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>be me >love halloween >make a dummy to hang from a

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>be me
>love halloween
>make a dummy to hang from a tree
>name him adam
>finally string adam up, he looks badass
>people 'mirin
>after about a week decide to slap a mask on him for dramatic effect
>looks even better
>white fat guy mask
>going good for about a day
>on porch smoking
>carload of dindus stop and take pictures
>more admiration
>ff 2 days
>buddy of mine found the dindus facebook
>its a huge black lives matter page
>says the mask is black and is extremely racist
>fuckin hell
>im not letting my baby rot inside
>they dont like his face?
>then ill remove it
>take him down
>make it look like he got decapitated
>set him in an arm chair
>put a fake body bag where adam was
When will it end?
Pic related.
Nigger stories time?

>going out to the lake with a few friends
>riding up with a dindu who seemed alright
>white girl I hadn't met before comes too
>they aren't a couple but there's something obviously going on
>hang out at the lake all day and have some beers, go home
>ff a couple weeks later
>hanging out with the same girl
>she's telling me what a shitbag this dindu is
>always talking about BLM shit and how white people are shit
>tell her she should just stop talking to him
>she decides to tell him to fuck off
>goes over to his apartment
>tells him
>she gets raped twice
>texts me the whole time and crying

Niggers, not even once.
Fuck them, you shouldn't have changed shit.
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she text you while she was being raped? Why diddnt you call the po-leece or at least go over there with a remingtion 870 with 00 buckshot to make the niggers good? Are you a cuck? You sound like a cuck.
She didn't tell me she was raped until afterwards, else I would have. She was just saying shit like she was upset and wanted to leave.
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here's my nigger story from elementary school

>nigger comes at 4th grade
>named bugama mtiwiba or some shit, we just called him "nigger"
>atleast he spoke greek
>playing football at PE
>whenever a foul or penalty happens, we would give the shot through rotation so that everyone gets one
>nigger demands to get his shot from his team, but they ignore him because he is a nigger
>his turn is skipped 3 times in a row
>he starts chimping out claiming that this is bullshit
>his team starts beating the shit out of him
>some of my teamates join them and start beating him aswell
>5+ people kicking him on the ground while he cries and begs for mercy
>i join the fight too
>hanging around niggers
she deserved it.
>goes to his apartment to tell him
Something fishy about this
A fat nigger pushed me over and my cheek hit the side of a desk in 4th grade and I had to get stitches.

S-Sorry it's not much of a storyteller.
Against my advice of just calling or texting. So she kind of did bring it upon herself, knowing how niggers are.
Women aren't known for their logical thinking, anon
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Thats too bad anon, I hope you never touched her after this episode, seeing as she is now tainted. The humane thing to do would be to put her down. She can never be looked at as human again. Damn shame that she decided to associate with niggers. I guess thats the toll you have to pay.
Sounds nice.
A shame, really. She was pretty cute and fun. She paid the toll though and probably hates niggers forever now.

>Be with my father who is a teacher as a 8-9 year old to a school excursion.

>We are on the mountains or some shit.

>Go on hike and stumble on a secluded mountain retreat.

>Holy shit it's bunch of black dudes dressed with what looks like bed sheets chilling in front.

>It's the first time EVER I've or any other of the students have seen a black person. We just don't have any black people.

>We are exited to meet black people because they are so different and we've seen them only in the movies.

>My father looks disgusted and I can't phantom why.

>As we try to talk with 2-3 of the nig-nogs on broken retarded english, suddenly a swarm of 4-5 other emerge from the woods.

>To this day I have no idea who or why those people were and why the fuck were they hanging in the middle of nothing.

>Some tried to talk with my father but the others started to encircle the girls.

>They repeated some questions on broken english but emanated islamic pedophillia.

>So my dad rushed the kids to move on and went to the back of the class to monitor if anyone would come after.

>I was confused as fuck but I think it was a good start for my racist self today.
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>pic related, it's adam now and sam the body bag
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Really nice job anon!
>Goes to his aprtment

No. She was not raped.
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there should be fixed
>Goes to his apartment to tell him

Well she's fucking retarded. You don't want to associate with someone, just stop associating with them.
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>be in middle school
>My cool black friend lets me call him nigger all the time
>All him nigger
>Wild nigger hears me and asked who said that
>Preppy pussy nigger, but to avoid a dindu riot, I kept quiet. I didn't even know him really
>Keks to come, everyone calls me edgy

And a more recent one
>Made black friend two years ago
>Acknowledges that blacks are hypocritical as fuck and is extremely anti BLM
>We literally call blacks niggers and he lets me call him nigger

Yeah my best friend is black and actually cool.
Here's me NIGGER story
>Black friend
>Says Godzilla vs. Destoroyah was shit
God damn nigger.
Just put this mask on him

niggers are an infestation on society and need to be put down. Blacks, not so much
>24 years old
>never in my life talked to a negro
Don't have much experience with them. But whenever I get on a train I see one getting fined for not paying his ticket.
>behaving like a shitskin
Typical Turk.
>Be me in high school
>Meet Nigger
>He's alright
Same, although there are some that behave. On the train from Amsterdam to Almere, there was this black woman that did not have a ticket. and when the coupe was checked she immediately told the conductor that she did not purchase a ticket (because she left her card at family members place in amsterdam) and requested a fine. no chimping, making excuses or anything.

Judging the book by it's cover, she did travel illegaly, and rightfully got fined but still. That day i had a little hope that some of them could be assimilated into modern western society.
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>we just called him "nigger"
>mmmm shill pasta
They took pictures of it and there was a white fat guy mask but they said it was a black guy mask? It wasn't visible in the pictures though?
Whoa, look at that. You built a clock!
they toom the picture early in the morning so it must have looked black
he was probably the only kid in Greece with employed parents
Hanging body bag is spoopier anyway
>Be a nigger
>Thank the spirit of the white man weekly for taking my ancestors out of Africa
>Disgusted that my fellow niggers are a bunch of lazy, ungrateful pieces of shit that only want gibs and if you call them out on it they call you a wannabe whitey as a coping mechanism
>Genuinely feel terrible that whites are practically held under the gun of racism now
>Can't comprehend why both niggers and race traitor whites only focus on the bad parts of history and ignore the magnitude of good that came from it that can only have happened under the guidance of the merciful white man.
here it's normal to be able to buy a ticket or upgrade your ticket type on the train when the conductor checks tickets, and you can adjust your fare after you get off if the conductor does not come.
Overseas rail systems always seem so authoritarian and draconian
thank you for your service Toby, you are a good nigga for massa
interesting, and i've heard that japanese railway is one of the most modern on the world.

in the case of my last post. she was unable to pay anything because she did not have her card (lets say creditcard to make it easier) on her. The rules here state that the fine and the ticket cost will be send to your house (provided you can show identification) that you have to pay within 3 weeks.

there's a lot to improve, but the company is state-owned and stubborn about making changes (due to lack of proper funding)

There is no doubt that some Africans or Arabs are or can become functional human beings. If you lived one day among them you'd know this.
This number usually lies below 30-40 percent however. The bulk of them consists of welfare dependants, criminals, (religious or leftist) fanatics, or are all of the above.
>Be 32 years old
>Live in NW MN all my life
>Never see a nigger so no nigger stories while growing up
>Now see Somali shits all over
>Reaffirms my hatred for Dindus despite never actually dealing with them as a youth
>Such is life
you are correct
I worked with the salvation army for a while as to sweeten up my CV and because of boredom. in the year i spent there, around 1 in 10 of my clients were white. They do good work, and have some effect in the city's demographic. but i'd still be faster, easyer, and more humane to just sterilise the lot and let it die out in a generation or two
fun fact, since my time there i have i burning hatred for people from Somalia
The rail system is spotty in places, like they have some local lines with unmanned unautomated stations where you just walk up onto the platform and get on the train then you have to track down the conductor and buy a ticket from him, I think the system seems to be modern and advanced mainly because it works smoothly because by and large people don't try to cheat it, for instance I don't think there are even transit cops here other than the antiterrorism police officers on guard at large urban stations.
If you have the wrong ticket they tell you and you just pay the difference.
I have known English teachers who would do gay shit like ride from Tokyo to Osaka on a semirapid train with just a 2 euro local ticket and they would throw away the ticket before getting to their destination and lie and say they got on the train 2 stations away rather than 500 kilometers away. maybe it only worked because they were gaijin, but anyway the point is that people don't constantly try to cheat the system so there aren't a huge amount of resources expended on preventing people from cheating
Top kek
fuck those teachers. over here such an act would (socially) place you at gutter trash. at least in my social circles. you use the train service, and so you should pay for it.
I agree, but these guys were Canadian so we can't really expect anything resembling civilized human behavior out of them.
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>be me
>taking qt on a date to the theatre
>am classy af all dressed up and shit
>play is over, she had a great time, gonna go back to my place
>fucking yes
>on the way back to the car some feral nigger stops us
>want to seem like i have a heart so i give him 2 dollars
>big fucking mistake
>nigger starts following us asking for more money
> he is obviously drunk
>finally we get to the car but he followed us all the way there
> start to drive off, and thats when he smashed the driver side window with a beer bottle
>left my gun in the car, want to waste this nigger so freaking bad but dont want to further spook qt.
>drive off and bring her to my place
>she is too spooked to smash

Mfw i had to spend 100 bucks to fix my car and didnt even get laid that night

Let me know if you want part 2, i get some justice
>be me, walking in the woods with doggo

>find lake, decide to explore the edges

>wild dindu female standing on other edge, just staring into the sun. She is also walking her doggo.

>chat briefly say good byes

>year later run into her at concert
>invites me to her apartment
>holyfuckingshit books everywhere
>find out she has two degrees, chasing her Ph.D. Atm. Teaches retards to ride horses, speaks two languages and collects weapons.

Married her and made babies.

>Giving the nigger 2 dollars

Sympathy lost.
Wanted it to seem like i gave a fuck
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You guys sound like the assholes here tbph. Either let him play with you or not at all.
sure, fire away

slightly conflicted about congratulating because /pol/ ideology. but good for you.

Can you post a picture of the mask?
>here it's normal to be able to buy a ticket or upgrade your ticket type on the train when the conductor checks tickets
It used to be like that here too. You could buy a ticket from a conductor if you had to get on the train last minute and didn't have time to buy a ticket beforehand. They changed that to get more shekels from fining people.
Sounds like a woman that deserves a husband that wouldn't leave her after making kids. Good to see some positivity in these threads.
>His name was Adam
>being this much of a cuck
Leave him up you betamax faggot.
>acts like a nigger
>still thinks he's better than a nigger
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>had a nigger friend from Ethiopia growing up
>was a pretty good guy
>hear he raped a girl 12 years later
>am grill

dodged a bullet
>swedish women are not made for black dicks
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>Implying niggers and blacks are two different things

Guess who your "friend" will be allies with when shit goes down. You probably don't have anything against blacks racemixing with whites either i suppose.

My story:
>Meet black guy, who knows friend of mine, out town
>Suprised how cool he actually was
>One day sitting in same car, he starts to brag about he's little brother (15 or some shit).
>"he steals car's, tv's and have been in jail for six months, telling our mom he have been on vacation - and fuck cops btw"
>Another day, out drinking, throws glass og beer in my friend's face because he THOUGHT he said something racisss
>One day brags about how he got money smuggling pepole from Russia to our west coast (they were going to Canada)
>He has a slutty white girl as fuckfriend down town
>Some things in my appartment is gone, probably he who took it some friends say
>Just another nigger
Part 2
>call the police that night and they say there is basically nothing they can do
>decide to take matters in my own hands
>two days later i find the nigger
>wait for hours to see where he will go down to sleep
>he starts to walk in an alley, this is my chance
>follow him down the alley way, tell him to turn around
>right when he does i point my gun right at his face
>tell him that if he moves ill shoot him
>he starts crying like a bitch and begging for his life
>tell him to take all the money out of all his pockets, if he misses one bill ill shoot him
>he produces around 40 dollars in small bills and change
>i then proceed to beat the living shit out of him
>this is the hardest i have ever hit someone, punching turned into kicking and then into stomping
>i leave him within amln inch of his life, im sure i broke his hand and some ribs
>i burn all the bills in front of him, he is too hurt to stop me
>i dump all the change down a gutter
>say some hard shit like "if i ever see you again ill kill you"

About a week later i saw him peddling again, his face was all jacked up and had on a makeshift sling.
I still believe in a difference between blacks and niggers. the same thing goes for white's. there's a reason there are frequent degenerate/coalburner/SJW threads in this place. Shame that your guy was a polished nigger. it takes time for that to wear off.
Gf grew up with and was very good friend with Jesse Mathew (UVA serial rape/murders). He was her go to guy to call when she was drunk and needed a ride since he drove a cab. Said he'd help carried her drunk ass inside her house on multiple ocasions.

Swear she got a bit jealous when it came out what he's done and that he never even tried a move on her..
This. You can still have the pleasure of hanging a coon.
Good lad
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pics related
>>love halloween

1 more
What's so bad about this? Halloween candy here is not allowed to contain nuts for a good reason.
What's wrong with this. Epilepsy is no joke and it must be terrifying for both the kid and the parents.

Forbidding him from trick or treating at all is way worse. All I see here is creative parenting.

>Halloween candy here is not allowed to contain nuts for a good reason.

lol wat?

seriously where has /pol/ gone ? I miss the old one.

Go back to plebbit
>be in highschool gym class
>just free time, do whatever you want
>dindu kid I've never seen sitting on the bench
>has a gym basketball, not doing anything with it
>ask if I can use it
>he walks up to me
>throws it at me
>I catch it
>punches me in the face and sprints away
And that's when I learned never ask a dindu for his basketball.

I seriously had no idea who he was or I would have found him and beat his ass.
Sounds like you were the nigger in this situation.
>gluten free
>dairy free
lol enjoy your handfuls of all of the shit I can possibly find which maximizes these two ingredients you insufferable cunt
Wut. You missed out if you never got mini snickers
this one i find interesting, because of>>90859590's comment. it is creative parenting.

this parent just needs to fuck off, if your child is allergic to nuts, have him trade all his nut-based candy for other treats with you as the parent. don't force the other neighbours to only provide stuff that child can eat.

If this is true, pretty fuckin harsh man. But I bet the nigger learned his lesson, they need to be put in their place.
That...........is some good solid parenting.
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Incoming nigger story:

>Jr high
>Negro starts coming around neighborhood.
>Gets in on pickup games of foosball/basketball/baseball
>Breddy gud guy
>All of us white devils accept him
>Never really acts like a nigger
>Never dresses like a nigger.
>Quiet, reserved, bit of an introvert
>Calls about five of us up to come over to his house on afternoon
>Find out where he lives
>Trailer park 3 miles from our neighborhood
>Knock on door
>Quiet down long enough to hear porn coming from inside
>all of us start to laugh
>He opens up the door and comes running out with his dick in one hand and a .380 in the other.
>All of us run back to our bikes
>haul ass
>Never saw him again, even in school
>tfw new nigger at school in year 10
>named Munashe

Cunt always looked at me, always tries to make me laugh. even though the shit he did was funny, I never gave in and laughed.
He became bro-tier 2 years later, banter was on point always gave shit to each other. I don't even care that his gf is white tbhfam.
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special snowflake syndrome
Greece, the place where white people act like niggers, and niggers still act like niggers.
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What we need to do now is actively say and promote BLM people as schizophrenic and ask the government put active members into an asylum.
Doing gods work, Chad
>want niggers to act like civilized people
>it's okay for civilized people to act like niggers
>it's okay for niggers to act like niggers
You love BBC is what I'm saying.
this is the right way.

this is the wrong way.
Less than 1.5% of humans in the world have a nut allergy.

I'm not fucking over the other 98.5% so your special snowflake can get what he wants.

If he's not a little pussy bitch and lets me know he has a nut allergy, I'll give him some starbursts or something, but he can go fuck himself otherwise.
So you're saying you were mesmerized by his black dick, so you stuck around long enough to read the barrel engraving to know it was a .380?
>published author with lit major
>take up an offer to tutor writing at my cities writing center
>Think that I could help the youth of my community learn to write and develop a love for literature
>Only people that come in are dindus and mudskins
>They can barely fucking speak English, let alone structure a paper
>Instead of doing what I was hired to do, which was helping kids structure papers, and other general shit
>I am teaching Tyrone how to spell basic words that most kids his age learned in the second grade

At least I get paid well
You know if more people responded this way, the world would be a safer place.
My first encounter with a nigger (about 15yrs ago)....
>walk with a few friends to local 24hr mart to get snacks n smokes
>*lip smacking* Ey! Ey yo!!! One y'all gots a light???
>everyone can lie and say "no" except stupid beta friend with his stupid Lighter Leash thing
>*lip smacking intensifies* lemme see dat light
>beta friend obliges and pulls the lighter up to the nog
>my group of beta buddies obviously out powered by the nigs
>let's just walk away
>wild pack of monkeys start to follow
>throwing shit at us, getting right up behind our heads
>lose my shit & turn around and spit in the lead monkeys face and mumble some shit about hating niggers
>things get loud for a minute or 2
>Nigs btfo yelling stuff about crazy ass white people and all this shit
>Still one of the best days ever
Unfortunately future nog encounters didn't go as well, but I'll still never forget the day I spit in a niggers face & my group of beta's held their own against a heard of wild monkeys.
The greatest enemy to a stormfag is but a simple nut.
My vanilla dindu story

>be me 8 years ago, supple 20 year old boy with my chubby French girlfriend with double D tits and a big, fat, juicy ass
>2 beaches near my house, 1 is scummy but 5 mins away, the other is beautiful and safe but 25 minutes away
>7pm, we want a quick dip, swallow our pride and go to the scumbag beach
>it's empty, we're the only ones there
>put our bags and stuff on a picnic table near the water, go in the water
>notice a shitty car pull into the parking lot, nbd, at least it's not park police here to hassle us
>2 dindus get out, dressed in saggy jeans, black and oversized shirts, shitty athletic shoes, and dindu-rags
>of ALLLLLL the empty picnic tables at the beach, dindus just happen to sit at the table with our stuff at it
>muster up my courage, walk to our table, grab all of our stuff, and carry it to a different table
>dindus pretend to not notice me while I do this
>30 seconds later, dindus go back to their car and leave
>realize I just thwarted their nightly attempt to steal shit at the beach
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>Fucking leaf

So what you're saying is, you can't recognize a handgun on sight.

Get some more tea, curly back up in your PJs and call your mom to talk about the healthcare system.
Anyone ever experience this? I'll keep it really brief.

>be me
>live in the middle of suburbia
>mostly whites and some asians here and there within a 8 mile radius
>a lot of kids in my neighborhood, so of course they're looking forward to halloween
>by 6 o'clock they start ringing the door and I hand out candy to every party
>all of them were white, local kids
>out of the fucking blue I see this shitty van driving up to my house
>doorbell rings
>a brood of coons is standing outside my door asking for candy
>obviously not neighbors
>I give them candy, but I don't let them take a handful. They only get one
>they leave
>what the fuck
>I decide to go for a walk
>notice one of my neighbors is doing the honor system thing where they leave out the bowl and tell people to take 1
>notice the local kids following the rule
>as I approach the house, what do I see? That shitty chrysler
>the apes literally dumped the whole bowl in their bags and giggled as they made their way into the car
>motioned to the driver "what the fuck?"
>a large group of kids and their parents noticed as well
We ended up complaining about it, and next year we got a police officer to verify whether cars entering our subdivision were locals or not.
reminds me of that YT video a while back, where a trailer trash mom emptied the whole basked of sweets in her purse during haloween
is there a point to your story faggot? holy shit
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You guys are fags and have been for millenia, no wonder you're so violent and effeminate and cunty.
>be me
>hate niggers
the filthy spics do this in my mothers neighborhood. She lives in relative proximity to Elgin IL, but her neighborhood is like 95% white. They travel all the way there to get the free gib delux bars from whitey and then retreat back to tacotown. Fucking disgusting.
totally a nigger mask
>sees flag
>it checks out
>that story
>things that are remotely believable
I wish I could be this delusionally autistic then I wouldn't want to kms everyday

I'm usually not a big fan of gated communities (HOAs are cunts), but this is a good reason to be in one.
>hey body bag hows it goin'?
no nig story cause theyres barely any here but abos are always good for a laugh
>live in a shithole rural area
>many abos are homeless or live in a river
>come winter it gets pretty cold
>after a while prison guards notice the numbers of prisoners dont add up
>some abos had actually broken INTO prison so they had somewhere to stay
they really are a good source of entertainment
Yes, they are truly a blessing. Keep out the poor and undesirables, like door to door salesmen.
how about you teach the little fuck to read or he gets the darwin award?
>8th grade
>science class
>loud ass nigger girl sits in front of me being a pain
>puts all her shit on my desk
>l move it to the floor
>she punches me in the cheek and my stupid nerd glasses fall off
>push her over and say "what the fuck"
>black teacher does nothing
Could have been worse, but l took an advanced chem class next year to be free of niggers
This happened 15-16 years ago in a smaller town in Ohio when white people still had a little bit of power. Sorry you didn't get to live a life like mine & hearing any story of white people prevailing over niggers is nothing but a delusion to you.

That's lovely.
Man I fucking hate nigs but it always makes me smile knowing there decent black guys around the world however few. Keep up the good fight my colonial freind.

based parent, you can tell by the effort he puts in he really cares for his kid


this is the type of parent that lets tv and internet raise their kids because they can't be bothered
Please. I would wager that her and the majority of her family are better people than you. What is your level of education, what do you do for a living? What is your estimates impact on the betterment of mankind?

While my wife was obtaining her two majors and a minor, she also worked 60 hours a week at a mental health facility while also volunteering her time at a number of other causes that paid her nothing.

Now she is months away from obtaining a Ph.D. In neurobiology of addictions, she is also a national bjj champ.

Get on her level you mongoliod
If someone put that up in my neighborhood, I'd go full edgy teenager mode and just give out handfuls of peanuts.

They're literally going door to door begging for free candy, they can't be such an entitled cuck like that, it's not how it works.
Alright, here goes
>5th grade
>Sitting in class , teacher out of class

My mother had been murdered a few weeks prior to this incident. Still depressed, anger issues, etc.

>sitting in back of class, sulking, thinking
>Nigger in class starts being typical nigger
>Speaking extremely loud
>Eating hot Cheetos
>Fucking hate this kid
>Says something about me, the fat long haired kid with no mom
>Finally have enough, stand up
>Scream "shut the fuck up" as loud as humanly possible
>Dindu glares at me and stands
>Pulling his pants up
>Not my first fight, so fuck it
>Charge him, grab him and toss him into desks
>He's trying to get up, his chimps and chimpettes starting to stand
>Grab him and yank him up
>Use all my might to toss the skinny malformed fucker into the giant AC unit in the window
>Hits head first, immediately passes out
>AC now has a huge dent from where his head was
>Bleeding everywhere, nobody wants to go near me
>Ff 2 hours
>Dad gets there, mad he had to leave work
>Hears entire story
>"So you won?"

Went home, suspended 3 days, and i got ice cream. My dad was proud. He loves when I fight niggers.
Race mixing is good goyim
Assuming you didn't just make this up:

1. Was this rape, or "rape"?

2. If rape, did you fucking do something about it?
>I lived in sleepy hollow and people would do this shit too.
Do you know what they called Elgin before all the mexicans came?
thats unfortunate about your mum, it must have been tough
This would be better if the father were making more of a request than simply giving instructions. Still sweet of him desu senpai.
Holy shit. The entitlement is un-fucking-believable
Do you live in Tennessee??? I'm pretty sure I just drove by that shit
It was awful for me and I considered suicide for 2 years until I realized that I had to make her proud. Thanks for the support, anon
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>be in high school
>at mcdonalds with like 8 friends
>sitting in the parking lot about to go to the beach for some girls birthday
>friend is sitting on the back of the car wearing a big yellow ass spongebob shirt (ironically)
>get approached by a group of like 15 niggers
>they start talking acting semi friendly
>one dindu starts hitting on one of the girls
>spongefriend says something about it being his gf
>dindu gets up in his face and says "whatchu say crackuh?"
>friend is clearly horrified and doesn't say anything while still sitting on the car
>nigger punches him in the face out of fucking nowhere
>another big ass friend comes after him and suddenly he's literally fighting 5 groids at once.
>everyone is scared out of their fucking mind and doesn't want to jump in
>some friends jump in their car and lock the doors
>2 90 pound girls start swinging at niggers
>groid yells "GET THE GUN"
>I run inside and tell these people at mcdonalds to help or call the cops or something because I'm not in the mood to get fucking shot today
>niggers all run away

Of course I felt like a pussy after but I was like 16 and probably would have got stomped to death

>ff to now
>be smart
>have a gun
>best friend is a crazy hillbilly with a gun
>all is well
That sucks man. I had a friend who lost his mom in the 5th grade to cancer, and she was a really nice lady.
It mudt be really hard to lose a parent so young
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>hang thing for Halloween
>in September
Thank you for correcting the record you really made me think talk about shaking beliefs I'm impressed some autist on /pol/ married a doctor because she ran into him twice. Wow I didn't know it before but now I know- race is only skin deep!!!!!!
>volunteering for the rope
Glad you're still alive and well.
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There is literally nothing wrong with this.

Sorry about your mother, bro. You focused your anger in the right place though.

Reminds me of a nigger by proxy story:

>Rocky Mount NC
>Buddy's mom working outreach at a church dinner downtown
>Nigger comes to door
>Distraught and rambling
>Someone lets him in
>He starts begging for a place to stay for the night
>this being Rocky Mount there are several shelters
>Buddy's mom sits him down, gives him something to drink and starts calling shelters.
>Nigger becomes increasingly agitated
>Buddy's mom leaves room and calls buddy's sister and gives all nigger's information to her in some form of subconscious cry for help
>Buddy's mom comes back in the room
>The nigger stands up and starts stabbing buddy's mom
>Dead before she hits the ground
>Grabs her cell phone and car keys
>Stabs another woman on the way out leaving her in ICU
>Takes buddy's moms Yukon
>caught 2 hours later
>Had been out of prison less than three months

This was in 2007 and the family is recovering still. Buddy has pretty great life but he is still justifiably angry as fuck.
>physically confronting someone you hardly know just to tell them you don't want to talk to them again

she wanted it
Wait, why were they fighting exactly? Why were they considering murdering people they just met?
Anon did u do this?
Just a group of niggers wandering around looking for trouble.
I'm in Florida so it's actually pretty typical to see this if you go into the hood.

btw we found out later they had a BB gun
thats a good way to live mate, if somehow they can see what we're doing im sure she'd be proud
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>Makes everyone else do the work
>Can't even be bothered to sort thier kid's candy
am angry as fuck after reading this. hope he got a life sentence after that

he went door to door to give them toys to give his son, that's a lot more effort than sorting you dumb amerifat
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I would have made him black and surrounded him with a bunch of spooky-looking ghosts made out of white sheets, maybe light a couple jack-o-lanterns for ambiance.
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Stop making me feel.
Gotta keep the bruddas warm ya white bastard.
>Cousin and his fiance are having dinner at Buffalo Wild Wings in Metro-Detroit.
>Old black guy keeps staring at his fiance from across the room the entire time they eat.
>Fiance gets up to go use the restroom
>Black guy walks into the women's bathroom behind her
>Nigger tries to pick her up saying he couldn't take his eyes off her since she came in
>She runs out of the restroom terrified
>Black guy flees as shit starts going down
>Nothing happens
i wonder if she knows you think she's a nigger
have you ever called her one to her face?
we wuz petrol snifferz
>She went to his apartment
>Somehow didn't expect to have sex

Nah, she did it purposely and for attention. Classic regret cry rape.

>Be 10 years old
>Have fifteen year old cousin who is also a neighbor to me
>Black family moves in with three nigs at night tier apemen
>My cousin always hated her family for not giving her things for Christmas she wanted
>At 16 she wanted a horse (as I said my family was not rich)
>She talks to the boys, begins to flirt with skimpy clothes
>Gets into argument with her father (my uncle) over being around them
>She decides it would be a good idea to lose her virginity to one of them to make her father hate her
>She is taken advantage by all three googles
>Cries rape and pleas for us to go beat them up or call police
>Me and uncle do the Adidas Slavic squat in contemplation
>Decide to call police after rounding up the apefaces
>We get in trouble for holding them "captive" on our porch

Not even worth it, uncle rightfully disowned cousin. Her sisters were much better at least and married into m.d families.
That is some grade A parenting.
He was trying to get brownie points with the chick you mong. Showing empathy can get some grillz soaked.
Why are black women so fucking forthcoming with their advances in public? Holy shit, it's embarrassing sometimes.

As a white man in an inner city, I've been hit on by more black women than I care to remember, but I do remember that every time it happened it was uncomfortable, sometimes borderline retarded.
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>twist my ankle in P.E.
>have a limp for the day
>black kid comes up to me in the hall and says I "need stop fronting with that faggy pimp walk"

He didn't empathize, he displayed sympathy to trick the girl into thinking it was empathy. Sympathy, like welfare, can enrage the nigger.

TL;DR Sympathy will get you killed as exemplified in the story
Yeah no. If your kid cant do something like trick or treating, take him to an event. Our zoo does Halloween themed events during the week and day of Halloween.

I'm not giving out shitty carrot sticks and Neco Wafers.
Black guy muted me on xbox. Fucking niggers, amirite?
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>>Adidas slavic squat in contemplation
Everyone in spain is nigger or moor so stfu
>goes to his apartment
I don't even care. She's worthless.
i was in a 75% black school, out of the other 25% a bunch were muslim. I chilled with the muslims because they seemed more civil than the niggers, now most of my best friends are arabs and my girlfriend is iranian so seeing all the anti muslim posts on here makes me chuckle tbqh
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>Move from all white school to inner city school
>Complete culture shock
>Schools got 350 people, and about 20 of them are white
>First day, sitting in cafeteria. Class hasn't even started for the day when two black girls get into a fight.
>Really brutal, cop rushes in, one of the nigs runs and puts a 70 something female teacher in a headlock.
>Gets pepper sprayed, doesn't work, cop brakes out the tazer
>the whole cafetaria is chimping, screaming "get em gurl uz gots ta fuc er up!"
>"Oh dammmmmmmmm!! Jamal, u seen dat shit. She like smashon 'eads and shieeet."
>Realize how terrible my life is going to be for the rest of the year.
>Constant chimping, fights, ect. Somehow manage to stay out of it.
>Even manage to become acquainted with some of them just to be seen as not a threat
>Constantly offered drugs, always respectfully decline.
>Always offered taki's, also decline.
>Effectively become a nobody. Just ghost walking through the jungle.
>Entire 8th grade is hell, skip more days then I went.
>Doesn't matter. Get straight A's without doing anything. I guess teachers felt my pain.
>Get depressed, start drinking early on in life.
>Start hanging with some rebel flag flying rednecks who also hate chimps.
>Ride out the year, when summer hits realize I'm in for another 4 years of chimping and shieeet.
>Sign up for a military academy.
>2 and a half hour bus ride both ways.
>Rigorous physical activity, high academic expectations.
>Actually enjoy it.
>End up getting kicked out for getting my dick sucked on school grounds.
>Realize nig ville is imminent.
>Sign up for a part time online school.
>Do nothing but drink, post on 4chan, and learn about stocks all of highschool.
>Graduate by basically doing nothing, start making good money. 23 now, life is good.
>Still wished I hadn't moved to florida. Wish I stayed in my comfy all white school in NY.
I took the redpill young, and I took that shit hard. Don't move to florida anons.
Yeah no she wasn't 'raped'
She probably let the Google fuck her and regretted it afterwards
How can feel any superiority over someone else when you admittedly behave like a monkey ?
Strange, you have an American flag, but your picture looks strayan.
The fold in the chin looks like chimp lips to me...
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>Fucking Necco Wafers
>at a metal show
>rocker sheboon works at the bar
>loud and annoying as fuck
>go outside to smoke
>crazy tweaker/bum walks by mumbling about nazis
>sheboon outside asks what hes talking about
>tell her guys too scared to come by because there's "nazi's inside"
>I say something like who isn't scared of nazi
>sheboon looks at me and says "you obviously"
>I look hurt/offended
>tell her "well im Jewish so of course I'm terrified of nazis"
>she looks guilty

>tfw you are a blonde haired green eyed non-Jew male who got to pull the race card on a nigress.
Didn't you get the memo?
Niggers are niggers.
They nig.
That's just what they do.
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