 2012. Romney was an establishment joke who would have sucked marginally less cock than Obama, and he still would have taken all the globalist dicks.
RCP chucks pro-Trump polling that fails to meet standards all the time.

This round of PPP polling is so junk it isn't being baked into the average. Get over it.
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Trump will win. He will be further ahead than this, after the upcoming debates, more wikileaks, more Hillary blunders, etc.

Just like Trump's tax returns and the birther "issue," amirite?
Dude, there is nothing he can do.

He literally has no plan, all he does it repeatedly say he is going to fix it and "trust him"

>fix inner city crime?
>defeat isis?
>She couldnt do it for years Trust me I'll get it done
>Negotiate trade deals?
>Listen, I'll do what no one else has been able to do ever because I'm Trump
>fix economy?
>Tax cuts and deregulations! There no way american business will ever take advantage!

I really dont get the economy decision... All Hilary has to do is go "2008 recession" over and over again and he looks like a fool.

It's like he really is a moron and didnt listen to anyone when they tried to get him to put something in his platform that would sway the undecideds over to him.

Stupid stupid stupid
>constantly lying and being racist
>not important
This is easy, how do I get CTR to pay me?
Trump will get impeached unless he becomes and establishment bitch boy in office.

The dude acts like he is running for emperor, if he crosses congress or acts a fool in foreign relations he is gone.

Both sides will be happy to do it.
Have you, just saying, but have you ever, like ever, like do as much as like, go on the actual candidate's website and read his clearly outlined plans to make america great again? Or would you rather shitpost about how Trump uses words that sound nice to average voter but offer no substance to more intelligent people?
>Listen, redneck trucker, nobody cares where in the state you drive to deliver moonshine,

You realize that this kind of generalization is losing her votes right?
What is BREXIT and oversamples CTR faggot.
Kek, don't worry maybe you can just skewer some useless online polls to say you won anyway.
That's not the case at all. In most cases they're over sampling Dems by double digit, under sampling IND by 20+, and Clinton is winning 1~4pts. This is far from "Romney all over again".
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Hey tell your candidate to go read his website then if his plans are so clearly outlined because he sounds like he knows nothing when he speaks.

and his website has very vague "plans" relative to say Shillarys website
And now Nesweek just came out hat Trump knowingly violated the cuban embargo. Just as early voting is about to start in Florida.

>and his website has very vague "plans" relative to say Shillarys website

You've never read either website.
>Hey tell your candidate to go read his website then if his plans are so clearly outlined because he sounds like he knows nothing when he speaks.
Looks like: >>90880804
>Or would you rather shitpost about how Trump uses words that sound nice to average voter but offer no substance to more intelligent people?
Was a hook, line, and sinker.

Unfortunately that's the spin. I'm curious how it will resonate though. Do Cunans really take what white liberals have to say about them to heart?
No plan (which is a myth) is better than a bad plan.
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>inb4 CTR

Really OP? Im not aware election day is tomorrow and we only have one debate. Suck a dick queer, anyone with a brain could tell Holt was working for hillary.

>muh conspiracy

Listen, there comes a point where someone is crazy for saying there are conspiracies, tinfoil hat, whatever, not this time. She has had way too many fucking scandals for them NOT to be questioned in that debate. So no anon, go learn arab you cuck election is not over
You know he started off really well in the first half of the debate then he just went to shit. He needs to address the causes of that work on it and focus. I don't want to see his dumb ass holding pressers when he should be spending the entire fucking week with his team practicing for the next debate.

If he can't be fucked putting in the effort then he should have never run to begin with.
Do you realize that the same god damn things have been said and the polls have been accurate for american elections for 20 years now?

Do you know what a scientific poll is?

Get the establishment boogeyman out of your asshole.

There will be no massive error in methodology that will have Trump winning against all of the evidence to the contrary.

Polling is peoples livelihood, their profession. And you sit behind your pc and screech about why they are all wrong.
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I'm likeable come on guys, here let me find a picture holding a baby, or me as child....Im human!
He couldn't stay strong because of Holt's questions being clearly biased and meant to place him on defencive rather than talk actual policies (which the debate was suppose to be about).

Atleast READ >>90879916 the questions Holt asked each candidate and how Holt responded.
answer the questions on this post
with information from his website.

I fucking dare you.
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Frankly Im not voting for King Debater.

I want President, a leader, someone who loves this country.
Not to this extent. Romney unskewing was trying to correct polls which were outside the margin of error and with much less sampling issues. There's also other issues which makes this year's polling inaccurate just on the face of it.
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Or you could do something useful with your life and actually read the website instead of asking others to spoonfeed you.
Thr Trump phenomenon defies logic. The fact that he wasn't even supposed to come close to winning the GOP nomination, yet still did, shows that the urban elitist kikes who run the media are way out of touch with the average American. Look you nigger loving kikes, fly over country i.e. everything between Jew York and Fag Angeles, is tired of your bullshit. Trump might be an idiot but he's our idiot and he's going to win. The people have spoken. Keep ignoring us if you want. The globalist shills are about to be assraped and your old hag of a candidate doesn't stand a chance. Now fuck off and go Correct The Record on how the my nutsack tatstes. It's good, bitches.
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> referencing Nate Silver-Jew
>being this obvious of a shill

we know #yourwithher, but you're not changing any minds over here.
Exile cubans FUCKING HATE Castro - them being such a massively important vote bloc in Florida (and one that traditionally went republcan) is literally the only reason why the embargo is still a thing.

If this stuff has any substance to it at all, Trump has just lost Florida.
No they don't realise. They are going to shout that Trump will win until the results come in and he gets BTFO.
A moderator does have a job to do, and unfortunately for trump there has never been someone so willing to blatantly lie in the face of hard proof.
The clash culminated in Trump claiming he was never in favor of the war, we have a quote from an interview in 2002 showing trump says he was.

Holt was easily within his role as a moderator to point out why he initially asked the question of Trump changing his mind.

All the other bias questions was a moderator simply trying to get an actual answer out of a candidate as all moderators have done in every debate ever.

and finally because Trump had to respond to every single thing Hillary said and refused to not have the last word and caused long back and forths all the questions Holt had prepared were not able to be asked.

So in fact you have no way of knowing if more Hilary hard questions were coming.

I guarantee you benghazi was on the list though.
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I trust Trump to be guided by the correct principles of America first, when he is instructing his underlings.

SHe can write books about policies.

She is fundamentally flawed as a decision maker, she's a felon, she's corrupt as a politician - she's fucked.

You can fill reams of paper with type....you cant write away her fundamentally corrupt and untrustworthy personality.

She a fucking corrupt liar and felon.

I dont give a fuck if she writes a library full of policy papers.

Guess what, she didnt write the ones on her website.

Stop shilling so hard. Wake up and smell the coffee, she's deeply fucked up. You picked a lemon, stop trying to bury us with "paper" on how great she is because she posts 100WPM on her website.

Fuck off.
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Did this happen because of the debates? I don't remember him a lead like this without having virginia
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Don't forget
You realize nobody fucking reads or trust mainstream media anymore. That's what you fucks don't understand. Nobody is tuning in
>winning florida

I wish they would stop pulling numbers out of their ass
It's going to kill him with older Cubans.


>The payment by Trump Hotels came just before the New York business mogul launched his first bid for the White House, seeking the nomination of the Reform Party. On his first day of the campaign, he traveled to Miami, where he spoke to a group of Cuban-Americans, a critical voting bloc in the swing state. Trump vowed to maintain the embargo and never spend his or his companies’ money in Cuba until Fidel Castro was removed from power.

>muh "muh reasonable reason as to why this shit it fucked up"
Threads move too fast for that level of break down. I'll do this:

>fix inner city crime?
Not demonizing the police or their methods publicly every chance you get while simultaneously racebaiting is a start.

>defeat isis?
>She couldnt do it for years Trust me I'll get it done
That's truth. While he hasn't outlined a specific plan for it, he does want the Generals to propose a military plan to make it happen and he had sensitized the American public to what such a war will look like under his administration.

>Negotiate trade deals?
>Listen, I'll do what no one else has been able to do ever because I'm Trump
This is true. We haven't, in a very long time, sent our best to negotiate deals in the interests of America. He wants to give China to Carl Icahn, that already sets him head and shoulders above anyone else claiming they can negotiate a deal. He also wants to end multilateral trade deals which fuck us and make bilateral agreements instead.

This one has been on his website for over a year. He got tired of explaining it and has reduced it to "build wall".

>fix economy?
>Tax cuts and deregulations! There no way american business will ever take advantage
And removal of excess labor and rebuild the infrastructure.
>North Carolina
Calling bullshit on that.
We're a lot like Florida red as fuck except for around a couple of big cities.
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I have read the website.

You cannot sufficiently answer the questions I pointed out to you with the information there.

Go ahead, try.
I dunno. They hate Clinton for sending Elion back.
>not saging clickbait poll threads
It's called /pol/, not /poll/
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see this, she can post a hurricane of words on her website, its not going to change her past and who she is.

Nothing will change her horrible past and horrible judgement. No matter how many white papers she copy and pastes onto her website.
when will dumbfuckistans from the shill hills realize anyone tuning in to the MSM is now the equivalent of TPing the trees of a grouchy old woman on halloween. You only go there to get some fun at the expense of the old, out-of-touch hag
Was that meant for me? Cuz I dont get it if it was.
So, you admit that your candidate basically shits on the poor. And you wonder why the poor are starting to defect.
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It was for the pro HRC camp, sorry if mis tagged
First of all anon, thank you for Correcting the Record.

Now, to your statements:
>A moderator does have a job to do, and unfortunately for trump there has never been someone so willing to blatantly lie in the face of hard proof.
You mean how he was "fact-checked" about stop-and-frisk being unconsitutional and ineffective, despite the fact that this was a lie on moderator's plan and stop-and-frisk has shown great results?
>The clash culminated in Trump claiming he was never in favor of the war, we have a quote from an interview in 2002 showing trump says he was.
You mean where Trump dismissively said "yeah I guess so" to move on to different topics and then in January 2003, couple months before the invasion, he made a press-statement on Fox about how he's against the war?
>Holt was easily within his role as a moderator to point out why he initially asked the question of Trump changing his mind.
Only for Trump and Trump never changed his mind. Simply he didn't have an opinion on it in 2002 and then in 2003, before the war, he made a statement how he's against the war before the war even started?
>All the other bias questions was a moderator simply trying to get an actual answer out of a candidate as all moderators have done in every debate ever.
So calling Trump a sexist, tax dodger, and a racist are completely find questions while Hillary gets a pass?
>and finally because Trump had to respond to every single thing Hillary said and refused to not have the last word and caused long back and forths all the questions Holt had prepared were not able to be asked.
Hillary was given more floor to speak than Trump, and the questions constantly came towards Trump. Maybe if Holt decided to do one-personal question per person then it'd be another story, he did not.
>So in fact you have no way of knowing if more Hilary hard questions were coming.
So your argument is that because Holt spent so much time attacking that he ran out of time to ask anything of Hillary. Ok
No worries. Just confused me.
Sometimes I think these people will never get it. This election is gorilla warfare and we have 40 more days in the jungle.
A felon is someone who is convicted in a court of law by definition. She was not, and so is not a felon.

She may be corrupt, she may have self serving interest and happy to help friends for a price.

What you and everyone seems to misunderstand is that none of that means she isn't capable and willing to run the country and make it a better place.

This is her fucking legacy we are talking about, first woman president.

You think she just wants to do it to line her pockets for the 15 years of old age she has left?

Trump is fucked up and a liar but you love him because he wants to make america great again.

Why can't hilary be the same? why cant she also be a greedy ambitious egotistical conniving cunt who wants to be president and do the job right?

Do you really think TRUMP of all people isnt going to try and fuck the system, circumvent laws, play by his own rules??!?!?!

And you call Hillary unfit for barely doing so?

Backwards fuckign thinking.
As much as I want trump to win, he really fucked up massively in the debate and undecideds eat debate shit up. He can only win now if he does something insanely attention grabbing in a good way.
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>tfw almost every one of those states have been Democratic locks over the past 20 years and now Democratic polling firms (((PPP))) are upbeat when HIllary is barely winning any of them

It's gonna be a fucking landslide for Trump
Why can't hilary be the same? why cant she also be a greedy ambitious egotistical conniving cunt who wants to be president and do the job right?
Because we already have years of Bill Clinon and Obama showing her plans ineffective. What do you call someone who keep doing the same thing, over and over with no change, while expecting different results?
You mean how undecideds moved to Trump 34-5 as opposed to Hillary, after the debate?
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We haven't had months of investigations, so no.
>stop-and-frisk has shown great results?
It really hasn't. Why are you faggots still trying to push this?
that really corrected my record
>Minnesota, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Virginia being swing states.
>Trying this hard.

Top cuck.
Are you a nigger or a woman?
>President has zero control over how media portrays police. Not even close to a plan.

>implying generals haven't proposed hundreds of plans before..
>implying he is jsut going to launch offensive after offensive until one works
>implying that is an effective "plan"

>again, me and my people are better than everyone else, trust.

>ehhh its still kidna pointless but something does need to be done about border, Ill give trump points here

>Adding the unspoken line that somehow makes trickle down economics viable
this one really irks me, we have a plethora of data and know the american economy is basically an oligarchy and the vast majority of wealth created by tax cuts and deregulation will go to the top 1%.

What makes you think the culture of big business has changed in the slightest?
>Trusting media polls
>Memory holing Brexit.

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>going blue this election

Kek, more than 2 million Reps showed up to vote in the primaries, only 1.6 Million showed up to vote Dem.

Maybe Trump won't get most of the Rubio votes, but Shillary won't get the Bernie votes either.
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Oops! Better check your pants for shit, because you are a far right retard.

Bush won every one of those states except PA in 2004. Romney won North Carolina.

Are you just willfully ignorant, or trying to lie to your fellow babydicks to try to keep them hard?

Drumpf is finally done. Every post-debate poll confirms it. #SHEWON

Give it one more week. King Babydick will be back down to a 10% chance of winning on 538, same place he was in August.

You pantshitters already shot your slimy little loads with #Hillaryhealth too. Guess what, she did collapse in broad daylight, and two weeks later nobody gives a single fuck.

Nobody cares if Hillary has terminal cancer (she doesn't). If something happens, we get President Kaine, which is a million times better than a racist, grossly unqualified oompa loompa ruling the most powerful country on earth.

Grab your spoon, kiddo. You're going to need it to dig the shit out of your pants on election night. Maybe sooner, by the second debate, when Drumpf spews rotten diarrhea all over himself on national TV again.
You're dumb and childish, even for this board.

Can you leave /pol/ please?
He's too low energy to defeat her
So because he didn't scream it from teh rooftops he wasn't for it? Obviously something changed if he went from yeah I guess so to statement of fox denouncing it right?
Thats what holt was asking him, what made him change his mind...

There are no questions about Hilary dodging taxes being sexist or racist...

Trump has 5 minutes more speaking time than Hilary and quite literally never gave Hillary the last word. He harped and repeated himself on the same issues for far too long.

There is not much "attack" questions for hilary besides email and benghazi and clinton foundation.

If trump had actually followed the rules of a debate at least two of those three would have been asked.

Trump by his nature and history has very many "attack questions" that is a moderators job to ask about because the people want to know the answers.
>PPP not factored in yet.
>Not even right since Hillary leads by pre-debate polls in Florida.


Accused her of fantasizing about older men and bringing RAPE upon herself. Got the pedophile off on the charge too!
Are your feelings hurt because you've failed to sage this thread?
Bill clinton had an objectively good presidency and Obama's took us out of a recession?

what fuckign standard do you judge a presidency by?
and why do you put so much weight in the power of a president? Congress hold the real power.

and we had 8 years of bush doing the fucking opposite of clinton and obama and look what happened there

god you are so fuckign retarded
Trump will win or Trudeau takes white cock in his ass instead of black. Screencap this. Also digits
Trump: 45.7% - 1,077,221
Hillary: 64.4% - 1,097,400

Sure whatever you say.

Lets see the turnout on Election day.

Pretty much this. The moderator is not a chaperone that's supposed to keep the candidate from going full retard.

Oh boy, a criminal defense attorney got someone off the hook and got evidence tossed out on technicality. Not like that's her job or anything.

Correct way to go about any accusation would be:
"Well that is simply untrue, what happened actually was bla bla bla"
Incorrect way to go about accusations is:
"WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG, I never said that, WRONG".
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No. The more you want me to leave, the longer I stay.

It's a dirty job in this alt right pigsty, but someone's got to do it. Who else will remind far right pantshitters that their dicks are small, they will never get over their crippling social anxiety, and they secretly want strong feminists to use them as human footstools? WHO???

The best part is I won't stop after the election. I'm going to rub every wild success of Madam President in your bitter little faces. I'm going to remind you every single day how you beat your chests before that first brutal debate, how you swore up and down that the poor sick little woman would be obliterated by the big loud man who totally doesn't look like a walking heart attack.

Fuck you, pantshitters. You're going to be reminded King Babydick lost night and fucking day.

She's inevitable, but I'm not. You have three easy choices to make me go away: stop hating brown people and women, get yourselves institutionalized, or find a fucking rope to end your pain and suffering on election night.
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>nate silver

aside from being a blatant hillary shill, he's been continuously adjusting his "prediction" over the entire course of the campaign.
>h-h-he always predicts right!

Just some shitter with a democrat bias, move along.
>last debate before the election takes place
>nobody cares about it

Wew, this is some dank retardation.

> t 7 inches get the fuck out of America you illegal swine
Is this a pasta?

Why are people giving cringeworthy speeches all the time on /pol/ lately? Is everyone just trying to get their post saved for posterity?

Christ you're not Patton, fuckoff already.
CTR you better fuck off.

WE all know your into that "kiddie" stuff
Got any compilations of comments of Trumpkins claiming he'd win. Kinda like the 2012 crap where Romneytards thought he'd win.

I need some for posting on November 9th.

Reality has this annoying liberal bias doesn't it.
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>adjusting predictions
Oh my god, it's almost like predictions in polls are based on numbers, and not some fairytale magic powers to see the future.
>retarded Brit saying something
Dude, what happened in the last Romney v. Obama debate? What happened in the last Republican or Democrat debate? Nobody remembers, limey.
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>nypost pays for views

>shill writes ctr-sounding shitpost
>guaranteed replies
who fucking cares anymore

? electionfags need their own board. youve done nothing but spam cringey shitposts like this one. everyone who replies without saging is shit tier too
>he thinks he's proving his point by staying
stay here while I kek at the fact you're wasting your life and time posting here
He doesn't need to go up, with the current polls properly sampling independents and democrats puts him at a victory and adding turnout makes a landslide. He just has to stay where he is and he wins big, although he will be assassinated if he doesn't go down in the polls.

No fucking shit Sherlock, she's been ahead for the entire campaign, but the margin has narrowed substantially over time.

There are other factors which have already been described ad nauseum that suggest that Trump could win, and is possibly even likely to.

What's very definitely clear is it will take very little for Trump to overtake Hillary with the difference being as narrow as it is and he is one successful debate performance away from potentially having a lead.
You honestly don't even seem like a ctr intern, I think they and Hillary campaign already realised it's over for hill. You're probably some retard rand supporter. Hillary will be utterly crushed by trumps media campaign. Most trump supporters don't hate brown ppl BTW we just hate illegal brown ppl
Debate #1:
Romney shifted to the center and came really prepared. Obama got btfo.

Debate 2 and 3:
Obama learned from his mistake, go up to speed and put Romney in his place.

I agree with this. /pol/ goes to shit every time there's an election. You come in and there's 10 threads about it and a:
Right. Reduction of 2500>500 homicides during the years stop and frisk was policy, and an increase in violent crime since the policy was ended. Correlation != Causation, but that's a pretty strong indicator that something was working.

Obama completely floundered the first debate, but was on much better form for the last two debates. The whole "binders full of women" meme came from the second debate in fact.

Is the fucking key word genius, he PREDICTED certain patterns would emerge in the polling numbers and was demonstrated to be WRONG and when he was wrong he ADJUSTED.

He's shifting the fucking goalposts.

Drink bleach.
I think you misunderstood my post or didn't read the dates of those tweets.

"Reality" is Trump wins the presidency.

Both your original post of nate's retarded shitter map and his older ones confirm he's out of touch and fallible. He used to think Nevada was going Democrat for example, and his update makes it a toss-up in slight favor of Trump, when the reality is Trump alone received 3 times as many votes in the primaries than Bernie and Hillary combined.

Nevada is hard red, California is a 50/50, and there are plenty of states that are red now that he still incorrectly thinks are blue.

/that's/ reality.

Reality is you're too retarded to realize what's been happening in Syria recently thanks to king nigger's administration and how it's fucking up relations with Russia, and you're too retarded to realize Hillary is just going to continue that line of action as a puppet Democrat.
You're an idiot. There simply won't be 11% more Democrats, like yourself, than Republicans voting, and that is how how over-sampled the leftists are in these polls. The leftist pollsters are being far more corrupt than ever before this election. The LA Times ones are the most trustworthy, and they have him gaining after the debate.
>Hill shills are now so desperate that they have to take data about electorial votes from a single national poll, and one from PPP, which is literally paid for by liberal and Democratic clients

>A few pollsters are shameless about their herding. One of them is Public Policy Polling (PPP), a polling firm that conducts automated polls for both public consumption and for liberal and Democratic clients.

I bet you also think Trump is gonna win Vermont because the Reuters national poll says so.


Meanwhile in the real world, Trump is now leading in Colorado, and in a recent poll, Hillary is only up 6 points in the deep blue state of Washington.
>Dude, what happened in the last Romney v. Obama debate?
ya it's the 22km of this race and now I should quit backing The God Emperor. Gee where would I be if it weren't for you corrupt faggots telling me what to do.....thanks shills.

Who'd win today actually puts NV at blue. Polls only puts it at just barely red to account for the fact that opinions don't swing that rapidly and will fall somewhere between two extremes. Still, NV is a toss up at the very best.

>California 50/50.
Sure. Maybe lets declare DC a battleground while we're here.
the polling in the UK was wrong for both the 2015 GE and the EU referendum
Trump will win every state cuck
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>President has zero control over how media portrays police. Not even close to a plan.
Our current president has shown up on Tv everytime a black thug has been killed by someone in authority and blamed it on whites and guns. That practice can end.

>implying generals haven't proposed hundreds of plans before..
>implying he is jsut going to launch offensive after offensive until one works
>implying that is an effective "plan"
Generals have proposed effective battle plans. Then summarily ignored and fired when they go outspoken about being ignored.

>again, me and my people are better than everyone else, trust.
Icahn is better than everyone else.

>ehhh its still kidna pointless but something does need to be done about border, Ill give trump points here

>Adding the unspoken line that somehow makes trickle down economics viable
this one really irks me, we have a plethora of data and know the american economy is basically an oligarchy and the vast majority of wealth created by tax cuts and deregulation will go to the top 1%.

What makes you think the culture of big business has changed in the slightest?

Picrelated. Our business culture actually used to be much much different. The business culture Trump came up in and wants to restore. His plan isn't "trickle down economics". It's actually fairly Keynesian with a bit of demand side economics thrown in.
It's almost like professional liberal shilling poll companies produce shill polls
You're so full of shit, CTR. he was asked 16 questions while Hillary got 2; 6 foll-up questions while Hillary got none; all his scandals were covered while none of hers were mentioned; he lied about the state of the economy to favor you libtards. And she's far more dishonest than he is, and only he gets "corrected". Kill yourself.
>D-Dumpth has lost, g-get over it
says nervuous man for the 2847349759320quintilionth time this year
Being fair, that's not comparing like for like.

As far as I know the GE polls didn't account for the massive gains in Scotland by the SDP
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Man you're even dumber than nate.
I hate white people so much, wish they could just disappear one day and never come back.
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>Try the majority of polls

>in the real world, Trump is now leading in Colorado
Gravis poll is now "the real world"?
>Reading newspaper articles from >washingtonpost
>When you can read the actual data on Stop and Frisk from the official .org website and check frequency of crime in relation to stop-and-frisk.
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If trump is winning by 5% that means he is actually winning by 15%. If he is losing by 5% that means he is winning by 5%. He's going to BTFO Hillary in the election.
>California is a 50/50
You're not just wrong, you're stupid.

Then who would pay for all your shit?
so flo guy here. everyone i talk to is voting trump except for illegals and visa indians. e.g. uber driver
yes, so polls can be wrong and the people who do them have an agenda
>inb4 valid responses I refuse to refute
>they don't agree with me, so they're wrong
What .org are you talking about?
It's not like their money would disappear with them.
And Trump's only up 6 in the red state Texas.
Trump's lead in Colorado just got raped anyways.
Those damn liberals at fox, rassmussen, and breitbart.

Lel we had a higher primary turnout. Like that ever fucking mattered.
It's like saying that Rmoney should win because more people voted in republican primaries in 2012. (Yes, democrats did have a primary in 2012). Romney got 10 million votes to Obama's 6 million.

Everyone who wasn't a retard knew Hillary was going to win the primary from the very start. She could sleep through the entire season and still win.
Hardly anyone remembers that
lets remember hes a nigger
What happens after you run out of money after a week?

And Emerson. And the CNN poll in a 4-way race.
This. The inb4s on OPs post are valid points.

OP can't take the heat.
Everything meaningful the money represents would.

Low quality b8, get fucked.
>none of that means she isn't capable and willing to run the country and make it a better place

In fact it does, the Felon, Mrs. Bill Clinton, will have to deal with all the politicians she has fucked with for the last 30 years, who all hate her.

She'll just continue gridlock.

She's flawed as a candidate and as a person, and in her ability to lead and get people to find consensus on her policies...she's never been able to do that.

She's just not a leader.
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>pretending wapo has any credibility
I would start with, and this is first result from google, the actual data.
For example: http://www.nyclu.org/content/stop-and-frisk-data
That's fucking retarded. Their own charts show a correlation and their response is "nuh uh".
>California is a 50/50
What the fuck
pretty sure he has all those qualities x1000 compared to hillary
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South Florida here. It's all Trump. Trump also is already winning the state in terms of actual votes if they want to get all scientific. He won all the early votes in this state so it's a lock.

>Fuck Miami
>cause they get refuted in every other thread,
Our voter form uses the honor system
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I remember that thread. The regular poll manipulation wasn't doing the trick, so instead they were going to make it seem like Trump was doing better than before, then drop him right after the debates.
>And Emerson
The poll from Sep. 9-13? Wew, lad. Getting desperate.
Why even having polling agencies when we have tardos on /pol/ who can speak for entire geographical areas?
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It must be rough to be this stupid. I pity you, libtard.
Trump's ILLEGAL dealings with the Castro regime are going to cost him Florida
First debate matters the most? Romney won the first debate.....
I would pay good money to see Trump win, the reactions of lefties after, and the /pol/acks who put bets on during June/July to make mad money.

I think there would be actual livestreamed suicides.
I love that pic
Trumptards are this delusional. Texas will turn blue before California comes close.

Since when does primary turn out matters. Now also ask yourself how many of those came out to vote AGAINST Trump.

Do it via congressional district rather than this population density map.

Why is Trump's line blue?
delete this
For whom are these polls?

Do people decide for whom they're voting based on who leads in the polls? I hope not.

So the candidate I like [X] is trailing candidate Y in national polling, am I supposed to then switch my vote?

I just don't get why I should give a shit about polling before an election. It won't change my vote.
The NYpost didn't conduct the poll you stupid nigger.
>"Hurr hurr /pol/ is one person"
How new are you? None of us actually thought Romney would win nor did we give a shit. Obama and Romney were two sides of the same coin.
Nate Silver changes his predictions once every 3 hours.
texas is full of beaners
There's nothing there that shows it had an impact on the crime rate decrease.
>Everyone who wasn't a retard knew Hillary was going to win the primary from the very start
compared to bernie? yes.
compared to Trump? no. The primary turnout of republicans was far more than democrats, and Trump has gained the majority of the republican vote while blue states were divided practically evenly between Hillary and Bernie, one of which is no longer even in the race now.

You're not good at math.
Just print more.
>everything that doesn't agree with me has no credibility
Yep, seen this episode already
No they're fucking not.

Nobody gives a flying fuck about some minor shit like that - and it is minor.

Hillary has done so much illegal shit that she makes a mockery of the legal system of your country that she's walking the streets let alone running for office, and yet here we are and it hasn't even particularly depressed her poll numbers.

The public is very forgiving of past sins if you say the right stuff now.
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He already won the state. First time in Florida history a Republican won the early vote. Polls are meaningless at least as far as Florida is concerned. It's solid red.
Why do people still post anecdotes like they mean something?
>Why even having polling agencies
That's a good question. It's because the 24-hr news cycle demands a constant drip-feed of bullshit to air out, and unrepresentative samples generalized 10000x and fit into pretty bar graphs can chew up dead time AND you can pick and choose which polls to report on to build a narrative.
>Get started
Obviously you'd go further and start checking the New York crime data, then studies on Stop-and-Frisk, then keep going to come to a conclusion. Even the articles list some data as >>90888521 mentioned.
It wasn't an anecdote dipshit

See >>90889167
>only up by 100k
Republicans have higher primary turnouts than democrats. Proves nothing.
>Florida blue again

kek, he really fucked up the debates
>there are more republican voters than democrat voters
>it proves nothing
>we're gonna pull another Obama

you literally have no idea about anything and I suggest you lurk on /pol/ for a while to see what's going on in the world.
>None of us actually thought Romney would win nor did we give a shit
Delicious revisionism
>Thinking primary turnout of Democrats means anything when Dems always come out in the general and not for any other election
It's almost like there's voters that don't vote in primaries and vote in the general. Crazy right?
The crime rate was already dropping significantly by the time stop-and-frisk was implemented
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>Doesn't realize almost every election is 51% winning over the 49%
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You're not fooling me, satan.
>None of us actually thought Romney would win
So Nate was right when he said people falsely recall who they voted for based on who won.
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The primary turnout in 2008 was reflected in the general election and is what made Obama win by a landslide.
Care to point me to one ofthose refutations :^)
Glad to see a fellow Democrst here.

I fucking hate 4chan.
Gooby pls.

Kek. None of us here supported Romney in 2012. It was solely an Obama board. Same how none of us have supported Trump in 2016, in 2020.
No. Only a few retards thought he would win. The rest of us knew Obama would win.
Of course I voted for Romney. Still didn't think he would win.

Terry stops were around for long before that.


Try a different approach.
You know there's a hint of confirmation bias in your quip.

You and the guy you're replying to are engaged in it.
I'm trying to find my Romney Landslide Collage, give me a minute.
I was bluepilled at the time and thought Obama started off his first term strong and was still pretty alright by the time of the 2012 debates but I could also tell how weak Romney was. He didn't stand a chance. The 2nd and 3rd debates really screwed him over, especially the 3rd one.

I also remember that I believed Obama was better than Hillary (and even after being redpilled I still think so, just that I now think both are shit). Maybe the only difference for this election between bluepilled me and redpilled me would be that I wouldn't actually want Trump to win this badly.
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Oh here it is
Leftist need their "we're OK" fix on the halfs now. The echo chamber must not be operating at peak capacity anymore. Diminishing returns knows no partisan ideology.
Still, a low level court in NY struck it down as unconstitutional and no one appealed that decision on either side. So it stuck in the jurisdiction of the court.

If Trump would've said:
"Yes, you're correct however no one appealed that decision and I doubt a higher court would affirm it being unconstitutional. The ruling remained unchallenged due to the major's position on it" then he'd be be better off rather than rambling about an anti-cop judge.

Problem is there's a way to argue things correctly and being a moron.

Been a while since I seen it.
Thank you. I will now proceed to read it and lol.
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Democrats are cancer. You fuckers practically invite the concept of voter fraud to occur thanks to your policies of thinking voting in the general election should be done without ID's.

>multiple votes
>illegal votes
>w-w-we won though! america loves us!

absolute cancer.

I'm so happy that the last democrat president in the history of the United States was literally a fucking muslim-apologist nigger with a forged birth certificate. You'll never have to wonder about exactly when everything went so so wrong.
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Remember when Trump had no chance of winning a single state or to get 1237 delegates in the primaries?

But you'll claim no one ever said that.

>Once the SCU was disbanded, the implementation of the stop-and-frisk policy became a
widespread official practice of the entire NYPD, and the number of reported stops increased
more than 600%, from 97,296 in 2002 to 685,724 stops in 2011.

There's nothing that shows it had a direct, major influence on the crime rate decrease. Are you just trying to play devil's advocate here?
It was overturned on appeal and the judge tossed for bias. Cop hating DeBlasio ended the policy rather than appeal it again.
Right. I told you a few retards supported him.
What makes him 'cop hating'?
It was also in the precipice of the storm faggotry.
The fact that he hates cops.
Are you still trying to sage the thread? Hey if Trump wins (kek), feel free to cap this. I've already got you 'capped.
>Still, a low level court in NY struck it down as unconstitutional and no one appealed that decision on either side. So it stuck in the jurisdiction of the court.


As the NYPD release rightly notes, “Stop, Question and Frisk is not unconstitutional,” and even Judge Shira Scheindlin’s disastrous 2013 ruling never said so.

Fact is, the Supreme Court found it constitutional back in 1968 and has never reversed or even modified that decision. Scheindlin ruled merely that the NYPD’s use of the tactic had shown “deliberate indifference” to constitutional rights, claiming racial bias.

Then the US Court of Appeals threw her off the case because her “impartiality might reasonably be questioned.”

And it stayed her ruling — a step usually taken only when a decision is unlikely to survive the full appellate process.

But higher courts never finished examining her decision — because de Blasio, who’d won his race for mayor vowing to end the practice, squelched the city’s appeal.

Trump was also right to call Scheindlin “a very anti-police judge.” One of her own former clerks told The New Yorker that “she thinks cops lie.”

Scheindlin refused to even consider the tactic’s effectiveness in court. But study after study has shown it did help cut crime. After all, it took 8,000 guns off the streets in the decade before her ruling.

As for bias, Scheindlin completely ignored “the massive [racial] disparities in criminal offending” and “the reality of crime,” as Heather Mac Donald notes on the previous page.
Ah yes, the good old Alid Al'asid who served from 21,225 to 21,233. Shame the aliens nuked our planet afterwards.
Telling people you capped them won't deter people on an anonymous image board.
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