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Child prostitution is now legal in california.

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Thread replies: 355
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>I don’t even know what to say to this one. Just when you think California can’t get any more depraved, they surprise you. Governor Moonbeam has just decriminalized prostitution for minors in his state. He claims it is meant to make life after human trafficking easier for those forced into it. But the consequences of this move make pedophilia far more acceptable there. Yes, adults are still guilty of a crime… maybe. Since minors are not, it becomes a gray area. The Islamists in California, the Marxists and NAMBLA must be rejoicing over this.

>I guess I should not be surprised from a state that wants to ban gender identity and allows polygamy, bestiality, etc. They say this law will protect minors from the stigma of sex-trafficking – what it really does is it makes it much easier to grow and conduct the business of sex-trafficking children. It promotes it for God’s sake. Along with this ruling, Jerry Brown is taking away state benefits for those who ARE victims of the sex industry. It’s as if he’s promoting white slavery for children.

>This is absolutely astounding. The liberal numbnuts who run the State of California just decriminalized child prostitution. There is no misinterpretation of what they’ve done here. It is no longer illegal for anyone under the age of 18 to engage in prostitution or to solicit money for sex. Like I said, kids in California are now able to legally work as prostitutes.

>CBS Sacramento reports that space cadet Governor Jerry Brown signed SB1322 into law on Tuesday. Among other things, this bill exempts minors from the current California prostitution laws. In other words, a person under the age of 18 can no longer be arrested for violating prostitution laws that apply to adults.

>I was thinking that maybe the news was reporting this wrong or perhaps they were leaving some stuff out that makes this sound less terrible than it is, but I read the actual wording of the bill and this is what is says:
(Pt 1)
Yet the person who buys becomes a sex offender.
>Existing law makes it a crime to solicit or engage in any act of prostitution. Existing law makes it a crime to loiter in any public place with the intent to commit prostitution. This bill would make the above provisions inapplicable to a child under 18 years of age who is alleged to have engaged in conduct that would, if committed by an adult, violate the above provisions.

>Brown and others will argue that they didn’t legalize prostitution for minors… they decriminalized it. They are splitting hairs here. Any attorney worth his salt will have a field day in court with this for his clients. Even a John or pimp will come into court claiming that since it is not illegal for a minor to commit prostitution, they cannot be held culpable for their actions. You watch… it’s coming.

>I don’t know what these liberals were thinking. Evidently they thought this would somehow protect children. It does the opposite… it will make prostitution and the exploitation of children explode in that state. If Brown was looking to create more jobs and tourism in his state, this will do it. But I doubt they will like the results. This is hardcore Progressivism and it is insane.


/pol/ btfo
Wew, wouldnt put it pass them and I know its Cuckafornia, but I still dont believe you
>Children under 18
Can we have another source? I mean, it is liberal California so it would not surprise me but I need something concrete.
Libertarian right confirmed for moving to California
That is from california's legislature website
Until it becomes a regulated and significant tax revenue producing industry. Like state regulated child porn (pthc) will become.

> inb4 our government would never be this corrupt
the adult who hires a child prostitute is still charged with stat rape though right?

Not that that makes it okay. This is disgusting. How many years till California is officially Mexico?
As far as i can tell yes. But the child can not be charged for prostitution, and her pimp can not be charged for pimping her. They can probably still get him another way, but still.
Yep. Anarchy captalism ftw
good, right or wrong?
Are you sure the pimp can't be charged? I can see the reason for not arresting the kid, because who knows how they got into the lifestyle, but the pimp not getting charged is what makes this bad
If prostitution is decriminalized, why are hookers so expensive here in California?
Honestly i support it. Why would you charge children with prostitution and fuck up their lives even further
You faggots, this means that a kid under 18 can't be charged with being a prostitute, allowing them to testify against their nigger pimps without fear.
Is there an An-cap emoji meme for this topic?
How could he be charged for pimping if prostitution is not a crime? He will probably be charged as an accomplice for statutory rape though

Now the purpose of the law is so that child prostitutes aren't charged with prostitution rather they are instead given somewhat of a fighting chance rather then a life of prison.

IE: Trying to give Juanita and Le-a a chance at life.
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>tfw Californian
Should I go full Bickle now?
I think this post >>90816612 explains it all
The dash don't be silent
My nigga
It misuses the term pedophilia. These women are usually 16 or 17, legal to bang in most of the Western world.

If I was a 18 year old prostitute I would be pissed. The competition just got a big break. This is an example of the government choosing winners and losers in the marketplace.
(((Hollywood))) is celebrating.
>implying this is a bad thing
I believe Mexico's age of consent is 12.
this just makes the girls whores, but you still get to go to FPMITA prison if you try it
I really should not have googled pthc.
It's the Pube-Free Market at work
>>90816533 >>90816066
The pimp could be charged under trafficking laws.
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hello my beaner brother
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>statist fags
>I guess I should not be surprised from a state that wants to ban gender identity and allows polygamy, bestiality, etc. They say this law will protect minors from the stigma of sex-trafficking – what it really does is it makes it much easier to grow and conduct the business of sex-trafficking children. It promotes it for God’s sake. Along with this ruling, Jerry Brown is taking away state benefits for those who ARE victims of the sex industry. It’s as if he’s promoting white slavery for children.

what the fuck

my state is fucked guys
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God help us all
There's no way this is true..
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gif related nothing surprises me
The best way to become red-pilled is to be raped non-stop by niggers.

How do we form RWDS's without leaving a digital trail?
More reason why California needs to be wiped off the western coast.
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you guys are fucking dumb. this is legalizing girls being fucking whores but it does not legalize guys fucking whore girls
OK, thanks for confirming you're a moron. California is on a crusade against pimps and traffickers right now. Oftentimes they charge prostitutes themselves or the boyfriends who drive them with sex trafficking.
i.e. status fucking quo anti men legislature
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You think that makes it any better? Fuck off kike
Isn't the age of consent in California 16?
Being a prostitute isn't a crime you moron. Soliciting and abetting prostitution still is.
>(B) A person intentionally distributes an image described in subparagraph (A) when he or she personally distributes the image, or arranges, specifically requests, or intentionally causes another person to distribute that image.
are they trying make it legal for kids to send nude pictures of themselves? this is fucked.
I thankfully resisted the urge. Can you kindly explain what it is?
So can i bring a lot of young village bitches and launch cool naebiznes?
It is an acronym for pre teen hard core. I had the fbi image pop up and everything.
>muh child prostitution
So what? We have a lot of spics here, this is a good way to make the most of them.
Lmao fucking newfags
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Thanks for taking one for the team!
Basically. California, like many states, is under the false impression that there is sex trafficking and sex slavery epidemic. This is wholly due to feminists redefining terms and sending out fake data that basically counts all prostitution as trafficking, and all underage prostitution as sex slavery. It is natural for feminists to want to absolve women of any blame, so now underage women can't be charged with prostitution, and soon they were push for all prostitution to be decriminalized.

You should be starting to see the whole picture. Soon women will be immune from prosecution and men will be charged with vastly more serious crimes. That is the whole idea.
The point is they don't want to put minors in jail for doing sex work, because it's stupid. Those kids need help, not jail time.

However their pimps need to be drawn and quartered.
>implying hollywood jews wont single out white children
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>We're moving to ban adult prostitution here
>California legalizes child prostitution
Oh America, the beacon of ''''''''''''''''''''''''''culture'''''''''''''''''''''''''''

>we don't want them to be seen as criminals, but as victims
okay and? I approve of anything that goes against this trend: >>90817975
>California, like many states, is under the false impression that there is sex trafficking and sex slavery epidemic. This is wholly due to feminists redefining terms and sending out fake data that basically counts all prostitution as trafficking, and all underage prostitution as sex slavery
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Holywood jews are at it again.
Doesn't this only apply those those under 18? Maybe I read the top wrong. But I don't think this applies to anybody above the age of 18.
$250/hr is expensive?
I google searched it but nothing came up. What is it?
You can't be this stupid. If some cop happens upon a situation like this he's obviously going to know that there's something more to the story than just some 15 year old whoring herself out. I suppose it's possible but they even said that it's so they could try and help these girls which implies they assume the girl is being pimped in the first place.
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Thanks, i was about to look it up as well.
Governor... Moonbeam?
>We're moving to ban adult prostitution here
The fuck? First I heard of this. That's stupid. Legal brothels are fine. If they get rid of them, it just puts them on the street. Fucking stupid.
>sex slavery is not a big deal goy
>it's those evil feminists
fuck off milo

fucking newfags are cancer I swear. lurk for two years before posting for fucks sake
Wow falling for such shitty bait from such a shitty source. Read the bill, its setting the framework for allowing the underage ppl to be taken into custody without fucking up their future by having them charged/arrested. Pimping and fucking kids is still illegal.
Yes, I totally agree with the statement. The OP is totally misinterpreting the law. He honestly thinks a pimp dragging around a 12 year old is not longer committing a crime under this new legal approach.
This fucking decriminalization on the prostitute's side is based on a fallacious hysteria about sex trafficking. You can get charged and put on the sex offender's list for dropping off your friend at a hotel to fuck a john nowadays while your friend is immune from the law. There was a story about some teenager slapped with sex trafficking charges because he hung out in the living room while his mom took johns.

Seriously. fuck these pol threads without sauces
"Mexican family values" have always included child rape. A brown country is a country where child molestation is normal.
>tfw i live in cali
looks like im having fun tonight with a qt loli whore lads

I have been here for a very long time, i have genuinely never seen that acronym.
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Jesus Christ the newfag in this thread is making me cringe
Basically feminism is evil and hates men and you should never trust liberals until you see the whole picture.
At least 3 sources have been given
No retard you can't be charged for a crime you self indict under testimony.

I, a leaf , know more of your system then you so go read a book you dumb nigger

Children will no longer be classified as prostitutes in the U.S. state of California after a new law decriminalized prostitution for minors in a move praised by child rights campaigners.

Coming on the back of a public campaign coined "There is No Such Thing" as a child prostitute, crimes of solicitation and prostitution will no longer apply to anyone aged under 18.

Under-age victims of sex trafficking are to be referred to child welfare agencies.

The law was among several signed by Governor Jerry Brown this week to boost protections for children forced into sex trafficking.

"The passage of these critical laws marks a clear shift in the public perception of sexually exploited children as victims rather than criminals," said Yasmin Vafa, executive director of Rights4Girls that launched the "No Such Thing" campaign.

"We are thrilled that media and lawmakers alike are beginning to understand that there is no such thing as a child prostitute," she said in a statement.

Other new measures include allowing prior convictions by trafficking victims to be eliminated and the records sealed, and allowing children under age 16 to testify remotely by closed-circuit television rather than open court in some cases, according to the Los Angeles Times.

The laws come amid debate over redefining prostitution as sex trafficking, in which victims are coerced and exploited, do not choose sex work voluntarily and cannot leave.

Children in particular are too young to consent, advocates say.

Others argue prostitution is a matter of free choice and valid work that should be decriminalized so that sex workers are not punished.

In the United States, as many as 1,000 children are arrested each year on charges of prostitution, according to Rights4Girls.

Get out of here with your logic! The flyover states are desperate to feel superior over California.
You guys are skewing the facts here...
Prostitution is (mostly?) illegal in California.
>Existing law makes it a crime to solicit or engage in any act of prostitution. Existing law makes it a crime to loiter in any public place with the intent to commit prostitution.

Now minors who are taken advantage of within the trade won't be punished for the rest of their lives and hopefully will be rehabilitated into society.
>This bill would make the above provisions inapplicable to a child under 18 years of age who is alleged to have engaged in conduct that would, if committed by an adult, violate the above provisions. The bill would authorize the minor to be taken into temporary custody under limited circumstances.

Calm the fuck down (it's still creepy ye)
I live in Burbank....
I am seeing more of "Dog Town" male prostitues can anon comment?
>Or is everybody gay?
This bill treats child prostitution as a misdemeanor and allows the state to take immediate custody of the child without a court order. It's actually quite dangerous in that regard, that the state can take a child based on the suspicion of being a prostitute.
>implying that wouldn't happen in the first place

going to go out on a limb and say that this is in order that children who are FORCED into this can be delivered from it without gaining a criminal record... ammiright?
This country really is turning into sodom and Gomorrah. I'm truly ashamed of the state of this nation.
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Been here for quite a while, just never bothered to look up the term before.
>The law was among several signed by Governor Jerry Brown this week to boost protections for children forced into sex trafficking.
Wut? What's going on? Are we going down hill that fast?
Holy shit you guys are retarded.

This is meant to PROTECT CHILDREN FORCED INTO PROSTITUTION. Previously they would be charged with it and have their lives ruined.

No,you will not see 12 year old girls on every corner. Anyone who solicits or engages in prostitution (pimps and pedophiles) will be arrested and charged but the prostitute will not.
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Oh and avoid the search term "Raygold" as well, or its party van time.
The state wants a quickie with the child too? Can't they just wait like everyone else?
No cunt on earth is worth that much money.
Does this mean minors can solicit prostitutes now
Yeah, lets start fucking children you degenerate fuck, whats wrong with you?
This is real and it's happening. We need to kill them all. This is exactly what it looks like. This was the plan all along. Muslim, as accepted as they are in comifornia, will monetize on thid.

Sharia soon. burn the turbs
Is this another acronym/pun of some sort?
To be fair, mexican people are not really people. Their children should be fair game.
now google raygold/r@ygold and pure nudity in google images, feel free to add a "vicky" before or after raygold to spice things up
>california full of mexicans
>child prostitute is big
Really makes you think.
Did you even read what it says you fucking retard? It doesnt mean prostitution is legal or pimping is legal, it means those under age who prostitute for whatever reason, forced into it for example wont be punished. Its like punishing a rape victim, this makes it so the girl or boy doesnt go to prison for harming themselves.
>law literally protecting children
Mexicans don't want this shit either.
you're personally responsible for getting Venezuela's top ISP b& from 4chan, right m8?
So, if a 14 to 18 years-old girl decides to willingly sell her own body, she will not be charged or punished for any crime? Well, that will go smoothly.
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They should simply offer immunity for prostitutes looking for a way out. Hell, they probably already do.
Doubt those handguns are on the roster :^)
Yeah, but you'd still be arrested for patronizing them because jailbait. Unless the patron is also underage, in which case he's making wise use of his allowance.
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Fucking shit, when will this ride end? I was so happy in my ignorant blue-pilled world. I now feel that this country is beyond saving anymore. Is there any hope left here?
Hell yeah, finally
yes we should send a child to prison with you monkeys because of a dumb decision she made due to being a child, that will go smoothly.
That just showed me a bunch of sunglasses you faggot.
I blame skate parks...
"Dog Town"
m-maybe, nah not really the worse I posted was some underage slut wearing a thong that's it, now jewt forces me to buy a pass to shitpost here.
my nigga Kenneth
250! I don't have 225, That's insane you want 200.
the buyer could still be convicted of a crime even if underage. the wording just protects the whore, but under US law minors can still be convicted of sex crimes.
this isn't even a joke, is it? didn't know cali was becoming an-cap
> implying that child prostitution is now legal

You dumb mother fucker, having sex with a child is still illegal, lol. The only thing that changed is that victims of human trafficking who are declared child prostitutes are seen as victims instead of prostitutes (and therefore criminals in their own right). This grants a whole bunch of protections to them they otherwise wouldn't have had, like not having to testify in open court against their 'pimps' (traffickers).
Fucking gross.
In the civilised world, teens don't go around trying to sell themselves for extra drug money.
google pure nudity in google images and tell me what you see
[spoiler]Kaneda what do you see?[/spoiler]
I'll let you go Bickle if you tickle my pickle
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this wouldn't happen if Japan conquered the west (and Germany the east) of America. Los Angeles would be clean and free of hobos and junkies like Tokyo is.You burgers didnt "won" WW2 at all.
Really makes you think.

? Wut ?

Yeah, but raygold gave me nothing but sunglasses. "Pure Nudity" I'm pretty sure will give me something completely different.
So that's why Shadman is moving to California!
Do bans get your pass banned?
Just nuke California already
So child porn is legal as long as you dont fugg the kids?
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>Child prostitution is now legal in california.

I guess you could say its always a great time to be a child actor in California.

(not that i have a problem with it if it were true lol, hell i'd move there for that reason alone)
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Look up MK Ultra and the Illuminatis child sex slave program. They love this shit.
Even if the guy who fucks the children prostitute is still charged, this is still disgusting.

You are pretty much saying that girls as young as 16 or even 14 years-old, can now sell their bodies without the risk of facing any legal consequences. Look at our society right now, how kids are maturing much younger then before, girls desperate for male attention or simple money will dive head first in this shit. A shit town of men already have sex with minors, now that the market will increase, this problem will only get worse!

This is liberal thinking on its finest, aprove a law saying it will help protect children, but in reality it will only make thinks worse.
You are thinking of new "downloading is not equal to posession" york.
california runs hollywood. hollywood is full of pedos. pedos in hollywood make public statements about political issues. they get friends on the democrats side. they support hillary so now they can feel the children

cause and effect. jews do jew things. its physics 101
>wise use of his alowance
Never pay for pussy. And don't give me that dinner and date crap, if you can't pick up a piece at a bar then you need to grow some nuts.
you should kill them all, you must kill them all.

What the fuck is the stupid wizardry?

Doesn't anyone remember what happened when they didn't prosecute young blacks as adults for drug dealing charges? The children became the ones most recruited to sell because they never went away for long.

This will inevitably increase the number of underage prostitutes in the state.
How fucking retarded could you POSSIBLY be?
You seriously think not sending a literal child to prison = no consequences? of course they're still going to face consequences, it just means they arent going to prison.

god you are so fucking stupid.

pedo rings are already twisted. there's no need to attach a fictional secret organization to it just to make it more twisted and spooky.
I agree with you coke-baby. Only on the condition that Germany takes the Eastern half, and Japan the Western half of Canada. This country could do with some proper reform.
Oh yeah, I'm sure those 15 years-old sending nudes on their cellphones, using skirts that can barely cover their asses and having ORGYS in their college's bathrooms have absolutely no idea of what they are doing.


>civilised world
See the link right above.
>You lived long enough to 100% unironically see child sex decriminalized.

I'm just confused.

I thought polygamy and incest would be first.
>This will inevitably increase the number of underage prostitutes in the state.
No, that's wrong. You're taking this at face value and implying they aren't continuously working on mitigating abuse towards children.
t. pedo desperate to make excuses to fuck kids
You're full of shit, OP.

The goal here is to ensure the victims of pedophilia aren't treated like criminals. So long as predators are still prosecuted for using child prostitutes, you're fear-mongering over a non-issue.
You really have no idea of what the liberals are trying to do here, have you? I forgot that most gringos are still not familiar with the concept of "culture war".
The illuminati, the elite, the Rothschilds, whatever you want to call the ones ruling the world and calling the shots.

They are pedophiles and this shit is all going on behind the scenes in places of the highest power.
>fort myers

I was born there. Hmm.
Pay attention to my replies asswipe, I'm arguing AGAINST this law.
It's funny but we called it. We said when gay marriage became legal what next? Beastiality? Pedophilia? No, no, don't compare such things.

Then Canada and California just had to go and do it.

That would require the girl being arrested and interrogated.

They killed that very important step.
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I get sungglasses on Google and DuckdudkGo when I search for Raygold.

Wikipedia takes me to this picture. WTF.

pol/ is always right, my friend.

We called it years ago in the pedowoods threads.
do daisies destruction and hurtcore next
/pol/ BTFO XD

We can't keep on arresting kids like my friend's aspie son who chose to run away and suck dick for meth on Skid Row, can we? Oh, the humanity!
You obviously don't belong here

Wow, that is indeed problematic. I really do see your point. It truly becomes more practical to pimp out children if they can't get trouble at all for selling their own bodies. With it being legal, that means there's nothing the law can do about it, which means that there'll be even more child prostitution.

It seems that they're trying to work on not being punishing towards children, but there's a possible unintended consequence towards this.
no you're definitely right. i've been doing some research into it lately and it's shocking to see just how involved our fucking politicians are in this shit. men with money enough for 100 lifetimes have to kidnap and fuck kids.

all these missing children reports dating back to the 70s-80s and to never be heard from again. no leads, no witnesses, nothing. they just vanish into air and they're gone; presumably into sex slavery. if you want to point me to some good info to research more then please link some. shit like this needs to be more public.
yea, you're arguing against NOT sending children to prison for being forced into prostitution, you disgusting subhuman.
E-fucking-xactly. Its how the liberals operate, create a law that in concept will reduce the number of child prostitutes, but in reality, the exact oposite happens. I see this happening all the time here. Its so in your face that this will back fire that it hurts.
Ask the Koreans how much Japan loved prostitution senpai.
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>all these idiots just reading the title and thinking every man can legally fuck an <18 year old

As expected of /pol/ can't read for shit past the title.
There's nothing about force in the new law though.
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it also becomes more practical for children to seek help

I did the same thing. there are other organizations under that acronym though.

I doubt you we get vanned. We're already on some lists anyways.


I'm not into abusing children and have been here nearly a decade. Never seen this shit before.

Was the brand name of an old Pedo mob, think they were shut down ages ago.
and you can't read past the first 5 replies, dick head.
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I work tech in San Francisco. This is very good news. You would not believe hot hard it was to get white underaged sex workers, but now our busses just pass by the middle school around 3pm every Friday
Literally how?
>This is meant to PROTECT CHILDREN FORCED INTO PROSTITUTION. Previously they would be charged with it and have their lives ruined.

Yeah, no they weren't. You are believing lies. A 17 year old here and there would be arrested. Notice how the activist organization says 1000 children are arrested a year. First, 1000 is not very many. Second, arrested does not mean charged and does not mean convicted. This is purely done for other reasons.
Do I really have to tell that I was being sarcastic here >>90821076?

Because I think its pretty clear from my previous replies that I want to SEND the kids to prison, or have then face another form of legal punishment.
Invade Commiefornia now
...because they wont go to prison/juvie for admitting to the police that they are being forced to work as prostitutes?

jesus christ get a new brain, yours is dead
This literally never happens. Very rarely older teenagers are arrested. Arrested does not mean charged. Arrested does not mean convicted. You are believing blatant lies.
>won't be punished for the rest of their lives

pretty sure no one gets "punished for the rest of their life" for just being a whore, unless they refuse to stop being one

this just makes it so girls cant be punished, and they'll think they arent responsible for their actions at all, and it isnt their fault if they become whores, its all those evil men who dared to buy them

it will be used by a bunch of 16-17 year old sluts to buy money for drugs
yes and thats why you deserve to be tortured and murdered exactly like in all those gore videos that come out of brazil daily, you worthless disgusting animal.
You realize that pimps don't deal directly with johns right? The girl does the work and gives her pimp the money she owes him for "protection" and what not. Now that what she is doing isn't illegal theres no leverage on the pimp for taking the money. She gave him money for whatever.
It's already not criminal for them if they are forced to do something. It is not a crime to do something under https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duress
MK Ultra was definitely real, you can look it up. It's a horror story. The government, our government did this to kids.
These are mostly 16 and 17 year olds who are doing it on their own volition. They are hardly ever arrested (1000 in the entire US which is tiny). Arrested does not mean charged. Arrested does not mean convicted.

Under this law, what are law enforcement supposed to do? They have no leverage over 16, 17 year old prostitutes. They can send them to child services which means nothing for older teens. They simply walk away.
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Fuck, I just googled pre teen hard core and your right.
17 year olds aren't children. Stop being overly dramatic. You are believing blatant lies.
>16 year old girls have literally no capacity to be responsible for themselves and should just be free to fuck whoever they want for money and make a killing

you clearly have no fucking idea how much money these sluts will make and how much drugs they will buy with it
>wasted trip dubs

You moron. It's already not illegal to be forced to do something. You clearly have no idea how the fuck gangs work.
Keep punishing children who commit illegal acts with a flick in the wrist and see were that will lead you. Do it, I know were that goes and its gonna be beautiful.
it takes them 3 - 6 months to come knocking
get cucked anon
>according to rightsforgirls
sounds like a pretty normal thing, any law which disproportionately effects non-whites needs to be removed
child sex hasn't been decriminalized. Sex with minors is still a crime, the new bill doesn't even touch that subject.
>shitskins all break the law

>"hey this law is racist because it only affects us"

>fbi image pops up
lol really?
post proof
As usual these laws end up passing because the perverts that make them know that it is only a matter of time until they're caught anyway, remember the transgender bathroom bill in NC? Just went I thought I already had the last straw in CA too, it's gonna be nice once I have enough money to leave.
Would you explain to this humble spic kraut friend?
So remove all laws other than those against tax evasion?

it didn't for me. There are quite a few organizations under that acronym, but the first page is filled with non-porn info about the phenomena.

Nobody is getting vanned.
It's not illegal for the child to sell sex, it's just illegal for someone over 18 to buy it.

The given reason is so that children forced into prostitution aren't sent to jail, but they already aren't because it's not a crime if you are forced into prostitution. All it effectively does is let children prostitute themselves with no risk. Bear in mind that "child" includes someone a day before their 18th birthday (at which point it would become illegal for them to prostitute themselves).
the 14 year old prostitute wont be charged, but the guy that fucked he would be

not that the kid would have been charged anyway; its a pointless virtue signalling law
>be 16 year old girl in California
>whore yourself out to some guy for cash
>report him to the police
>he gets convicted
>you get off scot free because child prostitution isn't a crime
Hell, I'd do it.

Only after OP was told to like a fucking poodle lap dog
so I could pay a loli to come to Mexico and then fuck her in Mexico.

>pretty sure no one gets "punished for the rest of their life" for just being a whore
>get arrested for prostitution once
>have a criminal record for the rest of your life
>can never get a legitimate job ever again
getting arrested for anything is a life sentence in the modern age of electronic records and background checks that only require the press of a button.
why would you report him? you gain nothing by it. in fact, you eliminate the possibility of repeat business.

girls can't into logic.
Wont teens abuse the shit out of this?
the legal age is 12 there, compadre. You and I know both know you can fuck all the spic loli's you want.

most importantly, the part that seems to skip everyone's mind, is that if the child is not arrested then the police do not have the leverage to interrogate under pending charges, which means the kids has no reason to talk about their masters.

that's it. the whole dilemma.

there is nothing good about this.
>not doing it specifically to get guys you don't like arrested while making money in the process
how do you newfriends not know about this old trick?

it's the same one from years ago on /b/ when they told you to go to imgfap (or w/e it was) and type in "lolita". an fbi page would pop up saying your IP had been logged and traced but it was just a troll to scare off pedos.

jesus lurk moar.
A new "protected class".

So, why not let minors smoke and drink, since they aren't old enough to consent so they shouldn't be held accountable for their own fucking stupidity anymore?

This is so laughable.

I hope the almighty God gets me out of this degenerate state.
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I can easily see degenerate parents encouraging their own kids to whore themselves out on the street. The kid can't get arrested, because it's not illegal, nor can the parents get arrested, because they can just say it was the kid's decision to be literal whores.

I can also see organized criminals adopting kids for this very reason.
well I assumed that google has some popup after reading that anons post
and yes I've hear all about the fap trolls throughout the years

I left long ago.
California is not america
I want out so bad. I'm saving up.

As I lawyer this post is retarded.

WTF I hate pol now.
nah, no popups. probably just an fbi image showed up in the results and he flipped out.


I'm probably still on a list though.

I'm in the deep south now.

It isn't much better, but it is a little better. You would be surprised how cheap housing is here in some places.

if your a prolific poster here, you're already on a list.
Seriously? I would not have imagined it was that high.
This happens all the time, there was one case where a hot young girl bought into the media's coordibated push about female bounty hunters and voluntarily got into the drug thing. They chopped her up, but they surely raped her first. She was from some unusual ethnic minority like a Basque or something.
OP is faggot. It doesn't make child prostitution legal.

It's like training for marriage.
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t. Newcuck
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Everyday we turn further and further away from the light of God.

Really it isn't. My dad went there in the 70s and bought a bunch of dope. They met the goons at a bar in Tijuana and did the deal. While they were waiting a guy there approached my dad and asked, " U like Pussy?" My dad said yeah. The next question was "do u like pussy with no hair on it?" My dad said he didn't care. Dude went outside and came back in with a girl no older than 10 and my dad declined the offer. As they were waiting the federales came in the bar and shot some patron without saying a word, and dragged him out by his boots onto the patio and left.

My dad said he couldn't wait to get the fuck out of there. Got busted and went to prison when he tried to cross the border to get back.

Mexicans will play dumb to this shit when confronted about it over here.

i want to get out of this hell hole joke of a state!!
>? Wut ?
it's a /tv/ meme
>I'm pretty sure will give me something completely different.
Just do it anon, nothing illegal swear, after all it's in google
no but I cannot post if I'm banned, which kinda sucks because my isp is dynamic and the god fucking retarded mods think I'm using a proxy all the fucking time, I have showed them my isp contract and even a picture of my penezuelan passport and they still think I'm a proxyfag
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desu I just want regular prostitution legalized, is that so much to ask for

>decriminalizes youth prostitution
>consenting adults in a transaction still illegal (unless it's porn lol)
brb moving to commiefornia for delicious lolis

what. a. sick. nigger.
Sex slavery barely exists in the first world. It's a fake issue created to generate a moral panic, and we all know (((what moral panics are used for))).
now try hussyfan, jho, rbv, kdv, bibcam and p101 :)
Prostitution is going to skyrocket. Pimps are going to work behind the scenes controlling things so they don't associate themselves too carefully with the girls. It's going to be a nightmare.

Dude take your meds. When you have schizophrenia just stay on your meds.
Jerry Brown has always been batshit crazy. What the fuck is wrong with Californians that they keep electing this degenerate?
You do realize a young girl forced into prostitution would never be charged right? She would actually benefit from state intervention, as sex slavery/trafficking is illegal. The new law is fucked up, it gives teens impunity.
what a hell inferno this clustershit is I'm throwing up right now
Hmmm.... most of those girls looked about 30.

Sarah Jessica Parker was on one of those pages.
Prostitution rings are never a good thing. If you get scooped up by them you are generally treated like a sweatshop worker.
>never seen sunshine
So if you evade with a ip that you can change and use the same pass you can keep using it or no?

I'm not quite understanding

What is wrong with that pic you pervert? Do you find her sexy?
>that tattoo
>Queen of spades
this is like an ancap meme
Also, you are a gay faggot who likes benis.
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I don't remember his name, but I bet he approves.
commiefornian here

you all jelly
why is this getting so much attention in the land of casting couches? because hes ugly and does nick and disney shows?

Why dont they focus on bryan singer, other casting couch guys?
In the civilized world they'll do it for a designer handbag or a new iphone.

See: Japan
Who is this? She looks familiar but I can't tell from where.
what I want to know is

how is this not incentivizing people to kidnap a bunch of little girls and make them prostitutes, because the little girls have committed no crime?
So Commiefornia is the official state of /tv/ now?
>Also, you are a gay faggot who likes benis.

isnt that an oxymoron¿?
yes you can, you can switch ips every hour I think or maybe it was every half our but you can change your ip and switch your pass with no consequences
Bruh I need a green card
so how much to get a nice 12 y/o latina for a weekend for some fun?

Because Bryan Singer didn't cast Victoria Justice on a couch.

What...do you think /pol/ is full of faggots?

No wonder the kike mods are so ban happy. Want more people to buy their kike passes.
still can't be bothered to care
Californian Here,
What do I do to stop this? Legit answers please.
iran already allowed marry with 9yo girl. not a special thing
i mean i understand dan uses his position to do it to children on the child friendly nicklodian/disney whatever.

There has to be worse guys than dan no?
>children forced into prostitution should be thrown in jail!
>muh lawr and order
B R A V O /pol/
because Bryan Singer only abuse no-name fuckbois, Dan the man with a plan [spoiler]to rape you[/spoiler] fucks prime world famous cunny, anyone can travel to a shithole like Venezuela/Romania and fuck a 12 year old girl but only Dan the Roughrider gets to fuck prime Ariana Grande and V-juice
Here OP: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jItz-uNjoZA
You may be a lying tripfag, but that was entertaining to read.
>pro-(((pedo))) law
>(((Commiefornia Governor)))
(((They))) are not even hiding anymore.
yeah Venezuela's top ISP has been range blocked for years now and the mods dont seen to give a single fuck about it, kinda shitty considering the average penezuelan simply cannot afford a pass or a decent vnp, and even if you can afford it you cannot just buy it your self unless you have a bank account outside of Venezuela because lolnodollarsherexD
>First Banning cow farts
>Now legal child prostitution

Thanks the gods I left that shit hole
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>Be(Hypothetical, mods don't ban pls) underage in Commiefornia
>Want to fug underage Gf so I can feel her tight, virgin pussy
>We both say we're prostitutes buying sex from each other
>Police can't arrest us
>Free sex
Fuck the mods. I've gotten my entire cell range banned so many times for not even breaking rules (besides ones mods make up) and just evading.
To review: This isn't about saving kids. This is about feminists setting up a legal situation where women can't be legally charged for being in the sex trade but men can. They first lie about protecting children and then try the same thing for all prostitutes.

The actual law could hurt children. Although most underage prostitutes are not children, more like 16 or 17 year old street criminals, there are younger teens in the sex business. No teen under 18 can be charged for prostitution. Why is this important? It means the cops have no leverage over them. They can't use leverage to get them to turn on their pimps or clients. The activists only say 1000 girls are arrested every year. That isn't very many, especially since nearly all those girls aren't charged or convicted of anything.

Now in California, if there is truly a young teen being abused and forced into prostitution, it is much harder to convict that teens pimp or clients.. This is all so feminists can get one step closer to a system that fucks over men while absolving women of any responsibility.

I vote we amend that top the entire US continent. I really thought we were on the right path after 9/11, but the fucking ragheads let me down again.
They did it *for* the criminals, no different than Cosa Nostra-affiliated politicians passing laws for their spurious benefactors.

And cuckifornians'll eat it up. Heil progress.
whoa, so this is the power of the blue pill.

/tv/ must be praising every God.
What this means is that the pimp and the hoes stay on the down low and keep their customers anonymous. I guess that's how it would work anyways, but now these organizations can work pretty overtly with literally no risk. More people will start coming out and trying this, and soon the market will be flooded. It's basically legalizing the whole process
>an opinion piece by some triggered cuck instead of quoting the actual article

OP as always is a faggot.


>>have a criminal record for the rest of your life

>for something you were convicted of as a child

lmao did you not know a single person who had trouble with the law growing up?

its fairly common and easy to get your records wiped clean for things that happened as a minor

fucking sheltered cuck autist white knight faggot

America isn't a part of the civilized world
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Im fucking done with this state. I used to be one of the first ones to defend this state because our flag is fucking cool and you niggers are just jealous. But fucking allowing child prostitution? Fuck everything

t. San Diego
>>children forced into prostitution should be thrown in jail!
>>muh lawr and order
>B R A V O /pol/

God fucking damn it....

Teenage girls are not "children." They get horny, they get drunk, they get high, they do dumb shit, they try to seduce men, they try to seduce their teachers, and yes, some of them will fuck for money.

I know that's a red pill for dipshits who think women are sugar and spice and everything nice, but it's the truth.

When you strip all the legal consequences you encourage the behavior. You encourage teenage girls to do whatever the fuck they want and if they get caught blame a man while crying "i dindu nuffin i a good girl!"

This shit has to be on a case by case basis. If a judge or DA comes across a girl who was actually threatened/forced into prostitution, fine, send her to a home and wipe her record. But when they come across girls who are just fucking up there needs to be punishment.

The only people who don't get this are fucking libtards who think every girl is snow white.

On a similar subject, now that child prostitution is legal in your wonderful state, where's a good place for a reasonably affluent white male to live?
This thread is proof that /pol/ is a bunch of kiddie diddlers
California is a Blue state with alot of Red cities. A prime example of whats wrong with our Electoral system. Fuck Moonbeam and Fuck his dad
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>/tv/ must be praising every God.
what would make you think that huh?
You should check out North Korea m8, you'd do well there.
This is a great point. How do you get through to a 17 year old prostitute when you can't arrest her for anything? Take her to child protective services? She can walk out. What is she lives at home and her parents are desperately trying to stop her from selling herself? This law is horrible.

And this: >>90826073

This anon gets it. Now when a girl fucks up and finds herself trapped by a pimp the cops can't put pressure on her to turn on her pimp.

Fucking eh, I bet mass "Asian" immigration is next on the list.

It's time to move.
Brb running for governor of Nevada so we can build a wall of our own against California
west coast needs to be wiped from the west coast
they are fucking assholes, I really wish Hiroshima Nagasaki would lift the cantv isp ban though
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now girls solicite themselves legally. and just don't rat out their customers (obvious business decision). Then they can be more persistent about pushing themselves onto people as there is no legal risk for themselves.

Make Nevada Great Again
That's it's intent. But there is some fishy language in it. Like prostitution is still illegal but a minor can't be charged with a crime. They also become wards of the state. It is a little concerning because there are some clear loopholes for minors who want to be prostitutes. So it effectively makes it so there are no consequences for minors who are prostitutes.
A 16 year old who lives at home starts selling herself on craigslist. What can her parents do? What could child services do?

A 13 year old prostitute is picked up. The cops know she has a pimp. How do you get her to testify against her pimp? She says no. Law enforcement has no leverage.

1000 teens are arrested a year on prostitution charges. That says nothing about charges of convictions. Do you know why? Because they are arrested to put pressure on them to turn on their abusers. Or they are 17 year old criminals who need a wake up call. There is not some epidemic of overzealous prosecutors ruining teen girls' lives. That is made up. This law only hurts.
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Why are you niggers freaking out?
So even if this bill didn't pass, child prostitution would still happen

this has 0 effect on it, it just makes the children not liable for their actions

i mean shit, you're going full on
>wahh think of teh children
but you want them to spend years in jail for doing something most of you believe they can't consent on/are being forced

if you were forced into prostitution, would you want to go to jail for having life choices being made for you?

you think that's fair?
that's why you say this law shouldn't have been passed?

can you please use your brain for half a second before just mindlessly bashing left-wing states? maybe that's asking too much.
Getting a bit big for your britches since that brexit there pops. How about me and my (((greatest ally))) come over there and give you another canal crisis in the form of an open border at Calais?
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pol/ needs more janitors
I mean the fact that they started with kids is even more surprising and sickening, but i guess californians are fucking sick fucks who think thats more acceptable i guess

why the fucking fuck cant we just legalize fucking prostitution for adults, there would be less child abuse if men werent banned from buying pussy for a reasonable price, instead of having to either be a chad or marry and sign your life away just to get laid

how the fuck is no one lobbying for that, its an entire industry that could just explode, yet no one cares

who in the actual fuck is lobbying for women to have so much sexual power over men? is it just that they vote for cunts like hillary?

would women all lose their minds if trump said he was going to legalize prostitution because they know that would lower their value to men?

what the fuck is the deal
Answer these hypotheticals: >>90827190
Read this: >>90826073
And this:>>90826453
>this has 0 effect on it, it just makes the children not liable for their actions

>but you want them to spend years in jail for doing something most of you believe they can't consent on/are being forced

you speak as if most child prostitutes arent 15-and 17 year olds who often just want to buy fuckloads of drugs and not have a "real" job

you have no common sense

you are a deluded white knight cuck fucktard

The irony there being that no one needs to do anything. The French are fucking that p all by themselves. kek.

And personally, I believe Brexit was a good call. The EU is on borrowed time.

Please stop you making me think more about it.
no u

Yeah, they can all be answered with:
Even if the law wasn't passed, these things would still happen and there is 0 proof that this would be an incentive or that it would outweigh the benefits those who are forced into prostitution would receive.

Unless you can prove not having the law would somehow make these things not prominent or not happening? Males will still be punished if they engage in this.

And the benefit those forced into prostitution exists, that's a fact. Whether it will make an increase of "teenage prostitution" (or rather, make it more visible since they don't need to hide it would be more realistic), remains to be seen and even then, it remains to be seen if that outweighs those who need this law for going to jail when they didn't deserve it.

Only one way to find out.
Feminists are often evil and hate men. Never trust what a feminist says. There almost always a hidden agenda.
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I agree with you about brexit, but only as long as you remember whose number 1 in this here anglosphere.

A wetback getting excited at the thought of fucking kids. There's a surprise.

top kek. how long till Bill "the dinkster" Clinton is rung to said middle school. or elementary school fuck it
There used to be an action the police could take. The police could arrest a girl and hold her. Try to scare her straight. The police used to be able to arrest a prostiute and offer immunity to flip on her pimp or clients. None of these things are possible anymore. This law only harms.

The idea that girls were getting lives ruined when they were the victims is absurd. Some girls need wake up calls. Others need prodding to turn on their pimps and clients.

Now teenage prostitution is much harder to combat. Cops can't force girls to testify against their pimps. Cops can't scare girls that badly need to be scared. It is a horrible law.
But why then, would they legalize it for children first, and not for adults? If the narrative is to absolve women of responsibility, then why even care about those who aren't even women yet?
As if feminism would even waste their time with that.

And I'd dare say even while it was illegal, pimps have their ways of avoiding being caught after their subjects are caught.

They're not in the game without knowing how to play it.
yep. women abuse everything. now they'll be doing it earlier
You're acting like the law is some indiscriminate force designed to just fuck everyone and wont adjust to each specific circumstance to be reasonable and try to help each individual as much as possible

Before, they could do something after determining which girls were just throwing their lives away and which ones were being exploited.

Now they just have to act like every single girl below 18 is a perfectly innocent saint who did nothing wrong

Now they have literally nothing they can do, to stop these girls from going right back out and fucking people for money. Often just to feed a drug addiction.

Real talk I don't see anything wrong with this shit, prostitution is an honest job, much better than other things that girl could end doing.

And it's going to relieve a lot of men of stress, give them good times, fuck yeah.

All girls will end being dumb whores anyway so why even give a shit if some of them want to make a profession of it, and what's wrong with starting their career young ?

I'm not justifying someone corrupting a 12 year old but if a girl is 16 and she's already had sex with 10 guys and wants some extra money, let her fuck some men who want to pay for it.
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California, is Sodom and Gomorrah.
It needs to be destroyed!

We are the most heinous form of cancer, and we're spreading to other states. Kill us before it's too late!

Russia, please nuke us, when you complete the satan II nuke.

I'm sure you are a traitor beaner immigrants son anchor asswipe baby. Fuck. I wish I could hurt you really hard fuck. I fucking hate this nationalistic assup beaners fuck.

Ah good. Yes, I'd like some tacos, a couple of chicken fajitas and burritos, and a side order of your best tequila please.
>But why then, would they legalize it for children first, and not for adults? If the narrative is to absolve women of responsibility, then why even care about those who aren't even women yet?

It is the first step. It is an easy step. Most people are dumb and it sounds good. The next step is decriminalizing all prostitutes, and the same people will push that. That issue has already come up. Go ahead and just search decriminalize prostitution and you will find tons of SJW bullshit arguing for exactly what I said. They want to decriminalize the selling, not buying.

>As if feminism would even waste their time with that.

Go ahead and research. There are shit tons of SJW feminists who have this as an issue.

>And I'd dare say even while it was illegal, pimps have their ways of avoiding being caught after their subjects are caught.

Now it is much easier for pimps who pimp underage girls. The cops can't force the girls to testify against them. It is way harder to prosecute.

>They're not in the game without knowing how to play it.

Their risk just went way down.

Fuck you motherfucker.
Here is the fucking NY Times Magazine shilling for prostitutes because of feminism: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/05/08/magazine/should-prostitution-be-a-crime.html

That is the most tame and mainstream representation. I did not make this shit up.
why are shitskins so full of senseless anger and hatred

oh right low IQ high testosterone

like an animal
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Dont you spics have child brothels on the side anyways? And a super low age of consent?
/pol is always right

We are right about race realism too.
entire countries already have prostitution legal for women and not men

hell we've had huffington post and other mainstream news sites literally print stories with headlines like "women should not go to prison, for anything", where they go on to say just that for 5 paragraphs, that women shouldnt go to jail because they're women
fucking hell I figured this was some south asian acronym and I googled it.. jesus christ pol
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Exactly. This is what I have been saying. This law will hurt the prosecution of child sex trafficking when it actually occurs. Feminists aren't doing this for the "children". They are hurting the children and they don't give a fuck. They need this step to take the next one.
I mean I don't think this was necissary to accomplish that at all, I don't think those other countries that legalized adult prostitution did this, Californians are just sick fucks who the rest of us can't even relate to, they took it a step beyond
If they could have decriminalized all prostitution in one fell swoop they would have. It is literally the same people pushing both agendas.
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Just this one that i have, but i'm sure someone has the emoji one.
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