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Orthodox (Judaism) General

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Thread replies: 216
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Jew here.

I've been an atheist for many years, but having browsed the Christian General threads here on /pol/, I've begun to consider becoming an Orthodox Jew, and I believe you should all do the same. There is no better stronghold against degeneracy. Judaism is against sodomites, trannies, fornificators, mixed marriages (don't worry, we won't let niggers convert, just whites) theft, substance abuse, and everything else. You get to have a much more agreeable Sharia, but you can drink alcohol and listen to instrumental music, the two biggest reasons a lot of people don't convert to Islam (sorry, no Pork though).

So what do you say, goyim? How about we put a two thousand year feud to rest, and save the white race and civilization while we're at it?
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Get out of my board.
lol nice pic, but that only happens in your dreams. the reality is your pope washes muslim "refugees" feet, and there isn't a Church in the West that does not support the invasion. while you christians and dirty pagans (same thing half the time) are licking Muslim ass, we are killing the shit out of them in Palestine, and elsewhere with the Mossad and the US military.
Repent ye and believe the Gospel. Jesus Christ, your Messiah, conquered death in order to free you from the stranglehold of sin and death.
lol no, Jesus he was a heretic who proclaimed his own divinity, and it was right of us to execute him for his transgressions against his and our law. if the concept of God being triune, Jesus being perfectly man and God, and the eucharist seem mysterious, it's because they don't make sense, and are a mixture of platonic forms theory and hellenistic "Judaism".

But alas, you are a stupid goy. When the real messiah comes, we will tend to you, and show you the proper ways.
was jesus really buried under a banana tree in tzfat?
I'm honestly not sure what you are referring to, if this is supposed to be some Jewish tradition regarding Yeshua'. I believe the traditional narrative of Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea placing him in a tomb are correct, but that that it was not sealed, and that his disciples abducted his body.
I'm a Nazi skinhead who has seriously considered becoming jewish. I mean wtf, I'm already circumcised and I really like this "bar mitzvah" idea. I really want to have a bar mitzvah.

Hmm...I'm interested. I never liked Jesus and don't believe he was the son of god.

Would you consider imposing an IQ test though King Merchant? I don't want to waste my time converting and have a bunch of stupid low IQ whites (most of /pol/) trying to follow in my footsteps.
It's a terrible idea OP.
Enjoy not being able to use any electronics on shabbos and having to pay for expensive kosher food.

The ultra-orthodox are hardly better than the amish
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I know how you feel, but the alt-right will just kick us out of America if they ever gain full power. Use them to fight back the shitskins and nothing more.
>against theft

Pick one

>against degeneracy

What is jewish circumsision?

Then by all means, I encourage you to become a Jew! Circumcisions tend to make the whole conversion process a great deal easier. Email a rabbi at your nearest synagogue announcing your desire to worship the God of Israel, and set up an appointment. It may take over a year to formally convert, but if you learn what you're supposed to learn, and do what your supposed to do, he will see your enthusiasm, and be more inclined to convert you. He might go on about what it means to be a Jew in the heart, but that's all noise, just follow the rules, and your set. The only really hard part is keeping the Sabbath, everything else is easy.
Judaism is against theft, we cut the hands of thieves if they can't come to an contractual agreement with their victim, we cut off their hand. If you are referring to stealing from goyim, that's a falsehood spread by websites like Rense. If a goy loses something, and we are doubtful as to our ability to refturn it to its original owner, we may keep it (although if circumstances change, and we are still in possession of the item, or may reobtain the item, we must return it). That is what these antisemitic websites refer to as "theft".
>what is usuary
>You get to have a much more agreeable Sharia, but you can drink alcohol and listen to instrumental music, the two biggest reasons a lot of people don't convert to Islam (sorry, no Pork though).

wow, great pitch, I can basically be a muslim but still do the one thing that's actually really bad for you
Well, I doubt IQ tests would be necessary. Those who convert to Judaism tend to have a higher soul than other goyim, which also often correlates to IQ. In theory, a few niggers here and there could convert Judaism, but most do not have the temperance, morals, and intelligence to do so, so one needn't worry about any widespread race mixing, or it's dysgenic effects.
Amish are based as far as Christians are concerned, although I like Mennonites better, more moderate.
I don't think you get it, my good goy. We run this shit, no matter who you think is "taking over". In the whole, we will be fine. If the alt right takes over, it will be Trump and Molyneux, not David Duke and friends.
Interest is not theft, stupid goy. Interest based loans are pivotal to any thriving economy, show me one that doesn't use interest, and I'll show you a Muslim shithole, and even they have found it necessary to use Westen banking. Just because you are irresponsible and spend all your money on WWII paraphernalia doesn't mean others who need said loans should be barred from taking them. You act like money should just be given out for free. You fascists know about as much about economics as communists do.
yeah but no Christmas
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>This is a legit Jew

I respect your conservatism and your nigger-hate but what the literal fuck is wrong with you people promoting degeneracy in White countries?

Also, there is literally nothing wrong with Jesus, God loved his creation so much that he literally killed himself to save us.
Thanks, we tend to make good salesmen.

You also don't have to pray 5 times a day, just twice (excepting Sabbath), and all you do is read a short prayer that takes less than a minute to recite. And women don't have to cover up unless they are in the synagogue or are married, and even then it's just the hair.
25% is a reasonable intrest goy!

>implying I am a facist because I am against usuary you guys practice.

Money shouldn't be given out for free but sucking a person flat into debt is both economically irresponsible and immoral

You better be a larping faggot.
They hate the nonjew
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>browsed the Christian General threads
I can't control them, unfortunately. They are leaches, and it pains me to be associated with them, and I know that God will punish all of us Jews for their transgressions.

There is certainly a great deal wrong with Christianity, as it impedes upon the unity of God, as well as his uniqueness. The Trinity and other Christian theological doctrines are utterly opposed to both the Tanakh and the oral law. And as far as the ontological world is concerned, he did not fulfill the requirements of Messiah. It was the job of the Messiah to uphold the whole of the law, not just the "natural law" or the "moral law", but the Torah as it was written.
If a party is willing to take such a loan, it is reasonable, although it conflicts with Jewish moral teachings and common sense that a loaner should issue loans at an interest rate that a debtor cannot pay (although many Jews do this, the slime).
Nah, we only hate those that hate us, or hate Ha-Shem. I can't really blame goyim for hating us though, as we are not behaving upright as God wills. That is why I am attempting to prosthelytize, which is uncommon in Judaism. I want to instill good people into our nation, so that we can deter God's wrath, people who will uphold our laws.
Yeah bullshit your fucking Talmund is so kind to Jesus.

>the only loans availible have high intrest rates
Goy you choose to starve because you disn't pay $15 dollars for a signal meal.

Fuck off

You gave me a reasonable reason to despise atheists. They are your pets.

I keep trying to be accepting of Jews but you keep shooting yourselves in the foot.

After 2000 years and getting kicjed out of litterally 100 countries across the globe, somehow you guys still keep fucking up.

Have you even fucking read the Talmund?

Or are you a choose to be a jew because you only read the old testament?
I would have to agree, based Jew.

Jews who are involved in pornography is particularly aggravating.

I can only respect the Jewish people if they respect the native people of their host countries.

Perhaps we can reach some common ground in the future. But for the most part, the sheer amount of Jews shilling for Hillary makes me justifiably wary.
>The ultra-orthodox are hardly better than the amish


Some places that are homogeneous orthodox (Bnei Brak) are like Europe in th 16th century during the sabbath
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>I believe you should all do the same.
Converting to Judaism is quite hard, and the corcumcision is a huge deterrent. Thus no.
Have you read the fucking Talmud, goy? You most certainly haven't, you have only read a few doctored quotes online. The majority of the Talmud is a boring commentary on the Torah and sayings of sages. It attempts to give Jews a foolproof method to follow the mitzvot, being that we are liable if we fail to follow them. The majority of quotes you have read are either altogether fake, paraphrased to the point the meaning is different, or stand alone statements lacking commentary. As an example, always see the claim that it is permissible for Jews to kill goyim because it is in the Talmud; it is, but it is merely a popular held belief that is critiqued. The commentators then proceed to analyze the circumstances when killing a goy is permissible (which is nothing particularly evil, at worst, a goy may be killed if there is concrete evidence he will kill a Jew in the near future).

As far as Jesus is concerned, it is said he is boiling in hell (I don't know where people get the excrement part), although this is generally viewed as figurative, just expressing the severity of his blasphemy. As far as Mary is concerned, she is called a harlot, and what else can she be if the immaculate conception is untrue?

I don't care for the Talmud though, the Mishnah Torah is better, more in line with traditional Judaism, and less strict. Still better than the Kabballah and Hassidic stuff.
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Then spoke Jesus to the multitude and to His disciples,
saying, “The scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat.
3 All therefore whatsoever they bid you observe, that observe and do; but do ye not according to their works; for they say, and do not.

4 For they bind heavy burdens and grievous to be borne, and lay them on men’s shoulders, but they themselves will not move them with one of their fingers.
5 But all their works they do to be seen by men. They make broad their phylacteries, and enlarge the borders of their garments,
6 and love the uppermost places at feasts and the chief seats in the synagogues,
7 and greetings in the markets, and to be called by men, ‘Rabbi, Rabbi.’
13 “But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For ye shut up the Kingdom of Heaven against men, for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in.
14 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For ye devour widows’ houses, and for a pretense make long prayers; therefore ye shall receive the greater damnation.
15 “Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves.
16 “Woe unto you, ye blind guides, who say, ‘Whosoever shall swear by the temple, it is nothing; but whosoever shall swear by the gold of the temple, he is obligated.’
17 Ye fools and blind! For which is greater, the gold, or the temple that sanctifieth the gold?
I am convinced you are a larper doing this for (((Yous))).

No jew would go into detail about the Talmund like that.
Okay? I don't care what your heretic "messiah" said. He doesn't fulfill the necessary requisites of Messiah, and the Jews saw this, so all he could do is name call. Might as well have Abe Foxman calling you antisemites.

Quote your bible all you want. It's all lies.
>half the bible is the Torah/OD

You fucking heretic amoungst the jews.
Judaism was abolished by God in 70 AD
I've done nothing that could jeopardize our faith or nation, so I have not transgressed any law. That goyim should not be taught the Torah has stipulations. For over 50 years, we Jews have lived cozily in the West, and the goyim are no more informed of our religion than they were before, which is how these antisemitic theories gain headway. Moreover, if we tried to convert goyim, which I consider a duty in times of peace, we would be a sizeable minority, or even the majority in the West by now. Go read about how high the population of Jewish converts was in the Pre-Christian Roman Empire, it will blow your mind.

That is what happens when we Jews try. But we don't care about our religion anymore, we just wanna make lots of money, feel safe, and most importantly, feel right. But righteousness is from God alone. How many times, we read the book of Job, yet do not heed to it's teachings...
I am referring to the New Testament. No self respecting Jew calls the Tanakh "bible".
Nope. We will never be abolished, ever. The messiah while invite you to join us, but it will be you joining us, not goyim and Jews sharing the same kingdom.
>implying that Jewish superstition is a matter significant enough for God to address specifically
good goy

>That is what happens when we Jews try. But we don't care about our religion anymore, we just wanna make lots of money, feel safe, and most importantly, feel right. But righteousness is from God alone. How many times, we read the book of Job, yet do not heed to it's teachings...
>admitting doing constant blashphemy and being a slave to your own greed

You have to be a larper making b8....
Appericate the dedication but just cut it out.
>The messiah while invite you to join us

Happened a long time ago. Israel was supposed to be the priest-nation that taught the world about righteousness and holiness. Jesus Christ's message of righteousness and holiness has spread across the globe. Meanwhile powerful Jews and Israel destabilize the world, cause bloodshed for power and money, and promote abominations like the porn industry. I'm not a crazy pol anti-semite that thinks if you're Jewish you're auto-evil, but look at what your version of "Israel" has been doing for the last couple millenia.

God sent a pagan nation to tear down the temple because that phase of history is over. It's been over for a long time while the remnant of true believers (which aren't necessarily tied to specific institutions) does the good work of God across the planet. Get on board
>we are killing the shit out of them in Palestine
and bringing them here
/pol/ has no problems with muslims in muslim countries
leave them alone and stop fucking shit up so they stay over there and we can have our homogeneous refugee-less society
Nose or GTFO
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Why would you hate your own creation (christianity)
Maybe because it isn't their creation. Look at the atheists in this thread.

They are defending jews, they don't attack them but will attack the christians that post here.

Why would Jews be interested in promoting doctrines they believe are blasphemous and will damn their souls? Why is their creation full of prophecies about their humiliation and punishment? Why does their creation contradict their vision of the eschatology and hinder it's fulfilment? Why did, for a century, Jewish leaders plead with Romans to criminalize Christian converts on the grounds that it was a new religion which was not permitted in Rome. Rome believed there was no significant difference between Judaism and Christianity but Jews protested this for years all across the Mediterranean

... so that in two thousand years they could get a few white girls to date black guys.

Are you clinically retarded or possessed?
They're so deluded they think modern Israel is biblical Israel, when it's truly the Synagogue of Satan and the modern (((Jews))) are the pharisees. The biblical Jews are us the Christians, not the (((Jews))) who rejected God.
>You get to have a much more agreeable Sharia
I don't want my penis sucked by old men.
God's chosen people after the second covenant is literally all those who've been baptized. Repent and convert, and you might find salvation.
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You may cringe all you want, but it's theologically correct. Unless of course you want to deny that Jesus was a Jew.
The Jews followed Jesus, the Pharisees aka (((Jews))) rejected him.
Chosen doesn't mean what you think it means.

Salvation can't come as a result of worsipping a rebelious Jew who was transformed into a Pagan Idol.
"Chosen" means that their nation was chosen to represent God and teach the world about God. It doesn't mean they were so magical that God fell in love with them and made them his favorite. The Messiah was supposed to come and all the gentile world was supposed to learn about God and how to become good people. They were fired from that position and now every continent on Earth has people that disciple under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. It's already happened, Jews, get on board
>Chosen doesn't mean what you think it means.
>Salvation can't come as a result of worsipping a rebelious Jew who was transformed into a Pagan Idol.
you defrocked yourself from being God's chosen people since you rejected Him
your people crucified a man who committed no crime and saved a convicted murderer, and to this day some of you try to find his body because you can't accept the idea that you crucified God himself. Yours is the deicidal people.
This. The only people who don't get this are the (((Jews))) and the meme churches in America who shill for Israel and vote the neocons in office
>your people crucified a man who committed no crime and saved a convicted murderer

No, they had Rome do it for them since they weren't even in a position to enforce their own laws anymore.

But keep in mind a lot of Jews did accept Christ. Even former pharisees became Christians. The middle east would have loads of Christians in it if it wasn't for the locusts coming out of Mecca and devouring the land
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If you're going to be a religious nut I rather you stay in the diaspora, cuck.
>But keep in mind a lot of Jews did accept Christ. Even former pharisees became Christians. The middle east would have loads of Christians in it if it wasn't for the locusts coming out of Mecca and devouring the land
I am aware, that's why I talk of (((modern Jews))) as a different concept from the ones who accepted Jesus Christ as the Savior.
We can't accept the idea that God is a man or a tree or the sun itself, and no real Jew will ever accept such a pagan idea.
Meanwhile you can call yourself whatever you want, The realest Jews, The true Israel, the original Hebrews, it doesn't have any effect on us or on our religion, for us Mormons, Muslims an Christians are all in the same category.
National Socialist Germany

They went from the poorest to the richest country in the great depression in 2 years after abolishing usury
>trying this hard to damage control
stay mad, fake jews
>the original Hebrews
lmfao GTFO stupid khazars
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>They went from the poorest to the richest country in the great depression in 2 years after abolishing usury

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lel the only myth about the 3rd reich is the holohoax
Day of kike extermination draws near, they are trying bargaining now
>Hating on the only group that's keeping your population up
Hating the Haredi is disgusting, I'm betting you live in Tel Aviv.
>how stupid were the jews...first they get cucked by the Romans...so God sends his only begotten son to save them and what do they do...they kill Gods son and save a murderess criminal...that's why jews are the worst people on this planet.
And only be able to eat shit? No thanks
Why the war why not use this "superior" IQ to make us evolve and progress for a better future for every one ?! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0VutA6Bj_ZM Why ?
Because superior jewish IQ is a lie
their inbred halucinations and birth defects are real
>the jews knew that after they killed Christ that their total extinction was guaranteed even though they have managed to survive and even thrive in this world for the last 2000yrs...but today they realize that the prophecies are coming true and the jewish race are living their end time.
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You forgot the Egyptians too. He even sent frogs to help the Jews. Now frogs are their worst nightmare.
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>denying the existence of God is the greatest sin of all..wake up you satanic fools.
That's right, goyfriends. There's only one race: the Jewish race. Get your free Torah now.
I'm probably going to hell with the kikes for this heresy, but I can't help up the edgyness
The main issue is merging your blood and the destiny of your lineage with that of the Jewish people.
Explain the near universal jewish pushing of racemixing in europe
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as told by based Jew Benjamin Freedman

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>The bible says when Christ returns there will be 1000 years of peace
>Hitler spoke frequently about the 1000 year reich.

>I think God and Jesus have a sense of humor, I don't fret laughing over jokes like this.
Christian is literally the modern name for Jew
More like cuck m8
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What did he mean by this?
Most people that push tolerance and diversity, if not atheist liberals are hardcore "christians"
I agree that it can have better interpretations than that but I've never met someone with one IRL and I doubt I ever will
Also christians pushed abolitionism, desegregation, etc
Go live in Israel you piece of shit. That's your best bet.

You wanted it and you got it. It'll be a lot better for you than what I carry around in my backpack every day.

Nothing wrong with abolitionism, the mistake was not sending them back. Also remember who the (((slave traders))) were.
Is this a last ditch effort to sway some of us before the day of the rope? I'm certain not 100% of you are involved in pushing degeneracy but I think like 80% or more are
I agree with this unironically
That last part is important, for any lurkers, look it up
All da joos left huh
I expected you to agree. The Aryan people as a whole is noble and doesn't look forward to exploiting other beings. Slavery is a disgrace.
I guess they didn't like getting called out as "fake Jews" too much.
they had to go say their oy veys in their temples

absolute scum that they are
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unlike middle easterners, which historically have been the most brutal slave traders in history, ever since ancient sumer
wonder how the liberals think that's going to play out in europe, especially with women
as for the first insult I have a bit of a chip on my shoulder dealing with abrahamic religions in general, but if a legitimate crusade started up I'd probably join because it would be fighting for the same things I want, if that makes sense
as long as you respect my ability to do what I want religiously so long as it harms no one else I respect yours
I'd rather have you fighting by my side than some evangelical muh isreal cuck tbqh
same. I don't even disbelieve in your religion (chaote), just how most people practice it and the blatant hypocrisy shown by many with it
pic related, hopefully DEUS VULT or similar starts up soon
No worries mang. I know about these people and how they operate.
Maybe I put my faith in God the Father the Almighty, but I can help you slay these beasts.
And I'm never looking back to Sodom etc. but rather triggering the fuck out of them.

You and me. We take them down.
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it's late lol
When I said "evangelical muh isreal cucks" I was talking about the evangelical branches that conflate the biblical Israel with the modern state and the modern (((Jews))) btw
Same here.
Christians and Jews basically share the same core God. Where you both differ is a guy who lived 2000 years ago. If you were to put aside your differences, think of what a great society could be created.

The scheming of the Jews is better suited to conserving the only power that would even be remotely willing to keep them safe from the other groups. By killing off whites and Christians, the entire world will fall, Jews included. If both the greatest schemers and greatest doers combined their powers, imagine how far you could go.
they're just as bad as the SJW's if not worse, they'll die for their (false) ideas
we just have to give them the privilege of fulfilling their martyr complex
>I've been an atheist for many years

Isn't that most Jews? You're basically hedonistic Atheists that occasionally bring up your Judaism when it's threatened or used as a means to insult you.
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do you believe in the son of god jesus and take him as your messiah?

your star of david is 666
lol, brofisted
I'm more worried by people who cherrypick than by those who live a sinful life, because I see the latter as mere weakness (which I have too, I'm not suited to cast the first stone) and the former as pure heresy. I know a girl who was from the former group, she was also a femtard. Now she's a fedora vegan femtard, skrillex dyke cut and all (she's straight but she's a faghag). Truly disgusting.
She'd say she didn't believe X or Y was a sin even though it said so in the Bible. Her pride lead her to atheism.
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you think we could trust them? has that EVER worked out?
How far we could go? Easy, we'd do what's worst for ourselves, by being tricked by them. Look at Europe. Then listen to Barbara Spectre or look up the Kalergi plan.
she never really believed it in the first place if she was acting like that, or didn't understand how theology works
or she thought it was a democracy lol
while I do think one can make their own religious beliefs if you do that you're not really following the religion anymore, feel me
Repeat after me.

I believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty, the maker of Heaven and Earth.
I believe in all things seen and and unseen.

Say it.
I'm talking more to them to stop shooting themselves in the foot. If they kill off white man and Christians, they're gonna be fucked over hard by the mudslimes and niggers. It's better for them to stop fucking around with us and get their shit together. The great Jewish conspiracy is basically a collective suicide. They aren't going to be able to control our replacements and they will have fucked the world over for themselves along with us.
who does not believe in jesus the son does not have the father its easy

>Jew here

see 77 confirm
>or she thought it was a democracy lol
basically, yes
she also thought women should be able to be priests and that many parts of the Bible were "sexist". She's a SJW in every sense except abortion. And she even defends Muslims while slamming Christians (specially Catholics) at the same time, she has absolute cognitive dissonance. I'm not sure how she manages to not collapse with all the doublethink she does.
>while I do think one can make their own religious beliefs if you do that you're not really following the religion anymore, feel me
I agree completely
they don't care about any of that. Their collective sin is that of greed above all others, and they can never have enough. they will never stop, even if it destroys them in the process
They won't, it's the story of the scorpion and the frog crossing the river.
good riddance of bad garbage mane
she'll probably end up being one of the turncoats when the tide turns even more towards our side, those are the ones to watch out for in my opinion, as they could easily be sleeper agents
as for the cognitive dissonance
God from God, Light from Light, True God from True God, begotten, not made, one in being from the Father.

For us and for our salvation, He came down from heaven.
Well too bad for them then. Still doesn't hurt to let them know what they're missing out on. Perhaps through the offer of even greater riches they could be swayed? I don't really care enough to get too much into it.
I don't know about sleeper agent, but she's an obvious useful idiot. She's against abortion and euthanasia but falls for the worst of euphemisms that are created to push the Overton window or to create loopholes. She can't tell when she's being manipulated. It's pretty sad.
there is a different solution that would solve the problem forever anon, you're just tiptoeing around it
she gets social virtue points for saying those things, and that gets her that dopamine hit that females get from doing things society supports
The good ones usually convert or at the very least reject the Talmud.
I'm not sure about that, sometimes she spouses views that are still controversial. She sure does value to be seen as liberal though (she was even pro-Sanders, kek).
is your life, man
you'd know better than me
Hehehe. Sometimes you just gotta do what you just gotta do.
Oh and she also loves to call out "racism" and doesn't doubt the word of "victims". I've proven her wrong in some occasions regarding that (public cases of assault that got eventually exposed as not racially motivated).
Now that I think of it, she's basically the female AIDS Skrillex, kek

Judaism isn't a bastion of anything but homewreckers. It breeds a plague of rebellious cultural Marxists.
Fuck off goy. If you were a true jew you would know that you should not shill our religion. If people wanna convert you gotta turn them away at least 3 times to make sure they're serious.
But Judaism doesn't want filthy got converts like us.
Shlomo is right
>implying jews consider converts to be true jews
that's just conditioning she gets from the media and probably school, I dunno about your country but in mine it's pushed to a retarded degree in schools
Get out fast if it takes this much thought to figure it out.

Jewesses are the worst.
She's not a jewess and I don't date her lel. She used to hit on me but I kept turning her down because she's not white.
I once dated a girl who I after found out to be part jew (although of Catholic faith). When I found out I was freaking out kek, couldn't keep my knees quiet. Thank God I was alone in that moment.
I suspect it has more to do with retarded blogs and outlets like tumblr.
You will often hear religious jews say that converts are often truer jews than born jews, since they willingly decided to give up pork and foreskin rather than being forced to do so
Why is Israeli folk music literally some of the best music ever created?

Checkmate christians, muslims.
What do you think of Muslims? Do most Jews hate Muslims?
I'm from a Muslim family and area and I can comfortably say that the majority of Muslims think that Jews are the source of all evil in the world.
>truer jews
>no bloodline
>not white
I think we found the cause of your issue anon
Fuck off. Music is a matter of taste.
It doesn't sound to me like you want a good marriage anon. You'll have to stop playing around or else all you'll have are players.
probably yes, although there's other non-whites who are reasonable
but yes, the most cancerous are usually non-whites
And everybody thinks you Muslims are shit too. Fuck off. If Islam is so great go and live in a predominantly Muslim country. Don't come to my white country and then say how great you are.
>marrying in this godforsaken country
I'm going to greener pastures anon, I've had enough with the decadent west. Go Slavic or go home.
Syria was great until the (((globalists))) destabilized it
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Heck, people used to take vacations to Aleppo
Slavlife bestlife, but it's no easy out. If you only have some slav hoe then you will not be happy with it in the long run.
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I don't plan to get a mail order bride or anything, I will assimilate and get some actual marriage-grade woman.
Great. 1 country. How about all of the nations that shaped the world as it is today? Oh what a coincidence - non muslim and heavily white. (Until recently mind you. And now look, they're turning shit too)
I hope you are young enough and good enough to score a good one anon. I never hate on my fellow bros. I just try to give advice.
pre islam the arabs were better than they are now
not the best, but better
this is pretty much unequivocally true if you do some research
I can stay non-jew while believing in the God of Israel(without being christian)
Notice I said Muslim. I know the Arabs were fine before Islam. Unfortunately they are Muslim now.
Afghanistan used to be pretty nice, then the talibans took power. And although I mentioned Syria, it should be mentioned that it was one of the most secular Islamic countries and it's run by Alawite Muslims, a far cry from the Sunnis.
Thanks anon, I hope I can get outta here before it's too late. College is taking me longer than it should though.
wait did I say talibans
i'm not sure if it was the talibans or not, what I know is it was nice in the 60s and looked even western
Lybia was fairly good until recently too
Does my point still not stand? Predominantly white countries are the best in the world, and now that we've become piss weak and are allowing our borders to collapse are we losing our superiority as national powers.

Look no further than Sweden and Germany for exemplification of what I'm talking about.
you're right and neither of us disagree with you
we're just giving caveats
we want none of your desert deities, piss off or auschwitz 2.0
Isn't that slightly counterintuitive? Unless we're talking a purely objective discussion, which I wouldn't have expected given where we are and the topic.

Sorry if I came off as standoff-ish.
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you abolished yourself when you started following the word of man (talmud) instead of the word of god, and adopted the seal fo solomon on your flag.

You're not gods chosen people. the tree of culture and aryanism has to be littered with the blood of degenerate semites.

israel aka semite shithole is not my ally, klara and olaf, not shoshannah and shlomo, ok.
I don't need a religion to live properly you dumb kike
I am modern Orthodox Jewish (or at least raised as such). What do you actually know about practicing Judaism?

You dont run shit. Repent while you still can
all debate should be purely objective, how else can one arrive at the truth
dialectical method works, and it works very well
What's up brother.
Same story
>secular family
>not even cut

But Orthodox Judaism is based. Trying to follow all laws I can.
this, you need some devil's advocate
you wanna get your mind blown look at politics and history as a dialectic process of the advancement of a radical new idea, its instatement, and then the reaction against its excesses and bad parts, which leads to the instatement of a new idea, carrying over the good parts from the last
>your pope
Fuck off, Kiketholic

Revelation 3:9
>Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

Revelation 2:9
>I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

>Judaism is against theft
Only of other oven dodgers
Where do you think we are though? I'm in full agreement with you but we're all here to fuck around and say what we can't say in public. Hence: Burn the kikes!
there are a lottt of rational debates you cannot have in public without people trying to get their virtue signal on and denouncing you offhandedly without so much as a counterargument
but yeah, gas the kikes m8
I think pol in particular is at its best when it is properly discussing and debating, but that kind of stuff is cool too, it just doesn't get much done other than saying what really needs to be discussed and giving people a steam vent
>Jesus he was a heretic who proclaimed his own divinity
Right, because he was God

>if the concept of God being triune, Jesus being perfectly man and God, and the eucharist seem mysterious
Or, because the nature of God and saving grace is greater than our fallible, human understanding.

I see you're a jew, and have learned some basic apologetics. You should learn more, become an Orthodox Christian, and save your soul.
This is arguably the dumbest argument people make. There's been no greater tool against Jewish hegemony than Christianity. There is also nothing Jews despise more than Christianity.
they despise white culture and white people more
>becoming a jew
You can't. Jews are a race not just a religion.
Wrong. You've read some Jewish propaganda. Christ fulfilled over 300 prophecies from the OT. There has to be a second coming, or else the prophecies of the messiah are incomprehensible and self-contradictory. Also, if Christianity is false, so is Judaism. As the prophet Daniel stated, the Messiah was to come in the 1st century.

Pro-tip: he did
I've honestly considered converting for a long time now and follow the noahide covenant. I'm sort of too awkward to start the process and there are only reform and conservative congregations in this area so id have to go to a reform since conservative doesn't accept non Orthodox conversions.
>Believing the ultimate G-d's messanger, the Messiah, is a literal "my wife's son"

>Believing that the Abrahamic immaterial creator actually impregnates random women and his babies are half gods (Jesus=Hercules)

>Not noticing that major parts of your religion are clearly Greeko-Roman idolatry

>Having crypto-cannibalistic rituals of "eating the body of Christ and drinking his blood"

Come on, it's 2016.
Time to realize that 2016 ago nothing of significance happened
pure cohencidence
they will not accept you as one of them if you don't have 75% or more jewish blood, and that's a very optimistic guess
don't fall for the literal jew
>coincides with cthulhu
either you are a chaote or nice meme fag
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In reality Hitler praised islam and cooperated with muslims while hating on Christianity. You can't be nazi and Christian. You can't be SJW as well though. Being Christian means that you admit that europeans were blessed by God for being faithful Christians while nigs and other pagans were cursed. But after we 've killed our emperors and allowed jews to enslave us we 've lost this blessing and are going to suffer.
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Disgusting pigs. You know you jews changed your teaching so you could keep your little ones from becoming Christian, right?

Pic related: Are you familiar with Israel Zolli? Maybe, he just didn't understand the holy books.
You try so hard, yet nobody ever listens to you.

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How can adults participate in these cringeworthy roleplay threads?
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it coincides with belial, faggot
>while nigs and other pagans were cursed.

except statistically, most christians are african nigras
Zoroastrianism predates Judaism, according to (((Science))).

It doesn't change the fact that Judaism is incomplete without Christ Jesus.

This is coming from a cynic who mocked God for 4 decades.

Read Romans.
and leviathan apparently coincides with cthulhu, which is either chaos magic or a meme because that's lovecraft
also the upside down cross is not satanic, it's actually the cross of St. Peter
not RPing, faggot
nice pic tho, I forget the dude's name but he does good work
have a goya in return
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Well if you let them breed like that of course they are going to be the majority
No, they are mostly pagans and nazis
Otherwise they would never kill their white government (= emperor from God) and live happy and fulfilling lives right now. Instead they believed jewish lies and demanded black government. Now they die from hunger and sicknesses. You don't listen to God? You die. It's really that simple.
You mean Judaism is incomplete without accepting the belief that a bastard son of a Jewish whore and a Roman soldier raised by a cuckhold father is somehow a deity?
I admire the Jews , and all the great things they have done done for civilization and progress . They are 25% Nobel laureates and 48% of US billionaires ,despite making up very little of the population .Culture matters and obliviously the Jews have it right .I think will convert if I find a nice Jewish woman .
>religion is easy just follow the rules
You are damned for breaking 1 rule, that's the Law. Aside from original sin you have broken at least 1 of God's Commandments.
No man is good enough for God unless he has his sins washed away and made clean in the eyes of God through his Son Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ was sent to fulfill prophecy, because God is not a liar.
Explain to me how you make it to the Kingdom of God in Judaism, when you have broken a Commandment of God.

Because I'd enjoy the mental gymnastics.
That's more of a tradition than law though and isn't in the tanach
Don't want to cut the tip of my dick off
Why going all retard?
G-d clearly said: repent, make a sacrifice at the Temple if possible, and be absolved of sins. If you don't repent, no external force will save you. If you repent, you get absolved. It's all over Leviticus, dude.

Only pagans believed someone external could absolve them of their sins without repenting. But again, Christianity IS pagan.
Go ahead, give me the pleasure to be reminded again how you christcucks forgot that there is an entire book in the Pentateuch dedicated to absolving sins, and that was the main purpose of the Temple.
You don't because you broke a commandment.

Do you think gods cool with your degeneracy because you said your sorry? He gave you facilities, use them. Do you notice how christianity changes or undermines almost all of the major laws and commandments laid out? Do you think God fucked up on rev 1 and needed a second or a third book?
>Judaism general
Pls no
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Fixed that for you Manos
>the last books of the old testament are literally about God that wants to kill jews
> tfw pagan is accusing the only true religion of paganism
Wake up, your talmud is a book of black magic and purely satanic rituals and traditions. Besides, the God has warned us about your filthy tribe:
>Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.
I'm sure they will. Most wouldn't even know I look Jewish as fuck and I've been around the Jewish community in the area and they're all pretty great people desu senpai.
No, I think the Jews missed the Forrest for the trees.

Why is your time of the prophets over, why have your people been scattered among the Gentiles and suffered so many woes?

If you listen to what Jesus says, he doesn't abolish the Torah, he fulfills it. The parables he speaks in are brilliant, and simple enough for a shepherd to understand. Just like the Torah.

When Jesus speaks to the Pharisees in the Gospel of John, he reminds them of how God told the Jews they were as gods. Jesus is the Son of God. The only perfect man, the only man without sin to have ever walked the Earth.

It all fits, I promise you.

The good news is that prophesy says the Jews will heed the signs, and they will repent and know Jesus is Lord when the end comes and he judges mankind.

We aren't adversaries, you and I. We're family. Despite Soros and Rockefeller and the cabal.
After the Temple was destroyed you had to change the Law to suit your exile in Babylon and Egypt. When Solomon brought pagan worship and the Star of Remphan into the Temple, it was pretty clear that not even the best of Israel and Judea were good enough.

God then sent his Son to fulfill the prophecy of Daniel, and Elijah, and all the great prophets.
Conservative Jew checking in. Please do not become fucking orthodox. It's disgusting, just like extremism of any kind.
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