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Trudeau alleged to have fondled Emma Watson

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Thread replies: 304
Thread images: 72

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Days after Prime Minister Justin Trudeau hosted a cordial meet and greet photo opportunity with young actress and immigration activist Emma Watson, who was visiting Ottawa to raise awareness for Syrian refugees by donating $3.5 million USD to Bring Them Home (an organization that seeks to increase Federal Syrian refugee quotas to over 300,000 per year), Emma has revealed during a speech to the UN that she was physically uncomfortable around the Prime Minister when the cameras were off, and that he had even "briefly fondled" her.

These explosive allegations were part of a greater narrative that she wove around the subject of patriarchal oppression in politics.




This is bullshit. Fondling a man, ok, but fondling a woman? Not our Justin
He probably thought she had a ding a ling.
He's totally redeemed himself tbqh
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HOLY SHIT TRUDEAU BTFO. And he's meant to be a male feminist! This guy is the gift that just keeps on giving
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>Emma Watson
Literally who?
I'd fondle Emma Watson.

Though only with consent of course.

Also fake
He did the right thing for the first time

Emma Watson is an insufferable cunt though. Makes me almost feel bad for Le Weed Man.
>I'd fondle Emma Watson
She has fucking nothing to fondle
It's like Canada becomes a shitposting machine in reality
>HOLY SHIT TRUDEAU BTFO. And he's meant to be a male feminist!

Tons of male feminists turn out to be total predators. It's not uncommon. They always turn out to be rapists.
Her neck looks weird as fuck. Choke marks?
He was merely explaining how refugees are allowed to act towards women. We must allow them. It is their culture. 2016
I don't know, I kind of like him now
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Bullshit controversy to make Trudeau look less gay.
>le weed man
>fondling a woman

Fake and gay.
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She's a whore.
Also our prime minister is gay.
Just look at the pride photos.
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Yeeeee get it boyy
You fucking pleb. Learn how to appreciate a tight petit body.
Fuck everything about Emma Watson, maybe she should go spend more time around Syrians since she loves them so much. Or maybe she could start by being in some movies that aren't all white actors.
Trudeau is a total bro. He's just pretending to be a feminist.
fake and gay
It's funny how nobody in this thread took the time to control F this article.
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What else can you tell us about Trudeau?
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Day will come and White Man will take up the arms and he will kill the traitors. First bullet is always for the traitor.

Does no one read the article?

He's too much of a bitch boi too do it.
Also, How the fuck should donating money change anything. We are 76% against in most white countries. Do we have a democracy or not?

Redpilled here, obviously we don't have a democracy. But the point is, isn't the left making it a bit more obvious than usual?
it's bullshit because it's it's bait
sage and hide
Stfu pleb everyone but me must learn to not be racist
Is all this faggot does let more fucking non whites into the country? Canada will be Sweden once his term is done.
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Rich homie Justin is very assertive, a boldness she finds attractive.

Lower my taxes, 420 blaze it.
He really looks like he has a fun time at these things. Makes me actually want to go out and dance with the fags.

Only thing stopping me the the chance of a muslim slaughtering me
>article doesn't actually mention that
Point it out or go die in a lake eh
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Chestlets appreciation thread.
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What a thirsty bitch. I can tell you that half the female population in this country would gladly be fondled by Justin
Oh fuck you that article's not even related fucking bait thread fuck you faggot
I guess you guys will be rooting for this pedophile scumbag.

You can tell that she just loves having a man put her in her place, that's why she does all that feminism and immigration shit.


I did and replied anyway
Boobs bigger than 1,5 are for faggots and sow fuckers
You know nazi trash hated russians?
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>you will never fondle this
Obviously the left doesnt want refugees
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>seeks to increase Federal Syrian refugee quotas to over 300,000 per year

muh promised land is happenin!!!
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>Immigration activist emma watson

Oh fucking great we have another person living in a gated community saying they want immigrants for everyone else to live with but themselves.
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>that link
>These replies
They were right, /pol/ is wrong
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Saggy ass
Trudeau is just dumb

Emma Watson is a whacko feminist who maybe got patted on the back or touched on the arm/shoulder in a friendly way & is calling it fondling
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Stfu fag
It's never gotten better for this poor Jags fan.
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>flat but no curves either

Sad, she better have a nice face
I want to bend her over, spread her cheeks apart and sniff her butthole while I lick her cunny.
Probably a lie.

But it's funny thinking that the leftist of the leftists being a victim of the feminists.

What if he become redpilled?
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They hated the Soviets and Bolsheviks. Russian and Soviet are mutually exclusive.
would be the first cool thing he's done

guy doesn't even deserve to be called weed man, shit still isn't legal yet
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>No tits
>Nipples not aligned
>No hips
>No ass
>too tall for a pedo
I really don't care what happened. I hope it turns into a huge controversy though. I think it it funny when the left eats their own for no reason. I also think Trudeau is a fucking cuck, so if he is also a perv and fondles women, well then all the better.
"I am a feminist, now let me grab that ass, girl" - Trudeau
That's pretty hot.
I would have awkward shameful British sex with her.
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>"briefly fondled"
this just confirms he hams it up for the cameras and tweets extra hard. he's a smug prick who thinks his shit doesn't stink.
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Kek wills it that Trudeau becomes a far right traditionalist extremist because of this.
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all dykes morph into ugly beta men
In Trudeau's defense, maybe he was reaching for her shoulder and brushed up against her abnormally high left boob >>90808250
It is too good to be true.
But they hated Slavs and Russians are slavs. They only liked the Nordic Russians near Finland
Fake by lmao fuck Emma Watson. You're not actually hermione you dumb bitch
Article doesn't mention weedman at all, leaf you have tricked me for the last time

Lie back and think of England
>hated the Slavs
No proofs of that, sadly.
>Russians are Slavs
Not at all. Russian are unique race of its own. Slavdom is more of a cultural thing, thanks to Slavophiles. Pure Slavs are Slovaks, Poles and Slovenes. Serbs, Croats, Bosnians, Albanians are mix of Illyrian, Slavic and Turkish. Russians are Baltic, Norse and Slavic mix, Czech are Germanic and Slavic mix. So, not all Slavic racially but they are placed by many into the Slavic cultural area.

holy shit I thought this was a fucking screencap from a game, that guy's head in the right is so weird looking.
She's that ugly girl from Lord of the Rings
Don't try and fool me into actually having respect for Trudeau.

She's trying so hard to hide her ugly british genes, kek
That picture... HOW?
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Colonize me Britannia

summer was over weeks ago
Found a sow fucker. Breasts bigger than 70-75 are just unnecessary and tasteless. Looks like spaniel's ears after girl hits 28-35.
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Ok but what if a Russian was pure Norse or pure Slavic would he bot be Russian? And hitler called slavs subhuman i read it online
U have mommy issues
If boobs are smaller than D cup they are tastless
wow, it never struck me how gay he is. he really is gay, don't gof if he claims to be straight, he's gay af senpai
/columbine survivor
maybe if we're lucky she'll say something bad about emperor trump soon and then the skies will open and god himself will reach his fucking hand through just to fuck her shit up f a m
He's hands on type guy.

I'd love to know if he grabbed her crotch or boobs

I doubt it… he probably touched her knee or something - what a cunt.

It's funny because he suspended those 2 MPs for similar unfounded allegations… maybe he need to live up to his 'feminist' ideology and resign.
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those toes, wtf
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Liking the hips the most is the patrician-tier taste
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based Canada ?
I don't understand measurement systems of mentally challenged people.
There are no pure Norse or pure Slavic Russians. Every single ethnic Russian is a Balto-Nordic-Slavic mix just to a different degree as it happens with another Euromix called the English.

fuck you faggot
The royal family was pure Norse until of course you know
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i thought weedman was gay?
>people not even reading this shit
based russians
(there are other parts of that thread I saved but I'm too n00b to know how to collage those images on mac)
I can't find where it says "fondled" in the article.
Trudeau confirmed for PCbro just playing the liberal act to crush puss.
its a .png you fucking autist
Where did you get that information from? Another online website? Rurik dynasty became half Slavic in second generation, nor ethnic separation of founding tribes ever existed in Rus. You show intellectual capacity of a Liberal voter. Maybe

My girlfriend used to be Ms. SJW feminist, and she has allays loved it when I bite her neck and dig my nails into her back. She also loved being slapped and zip-tied to the bedposts.

She's also (((Hasidic))). Well, at least she used to be. Hasn't been at an Orthodox temple in 3 years now.
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I love this and I am so happy for this to happen to happen to this cuck.. but I doubt it happened, I mean Emma is a ultra-feminazi, her definition of fondling is probably 'he made me feel groped with his eyes'
learn to fact check man
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Nice !!!
I had to write an essay on this. I couldnt find evidence of a single Slav marrying i to the Royal house. Some say Ogla was slavic but only Russian sources say she was the Saga says she was Norse
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>implying they havent
Meme magic made it happen.
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>Gets mad at being fondled
>Gets mad about patriarchal oppression in politics
>Wants to bring more MUSLIMS, and is actively funding the cause

How long until the left eats itself completely?
Who dat?
Learn more idiot
Fake. Trudeau asks his wife for permission to prep her bull.
It's a cycle. After they start getting raped, the run back to the men for protection. After a few generations, the women forget and start demanding their independence.
It's fake... I Googled and Yahooded and that part is nowhere to be found
For some time I thought we had to carry the shame of having the first closeted LGBT premier in the Western world

Keep it up Justin
Hey Zoolander
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She hot !

>keep it up, Justin

Why do you think he goes to so many gay pride parades?
Oh OP, how thou has truly bringeth the redpill to thou eyes. Praise.
If you molest your allies, they win.
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Trudeau is a rapist in disguise. He probably busted her sloppy cunt wide open while she cried profusely. Who wouldn't wanna rape that squaw?
Sure you did. At the same type when you was receiving Native benefits, I presume?

Jeez man. Are you trying to give me a heart attack?
I legit flinched after maximizing the picture.

toe cleavage
Who is she?
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Hi guys I'm Harjit Sajjan, Canada's Minister of Defence
Sihk's are bro tier! ;^)
Ya he is the best !!
I am fucking honored he care to be our Minister of defence !
Not a single terrorist attack on a Canadian soil right.
you know hes married and has like three kids right
haha FUCK this is like an ultra rare holographic Pepe

to get AIDS-points? Why would he molest women backstage if he was gay? My hatred of him has cranked down a notch if Emma's story is legit
God Shad is terrible at porn


>Unabashedly effeminate and preferentially homosexual, he nonetheless fulfilled his dynastic duty by marrying twice and begetting several children. In fact, he was the founder of the House of Orléans, a cadet branch of the ruling House of Bourbon, and thus the direct ancestor of Louis Philippe I, who ruled France from 1830 until 1848 in the July Monarchy. Through the children of his two marriages, Philippe became an ancestor of most modern-day Roman Catholic royalty, giving him the nickname of "the grandfather of Europe".
We get attacked few times unfortunately ..
>Bring Them Home
This is a reason to never be left alone with a woman that's not a relative, especially a feminist activist.
wait so if he fucks his wife in private and has kids hes a closet gay, but if he cheats on his wife to feel up another woman hes straight?
Not a single attack performed by brotiers as early as 1920s, right?
>Trudeau gets the first taste of a false accusation
>gets panned by every leftist on the planet for something he didn't do
>red pilled prime minister

Could you fucking imagine?
>Not even in the article cited
>The article is 2 years old anyway

OP is a faggot and all of you non-reading Googles should consider suicide. Go back to whichever shitty board you came from where reading sources is frowned upon, you bait-taking mongoloids.

Also fuck you OP for getting my hopes up, I thought JT might be straight for a few seconds there

He didn't actually cheat on his wife with a woman though, it's not in the article
>100 years ago
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cant tell if sarcasm
its dumb to think him cheating on his wife who he has kids with would confirm him as straight

why wouldnt fucking his wife make him straight
Theme : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rvf1DMDTosk

Because as a politician in our days he'd be expected to have kids
Anyone remember that nominally feminist Canadian radio host who in the best tradition of Supreme Gentlemen liked to punch women in the face?
his dad didnt have kids when he was elected PM. he wasnt even married. what would be different now?
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Emma-Watson_nippy in here.webm
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Fags are more out in the open now, so if he was unmarried and gay he;d be expected to be open about it. For some reason he wants to hide it, so he had to marry
Pit femshits and Cucknadians against each other. Divide and conquer.
He's not gay???
Clearly not a native English speaker. Morning, mr. Chou. Was it the only brotier attack in Canada?
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ah you know how deez fweenchmin ahrr harr harr harr
if he was unmarried and gay, he'd be expected to be open about it, but since he's married and straight, he must be gay

what do you mean by brotier?
these super progressive feminist males always turn out to be massive fucking creeps

His mannerisms are flamingly homosexual. But for some reason he hides that he's gay
Are these people trying to fucking empty Syria or something? What the fuck?

Also fuck that feminist cunt. Weed man didn't do shit. They are eating him alive because for some reason which I am not even gonna pretend to understand. Probably because he has a dick even though he sits like a girl.
yeah he kind of talks a bit lispy, but ill take the fact that hes made a few kids with his hot wife to mean that he's straight or at least bi
Well she must serve a purpose, even weed man knows it
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No, it's a bottomless pit of highly radicalized goy to populate and justify the ridiculous never ending war on terra which is really about steadily removing constitutional rights as the world runs down. It's a race to the bottom and we are real contenders now.
Leafs are alright
Just stating the obvious fact that Canada has been a breeding ground for the bro tier terrorism for decades
why do you call it bro tier?
I want it to be true
>Russians are a unique race of it's own
Nope , you're the same shit as the other slavs .
Hello newfriend
>Emma Watson, who was visiting Ottawa to raise awareness for Syrian refugees by donating $3.5 million USD to Bring Them Home (an organization that seeks to increase Federal Syrian refugee quotas to over 300,000 per year),

She that bitch dead
bro tier makes it sound good or desirable?
da fuck? thats Akabur
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>mfw this was his plan all along
The weed, the feminism, the refugees, it was all to lure Emma into a room with him.
Yes Pajeet
why would terrorism be good


Sikhs are based, Sajjan is the best defense minister we could have asked for
>listening to such a cunt
move along.
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>King Cuck calls himself a feminist
>meets with a modern feminist
>gets accused of sexual assault

Holy fuck! The left eating their own has entered a new stage.
It's not good, it's just a meme on /pol/
> Trudeau fondled an allegedly unwilling Hermione.

Sometimes you don't even have to make a joke. Reality is parodying itself.
Reminder we are a sanctuary for Nazi war criminals.

yeah man let me know when you find sauce
I retracted that statement after finding out OP's made all that up.

But I wish it was true.

I guess he really did convert to Islam.
>Implying that's a bad thing and that Nazis did anything wrong
I love you España
Not surprised.
He is a muslim after all.
He probably just hugged her a little too tight and Watson screamed out rape later on like every sjw cunt
Trudeau tries to prop himself up as some Jesus figure but he's probably a narcissist and bigger pervert than Bill Clinton.

I like how people do read shit. Good work, shit posting leaf.
She does look kinda boyish though, maybe he's going through a phase?
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doesn't she know that when she attacks him, he wins?
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Sikhs are scum and need to be deported and banned from Canada
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I wish he did though, that would make him less of a faggot.

I just saved this screencap. Got any more like it?
got a couple other posts by that anon on that thread (it was a capitalism/marxism thread) plus the posts of other anons that led to his answers
You guys are a bunch of cucks falling for a leaf's lies.
well didnt he convert to islam? so emma came out pretty lucky
Last time serbian intellectual decided to put a bullet into someone, it crashed Austrian, German and Russiam Empires and thusly layed a ground for the Second World War.
ugh....she's like a real life lisa simpson
This desu
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and with this one, sadly, only the other anon's posts are left
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If you fondle your enemies they win

Thanks, anon. Appreciate it.

I'll try to look out for future capitalism/marxist threads in future.
Toppest kek
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You have to go
I love when the left turns against their own.
This is why you should take him seriously. They don't fuck about.
I came here for lewds and I'm leaving disappoint /pol/ I blame you
u leafs gotta stop givin us shit about Trump and how much u all luv niggers, srsly, u got enuf probs
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Fatah on Trudeau.png
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You're absolutely right, and make that a young man too.
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Welp I love Trudeau now. Just when I was sure he was a complete mudslime cock-lover he totally redeems himself by fondling a feminist shitskin importer. What a time to be alive

>Trudeau speaking with king Google
>thank you POTUS for speaking at unga
>king Google

>unga unga where the white wimmin at

Can't make this shit up lmao
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no problem
yes, those times when guy like that appear on those threads, they get golden
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>cheering on Criminal Nation guilty of White Genocide
Nope. Luckily Serbs got destroyed for ages to come by NATO, and I hope one day Turks will genocide the Balkans. Then we can smash the Turks. I mean they did the good job with Armenian and Assyrian scum, why not to outsource some more work to them.
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just leaving those other posts in case of someone willing to make a collage passes by
The article doesn't say anything about her saying that it was uncomfortable. Looking on the internet at other articles, yes they met, but she said nothing for the sort. Where did you find this, out of your ass boy?
If this is true, I just gained a whole lot more respect for him. Fucking based.
Wtf I hate Justin now
I said take him seriously not cheer him on.
>Literally jealousy: The ideology
Perhaps the most pathetic thing in the world.
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> /pol/ in charge of reading links
The article didn't even say he fondled her, where are you getting this from?
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Saaya wohoo.gif
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thank you!
have a happy Saaya Irie
My waifu is a Canadian cock servicer..

You haven't actually addressed any of the points, you're only attributing psychological motivations and using that as an excuse to ignore what that anon was saying.

His example is good. Why does one person live a life of complete luxury, with billions of dollars at their disposal, while another person working within the same system gets practically nothing? In many cases the person with nothing is of better moral character, a better worker, a nicer person (not always, but sometimes), but simply because they were born with less money - they'll spend their life working to enrich others, simply because those others were born with a 'relative advantage' in terms of capital accumulation.

It's a bad system and it's unfair.
missed that first explanatory post didn't ya?
There is no need to take them seriously. Serbs are nation of natural slaves. They licked ottoman boot for five hundred years, now they lick EU boot. They never had a freedom fighting united people, just couple of spastics who took guns and bombs out of desperation. NATO beated them in submission once more and it's a good thing. Serbia shall perish.
Sandcoons, riceniggers and streetshitters as well
>It's a bad system and it's unfair.
Fuck off, SJW. Retards, drunks and low intelligence people are allowed to breed, non-whites are still alive. What kind of fair world a you talking about? Was the world fair we would have killed the lesser races out of mercy long time ago
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>progressive stack

video EXTREMELY related




Nothing about trudeau or fondling in that article.

/pol/ = 80 IQ retards that will believe anything
We are easy to troll this way because most of us refuse to click links that give our enemies ad revenue.
No, it happens when there's an alleged archive.is as well.

You just believe anything, like a child or person with Down's syndrome. You are mentally challenged.
Nah, it is playing the odds.
Femenist bitch gets molested by a faggot. Please post sides. What a fuck joking. Russia nuke Canada lets get rolling
>CBC shilling for views
Harper should have defunded you cunts desu senpai
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"Ah-I'm a f-feminist, y-you can let your g-guard down around m-me."
You can tell he's just a Chad sociopath that uses liberal ideology to gain power and people's approval. I bet he's actually Patrick Bateman tier.
She and her ilk don't live near muslim immigrants. The white upper class supporting this madness have only seen muslims in tv and read about them from newspapers and sites where upper class reporters report from their all white upper class neighborhoods and business districts to other upper class whites about the world that should be not about the world that is.

It's a bubble of liberalism and actual genuine white priviledge.
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You can't make this shit up.
This one can live
This is why you don't pander to feminists

There is literally nothing in the article at all about this. What a fucking lie.
those asymmetrical tits, id lose my spaghetti infront of justin too
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Wtf do british women have pointed feet?
I apologize, Emma. Your tits are fantastic. You shouldn't be ashamed they are crooked. I would definitely bang your brains out.
Hes a feminist
those style shoes always fuck the toes up, even if they didn't they look pretty shit
of that gif? Pretty sure it's Generation Kill, which you should watch anyway
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lurk more
Why do Canadians always look like serial killers?
Feminist cunt accuses another SJW (probably falsely) of sexual harassment... I like how they all use eachother as pawns in their little virtue-signalling game.
you know that you don't have to be german or aryan to be a national socialist
That is why I'd rather have a waifu than real women. They're so annoying.
CAIS female. Look it up. Many runway models are.
This looks so /cozy/
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>yfw this thread only exists to expose how much of /pol/ dont read articles and only the headline

This TBQH family
>immigration activist
into the trash she goes

Literally no source.
Didn't know Frodo was a girl, but then again.. explains why Sam was so protective.
If you rape you're enemies, its consensual.

If you have a chance at Emma Watson, you take that chance.

>JT fondled a girl

What, he thought she was trans?
she fucked him for sure
I hope this nullifies his presidency
/pol/ disappoints once again.
Exactly. Justin would only fondle his wife and kids.
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