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Give me stats about blacks killing cops and likely hood of getting killed and good redpills

I need it now REEE
do ur own research u fucking digeridingo
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Is this ok?

Give link
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I am on my fucking phone

Thank you Spain
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Private conversation in University class group.

Teacher is shilling for blm in it and saying US is racist
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God damn, i think im going to change my immigration travel in 2019.

New Zealand is good?
1) Black lives don't matter
2) Aboriginal deaths in custody and deaths by police are statistically insignificant
3) While regretable, this recent shooting was an isolated incident
4) "Australian BLM" is merely a knee jerk reaction to a few rare incidents and not a real movement like its American counterpart.
5) African Americans do not recognise Aboriginals, maoris or Islanders as being black, so the name is inaccurate.
6) Not only are aboriginal deaths in custody or via police shootings statistically insignificant. So is the aboriginal population itself.

Thank you based kraut and burger
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Offical crime rate 2015
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you can navigate 4chan on your phone you can navigate racist statisitics you fucking microhilter

we sent the kanakas back at the time of federation because we didn't want a negro problem like they have in the US
Police shootings per million
Thanks boys

yeah you're right sorry, it's just easier to get heaps of shit like this.

ty bro
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Fuck Soros is spreading these parasites far and wide isn't he? What are Google lives matter doing in Straya anyway that has the most based police force?
They're saying blacks are criminals because of systemic racism ree
just taking the piss mate, I hope you put the uni cucks in their place regarding BLM
I fucking hate this country. My teacher who isn't even teaching anything to do with BLM had 4 lessons soley about white male cis privilege

why the fuck is this allowed. im considering calling him a faggot he's saying the most fucking bullshit stuff all the time in random lessons too
Just curious why don't you consider culling this filth and tossing his carcass out into the outback? Nobody will miss him. He's poison to the mind of students.
Honestly in this society especially in academia its almost career suicide to speak against their agenda. Just hide your power level knowing they are wrong. He'll justify his views regardless of statistics that prove him wrong.

What are you studying?

Bad goy!
>They're saying blacks are criminals because of systemic racism ree

Strawman. There is no systematic racism in Australia and aboriginals are specifically given special assistance by the system. Nobody was talking about systematic racism. They're just shifting the goal posts to try rationalize and apologize for an armed, known criminal that was evading police and ignoring their orders.
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>Private conversation in University class group.
>Teacher is shilling for blm in it and saying US is racist
I want you to do this

Tell him to shut the fuck up and stop talking about American problems in an Australian University because it's not our fucking issue to talk about in the first place
>mfw evidence for systemic anti-white racism
I'm being serious straya cunt. If possible you need to do the deed. Those kind of things are a plague in US universities. Find where this sad sack of shit goes to find the bull for his wife and jump him in the night with a crowbar, hammer or kukri.
me too m8, never had any classes talking about leftist stuff
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Might also be good to point out it's offensive to aboriginals to show images of people that have died. So those circulating images of the shooting in Cowra are being disrespectful to the aboriginal community and his family and merely using his death as a means to further their own agendas.

The mans father specifically said "We're not America. This is Australia" so just like we rarely have police shootings, we also don't have any need for an "Australian BLM" and forming one is entirely counter to the fathers wishes.
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http://heyjackass.com/ day to day tracking of shootings in Chicago.
Trips of truth

What? How is it offensive? Can you explain or proof its real?

k ill keep u posted
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>likely hood of getting killed
Any hood I dunno lol.
Have this too, just to trigger the google/cuck
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>What? How is it offensive? Can you explain or proof its real?

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Fucking thank you.

Based poland and burger
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He isn't dead, they shot him once in the arse cheek, It's a flesh wound FFS. These whiny cunts are just looking for anything to complain about and play the victim.

Niggers in America wish they had half the gibs that Abbo's get here. They must get the most welfare and benefits than anyone else in the world.
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If black lives matter, why do blacks kill so many other blacks?

Perhaps they do their protesting in black neighbourhoods and maybe they can convince blacks to stop murdering each other.
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Is Chicago mostly white?

I'm trying to find examples of US cities which are majority white with a huge majority black crime
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>US is racist

It has a black president.
It has affirmative action, meaning that blacks get jobs ahead of non-blacks.
It has "race-norming" in tests, meaning that a black can get a failing grade but still be given a pass.
It has federal quotas, meaning that no company can get a contract from the government unless it meets a quota of black workers.
It has a massive welfare programme (less than 15% of black Americans are part of the workforce).
It has "historically-black" colleges, meaning that whites are excluded from applying.
It has a whole system of lower entrance requirements for college, meaning that President Obama got into the Ivy League with a C average.

For fuck's sake, what does it take to be considered non-racist?
>For fuck's sake, what does it take to be considered non-racist?
No whites.
" Excess per capita death rates among blacks and youth at police hands are reflections of excess exposure"
because BLM isn't about black lives, is about them fuckin' cracka ass police muggafugga shooting brothas that dindu nuffin
But if there are no whites, who'll feed the monkeys?
He's about to shit a Transformer
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I guess you'd know all about the aims and objectives of BLM.
Honestly this alone along with a few other studies proves BLM is a fucking sham since police dont shoot Googles more then whites. Also youtube search Ben Shapiro BLM he has so many great points and can often redpill even hardened libcucks
Why is there an Australian BLM.

Dont your noongas get free housing and allot of other free shit?

If you are talking about USA this is the best interactive graph you can find when dealing with black crimes as compared to others in the USA.

It is really great.


I just link people to this infographic and if they are too stupid to comprehend the information I dont bother talking with them.

tell them you're an intellectual lightweight who needs an army of supporters to feed him choice lines in order to win a "debate"

seriously though, you guys frothily jerk off about " muh logic" and "facts are more important than feelings"


half the threads on here are " oh shit guys i'm arguing with someone to the left of me and i need help because i'm in the real world and i cant upload my choice memes"
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Someone LITERALLY just said "Stop sending racist images to prove your point"

4 people agreed.

If I get more reports I might get kicked out of Uni I've already been complained about a lot bros.

These people call me names everyday, I'm not even a /pol/ autist. I just show images I don't even say anything BAD or remotely bad.

Aboriginal people in my school who are completely white call me non-aboriginal for what I say despite the fact I am black as fuck and proper abo

Why the fuck is this okay
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No amount of facts will convince those people.
>I'm not that autistic-
Nope, you are.
Don't stop. If you are kicked out of school for shared purely factual information then you will become the martyr we need, but dont deserve.
Police here are pretty switched on when they try. They recently figured out a suitcase murder due to floor tiles so they have some impressive autism available.
Also it doesnt matter about the people who respond they have no hope. Think about the people who see it and say nothing as their minds slowly are changed by the facts. "The goal of an argument is not to convince the other guy, its to convince the crowd that is watching"
>nead halp wif shit talkn to abos !!!
97% of abos are just gorillas who have learned to talk

27% of abos before the age of 15 will steal something them attempt to put it in their own asses

only 6% of abo babies are virgins after meeting their own fathers for the first time

all of these facts and more i heard as i said them while i typed them
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What does this quote mean "excess exposure" to what?

Based thank you

I really don't want to get in more trouble.

Okay I won't quit.
Remember never go full 88 just say that BLM is wrong and unjustifiable ween in the redpill so you dont scare them off
Report them
For what?
>Give me stats about blacks killing cops and likely hood of getting killed and good redpills

sorry to tell you this mate but liberals dismiss all stastics they dislike as racist hate speech. they are mentally children and can't understand an argument that isn't emotion based. You will only lose friends doing this
dont waste your time

show them this pic
I've reported people before for calling me white when I'm clearly not and the school has sided with them.
Bloody hell. Just try and bear the name calling and their childish tantrums. If they kick you out find someone who will run your story and then tarnish their reputation.

shootings in chicago? but they're gun free.
Do it again for absolutely everything they tell you

kicking an abo out of uni? lel... they're asking to be raped by the government.
I don't care about the name calling, it's heaps of people though. They constantly harass me and I can't complain.
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>inb4 our based Detectives go all the way to the rabbit at the end of the rabbit hole.
FBI stats mate and aussie BLM? What like a small portion of the 2% of abbos that make up this country are protesting?
So like 3 people?
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>australian blm
The eternal anglo is a cuck no matter where he goes.

Some of the campuses I've been to are filled with white apologist cucks that hop onto every single social activism meme possible. Earlier this year it was feminism, now it's BLM.
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>Arbitrary American sycophant licking Australia's boots post
By that point it might be safer to just stay in Brazil, maybe take a vacation in Rio.
>Based aBro, give it to em.

Jesus fucking christ Australia has these cockroaches too.
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Aussie lads get in here

Hello my white friend
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Just Ignore them they are crazy conspiracy theorists.
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We should be talking about the real issues here.

>demonically POSSESSED Extraterrestrials that need the Light Of Jesus in their Lives.
The standard violence figures
First members of Congressional Black Caucus introduced drug laws
Black were already fighting war on drugs, uniting in community to do so
More interactions with police will lead to more unfortunate outcomes
I also want this
>It has a black president.
>It has affirmative action, meaning that blacks get jobs ahead of non-blacks.
Thats not even close to how it works. It only works for schools/universities. And its only for acceptance/admission into them.
>It has "race-norming" in tests, meaning that a black can get a failing grade but still be given a pass.
No it doesn't. A pass is a pass and a fail is a fail. Its why there are so many nigger dropouts.
>It has federal quotas, meaning that no company can get a contract from the government unless it meets a quota of black workers.
Not even fucking close. Quotas are illegal in the US.
>It has a massive welfare programme (less than 15% of black Americans are part of the workforce).
Yes on welfare, idk about their employment stats.
>It has "historically-black" colleges, meaning that whites are excluded from applying.
No the fuck they're not lmfao. White people are openly invited to go to historically black colleges to learn more SJW shit. But not many want to go to school with a fuckload of niggers.
>It has a whole system of lower entrance requirements for college, meaning that President Obama got into the Ivy League with a C average.
Probably. But again, affirmative action gets you in, if you're a failure, you're getting kicked out like everyone else.

I wonder if this is what other countries actually believe? That we bend over backwards for these niggers and they still suck.
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You cant argue with facts. They will allways cherry pick something that underminds your facts.

But best is to never argue or debate if your goals is to persuede them. You need to plant seed of doubt in their mind about their own belives. First them, you will win.

So best way is to ask questions when they state their opinions. When they try to use the "facts", ask them questions about these things. Make them lose belife in whatever they belive in and they will by them selfs see your side of things and accept it.
OP what uni?
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