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What will the UNternet will look like on Saturday?

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In less than 2 days, the keys of the Internet will be handed over to the wise and benevolent hands of the U.N.

How will they "manage" their Internet? What countries should they appoint to ensure a multiculturaly equitable and state-approved order?
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I'll start:

Germany will be tasked with ensuring free speech.
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Sweden will provide State approved porn.
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China will protect UNternet security and ensure online privacy.
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India will handle customer service and promote good web hygiene.
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Canada will share responsibility with Australia to provide quality posting to UNternet forums.
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Australia will be banned from UNternet
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The US will contract Correct The Record to fact check all blogs, tweets and posts on the UNternet.
The new UN chairman will be bulgarian woman, so the corruption will make the internet absolutely no control free zone, you wont need deep web even,
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Saudi Arabia will monitor human rights, paying special attention to women and gays.
The brazilians will make sure that no UNternet agents are involved in any sort of corruption scandals.
are those books?
New Zealand will continue being irrelevant
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Belgium will promote healthy lifestyle on the UNternet.
What makes you think you own it? It's a privilege. Never forget.
Yes, but it's OK. They contained "hate speech" and dissenting opinions about immigration.
> US education
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I'm with you! The United Nations is an effective and trustworthy organization that is free of corruption and political bias.
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Mexico will police the UNternet and eliminate illicit online drug sales.

This likely wont be up anymore
If your American you should be doing this

>and ensure online privacy.
Nah, that'll still be your job, we all know you're the BEST at it
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>don't browse /pol/ for 2 months, couldn't even handle going outside due to hitting rock bottom
>things have been getting better this past week
>decide to browse /pol/ again
>see this
>desperately try not to become an hero

I had no fucking idea that this was going on. The mainstream media is silent about this because the control of the internet would push the narrative that they're writing about. It all comes full circle.
None of my friends knew about this. Nobody is aware of the effect this could have on internet privacy and freedom of speech.

This world is FUCKING insane. It's bad enough seeing what's happening to your own country, and then realising what is happening in other first world nations.
I feel like things will never get better, that I've passed the age of a society where people like me could actually fit into and not be casted aside as "racists" and "islamophobic".

This got off-topic but fuck, I don't know how much crazy I can sustain without turning crazy myself.
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Japan will monitor child pornography
>it's a /pol/ doesn't understand how the Internet works episode
Welcome to the NWO! No, you can't wake up from this utopia.
They'll just shut it down, and then the memeing autists will have no more distractions to keep them from forming right wing death squads.

They're gonna be begging for people to go back to making Nazi frog cartoons.
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Greece will provide financial oversight of the UNternet.
But you're the one who knows best about pronouns and misogyny! How would the interenet fare without your expert guidance, US?

And here I thought that'd be your job too!

You know? I'd say you just want to slack off, that was going to be my job! So I guess I'm doing it pretty well, thank you US!
Britain will provide tasty snacks.
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>mfw UNternet
hopefully they'll delete /pol/ off the face of the Earth and I can go back to living in the real world.
>with the addition of knowing Adolf Hitler was the savior of mankind
>How will they "manage" their Internet?
The same way they manage everything else - at the behest of anita sarkesian
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Spain will abstain from the UNternet due to a constant state of being triggered. he Iberian Peninsula will become a massive "safe space"
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Israel will head the UNternet Ethics Committee.
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Unternet Email will be managed by Nigeria.
UN or US, WHO cares? Nothing will change dude
Malawi will provide backup power to ensure an interruption free UNternet browsing experience.
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Sigmund Freud and Das Kapital
North Korea will control the UNternet News Service.
It was mostly Austrian economics shit and pornography. Don't listen to the autists.
omg you're so funny op

kill yourself
The FemNet
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The Vatican will contribute to keeping ISIS off the UNternet.
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op photo reminds me of this
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BLM International will handle race relations.
all things must pass before our blessed savior comes back to bring us to our Father. Seek Jesus Christ!
So what you're telling me is we're completely fucked big time?
I wonder whatever happened to this guy. You think he's still pro BLM?
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>/pol/ doesn't know how the internet works thread #134324
it will look like it does in Best Korea which is a good thing.. 4 chins? Gone. Only proper thoughts and tolerant speech allowed.

any and every hateful bigoted racist statement will be blocked and the authors rightly hunted down and exterminated..

Thank you Saint Barack for freeing the world of the oppression of White People and their undeserved privilege
I'm sure that he found it an "enriching" experience!
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kek'd pretty hard at this.
It's pretty obvious what will happen once you break the cage that is containing most of your opposition, they will strike.
Then please explain to us oh enlightened one.
I wonder that, too. I just tried searching for some recent stories about him, but no luck.

Really, it would be interesting to hear any pro-BLM being a victim of a protester in that movement, or a pro-open borders being mugged/raped/generally assaulted by an immigrant.

I know someone in the USA who got shot by a wannabe gangmember from across the street. He was not affiliated with them in any way; the bullet had missed the intended taget and hit him instead.
He was pro-gun before the incident, and after some reflecting, he is still pro-gun afterwards.

But how many victims could say the same thing?
Are you amerifags spaming it on everywhere you can at least?
>desu as a gay man Trump scares me more than muslim refugees

Never even met someone from meme-yria

Probably never will
But you know who I have met?

Tons of ignorant fucking niggers, spics, and rednecks (the white nigger) telling me how to live my life

Why not let hillary rule the world if I benefit from it? Literally zero incentive for me to vote for trump besides unsubstantiated claims that every politician will make till the end of time.

>going with the lozard brain this time, sorry /pol/
IANA has been working under ICANN under a government contract since 1998. All that's happening is that ICANN (a nonprofit incorporated in Cali) is taking over the contract. The "Internet" or more accurately the DNS naming system is being (even more) privatized. The UN has nothing to do with it.
>not participating in weekly book burnings

website.com = x.x.x.x ip address
a DNS converts website.com to ip

they could block website.com from working,but ip will still work
What is the potential impact of this? Are we looking at internet censorship or does it not really matter?
Maybe this is a good thing, when 4chan is kill I can live my life normally.
It looks like the UNternet has started a couple of days early.
There is no functional change. It's largely a technicality. If ICANN wanted to censor the Internet, whatever that means, this change doesn't enable them to do so anymore than they already can.
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>ISIS will preside over the elimination of online human rights abuses
I tried to get on 4chan using the IP this morning and it was blocked.

Neat, thanks guys.
cloudfare issue. takes 2 seconds to remove ccloudfare if 4chan wanted
>pic related

seems excessive
i thought 4chan was completely hosted by cloudfare.
>In less than 2 days, the keys of the Internet will be handed over to the wise and benevolent hands of the U.N.

That's not how it works
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The U.N. is horribly broken and often does the opposite of what the organization was intended to do.
It really is (probably) nothing, but there is a lot of room for abuse.
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Maybe it's a good thing. The internet never was any damn good...
The UN has literally nothing to do with this.
Fuck I forgot about this.
What a cuckold pope. Does he think licking some mudslime nig's toes is going to make Islam suddenly change its core tenets?
Their feet need to be washed before entering the mosque. What a thoughtful gesture!
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memes aside, is there any chance that 4chan could get deleted ?
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Explain that.
Can confirm.

But I don't understand why DailyMail had allowed this to happen, considering what kind of content they post.
It's not going to change immediately. It'll be once the UN starts to censor "hate speech" that you'll notice websites removing content or getting blocked.

>The UN Unveils Plan Pushing For Worldwide Internet Censorship

>UN Calls for Worldwide Online Censorship

>United Nations resolutions justify censorship

>U.N. Rights Council Backs 'Censorship' Watchdog, Elevates U.S. Foes

>A club of censors at the United Nations

>The UN Wants To Censor The Entire Internet To Save Feminists’ Feelings

>US hypocrisy on free speech at United Nations

>Can the United Nations really tax and censor the Internet?
I don't think the government asked for their permission.
This along with a UN global police force is looking pretty good for a one world government. Hillary being first world president is just icing on the cake.
Relax /pol/ is way to illiterate to know what's going on. The only thing that will change is that domain management will be transferred from a shady CIA controlled US private company to a transparent agency under the branch of Unit Standardization in the UN.
If anything this is a good development.
What does the World Health Organization have to do with this?
Shit is fucked up. Global censorship and persecution.
Good God! Welcome to the hate-free future.
Well who knows, but thank you and fuck you for the red pill, /pol/.
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This makes a lot of sense, the US had power over the internet for as long as it was running, there is no way they didn't have any means to use it for their own good.
He goes by the name "Ben Garrison" now.
Nothing will be noticeable immediately

eventually all voices of dissent against a one world government and powerful central entity manned by SJW bureaucrats will be culled, censored, shadow banned, misdirected, destroyed. Literally the entire internet will become Reddit.
Why the fuck isn't this trending? i remember when SOPA was a big deal
We get fucked and most of us will be baned from the internetz
It's not getting any press coverage in the States. Ted Cruz has been one of the few voices calling against it. It has been public knowledge for a long time, but nobody's paid it any attention.
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Maybe, but at least there will be no Reddit!
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>congress overturns presidential veto on suing saudi arabia for 9/11
>doesn't veto this


>seems excessive

It's about sending a message. Mexicans are even more fucked up then ISIS in many regards.
Poland will maintain the Domain Name Server.
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No, it cannot be.

Their job is to fill every free spot in every team- or PvP game forever.
picture is not mexico
you have real mexican violence that is way better.
My bad. The cartels are ISIS-tier. They over-achieve at making their point.
Better in the hands of the UN than the US.
did you see the latest?
the guy with no face and no hands, still alive.
>The cartels are ISIS-tier.
depends on your taste. ISIS is too hollywood for me, Cartels' more arthouse/documentary style is more aligned with my sensibilities.
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Probably the same. And then in 6 months to a year they'll start taking things down once we've forgotten all about it.

It will be the new norm if you let it be.
Do they make their military cyber autists wear helmets? To what end?
Except the UN would be better than a separate and non-accountable entity like ICANN. At least people are paying attention to what the UN tries to do.
Hard drive crash
US constitution is much more straight forward than that clusterfuck of conflicting interests and contradicting regional legislations.
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