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Guys I need your help!!! Please dislike this pro-refugee vid

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Guys I need your help!!!
Please dislike this pro-refugee video!
They are pushing this too hard after schools denied to teach refugee children in Greece
Thanks in advance.
Thank you dinko
i liked the video
You syriza kike
fucking greeks, first you take my dollars then you take my dislikes.
Its for a good cause
Disliked with 3 accounts from different IP address.
I hope a kangaroo rapes your family
If you dislike this ill give you tri moreta
literally a roach
>schools denied to teach refugee children in Greece
fucking nice. your written language looks cool btw
Thank you very much
Have a dislike and a bump.
I disliked it.

I gave it a dislike, but this is strong propaganda. I empathized with the emotions they felt and the duty they felt they had as people to save other people in dire need. Honestly, if I were faced with the same situation as that fisherman and had before me mothers and children in peril, my own humanity would also compel me to action as his did. I cannot watch children drown and do nothing.

But the fact is, this road leads to a very dark place. Either we have a country, or we don't. Either we have a people, united by a shared history and lineage, or we don't. Greece must be for the Greeks, because we have no other place on this Earth but that.

I won't pretend to know what the answers or solutions are, but I cannot begrudge the fisherman for what he did. This entire thing is a tragedy no matter which way you look at it.
Thank you !
America is trully our greatest ally
in the perfect world youd save them and deport them :), keep them at a concentration camp by the border at most until their conflict is over
got u, greek bro
Have a dislike and a bump

Yeah, that's something that needs to happen for sure. But as you said, it's only viable when they actually have stable places to return to.
Turkey is stable

Good luck, Hellenic bros.

You're the floodgates of Europe, I wish you guys didn't have to deal with this.
Please read "The Camp of the Saints." you'll love it and it's a great book. please pay attention to the scene wherein a merchant vessel encounters migrants on the sea--it's instructive.
Thank you m8
Historically that shit happened all the time but we fought them out
Now we just hug them while they rape us

Sure, but Turkey doesn't want them either. Turkey doesn't have a responsibility to Syrians. And neither does Greece.


After reading the Wikipedia entry, I can say that I probably already know the gist of the lesson, and I'm guessing it's what I espoused in the post you quoted:

>But the fact is, this road leads to a very dark place. Either we have a country, or we don't. Either we have a people, united by a shared history and lineage, or we don't. Greece must be for the Greeks, because we have no other place on this Earth but that.
>schools denied to teach refugee children in Greece
Good to hear
Also disliked
Anything for the homeland.
Thank you guys
I like the Greek people. Disliked the video.
Thank you :)
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You don't have to worry anymore, anon
bump. this needs more attention we have barely put a dent in it
Ill post it again later
done it
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so freaking bad that there isn't anything on this planet that is not being taken advantage off.

even the war in Syria and this wave of refugees is hardly a random thing. fuck, 5+ years of war in Syria? WWII only lasted for almost 6 years.

it is in someone's best interest to keep this war going and the influx of people into Europe.
Ip phishing
my thoughts really

nobody cares about the war in syria otherwise assad would be taken down and isis bombed to oblivion

it's just a convenient excuse to keep an artificial sense of danger
Disliked it though
Thank you Sven!
We are close to 300 dislikes!!
Cmon we can make it !!!
Also disliked it, make rapefugees shark bait.
Bravo re
Akouo tous sirizeous na klene :)
I still don't understand what this has to do with whiskey?
There are a lot of alchoholics in Greece
One last bump
Disliked this obvious piece of propaganda. There are not nearly as many children coming to Europe from Syria.
Here's to hundreds more dislikes.
Holy shit guys
We need 30 more to surpass the likes
I know you're trolling you hate them too
Are they using Albania as a passage too?
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Bumping in solidarity with my Greek friends!

Also I've been having a field day recently. Do you know you can make a leftists mind blow up when you point to the fact that Greece is connected to Turkey via land yet these "refugees" are drowning in the sea? Turns out people actually don't even realise this. Really makes you think.
We have built a wall in our land borders
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PRAISE KEK and dislike
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Disliked it, bro. As others said, very obvious propaganda. No doubt it works like a charm on weaker individuals.
>They are pushing this too hard after schools denied to teach refugee children in Greece

In a perfect world we would watch them drown and laugh at their misery.
I thought Tsipras was against such things and it was the Bulgarians/Turks who're being hardline here? I mean, the Greece-Turkey border is always going to have been heavily fortified, my main point is that it's funny that these people are drowning when they could (in theory) walk, like they have done through central Europe.

I thought in terms of the migrant flow Greece were staying out of taking such measures?
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They are just kids YOU RACISTS
>it's funny that these people are drowning when they could (in theory) walk, like they have done through central Europe.
But the Turks dont get to destabilize the islands that way
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I did it for the Spartans.

You're welcome.
Is that the common consensus over there? What's the mainstream narrative for the Turks not letting migrants through the border?

It makes me laugh since over here nobody even takes the turkish border into account. As far as they're concerned a boat is their only option to "flee from war".
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Confirmation it is pro-rapefugee for those who can't read GReek and are suspicious of OP's motives:

Turkey uses the rapefugees as a weapon to get money and visa free travel
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Liked it

Also saged thread ofc
It is about the EEZ dispute actually
Turks want to get their EEZ all the way to the the 27th Meridian (which is ridiculous since this includes Greek islands) because it is "unfair" to get all the Aegean
One of the tools they use to push their narrative is to claim SAR in the area
Of course SAR and EEZ are not directly connected legally, but operating SAR on an area gives you some status quo authority over it
Now according to International Law if a ship radios a distress signal on a SAR of a nation then it is under said nations responsibility (aka you have to take them in)
Ignoring them and letting the Turks deal with it gives the Turks a legal basis to claim the area is under their SAR and work their way up from there

tl;dr Turks play chicken with human lives to force us out of our EEZ claims
* >>>/int/65492547
>30 spam accounts
This is advanced autism

There is english subtittled version of that corporate filth. Down vote that as well.

I know people that run services like that and they get paid to like and dislike stuff
>meanwhile in real world

Fun fact, the victim was male too
he gets payed 15 dollars a week dislike spam, kek
he's done my dislike spam for free, though
He must be richer than the average greek
the majority of greeks despise non-greeks living in greece
this is a study from july 2016, the numbers have slightly changed since then
63% turned into 65% and the 10% turned into 9%
Can someone tell me what this video is about? I don't understand turkish
emotional pro-refugee propaganda
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Wtf, it says I can't watch the video because it's age restricted. I'm fucking 18 years old. Anyone else experiencing this? (I could dislike it though.)
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This was very interesting anon, Turkey seems to have won big this year as an Englishman peering over. The way they seem to have the EU over the barrel would've certainly swayed a few minds over here into voting leave.

I've been to Greece many times and they always disliked the Bulgarian/Albanian workers that seemed to undercut wages for everyone and run all the local criminal rackets.

Skip a few years forward and now I'm seeing pakistanis and black people in Crete, something I'd never seen before. Maybe those Albanians weren't as bad as I thought.

I'm not surprised the Greeks hate immigrants, I used to go there and enjoy what felt like 100% Greek villages barring the odd expat and tourist, now I see gypsies and 3rd worlders plying their trade. Sort of upsetting, at least it's not on the scale you see in England.
>scroll down
>Hillary Clinton will not be Manterrupted

Holy shit
Seems to work while it's embeded.
happened to me too on several accounts, i think the ones which i set my birth date as september 11th 2001
Its Johnnie Walker sponsored thats why
I love you all equally.
Made a youtube account just to downvote that shit and post a comment, we need to stop this madness.

Just because you wouldn't let them drown, doesn't mean you're obliged to take them home, give them your bed, and let them raid your pantry.

Imagine how few life guards there'd be if this was the case.
Why don't you just wait at the beaches with spears and kill them all as they arrive?
Because I will go to jail for manslaughter
But your country has no money to support a legal system.

You're just a pussy, admit it.
Comments disabled in 3, 2, 1
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Downvote this too
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Killing harmful animals is not manslaughter, anon.
It is more like pest control. ;D
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I watched the whole thing and left a like :D
what the fuck i hate pizza now
Johnny Walking while Tyrone is fucking his wife.
We should make a thread and post all of the propaganda vids so everyone can dislike them
I second this
Lmaoing at the comments
Good suggestion brother, we could change the minds of many if they see public opinion is against them and they must change their views to conform.
We should make a general when this thread dies
Why is Johnnie Walker, a whiskey company, funding far-left liberal refugee movies?
hey that's my oc
May Poseidon do his part and sink a few for the people of Greece.
Greeks can handle alcohol, that's one thing I noticed about them.
The Phoenix rises from the ashes brother.
We should do it now. What will we call it, /delet/?
disliked and reported for promoting terrorism.
Alright senpai I'm on it.

Alternatively you can just hijack this thread for all videos.


Virtue signaling. In this case suicidal virtue signaling as mudslimes want to ban their business.
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Bumping for justice
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No problem greek bro. The greek community in quebec want quebec to be independant. And they are pretty hardcore about it
I got you bro.
I know 2 Greeks that moved to America and they are the coolest fucking people I've ever met, and they love their country more than any other people I've met.
The beautiful country is already getting fucked over and it doesn't need this propaganda on top of it.
I clicked like because you people jewed yourselves into oblivion and now you want to blame the mislams.

When posting be mindful to translate legitimate redpills to the language of the video along with English. Keep English for shitposts.
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Yes Sir, voted down m8.
Dislike this one too
It has more views
we may have to get actual dislike bots for this
Looks like its time to boycott Scottish whisky.

What a bunch of fucking cucks.

Now please explain to me why Johnnie Walker is putting out such videos? Shouldn't we also send the company some e-mails to let them know that we don't like this kind of business?

Dear Johnnie Walker,

stop pushing propaganda or I'll stop buying your product and I will let every alcoholic in my local pub know what you are up to.

t. concerned drinker

I'm definitely complaining to Google to take their channel down. I don't want them to exploit poor refugees just so they can sell more alcohol...
You need to do it with a different IP (and probably even remove your cookies every time). Good waste of an hour.
Funny thing is those rapefugees in the video don't even drink alcohol and if they could would lynch johnny walker for being haram.
no, my dislikes were counted
Post the non mobile version my Phone got fucked and now I can't go onto yourube
Are your guys simply sending the refugee invaders that do drink alcohol to Germany?

It's not that they follow those prohibitive parts of their religion consistently...
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