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Aristotle was among the very smartest men who ever lived. Was

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Aristotle was among the very smartest men who ever lived.

Was he, dare I say it, our guy?
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How about Thomas Jefferson?
I could only wish that /pol/ would take up Aristotle.
But you're the barbarians.
Quisque est barbarus alio.
To Aristotle though, it is you.
no, that would be ME
Aristotle is one of the most seminal thinkers behind the Western civilization that spawned me.
To him, I would be a Greek.
>smartest men
>our guy

Pick one
I pick both.

Ancient Greeks had no interest in spreading their civilization to you.
They looked once, denounced you as barbarians and never bothered with you again.

Besides do you know why we were the 'Western' civilization? Because every other notable civilization was to our East. The Persians, the Assyrians, the Phoenicians, etc.
You... you were just barbarians, not a civilization.
>Was he, dare I say it, our guy?
Kill yourself, plebbit.

I opened up the politics at a random point and Aristotle claimed that wagies should not be given the vote because they dont have time to think
>he thinks classical Greeks referred to themselves as 'Western'

i am laffin
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Yeah, but you're just a fucking turk.
nordics BTFO
He fucked black slaves on the side and had kids with them
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If Aristotle was so smart, how come he is dead?
Everybody before the faggot enlightenment and french revolution was our guy
Just because you are a mongol doesn't mean we are too.
... and?
yep he also opposed the creation of central banks...
+ this

definitely "our" guy
>... because there is no difference.
Philosophers can talk about the most interesting shit but they can't figure out how to pay debts.

is greece a nation of autists?

Smart in one area but retarded at everything else?
>It was only after Christianity spread the Greco-Roman institutions and hellenistic religion and its values that the filthy barbarians got organized
Fucking called it.
>vargfags will attack this
>vargfags will think that vikings were more advanced than Romans
>implying he's dead
I feel bad for modern Greeks. You guys are raped of any respectable identity you once had and you look like fucking gargoyles.
>Philosophers can talk about the most interesting shit but they can't figure out how to pay debts.
Aristotle denounced usury.
well fuck look at you now
Pot and kettle...
then why are the greeks such fucking faggots?
>Aristotle denounced usury.
So he was a proto-Catholic.
Catholics love Aristotle
>So he was a proto-Catholic
-Lutheran, -Orthodox as well in that regard.
Christianity and Greek philosophy go hand in hand.

Usury is simply making a third coin out of two. He called it "unnatural." And how true it rings today. Still, he didn't create all that much value to labor - as the slaves did all the work, and they were worthless.
Aristotle would throw all kinds of bitchfits if he learned about fiat money.
At least they don't shart in a mart.
>even poo in loo does it outside and not in their pants
Molyneux is a modern day Aristotle. He's our guy.
t. not Stefan
I am dead, you've killed me with your superioor bants
hello stef
If we're so smart, how come we're still alive?
Ironic, Alexander thew Great himself had blonde hair and one blue eye, the other eye brown, but unlike what most turk rape babies and wop mongrels will tell you, barbarian is not synonymous with White Northern Europeans, but rather any non-Greco-Roman, it's almost like what goyim are to the Jews.
If he's smart, then he is anti-/pol/.

I doubt he would spout memes and shitpost in a place focused on politics.
>implying shitposting and meme-ing don't provide the necessary counterbalance to prevent echo-chambery
>Supporting civilization
Nice meme
all the smart people from the past would be todays shitposters
They said he had sharp teeth like fangs too
But barbarian was given to northern europeans, dipshit.

The only thing they could say was "BAR BAR BAR" and chimp out.

Even after romans conquered europe they still chimped out at any given chance.

But before you go " B-But we wuz socrates an sheeeit with blonde hair" ask yourself, can you survive in temperatures higher than 39 celsius with pale white skin?
>>90854889 meant for >>90853429
Xaxaxa varvari xeni
Aristotle was talking about the Persians as 'barbarians' in the OP quote.

Really made me use my brain.
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*starts wanking*
*cums on ur face*

"Psshhh, nothing cynical, kid."

t. Diogenes
I fucking keked
The greatest failure of the Romans were how they misunderstood their northern neighbors. Many people will say that their slave-driven economy required making difficult expansions into gaul, britain and the slavic countries. Many people will say that the technology of peacemaking wasn't very well developed at that time. Regardless of the reason, the Romans (the inheritors of greek culture after their decline) couldn't hold their gains, they were amidst an indigenous population that would always scorn them and look to themselves first. By labeling these people "barbarians", they crippled themselves. By seeing themselves as above the population there was no substantial integration. When Rome began to decline just as the Greeks did, they were not able to lean upon the northern tribes to prop up and preserve their society after centuries of trading dogmeat for healthy german children.
If it hadn't been for the civilization around Diogenes, nobody would have known about Diogenes.

Considering the time, he wasn't wrong. We overcame though.

My sides.
Aristotle was a retard. Plato was the man.
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Aryans were the niggers back then, living in mudhuts, beeing violent and agressive, stupid and unhygienic. Greeks had no interest in conquering their land or enslaving such useless people.

Accept it or don't but aryans were nigger-tier till much later on.
If you disagree you are on we wuz level.
Pfft who died and left Aristotle in charge of ethics?
That's common sense when you're going to war, dehumanizing the enemy makes it easier to kill them. By barbarian he meant anyone not greek, that means most here in general. We...to an extent...could pass off as Greeks due to our genetic similarity, however the huge cultural difference bars us off. If you want a philosopher you can call "one of us", you'll have to go with Schopenhauer.
well I would say that times have changed and we today know that we are all the same one human race. there is no need to be afraid of strangers anymore.
Underrated post
Off yourself Pole.
Plato was discoursing on his theory of ideas and, pointing to the cups on the table before him, said while there are many cups in the world, there is only one `idea’ of a cup, and this cupness precedes the existence of all particular cups. “I can see the cups on the table,” said Diogenes, “but I can’t see the `cupness'”. “That’s because you have the eyes to see the cup,” said Plato, “but”, tapping his head with his forefinger, “you don’t have the intellect with which to comprehend `cupness’.” Diogenes walked up to the table, examined a cup and, looking inside, asked, “Is it empty?” Plato nodded. “Where is the `emptiness’ which precedes this empty cup?” asked Diogenes. Plato allowed himself a few moments to collect his thoughts, but Diogenes reached over and, tapping Plato’s head with his finger, said “I think you will find here is the `emptiness’.
>our guy?
This is some stupid /tv/ meme right?
Aristotle was talking about everyone who wasn't Greek.Even a slave's life had more value than a barbarian's.
delet this
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Aristotle assessed peoples in general by their characteristics, which would have been largely accurate at the time.

A two-minutes sitdown with me would convince him of my philosophical kinship to him.

sick bantz
Ofcourse he was. Every actually serious philospoher was a gass the kikes, protect your race rightwinger.

The rest are just trumped up lala-land maniacs like Kant, and the reall caca for cocopuffs guys grouped as the existentialists.
kek, the original bantz
You're retarded, Our ancestors didnt live here by then. Our ancestors invaded these lands from the east in the great migrations of the white peoples.

They killed the uncivilized tribes that lived here before. Structures over 3k years old are not from our actual ancestors but from the subhumans our ancestors destroyed.
What is this post even, what the fuck man....

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alot of people have sharp canines
Aristotle BTFO

t. Turk
this thread sums up /pol/ perfectly

so much cognitive dissonance and mental gymnastics
I said the obvious.
Kant was a madman, nominalism is a rediculous fraud, and existentialism was a jewish coup brought on the philosophical field.

Anyone who tries to pass of the rearded kike bullshit that we can not know if we actually know anything because we cant trust our senses is just completely insane and should be ignored.
>I have nothing to say, but I'll say it anyway
thanks for the (You), dumbcunt

Lets set aside the rhetoric and use some common sense.

The great northern & northwestern euorpean empires DID NOT spawn organically themselves.
All the European nations evolved and came from the borders, states, and reaches of the ROMAN EMPIRE!!!

Judging from the mudhuts, the inhabitants of northern europe had higher neanderthal DNA and probably had -90 IQ on average. Low IQ people do not sudden evolve by themselves to a 110 average and start building beautiful art, architectur and cities.

The only rational explanation is that the northern & northwestern europeans are descended fro mthe same whites of the Roman Empire, which were closesly related to the whites from the Greece.

Its true that the more North eastern you go into europe, the more neanderthal looking people you get. Areas not inhabited by the roman empire

Over 1 million rapefugees. Have fun. :)
I can accept that 2000 years ago, my white European ancestors were essentially the scum of Europe. I can accept that it's possible that in another 2000 years the Middle East or Africa could actually be among the most enlightened civilized regions on Earth. Who knows?

But also, who cares? I wasn't alive 2000 yeara ago and neither were any of you. I won't be alive in 2000 years and neither will any one you. The niggerdom of the enlightened in the past and the enlightenment of niggerdom/Islam in the future are both equally immaterial to our contemporary interests. What matters, what has meaning and substance and relevance are those things - be they philosophies, policies, or deeds - that have positive or negative impact on our interests as sovereign, free nations in the here and now.

So any of you shitposting one another about Greek Enlightenment or Nordic Barbarism in 20XG6 BC should just shut the fuck up. You're part of the problem and none of that bullshit is relevant to the tangible problems any of your countries face today. While you bicker about trivialities, Rome literally burns.
he also went to france at the height of the baroque enlightenment and correctly deduced that the "smartest people in europe" who were changing everything were immoral, debased, sexual deviants with no respect for religion or traditions.

He thought they were deficient and inferior b/c of their character.

he was spot on. I like a chap who can call a spade a spade before anyone even pays attention.

i think it's trying to communicate with us
history matters, because without it, the whole fabric of society collapses. Unless a people has a common past, they cannot have a common future. It's why the many empires have collapsed over and over, as a consequence of their growth and attracting different cultures. In a few generations, values were changed and principles were lost. The west will crumble into nothing, unless there is a massive purge and a new common history is put together.
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All the Himmlers on this board.

This. Stop dwelling in the past and obsessing about the future. Focus on the present. It's all we ever really have.
No. He was the Soros of his time.
>the subhumans our ancestors destroyed
Hello future sub-human.

My brother's college level ethics professor is using the Matrix and the blue pill/red pill dichotomy to explain the philosophies of Aristotle(redpill/reality) and Plato(bluepill/dreamworld). And the professor is trying to argue that Plato's viewpoint is better than Aristotle's.

Degenerate ass niggers. This is what's going on on college campuses across America.
this tbqh.
Its theorized tha Ashkenazi Jews got their high IQ in less than 1000 years. And middle east is definitely a lot dumber from 1400 years of incest and rape babies.
the original troll, we should all stand in awe at his pure talent
Has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
Aristotle's virtue ethics are outdated. They were useful In A Time of Piece...;D
No, you're thinking of Plato.

>Hitler wants to shut it down

He really is Jewish.
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Good damn it, what did you filthy Barbarians do!
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oh fuck muh sides

Wow, such profound! Many inspiration!
Aristotle's views on women influenced later Western thinkers, as well as Islamic thinkers,Aristotle believed women were inferior and described them as "deformed males".[2][3] For example, in his work Politics, Aristotle states 'as regards the sexes, the male is by nature superior and the female inferior, the male ruler and the female subject'.[3]:(1254b13–14) Another example is Cynthia Freeland's catalog where she quotes “Aristotle says that the courage of a man lies in commanding, a woman's lies in obeying; that 'matter yearns for form, as the female for the male and the ugly for the beautiful'; that women have fewer teeth than men; that a female is an incomplete male or 'as it were, a deformity'.[2] Aristotle believed that men and women naturally differed both physically and mentally. He claimed that women are "more mischievous, less simple, more impulsive ... more compassionate ... more easily moved to tears ... more jealous, more querulous, more apt to scold and to strike ... more prone to despondency and less hopeful ... more void of shame or self-respect, more false of speech, more deceptive, of more retentive memory [and] ... also more wakeful; more shrinking [and] more difficult to rouse to action" than men.
But you ARE the barbarian now. You are most likely more related to the ancient wandering Turk tribes than the Greeks who would be subjugated and raped by them.
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You're all looking for Marcus Tullius Cicero

>A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.
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that's the most retarded statement I've read today
Eh. Nordics were still doing better than Africans.
What Aristotle wrote on women was some short paragraphs, less than a digression. He didn't really discuss women in his works, and he didn't consider it a big philosophical interest. The same can be said of his paragraph on slavery. He just said some people are slaves, some are slave owners. He didn't discuss it, or think about it, it was a matter of fact in the ancient world he lived. He was much more interested in morality and government and discussed those issues at length.
jesus christ.
American education
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holy kek that pic

I am not saying to totally disregard history. I fully believe that national identity, informed by shared identifiers (culture, religion, language, appearance, legacy, lineage, etc.) is a good and necessary thing within a nation state as a guarantor of stability, prosperity, and vigilance against subversion.

But history doesn't override the present. Greeks should be proud of the influential philosophers that are the shining star of their ancestry. But that pride doesn't eclipse the fact the country is currently a mess. Comparatively, the Germans could use a large dose of national pride to kickstart themselves into fighting for their country. Same with the Swedes. Their national identity has crumbled and they no longer have that bulwark and unity to succour them against an invading force.
Ancient Greek women were really fucking annoying. They wouldnt stop making a fuss and crying while Socrates explained his decission to accept death penalty, untit they were taken out of that room.
I picture them as childish, annoying and attention-seeking. No wonder so many Greeks ended up becoming homos
how so
Absolutely based
typical autist neckbeard logic:
>a is different to b, so b is better because Im b, lol

literally all mgtow and neckbeard pol womanhate stems from acknowledging that women are different and immediately give it a qualitative spin because it feels good

Also, you gentlemen are mistaken in thinking I'm referring to you. Your posts I agree with, you're not just shitposting "lawl my country is better than yours."
Don't forget that Aristotle's skin was as pale as the statue, he had shining blue eyes and pure blonde hair. Also, the guy was actually born in Denmark. The Greeks just appropriated him and other elements of Nordic culture because that's what they are: thiefs. That's why they also don't pay debts. Don't fall for (((their))) conspiracies.
we wuz actually aryans and shit.
No, actually there were Indo-Germanic warrior tribes. You can look into it.
Eh, before anyone even says anything. I'll tell you it's just the history.
t. mehmets rape baby

Even though men and women are unequal, that doesn't make women unnecessary. The problem is just that society has gone insane and convinced people that having two main separate roles in a functioninf and prosperous society is somehow immoral.
kek a portugal monkey talking about accomplishments. What has a Portugal monkey done so far after discovering India? Nothing, just like Pakistan.
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We also beat the shit out of you.
>couldn't find an argument
>haha look we beat the shit out of you.

Hope you're proud of the battle you won in 15th century, take the pride in it.
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but then he married a barbarian and moved his capital to babylon before he died.

Alexander the Great promoted racemixing

Alexander the Great most bluepilled leader ever
>Its true that the more North eastern you go into europe, the more neanderthal looking people you get.
I don't think so, north Euros tend to be fairly progressive looking.

Besides, Neanderthal ancestry depending on the test sometimes puts Tuscans at the top in Europe.
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The cucked Indians.
well fuck look at you now
Persia wasn't bad as modern day Iran.
The Indo-persians were also called aryans.
>16th century is the 15th century
Winning a colossal victory is an accomplishment you inbred retard.
Portugal had one of the greatest maritime empires to date
What the living shit has India, an entire fucking subcontinent EVER done, except be defeated in every war they've fought in?
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Stay made britbong
India is way better than Portugal nothing's going to change my opinion.
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No. He is a faggot.

T. TRUE Stoic
No faggot. He had no concept of the scientific method. Everything he said was either proven false or cannot be proven true. This faggot believed heavier object fall at a faster rate than lighter objects without even testing it out. What a fucking joke. Reminds me of how the Jews are constantly praising Einstein. He represents Jewish shortsidedness. So no--he is not )))our((( guy.
You haven't been relevant since the middle ages, Konstantine. For hundreds of years now, the center of civilization has shifted to western europe and north america.
At that point in history the Indo-Persians were not as indo as you think Poo.

Persian and Sankrit have already diverged.
Religion in the two regions, vastly different.
Although there is a common ancestry, by 1000BC the Proto-Indo-European Migration into South Asia primarily stopped.

I've never heard a historian refer to the Medeans or the Persians as "Indic"

Neither do Herodotus and he wrote primary about Persia and mentions India in depth. But he doesn't connect the two, Poo.

I'm not denying a common ancestry between the Persians and Indians through Proto-Indo-Europeans (Ayrans)

But by the time of Aristotle and Alexander the two regions were culturally different. Sure the noble elite in India were called Ayran and held on to some PIE tradition, but that doesn't make you Persian
Aristotle believed theater and literature was essential for a society. Plato believed it was degenerate and kept the public from, what we today would refer to as, a stoic virtue.

Although Aristotle was a student of Plato, they both completely disagreed on these matters.

Whos side would you be on?
>I've never heard a historian refer to the Medeans or the Persians as "Indic"

It would be 'Indo' and aryan wouldn't couldn't used anymore because of the Nazis in the mainstream media.

Although there is a common ancestry, by 1000BC the Proto-Indo-European Migration into South Asia primarily stopped.

Not completely.

>Neither do Herodotus and he wrote primary about Persia and mentions India in depth. But he doesn't connect the two, Poo.

Seems like you haven't studied Persia/India's history.

>But by the time of Aristotle and Alexander the two regions were culturally different. Sure the noble elite in India were called Ayran and held on to some PIE tradition, but that doesn't make you Persian.

I never told you that i'm Persian.
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You know nothing John Snow
sounds like /pol/

Plato was right

You can't crave what you've never had
but he's completely right
>Germanic """"empires""""
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>Although there is a common ancestry, by 1000BC the Proto-Indo-European Migration into South Asia primarily stopped.
>Not completely.

I'm talking about modern and ancient historians.

Sure it's not completely over but seriously think about it Poo. By 1000BC the empires within the Middle East were already established (and so were the ones in India)

>>Neither do Herodotus and he wrote primary about Persia and mentions India in depth. But he doesn't connect the two, Poo.

>Seems like you haven't studied Persia/India's history.

Literally Herodotus is the only primary source of the Persian empires. Other texts that are "historic" come from religious books and thus were probably written after the fact.

If the Persians and Indians thought they had a common culture he would have mentioned it (as he claimed to visit Asia and speak to the people there)

What texts do you Poos have besides your Avada? EXPLAIN PIC RELATED
Turkish blood runs thick through its veins. You're more like a plant or a beast if anything.
I'll say that Cryus the Great did sacrificial white horse ceremonies. This is an Ayran tradition that is shared between Persia and India

But where are these "zillions" of books???? This is just as bad as WE WUZ KANGS but Poo edition.

>Honestly I'm a lover of history and if you refer me to some of these books I would gladly read them
so liberals today? Having the illusion of being smart people, but in reality theyre just filthy degenerates?
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I always knew mediterreaans were the master race
Yeah, Western Christian pre enlightenment philosophy is based on Aristotle's philosophy. But that doesn't fly well with modern western fedoras.
Would like to see BLACKED
alexander the great only accepted persians, who were white looking at the time.

i was also blue-pilled who thought that alexander wanted to spread greek culture all around the world and treated all races equally like my (((professors))), but then i actually read the chronicles.

alexander aspired to populate the entire world with greeks. greek soldiers and settlers were forbidden by law to race-mix, except for persians, who were recognized as equals.
Why did he marry a woman from Bactria?
Agreed. I think if most of /pol/ read Aristotle and Plato they would find themselves in disagreement with Aristotle.
If only it were as easy to banish hunger by rubbing my belly...
You can't compare post enlightenment literature and theater with what Greeks had then. Aristotle would have never imagined the shit that goes on today. I emphasize the enlightenment because that's when the West rejected Aristotelian/Thomistic philosophy.
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>our guy?

>pooinloo education
nordics were fine. its a meme now to call nordics savages and shitskin tribals noble because of muh racism
to keep the tribal leaders loyal. logistics and supply were fucked up, and those tribes would largely use mobile skirmishers, making them a huge potential danger.
He's completely right though. Germanic law continued to fuck up Europe for quite a while; Charlemagne's Empire was immediately snuffed out because they cared more for the rights of his sons than stability and prosperity. It was only the Catholic church and their institutional hierarchy along with the reintroduction of Roman law that set the Germanics on the right path.
Do they have anime in India?
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Germanic lack of civilization came along with a lack of decadence, that lack of decadence which made sure a civilization, western civilization, could be born on the ashes of the fallen WRE. Their material backwardness was needed to preserve that ancient Aryan spirit which restored the spiritual health of the west after the fall of decadent Rome.

Unfortunately, nowadays there's no equivalent of "Germanic barbarians" for us anymore. Maybe Slavs.
Fucking kek mate what the fuck kind of post is this hahaha
>caca for cocopuffs guys
My sides.

Hey guys let's play Spot The Wog.
Found it.
hmmmm... could have bribed them with gold or promise of loot

I haven't yet the primary sources of Alexander just yet. I'm on Thucydides currently
All you guys going on and on about races and shit, need to realize, the most important thing that is needed in an aryan brain and aryan spirit.

I don't see it that often even in the so called aryan races of present.

*is an aryan brain and an aryan spirit
>turns out its a pretty hilarious term
>it's basically the same thing as bix nood
>comes from barbarians sounding like "barbarbarbarbarbarbarbar"
>bix nood
I notice he doesn't say anything about Africans.
>The aryans all lived in northern Europe during the classical era.
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>>It was only after Christianity spread the Greco-Roman institutions and hellenistic religion and its values that the filthy barbarians got organized
>after Christianity spread
>the Hellenistic religion
This doesn't make any sense. The Romans spread Hellenistic religion and then later on Christianity replaced it.

The Romans held large parts of the Barbarian West for hundreds of years before Christianity was born. The Romans built the west not Christianity you kike.
This. The problem isn't on race itself. Just the behaviour. Some races have an extraordinary predisposition to behave wrongly. But we have to make efforts to either not bleding with these races, or make them behave nicely; with freedom.
not really, they just had a much much larger population and trade with other much much larger populations. with the isolation we still used bronze only 1000 years after the greeks and romans, however the mudhut shit is still correct
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>Aryans were the niggers back then, living in mudhuts, beeing violent and agressive, stupid and unhygienic.

Well this is true, after hundreds of years the dorks were still worthless(see pic).
Diogenes and Chryssipus were our guys
Sweden was a kingdom over 2000 years ago, and created Rus, which later became the largest connected empire and still is to this day
who doesn't?
>Even after romans conquered europe they still chimped out at any given chance.

What about no ?
From today Spain to England there was very few rebellions aming celts, even the germanic tribes really wanted to live under the Roman Empire and flee the violence of the East for obvious reasons.

Stop saying retarded shit, the romans finished by giving citizenship to almost everyone, on the contrary of greeks (aside maybe of Alexander) they were universalist.
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