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Brit/pol/ - Yorkshire edition

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Thread replies: 323
Thread images: 91

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>Liam Fox signals Britain will leave the single market in 'hard Brexit'

>Liam Fox interview: the EU is ripping out Europe's social fabric

>Planning for Brexit could cost the Government £65 million a year

>Ken Clarke launches scathing Brexit attack on May

>Chris Law becomes third SNP MP to be investigated by police over financial dealings

>UK Govt Report: Employers Must Islamise Because Muslims Least Likely To Have a Job

>Italian PM Matteo Renzi warns UK over EU rights

>Queston Time on at 22:45 with Priti Patel and Steven Woolfe on the panel
which female politician do you lads think has the crustiest minge?

how bout the nicest/fattest?
>Yorkshire Edition
>Not Lancashire
Are you ok?
Who else /RecklessAndProvocative/ ?
what is the point with these threads?
There's no way they can make a mussie work , they earn far too much from insurance fraud and drugs, the only reason they sign on unemployed is so they can pay their uncles mortgage.
Diane Abbott for crustiest.
provide a place for us to meme without getting bullied by yanks
To celebrate Britain, British culture, the British people, and British values, to apologize for British cuisine, and to share and spread local information, and to make foreigners aware that they're not wanted there.
You on holiday lad?
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hmm, ah yes

Yes. Permanently, I don't plan on coming back.
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>thornberrys been booted

Pretty sexist
What made you leave?
Do you plan to stay if Clinton wins?
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>Priti and Woolfe

my favourite non-white politicians
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Is England the most hated country in the world? Even loyalists make angry songs about us.
The UK is overpriced.

Over here I have a hope of owning a home at some point, instead of being stuck renting forever and seeing house prices rise further and further out of reach.

I'll stay here if Clinton wins. I think I'll still be happier than I would if I were back home.
Oh you fell for the city meme?
How do you react when people say

>y-your not a r-racist are you...?

I say: well, yes. I believe that there are genetic differences between each race, which goes beyond appearance.
Went to get a nice snack today after work because I didn't have lunch.

The fucking paki shop is selling bottles of Irn Bru for £1, and Freddos for 25 fucking pence
England, the US, France and Japan are probably the most hated tbqh
Welcome to the current year
Yorkshire Independence when?


m8 everything wrong with this country goes back to lancashire
Belgium is hated more, surely
>not Russia or the USA
>tfw they actually destroyed this
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I don't sperg out quite enough to be called a racist outright, but I've been called a bigot a couple of times (just for daft shit like voting Leave). I just respond with a memorised definition of what bigot actually means and they quickly go quiet.
Well, I wanted to work and not have to live with my parents. Going to a city was the easiest way to achieve that.

>tfw Nige's old schoolteacher could have been my MP

really wish Gwynedd wasn't a safe seat for Plaid Cymru lads.
Reminder that we'll never leave
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May is the ultra based leader

>not triggering article 50
>Deutsche bank collapses
>triggers article 50 the day after
That would be beautiful. I hadn't even thought of such reckless memery
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The British are the best at fucking up other people's shit.
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Sometimes /v/ makes good OC

balls, I was looking forward to her being triggered

Also we plot, bully the other home nations, and assert the class division.
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You can't expect much when everyone here is a fat bald builder and/or an old lady

ok fill us in on the deets-

what is your job? did you sort that out before going over? do you have ag reen card in the pipeline, or an american qt?
>I don't sperg out
>I just respond with a memorised definition

If only the crash for cash powerhouse of the north could develop an export market.

Maybe drop them off in france and let them crash into stuff there?

May may be enjoying her honeymoon period, but never forget the Investigatory Powers Bill- she is a sworn enemy of the Free Internets.

Remember Zion!
hoping that the aftermath of a successful Brexit gives this region a subtle right-wing surge. i'd love to see Wales embrace conservatism
>Priti, Wolfy and Liddle ganging up whilst Burgon sucks that black woman's BBC

Gonna be fun

I say something like this, then talk about poor people with sickle cell anaemia, or little brown babies who need bone marrow transplants.

Slowly slowly catchy monkey.
That's not the Greer I was hoping for.
Software dev. Arranged to transfer to my employer's US office when I came over. Fell for and married an American a few years ago.
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25p is about right, thought you can get 5 for a quid at asda so long as you dont mind mixing with scum and their offspring.
why does brit/pol have a fetish for freddos ?
>to apologize for British cuisine

Nope, won't do it Yankee.
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pls no bully
I'm in the Tumblr student district/chinky landing invasion site (Bangor) so that's not happening here at least

I liked the line

'Well, thats a strange question in the modern day and age- its basically like asking someone 'are you evil?' And of course I'm not evil.


>another Bangor anon

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>not having a fetish for freddos
>boiled beef and cold spuds
>black pudding
>sheep stomach
>beans on toast

unironically went to college there for 2 years haha

fucked it all up though, the long distance drained me (I live in the countryside) plus I was an arrogant teenager who didn't bother studying for exams

I'm 18 now, redoing A-levels from scratch in Pwllheli.

I liked some parts of Bangor, and I'll miss the lush mountain scenery around the place (and the quaint Cathedral I was fond of visiting) but yeah, the lefty hippies can really get annoying. Decent for drugs, but not for conversation.
Wanting to move to Inverness, anybody know anything about it? Is it filled with muslims? Are there sjws everywhere?
it's a le 90's kid meme
how did woes do in that speech the other day? havnt watched it yet
It's a city in Scotland, so the answers are: cold, yes, yes.
>that feel when you take a big shit and after the plop there's a fizzing soung
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what was your favourite flavour lads?
Traditional English cuisine was a vital part of encouraging the Crown's subjects to go out and conquer large parts of the globe.
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It was good, especially for his first one.

I only remember drinking the lemon and orange.
>tfw water splashes on your butt
noice, the speech starts about 48:00 for anyone interested
Oswald Woesley is looking chunky
Anyone else wondering about the DB stuff?

Looks serious
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Yeah it's a bit wank but Snowdonia and the old buildings are pretty comfy.
Blue one mate
>tfw will never get tanked up on panda pops and have a ball-pool brawl ever again (without getting arrested)
It amazes me that liberals cannot see that the things most people love will be destroyed when the whites are a minority

>no more dog walks
>no more law and order
>no more community
>no more local events
>no more camping trips
>no more riding your bike in a smug racist way
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>Two weeks living with my parents.

I'm not sure how long I can do this. Everything is too loud.
>>no more riding your bike in a smug racist way

But, how long until pork is banned because it is haram, and dairy is banned because it offends the lactose intolerant? No more freddos...
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>tfw will never get tanked up on panda pops and have a ball-pool brawl ever again (without getting arrested)
: (
pic related was my favourite
Tell them to shut up then. I've no intention to ever move out. Comfy

Fucking hell Woes is fat.
I tried to get my friend to understand this. I asked him the things he likes about our area, which is white. And then explained that the majority of those things you can't do in areas which are non white, such as Peckham, Tower Hamlets, Malmo etc.

Then I asked him where he would like to move to if he could. I also said that language wouldn't be an issue in this hypothetical. Every country he named was built by whites and are white countries. I point this out to him and tell him about the non white countries and South Africa.

His response was, yeah.. But we stole from all the other countries and they are trying to catch up
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I still miss him lads
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>no more protests
>no more freedom of speech
>no more music (haram)
>no more dancing (haram)
>no alcohol (haram)
>women must be covered
The thing is they don't have to outright ban it. In some areas they just start taking it off the menu because it doesn't sell and it stops them from selling their other products
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>no alcohol

Wouldn't mind this one tbqh

Keep your dirty mitts off my pint, Ahmed
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Fuck right off lad, those noble Englishmen you find in pubs around the country are the people who brought us BREXIT.
It isn't comfy at all. I want my own place again. Just comfy all the time...

Hey, it would be just like the Interregnum! Just what they autistic Cromwell-poster wants!
Lads, what would you in my position

>Car share with a guy, I pay him £14 a week. We work Mon - Fri
>Since last paycheck there has been 5 weeks
>I took 1 straight week off
>He had 2 random days off, I had a further 3 days off
>He wants me to pay for 4 weeks, I want to pay for 3.

He's insisting. Am I in the wrong? £14 isn't much to me but I just feel like he's taking the piss
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Holy kek
Not sure that trading is stealing.
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Plenty of non Muslim teetotalers
Just pay for the 4. You took a week off.
Stand your ground. The shekels in your pocket are worth more than a wanker for a friend.
>But we stole from all the other countries and they are trying to catch up
It's baffling that people think this is any sort of justification. Even assuming it's entirely true, it doesn't make those shitty backwards cultures any better, and doesn't justify making ours worse to compensate.
What did he mean by this?
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I thought about the fact you exist and almost died of boredom, you want to be careful with that
3.5 seems quite fair
>watching great british cuck off
Literally who cares.
Seems reasonable to me. There were 4 weeks in which you used the car.
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>When the mum puts the milk in with the teabag
>When the mum forgets to take the teabag out
I remember when they were 10p...
If you're not making it yourself, you can't complain too hard.

"We agreed £14 static each week. No days rate or anything like that. 1 week you were off and that makes 70-14=56. I agree it's not fair making you pay for when you was off. Regardless if I was off or you were off here and there when it comes to odd days, it don't matter cos we agreed weekly.

Hope this makes sense"
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Fuck off fatty, make your own tea
These pictures always look so nice too bad they have no freedom.
>Land of the free
>Can't place a bet on the internet
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shut up faggot
>Head can be seen above the podium.

We need to start laying fucking traps, it's like wasps at the end of summer with you fat cunts the last few days
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>tfw made my own cup of tea for the first time in my life at 20 recently
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This should be a good one
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I'm not going to turn down mumsie if she's making it for everyone.

And I can complain. This is not acceptable. I have told her this. She persists.
>Alcuckol plebs
Muh sober
Muh boredom
Friendly reminder to never apologise

If you did agree a static weekly rate, then yeah he's right.
>He says as the drone circles above his house.
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Sheeitt i live in Boston, had no idea it was here today
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>cursing in a morality post
>We agreed £14 static each week
>it don't matter cos we agreed weekly.

Pay him for the 3 full static weeks of service you got.
Like this

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arent you the most pro brexit area in the UK? whats it like there?

I can even hear your droning, nasal smuggo voice

>fneh well me and Phyllis, we just like a nice tea shop don't we fneh fneh also we're pedophiles
and you wont stop posting about it on a mongolian lizard identification forum for some reason

Jesus Christ sort your life out you whiny bitch.
You got me on that one haha
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They've had a nice dose of Euroniggers.
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>that video
>tfw the day I made that was the last time my lass ever came round mine (dumped me a couple weeks after)
>tfw I was lying in bed and all of a sudden they're saying Farage is stepping down on tv
>[must resist urge to shitpost on /pol/]
>gf leaves and I rush to piece together a video to release on the same day

That video brings up a lot of memories, thanks for posting it anon.
Fuck off you anti-comfy underclass poster.
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Wonder where is the best place to find young copies of priti to fuck that aren't psychos?
Anyone else notice a sharp increase in anti-Trump and "/pol/ BTFO" posting since the debates?
I used to think that most of the so called shills were just /pol/lacks shitposting but this is something else.
>Traditional English cuisine was a vital part of encouraging the Crown's subjects to go out and conquer large parts of the globe.

Underrated post
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Rare brat thanks lad
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That's pretty devilish.

"Mum! Shall we have some tea?"

>i mean me

Works every time.

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I have no friends
ofc m8 they come in groups then disappear all at once, happens from time to time
think theyre pretty much gone now tho
Not surprised at the result. This town has been decimated by eastern european scum from around when i was 12 (1999-2000 onwards) until now. Town population has doubled. Its gone from a nice town to an absolute shithole in 15 years
>think theyre pretty much gone now tho

I don't think so, I'm still seeing entire threads full of the same "lol /pol/ is just rednecks" bullshit
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We also went through 2 world wars and hundreds of raids and conflicts, you friend is a cunt.
You have no outside hobbies you can do on the weekend but drinking? Shit sounds depressing.
I honestly think that we need a war (not like Iraq). I believe that great men rise through war and that war breeds a generation of nationalists
We're gonna make the anglosphere great again

;_;7 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=toYTWpRX_gk
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>tfw we believed
>tfw we did it for nige
literally crying at how much i'm going to miss him.
More like it kills off all those strong enough to fight, as well as those who wish to.

Sounds like some underground Marxism to me.

"Yes, goy. Go fight. It'll be a good death. I'll be here, don't worry about that."
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Me on referendum night to be honest

Who /daretodream/ here
Why didn't that work with the two world wars?
Never mind me

I am just here to talk about the weather.

we dared to dream
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Here lad
I was there in moral support ;_;7 I never would have thought we could break free from the left's sphere of influence. We will MAGA and work together brit brother

Because it killed off all the good men and utterly destroyed the British spirit, as we both saw our men die for nothing in WW1, our institutions usher us into death, and our empire utterly decline after WW2.
>kill off even more of the white men

Bad for us demographically senpai.

Nationalism is surging (atleast among English folk) post-brexit, calling people racists isn't working anymore, we're thoroughly fed up of migration.

This is actually the event that turned me into a proper theist.
For best results it should happen on our own soil, nobody really cares when our soldiers are fighting a continent away. It'll whip people into shape and shatter the stagnant comfort we've been stuck in.
A kekist I hope
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Today some guy asked me for directions to somewhere I didn't know, and I still suggested a way
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>tfw the "remain" districts in the south got flooded just at the right time, on that single day
feels amazing man
It has made me take it a much more seriously, haven't acted on it tho.

>want to be Anglican because nationalism
>but know it's theologically wrong
>glorious kebab removal catholic heritage too
think of a recent news story and GUARDIAN it.

>The Sam Allardyce scandal is a tragic reflection of Brexit Britain
Nah, Christian mate.

I'd been on the fence about it for a while but a few nights before the referendum I was shitting myself thinking we were going to lose. So I decided to try a prayer and the next day, this >>90883662
deutsche bank is COLLAPSING and it's all nigel farages fault.
>>but know it's theologically wrong

>A man punching a baby shows the pervasive toxic masculinity of british men
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>What the recent kidnapping in Oxford tells us about toxic, white, masculinity.
>Oxford abduction proves that white people commit crime, putting bigots to shame
>Hoboken train station has endorsed Labour - and the Tories should be worried.
wrong one sorry

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I miss your videos.
>Opionon - Having sex with the migrants in the jungle isn't disgusting it's LIBERATING
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>Hinkley Point contract signed? Don't be so sure under May.
>Reykjavik goes dark for Northern Lights - A victory for multiculturalism
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Cheers, I've been lazy recently but post-Brexit it's just not as exciting.
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Whatever happened to that shitty meme video with a clip from the Clegg debate that ended with the clip of Farage smugly eating a crisp.
I really wish Catholics and Protestants would stop bickering desu
Pepe is a hate symbol on par with a Swastika. We should confront Pepe-posters.

Wait, that already exists.
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really makes you think
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I still watch the Farage 'It's Happening' video and have a chuckle. Can't wait to post that on fakebook when Article 50 gets invoked and piss off my bitter remainer friends.
Not sure how many times they're going to have to spend that 10 bil with all their rockets exploding every time.

His first mistake was believing Musk.

Secondly, HS2 will service millions of people. Only 5 or so people will go to Mars, for everyone else it will be a warm feeling.
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No idea. I don't think I've seen that one.
I went into town after work today (Leicester) to buy a few things. It's truly disgusting. It's dirty, there's beggars, there's youths hanging round. Everyone I saw just didn't look friendly. I stood at the bus stop and no joke a black guy came and stood next to me and in what sounded to me like a jamaican accent kept saying "evil empire. Eeeevil empiyarrrr".

I just don't want to be here anymore, I don't feel safe. Am I a disgusting racist?
>thinking SpaceX will manage that

Delusional Musk-tards
Didn't their last rocket explode in flames?
Only when you go to Greggs.
who the fuck would get on a spacex rocket heading for mars

50% chance you won't even make it out of the atmosphere

the new mars colony will be exclusively made of people who want to die
Papist scum.
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>mcw article 50 is invoked
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Brilliant. Getting my Corbyn propaganda posted by Leave.EU was a personal highlight. Makes me laugh, I only made the channel for shitposting, never even expected to get subs.
If it happens then hats off to him but Musk has a bit of a cult around him.

I'll pray for you tonight, anon
Lucky some people like that exist and want to the "first" of something.

You need a hell of a drive for that but personally I think Mars is too soon.
Just nipped out for a few ales and some cheesy bugles, who /gettingcomfy/ here?
Since all my new flatmates are never around, I guess I am.

One cup of tea and some biscuits for me.

Its amazing me the way normie fags think we will will get to mars in 10 years even to visit nevermind stay and live since they haven't found a way to fix the low gravity , you would have the skeleton of a 110 year old if you stayed there for a few years
Swebrit in. Have we triggered it yet? My patience for mainland chaos is wearing thing.
>Sex Pistols' Anarchy in the UK

Was that intentional or did you not notice?
Unless they wore a suit like K in Virtue's Last Reward to keep bones and such strong.

Mind you they'd have to wear them all the time.
Honestly reckon I'd enjoy a comfy rural life in Scotland. The country has a rich culture and history and it genuinely does look cosy.

Just really don't fancy being surrounded by socialists, liberals and secessionists.
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Amazing. Keep up the good work lad.

I grow tired of this
Not triggered yet laddo.

I didn't even notice to be honest, my eyes are a bit bad so I couldn't make out the details on the cake. All I could really see was a Union Flag 50.
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Is he our guy?
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Fucking hell Morakiu's kike voice gets my sides every time.

Who /animenazi/ here?
come to devon lad
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>tfw been photoshopping a cunting panda pop bottle for about 45 minutes
How the fuck do I blur it to actually look good
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>tfw we are finally on the right side of history
Nah, Schopenhauer
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wew lad.
The only way round that problem is to replicate earth's gravity which they will not be able to do .One day i'm sure we will be able to do it but not this side of this century

>Fucking hell Morakiu's kike voice gets my sides every time

Me too , his last channel got shut down , i miss the merchant minute
God fucking damn it... all i want is the mainland to start losing it's shit... Is that really too much to ask?

Otherwise how is it on the mainland lads?
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Reminder that if you think Europe can be saved by simply 'reducing immigration', you are a cuck.
idgi, Adidas?
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Cheers m8y

Is there a thread theme?

May I suggest:


Europeans need to fix themselves above all else
Can I immigrate to Yorkshire?
How would YOU like to be a member of the EU?
Well anons, has your opinion changed since then?
Are you white and secular?
that does'nt answer my question
Does some one want to tell me why the SNP are so bad at hiding their finacial fanangling?
So do you guys want to have nightmares tonight?

then watch this video


He's brown and Muslim. He'll fit right in.
Just join the EU brah. You can have our place.

Just think about it, you could shag Swedes and Germans all you want.
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No, Yorkshire Water is already up to its tits in shit
Who /portsmouth/ here?


My recommendation
>tfw "The Sun Never Sets" perk
Who /RedDwarf/ here?
They don't need to hide it, the sweaty Jocks will still vote for them no matter how crooked they are.

Such great taste anon, I love Vaughan.
I'd slap her
Put her on national TV so she can embarrass herself and her meme party further
>Cause all the immigrants go to Yorkshire
>All the northern poon you could want

He's dodging the issue! TO THE SCOTTISH ISLANDS WITH HIM.
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It's really worth watching
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>How do you pronounce 'H' is it 'Haitch' or 'aitch'?
I pronounce it 'aitch' because I'm not a pleb

the fuck is going on with all the bleach and acid attacks these days?
How many Muslim MP's do we actually have at the minute?
I had a bread sandwich earlier. AMA
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You may only join your brethren in Bradistan.

t. Yorkshireman
12 I believe, it was 13 before Sadiq left to become mayor
>bleach attack
>Don't even need to read the article
>Already know whodunit

I work in schools, seriously, it's no joke, there are so many of the non native kids here who spend their whole time being violent and disrespectful that it fucks up the rest of the kids education.
You sure you're not just counting the pakis? I refuse to believe there are 12 practicing Muslims in my Parliament.
Chichester here if i see a huge fireball in the distance i will spread the word
I want to sell all my stuff here and be a farmer, Yorkshire seems to be a good place.
They hate and despise these things because they're mentally ill
The whole point is to farm the animals not fuck them, that might be a downside for you abdul.
...You're aspiring to be a farmer? I mean... We're actually okay for farmers in the UK right now but if you intend to work that's one up on a lot of cunts who wanna go live in the UK.
are you trying to fight zion jews or defend them, one rule of law for all
Schools in places like lewisham serve halal school dinners.
Hardly any normal schools do pork or sausages because it's not worth the aggro. Even church schools.

Their cultural influence us deeply insidious . Things like Christmas and easter are not the same any more in schools thanks to them
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Labour diversity quotas hard at work.
There's a bunch in the Scotcuck parliament, they let them swear in with foreign languages like Urdu.
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Absolutely Irish.png
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>All from London or the North except that SNP bitch

Absolute disgrace
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Fuck it, I'm hungry and want to have my tea in time for QT, this will have to do
Not particularly aspiring to be a farmer but i do want to live in a countryside, not much else to do there.
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>they let them swear in with foreign languages like Urdu
Explain yourselves, Scots.

that's what took you all this time?
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also freddo is pepe's brother
Her mum was a kebab cooker too, Christ

Personal hypothesis, due to the "crackdown" on offensive weapons, bleach and acid has become the choice alternative for surprise attacks is because of the following properties:

1. Innocuous purchase or very easy to get as it can be found in any home
2. Can be carried or stored without suspicion
3. Can be mixed or put into any liquid container (say something with a good squirt to it, like a Poweraid bottle)
4. Easily disposable once said liquid has been used
5. Once disposed can blend in with other rubbish
6. Ranged weapon, no requirement to touch the target, reducing the chance of leaving evidence that can be used to trace you (clothing, nails)
7. Ruin their life without murdering them (if caught lower sentence)

Compare this all to a knife, which one would you pick?
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Go to Lancaster instead
I've never used it before, I'm shit at learning all the tools
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liberal islamic women will ruin islam for everyone in britian
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>when the tories allowed uncontrolled migration from the empire in the 1950s, even though they had devolved governments

>"guys, it'll be too expensive for them to travel"
65P WTF, tell that paki he is bat shit crazy, and report to whole retailer

it's fucking grim but that all makes sense, yeah
Both the Tories and Labour favour mass migration.

Tories do it for economic/corporate reasons, Labour do it for cultural reasons.

Third Position best position
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>Brits starting to use US faggotry bastardisation of Liberal
Its not that new people used to keep acid in a jif bottle and squirt it in peoples faces
>Third Position best position
Hey Tony
leggy liz is on this week tonight
>m8 everything wrong with this country goes back to lancashire
Oh yeah I'll take that from
Fuck off Yorkshire, I took one of your women and made her realise how based Lancashire is.
I really don`t think that`s the case anymore, otherwise May wouldn`t be saying what she`s saying.
Not like we`ll ever vote in UKIP either way.
someone make a new thread
tfw almost napped through yorkshire edition
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Lancashire is even worse than the worst bits of Yorkshire like Bradistan.
>otherwise May wouldn`t be saying what she`s saying.

Yes, but what has she been doing?

She's been in the home office for nearly a decade and made absolutely no attempts to curb immigration at all.
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Otto and Gregor you mean
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We need a QT thread really
Will do, one moment.
Like Cameroon would let anyone, he was the heir to Blair.
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Yorkshireman mug.jpg
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Yes bois, fookin' Yorkshire!
That isn't on for another hour.
pre-qt thread unless we think we can get through a regular thread in 1 hour
How serious is DB right now
>Not watching Big Brother mars
Raging, was well looking to Thornberry, everything she says is a gaffe.
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Fuck's sake.

Eh, at least we still have Priti, Woolfe & liddle.
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This is my go to at the moment
first post best post
who is this? some fella called campbell, who is he?
>yorkshire water
>not being shit
pick one
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I only had the cola one because the cap looked the best with the panda on it

good times
Thread posts: 323
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