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ITT: Post politicians from your country that you absolutely despise

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Thread replies: 304
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ITT: Post politicians from your country that you absolutely despise

>Claudia Roth
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>Eva Glawischnig

Fucking Greens
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die hätte ich auch geposted

aber den hier kann ich auch nicht leiden
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She is evil and wants to harm poor refugees.
What a meanie
Gisy ist ein Untermensch
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Our whole ministry.
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I would love to punish her.
She is such a naughty, naughty girl.
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>Diederik Samsom
>Mark Rutte
>Alexander Pechtold
>The entirety of DENK

Basically I hate every one of them except for Based Geert and Jan Roos.
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not a single coloured person. Sweden NO!
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Check again, there's one arab (he's gone now though) and one negress/mulatto
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Not content with just cramming the fag marriage issue down people's throat, these fags are now pushing abortion.
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My rage burns with the force of a thousand suns whenever this piece of shitcuntfaggot opens his mouth
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Nah, come on dude. Hofreiter is like that one retard friend who is a bit annoying at times but overall fun to have around because he's just such a braindead punk

Pic related however. God this guy is like the most atrocious piece of shit we ever had in a ministry. German minister of justice who currently goes full gestapo+stasi on people saying evil words on facebook. But muslim gang rapes - its AAA-OKAY with him.
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cuckstin jewdeau
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>didn't win seat so takes another liberal's
>takes no action on massive asian immigration
>cucked by big oil and gas
>takes literally no action on anything until major problems are already out of control ie. asian immigration

Christy Clarke
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Corbyn is only good for memes.
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Well she isn't genetically german so of course you hate her
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Wasn't he the guy who worked with the Turkish neo-Nazi group?
Wow, that was late.
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There's no politician from this country that I do actually like. (Sincere amateurs notwithstanding).
She's a commie just like le pen and because you can't control your own dick you ignite the fact that the only tight wig thing about her is immigration policy
Can't stand him either.
>irish politicians
Better late than never.

Bernd Höcke
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Don't really have a specific politician I hate the most but (pic related) those shown here are pretty damn high on the scale of individuals who should not represent this country.
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You can say what you want about the left, but Gysi is actually pretty good. You might not like his conclusions, but his analysis is actually good.

Like when he tells the greens and reds how they are selling tanks and weapons to Saudiarabia, support every fucking regime change and then pretend to have the moral high ground because they want to import a trillion refugees.
I'm ashamed of the senators who voted against gun control.
what a typical mick
why are babyboomer Irish the most pretentious babyboomers in the world?
I think it was an islamic group. What brand of group it was I cant remember.
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They're smug after their "victory" against traditionalist nationalism and religion. At the same time, they got to feel like "rebels" by terrorising normal people, but then "sell out" and become the establishment themselves.

Sinn Féin isn't any different from the likes of the "weather underground" or whatever.
Some police and military were "expended" by the elites that pretended to fight them to keep the public scared and tense and believing the government were on their side, but really what was happening was the sidelining and "current year-ing" of anyone who thought outside their leftist-modernist paradigm.

As to why the Irish cuck-traitors are smugger than others, I think a "class" element plays into it as well. In the US Jews and WASPs always held power, they just changed policies, but our urbanite plebs and nouveau-riche could feel smug about taking over from our WASP "oppressors" (for want of a less charged word), while only ramping up their policies and spreading the adoption of their worldview's fundaments.
I read somewhere she cucked her husband with some guy from the AfD
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jeronimo sousa

but he is so dreamy <3<3<3
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the mayor of alberta
He looks like a right nonce.
thanks for saving me the trouble

Ugly as fuck.
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Oh what happened?
Did his wife's son die or something?
She's slowly morphing into Merkel.
All these german flags.
Go to bed Krauts.
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>Peter Tauber

numale faggot who is shilling as merkel's secretary
Look at this pathetic excuse of a "man". He just looks like the kind of guy that would let some Somali fuck his mother in the name of antiracism. God that face is made for curbstomping.
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All of them.
All of them in general or just your shitty Brazilian ones?
Every single one except Mestari
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why do you hate him?
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Nicolas Sarkozy
JFK is the only president I ever liked desu
Every single person to the left of the CDU and 70% of the CDU itself
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But he is really good for memes.
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>tfw born and raised in South London

I'm genuinely shaking with anger while posting this
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He's one of those politicians who are both, a complete piece of shit and actually dangerous.
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You're an idiot and wont realize until you do your own research.

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Ignore the flag, I'm a finn living in the UK. Anyway, each of these three cancerous scumbags should be shot for treason. From left to right

Paavo Väyrynen
>From the Center Party
>Career politician and an epitome of corruption
>"Soviet Union is eternal" t. Paavo in 1989
>Has made a career out of licking russkie dick
>"Russia dindu nuffin they be good boys dem westerners keepin dem down"
>Still butthurt about Finland joining the EU
>Serious delusions of grandeur, has actually said that God has chosen him to lead Finland
>Claims that this hasn't happened because there is a massive media conspiracy against him
>Manages to scrape together a few thousand votes during every election since every hick and retard from his hometown of buttfuck nowhere votes for him

Erkki Tuomioja
>From the Social Democratic Party
>Very similar to Paavo, but not quite as corrupt
>Left-wing ex-hippie that has made a career out of hating everything traditional and western
>"Look at me I'm an atheist, I'm not going to the traditional church ceremony after the parliament has been opened!"
>Fucked up our foreign relations during his tenure as foreign minister by making everyone mad

Ville Niinistö
>From the Green Party
>Despite claiming to hate populists, is the biggest populist politician in Finland
>Spouts empty buzzwords on social media, wahh wahh muh raycizm, refugees are welcome here!!
>His policies can be summed up as "electricity comes from the socket and money out of a magic tree"
I hate every politician because I'm a sad and mad nini
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I used to hate John Baird, now I would rather have him as PM than this guy in pic related be anywhere in government.
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All the Brazilian politicians. There's not a single one who's not corrupt scum. Europe and the US still have a few based ones left.

I think kek whants her to be sacrificed!
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Fuckin' Nenshi...

But even worse than that dune coon is pic related.

Post more thighs
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This should be called something, its like he has his own form of shitposting.


What should we call it.
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She's human cancer.
This faggot
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at least your greens look somewhat normal.

look at this dyke

>Renate "bitte schießt amokläufer nicht ab sondern redet zuerst mit ihnen" Künast
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Disgusting Zionist

The irony is that he is actually the farthest right candidate who ran, on every issue he went the most extreme anti-left.
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He had a real zinger in the debates too.

I cant remember if it was him who said this one, either him or Graham who I dont like.

>"If Isis wants to be a seventh century caliphate, I say we bomb them back into the seventh century!"

I couldnt sympathize more with that statement.
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i cant find a picture that fit all of them at once.
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is it ok if everyone hates him

king cuck
Him and Juncker need a good dose of death.
How is that worse than having a muslim mayor? That's like saying Justin is worse than Obama.

As long as they are racially ours, they can always be seen as potential allies worthy of seeing the path back to securing our existence. Regardless of just how liberal and deluded or brainwashed they may be.
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I hate this cuck. Very close second is Altmaier (literally looks and acts like a pig) followed by Mutti of course.
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Donald Drumpf

He is.
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I hate Hillary,Trump and Bernie. And I especially hate that faggot Jerry Brown.
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>implying right wing Germans even exist, let alone could kill anyone

Meanwhile 3 kings from ISIS cross the med, walk through half of Europe, kill 130 frogs, injure 350 and more, torture them to death and use the material as propaganda

Sorry, but I don't take the right wing of Germany serious anymore.

>As long as they are racially ours, they can always be seen as potential allies

>There are also white Jews. True, there are scoundrels among us, even though they are Germans, who act in immoral ways against their own racial and blood comrades. But why do we call them white Jews? You use the term to describe something inferior and contemptible. Just as we do. Why do you ask us why we oppose the Jews when you without knowing it are one too?
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Herr "Drecksnazi. Dieses Deutschland ist das beste Deutschland, das es je gab." Tauber
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the most irritating cunt in the HoC

as someone north of the border its a total embarassment having these arseholes representing us, and even worse they are fronted by this fucking pudding squeaking about 'SCOAT LAHNDS INTERESTS IN THA E YOO'
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fug :DD
Have fun in the Gulag
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Nenshi is fucking irrelevant.
Trudeau and the Trudeau Legacy is worse than Obama. Senior ruined our flag and opened the gates to every shitskin who could shed a tear. To top it all off Trudeau is in bed with Soros to bring in even more shitskins to ruin this Country even worse than his Faggot father ever could to ensure that the LibCucks will remain in power forever. - Because it's 2016.

Also, did you see the clip of DudeweedMan telling the Albertan MP that (i'm paraphrasing) the Albertan unemployment issues don't deserve a proper discussion because they're in Ottawa.

>securing our existence
Cunts like her would gladly give up our heritage to come across as "tolerant" or whatever buzzword they want to use to feel better about themselves and to pander to whichever "oppressed minority o' the day.
It's always these milk toasts who are the most raging leftists or stream lined opportunists loyal to Miss Merkel.

It's an insult, if they say "I"
All of them. Fuck government
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Thank you for correcting the record
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See ya in gulag
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This fat motherfucker right here.

He is the minister of education and he has no college degree. And in Greece university education is free.

His reforms are a fucking disaster, he wants to take meritocracy out of our education system (what's left of it anyway) and replace it with generic leftie mumbo jumbo. For example, he wants more affirmative action for low-income families and muslims, and he also wants to make schools "multicultural". He's also an Islam shill, and voted for the construction of mosques in Athens.

His worst "achievement" was when he denied the Pontic genocide. This is like an armenian denying the armenian genocide.

He's an Anti-greek, pro muslim fat fuck.
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Trine Skei Grande leader of the Norwegian liberal party
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Our president. Not even joking. We deserve every potato nigger thrown at us.
I am American, enjoying cheap Russian women and booz
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Observe my coinciding numerals.
Kek who the fuck would elect that downie? She should be in a burqa mothering abduls 9 children.
Thank you for correcting the record
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Dustbin Turdeau .
>ITT: Post politicians from your country that you absolutely despise

would be easier to post politicians I don't despise
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This fucking faggot
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Also Russ Feingold
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Also everyone in the TOP09 party.
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Thanks Obama-Hillary.jpg
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>Just in trou de eau
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Almost agree. Almost.
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take a fucking double whammy
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>This is an insider
a proper nasty cunt
Didn't she demand Poles give back German territory or something?
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>Ban cars from oslo downtown
>Refugees welcome
>Increase ticket cost on public transport
>Introduce property tax
>turns public retirement homes into refugee housing
Oslo yes, fuck the green party
>implying right wing Germans even exist, let alone could kill anyone
Not really. I'm not banking on anyone actually killing them. I just wish they were fucking dead.
fuck off marxist cunt, this board is not for you
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Hello, Best South Asia! Can we have human sacrifices again, if you take over? Can we sacrifice Trudeau?
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This and this cuck
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Erna solberg, PM of Norway the definition of cuckservative
This Nig is going to be our PM one day... The left won't rest until we've had a woman. A Nig, a queer and a Muslim. Only then can we think about electing people based on merit.

Fuck this country

Agreeable picks.
Her husband is a refugee-loving protestant pastor who recently became a member of the CDU (Merkel's party) because his wife was such a big racist meanie.
How could someone like that not be cucked?
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>dat filename
He looks like half the Alte herrem in my Verbindung.
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Jesse Klaver, leader of Groen Links (Green party). He presents himself as some kind of Dutch Obama.
i hate Merkel far more than Roth because Merkel has more power
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those are only a few, but enough for now

Just when you think you can't love Frauke more.
nice try Achmad
I'm pretty sure Hofreiter is actually a bit retarded.
Not by much, he is still mostly functioning.
But there is something off about him.

Still remember one scene from some talk show about gender one and a half year or so again
>it's basically 3 or 4 against 3/4 people
>half for gender propaganda, half against it
>FDP member Kubick (at least I think it was him) starts the discussion by making fun of gender bullshit
>tells Hofreiter that he also looks a bit "gendered" because of his long hair
>Hofreiter almost starts crying
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these two pieces of trash.

despite the heated attacks against each other they share a few commonalities, the most glaring of which is an utter lack of sincerity, even in a political arena. they're both marketers, a celebration of style of substance and nothing more. she's a corrupt, hawkish, bureaucrat masquerading as a progressive messiah and he's a self-centered, half-baked businessman who's biggest strength is serving as a loud-mouth spokesman to any product, no matter how shitty, like his campaign.

and i think the thing that makes me hate them more than anything else is their supporters, who continually bend statements and ignore facts just to support them.
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am i too late?

yep. awful.
you could feed millions of refugees with her.
oh wait, they don't eat pork dammit.
That's Bruce Jenner you retard
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can't even decide which one i despise more

at least he's a christian.
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>politicians from your country
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why can't they all just get on a plane with a clinically depressed pilot?
also king cuck
pic related
Why is she spreading her legs like that?
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Basically a stereotypical pro-globalist (cultural) Marxist Jew with all the implications.
he's still absed, aswell as Wagenknecht, despite them beeing leftis.
But right now its funny anway how the "linke" and the "afd" are coming more close to each other anyways,
"there is no left and right, only good and bad politics"
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Not even sure why "right wingers" defend that faggot

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Beta leftists deserve the cucking
At least he fucked off.

What used to be particularly annoying about him was the fact that *everyone*, all across the political spectrum, used to name him as the one "good" politician.
politicians from your country dumbass. did you surrender to the UK or something?
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Wir lieben doch unseren Führer!
Read my name you dumb paki
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Alright. That's okay then.
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But we call call you guys pakis, anything else would be so racist.
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Is this what a lifetime of kielbasa does to you people?
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We could also give them free helicopter rides. Especially Gregor "I am Sargon's wife's son's quarter Jewish communist uncle" Gysi.
Ted isn't that bad desu
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JUSTE un trou d'eau*

pic related
>Do you have a family?
he even LOOKS like a typical jew, how can your fellow countrymates even consider liking him
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>tfw you literally look like a stormfront caricature
tippity top kekstein
she looks asian
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>and communists
>and nigger lovers
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Yeah why do we hate Putin?
2. Jesse Klaver
3 Judith Sargentini ( tweeted that IS being amongst refugees is hysteria and a lie) she gets btfo by everyone on twitter now but won't respond

pechtold i hate but his banter can be decent
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This ancient globalist fuck

He's pro refugee, wants to bring back the retarded investor immigration system that Harper got rid of (give government $80k and then have it returned after x years and in return get full citizenship), and he recently went to China to try and get them to spread across all of Canada and to double the number of visa offices there.
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>Issuing city visas

....or some such horseshit?
He's a stupid shitskin on a power trip, he has no power over immigration
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these fuckers are a good start
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i hate this leftist faggot so god damn much
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top fucking kek

Is that true?
dont talk shit about justin anymore or ill knock you the fuck out hes the only reason the government finally started the missing native womens investigation
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I wonder why it's always the women vote getting them in

>pic related
i hate that goblin woman so much
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After their breakup he ran to the newspapers to tell them how dastardly his (still-)wife is.
He even complains about her and her party to his churchgoers in his sermons.
Here's a German article, you can google translate it if you want or whatever but it's basically just 2 pages of a pussy bitching about his wife because she left him.

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What do you think? Was he really a cuck or is he taking revenge on her...by turning himself into a ubercuck?

ah yeah and:
>wall against Islam
kek ackbar
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other big one.
our green vice major of vienna
cancerous to the max
*) from Greece
*) supporting muslims and their sharia shit
*) hates cars and everyone who owns a car
*) blocks the traffic with bikelanes
*) blocks the streets with construction sites
*) destroys parking space
*) is basically an economic terrorist.
bush senior was the first and for some time the only one of the four occupying forces to support germany's re-unification
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Trips of truth
Why didn't Bush push his own father?
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>from Greece

jebus chrisd...WTF! the rape baby meme is fucking real

>supporting muslims and their sharia shit
Aye...it must be in the genes. There's no way any real Greek could support that shit.
Diversity is when every human is a brownish mongrel with a potato nose.
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And the brown tide of millions and millions and millions would actually reduce diversity in Europe.

Lan Marie Nguyen Berg
Why is nobody falling for your bait?
Of course. If it were whites flooding every country they'd call it genocide.
I'd post Trump, but he's just a reality TV star and not a politician.
what do SJW videos and scientology videos have in common?

Both disable or heavily moderate comments.
He wants to make a comeback as a direct candidate.
Is it even German??? Looks like a fucking shitskin.
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Top kek, I saw some article today and he is pushing for devolution for London, he also wants free movement for people to migrate to London (exempt by devolution)
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BGut we all know only whites can be racist.
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Leftist,librul,cuck,globalist,multi-kulti bs,traitor,failed businessman,failed politician,still kept in life by USAID money from american taxpayers as brainwashing figure and someone who will represent globalist interests.For last 15 years fails to get over 5% on every single election yet kept as I said in life by foreign owned media and American embassy.

If muricans only knew on what bs their tax money is spent here,and what kind of morons they are funding you'd be enraged.And it's the same story everywhere.Fuck
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Great! I will personally strangle him myself. Fuck commies! Why can't it be based like in the 80s.
These two
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Tony Blair, Jess Phillips, Harriet Harman, Yvette Cooper; basically any feminist/Blairite Labour MP. Particularly Jess Phillips, though. Fat ugly cunt.
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Don't worry! The West shall soon uncuck itself and Serbia shall have its rightful revenge.
Also this failed pepe which is 10x worse than the cuck Chad known as Čeda I posted earlier.
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t. Jewish Goebbels.gif
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>It's totally not advocacy for mass muslim immigration and Islamization, goy
>white genocide is a right-wing conspiracy theory, goy
>lel, we are not trying to take over your country, what are you talking about?
It increases the chances of sexual reproduction.
She's from some weird crypto-jewish family of (((protestants)))
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This filthy gypsy.
His name is actually Sven. A Swedish name?
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Spiegel TV plays into the hands of right-wing populists! They spread hate speach about Claudia Roth and Turkey https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h9CK0TQ1RAM
That's pretty fucking shit.
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Martine Aubry.

I also despise him a lot.
Kill yourself.
this /pol/ is overreacting to this. Anyway these visas are aimed at the eu so it would mean more whites
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This bitch wants to start war with russia over fucking emails.
All of these. I'd rather have Balkenende back.
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Ladies and xers,let me present to you the bigger Merkel than Merkel,the King Cuck himself,his majestic lips,his totally transformed and changed rhetoric which is now 3 x Trudeu.....Vućić!

This treasonous,piece of shit who used to be a moron with somewhat reasonable views on major topics (like borders,eu,nation state etc.) has gone FULL KEK,SJW mode though sometimes has flahbacks of his former self and as reward was given by american ambassador and retarded voters (mostly old people who only watch state owned tv stations) position of priminister and this is his 2nd or 3ed mandate.

Wew lads.......we are not as sjwish as you but trust me EVRYWHERE including here and rest of eastern europe all ngo,academia,government etc. are pushing for it.There are oppositions for sure,there are exceptions (like Hungary) but trust me this shit globalist aim to do will effect EVERYONE and you will not have white place to hide if your countries become unliveable in future.

Yeah,yeah.....serbia not white (bs,we are,don't mix us with gypsys who use our documents and go illegally to eu),it's a shithole (true but still better than 2/3 of world which speaks more about them then us).

tl dr. even based serbs have quite a few traitors (and I don't use that word lightly).In fact our whole history is full of them with lot of famous examples.....fuck.

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>go on holiday
>spend your time shitposting on/pol/
I seriously hope you guys don't do this.
Jfc, are her eyebrows drawn on with a faded sharpie?
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Verpiss dich zurück aufs pr0gramm
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This fucking terrorist piece of shit

I'll second this

too bad Ontarians are literally so fucking retarded that they'll keep electing Liberals.
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May he rot in hell.
And last (if only) but definitely not the least this fat separatist pimp with shit taste in women and terrible diet (almost as bad as his political positions and leanings)
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>Jan Roos

As if that's a politician.
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> Create private emails.
> Delete private emails before press finds out.
> Runs for president
> Have a smug face all the time.
> Wants to tax the rich ones who own businesses and give us our checks.
> Wants to let in refugees inside, which would cost money to care for and isn't our problem.
> Makes ANON angry.
memers in pakistan? What the fuck?

Since when did you get internet.
she looks like my middle school principal
how did a gook become so influential in a nordic country?
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Li Andersson, young, radical leftist and naive party leader of the Left Alliance. She's all talk but zero experience, except from left-wing politics.
Gysi isn't German. He's a kike from Switzerland.
Commies are NOT my countrymen. They're not even human.
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Let me not forget this smug ngo Nato sjw whore.She deserves it.
Holy hell I hate her. How can anyone be so stupid, naiive and hateful at the same time?


Kill yourself my man.
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Or this incompetent with fake university degree,former owner of cemetary,part time rakija maker,all around autistic president Tom(a).

We though have presidental elcetions coming up pretty soon though...
I think the non-white person who's held most political power here ought to be Nyamko Sabuni, a niggress. Against all odds she was relatively (RELATIVELY) conservative and level-headed. Said she's not a feminist, opposes female genital mutiliation, wanted to ban muslim veils in schools etc

No one cares about natives.
Tons of women. But only one quota negress and I think a sandnigger/kike on the left.
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We also have in our government a fellow comrade in black Vulin.Dude is literally a commie,I mean after Tito claiming that you're patriot and commie is just plain idiotic.Not for this lad,apparently...
Any Greek who supports Muslims isn't right in the head, and is probably a rapebaby of one.
>Ignoring ((((Them))))
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And this one...well he's a mixed bag (far from librul,sjw though).One thing is damn sure about him....the BEST shitposter in politicks EVER created.EVER.

Not a politician yet
Jonas is the only leftie i respect. atleast he has integrity and is against NATO and EU. Still a cuck tought but i'd rather vote for him then for S, MP, L, C, M, KD
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this man is a literal psycopath
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Jews aren't white
What is the /pol/ party in Serbia? I suppose that most of them are against immigration.
grey wolves
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Jyrki Katainen&Alexander Stubb. The first one ran to EU commission after fucking up our economy with his shitty decisions. Nowadays he complaints at us for mistakes that he made while was still here.
What do you have against Beppe? Do you want MORE corruption

No she isnt. AfD is not socialist like Front National or NPD


Fucking oven dodgers.
Hm that is true,they are anti migrants though we do have our sjws and current government is mixed bag at best.The problem is there is quite a lot of idelogical differences between them.You have your traditionalists (DVERI-DSS),nazis (OBRAZ,ZBOR) and as flawed as they may be probably the most pol like party in our country (biggest shitposters in this part of galaxy) gotta be SRS aka serbian radicals and their leader who btw had a protest in support of Trump in our capital Belgrade when Biden was in visit.

For example that dude with knife in his hand,covered in blood and surrounded with all the different parts of different pigs he personally killed in picture I posted? That would be him.He said in that picture:
'None is better than me when it comes to slaughtering '.

His twiiter account,acting in parlament and out of it is quite pol like - shitposting to maximum but with quite a few truth bombs dopped among turds.
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>her husband was protestant
>posts picture of anti-pope

no wonder the west is cucked with mongos like you

guy Verhofstadt i'm not gonna post a picture, cuz he's too fucking disgusting, enjoy having to look at his shit ugly globalist smug cuntface during the article 50 negotiations bongs
Kek I loved watching that guy get btfo by Farage in EU parliament. What a dirtbag.
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>van rompuy

why do all belgian politicians look like damp rags?

How did Soros' face deteriorate that fast?
>Too many shitty California politicians
Michelle Bachelet, president of Chile
I can't believe people elected her again for a second term.
I love my country, but I'm glad I got out of it.
Thread posts: 304
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