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Get ready for World War 3

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Thread replies: 304
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Remember the only way to survive a nuke is to not be there when it explodes.

All the liberals will be wiped out, it's like poetry.
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>mfw living in NJ
I live in northern Co and my gf in Cheyenne. So no thanks to nuclear war
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>caring about political affiliation when the world is about to end
Hey, come the fuck on.

There is literally nothing here but niggers to the south, spics and Mennonites to the north, and nothing in between. WHY HIT IT?
salem county here, when shtf im driving to central PA as fast as i can
south carolina
why though?>>90854254
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>living in DC

Hopefully I'm close enough to the blast I can feel death's sweet release instantly instead of going out in pain.
Good luck getting through the traffic m8
welp guess theres one good thing, if this happens I'm dust
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Best option to survive: centre/north Nevada???
Those are power plants.
Will they nuke Auschwitz?
Whats with the big clumps of black?
It's where all the silos are
Yhe I'm curious too. Wtf is in Montana that would be worth carpetnuking???

Unrelated: Let's see what kek predicted with his get:
>500 warhead scenario
>Amish and Menonite population centers in Pennsylvania getting blown the fuck up
>Philadelphia mostly left alone as bombs drop around the city
>niggers end up killing eachother for the enemy
Whoever made this map is clever.
I think the worst radiation would not be from the bombs but from the melted down nuclear power plants.

As much as this map seems like poetry, you're fucked even if you aren't blown up.
there will literally be a nuke detonated directly over my house in a 500 nuke scenario
what about the caribbean?
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>Not caring about who survives to rebuild after doomsday
The world won't end, we will repopulate the USA.
ICBM travels at mach 22. You have about oh 5 minutes to get 100 miles away from the cities.
Am I the only one unable to point out my county in a map?
Reminder that lafayette indiana has a small population in the middle of nowhere but the high density of nuclear physicists and chemists affiliated with nasa makes it a target
I feel like Ohio has a disproportionate number if targets in the 500 scenario.

I know we have an air force base in the South West, but why do they care about the rest of the state?
Targeting western NC.
Trying to take out those Apple farmers or the Yankees on vacation ?
>A bunch of nukes go in Wyoming where no one lives
>Implying nukes will go off in smaller metros further from actual important cities, cause small metros actually matter like Richmond, grand rapids, Toledo, Utica, exc.

Who the fuck made this map, probably some edgelord on /r9k/
Thats where all the silos are you tard
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The idea is that the massive amount of fallout from those locations will spread eastward with the wind.
I believe there is a nuclear reactor in/near Toledo. So that would probably end up fucking up lake Erie which is a major source of fresh water.

I imagine targeting nuclear materials would compound the effects of a bomb
>if the bombs dont kill me, ill die a horrible radioactive death

Such is life in the garden state
>RGV is actually a primary target

That map is wrong, wind usually goes south to north in the south, that's what it's so humid.

So the North is mega fucked.
Shit, I thought I'd be safe in rural Ohio. But, I'd be right where some of the most intense fallout is.

It's where our faggot politicians would go to hide, places like it.
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>In Moscow fully have prepared a underground shelters for the evacuation of the population
Thanks to Stalin for the fact that we have the largest and deepest subway in the world.
It's from FEMA, in 1990. So, no guarantee how accurate it is.
Living in rural Ohio is already like a waking death anyway
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>tfw Oregon best state
Get yourself into the proper underground cities. Ivan.
Also there is a ton of oil and natural gas in that area of ND.
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>Muskingum potential 2,000 target

The silos are lumped together for mutual protection. The reasoning is interesting. To take out a hardened silo with a nuke you need a groundburst or near groundburst. This throws thousands of tons of material up into the sky, and that material has the potential to damage any subsequent warheads that are trying to get through immediately afterwards. So if you're trying to hit the silo fields you have to wait for the dust to clear before striking again, and in that time, any silos which survived the first wave will have fired their missiles.
Nuclear power plants operate automatically for about 2 days i think before shutting down by themself.

Unless you hit them directly with a nuke, there would be no meltdown. Nuclear power plants are designed for end of the world scenarios.
Boone (More specifically West Jefferson) looks to be spared at least. That's always been my SHTF bug-out location anyway.
Nuclear power plant melts down automatically when they lose grid power. It is incredibly stupid and brilliant both at the same time.
With trump, trump and putin will nuke whole world but eachother solving over population problem
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That's Hillary, she wants a war with Russia. Trump wants to be friendly with other countries.

> Wasting a nuke on Jackson, MS

Sure thing, OP.
Keep believing the nuclear jew. All the old reactors are designed to melt down unless there is grid power. The US has not built any of the new designs so it'll all melt down at the same time.
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great... so all the mexicans in the west and niggers in the south live.... while all the white people die... all the food will be gone so then all those shitheads will die too
They don't though, why would they
So which is it?
I'm pretty sure I'm safe from nukes.
Neutron-absorbing control rods don't last forever. The reactors needs to be actively cooled by grid power, otherwise it melts down.

In a WW3 scenario, they will all melt down.
>lives in dfw
>is fuck
>live in a part of the south with no nuke targets
>fallout shouldn't carry down to here
It'd be perfect if the farms grew food instead of cotton
The idea is to trigger Yellowstone into erupting.
Wyoming is the best fuckin state ever.
I've been there. It was built to withstand a direct hit. Today's nukes are a hell of a lot more effective. The guy breifing us said the mountain would turn into a crater. It's the spoiled sport aircraft where things will happen.
Here's another link, scram doesn't work when there is no grid power. As we already seen from Fukushima.

Even with rods inserted, the reactor continues to produce heat equivalent to about 3% of its full power level. This is not the same as taking a pot off the stove and letting it cool. There are still some atoms splitting and fission products decaying that produce heat. This drops off slowly and is why there needs to be layers of redundant cooling with backup power. During such an earthquake, power from outside the plant would not be expected to be available.

Using the Unit 1 electric power rating of 460MW and the 3% figure above give us ~14MW at scram, that is still a lot of power! So every second 14 million Joules is released(1 Watt = 1 J/S). Now it takes ~4200 joules to heat 1 kilogram of water by 1 degree C. So 14 million joules would heat 1 kg of water to ~3300 degrees C in 1s. You can see why we have a problem!
Decay heat during shutdown is negligible. If the reactors are in shut down cool down before the bomb falls, fully extended control rods are plenty to keep them from melting down
See >>90860137
Ironically that's where they all got tested desu
>nuking any part of West Virginia

So I should leave south MD, then? Looks like it will be hot around here, not to mention blinding.
You always hear though about oh no, we can't shutdown, also what about the waste storage ponds, don't they need active water pumpped in or they boil away ala Fukushima? It seems these puppies don't take kindly to being left alone..
Real life metro
What you're missing is that the shutdown procedure takes a while. Decay heat doesn't continue indefinitely.
Only if you want to live. Almost all humans instinctively want to die.
Sure if you physically remove the material ... good luck doing that in a WW3 scenario where there is no power and every just ran away already.
My plan was heading to Yancey county (more precisely Egypt.)
I'd be concerned about all the kids from Ap state wondering out there
Y tho?
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if you're really lucky, you'll have 5 seconds or so to see the flash, just realize what's happening, and then get crushed by the 10psi shockwave blowing your back out.

MFW - https://youtu.be/LNyPs-n5dik
You fuckers better go to Canada.

You are not welcome here after supporting a racist like trump.
Cheyenne Mountain Complex, and Missile Silos

>Not knowing where we have bunkers and NORAD.

that gif is a 10/10
My football has more pressure than that.
>2000 warheads

Gotta point em somewhere, i suppose.
I'd take my chances with the nuclear fallout before I'd go into Cartelland
Russia got more than 10,000 nukes. That's not counting MIRV too.
Same senpai same
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10 psi through a pinhole
10 psi across a shockfront
>10 psi is enough to destroy hardened concrete buildings like hospitals
>says the beaner with 1/2 of his family in the US
>Brevard county, Florida has multiple nukes for both 500 and 2000 scenarios

Fucking why? We're a dinky and boring county.
Why is Idaho always a safe zone?
I'm pretty sure it's a warhead count which includes MIRVs.
>2000 nukes
>don't touch idaho
You have tactical resources apparently. That would be the only reason I can think of.
>tfw my workplace is in a rural town near LA that is one of the only "nuclear safe" areas

All the fucking preppers live out here.
evacuate to idaho quick
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cool animation of the technology. There is only 1 (yes it's not multiple) but it's the same tech and just imagine 3 cone re-entry vehicles at the tip.

Bonus at the end is rare actual footage of MIRV re-entry vehicles streaming through atmosphere (kinetic only). Each can be guided to targets hundreds of miles away, or clustered in a bowling pin pattern to overlap the 10spi kill zone for maximum meat harvested. These would be detonated in an airburst at about 1km altitude.
this map is totally arbitrary. It focuses completely on population centers and makes no effort, aside from where he thinks most nuclear missiles are stored, to attack military targets. In a world where nothing else is left but military assets they are going to use them.

He decides to drop a nuke on fucking jefferson city because it's "The capitol of missouri" and leaves all of it's airforce bases and fort leonard wood alone.
Nukes don't work on googles, they'll become angered when there's no more wellfare and perpetually chimp out.
potatoes absorb radiation
Potatoes are nature's most powerful absorbers of radiation. This is why the British never fully exterminated the Irish, to absorb nuclear fallout.
Will the South rise again? These digits will tell
>tfw my comfy, secure NH mountain town will get a direct hit
Latest version has like 24(?) cones, it is so beautiful.
PWR style reactors have a negative temperature coefficient for reactivity, meaning they turn off... Essentially automatically. They're designed that way on purpose, so in worst case scenarios where everyone dies the plant won't Chernobyl.
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>trying to justify living in a flyover state

Yeah no shit no-one is going to care about nuking you when you live in the asshole of the nation.
I am:
>directly east of Ft Riley
>West/southwest of Ft. Leavenworth
>South of SAC

I'm fucked.
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Yoopers ftw
Radiaton and crop failures will be a problem too.

Nuclear winter could be a even worse problem.

I'm safe through, no one will ever bother to launch a nuke in Brazil
>implying there will be zero humans after nuclear Armageddon
The fallout and collapse of infrastructure will kill far more people than the initial blast.

Look at a fallout map, the only part of USA not being lambasted in fallout is a small part of Montana

No amount of nukes are going to destroy a fucking mountain.
Most of those clusters of targets are silos. the hope would be to catch the us with it's pants low and prevent the retaliation MAD strike.

does anybody have one of these For the United Islamic Kingdom of Great Britain
but we still have bombers and subs
And we already seen a partial meltdown of a PWR reactor when the grid still has power.
Stop perpetuating the Americans are retarded stereotype
Fallout depends on the wind direction at the time. It's unpredictable.

See https://www.windyty.com/
the heads of major rivers
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the minuteman is limited to 3 by START, trident to 8 but they reduced it to 6? i don't remember.

https://youtu.be/Mk66kA7acWM - LGM30 launch

Russia tested one of their TOPOL RS-12M last year
I'm fucked here in Concord, m8
>the asshole of the nation

that's san francisco. you have no idea what you're talking about, you're not even american.
Which reactor?
I love military humor.
pure pottery
Anyone know why that shithole duluth mn would be targeted?
colorado river, Missouri river, Mississippi river
What is the target on the border intersection of Washington state, Idaho and Canada? There's nothing there; no buildings or roads, just trees.
is this real? i dont want to die
You nuclear lovers really are nothing more than a death cult. Google it, it's like right there. Hint, it's the one that ended new nuclear death plant construction in the US.
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Maybe Lain will save us all.
>when Russia kills all the inner cities and hipster cucks
It's for Sasquatch, are a cuck?
>3 mile
>Released 0 rem in the "accident"

Coal kills more people a year than every nuclear disaster combined. Releases more rem, too. Kill yourself you disgusting pinko hippie
SAC bases, ICBM sites, NORAD in the middle there.
>Coal kills more
> pinko hippie

sounds like youre the hippie
I'd take my chances with the super mutants
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>mfw cape cod is clear
That might be the dumbest thing I've ever read.
this, i live right next to camp david but am moving close to nyc soon

my only hope is i die in a baptism of nuclear fire
do you have any idea how fast a ferrari is bro????
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it's still Agenda 21 land as proclaimed by the UN.
im sure Ptown monument will have a great view of the destruction, it will be faaaaaabulous
Do we still have bombers armed in the air all the time?
True, most of Kentucky's weather comes from eastern Texas
Southern Hemisphere, bro.
Can't wait man. Being vaporized by a megaton range nuke would honestly be the best way to die anyway. Not like I'm going places rn.
Probably little effect. The fuel in nuclear reactors is not nearly enriched enough go super critical enough for a nuclear bomb. Of course i have no idea what happens when you nuke uranium, but i don't believe it would do much. Maybe scatter everywhere and create radiation
i dont believe we need them with all the boomers out there. and it got crazy expensive even for the USAF
>simply googling ptown brings this up
Good think no one ever has a reason to nuke Canada
Your winds come from the northwest in the winter and spring though, so you'd be fucked
Question: If your area is not a direct target and you have time to do so would retreating into the storm drain systems be enough protection from the fallout as long is it didn't rain?
dude thats not even a pride parade, thats like a normal monday afternoon.
The dark blotch in eastern Kentucky and West Virginia is mostly from coal mining.
>Implying Massholes care about UN
>Implying The Cape won't become an ancap meme society with the society based on and around fish
>Implying The Cape wont become a post-apocalyptic superpower with the Vineyard in tow and Nantucket as a prison colony
What the fuck do they have against Montana and North Dakota?
as long as we can keep the raiding forces from new bedford fall river on the other side of the canal i think we should be ok

literally everyone would be fucked because of fallout

unless you hide in a cave for a few months
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Give it to me straight /pol/
what are my chances of surviving?
I've only ventured as far as Wellfleet. I dont know firsthand the customs of Ptown

1) Canada is between Russia and the USA. Think of thousands of aging missiles flying overhead, a lot will malfunction and fall short.

2) Interception of Russian missiles will be over Canada. Canucks are sitting ducks.

3) Canada is considered part of America's resource base. Most of Canada's cities close to the border will be targeted.

Think of Canada as the hapless doofus in-between two rival gangs armed with machine-guns.

missile silos are located there (ICBMs)
this thread is basically two massholes talking about the cape at this point

Are you next door to me or up in Monroe?
well at least we have kennedys old fall out bunker on peanut island and i think there was rumors of another underground government complex in chilmark? i think
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Monroe baby
I'm taking block and from there fucking you cape fags up. All hail western mass!
>tfw Oklahoma
Fucks sake first tornadoes and now I gotta deal with fucking nukes
Establish a colony in Plymouth, seal the southern border from those Fall River subhumans, push north to Gillette Stadium to establish a place of worship to the great Beeli-chik and his holy disciple Brady
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God blessed America with holy fire to smite her enemies.
This isnt a bad thing. There should be daily Masshole threads on this board
>All the liberals will be wiped out, it's like poetry.

and then you'll be left with a country full of parasitic conservacucks. unfortunately for you, wal-mart greeters arent going to be great at nation building!
Two chances.
Slim and none.
>storm drain system
Its about to piss the rain down here.. idk if thats a good thing or not. The rain should wash the radiation from the sky, but well have pools of radiation sitting on everything now
Ah, fuck, I'm gone. But I guess that's what I get for living near the biggest port in the country. Oh well.
Feels good to be inna woods

First to die
>I live In Phoenix and probably be nukes instantly

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if you were already inside of it yeah. The radiation burn/flash you'd get without dying from the blast would be an even more painful death though.

@11:09 is what being in a house would look like, you get a deadly radiation burn/exposure and then vaporized. or the shrapnel from your house disintegrating would kill you at least.
There are actually alot of old WWII bunkers or immediate postwar bunkers in MA on what was old federal land. My Dad said some were used to store nukes. An easy one to spot is on 44, if youre headed westbound it should be somewhere on the right hand side off in the woods in view of the road
It goes too fast to read all of it, whats it saying?
Nuke isreal, everyone gets mad, you get locked out of the nuke network, end of story?
Western Mass? HERESY! All of you mountain folk should be PURGED. Anything west of fo-nin-five is Dammed land
Dude that bunker is getting torn down, also don't we have bunker buster bombs.
I met a girl named Cheyenne. She was pretty
does the size od the marks represent the effective radius of the nukes?
There's a big supply distribution center in Columbus. Cleveland is a major shipping point, and the area around it is big in industry (surprisingly enough)

There's a NPP up on the lake too but idk. I live in SW Ohio (740 fag) and iirc the Beverly and conesville power plants were also a target in a broader exchange.
I live within 30 minutes of Hanscom AFB ballistic countermeasures arent gonna let nukes hit us. Midwest will be left for dead though.
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The C5s from westover would come in handy, if theyre not broke, also the F15's from Barnes combined with the F15 from Otis would make us a nice regional power. also Otis has a run way big as fuck, was a back up for the space shuttles if they over shot florida, at least for a couple years
You'll die of air fall out though
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>tfw when leafs get second hand fallout
God why so many in pinellas county?? Don't think there's that many people to make it a strategic hit, and as far as emotionally, no one cares about Florida or its population. It doesn't make sense, seems like a waste.
>country without nuclear strike capabilities

Literally the worst presidential advisers ever. That's some Hillary-level incompetence.
Don't leafs have nukes?
Is it really? That sucks. Whenever me and my dad went camping we usually found at least one in the woods near wherever we were camping, so they are pretty common.
You mean the bunker on 44 near the Middleboro rotary? Said you lived in AZ
>mfw living in NJ as well
>monmouth county
Yes, but why Akron? We haven't made rubber in decades.
>no one cares about Florida

Your a big Military target

I live in a part of Florida that would be thoroughly fucked, but I live 1/4 mile from the Everglades and I live in a concrete house with 2 months worth of food and such (hurricane supplies), so I might be able to survive the initial strike, as long as all the nukes went off to the east, in Fort Lauderdale proper.

Plus the daily thunderstorms would really cut down on fallout
I mean Kennedy's old bunker I really don't know if any other bunkers I really haven't really researched anything
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All the bombs arent going to be fired at once. You're gonna send out 2, maybe 3, at a time.

Even then, the likelyhood of them getting intercepted increases dramatically after the first initial ones.

Nukes can really only work in modern warfare as surprise attacks, or after you've moved your nukes closer than your opponent can react to them.

Basically, you're only fucked if you live on the coast and make for an easy surprise attack/invasion point.
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Who "Mad Max" after the dust settle down?
what about super mutant niggers though?
for all the nukes being set off in tests, where is the fallout documented
Yeah Probably. At least Id have a chance and could always end myself quickly if I dont.
This, only thing I can think of is I heard at one time we had the most nuke silos and the nuke plant in Russellville.
>500 warhead scenario
>very few pointed at military bases
looks like I'll be ok
Actually no the nuclear fall out would combine with the thunder storms and make humidity levels raise and you would breath it in, or legit make moderate acid rains.
I guess those DOD. Maps are useless, someone should tell the gobment
Ah, gotcha. Didn't know anything about Kennedy's
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>live on vancouver island
>going to be buried by the ashes of liberals
why the fuck would they nuke detroit, miami, california, etc?

all these places are of no military relevance...... especially not fucking detroit
Most military bases have no value in a Nuclear war. Tanks and infantrymen cant counter attack if theyre isolated and cut off. Naval and Air bases are a threat as nuclear weapons platforms can be launched from there posing a threat.
Do I even have any good bunkers in this state
>parasitic conservacucks.
lib lob fucc boi spotted
That's not true. Simple earth and wooden frame bomb shelters the japs used survived the blast in Hiroshima only 100 yards away from the epicenter.

Obviously with newer more powerful nukes you'd have to be further away, but a decent shelter can certainly withstand the shockwave.
nukes detroit, improvement.
Population centers that are tied into FEMA camps.
because they lose the ability to cool......
Literally nobody cares about Canada. We are an irrelivant shekel farm with no culture.
>Comparing to modern nuclear payloads
To destroy all Resources
answers for this??
that would be a reason for them NOT to nuke it

well yeah but usually you nuke something to stop their ability to wage war, not just kill as many people as possible

detroit and miami don't really have that many resources. I can see nuking like newark, NJ and other still relevant rustbelt cities
The Metro Detroit population is 4.2 million. Its all suburbs and can be geared up for war production quickly.
Have fun with surrendering to the Chinese.
> Tfw okie
> Tfw still in fallout range of tulsa
> Tfw you go with the liberals
You have a lot of young men and women those areas fit for military service.
Wouldn't that debris potentially damage the missiles at their launch too? The warheads are hardened but the missile engines are not.
>tfw live in NY
>tfw live in an area which would be the primary target of a nuclear strike
>tfw Central America isn't any better because Yellowstone
I'm fucks
>Living in Harford, MD.
>Barely scrape by warheads.
yeah, i suppose
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>tfw too insignificant to be bombed
Nunavut ftw
Harford county*
Why do random parts of northern michigan have dots?
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>tfw you live in a small country you probably gonna be affected if nuke hit us.
although there is more chance we strike nukes before we will get hit.
Houston here, am fucked. If I go back home to wichita Falls, still fucked.
>all those nukes near Detroit
The city already looks like the aftermath of a nuclear attack, you can even see ghouls running around east side Detroit.
good question...maybe military airbases? I think they're's a huge air force training center in the middle of nowhere-upper michigan.
That feel when you live in irrelevant beutiful buffalo ny and you'd still get hit with 3 nukes even in a 500 nuke scenario
>don't you wish you had gay pride parades, jews, massive amounts of niggers, poverty, dirty air, cramped living conditions, terrible traffic, no nature, retarded gun laws, liberal degenerates, high living costs, asshole people, and no neighborly connections like I do?? *le smug lefty face*

It's ok Jeromandarius. Someday those projects will be complete and your EBT will flow like water.
I'm actually kind of glad to be in the center of a blast zone. My death would be much better than the radiation sickness from the remaining fallout like the rest of the cucks get.
I need to move to Idaho

I just hope it happens in fall or deep winter. Strong sustained North Winds to push the fallout into the hill country and not where i live

The entire UP just doesn't matter apparently
Camp Grayling is the main training facility for the Michigan National Guard and is the largest US National Guard training facility in the USA.

That black dot in Northern Michigan is Grayling.
>tfw Oklahoma and irrelevant
>tfw still getting nuked because of Tinker Air Force Base
also no way they are manage to hit all 500 nukes, because US gonna nuke them also
ma nigga
Or the UP of michigan. You could go full innawoods in either place
won't you still get hit by fallout or some shit? No dak and monnytana goin get raped
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Large population centers.

500 warheads scenario is a second retaliatory strike, once you have already fired all your nukes on us and destroyed large portion of our missiles, so the idea is to cause maximum damage with limited remaining nukes.
Israel you have thousands of nukes
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Is there american bases in Israel?
Grayling Army Airfield is located at Camp Grayling and includes 70 helicopter tiedown pads as well as two 5,000 ft (1,500 m) runways capable of handling C-130 and C-17 aircraft.[4]

Each year, Camp Grayling schedules training for over 20,000 military personnel from National Guard units from Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, and Ohio, as well as regular Army and Reserve units.
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The entire Israel is an american military base.
Why San Luis Obispo?
Because with no other major cities, Detroit would become a booming industrial city once more.
UP is really ugly though up there, it would get fallout too

Idaho is beautiful

no nogs

no wonder survivalists all go to idaho
space coast area, right next to nasa
i'm probably fucked
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It's the other way around.
Makes me want to move to Eureka. I can avoid the nukes and the fallout will be heading east, plus it'll be comfy hanging out by the coast and the redwoods.
>Conservatives pay way more taxes than liberals
>Liberals consume much more welfare
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iirc from old cold war shit we learned about in middle school most of the east coasts shipping cities are GG, as well as an assload of central cities/stations, stuff relating to norad/distant early warning systems, and industrial centers that could be used to assist america/NATO's allies in rebuilding.

Russians didn't think it would be smart blowing up everyone else and leaving a potential industrial powerhouse like canada in a situation where it could capitalize on being the last man standing

my hometown in northern alberta has a sealed off fallout shelter that would have been one of the places we hid government folk in case of an emergency, my mom used to work for a telecom company and had loads of diagrams for it in the 80's
In your cavalier attitudes about nukes and your desires for racist fever/fantasy, you all forget that there is only one Earth and not the infinite nuked-out varieties offered in spontaneous colors of your choosing. You poor, ignorant, misguided kids. You believe in cartoons so much you want to forget about reality.
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Are you dumb? California has by far the most military installations and provides the most troops of any state. Plus, San Diego houses the American pacific fleet. I'd say that's pretty fucking significant.

Ive heard the Emergency Alert System test a lot more frequently. It cut into Shep Smith on SiriusXM yesterday now that I think about it.

Is something big about to happen?
California is also one of the busiest commercial and industrial shipping zone in the us. From a nuclear strategy standpoint vaporizing California is a solid call.
state flags when?

so all the ohio shitposters get outted
Even if the entire world ganged up on us we'd still win unless we were the aggressors. Feels good to be the king.

A country looking to fuck with the United States would most likely try to blow up a nuke on a west coast port. They'd never be able to do much more than that.
>Implying political parties will survive when the world's population is struggling to find food
this desu
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Looks more like anyone living anywhere that's not literally innawoods will be wiped out. Rofl.
">implying they could"
Still a decent amount of industry in akron-canton-youngstown.
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What is the average power of most common nukes nowadays? I'd guess something around 10 Mt?

How much nukes is there approx in the world?
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Uhhh this is really scary. My billionaire family just bought a home in Idaho and sent me "I hope you have a good year!" earlier.

Why me? I'm the smartest and most genetically well-off member of the family. Fuck these fucking people for not inviting me to the promised land.
I wish they would already
All your military bases are fucking useless after all the infrastructure has been destroyed.
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Wait, nm. They're in the Spokane blast zone. Rofl, get fucked, riches!
>Ad hominem
theres a nuclear site near Asheville
Diversionary tactic right here. Admit it, nuclear is inherently deadly in a WW3 scenario.
>asked you
Bwrs are shit tier reactors
Sure. A BWR is a deathtrap if left alone. Wasn't talking about bwrs, though.

Uh nonono, we're full.
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From several hundred Kt to 1-2 Mt per warhead. It's better to drop several smaller ones in several areas than a single big one in one spot.
Just watch out for mutants, nazis, communists and dark ones.
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Nevada fag here, it's nice up there
whys there so many dots near helena, bismarck and cheyenne
you have to go back
more like /ctr/
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>live in the Rockies and literally immune from nukes, Earthquakes, tornadoes, volcanoes, invasion, biological attack, ect.
>worst I get is a light blizzard every year
>still have built a thick bomb shelter with a long entryway so trying to storm the only way in or out would be suicide regardless of number

When did Horsey change his name?
underground storage of strategic weapons
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i live in a shithole, but at least i can be sure that no nuclear missile is pointing at me
Edmonton was nuke target central back in the early Cold War. We even have a few decomissioned bunkers and the insane Namaio air strip.
Shit you by Cold Lake by any chance?
Most common is as the Russian said 100-500kt for general targets. Up to 5Mt for some hardened targets, I think the Soviets had a 18-25Mt bunker buster back in the day.

Tsar Bomba was more a autistic show of force when the Americans started showing off "cleaner more accurate" warheads. Soviets were like "cannot into the accurate, make so bomb can land two states away and still take target out"
Nice meme. Tsar Bomba was plane dropped so it wasn't about accuracy about dick waiving contest and testing new technology that vastly increased the yield.
Saving for Memetic Warfare purposes.
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