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Lol no one lives in the red part

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Thread replies: 279
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Lol no one lives in the red part
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Taiga people
South along the Trans-Siberian is pretty inhabited.
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Tambov here guys, there is no live either after that big stone has falled on vivec.
South is inhabitated too. Khanty-Mansiysk is where Russians have most of their oil
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But the question is... Would you go there if Putin gives you free land, job and a qt waifu?
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i live there
Are you afraid of Chink invasion?

Also, what's the internet quality there?
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Nigga you w0t? You live there? Isnt that place a big swamp (shreks swamp) full of salmon n shit
Basically the South of Siberia consists of very big cities divided by emptiness - like planets in space.

Vladivostok is a decently large port city.

If it weren't there, then overland shipping from China would be retardedly expensive.
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in russia internet ok cuz it's free market and no monopolies like in usa. here's all cost like in moscow or more (internet as well).
it's home land for some tungus people. Korean nationalist think it belongs to them (pic). same as chinese.
well I like korea, japan and china and other asian, so they're nice ppl (better then skittles). and we don't have a lot of them(!) still 90%+ slavs.
What is the border like with North Korea?
At the tip of the dick! Nice!
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260 km on car to n'korean boarder. it's sucks cuz they test their bombs in east part of korea, so it's very close
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I just took this from Street View right on the Russia-North Korea border.
not sure. probably it's chinese tower. there's chinese boarder also
It must be very strange to live so close to that regime
Yeah, just double checked and it's Chinese. That part of the map is right on an intersection of China, Russia, North Korea.

There's a little Russian town there and I'm wondering how many of those people make their living by smuggling.
we have north korean workers (constructions) here that's probably all. vietnamese are micro traders, chinese are traders and tourists.
connections are not often.

such boarders controlled by Federal Security Service and may be army. so it's hard to say now
For exaple in EastPrussia (Kaliningrad now) it's very common, cuz there's EU
How could does it get? Is it expensive to live there?
So Russian construction firms are paying the North Korean government for slave labor? kek
yeah, in european russia cheaper. also bad that delivery from south China goes to Moscow or Ural and after that to us. here's only 2m (in admin.region) and only 600-800k in city. low profits to businesses. Russian corruption in city also increase cost of living.

most foreign labour forces come from Central Asia, where people may know russian language. because korea kinda close some people work here. don't know how about Nkorean, but centralasians come by themselves or they invites private bussinesses.
How free is the market in Russia?
Mostly free and not regulated outside the biggest vital/strategic companies?
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What is East Russia like?

Is there good fertile soil and woodland? What's the terrain like? the climate?

It wheat, rice, or corn the staple?

Could a man buy a piece of land and start a farm?

What does the average person look like? slavic or chinky?

Do you interact with the mongols and khazaki's amd others?
Fuck off Americunt, I live near Baikal lake.
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Yes if waifu is like her.
You probably don't speak Russian. She is retarded as fuck.

Real soon now African famine will be blamed on global warming. Of course the fault of whites, having nothing to do with their non stop breeding. Jews will then try to force Europe and Russia into taking in the niggers fleeing their failed continent using that as an excuse.

This is one of the main aims of the Global Warming narrative.
>start a farm
totally not recommended
East is mostly taiga woodlands with very cold winters, so its may be easier to start a woodcutting company if you can get a permission. But the corruption probably will eat your business alive
it's free oficially, but in fact the 70% of economics are controlled by the state somehow
you can face with local corrupted administration (executives/legislatives/police/etc) who may be interested in your business (if it's very profitable). In smaller cities it's very possible. All smth small like firefight services for licence would like to take a bribe or shit with tax. also registrations and licenses very complicated

like 80%+ are russians, many small ethnic groups like buryats (northern tribe of mongol) or yakuts (turkic ppl). some like tuvans live in almost monoethnic region, others mixed. in west siberia it's flatland and in northwest siberia (where main oil and netural gas sources) are swamps like ( iguess), in east sibera very common mountains and highlands.

she's phd in мyp-мyp-мyp,
I can tell how she is without understanding what she says :D I meant only looks.
there was an land giveaway couple of years ago, but you had to organise a company or a business on that land. No waifu included

So basically your economic system is like the rest of the World.
You just need to officially accept bribe at this point.
So wait, why don't people live there? Is the terrain just impossible to build on?
Please forgive my American education on the matter.
Well, she just playing like that, but she is still retarded, cause its pathetic way to make money.
this. internet whore.
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that dude (Justus Walker) from us was start his farm in siberia, dunno how's it now
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>yfw living in the middle of Saha
It isn't even because of their breeding. They're simply too stupid to farm. Whites try to teach them but after they leave they immediately drop all the tools, eat the seeds and go back to chasing rats. They're like children.
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It's really hard to build in some parts of eastern russia because the land is frozen down to 500 meters deep. But its okay in the southern parts, and there are some big cities like vladivostok or irkutsk
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sending you a 100 pizzas right now /b/rother :DDD
There is no feels there. Only cold, deers, vodka and buryats
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explain yourself
Vladivostok looks nice.
did'nt vote lol
my home votestation sity to far from my living sity so fuck this
No it does not.
Commie block central.
Commie blocks need to be put down with missiles, they are a crime against humanity.
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Though both sides now deny the offer ever happened, when the Soviet Union collapsed and Russia was desperate for hard currency, the US has a chance to buy Siberia for two trillion dollars. Both countries would have been better off for it but the US didn't trust Russia to not undermine the US in development of its new territories and obviously many in the power circles of Russia saw the deal as a humiliating blow to national pride.
Siberia and Far East are white majority. Europeans took the land from native people and settled there. Kinda like America.
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Give back Karelian clay
nah, its too nice there. The nature is beatifull
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So how underfunded is eastern Russia compared to western? Like is the quality of public services (schools, hospitals, transport, roads etc) worse or at the same level?

Also does it look old like the soviet union or is was there at least some modernization in the cities? Like Vladivostok is pretty close to the asian hubs so surely it has received a good amount of investment.
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I still don't understand why. What is so hard about a 'h'?
tradition. in some dialects ‘Г“ (g) pronounce like 'h' (in southern dialects). In modern ukranian i.e
Novosibirsk also looks nice.
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So much empty land...new white nation?
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There are only woodcutting and lumberjack schools

There are only shamans and witchdoctor-like healers who treat things like cancer and heart disease with pine needles and prayer

There's one railroad, with a train that comes through once a month

There is only a cut path through the forest designed to accommodate donkey carts and horse-drawn wagons

Kaliningrad here. Confirmed for Army at the borders. We don't want your smelly refugees sneaking in.

And yes of people live in the red part. Altais are a beautiful part of the world. But mostly it is bears and mosquitos and freezing cold.
Just bantering. It's all in the past bros
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This place full of oil and gas. My work
>There are only shamans and witchdoctor-like healers who treat things like cancer and heart disease with pine needles and prayer.
Doesn't sound much different than Western medicine, then. Doctors like to pretend they know a lot, but really we're still in the dark on much. They kill people all the time just doing what they learned to do. You have to remember that Doctors "practice" medicine - it doesn't mean they're very good at it, but they're practicing.

We don't want you. Its not good farmland or fertile soil. It is clay and mud, and short growing seasons. It would be like farming in your Tundra.
How is it having Putin as a leader? In the U.S. I learn that he's a dictator but I want to hear an honest opinion from someone credible
>peoples of the north
Who are these peoples and what do they do?
go to google street view and educate yourself
russia not divided by west-east, but moscow>st.peterburg>bigcities>mediumcities>smallcities>villages. If your city hasn't big natural resources it's kinda same. Farther from moscow - shittier. if you have resources or industries or port - a lil bit better
So when a foreigner says "hey" they might mistake it for "gay"?

Not really how it happened, no. Stalin sent ethnic Russians east, and they could never come back. Industrial cities popped up because of State Socialism. Really nothing like what you said basement dweller.
eskimo, tungus, samoyed etc - hunting, fishing (no quotes)
Mongol reindeer herders most likely
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It's "border", Russiabro. I'm actually planning on moving to Vladivostok. Пpивeт.

My understanding is that it's actually pretty much freer than the West but Russians don't realize it because they actually give a fuck about their problems, but there is significant nationalization regardless. I've done my research into everything.

How often do you actually need to bribe officials? Is it just like a $100 (or 6000 ruble) bribe whenever you want the govt to do something, sometimes bigger bribes for bigger govt services (like the $10000 "fee" I had to pay to the police for being arrested and then released without any charges a few years ago, or the $2000-ish in fees to invent something), or is it like you've literally got cops hassling your ass every day for cash?
no. i said it's tradition for names like Hitler or MannHeim, Hanover or smth
German "h" is harder than Russian "h" (х) but softer than Russian "g" (г). So some words are translated with Г, because it sounds more essential and nice.
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Yakuts, Chukchi, etc. Native tribal population. The only things they do are deer herding and hunting.
If you put in a request you can receive a hectare of land in the East. Don't need to be a citizen, just express intent to become one.

The regional government provide certain services or utilities based on the population density of each area, need 20 people/100 acres for full services.
*more natural
live in Irkutsk
Sort of northern mongols, they live their old nomadic lives, the only innovation - vodka, they love it even more then we do, they ride once or twice a year to some town. stay for several days in tents, sell their northern deer stuff, buy vodka, gasoline and then go away.
Is it nice?
Do you get comfy heavy snow in the winter?
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I'd live there if I weren't surrounded by peasant Slavs and stone age Mongols. Siberia is goat and the most underrated region in the world
Was this before the finn war?
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No! Give Viipuri back.

t. Törni's ghost
>they ride once or twice a year to some town. stay for several days in tents, sell their northern deer stuff, buy vodka, gasoline and then go away.
I wish our natives were based like this

They never go away, they block highways and disturb construction, although they do love booze
Min izobb int foxx il liba ommok?
some businessman gave example that some govt services has a "fine tax” so they just came to your shit and if cannot find any violation so they told you - wrote in protocol anything we just need X money.
In other cases just % from value of good for faster solution of your import.
When you will come?

no, it's korean nationalists' dreams.
rus-korean, rus-chinese borders were the same from 1860 when Manchu dynasty gave it land to us (Primorsky kray region)
never heard of it till today. Outside of Novosibirsk and Omsk we never get info on the interior
They sound so tame.
Yes, it's really comfy here during winter and snow. Night or evening snow is especially comfy.
also you need a counter, tax laws are difficult and always changing. no one in tax service will help you. All what they want and need more money from taxed, fines,etc
Nice cherrypicking, most of Siberian cities are shitholes especially during the winter (cold+ruined ecology).
But yeah, Irkutsk seems a little better for it's heritage.
what is myp?
Did you ever hear about Baikal?
A domestic cat purring in russian
meow - мяy (mya-uh)
Some districts are really shit.
Have had this strange vague urge to travel to eastern russia ever since i played kholat and looked up the trans siberian railway. I might be a tad bit naive but the Idea of traveling across siberia and visiting that island on lake baikal for ex. seems so comfy. And all the mystic stuff with shamanism, steppes and that out of place dune-desert north of baikal.
I live in there
Howdy neighbour
I guess they are. Never heard about any sort of trouble with them.
pretty sure I have read lightly about it in a Nation Geographic.
Learned about it in school. World's deepest lake right?
There are a few ugric tribes in the very north.
In the south there are 1.3 billion Chinese who are just waiting to swarm into this space.
The fact that China hasn't done this already is kind of puzzling. They try to do politics by changing the demographics very successfully, i.e. in Tibet and Inner Mongolia (where the Uiguric people live).
They also are very influential in Central Asia (Kasachstan, Kirgistan, *-stan) which are directly south of the Russian heartland.
Central Asia is going to be a very interesting area in the future. And the very eastern parts of Russia are in grave danger of falling into the Chinese sphere of influence at some point. It's just a matter of time until Russia is week and the chinks see their chance. Russian settlements in this far away places didn't really get off. Other than Vladivostok and 2 or 3 other cities it didn't work.
That sounds just like in the US, only our officials are lazier so they often just sit around at work and masturbate instead of extracting bribes.

I'm not certain, since I don't know Russian well enough to move yet, but I'm at least getting into better financial shape for my move, seemingly. Probably one or two years, depending on how long the waiting list is for Primorsky of all regions. Might also go to Khabarovsk or Magadan.
>Some districts are really shit.
More likely few district are okay, the re st are shit.
varlamov(DOT)ru-best russian blogger and photographer. Search his livejournal and see, that all russia is alive. Fucked up, but alive.
I doubt Russia will ever be weak enough to end up ceding territory to China. Any Chinese aggression on Russian territory could trigger a nuclear response.
moi soboleznovaniya
DS2 pidor.
just wanted to translate with context, like people here would go 'meow, meow' when imitating cats instead of 'purr purr', while in Russian I'm pretty sure 'мyp мyp' is preferred to 'мяy мяy'.

or maybe i read your first post wrong....
Are there any minorities in Russia that are particularly troublesome? Tatars or Caucasians?
>In the south there are 1.3 billion Chinese who are just waiting to swarm into this space.
Duide chinese hate Siberian climate and there is actually no need for them to go here, government already allow chinese compaines to buy oil and gas fields.
But if you fill all that space with people the land wins!
Do you have any pride at all?
there are tons of mail order brides from the red zone though
What's stopping you? Just buy a tour.
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>north of baikal

kek, north of baikal is taiga, try Tunka and Shumak(place in Sayan mountains, 3-5 days of walking), I could send photos, really strange place(mountains, buddihsm, shamanism, Buryats, Mongols, fucking Tibet).
Commieblocks are only bad because you can't build them and ride housing bubble at the same time so jews hate them.
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World's deepest and purest lake. ~50km from Irkutsk.
we both know, bro, that there is a lot of things, that could scare homo europus.

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>big swamp
Yeah, sort of.
That's a big country.
for you
Thankfully, global warming is slowly taking care of it.
This. Very agressive mooslims.

you should check this
polack hitchhiked from poland to far east siberia (magadan region) AND BACK having only 50$.
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Caucasians are the potential headache for Russia. But for now Kadyrov keeps them on a leash.
Caucasians mostly, then tartars, tuvins and yakuts. Minorities are generally fine, it's their leaders who are trying to start some shit.
Not big. Largest.
And try to understand our feelings, when we see it, lying in ruins, with all this sighns of former beauty and power.
And most of the people just sit on their asses and don't even moving finger to restore it.
Hate, ressentiment, existential reflexia, and vodka.
>magadan region
It's not Siberia.
My haplotype Q1b originated from that area and I want to visit. Are they friendly to white Americans?
Would it die if we took off the blue?
But he is Slav and speak Slavic language. Even if he would have problem they could squat and drink vodka to solve any tensions.
what do poles think about his travel? pretty impressive

technically everything eastern from Ural mountains is Siberia - Ekb, Novosib and Magadan.
yeah i know, thats far east, but he hitchiked THROUGH siberia
novosibirsk, irkutsk, road of bones etc. That is Siberia. He encountered much shamanism shit
>And most of the people just sit on their asses and don't even moving finger to restore it.
>i-i-it's all reflexia and vodka's fault
Says favela country.
It's Far East.
It would be extremely painful
Warum ist das Bild auf deutsch beschriftet?
I think it should all be considered part of Canada.
Meant this chara sands or whatever its called.. wierd having dunes so far north
Those fuckers will try to fool you and sell overpriced goods. It's better to don't travel without someone Russian-speaking.
looks so fucking comfy
Well, don't compare based polak and pussy sweden.
Don't know, found it in google.
>if I weren't surrounded by peasant Slavs and stone age Mongols
what's wrong with those? I'd love to live among them
No fault. Consequence.
Ages of slavery is not good for psychology and mentality. Especially in christian moral and values.
What kind of
Gingerbread village is that?
>what do poles think about his travel? pretty impressive
yeah he has a lot of fans in the country
He did his second travel, he traveled to former USSR countries and to turkey, georgia, south ossetia, kazachstan, uzbekistan, mongolia, northern china, then went back to poland through russia.
He's next travel is "Tunguska operation" he wants to travel to middle northern siberia where in 1908 meteor fell.
All of those people have their own republics within the federation so for the most part do they not stick to their land?
China has own 70% of territory that is desert abd almost unpopulated. They dont need to change one unfriendly environment to other. Why would Chinese move to Syberia, where they can move to big megapolises in china where they more likely to find work and prosper?
Where is Crimea on that map?
Lol, never heard about this. It's fucking strange and mystical.
>I could send photos, really strange place(mountains, buddihsm, shamanism, Buryats, Mongols, fucking Tibet).
pls do
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Should I look into this program? I've seen this poster around and I'm curious bout trying it. Never minding the Americlap education claiming the bottom three cities are in Russia (they aren't), if I did do this where should I go?

tl;dr Should I consider going to Russia?
>Ages of slavery
Oh you poor idiot, people didn't restore it because it's useless and too heavy for them. Shit because of overpopulation Siberia is fucking financial black hole for our budget while it was supposed to be our one big gold mine.
Don't be deluted all this "old glory" was just Soviet dreams and fantasies and they are dying just as it should be.
They will try to rip-off you sometimes, but you are rich so it's fine.
Unless you get in trouble with some bandits everything will be ok, and with bandits it doesn't matter if you are WASP, nigger or russian.
Where are Irkustk and Yakustk? Did Risk lie to me?
i want to learn chinese, because, well, they're fucking everywhere

but is russian a good investment of my time too? i plan on spending a little bit of time there in the furutre, and if there's a market for industrial watercraft i might just do business up there one day
>my dad works for Nintendo :^)
>Duide chinese hate Siberian climate
The chinese has forcefully settled people in Xinjiang to get this shit under control. The Chinese government doesn't give a flying fuck about indiviual interest of its citizens.
Slavs have moved away from these places in droves since the fall of the Soviet Union. Kasachstan was 75% white, now it's less than 25%.
You should consider your strategic interest in that region carefully, Ivan. The Chinese are ruthless. Don't let your guard down.

Russia is weak. Don't make a mistake. They act tough and shit but they have only 130m people and the GDP of Italy. China is a monster and there are already tons of illegal immigrants from central asia pouring into Russia (like 6 million of them).
They spill out cause life exists only in moscow, try to oppress local russian and stir shit by demanding more money or separatism now. Only causacassians are sort of real trouble, others are mostly bunch of whinny assholes.
>You should consider your strategic interest in that region carefully, Ivan. The Chinese are ruthless. Don't let your guard down.
You are fucking idiot they doesn't need to starts "muh colonisation" here, they can just buy all good pieces and all.
What the fuck you live in the same town as my ex girlfriend. Tell Alina I still have her ipod пoжaлoиcтa
made me kek
Cтpaдaй, пидop.
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>Only causacassians are sort of real trouble,
Whatever you say Vanya.
who are the "Peoples of the north"?
Chukchis and the like?
>meme pictures
Oh fuck! Sorry, my master-r...
Various mongoloid tribes.
In China's mind their country is much larger than what it currently is. Up until the 1980s, I think, all Chinese maps showed Mongolia as a inalienable part of China. They also think that Kirgistan and parts of Kasachstan (Almaty, up to the Balchasch lake) are part of their country.
And of course they don't want to have to pay you when they want these resources.
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Shumak. There are hundreds of different water springs with different taste and chemical composition of water. Strange statue and tapes on trees everywhere
This. Do rusnon
>Russian in Russia
>Kiev Odessa Riga
They know.
ti ohuel, ja tut jivu
>Kiev, Odessa, Riga
Lol. Hohols and latvians on suicide watch.

Well, you can try, but I have no idea how it'll work out. Moscow/StP/Kazan is a must if you are so interested in Russia, Irkutsk - dunno, novosib, petrozavodsk, vladivostok - definitely no, boring places. Riga is pretty much generic german city, only poor.
Just go in Moscow and from there anywhere, it's close, you can visit Kazan/StP on weekend and see everything.
Do real Russians live in blue area (minus Caucasus)? Is this an accurate border of when people stop looking white and blond and start looking like Mongols?
Always dreamed in retirement to move somewhere in Syberia in "comfort" wilderness, having a cottage with internet and maybe a day car ride to city. But from what i gathered, its not very comfy to actually live like that - the issues are too many, from cold, moving building materials and fuel, electricity to criminality.
So this place is also some weird sort of Slav sanctuary?
>Saint Petersburg on weekend
>see everything
Weak bait. You wouldn't see everything in a year.
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Shumak 2.
иди нaхyи. Communism isnt my first language Ivan.
pycни пoлoн тpeд
>they can just buy all good pieces and all.
Seriously? You think that's a good outcome?
They could cut you off from the Pacific as well.
Who's the idiot here, Ivan? I'm just trying to give you some advice.
ok, Yusuf, we will be careful
criminality? I didnt even realize there were people in the Siberian countryside let alone thugs. Do you just have roaming gangs of bandits combing the countryside for weary travelers? If I moved there would I get to live my S.T.A.L.K.E.R. fantasies?
why is map in ukranian
Buying land close to the borders is illegal for foreigners.
why not
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>no one lives in the red part
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In Siberia? lol no. This is something Buryat or Mongolian. Don't know is this buddhist things or shamanist.
Sort of mongol sanctuary
Like what? A day to look at center - Isaak, Cazan, savior on blood, Kronstadt, a day for petersgof. What else is there to see? Everything else is generic european stuff.
If i wonder the forest and mountains between Yakutsk and Baikal will i actually find the location aliens landed and created the first humans? Can i find a beam of energy there and walk into it joining the alien race in another dimention?
Why doesn't Russia have regional difference problems like Italy? There's no way people in this wide range of land have much in common.
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>Do you just have roaming gangs of bandits combing the countryside for weary travelers?
We do.
Thats the issue. There are little people, so essentially no law. The poachers, locals and just a drunk hunter with a gun can consider shortening the lives and fortunes of rich capitol slav moving into wilderness.

And the point is to live in wilderness, not areas around towns and magistrals. Though criminality is a smallest issue, since you can prepare for it and arm yourself. Its way too imcomfortable and costs too much to support yourself with fuel and electricity, especially as rural roads are likely to be unpassable half a year season. So its not exactly a cheap enterprise if you want to prepare good - actually just buying land somewhere around moscow in ecologically good areas is cheaper and less troubling.
no but you would probably get raped by a bear

Vladivostok in Primorskiy Krai has something like ~500k people
Culture of forced relocation and centralized education.
Good enough
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>Korjakija okrug still exist on this map on the far East
fuck, we literally had our own version of canadian flag with a deer for a leaf. And now its gone.
nope. no travelers. no gangs. nothing to eat
Lie! Bears do not rape!
Such design cause cuckery.
Nah, the Transsiberian railway is alive and well.
Museums, theaters, thousands of them. Hermitage alone can take you years to see everything. Canals, bridges, famous places.
and what is your flag and gerb? Some inanimate object and some stupid animal?
We're all Russians, like you are all Americans.
let's just say there's a reason why St. Petersburg won the best European tourist destination or something two years in a row.
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weird russky flay time?
colonization starts like 400 years ago and a source was russian core, later ukraine, belarus. In ussr was language unification. just a few examples of race mixing - Kamchadals and Sakhalyar (Caхaляp \ (sakha lang- бaahынaй). Before Ussr you could change religion, so buddhist tribes of buryats was separate. some other little tribes were killed or assimilated.
Close. A fucking deer and mine
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This isn't Reddit leaf.

>could change religion,

i mean could Not
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This isn't tumblr either, britbong

Maybe you should go back to either or both
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I understand the symbolism, but admit it, he looks like some fucked up kitten
This is the one that always made me shake my head in disbelief

Somewhere in (basically) Russia, people are seriously identifying with this flag
>implying fucking bears dividing fucking Plutonium isn't the most badass thing in the world
You mean Armenia. In Russia i bet 1 person out of 40 knows about this whole problem even in a slightest.
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I don't know much about pagans things but many people in Sayan are really weird. We met one man from moscow in that hike, drunk vodka all evening with him and he told many things about mountains, spirits, paranormal histories that happened with him in the wild, spirits of forest and same shit. We walked with him one day and then parted near buddhist temple in mountains because we walked faster. There are many strange places and things in that mountains. Fucking really Thibet in Siberia.
I want to adopt a cat and start stockpiling yarn immediately.

Too bad I won't.
no flag can be as badass as this czech gem

Maybe but the former Soivet Union is basically Russia, at least to Westerners
Favelas are not even 5% of the homes uneducated sharter in marter
Sounds like a nice adventure tbqfh
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>tfw no one from Novosibirsk in this thread

It'll start snowing in a few weeks. I miss runs for ice cream in the -10C weather; too bad I probably won't go back for a long time. How's life in Siberia these days Russian lads?
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Now, your stupid suburban subhuman life will never be able to compete with our good homes.
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oh, fix. Its not gone. As a par of region the flag still exists. Its just that no one lives there other than koryaks and they as good as dead even if they are alive.
Дeпpeccивныe виды.

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yeah, it was really good adventure. here is the best(in my opinion) photo from that hike
Nice landscapes
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There are places like from the video games. Lena Pillars for example.
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Born in Novosibirsk, Mom is from a village near Biysk, Dad is from a village near Khabarovsk. He remembers train cars loaded with tanks rolling by his village when the Chinese were chimping out in the 60s, the kids would trade the soldiers stolen vodka for tanker helmets to play hockey in. I still visit Novosibirsk and Altai regularly, but live in the Midwest.
>You think that's a good outcome?
Nope, it's just truth.
>They could cut you off from the Pacific as well.
Hans, you really idiot, I didn't mean "lol they just buy all land here" I say that they already have rights to buy all good places (oil fields for example).
What a shithole
Have you saw mountains of Altai? When i saw them i understood why some worshiped them as gods.
Russians do.
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If you insist Ahmed. I really enjoyed all the fresh food, sauna-ing, and generally cozy village atmosphere surrounded by fellow Slavs.
Yes we've taken road trips a number of times, I've climbed the Aktru Glacier. Absolutely breath taking. A beautiful and fairly untouched corner of the world.
I'd really like to visit it, probably at the top of the places I want to visit, no other place makes me as curious as to what goes on there
>I really enjoyed
>by living in the Midwest
Faggot shouldn't have fucked with Sheo.
I'm from Yekaterinburg and I've been to Tumen. Tumen is so cold they have trolleybus drivers patrol the streets and pick up drunks or they'll freeze to death overnight.

Also we export steel.
Lmao wtf
How would that be better for Russia?
Selling shit for pennies?
I thought the proper term was "quints".
my grandfather Senta is from Irkutsk
would love to visit some time
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An actual guy from Yakutia. Live in Yakutsk. Okayish city, but very dirty (fucking dust everywhere). We also got some weird architecture, I personally hate it.

Got a decent cheapo internet but the most fucked up thing is a shitty time zone (UTC +9:00). Basically, everything relevant happens in a middle of night. And ping is also killer, around 200 to Europe, pretty based to Japan, around 60 but it's very hard to fit in due to a language barrier.

Photo from a celebration of national holiday Yhyakh.
>An actual guy from Yakutia
it's untermench
I'm an absolute wanker and intend to go from the west to the east of Russia
Will I die?
Will ivans be able to speak basic English or do I have to learn Russian first
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>so much beautiful land
>ruled over by a people that don't deserve it

the mongols should have finished the job
>Will I die?
May be

>Will ivans be able to speak basic English
Will be talking about how I, and a little worse.
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I personally disagree with you, but I also see justified reasons for your opinion.

Also, our politicians are real shit tier, even by Russian standards, our region can be much more but It's corrupted to the core.
>I personally disagree with you
Of course you will disagree with me, but it changes nothing.
Nice. I'm going.
Huezilian is not afraid of anything
Thread makes me want to learn Russian

But that's a whole new alphabet.. ._.
Cyrillic is piss easy to learn
You can literally learn it in less than a day
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I am going to save this

some latters from hebrew - Ш (ש), Ц (צ)
and hebrew order - A (alef), Б (bet), B (vet), Г (ɡimel), Д (dalet), E (he) ... З (zajin)
What group is that?
some kind of nationalistic movement in republic of korea
I've been there anon. Feels like Canada desu. Fruit is expensive. Your women don't mind wearing see through clothing in the summer.
Thread posts: 279
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