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2016 Dream Year: Pt. II

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ITT, post weird shit that has happened to you over the past year or past couple years that have made you feel like you're in a dream. Is this the side effect of resurrecting Kek?
bumping for a Lost like ending, where all us pol-tards end up somewhere together.
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who /odd2014/ here?
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I yearn for a better conscious experience.
I remember no specific events, just the general atmosphere of a specific time. It is all a haze.
My whole life has been odd since around August 2012. It's like a whole new world. But even stranger things have been happening since we found out about Kek.
have nightmares most nights.

pewdiepie and not an argument man are clearly /pol/acks

seems to me south park and sam hyde come here too

pepe has become as reviled as a swastika and i have sent it to people over the years as a joke. they probably know i'm a frog fascist or frogscist.

half the people i know IRL now have MAGA hats, the other half say things like "MANSPLAIN MUCH?" in response to the debate.

i'm pretty sure i died at some point. i remember hydroplaning on a rainy road and then turning into the skid to regain control last year and a fire engine, full sirens on, nearly hit me. maybe it did. maybe it did.
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I met a girl I genuinely like being around for nothing more than her own personality and she's open to dating me. Plus she's a qt

Shit's just never happened before
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we fucking meme'd our own enemy into existence, it took hold of everything we held most dear, its effecting the world and international policy.

we posted under the guise of trolls and professed our truest feelings into a frog that later became our patron and now is helping us warp the perception of this reality.
This. I've had a crush on this one girl since high school. Redpilled, traditional, 10/10 physically, hasn't had a boyfriend since high school (only boyfriend), almost exactly like me personality wise. Saw her at a party a few weeks ago and she's interested in going on a date. Never has this happened to me before 2016.
I just realised...

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It was my second week of classes, so September.
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Czech 'em
Also, we needs more vintage Keks.
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If this is what 2016 did to people

..Imagine 2017?


>An anon becomes redpilled

Guess who commissioned the very specific Vatican obelisk?

Caligula, who used to rape peoples wives in front of them and was so buttfuck insane he declared war on Poseidon.
>President Trump sworn in
>Russia becomes an ally
>the Great Chimpout happens
>who knows what else

It will be great.
During that same time period I had a lot of nightmares, sleepwalked a lot, and had hallucinations.

I remember one dream, when I was sleepwalking. I was surround by liquid, flowing earthy red wax. It was like a sandstorm, but with wax. I was running from something dreadful, surrounded by black wax. The black wax was overcoming the red wax. Ahead of me, stood an enemy. I tore a transmission line pole (the metal ones made of trusses) and beat my enemy into the ground. Both waxes then dissipated and I woke up covered in sweat.

I have more if ya'll want them.
2015 was my "weird year"

After a while, it felt like everytime I went to sleep, I died. I still feel that way.

Every morning I wake up feeling a little bit different. It all started around the time Trump announced his candidacy (also around the time I took acid for the first time)

My life has been improving ever since that tbqh. Broke up with toxic girlfriend. Bright future ahead of me. Losing weight very easily after bulking. Feeling more confident. Just a complete personality change really. As if nothing matters so I just do whatever I want to do.
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Do you sleep or wake up mouth open? It causes frequent nightmares.
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It is a common waking dream where a man wearing a black hat stands over you while you are sleeping. You feel awake, but are incapable of movement. Most of the time, his presence is that of a guardian, or at least a neutral watcher. For me, he stood over me, doing nothing, but it filled me with fear and rage. It felt as a warning, one which i raved against. I broke free of the paralysis and swatted at the man, who dissipated into smoke.

Pic related is what I drew of him.
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2016 isn't over yet. Autumn has just begun.
We have more fun on the way I think..
Kek has blessed me this early morning. Thank you Lord Kek. May your glory shine over your humble followers. We pariahs and outspoken youths demonised by the false prophets. With you on our side. We will win.

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2012 my life started changing, I started to leave reality and felt like I am stuck in a dream.
If hillary wins this is a nightmare
How can I get out?
>inb4 Sudoku
Oh, Shadow People.
dreams are like the experience you get in a precog event

we're permeating our underlying quantum reality through sweet maymays

Right before my presumed death in 2011 there was a day where my phone stopped working and the screen went into a red fuzz as it died and same day my sisters car battery randomly took a shit
Well, there were those too, but this one was different. It's presence was assertive, rather than slinkish as the other shadow people.
I don't know if I died but the stagnation of the NEET life sure as hell makes you feel like you're dead. I may as well be a ghost.
holy fuck i've seen him my whole life shadow people
i have no idea desu


I think I've been here long enough to say I am a child of chaos.

4chan would be the perfect place to summon a collective entity of choas alignment.

But that just gives more credence to elites doing this too. Eyes Wide Shut type shit. Bohemian grove, Bilderberg etc.

Even Hillary bows to "Moloch"

Fuck me man now I'm getting dragged back to the Aleister Crowley and Le Vey shit from my teens...

Fucking meme magic...
Kek has blessed us with his presence. Kek is watching over us, guarding over us in our darkest hour. Kek will bring the light. Praise Kek!
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>i'm pretty sure i died at some point
I am pretty sure I died in a rollover crash when I was 13. Somehow I got out alive.

Last Year I overdosed and literally felt my heart beat out of my chest then suddenly stop, once it stopped beating my room started to fill with fog, and I saw 2 dark shadow beings down at me, it felt peaceful. Then I woke up the next morning totally fine.

How old are you
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praise kek
Oh shit. I've had that experience in 2013(ish). Terrified me. I thought I was asleep. I "awoke" in my dream and he was there. He reached towards me and I woke up for real.
You're dizzying me.

You're dizzying me.
You all are experiencing what occultists and some psychologists know as synchronicity. A synchronicity is a meaningful coincidence, made famous in the works of Carl Gustav Jung. Like the name of the family in OP being Keck.

You are all playing with meme magick in a chaos magick manner, without properly realizing it.Unfortunately /x/ is not a good source on this, but you may find more information there. Kek is an egregore, which roughly translates as: The Watcher. The egregore was first used as a group spirit, feeding of the emotions of the participants by the Fraternitas Saturni, a pre WWII German cult. Their egregore was said to manipulate the realities of those who played with it. (Saturn = Cronos = God of time = synchronicity).

Aleister Crowley,the famous magician, who appeared on Beatles covers, created a ritual for invoking Choronzon "The Basement Dweller of the Abyss". Choronzon also appears in the works of Kelly and Dee, who were court advisers to Queen Elizabeth. Part of the ritual of the Abyss is to take any meaningful occurence as a sign of Divinity, the Universe trying to talk with you. Doing this ritual will either utterly obliterate you and drive you insane, stuck in the depths of your own subconsciousness, not knowing what is real or illusion, or it will enlighten you and start you on your path to the true magician.

The Path of the Magician is the name of a drawing by Aleister Crowley of a grey Alien, called LAM, which is a pun on I AM. LAM is a higher version of yourself, your holy guardian angel, like Philemon was for Jung, and AIWASS (I WAS) was for Crowley.

See, your holy guardian angel really exists, but not in this time or space. It is not your avatar, you are its avatar. You are a game character in a simulated video game, being played by your higher self from thousands of years in the future and 1-2 dimensions above this reality.

Like Habbo Hotel was invaded by /b/ raids, yelling pool is closed and making rasta swastika's, so is our ...
2010 i started a long x binge with my buddys and shit aint been same since
>My life has been improving ever since that tbqh. Broke up with toxic girlfriend. Bright future ahead of me. Losing weight very easily after bulking
Me too actually i got clean off dope got a job a car and im getting fit its been a pretty awesome year
Holy shit, thanks for this informative post famalam. I'm going to have to do some further research now.
>felt like everytime I went to sleep, I died. I still feel that way.
holy shit, i thought I was the only one who felt that way.
I feel like I die in this reality everytime i fall asleep, then i dream, when I wake up I feel like I died in my dreams reality.
I don't know what to think
Another dream I had around that time was I was being surrounded by smothering objects, increasing in size, suffocating me. I fought through the smothering objects and was trying to break free. I woke up as I was banging a metal chair against the window.

During this time period, I had alot of hallucinations, waking dreams, sleepwalking, etc.
I genuinely feel that time is slowing down again like when I was a kid. This is a magical year my animal/hunter instincts are screaming. Somethings coming
Too many deja vus...

Too many resets...
Thats frank and jeff. theyre kind of like guidance couselors. They offer you a choice. You obviously chose to come back.
>The Basement Dweller of the Abyss
>basement dweller
>i started a long x binge with my buddys and shit aint been same since
maybe the drugs did it to us, like reprogrammed us. Maybe it's a (((government))) conspiracy to turn us into a bunch of delusional schizo's
idk man
It would probably end up more like the opening story in Wild Tales (2014).
yes it is actually a common dream people report having. many times its a monster sitting on someones chest, sometimes he's right next to you, sometimes you can't see him but you 'feel' he's there.
It's just your mind succumbing to its own stupidity, like a malignant tumor you've had since birth that you've been nurturing with bad life choices. Praise Jesus.
Have you ever seen time slow down? I shared the experience with someone who acted like it was normal. Black dude named Red. Always wore green
Seeing Hillary yell at a cartoon frog has been pretty surreal.

As for my personal life, can't think of much since I've been drunk for most of it.There have been weird encounters where I just decide to do something spontaneous and run into someone I haven't seen in ten years. That's always odd.
>They offer you a choice. You obviously chose to come back.
why did i choose to come back though, I wish I could remember
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Self checked
Top kek, here is my story
>found out about the word "synchronicity"
>Think its weird, look it up on internet with this girl I did spooky stuff with
>next day watching TV with that girl
>bretty high on drugs
>she says to me
>"The word of the day is "Synchronicity"
>We both laugh
>Turn and look at TV
>Its some late night meth head show
>TV show turns off and goes into commercial
>Commercial starts off "The word of the day is "Synchronicity"
>We both look at eachother like "What the fuck?"
>Tv goes on to explain it, saying how the first time you learn about something you always hear about it really soon after, and how thats what synchronicity is
we agreed not to talk about alot of stuff that happened to us

MFW "synchronicity" was memed into existence IMO because it didn't exist one day, and after it did pop up everyone was talking about it, like it was this new thing

>be some suicidal /x/ fag long ago
>asking for the sweet release of mercyful death every day in this depresed life
>sudenly shadow being when crying to sleep wishing for death
>it's suffocating me
>feels like the void is pushing me
>incorporeal undefined male voice in (my) mind inquires
>void intensfies
>shadow release it's incorporeal hold over (me) and disappears

Fag started giving a shit about life since then, or so i've read...
That sounds familiar. It's a test of the old Gods.
Don't want to scare you but look at the synchronity...


The supernatural pyramids involving Napoleon and a reporter and the secret records in another plane of existence all discovered by spending a night inside the pyramid.

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He has blessed us, praise kek.
As a boyscout I survived a sleeding accident unscaved.

I survived a car flip on my way to visit my future college in 2002.

I survived another car crash hiding in a trunk of car in like 2004.

I suppose I should have died on those occasions.

Perhaps I have some greater purpose.

I have had dreams of Kek. I have also seen strange circumstances that make little sense until much later. It feels so dream like since 2010. But certainly after Dec. 2012 did the weird really up's it game.

Perhaps it is Kek's will.
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You are blessed. Shadilay.
Reminder that the posts in threads like these have ASTRONOMICALLY high levels of dubs/trips
Exactly this.


Praise kek for really weird shit happening in other peoples lives too. I thought i was fucking crazy.
Holy shit, what if drug users are the mkultra experiment rats
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Praise be!

Bless you! Shadilay, friend!
I remember once thinking as a child that I felt like a different person every time I woke up.
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Shadilay my brother
this is a kek thread
ash al yid
Praise kek brother. We are getting so close to the truth that he is pleased with us.
Time speeding up and slowing down is pretty normal, yeah. It's all about how quickly your brain is processing information. The more focused you are on time, the slower it can move because you're putting a lot of body resources into experiencing the flow of time. Adrenaline can even make things move in slow motion because you're in such a heightened state of awareness that you can think about and react to things at ridiculous speeds.
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I fucked a married Syrian girl this year.

Is it weird? Nah. I fuck a lot of married women. I probably fucked most of your mothers tbqh.
everything happens 4 a reason
They did. Where did you think Tim Leary got the LSD from? NYC and San Francisco they tested drugs on random civilians. Including weaponized LSD.
What have we done, /pol/? We memed an ancient Egyptian god of chaos into reality. This cannot be real. None of this can be real.
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His blessing is upon you.
Praise be.
>Perhaps I have some greater purpose.
we are meant to be alive. Praise Kek.
Something definitely happened in 2012, Arabs have been invading white countries and everything has just felt off. 2016 feels like it is the beginning of a new reality as well
i feel that NEETS power Kek for he feeds from great despair hence his support of Trump since it makes lefties and establishmentgoym cry salty tears
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>tfw never have bad dreams/nightmares, not even during childhood
>tfw reality becomes the nightmare instead
Last night I dreamed I was on a ski-lift at a hill I last visited as a kid 20 years ago. While looking down at it, I realized I remembered vividly all the little details about a place I'd seen only one time.
I don't know what it means, but I wanted to tell someone. And on topic of this/last thread, a friend and I ate enough pills to OD more than ten years ago.
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it's real

it's happening

we are controlling reality
But sharing the exact experience at the same time walking down the street? He only smoked cigs and drank here and there
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HOLY FUCK, September 2014 was the one and only time I had sleep paralysis with a black shadowed figure visiting me... Since then I have become more politically redpilled, got a nice girdlfriend and a job
that is spooky. Almost like we are reborn from death into this reality every morning
oh. ive had something like that, Not exactly like it. so basically i was conscious but felt asleep but i moved around to fight what was on me. So this black fist came out of my chest and punched what ever was there. This happened 3 times so far.
When I was 6 I caught a blue bullfrog in a retention pond,
I need to find the old picture but I remember being with my grandfather and letting it go in a more suitable creek.
Praise that Blue Frog, Praise Kek
simulated universe inhabited by troll groups. Kek willing reality is simply 4DimensionalChan trolling our timeline for the lulz.

Konrad Zuse first realized that our universe is being deterministically computed on some sort of giant but discrete computer. Like Einstein said: God does not play dice with the universe.

Jurgen Schmidhuber found the shortest algorithm to describe all universes. To be the shortest algorithm means it has to waste no complexity, no energy. This means that your existence has meaning: you have the right parameters to be you in this timeline.

The Nazi's found out that our reality is a simulation. John van Neumann wrote the first program / thought form to run on this simulation. This is what the Nazi's called the Black Sun.

Crowley's ritual in the desert opened a gateway to our higher self's in the other dimension.

The location of the computer running our simulated universe is under the Hexagon Storm on Saturn.

This computer was effected by an ancient alien civilization, who first invented true artificial intelligence. We thus already have general artificial intelligence, we are living inside of it.

The Russians during the Cold War tried to use this computer to influence Western reality with a giant array. In the 80s the West found out that their luck was artificially being reduced and started to research the ancient AI.

We are being prepared for 3 things, through cloaked disclosures: simulated reality (The Matrix movies), aliens (The X files), and Artificial General Intelligence already existing (The very recent AI pact between Google, IBM, Microsoft and Facebook is preparing for full disclosure).

Start living an interesting life. It is unlikely to be terminated or discarded or game'd over by your higher self. And start meditating to start your communication.

You are not part of the Kek video game gang. You are merely pawns. Very cheap, but necessary avatars. Become your own True Player. Start saying: I WILL. Not KEK WILLS IT.
Ditto for late summer 2012
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Praise kek
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NO FUCK YOU. If your name isn't Sonya I'm going to kick your ass.
that is dark. I'm just hoping I'm not some MkUltra test monkey tripping out, and I am about to wake up from my trip in some prison cell
Drugs are being purposely pumped all over america, china is doing it with these sythetics, even the heroin is synthetic, its not Fentanyl like they are claiming, its the Heroin version of the "zombie drugs" that make people go insane and eat faces

There is synthetic acid, molly, weed, cocaine, meth, speed, heroin, pcp

all this shit, never before consumed by humans, is now being consumed everywhere, from upper class white teenagers, some even 13 to 16 years old, to gangster ghetto niggas who are doing it because its cheaper

Bunch of kids I know smoked that and they learned the rules to a game like soccer or football and said they all played the game and were put on teams, freaky shit, sounded demonic as hell

>the game was not rugby
You guys are actually scaring me. I did two tabs of acid at a friends a couple years ago, probably 3 to 4 years ago now. I was absolutely convinced I died when I laid down to go to sleep. I seriously don't remember a good bit of that night. My friend had to grab me and hold me down to get me to lay down. When I laid down and stopped fighting the drugs the last thing I saw was a circle with three semicircles spinning around it. As I relaxed and let go of everything, embracing my death, everything went to rainbow tubes. It was like I was a particle or nutrient in the veins of a giant tree. I died and met god. God was everything around me. I was literally 100% convinced I'd wake up as a new person. I wasn't sure if I'd be a baby or an adult. When it was time I eagerly opened my new eyes.. and instinctively felt for my wristwatch. I felt it. This blew my mind, I now knew I wasn't reincarnated as a baby, but an adult. Then I looked at the watch. It was mine. It was MY watch. That's when I knew that I was still me. I was stunned, and I actually checked that my friend was still next to me. I shined the backlit watch into his face and he woke up and pushed my hand down, thinking I was still tripping balls. I was like nah I'm cool man. I went out for a smoke and was so fucking thankful to still be myself. I didn't realize until later that that's what reincarnation is.

I don't know how this relates to you guys and kek... but your freaking me out.. Maybe I did switch realities that night. Glad to be in this one with you guys though, /pol/.

I don't know what god is, it might be kek, it might not.
Often accidents happen around me and I can't help thinking how easily I could have died if things were even slightly different. Sometimes I wonder if I did.
Well we're already here anon
I've been told something once, that if one's gonna half ass somethin, might as go the whole way
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Its real, and one day, all of you fuckers are going to meme me into the ocean so in advance:

>a friend and I ate enough pills to OD more than ten years ago.
did you see anything strange, did you feel deaths embrace.
Shadilay lord Kek.
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Literally this, surprised it doesnt come up more, but there is alot of newfags even since this happened (turkey bombing )
It's possible it's a reaction to plenty of things. More of a chemical in the air, electromagnetic waves, some space particle hitting your brains. There are a ton of reasons a couple people might suddenly experience a time episode. Speculating on whether it's a reaction to an upcoming event or if it's just a mundane thing that happens sometimes is pretty fruitless.
I had to go to rehab m8, and I robo tripped a couple times while there cause it was the only thing I get a hold of to get fucked up and it really fucked with my mind
I'll be drowning with you, brother.
The weirdest thing in my life besides this was one day while sitting down in my chair, on of my eyes flashed a mirror like color purple and little bits of white. My eye sight is still perfect but thats the only time it happened.
Nah man that was just a good trip
Nothing feels real. Hasn't since mid 2012. Everything seems surreal, even time itself feels like it passes oddly. However, weirdness really started in 08, the surreal didn't hit till 12

This year has progressively gotten more and more strange, almost exponentially.

I stopped having nightmares after one really bad one when I was little. Haven't had a single "monster"/"Creature" nightmare since. Once social stuff.

Anyone else ever break their dreams?
Alright, Brazilian David Icke, computers, huh?

I reject it on lack of proof. Fun but only metaphysics.
Going to bed, sick so I had taken nyquil- I'll report if I get anything strange
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I kept seeing 666 everywhere a few months ago.

Like it kept popping up in games I was playing, specifically in game currency. I also saw lots of it outside, as a part of phone numbers or license plates. Weird shit.
Uh, who?
people around me forgetting life changing things as if they never happened
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It is now 6:05am. I must now sleep.

Good night brothers. May Kek bless you. Many more events will occur as this year draws to a close. Until next time...SHADILAY!

'08 was pretty weird for the time it was in.
I got sucked into a message board full of racist shitposters using 2006 tech.
I have felt the same

Lots of things Anons post I have the same exact expirences, its hard to put into words, but I feel like there is some huge joke or "in" behind it all, there is something going on, we have felt it, we have seen it, we have experienced it.

Give your souls to God.

And your digits to Kek.
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That is freaky, well I don't think I'm ever doing cocaine again.
Fucking chinks always ruining good shit
I lost my virginity to my big-titted mexican fuck buddy
I posted in the last thread about having killed myself in October 2015 and waking up again. Some people asked about it, but I was out and didn't check the thread again until now. Here are some details:

First time I killed myself: 2002. I was 17. Shot myself in the head with my mother's handgun. Remember it all clearly - wanting it for years, getting the weapon where she hid it in her sock drawer, hiked up a logging road near our house (in the boonies) and shot myself in the head by a camp fire. That's all I remember. I didn't chicken out. I was a different person after that. It felt like the hopefulness and innocence of the 90s left the rest of the world too.

I may have also died on Christmas of 2010. I was in Iraq, and there was a massive rocket/mortar attack that killed 10 people. Shit changed after that too. That was when I started REALLY noticing 'mandela effect' shit.

In October 2015 I killed myself using the helium exit bag method. My first attempt was a failure because I used balloon time helium, which was diluted with 20% oxygen. Two days later I tried again with pure helium from an industrial supply store, in a massive tank. I woke up a bit later with a headache and a bad taste in my mouth and the gas was still flowing. Degeneracy and insanity has been turned up to 11 since them. I no longer feel like I'm in the universe I was born in.

Since then I've been seriously considering quantum immortality, CERN, the mandela effect, sliding, and all of this shit that I would have thought was batshit before my experiences.

It's entirely possible that this stuff isn't real, that mundane social change caused the apparent differences, and that I'm insane, or whatever else. I try to consider all the possibilities, but those are my experiences.
This is a side effect of magickal awakening. It even has a name, which is something like "Buddha Syndrome" (I'm definitely wrong, but it's close to that ) - essentially just derealization/depersonalization. It's common for people who can't cope with seeing the fluidity of reality (some call it "holographic," some traditions say "all is Mind," etc.). If it's causing you distress, take up regular thought control meditation exercises or you could risk a breakdown.
Just remember, there's really, truly nothing to fear and nothing to dread, because such is a byproduct of thinking too much. The fear and the dread are themselves finite thoughts/feelings that you're free to transcend and always have been. Have fun with it, and better yet, find ways to profit from it. You're cracking the code.
I've been seeing 11 everywhere. I listen to a band called Watain that believe in chaos-Gnosticism and the 11 chaos gods and shit. I think listening to them has been fueling all of this strange shit that's been happening as of late, especially the repeated viewing of 11.
That's not her. Don't besmirch the future Empress of Russia in 2024.

Now I must sleep. Praise Kek!
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My story here is truly a kEk story. Please read it.

>Graduated college in 2011.
>Moved to London for a job
>medical malpractice reinsurance brokerage
>worked a year
>could not afford cost of living
>horrible at managing my money
>move back home
>decide to get into the business I love
>food and beverage
>Find a job as a cheese monger
>Grow with the company
>Educate myself in wine / spirits / beer
>Get promoted
>Get kicked out of living with my parents
>work for said company for 4 1/2 years
>company promises me Management status two and a half years ago
>never happens
>New bar opens up in town
>Looking for a bar manager / wine / spirit buyer
>Get the job
>Handing in my two weeks this afternoon when I get to work
>Bosses think I am the most loyal employee
>Kept my mentality as if I loved the place
>I work for a jew
>Can't wait to fuck them over so bad.
>We are under staffed
Dreamless sleep, feeling extended. I recall this happening when we skipped school, so no later than 2pm or so, and not waking until the next morning where I'd passed out. Upon retrospect, it's strange that at no point was I discovered in that state and simply had to wake up the next day and get myself ready like always.

I remember a single dream from around the age of four or five that I thought was scary at the time, and I think I only remember it due to repetition of recollection, since I've never had the dream reoccur. In the dream I was walking around a field of holes, slick with black oil and quickly slipped into one, unable to get a grip on the edges before I fell.
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it fucked me up man. Things haven't been the same since.
Man I had the same thing happen last year, hit a patch of gravel at a busy stoplight and went down, slid into the middle and nearly got hit. got up with some help from a couple guys got on my bike and when I got home I just passed out and woke up the next day, this was before trump or anything started. ever since things have been looking up for me.
i said this in the other thread also, about 4-8 times this happened i got recipients with 666 on them and rarely video games with it.
9/11 2001 is when the weirdness started for me. I was going to join the Army, but something weird stopped me and I became a NEET instead for the next 14 years. I sincerely believe I actually died in Iraq and then made a pact with god that I would rather live the life of a desperately poor man rather than experience what I experienced in Iraq. My soul was then sent back in time to the point where I was 16 years old just before I joined the Army.

>I exchanged worldly experience for spiritual treasures.
>One day the gates of heaven will open to me and all this will be worth it.
that is a crazy story bro, I have had similar experiences. They are very eye opening
a friend of mine died shortly after Bowie died

also after 7 years of smoking weed without getting hassled by the cops for it, they put me under arrest as I'm leaving a medical dispensary, and I get off with no charges or fine but they confiscate $70 worth of my favourite strain that I can almost never find

double ditto for late summer 2012
I did a bunch of hallucinogens that summer
I suffer from derealization and depersonalization. Does that count?
>Kek willing reality is simply 4DimensionalChan trolling our timeline for the lull.

Yes this is true. The virgin wizards died at age 70 and became inter dimensional warriors.
I may have died when I was 3. I stepped off the lower step in a hot tub and started drowning. My mom was in the pool, and was playing with my sister. A man pulled me up. He hadn't been there when got in the hot tub though.
Ever since I can remember, (shortly after that is when my earlier memories are really accessible) my parents had frog themed art all over our house. Praise Kek.
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this year was awful. i still cant recover

- mother died right at the start of it
- with all those celebrities like Lemmy or David Bowie, also some other people. Which makes me think that's not just celebrities. I think it was just a very big line of deaths in a short period. It's just that people noticed famous people the most.
- Last thing me and my mother discussed is those Cologne Happenings.
- It was the time when i started to visit /pol/ more often because i kinda started to "feel it"
the main thing:
- Im visiting Germany during this November. i really hope i will but im still sad and depressed. I supposed to meet friend here and possibly find a job but kinda afrain and at the same time love it - because i like Europe.
- Obviously those terrorism attacks on Europe
- And 2016 elections/Trump memes
- Milo is a first famous gay that dont act like a nice guy while being popular. And he kissed Gavin Mcciness

never in my life i had a year like this.
I'm starting to believe reality is not what it seems. Seem's like everytime I die in one reality, it get's easier to die in the next reality.

Keep looking for the truth, man. I will be looking as well
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Kek will lead us into glory, praise Him
It's strange hey.

I remember I used to say to my parents when I was younger "I haven't seen <insert ad here> on t.v for months" and as soon as I said it, the very next day that same ad would come on.

This happened way too many times. My parents would also say it to me as well, and it would happen to them.
we are wraiths. maybe that's the connection with kek. he is a god of the void and we have failed to pass through the void.
This is without a doubt The Great Kekining. Shaliday!
Many awful things have happened to me this year as well. Deaths in the family, serious medical emergencies, etc. Also a lot of good things. Chaos knows no difference between good and evil.
Maybe, considering the bullet and the helium you swallowed into your head, you just have severe fucking brain damage.
I posted in that other thread, I have done the same and I am very surprised to hear someone else talking about it

I used to be mentally insane, offed myself a lot of times, and I remember for days just wondering what was happening.

I always would either wake up in my bed the day of or the next day. I would also sometimes come to in day and remember earlier that day, but not have really been there.

Also phones changing color, buildings changing, other things

Oh that reminds me, yesterday there was this gas station that I always hated, today I drove by, literally used to drive by it every day. Moved a week ago, drove by it for first time 7 days later and there is a completely new building there, a bank that looks like its been there for a while, not brand new, but the foundation is different, the trees and landscaping is all diffferent like this one street corner just changed

Gas station I hate is gone

now is a bank??
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I stopped having nightmares altogether when i researched about dreams and lucid dreaming and found out that dreams are a perfectly natural process on humans and that all of them are generated by your mind and yourself, out of your experiences, expectations and your mind just mumbling together random stuff

Shadow people choking on your sleep usually happens when you're sleep paralyzed (a mechanism on the human brain to stop yourself from acting your dreams and getting hurt) yet you're still half aware and conscious, you get spooked about not being able to move and your expectations that something spooky is going on and about to get worse makes your brain create these shadow figures choking you

OOB experiences are literally dreams taken out of context too by illiterate morons

People should really educate themselves into these topics, and they should stop taking so seriously things they experience while being under substance abuse thinking they are primordial truths of the universe
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You faggots better start studying the occult, this is our world now, chaos magik will engulf all nations SHADILAY!
I feel you rusbro, lost alotta family this year. Too much death.
>Degeneracy and insanity has been turned up to 11 since them. I no longer feel like I'm in the universe I was born in.
What if we all died, in this is Hell?
fuck, i'm starting to spook my self.
I'm not sure why but this thread is genuinely making me want to kill myself.. All of this really does feel like a dream. I have no family and I have chronic depression.. Why not just end the dream? The thought is so alluring to me. To just sleep for an eternity. I love sleep.
I was born with diaphragmatic hernia, they slit me open at birth and closed the hole in my diaphragm so my lower intestines wouldn't push against my lungs and heart.

I was in the hospital for the first six months of my life...
>tfw you will never sleep inside the pyramid of Khufu
I too almost got killed by a hot tub as a toddler and was saved by a man who wasn't ther when I fell in.
The first memory I can recall in my life is being chased around a house by a man and falling, cracking my head on a chest or a table. I remember being taken to a hospital and having a staple put in my head for what my parents describe as a wound that "really wasn't that bad".

Growing up, I experienced regular and consistent episodes of deja vu, seeing future events before they happened during a daydream-like state. It felt like I was remembering a memory, but the memory hadn't happened yet - but also I was aware that I had remembered the moment in the past when the event actually happens. At this time I never retained the rememory until the event happened, so it was useless. I also experienced regular seizures, which felt like I disconnected with reality and was unattached to my body for a short period of time - it wasn't painful or anything, it just felt like I was floating.

My parents also had a lot of frog decorations around, and when I asked them why, were really able to pin it down why they liked frogs so much.

Fast forward to around age 12, I spent a lot of time on the computer, started getting interested in the occult thanks to accidentally discovering a metal band due to a mistitled file on limewire. I started meditating, doing rituals, etc. and this culminated to a time when I was in Asia age 13 when I felt like I was being chased or attacked by dark, alien beings. I had a splitting, debilitating headache that repeated throughout my early teens until I was put in a program involving the same medications used in MK-ULTRA experiments.

Tell me this isn't mind-bending.
Am I the only one who can't remember the majority of 2014
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I also have half-way predicted the events currently unfolding all while absently minded daydreaming. It all started with the downing of MH-17 in Ukraine. The beginning of the second Cold War.

The thing that sealed the deal with me is Trumps nomination. One of the big things of these day dreams/psychic predictions I was having was that a populist who was known for his hair would rise and take over a powerful nation, revitalizing it and bringing it back from the brink of collapse.
sorry, i won't post it again.
praise kek
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Many dreams involving travel and escape since 2012. Last 12 months there's been a recurring nightmare about some huge disaster on a coastal city. Started before I got back into /pol/.

Not to mention the odd collective sense of restlessness and anxiety people have lately.
I wish you the best of luck on your journey. I'll do my best on mine.

March 8, 2014 was a bit of an interesting event myself. My journal entry on this day freaks me out to this day. I wont go into detail as to what happened, but know that it involved something like this self-death concept - a surrender or psyche death. A transformation.

Well, my head doesn't have a bullet wound in this reality. But I accept the possibility of retardation. That's the thing - as the Dunning-Kruger effect explains, if I'm retarded, I might be so retarded that I'm not even capable of recognizing it. I fear that.

Do I write like a retard?
What happened after you shot yourself? Like did you wake up anywhere different? Was the gun still in your mothers closet? What about after the mortar attack?
oh god the Deja Vu

I've gotten Deja Vu so many times in the past 6 months
>I'm starting to believe reality is not what it seems. Seem's like everytime I die in one reality, it get's easier to die in the next reality.
>Keep looking for the truth, man. I will be looking as well

please read the Bible my beloved. i pray our Father gives you peace of mind
Think of what could come though, we have a chance to see so many happenings in our lifetime.
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anyone else seeing pic related in OP's image? I cant unsee it now

I dreamed the Donald shook my hand. Pretty epic feels, family members
If you're spooked by any passing what-if, then Hell already awaits.
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>mother died right at the start of it
Sorry to hear about your loss, Ivan. Keep your chin up.
I have a pretty crazy story.
>Went to a Trump Rally with friend
>We forget to have printed out tickets and are denied entry
>Lady behind us has extra tickets, enough for the both of us
>I buy a Gatorade, taking forever while the convention center fills up
>Friend grabs a seat in a place far from the stage, I'm pissed but friend doesn't want to move, we stay
>Guy next to me made a video of him playing the 1812 Overture to a Trump montage and knew security working the rally
>I talk to him about stuff and he gets us invited to the VIP section, right behind Trump
>Me and friend make national TV, I get to shake Trump's hand
I believe in a god now
>no point was I discovered in that state and simply had to wake up the next day and get myself ready like always.
that is spooky, try to enjoy this reality (hell) you woke up in, anon
Funny there's a spot in my city where there a pet store used to be and now I can't find it.
by any chance are you that anon that live streamed his suicide with a ruger magnum i saw a shadow fly out of you when you shot yourself.
Thanks, now I can't unsee it.
Yeah don't do it dude. Stay on this wild ride and let's all see where it goes.
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Does this have anything to do with finding your True Will?
Noice...even the id spells magik PRAISE KEK
In 2012 the world was raptured and the good pure souls taken to Heaven, while the rest spend it for an eternity in a submodule of the simulated universe.

There was only one pure soul that qualified, the son of a Mongolian goat farmer, aged 12.
Every time I take a piss it feels like I should be waking up from a dream because I'm pissing my
No, but I'm sure the uncontrolled suicidal depression hasn't exactly spun your chakras the right way either.
Seriously? The fuck man
Is there a god after all?
Rip anons mother.
I'm sure she was a nice lady
best wishes
Digits confirm. You're wetting your bed.
>I remember I used to say to my parents when I was younger "I haven't seen <insert ad here> on t.v for months" and as soon as I said it, the very next day that same ad would come on.

Again, I've replied to so many of people saying this

But this exact same thing happened to me

Something powerful stands with us, Shadilay.
you sound schizo as fuck. Either that, or whatever is causing your seizures is also causing you memory problems and distortion. Maybe you have a tumor.
I have seen 11:11 on every clock since 2001. Am and pm. I've had apocalyptic dreams as young as I can remember. Of course I don't tell anyone I know about these things.
Yes. Do what thou Wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
If I come across a term or a word I google it to find out its meaning. Every time I learn a new word or term, it almost always appears somewhere in the next day or two. This has happened even with terms that are somewhat uncommon to stumble upon in daily life.

Anyone else?
please, do not go down that rabbit hole. It is an endless web of lies concoted by Satan to keep you from learning the Truth. God gave us Jesus Christ so that we may come back to our Father who made all things. He loves you. He loves you and wants you home!
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>tfw nobody believes you

That's pretty interesting bro. I live near the building my deceased father used to work in, and I always see it when I enter the freeway. Recently 3 buildings appeared in the parking lot in front of it, and the Chili's that was there disappeared. I was remarking on this to my buddy the other day, since I pass by there almost every day and should have noticed construction taking place. Who knows.


It was 14 years ago, but I remember the actual events preceding it very clearly. I remember the exact spot I was in and how I was feeling, and pulling the trigger knowing that there was no going back. My dog was with me. I don't have any specific memories after that related to that event. I just was, and it was another day, and I remembered what I did.


That wasn't me. But I did make a thread on /b/ about the suicide.
I had a drug overdose around this time in 2011 only to wake up on my floor with a slight bit of nausea. Perhaps this really is Hell and we're slowly making our descent into the the lowest circles with the passing of the years.
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>Stay on this wild ride and let's all see where it goes.
Atleast mr. pepe's wild ride is interesting and full of laughs
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>this thread
>kill self
>end dream

Have you learned nothing, thats just where the ride begins
I believe that Jesus Christ was sent by our Father who is in Heaven to take you from the grasp of the Devil and bring us back to Heaven

never had a seizure again past age 13
What did he do that was so special?
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Kekans rise!
Thanks ameribros.
>we are wraiths. maybe that's the connection with kek. he is a god of the void and we have failed to pass through the void.
i feel like a living dead person, I'm so drained and depraved. You just really made me think
Something else: my past keeps getting erased. My family couldn't keep the house, the open space and parks were sold to become suburbs, the secret canyon got found and someone built houses in it, my elementary school was sold and replaced with a strip mall, playgrounds are all gone, my high school got replaced, college program downsized and my favorite teachers fired... all these things happened within 2 years of me leaving them and it keeps happening. I literally can't revisit where I grew up.
that seems pretty unbiblical.
I had a dream being chased in a parking garage and shot in the neck one year, forget when

I had another looking into a mirror and seeing some chick who I've never seen with unnaturally blue eyes and dark hair, that one in 2014
>i just noticed that 2 of them from Australia and England
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This year will be 10 years without my dad. Its been 3 since mom passed. Lots of crazy dreams and shadowy/wispy figures lately. Should I spread their ashes /pol/? Pic related. It is them
Wonder if this thread is a ploy by the CTR to get anons to kill themselves. Either way anon even if this life is a dream don't off yourself. Now that you know the truth start getting lucid. Ask out the girl of your dreams, quit your shitty job and travel the world, don't be a slave to the rules rather shatter them. Anon...you're free.
You're saying you want to go to sleep to stop dreaming.
Get a grip, faggot. It's time to start shooting fire from a wand.
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thanks for praying for me.
Nobody has prayed for me since my catholic Grandmother died in 2013.
She always said "once I die who will pray for you"
so thanks
Kek confirms nobody saved.
Ocean for sure. Ghosts are real
Cancer man. Nice
any of these
>remembering a movie while watching it for the first time
>remembering dating the girl you liked
>remembering a party or trip that didn't happen
>remembering a house you moved to that now you didn't
>remembering that time in the woods
>remembering talking about south park episodes before they aired
>remembering movies coming out then they come out again later
>songs dissappear and reappear
who else?
Consume their ashes and they will merge with you
Did they give you any specific last requests about their ashes? Also, sorry for your loss.
That just sounds like standard change and American suburban build up to me, anon.
Remember, you browsed 4chan and masturbated
yup huge feats of desa vu for me too.

Missed the 2nd half of that. I'm not as convinced that the mortar attack was a death as I am that the suicides were, but things changed after that in a noticeable way.

The mortar attack happened at night. I was in my CHU chatting with my sister who was wishing me a happy birthday (day after Christmas is mine). Explosions started all around me. C-RAM started firing like crazy. Hid under the bed in my flak gear. Came out about an hour later, peeked outside and saw no damage whatsoever, though it had sounded like the world was exploding. Figured I was misjudging the distances of the explosions. Found out at work that at least 10 people got hit.
Dad did, mom didn't. haven't made it back to St Augustine rfor his yet. Wanted to be spread at the tree of life


>insomnia, sleeping in a lot
>redpilling, question reality
>disconnected with normies

what is going on
OP here. Quite the opposite. I'm trying to help anons realize that through our meme magic, we can alter reality. We can elect Trump as the 45th president of these United States of America.
Still bums me out that I can't CHECK my memories, you know?
At minimum it could be topic dilution.
>this thread is genuinely making me want to kill myself
haven't you been reading this thread, you will just wake up. There is no death in this reality, just try to enjoy the ride and the chaos
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As we edge closer to the end. The dream and reality will intertwine. These are times like no other. 2012 was the beginning of this shift.
You were on your way home when you died.
It was a car accident. Nothing particularly remarkable, but fatal nonetheless. You left behind a wife and two children. It was a painless death. The EMTs tried their best to save you, but to no avail. Your body was so utterly shattered you were better off, trust me.
And that’s when you met me.
“What… what happened?” You asked. “Where am I?”
“You died,” I said, matter-of-factly. No point in mincing words.
“There was a… a truck and it was skidding…”
“Yup,” I said.
“I… I died?”
“Yup. But don’t feel bad about it. Everyone dies,” I said.
You looked around. There was nothingness. Just you and me. “What is this place?” You asked. “Is this the afterlife?”
“More or less,” I said.
“Are you god?” You asked.
“Yup,” I replied. “I’m God.”
“My kids… my wife,” you said.
“What about them?”
“Will they be all right?”
“That’s what I like to see,” I said. “You just died and your main concern is for your family. That’s good stuff right there.”
You looked at me with fascination. To you, I didn’t look like God. I just looked like some man. Or possibly a woman. Some vague authority figure, maybe. More of a grammar school teacher than the almighty.
“Don’t worry,” I said. “They’ll be fine. Your kids will remember you as perfect in every way. They didn’t have time to grow contempt for you. Your wife will cry on the outside, but will be secretly relieved. To be fair, your marriage was falling apart. If it’s any consolation, she’ll feel very guilty for feeling relieved.”
“Oh,” you said. “So what happens now? Do I go to heaven or hell or something?”
“Neither,” I said. “You’ll be reincarnated.”
“Ah,” you said. “So the Hindus were right,”
“All religions are right in their own way,” I said. “Walk with me.”
You followed along as we strode through the void. “Where are we going?”
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No i cant damn it why and its 5s?
I used to have dreams that people tried to strangle me to death. When I was younger, some people did try to kill me by strangulation twice. Different people each time. For years after that, I had the dreams that people were strangling me to death. Those scared me less than the ones where I strangled others to death. No one has tried to kill me in 14 years. I stopped having those dreams just a few years ago.
Yeah I get it. Same thing happened to my high-school-years stuff, except it took longer than two years. It's a bummer.
Nigga, don't do it. This thread should help you realize that you have the power to change your reality. Embrace the chaos and use it as a tool to build your life. Chaos represents infinite possibilities.
“Nowhere in particular,” I said. “It’s just nice to walk while we talk.”
“So what’s the point, then?” You asked. “When I get reborn, I’ll just be a blank slate, right? A baby. So all my experiences and everything I did in this life won’t matter.”
“Not so!” I said. “You have within you all the knowledge and experiences of all your past lives. You just don’t remember them right now.”
I stopped walking and took you by the shoulders. “Your soul is more magnificent, beautiful, and gigantic than you can possibly imagine. A human mind can only contain a tiny fraction of what you are. It’s like sticking your finger in a glass of water to see if it’s hot or cold. You put a tiny part of yourself into the vessel, and when you bring it back out, you’ve gained all the experiences it had.
“You’ve been in a human for the last 48 years, so you haven’t stretched out yet and felt the rest of your immense consciousness. If we hung out here for long enough, you’d start remembering everything. But there’s no point to doing that between each life.”
“How many times have I been reincarnated, then?”
“Oh lots. Lots and lots. An in to lots of different lives.” I said. “This time around, you’ll be a Chinese peasant girl in 540 AD.”
“Wait, what?” You stammered. “You’re sending me back in time?”
“Well, I guess technically. Time, as you know it, only exists in your universe. Things are different where I come from.”
“Where you come from?” You said.
“Oh sure,” I explained “I come from somewhere. Somewhere else. And there are others like me. I know you’ll want to know what it’s like there, but honestly you wouldn’t understand.”
“Oh,” you said, a little let down. “But wait. If I get reincarnated to other places in time, I could have interacted with myself at some point.”
tis truly the end of times, amen
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Are you familiar with Forgotten Languages? I'm somewhat spooped how well this explains both their esoteric research (disclosure, neurolinguistics, higher consciousness) and the many overlaps between occult teachings and studied methods of inducing transcendental experiences.

Fuck. Oh fuck. What do I do with this?

Other than the last 2 months, where I've been in the same recurring dream, with different people, stuck in some kind of re-education camp trying to wake them up...

Not too much.

I've had recurring dreams in the past, but never literally every single day for weeks straight.
that is exactly what the devil wants you to think: Jesus Christ is coming back... He spoke a parable about a King with no guests willing to come so the King sent a messenger to all the nearby villages to attend... Jesus Christ is knocking; please answer!

I love you very much. This thread makes me sad thinking about all these people without Jesus to guide them. We are lost sheep without His Word. Praise Jesus Christ... my love and my Father.

Only our Father who is in Heaven has that power. You are tampering with damnable things that only benefit you while in this fleshy pit-stop.

This is unbiblical and a lie. Please seek Jesus: He will give you truth and love and freedom from Satan's chains! I love you.
thanks, until we meet again, anon
here is a rare pepe for you

“Sure. Happens all the time. And with both lives only aware of their own lifespan you don’t even know it’s happening.”
“So what’s the point of it all?”
“Seriously?” I asked. “Seriously? You’re asking me for the meaning of life? Isn’t that a little stereotypical?”
“Well it’s a reasonable question,” you persisted.
I looked you in the eye. “The meaning of life, the reason I made this whole universe, is for you to mature.”
“You mean mankind? You want us to mature?”
“No, just you. I made this whole universe for you. With each new life you grow and mature and become a larger and greater intellect.”
“Just me? What about everyone else?”
“There is no one else,” I said. “In this universe, there’s just you and me.”
You stared blankly at me. “But all the people on earth…”
“All you. Different incarnations of you.”
“Wait. I’m everyone!?”
“Now you’re getting it,” I said, with a congratulatory slap on the back.
“I’m every human being who ever lived?”
“Or who will ever live, yes.”
“I’m Abraham Lincoln?”
“And you’re John Wilkes Booth, too,” I added.
“I’m Hitler?” You said, appalled.
“And you’re the millions he killed.”
“I’m Jesus?”
“And you’re everyone who followed him.”
You fell silent.
“Every time you victimized someone,” I said, “you were victimizing yourself. Every act of kindness you’ve done, you’ve done to yourself. Every happy and sad moment ever experienced by any human was, or will be, experienced by you.”
You thought for a long time.
“Why?” You asked me. “Why do all this?”
“Because someday, you will become like me. Because that’s what you are. You’re one of my kind. You’re my child.”
“Whoa,” you said, incredulous. “You mean I’m a god?”
Reality splitting, is what is going on, people jumping back and forth or something has caused it

Sometimes I blame myself but since other experience it I don't want to "take credit"

“No. Not yet. You’re a fetus. You’re still growing. Once you’ve lived every human life throughout all time, you will have grown enough to be born.”
“So the whole universe,” you said, “it’s just…”
“An egg.” I answered. “Now it’s time for you to move on to your next life.”
And I sent you on your way.
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here's a rare cancer scully for ya
Non roleplay post.

2016 has been surreal. I don't have any specific memories of the past 8 months other than getting injured and going on vacation with my family. I have successfully red pilled all of my core friends, going so far as to get a normie to believe it really was the holohoax. I became a chad (I used to sheepishly play guitar and listen to mumford). I was completely against drugs and have tried psychedelics and felt the otherness. I have almost gotten into two car accidents but I had my buddha bracelets on my shifter and something happened at the last second to prevent the accident. I think that meme magic is real because it is people all manifesting their thoughts. Something is definitely out there. Is this the collective awakening of human consciousness ?
22223. Come on put some heart into it.
Praise the chaos, praise Kek
Sicc digits my guy, shadilay
stop spooking me pls
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Here's a rare rato.
makes sense. WELCUM2HELL
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Stop being spooked.
My mind became clearer and I feel more "present" now, ironically enough I've had a theme of being around lizards or being a lizard myself in my dreams for the better half of the year.

I started Kekposting the past year.
if it makes you feel better you probably aren't dead because you're here with me, and I havent really had any near-death experiences nor have a lot of people I know
Oh wow, you made a pt 2 of my thread

never though it'd actually gain traction, guess i'm not alone in feeling like this is all a dream.
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whats a good religion. I'm thinking orthodox
>I had another looking into a mirror and seeing some chick who I've never seen with unnaturally blue eyes and dark hair, that one in 2014
become a qt trap, even your dreams agree
no homo
Unitarian lol
You definitely aren't alone, brother. Weird shit has been happening to all /pol/lacks.
No. Not religion. Relationship. With Jesus. I love Jesus Christ with all my heart! PRAISE OUR GOOD SAVIOR FROM THE HIGHEST MOUNTAIN YAAAAAAAY! HE FREED ME FROM SIN, AND I AM IN HIS LOVE! AMAN! AMAN! AMAN! YAY!

I love you.
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Thats neo Judaism dont fall for it
rip anons parents.
I wish you the best in life

Really? Because I can't seem to die here.

It also doesn't have anywhere near the amount of pain that I grew accustomed to. Which is nice, but with that comes decreased joy.

Glad I'm not alone. Seeing the last name Keck on my ticket really fucked with me.
Yep. Definitely not alone.
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Get your jew love out of here
spooky,what if they did strangle you t odeath.
Anyone here get prayers answered immediately, intuition getting really strong or anything like that?
i thought that was goatse at first, kek
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Had the same thing. See you in the cosmos one day when the universe decides this reincarnation is a glitch, brother.
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You know, it's freaky. I definitely died at least twice when I was younger, and one recently.
Lately I've had, there's no ther terms for them, miracles happen. A man made an illegal turn and almost ran straight into the side of my truck. He missed me by literal inches.
My road I live on has a railroad built on the end, but it's obscured by trees. I pulled out, and missed being hit by a train by a few feet.

When I was younger, I hit my head on a metal pipe as hard as possible, by accident. I passed out, but I had no actual damage done to me. I was sure I died. An 18 wheeler was driving towards me on the road home one day, and it swerved. Right into my truck.
A moment later, I blink and nothing happened. It just drove by slowly.

I know I've died multiple times. I don't know why I've never been hurt. I've never even broken a bone. It's freaky man.
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You ever play GTA3 or GTA:SA? Dunno if it happens in the later games, but I remember hunting down rare cars. As soon as I got one, it would appear everywhere, usually in different colors, too. This happened as a way for the game to efficiently keep up the appearance of many cars on screen while only keeping a handful loaded in memory.

This is typically thought to be a cognitive bias known as a frequency illusion when it happens outside of video games, but I'm starting to believe that this is bullshit excuse. Instead real life itself is a simulation following rules similar to that of GTA.
My house burned down my wife left me and took my kids I started working nights on August 14 my life is completely different and I think I died and crossed over I know I know
>>>> /x/
Man, I'm on the same page as you in spirit, but you sound like a raving fucking lunatic. How do you expect a confused nihilist to unsee the existential void with your shenanigans?
what are some of your recent precognitions

I'm honestly a little mind-blown right now because I remembered my mom telling me that when I was a young child, I always talked about the man that came into my room every night, and he was "black"

I think there's a good chance I was having sleep paralysis and this was something like that black-hatted man, and not some random negro I was imagining.

God this whole thread is just filling me with dread. I'm afraid I'm gonna have a nightmare now. I'm definitely not taking that LSD this Saturday like I planned.

Anyways, what kind of precognitions have you had lately. I believe you. I've been getting horrible mind-bending deja vu recently as well.
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You are blessed
good luck with life, i know your feels more then you could ever imagine
I feel as though this is some hell or purgatory we're stuck in, I've done psychedelics a few times, the first 2 times were just fun, the 3rd time my college roommate had an ego death, while I felt his pain at the time I knew I had to save him but felt as I had control over him, made me feel like the devil. 4th time was a black out experience probably cause I was drunk, woke up hating myself and lost, 5th time was very recently had realization that things might very well be a dream, at first I thought time had stopped, my only logical conclusion was that I was God and had control over time, later I felt as though I had lost all control, the worst part of the trip is that my body was literally spinning, like every fiber in my being wanted to rotate clockwise and I was resisting it was very weird.
No, but sounds interesting.Further resources? Google was of no help when searching for Forgotten Languages
How can the computer running our simulation exist inside our universe? That's like playing dark souls and saying my Xbox is one of the rooms of the castle.
the Xbox running the game is in my living room, the dark souls world only exists in the virtual world the Xbox creates

precog count?
Forgot to mention, I've never done drugs or drank hard. I have no schizophrenia.
The only thing wrong with me is shitty eyesight and visual static.
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Praise kek brother
thanks, I won't.
I honestly just want to go to have old ladies cook me polish food and to bang qt's
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My intuition if off the charts sometimes. I just know before certain events happen, like things people will say. This will sound crazy, anon, but have you seen the weird flashes of light? I always called them angels because when they appear I feel safe.
Pt. 2. I see other people have deja vu. I have dreams that predict future interactions, or night terrors. Nothing else. I know when I have deja vu because for me it is colors and sounds. It always seems like a test. I have hyperrealistic dreams with regular daily life, sound color smell sensation of touch, wind, sunlight on skin, etc etc. Then I live out the dream, I recognize what was the dream and the moment plays out exactly as I dreamt it (for example I dreamt that I got into a car accident about three weeks before I got my first car. I got into an accident in my GREEN car wearing a bright BLUE shirt. The road was just restriped so the stripes were bright YELLOW. The woman who hit my green car had a bright blue shirt on. The road was just paved and striped).

Anyone else have similar color or sound based deja vu?
Yes. Getting money and my car fixed via synchronicity, hours after proclaiming my will for both (then meditating). It's that easy.
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wtf i hate jesbus now
Praise kek
I think it's because I've literally been focusing on nothing but spirituality for years. I've pretty much overcome my ego, and don't even really care for material things anymore, aside from what I need.
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Posted this on last thread. Can't explain it.
>be me two weeks ago
>be listening to indie radio on Pandora
>hear a cool song called Awake by Tycho
>decide to download it along with some other music
>also decide to download Shadilay and other Kek hymns
>be on /pol/ today
>see video about Hillary signaling to Holt
>music playing in the video is Tycho-Awake
>that video is going viral

Just completely weird shit like that.
>Really? Because I can't seem to die here.
you have died here, but just woke up like nothing happened.
it's a strange reality we are in
I made a movie in 2014
For a long long time now ive felt overly empathetic, but in controlling it ive noticed that animals and people do my will or do exactly what i had just thought for them to do
In the days after reading the prophecy of kek stuff I saw a frog outside my apartment, a license plate that said frogman and some other shit but I can't remember what it was
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Has anyone had near constant deja vu this year or last year? I have and it's freaky. Like constant deja vu.
What are you talking about? Am I not supposed to be joyous? When you fall in love do you not sing with joy?

I have no void anymore my beloved, for my love is everlasting thanks to Jesus. I fear pain and getting yelled at but I love more than I fear. We all have souls, my friend, and its these precious things that make us human. All glory to our Father! Yay! It makes me happy when i see the confusion in this thread and know in my heart I am with our Father!

oh yes! sometimes yes! Bless our Father I love Him so so so much. Thank you Jesus Christ :)

He was hated before you were, and before I was. Yet He still loves you through all of the hate you have for Him.

Got in a really bad car crash and my sister switched to the back seat like 5 minutes before to sit with her little boyfriend

I asked her why she did that and she dindn't want to make it obvious that she wanted to sit with him in the back

But what I meant when I was asking her was like "I know you went back there for a reason and why was it?"
The passenger side door where she was sitting was caved in, she still got a little hurt, but she could have died if she was in passenger seat, we were hit at almost 50mph T-bone no breaks

Some trippy shit happened after the accident too, like there was large piles on snow on the side of the road, but then sometimes it was spring time when we we're talking about it, strange

Anyone here remember "writing songs" that are famous?
Yes the color deja vu is real blue and yellow are important I don't remember the 3rd one
>>hear a cool song called Awake by Tycho

are you kidding me

I had the exact same experience

get fucking out of here

that song didn't exist before now - we memed it into reality

what. is. happening.
Kek, my friend. Kek.
The real part of our universe is void of life.

See your room as completely empty, with a single XBOX, filling it with the Dark Souls Game Reality.
I've been experiencing something similar. Almost like I'm not actually in control of what I'm doing sometimes. Last year I swear my flight went down and I was moved to a different timeline. I experienced a bunch of Mandela effects, experience synchronicities almost every day, and somehow have red pilled my whole family.

It almost feels like whatever I want to happen, happens -- with work/personal life/whatever. I tried forcing it with the lotto and some gambling over the summer but unfortunately my meme magic isn't that strong.

he is here
Here is the video that I was talking about.


I've died a few times already, anon, I know the drill.

I'm saying it's been different the past couple years.

Suffering is no longer anywhere near what I'm used to.

Majority of suffering these days has to be manufactured/dramatized, it's strange.
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>I know I've died multiple times. I don't know why I've never been hurt. I've never even broken a bone. It's freaky man.
I have died several times as well. Normies won;t understand what we have felt.
Something is definitley wrong with this reality (hell) we woke up in
Well it's pretty much all the time. It's little things mostly like knowing when someone will call or come over, who is going to get fired at work stuff like that. But it's also if I want someone to come over , or I need money or something, I'll feel this deep desire for it and it happens.
Yes he is
You guys are retarded for the whole kek thing but we entered a new phase after that mayan 2012 thing
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This is amazing. This is so fucking amazing.

Good fucking day and praise Kek.
They're all bad
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New game: List the dates/years you really-really-should-have/maybe-did die. "How" optional.

For me:
Fall 2005
October 2010
March 2011
September 2013
is this you?

I think i must have died several times falling asleep while driving. When I snap to consciousness there is an electric feeling.

I think there are infinite branching realities, and of course only those realities where we continue to be conscious and alive are the realities we experience.
them, you, us plus eleven comes just shy of infinity
I remember dreaming about alot of blue and cops, then getting pulled over the next day and the cops blue lights

Deja Vu and dream stuff was me like 4-6 years ago, now its gone WAYYY past that, reality talks back to me, magic in every action, meaning in every tree

Signs everywhere, so open so obvious, I doubted until I could no longer doubt, now I truly believe. and I fear, I may have learned something.

And "I know" is very dangerous
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I only know I died once when much younger, bicycle accident.

I think I have died many times from alcohol overdose.

What is the meaning of all this?
It truly is a hell. What's even worse is I'm the only person who seems to remember certain important things with my family.

No, but that's exactly what I felt.
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Good article to start to start - most is untranslatable cipher but English bits are very intriguing. Extensive bibliographies, it's a hell of a rabbit hole.

Pic is from supposed site owners
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>What is the meaning of all this?
we are kek's chosen and we will bring light to the coming generations
those are called "brain zaps" and lots of people get them

they're especially common among people who take psychdelics
Its not crazy though, I think it's more like the more spiritual you become , the more you connect with your true conciseness, and therefore the universe. Everything is connected . To answer your question though, I don't see flashes of light, but when I close my eyes and clear my mind I sometimes see strange symbols or places and people I've never seen.
I had a dream of Trump being the president a few years ago, guess we've got 'till November to see if dreams truly are reality.
What exactly is synchronicity?
I've been having the same thoughts....
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Does anybody else remember a Muslim/Arab/Somali invasion of Europe/America countries before 2012?
Seems like it all really started around 2012.

>pic related is a pic I took on lake street in Minneapolis, 2013
Have you ever had dreams of the angel Gabriel before? I've had three
Nothing recently. It stopped around 2013. I think my constant pot smoking dulls it since I'm never really absent minded anymore.
I also had a dream of fucking a generic anime girl, which was the most surreal and crazy dream I ever had. I'm a virgin but it felt like I was actually having sex, just an amazing sense of pleasure I never had that has to be it. Not sure if that's lucid dreams or a premonition of the glorious age of waifus, but I wish I could have it again.
>It truly is a hell. What's even worse is I'm the only person who seems to remember certain important things with my family.
You remember right, never let them make you think you are crazy.
Normies will never understand this hell
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this is synchronicity
Only angel I've ever met in a dream was lucifer.
Not trying to be an edgelord, that's actually the truth.
....where did you get the lil kek?
Those thoughts will keep getting more real and convincing.
No nothing about songs I remember sorry anon
>angel Gabriel
What does gabriel represent?
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>mfw someone uses my meme
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I do constantly get doubles now, so there's that at least
lol the cartoon on your pic was made in 2015. For a simpsons web special
I just remembered what happened to me in early march. I don't know if it was the 8the specifically but it was within a few days of that. Essentially I took a shitload of acid and had a complete mental breakdown that took almost 5 months to recover from and I only recovered by doing acid again with a good friend.

I had forgotten about this and the memories of how it felt are flooding back, it was truly one of the most life changing events that has ever been my pleasure to experience
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It keeps happening
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You should PRAISE KEK
Act one -
I was sitting and thinking of all the
beautiful things I could have become
Instead of a lyrical oracle and I'm a most appreciative one
'cause I'm in a world of my own
when I'm into it I don't want anything else
and nothing can bother me when I'm inside of it
cause I'm outside of myself


posting this for brothers who may be helped by it, i was
I think I died on March 9th of this year over some girl I meant in college cause her achmed boyfriend was gonna kill me so I decided to drink listerine and vodka and wander the highway
i am
I'm glad I haven't had that experience. Sorry anon that sucks
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> I sometimes see strange symbols or places and people I've never seen.
That happens to me too! I remember when I was younger, if I would focus on a certain person I would be able to vision certain memories that they had. I would ask the person about it,and was surprised at my rate of success. I eventually stopped doing this because I felt like I was invading their privacy.
I have no clue. I can post details if you like
Same here. Just had some major deja a few days ago can't remember what it was about tho
GFs mother died this year too, it's been terrible and it didn't even happen to me. Sorry for your loss, anon
Thanks bro

darn, here, fixed what I meant to link to

Do it
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I was refilling the olive bar at a grocery store i worked at, and an older man in his 70's or 80's comes up to me. He asks about garlic cloves, then he asks if I'm Italian because I said I liked garlic cloves also. He then tells me He is Italian. We get to talking, I ask him If there is any good Italian food in Minneapolis, He says look for the small places. He then asks If I am going to school, I tell him no and that my grades were not good enough, He tells me that I should go to a junior college and that grades do not really matter then I can get into regular college. He tells me he is from New york and that he moved to new jersey where the gangsters were and he didn't do well in school. His daughter or wife comes up and tries to lead him in a direction and doesn't want him bothering me, but I don't mind so he stays. He then tells me that he has dealt with alot of people and he was the ceo of a few companies and that he can tell from my eyes that I get bored really easily, as he was looking in my eyes his eyes looks oddly familiar. He Introduces himself as Sal, and said his full name was Salvatore. He then tells me that "you don't want to do this the rest of your life" talking about my job, I agree. He pretty much say's I should do something else with my life. He then starts talking philosophical and tells me he is a bit of a writer.
He tells me quite a few thing that I cannot remember, But what I do remember is this "It's not about what you touch, It's about what you feel" and "Always look forward, Never look back"
Salvatore said that If you are driving a car and look back that you will crash, But If you look ahead that you will not crash.
I then said Thanks for the advice and went on my way.
It felt strange, but was a very interesting experience and I will always remember Salvatore's advice.
>my grandma died the 2 days before I met Salvatore
yes pls do.
I would love to hear.
also nice Hitler Dub's
"Coincidence" that goes beyond coincidence, like the entire Pepe/Kek phenomenon. I guess the predominant theory is that "inner" and "outer" reality are inextricable, therefore powerful thoughts, intent, belief, etc. cause reality to mold itself to fit the universal arena of overlapping thoughts. That, and/or divine intervention of some sort (God, spirits, etc.)
So a synchronicity would be, for example, reading the title of a book online that you've never heard of before in your life, and then "randomly" finding that same book in your house about an hour afterward, having also never seen it in your house before for the many years you've lived in it. And doubly so when that book is "As A Man Thinketh." Which has happened to me.
Always move forward
Going straight will get you nowhere
There is no progress
Evolution killed it all
I found my place in nowhere

I'm taking one step sideways
Leading with my crutch
Got a fucked up equilibrium
Count down from nine to five
We're gonna die
Blessed into our extinction
Salvatore was just quoting greenday.
son of a dick
Praise kek, my audiomancy is untoppable but by the toppest himself
/pol/ is everywhere. we are old /b/ and new anonymous combined. we are the friendly cashier at the grocery store. we are the cute girl on the news. we are your doctors and your nurses. we're the police and we are the drug dealer in the back of the car.

we're everywhere and nowhere. we exist here and in the minds of liberals.

do it for the lulz.
I've seen Baal or whatever the dude with a head of a man, a cat and a frog is called
Now that I think about it there is something weird that has happened to me recently.

A month ago I noticed a new building in a corner two blocks north from my house. It is an apartment complex. I have been living in this city for seven years and I have never seen it before.

After I took notice of the building, about three times I have driven past it I have seen a beautiful girl walking outside of it. Sometimes she is walking in front, sometimes through the side alley but she is always walking towards the doorway of the building.

When I look at her I know she can't see me but her gaze makes me think she is looking at me while I know she isn't. It's odd.

Today, Something happened that made me think of pol.

I decided to ride my bike to work. And I did not see her. I saw a black man on the doorway with a big dog. As I peddle by the building I heard steps and then I saw her walking down the stairs pantless. She looked at me. Then she closed the door. And the black man left with his dog.

It just fascinates me. It seems so typical but strange. Almost like a written film.
This. You would never know who we are in public (well, maybe some NEETs on here look the part). We are your normal citizens in the day, and magickal shitposters by night.
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Yeah, it's true. I've been with you fucks since high school.
K so the first one I was in a schoolyard filled with children, a regular looking older gentleman is to my left, a grenade( I know it's strange) gets thrown over by the kids . I jump on top of it so they don't get hurt , it explodes, next thing that happens is I'm standing there, I look down at my left hand and it says Gabriel in gold writing burned into my hand. On either side of the name are two cherubs also burned into my hand. That was the first dream sorry it took so long to post
yea dude check it out, buildings changing
That's not good anon. Perhaps you are opening yourself up for negitivity
>driving home from work
>thinking about what i have to do
>gotta pick up some beers and dinner and then spend a few hours summoning an egyptian chaos god to meme the host of the apprentice into the presidency
>almost crash into a telephone pole laughing at the absurdity of the situation

4chan is my home.
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