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Russian future aircraft carriers

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They are going to be of the same dimension like USA's Gerald Ford class (100 thousand tonnes ), but the expenses are seemingly going to be 2-4 less than at their american counterparts. How? Also, Russia never needed carriers in the first place, why indulge in such vanity projects now?


Why not? They can do whatever the fuck they want.
with the world becoming increasingly destabilized pouring shit tonnes of cash into weapons and defense is obviously happening every where

also if they work and prove themselves and not massive lumps of shit other countries might buy them
>Also, Russia never needed carriers in the first place, why indulge in such vanity projects now?
It's bad size of our politicianand government, since USSR they obsessed by "we need answer for west-thingname".
Not gonna happen. They will steal all the money and be like "Lol, it dont work, Dimitri".
We don't even need carriers bcause there's no good tasks for it.

Any modern country/alliance military can sink whole carrier group. Carriers are good for fighting countries withut submarines or good anti-ship weapons: Sandniggerstans and shit like that.
after seeing a picture of le admiral I wouldnt be surprised if that carrier for ants was the real thing
They really needed to go with a CATOBAR design, STOBAR reduces the max take off weight for a jet, therefore limits how much fuel they can carry and the weapons payload also.
Where's the ramp?

Communist labour is cheap, comrade
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>You see Ivan, if you launch two planes at the same time, you merge them and you make it two times stronger
Because they won't be built.

Fun fact: there are no longers any shipyards in Russia large enough to build anything larger than a frigate. All their shipyards during the time of the USSR were in Ukraine.
>We don't even need carriers bcause there's no good tasks for it.
You could park it in the middle of the Baltic to keep the butthurt belt on edge. Move it a little towards Latvia and kek at the news reports coming out of Riga.
>We don't even need carriers bcause there's no good tasks for it.

And how we will bomb shit out of African countries?
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wait, wait, wait
are those oars on the sides?
>aircraft carriers are vanity projects

It's a good thing you're not in charge of any military.
i kek'd
>Move it a little towards Latvia and kek at the news reports coming out of Riga.

They shit their pants even when we move tanks.

That's why they took Crimea
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From space, Ivan, from space.
more like
>you see Ivan if we let our people starve why we build outdated ships is right way to go
Shipyards aren't in Crimea home slice, they're by Odessa.
carriers are the dreadnoughts of xxi century
Ukie Invasion 2: All Ukraine is Rus Boogaloo
>but the expenses are seemingly going to be 2-4 less than at their american counterparts. How?

It's easy to claim whatever expenses you want when you haven't even begun work on a project. Just look at the history of every single piece of military equipment ever. Like how the "Typhoon" Class was supposed to be roughly equal to the ships designated as Akula by NATO attack boats. The production of one of those types of vessels ended up costing over 30% of the military budget. Or how the Eurofighter was supposed to originally be cheaper than the F-16 or just look at the B-2.

>why indulge in such vanity projects now?

Because it's a dick waving measure. Russia still has a significant amount of ships that are in poor state from the economic depression of the 90s and 2000s that would be better off being modernized than building a carrier that has no practical use to their foreign policy or military needs. Ideally they'd go back to the original Soviet model of focusing on underwater capabilities first and foremost with the surface fleet being for defense/
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Military Industries in the west are hilariously bloated.

Look at the F35, it's fucking horrible how much money has gone at that thing.
and this, ladies and gentlemen, is why poland can not into space.
Americans are shit at allocating resources in military industrial projects because of special interest in the sphere.
They waste billions on tech that doesnt work and then abandon that tech. Meanwhile the net costs are still high.
We have one. It's called Kaliningrad Oblast.
1. Russia has way cheaper labor than the United States.

2. It's easy to build a cheaper ship if you forgo some of the safety features that are required for American ships.
No, he is right. Those ones are stil in Ukraine.

Is that a model from a lego convention?
are they though?

to me they seem like massive lumps of shit
I want to know how she got those scars.
those arent scars they are stitches she's a foot ball
>implying Alyosha and Ivan won't try to check who can start quicker

They no longer have any shipyards capable of building anything of that size. They even had to order their newest large ships in France because they couldn't build them themselves.

This shit will never be made.

Just another crappy propaganda.
She's not scarred, she's wearing a body chain.
In what other way can you provide air support to your troops in hostile areas, thousands of miles away from your homeland? An aircraft carrier is the strongest force projection measure the world has besides nuclear weapons.
why ukraine?

I mean they got an access to the oceans, but still... I dont see how that would be an ideal place to build ships, but then again I might be more ignorant than I realise
How do you think they're keeping the cost down?
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that's a lot of eggs to put in one basket, what if it got hit by a missile or torpedo

the defence systems must be pretty much infallible.. I guess in the U.S case it has a lot of baskets so it doesn't matter as much
We are not building it yeat until least 2025 and still not sure we even need it or other carriers.
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but will it be able to down a commercial airliner?
China will build it for them for dirt cheap.
They got blue water dreams. But don't expect a carrier until the mid century.

They're primarily a coastal navy, guarded by subs and land based missiles. Right now they're desperately replacing the old soviet fleet with new ships. frigates are just coming, and new destroyers won't come till the next decade.

This concept is for Pajeet and marketing for the navy if they're interested.

Why do you think CSG exist? Do you even realize how many other vessels are protecting Carriers?
their only application in current year are airpower-dominated blitzes on small foes with obsolescent air defenses, like bosnia, kosovo or iraq
I thought that's what he was getting at

Dreadnoughts just about never had a time when they were relevant, and there were dozens of elaborate, massive, expensive, magnificent boondoggles in every prestige navy on Earth at the very moment the Bismarck, the Prince of Wales and Pearl Harbor proved them totally irrelevant.

Not having troops deployed in hostile areas thousand of miles away is a good start
they plan on making only one, and i'm fairly certain the ford class carriers are covered in reactive armor, like a tank

fords also have some stealth capability i think

consider also the russians probably just stole our plans and modified it to something they could build
Thats bullshit. We have around 40 active shipyards, biggest of whome always were and still are in Sankt Petersburg. Ukraine didnt build shit in last 25 years, and even ships they had they let rot.
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here is a cool ship you guys might like
No gomrade, that is a bit realistic and still in the domain of possible. This is crappy propaganda.

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this meme again

Nope. They exist for power projection. That's why USA needs them and why China wants them so much.

Full CSG is perfectly capable of dealing with any enemy except nukes.
>tfw turns out we're not joking
Where else?
In Kazakhstan?
Baltic to cold. Murmansk frozen. Vladivostok far away and frozen.

Mistrals called.

You are utterly incapable of making large modern ships. This is a fact.
intimidating native tribes and bombing poor arabs is the only kind of power projection they entail
Just outfit the Typhoons to launch UCAVs. Surface, launch the UCAVs to go and conduct their mission. Submerge until they're due back, the empty UCAVs then VTOL back into the launch tubes and you submerge while they're refueled and rearmed.
I assume that model is it.

The panes seem a bit small to do muach damage though. Hoe far can they go a hundred feet?

What if it is windy?

Is there a big pond in moscow you can display it in?
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Remember, no military ship will ever be as pointless as this one.
>Also, Russia never needed carriers in the first place, why indulge in such vanity projects now?

Because Russia now has less allies and less influence in the world, so less land bases in friendly countries from which to operate.
a flying sunfish
Only point of a carrier is force projection around the world. Russians are probably anticipating the decline of US influence, and are looking to step in or at least gain a better 'market share'
>The carrier is being considered for service with the Russian Navy's Northern Fleet.

So they're going to use it to defend they oil offshore oil infrastructure.
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What is the upgraded Zvezda Shipyard:
>Not using oar powered propulsion
And where will they use those carriers? Fighting seals in the Arctic?
the salaries for russians are 1/4 of american salaries
That depends on which areas of the world are within the scope of their future foreign policy goals. I don't fucking know dude, maybe they want to increase their presence in the gulf of Aden or some shit. The point is that once you start pumping out carriers, you are saying to the world that you can and will be in any place around the globe within a week.
>According to Russia's media, the geologists returned with the "sensational news" that the Lomonosov ridge was linked to Russian Federation territory, boosting Russia's claim over the oil-and-gas rich triangle. The territory contained 10bn tonnes of gas and oil deposits, the scientists said.

>In the early 2012 Russia plans to start the first commercial offshore oil drilling in the Arctic, on Prirazlomnaya platform in the Pechora Sea.[7] The platform will be the first Arctic-class ice-resistant oil rig in the world.


project power to ensure oil wells are safe from attacks maybe?
But Ruskie can project their military power, well, from their territory?
To a limited area close to their territory, yes. If you want to reach places like Syria and farther out, you need carrier groups.
its a catfish
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>Also, Russia never needed carriers in the first place, why indulge in such vanity projects now?
Because dictator of soviet fleet
Was huge opponent of aircraft carriers in the past. This is why Russia "never needed carriers".
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I'm not a big fan of the complicated hulls on the projected Mistral replacement Russian helicopter carriers. They went through these things a long time ago, better resurrect 10200 with maybe a little more width for larger (Mi-8 size) helicopters and CODAG, take the hit on speed.



Whaaat ? why do they need this. They have a different naval doctorine...
its for crew discipline a teamwork training you idiot
Fuck buying carriers from Russia
that is one badass and neat little boat i tell ya hwat
>increasingly destabilized
actually world is becoming more peacefui read Better Angels of Our Nature by Steven Pinker
i liked this post

>Russia never needed carriers in the first place, why indulge in such vanity projects now?
World changes
The Arctic a soon to be a contested sea
Bc they will sell them.
Haзoви хoть oднy зaдaчy для aвиaнocцa кoтopyю нe мoжeт выпoлнить aвиaнecyщий кpeйcep.
They have announced a large project in Kamtchatka
Eбaть твoю мaмкy.
Russians love complicated hulls.

> 2 to 4x less cost

Russian labor costs less than American labor.
What?? Is it serious? A carrier for ants? It must be at least..2-3 times bigger to actually scare someone.
>doing anything right
pick 1
A вoт и вoeнaчepcкиe пpoeкции.
The US ones have cloaking defense systems. I know, sounds ridiculous. But it's true.
Peaceful =/= Stable faggot, this is just the calm before the storm.
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But buying our second-hand shit is somehow fine?


Since their last carrier spent more time being towed around then under its own power. The same thing can be said of their carrier killing cruiser, thing was pronounced too dangerous to move due to failure to maintain it.
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poland bringing the bantz.

Also: how many invisible polish super tanks are hidden in the picture?
Fucking kek. Russian engineering at its finest.

Row faster, Ivan! US is of comings.

Found the retard.
when you can get away with paying people 1/3rd of a Western salary it probably cuts the cost
you should know about it, Miroslav

Since that means 75% of the world's countries, it is quite effective, even just as a threat
Boт видишь? Haшлиcь зaдaчи. Tы cвoими фeтaльными мoзгaми дyмaл чтo нeт зaдaч, a oни ecть! To-тo жe, нe бaлyй, шкoляp!
wait, you still think that some of that money wasn't put towards other secret projects?

Dreadnoughts and Battleships (1890-1910s) were relevant until submarines and airpower finally matured (1930s).
They got the Star Citizen concept artist designing Russian planes now?
those are machine guns preto
You wont be laughing when that shit is at you doorstep
im pretty sure they will.
Russia is a poor shithole.
Russia is far far away from being a super power.
>but the expenses are seemingly going to be 2-4 less than at their american counterparts. How?
How much less does a Russian welder earn? 1/10th? 1/20th?
Here in Poland a welder gets about 15 Zloty, thats less than 4 € per hour, Poland is more expensive than Russia.
god I cant get enough of rufags braging about 3d models of shit that will never happen. God bless russians man...
>2 islands

When will this meme end?
its fascinating how people in these dirtpoor shitholes get all their pride in life from money being wasted by their leaders.
Maybe, just maybe, they should be more concerned in improving their country for its citizens.
after copy american carriers of course they are gonna to be 2-4 less expensive
The real reason is that it's a meme ship that will never be built.
>шютки пpo мaмкy
>To-тo жe, нe бaлyй, шкoляp!
Уж ктo бы гoвopил зa бaлoвcтвo.
That limitation is only an issue when planes are doing strike missions from the carrier, typical air-to-air loadouts are not even close to the weight limits.

That said, what new concepts they've published it seems they are looking to go with both. STO is far cheaper to operate as it doesn't take as much on deck personel and can launch planes at much faster rate, combining that with a less often to be used CAT allows launching of those heavier support planes when needed and not so response time sensitive strike missions without the need for a massive crew that US carrier style 4 CATs takes
Exactly this.
The fact you set up a poject doesn't mean you will ever finish it. Most military projects See either down scaled or canceled. Russia has to focus on other military fields and likley will not afford this project or only build one. Even the us which is declining because of the multi racial society can not keep up, in implementing state of the art technice in all of their units. Russia knows they Will Never have all units with State of the art technology and will likley abandon the carrier thing since a time more and more questions a rising about their usefulness.
Unless that thing can fucking fly, I'm good
Russians always do this.

Come up with a concept, shill it like they are going to make it so they look like they are powerful, but never actually follow through with their plans.

The number of cancelled projects is getting embarrassing at this point.
So it's like an international version of keeping up with the Jones.
In the us it is the same nower days. The zumwalt class should consist of 32, but only 3 will be build.

This. The world had unprecedented peace just before world war 1 in pax britanica. The western powers were disarming just before world war two. Peace is just the period preparatory to war. The longer the peace the more preparation for war and the more prepared the larger the war will be. Good luck boys I hope we survive.
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There are more model T-50 fighters on that deck than ever will be produced. Russians make a lot of models and designs but they can't afford any of it at the moment.
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Out of my way dirty pigs!
Was there as a cadet..
how many times did you get homosexed in the butt?
Never, kurwacomrade
The thing is. People overestimate the quality of Russian military equipment. people claim certain russian jets are superior, when Russia have even conceded them to be inferior.

Whilst this project is still in development, I still question how Russia could make this for '2-4' less than their american counterparts without making any sacrificies.
>vanity project
Nice force projection you have there, Croatia.
Not to mention, it's 2-4 times cheaper than American carriers because:
A.) American carriers were built years ago, when shit would have been more expensive because the technology was being pioneered.
2.) It'll be faulty slavshit with cut corners.
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Huge kek
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