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If there will be World War 3 and we are going to be drafted,

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If there will be World War 3 and we are going to be drafted, I can guarantee 90% of this board (me included) would shit themselves on very first battlefield.
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I think I may be psychopathic.
I want to murder anything that isn't white.
youre just a living meme senpai
>tfw you're too old for the draft

eat the young
Maybe we should avoid it to begin with by making Trump win, read this >>90868996
I wouldn't be drafted.
>perks of being older.
I'll let you, the cool dudes fight, and I'll enjoy the surplus of radioactive women after the war - together with our rapefugees.
>not just an all out thermonuclear war lasting 1 day before the world is dead
>tfw Achilles tendinitis in both feel and back spasms effecting entire back
Have fun guys
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Look, not everybody can be slav. You were born in war, molded by it. Just embrace your destiny and go to the frontline for us, Boris. If you come back alive, we might even pretend that you are white.
yeah probably
No shame in emptying your bowels during combat, I'm sure. Better than dodging the draft and protesting about it back home.

Just sucks that a draft would just mean more nu males and fags will keep on fagging while men get murdered because of (((interests))).
I've been shot at. I've rocks thrown at me etc.
I ain't afraid of dying.
Perks of being a gypsie
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>tfw already served and get to shitpost on 4chan during the war while the rest of you fucks get drafted
I allready shit myself now and then while sitting in front of my computer so no surprises there.
>War is just the battlefield.
There's also all the logistics and supplies.
But I'd be giving you shitters too much credit if I said you could do that
t.Pang Lee
fuck off yellow nigger

yeah but we'll be there, and we'll be armed
Nah, I only get the shakes when I'm in a dangerous situation because of the adrenaline.
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>mfw drafts here are voluntary
fuck the military i aint fighting for some fucking imagined border or some fucking jews
i know how to fire a gun and will join only in case my family or i am in danger
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>fat virgin
>socially reclusive
>sedentary lifestyle
>fighting in battle

wew lad
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>Thinking we won't all get draft deferments to make memes
We should be more focused on fighting a revolution of the mind, not warfare

I've got a blown out knee, but I would try to make it through boot camp. Blew it out about 6 months ago... If shit got bad enough though they would take me. I used to run 4-5 miles a day prior to that.
I wouldn't shit myself, but I'd be scared of disappointing my fellow /pol/acks should we ever fight together.
everyone shits their pants on the first battlefield...
my monkey instincts are still pretty good though and killing someone isn't that hard.
I think they'll do fine for 8 hours to maybe a few days or so until the harsh reality kicks in that this shit is going to continue for weeks, months or maybe years on end.
There's still a need for staff - even moreso than in the past. Most military personnel never end up seeing combat.

Just go to your nearest recruiter and talk it out with him, he'll get you a cushy place in an armchair and you'll be set for life!
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>Implying we won't be drafted into the Bureau of Memetic Warfare
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>been practicing with sniper rifles for 8 years straight
Can't wait to be wiped on my first day
Why wouldnt nu males and faggots be drafted? I think that in case of all out war they will be drafted just like anyone else.
Nah, I get constipated when under huge stress.
That's not how drafts work
He'd have to get wavered to even pass MEPS to join. Even after that he'd have to pass a PT test to graduate basic so unless he can make his 2 mile with a blown out leg, he'd be sent home.
just dont rush in like a noob
hide somewhere for the first couple of days
scope out the situations
then if you ever played ARMA try acting like you are playing ARMA
never go head on unless absolutely necessary
always have a team or be part of a team
especially if you are a sniper
get yourself a buddy
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I would want nothing else than to die for my country.
We're the first ones sent into the cannon fodder, anon. We have no place in society. There's no one waiting for us to get back. We long for acceptance and purpose. We'll be sent to die for the country that didn't want us anyhow.
Shitting yourself is a natural reaction when you're in a life and death situation. Not only does it increases your survival (the lion might drop you if you shit all over his mouth) but it also increases your chances of surviving penetrating trauma to the abdomen.

So go ahead
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Jokes on you. I have a medical condition. Only when troops get low would i get drafted. Dont worry, i will impregnate the women to replenish our population
I got shot before I was in the military so yea. I'm perfectly efficient in a support role.
Same. I've wanted to die in a blaze of glory since I was a youngin.
Stupid guarantee. This board already has a ton of veterans that use regularly.
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I think Im one of the ones it wuold pussy out, no joke.

I dodged the army by lying as fuck on all my tests.

I also cant run 2 miles witouth loosing my breath.

I would not mind becoming a tank commander and blasting niggas while drinking coffee from my confym chair with Air Conditioning inside my tank tho.
>then if you ever played ARMA try acting like you are playing ARMA

Go prone behind a cobblestone wall, shoot in the general direction of the enemy twice a minute and wait for your buddies to clear them out?
>implying I want to fight for this budding canada
>implying I wouldn't go for access to massive stockpiles of weapons
>implying I wouldn't try with all my might to kill everything around me, and manage to swing it like I'm a hero.
who else /sociopath/ here?
My father fought in vietnam, claims to have killed sevwral hundred gooks

Both grandfathers fought in world war 2

Great great grandfather fought in the alamo.

My father talked me out of enlisting for the iraqi war, but everytime shit hits the fan a wash of calm passes through me.

Nigger pulled a gun on me at my first job, i told him to put it away before someone sees it and convinced him to go rob a different store.

Car broke down on me and i had to walk through the shittiest ghetto in pheonix wearing slacks and a tie, i managed to score a bag of weed on my way through.

I've been in a dozen fights, and while i didnt win every one i managed to keep my head and take intelligent steps to keep myself from being injured while making opportune strikes.
Made all-state in football, earning scholarships to dozens of different colleges.

Not to be bragadocious but im sure it would be fine.
Yeah, so? You think the whole population fights when there is a war? This is a discussion board, not a Wehrsportgruppe. More than 10% shouldn't even have to find themselves on a battlefield.
Though I certainly encourage everyone to get /fit/ and learn at least some basic martial arts and weapon skills.
oh whoops
that wasnt the word i was looking for
here in europe some counties have a 1-2 year or 3 month bootcamp training everyone needs to take at the age of 17 or something not sure what its called in english
anyway you spend like 3 motnhs or up to 3 years learning the basics of firing guns, body and stamina building, combat tactics how to act in case of war etc etc...
yeah pretty much
I have outstanding bowel control
Jokes on you, did 5 years in the Navy as a corpsman. I am ready for the war.
Implying I won't serve my nation better as part of the Memetic Warfare Corps.

Information warfare became a lot more important with the internet.
You go to the trampler unit, comrade.
>to fight for Jews
Fuck that shit, I'm jumping ship and taking back the Rhineland as soon as Trump gives the signal.
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>insinuating that I wouldn't sign up right away if it were for a noble purpose
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I was decided to be unfit for military service because of OCD / Tourettes.

Guess they don't want a guy shouting ''Fucking cunts'' every time he mows down a unit of enemies.
fuck you i thought i highlighted the image and was trying to figure out why it wouldnt un highlight
We already walk around with shit filled pants everyday.
So it would be hard to tell if it was the battle that caused us to shit ourselves.
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Im too weak and scrawny being a chinese leaf.

Ill join the hacking team instead
You should go to UK.

They would welcome you with open arms.
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get meemeed on desu
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ww3 would be over before you could even train them
This, they've been archiving the best shitposters on this board to be placed into a shady psyops shadow company.
I fractured my hip joint so I can claim I'm cripple even thought I really am not. Can't wait to smash all that desperate war time pussy.
If they are this stupid in sending fat ppl to the frontline just to loose the money they invested in training and equipament, them they deserve to loose the war...
No way the US Army would take me. I can't turn my head far enough due to a birth defect and have asthma.
Everyone shits themselves in their first battle. It's battle that hardens them

I know many in the military. No training etc prepares you for actual battle. The hardest soldiers were once recruits who shit their pants in their first battle

The only people who may not shit their pants as hard are draftees from shit lives who grew up in gangs
Vet fag here. Seen plenty of men squirt during combat. It's what you do after you squirt that counts. You reach down grab 2 fingerfulls and use it as war paint like a true warrior.
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when bullets will be whistling above my head and I will be afraid, I will be remember my grandfather's war hero and it will give me strength.
Congrats! You just got drafted into the presitous "bullet sponge" platoon

I'm pretty sure I could make the run. It's just having to do it every day that would wreck what's left of it.

I hear shit grinding in there.
I would argue the most fit of us need to volunteer on the first day. We must spread our message within the ranks. To tell them they are being divided against an "other side" like Russia or China by the elites who control both sides and that they must abandon their posts and overthrow the weak degenerate governments at home

Think of what the revolutionaries did in the Russian army during ww2 except we will be spreading a nationalist revolution not a communist one
American Civil War II is more likely
Good thing I have years of experience in meme warfare and strategic shitposting.
That is very inspiring my Slavic brother.
National service but I get why you were confused m8.
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nah, I'll be the one that's calm as fuck, walking through a hail of bullets calmlike and yelling at everybody to start firing back, then I'll pull a few noscopes, jump into a fresh shell hole and throw back and enemy grenade
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>truncal hypotonia on the left side
Would I be exempt?
You're lucky Russia that faggots are still banned from your army

You can lie and say you are one.

But in all seriousness I want to talk to you about this because you are Russian

If there is another war we are going to be divided against each other ww1 style while in reality we should be united against the (((common enemy))) the elite. They will have us kill eachother over a fabrication for their own profit and to further distract us from the real enemy

We must spread ourselves among the ranks and convince both our respective armies to meet in the middle of the battlefield and together rise against and kill every last (((elite))) once and for all.
Let me just get used to the sound of bullets and then I will be at the front line every day until I die.
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I've pondered enlisting in our armed forces like all my forefathers did if we receive a President Trump.

I'd love to go exterminate some goatfuckers in Syria, serves them right.
>go to the middle of nowhere to kill some goatfuckers
>not joinning the police force or FBI and blasting said goatfuckers that are alreayd in your soil to protect your citizens instead.
>tfw i went to shitty college while all my friends went into the military
>always said i'd never join unless there was a big war
this is it boys
>being drafted
>in the 21st century

nah m8.

WW3 is either gonna be the standard army steamrolling the enemy or all out nukes, no large scale wars like WW1 and 2 again.
I have absolutely nothing wrong with me, thank god. I will join the Royal Armoured Corps for Queen and county, god bless. I will shed blood and die so that my great nation can live. I want my family to be proud of me. I hope I can die beside you lot, my battle brothers.
Fit physique, strong mindset, military training and active duty in 2 different army's, that said not going to more detail. Not saying it won't be hell that should be avoided at all cost, but I feel like a could still properly function on a battlefield to some extend.
>he is going to be drafted
> he doesn't become a draft dodger.

state's cuck

Nah, bruh. We've all seen gore by now so it's not like we're squeamish about true horror.
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bitterness of the war is that when it starts, it's too late to think about "elites" and its causes, need to do your duty - to kill the enemy .... I kill you, you kill me and both of us will not to have anything personal against each other. ..
>two hip sugeries and a pelvis of a 85yo with polio
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same here, but i would murder anything just for shits and giggles
Can we fight in formations with sword and shield?
I've already fought on multiple battlefields and removed kebab. The whole time I was there I couldn't wait to leave, now I can't wait to get back.
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Plan on becoming President, so serious military service will help enormously.

Hoping for President Trump because I'd probably finish college and join as an officer instead of a grunt.

> huehuehue lecturing Americans about arming yourself against heathenous hordes

Give me a break
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melee makes everything better, rigth?
Lol i have over 10k confirmed kills in battlefield 3 and im LE in cs go i know how shit works man
Im like a seal man
>gore threads have prepared me for the horrors of war

You can't possibly believe this is accurate
That, and the fact I've always wanted to wear lorica segmentata.
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Good goyim. Fight for Israels wars.
Implying I would fight for my current government.
uhmm... i doubt we would be given lorica segmentata
i would totally be down for hand to hand combat roman style tho
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you can 90% of current "men"
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I think you underestimate just hoe many people on this board are oldfags
80% of the board is made up of eurocucks that would shit their pants as well as world wide posters who until relatively recently were leftist pieces of shit and betacucks
20% of that other 30% are oldfags like myself who would be hype as fuck and enjoy the whole damn thing even as we were bleeding out with our legs blown off
>Mfw I will probably get stuck with eurocuck allies instead of based eastern Europeans and end up dying because of it
> implying you won't get drafted when they relax the requirements after the first 5,000,000 casualties
I would just surrender to the winning force.
I don't really care.
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you would what?
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I already served but if they recalled me to fight and defend a liberal administration I would refuse to serve.

> implying these faggots would join the army
> "muh doctor note"
To children ardent for some desperate glory,
The old Lie; Dulce et Decorum est
Pro patria mori.

- Wilfred Owen
Every bullet a fat person takes is a bullet that the elite shock troops behind him didn't take
I would not fight for degenerate favelados to continue their degeneracy
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I would show up. Going full autist if i get drafted
poor and stupid, the perfect candidate!
heres your rifle, go kill as many as you can before you die 'honorably'
meat shields huh? but what about missiles? or artillery shelling, or heck even just a regular airstrike. the fat guy will only make the entire group go slower.
its a good point but i really dont think well be seeing much land combat going on if WW3 goes off.
there really wouldnt be that much reason to risk armed personal in what most occasions could be solved by heavy bombing.
ofc there is always that one point which is much better to secure intact, say for example an oil rig.
so i suppose there are exeptions
>shitposting on 4chan
>ever amounting to anything
>much less president
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>tfw I already served and also finished my inactive duty.

Don't worry guys, I'll keep your girlfriends company while you die in some jungle in Asia.
GOAT poem
well i cant blame you.
it would be lovely to see all the people from the favelas instantly conscripted and used like the soviet used land troops.
i'm considering joining the military but only if trump wins the election
I'll drop a "politically incorrect" sometime when I seize power, so stay prepared!
You'd be surprised how many people survive artillery barrages, but that is a good point I didn't consider. You're probably right about the reduced infantry involvement too.

world war 3 would probs be lolnukes
Well favelados are 70% based 30% trash.
Whites are 70% trash 30% based.
I'm sad
>tfw I was wise enough to go troug the hardest military service

Lets get it on then
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>always wanted to lead brave men in a valiant struggle of life and death.
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You and I are now in direct competition with each other.
- Law student from Mizzouri.
and me too, i want to be emperor of the world.
>congratulations you have a new enemy
we wantz be emperos and shet
>WWIII declared
>Get on battlefield
>"Oh wow, sure can't wait to fight for muh country! I hope all those sandpeople are warm enough back in my old house where I can keep them free! Maybe I can rent a room off them if I get back!"

I wouldn't even fight if conscription was brought back and I know I'm not the only one who feels that way. The only war I would even fight in would be a civil war, after WWII and what came with it, why would any right thinking person even bother?
>Implying I won't be part of high command
They're not sending engineering PhDs to the slaughtergrounds like the rest of the sheople. Back in the old days wars were seen as beneficial because they were also a way to rid society of unwanted males by sending them to their death.
don't forget it's like a cycling race, you can be allies as long as you escape ahead of the pack until you see the finish line. Then you become direct competitors.
i really dont see how an engineer has anything to do with high command. at most you will be conscripted and made into a researcher for some super deadly new weapon/vehicle.
i assume high command would mostly be composed of the best strategists and tacticians available.
You have more competition.
Finance student from PA.

In reality though, whenever we get a political party up that is viable, we could all join it. Currently my friend and I have been drafting ideas and such, currently coming up with a formal version of them. I would like to show /pol/ to see what the criticisms would be.
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>implying i'm going to fight for israel and for my country to be flooded with shitskins
Nope. You'll have to shoot me, I'm not a traitor to my people.
wouldnt we atleast be more prepared than normies bc of this? thoughts?
>Implying I would fight for my current government.
>Implying Sweden will be in a war, ever
I will use my superior analytical skills to analyze battelfields and tell them what the chances are like a savant.
Draft dodging. Consciousness (that the right word?) objectors. General faggotry
i really dont think that your analitical skills are up to par with someone who has trained all his life to command men, and has spent all his life in the military.
side note: everyone who thinks they will be made officers is being dellusional, no proper army would choose a conscript to lead properly trained soldiers. at most youll get to be an officer of a conscript squad.
and you have seen how that went with the russians in ww2
>all that and still dumb enough to reply to obvious bait
you'd be dead on the first day

Guarentee I am not fighting because I have a masters degree in something useful instead of being a bullet sponge like you autists
In Britain in WWI and II teachers got a commission usually as Sergeants whilst BAs and PHDs were often made into Majors and Captains. Engineers didn't get a commision but a lot got field duties with the land army and navy. In a modern war Engineers wouldn't be particularly neccessary since most military engineering is fully mechanized.
>but I'd be scared of disappointing my fellow /pol/acks should we ever fight together.

I´d be scared of fighting against each other desu senpai
haha I was merely jesting. I'll probably die in the first nuclear blast that gets sent to Paris so it won't matter anyway.
i didnt know the first bit, interesting stuff
do you think the same will apply in this hypothetical ww3?
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my bad for not recognizing sarcasm
>penetrating trauma to the abdomen

You described anal sex with a child beautifully there :^)
Although officers are idiots, as long as I train to perform under pressure and make quick decisions I am quite confident I can be up to par as a decision maker as most military men in a relatively short time.
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You are underestimating the dissatisfaction many of the youngsters on this board have. After all. It has been seen before.
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i will also remember my grandfather's war hero
It would be the Shtrafbat all over again.
Dunno though a lot of modern warfare requires fairly intelligent operators especially if they had to pick it up fast with minimal training. The problem is very few western males would be fit for service and it would be very hard to become an effective officer since your authority would constantly be undermined. People don't respect anything now.
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a lot of anons in this thread acting like we'd be the first to be sent in and die but I think we'd actually be more like the second wave of russians during the push to berlin. the rapists, looters and drunkards stealing shit from the civilians that survived the first wave.

just the worst of the worst sent to make their lives more miserable. could be p sweet
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yes no doubt, if you manage to stay alive after the nukes fall, and then survive the airstrikes and then the shelling and the ICBM.
to be completely honest should any of the things above take place i doubt much of any military will be left quite honestly.
i mean after all the first thing that a country will target is the offensive capabilities of other countries to negate the possibility of an attack on their soil
so yes theoretically if you are really smart and again manage to survive all of thoose horrible and cowardly things i mentioned above there is a high chance that all countries will be in serious need of men since most of their militaries will be depleted it is highly likely that they begin to promote conscripts/ civilians in order to replace casualties
Already been on a battlefield my dude. It was fucking scary but my pants were clean. But I agree with that. I had a couple pol-type guys in my squad in Iraq and those fuckers either die or get discharged.
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yup i agree 100% with you specially taking into account how poorly disciplined an squad of conscripts will most likely be, and i really doubt that they would be much combat effective
toppest of keks, this made me picture a fat neckbeard wearing fedora charging an enemy tank with only an AK or AR
I believe south park called it operation hide behind the darkies
I think it would be called hide behind the meat shields
I think the number would be close to 98℅. Only supreme alpha or psycho function well in combat.
I have no problem with death.
Being some wounded motherfucker or cripple is my fear.

But i also have a problem with staying at home while other people fight for me and in war you are always able to commit suicide if you lose your legs.

I have no problem with military service. If there is a reason for it and not some bullshit proxy war.
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>If there will be World War 3 and we are going to be drafted, I can guarantee 90% of this board (me included) would have a natural reaction to a dangerous and stressful situation on very first battlefield.

Really makes you think
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turns out we were the normies all along

Shit myself yes...

Do my duty. Most definately.

Hunt basements for spurge lords... Obviously.
I'm too fat to be drafted sadly.
I'm already dead inside. Better be a "Kampfsani" than a male nurse anymore.
imperial citizen, no one is above the emperor's authority, when the time comes you shall serve
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Its honestly not that bad.
>Would shit your pants first day in the field
Professionals know to wear diapers.
>Cunt Man
Your whole nation has a medical condition Billy
Jokes on you I only pissed my pants and threw up during my first battle also fuck Lebanon
Already served. Doubt Switzerland will get into any actual wars.
oooy veey
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Good job out there private
Fucking pussies, the lot of you. Thare's no greater thing than dying for the fatherland.
WWIII won't have battlefields: It'll be a massive nuclear death orgy.
Military service is mandatory for all men here. At least we all know how to defend ourselves and have guns and ammunition at home. I pity the fool that tries to invade us.
why bother invading you, youll just get ICMB'd or nuked
>nuking where the moneys at
Gee no wonder everyone thinks you guys are niggers
so you prefer sending thousands of men to die fighting some silly invasion?
not necesarilly nuked just simply heavily shelled and airstriked for many many many months until they ran out of supplies or die in the countless bombings by bigger and more powerful countries.
if ww3 sparks i really doubt money will be useful for much, most countries would take their chances and annex weaker countries, other would forge alliances for security.
Same here
>perks of mental illness
>perks of fractured elbow
>perks of the US abolishing the draft
> I would bomb them out of the water
I don't think I would, I've been through too much as it stands. I constantly fantasize about saving one bullet for myself, suicide, etc. Everyday is worse than the day before for me.
>perks of the US abolishing the draft
Get a load of this guy.
probably. Good thing some of them will make it and then won't shit themselves as bad the next time, etc, etc
>perks of having the constitutional right to not join the military if that goes against your beliefs i.e. pacifist
that's just natural
high-intensity conflict today would make WW1 look like a vacation
thanks for the tip
If WW3 happened, a ground campaign would be so pointless it would he guided strikes after guided strikes with mass civilian casualties.
Probably not because Im a usless shit and my life is in shambles

Id welcome a dogs death killing the other guy than life in limbo
>heavily shelling the mountain bunkers
Good luck with that.
>I doubt money will be useful
Kek. So naive.
Nobody is going to touch Switzerland.
Wars are made for money. And this is where the elites keep their money.
Does it matter? You either live to shit yourself another time or get your head blown off. You can get used to anything when you have no other options.
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Forgot a pic
so swiss what if the eu army just buttfucks you from all angles, who will help?
>implying mountain bunkers are so plentiful so as to hide an entire country's army within
>implying paper will mean shit when nukes are flying
>I can guarantee 90% of this board (me included) would shit themselves on very first battlefield.
I would go to the toilet before hand. I can imagine it would be intense enough to elicit the expulsion of internal liquids as the body tightens up.
You wouldn't want to be distracted by this potentially leading to further irritation and loss of productivity.
It's why the military wear water resistant boots on their feet.
nice blog idiot.
by the way side note here: have you ever heard of the weapon system called thor?
it quite literally shoots rods of death from the earths atmosphere and is capable of penetrating bunkers.
link to youtube video explaining below.
>EU army
Anon plz. What a meme.
Theyd never touch us. Why on Earth would they? I mean ffs if Hitler didnt you think EU sjws would do smthn? We're neutral but still very close. Besides too many guarantees. Someone has to give them loans
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>tfw having mandatory conscription
>tfw went for air-defence
>tfw if ww3 comes I just sit somewhere between front lines and outskirts of important areas shooting down airplanes/drones
>implying mountain bunkers are so plentiful so as to hide an entire country's army within
Not just the army my friend. The entire population. Our country is basically a montainous kingdom of bunkers, watches, and vaults filled with gold.
No nukes coming here friendo. And paper will still mean everything. Thats the point of us being neutral. Everyone dumps their assets here and then all gloves are off.
dont worry i will come for you
neat, looks like im going to live in switzerland soon.
out of curiosity for how many years do thoose bunkers have supplies for?
ya know since it looks like im switching countries i wanna know my chances of not dying
>Nigger pulled a gun on me at my first job, i told him to put it away before someone sees it and convinced him to go rob a different store.
>Car broke down on me and i had to walk through the shittiest ghetto in pheonix wearing slacks and a tie, i managed to score a bag of weed on my way through.
how did you manage to walk through a ghetto with balls that big?
No one from a developed country will ever be drafted. If they are ever in a position where they are fighting for the survival of their own country, nukes will have gone off long before then.

>tl;dr ww3 will last 5 minutes
WW2? I think you are talking about the first one
Id most likely be boozed up or try some meth if it was time for a killing spree. Either be a Hero or another unknown soldier. Only cunts fear death, like they are truly living for something.
I mean, 90% of us wouldn't end up on a battlefield. Most of the military is support personnel, they only send people who are actually good at what they do to the infantry.

My ass is going to be in ops fetching someone cheesecake.
Im kinda autistic and in this situation I'd beleive in a cause, if I survive the first few skirmishes and watched a few bros die I'd probably be an unfeeling killing machine
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this. Im hopped up on Addy to get that Stem diploma and a nice high paying job, just like my parents generation :)
tb h i'm most scarfed about taking a life, whether enemy or not.
Man... I have a local ww2 bunker I'm hiding in when shit hits the fan
i'll join up with the refugees and rape all the women i can find.
>imagined border
>fucking jews
You are half-way there.
You a veteran, anon?
But your race IS your family anon.
This, Unless you are insane getting shot at during a firefight is terrifying.
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eh 4channers are pretty prone to fucked up shit happening. I think a lot of us may be mentally able to do it, but just rather sit back and watch the world burn instead.
Fuck those pigs in your pic
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