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I never understood this argument

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Can someone explain it to me? I think it's literally a way for people to guilt those who don't give a shit into doing something
You nailed it.
Could I just choose oppression from the beginning and save some of my time?
It's true though
You're right because oppressor and oppressed is simply a matter of perspective.
Why she smiling if she oppressed?

Now really. It's pretty obvious that in 1700s and 1800s black slaves were oppressed dude
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It's desperate people trying to blackmail neutral parties into taking a side, since they too ignorant to comprehend issues beyond the binary "black/white" dichotomy.
Polarization technique used to facilitate conflict between people. Part of division and conquer.
You should be wary anytime somebody's argument is "YOU'RE EITHER WITH US OR AGAINST US"
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>Watch someone die
>Dont call 911, report the crime, or anything to stop it

Because every human decides what is just and what is not.

If an event fails to inspire feelings of injustice in you, it means you regard it as "how things ought to be".

I.e. your worldview says that the oppressor is in the right.
They are just egotists who think they are at the center of the universe. Their faulty logic is exposed when you look at it as a matter of degrees. If they claim non-involved people are actually siding with the oppressor they're potentially tarring billions of people all over the world as their oppressors, which is patently ridiculous. So they backpedal and say "only people who live in my country" except what about children, homeless people, or mental invalids? Well obviously not them either. And so the pool of people they can hold responsible for their discomfort shrinks and shrinks as they make concessions to reasonableness and their little axiom becomes nothing more than a meaningless platitude.
Or you just don't care.
that bitch is oppressing Indian slaves in the Middle East, get her!
>I think it's literally a way for people to guilt those who don't give a shit into doing something

Well, that is literally what they claim it is as well so I don't know why anyone would dispute that.
>Or you just don't care.
that means "everything is right"

You're still siding with the opressor.
Choose or I'll choose for you.
Pretty cut and dry. Liberal Whites are so hungry for validation from minorities so they sense they can guilt you even when you have legit concerns to withhold your advocacy.
>>90793127 niggers would do the exact same thing if not worse if they were the oppressors(see congo vids/pics on liveleak) it Is much better for whites to be the oppressor.
Their fault for dying buddy.
Kafka trapping is a tool the left loves

And it is also an extreme logical fallacy.
>If you're not a white Nazi extremist Klansman, why do you keep protesting it?
>Surely you would join me in condemning all of the white people if you weren't?
Sound familiar? Classic Kafka trap.
No it doesn't. It means you're apathetic.
How about not caring about taking sides and going about my business
>it Is much better for whites to be the oppressor.

being white, i agree
>doing something
>not doing something

Choose wisely
>apathy is siding with X

Holy shit you're fucking stupid you dumb nigger.
>if you don't hold the positions that niggers do it's your fault
My counter argument is "it's not my fight. It doesn't affect me, therefore I can't and never will understand it. So no, I'm not the oppressed nor the orppressor so shut the fuck up."

It works on my nutty SJW friends at least.
Oppression is the happiest state for victim googles. It validates all their hatred.
>No it doesn't. It means you're apathetic.
Yes, apathetic is a synonym for not caring.

Thank you for your contribution.

It's a semantic argument, so if you're going to be pigheaded, there's no point in discussing it.
It's literally Stalinism. It is the legal reasoning used in the purges to arrest a worker who failed to make more products than he physically could. The old phrasing was "objectively pro-Fascist," as in, regardless of your intentions, if the effects of your actions wind up helping the enemy (which includes insufficiently helping your own side), then you are exactly the same as uniformed enemy soldiers. Overlap with "equality of outcone" and "systemic racism." This is how they say that it's not that you're racist because you're white but ... you're racist because you're white. The essence of Marxism is no economic equality: it is occultic word games. This is why Orwell is still relevant. Clarity in language is a prerequisite for morality. Marxist "wooden language" enables total immorality.
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>walking away
>you are technically doing something
>that something is screwing someone over
the masterful troll disappears without anyone knowing he was even there
Is that how things are in Canadia? Here that only really applies to parents and teachers
>white silence=racism

Simply bc we're not looting, rioting and posting on faceberg we're racist. You can't win for losing with these useful idiots.
>Because every human decides what is just and what is not.
False. Humanity is not defined by deciding right from wrong else mental invalids or comatose people would not be considered human beings.

>If an event fails to inspire feelings of injustice in you, it means you regard it as "how things ought to be".
This doesn't account for ignorance though. An event can fail to inspire feelings because a person is unaware its taking place for one reason or another, or is unable of understanding its significance.

Your world view is starkly limited to only people who have moral and cognitive agency which says everything about what you consider to be "real people".
>I literally just learned hume's law five minutes ago, and completely misunderstood it: the post
You're a fucking idiot.
The Swiss are the most evil motherfuckers on the planet according to this logic
You're not siding with anyone. So how is that a side?
English isn't my mother tongue but I'm fairly sure there's a difference between not caring and not caring because everything is right in the world.

I could walk by a nigger mugging a whiteboi (which is common in Rio) and not give a single fuck because it's not my problem. I don't care if the world is burning.

that's got nothing to do with oppression.
It's like saying 'If you're not with us, then you're against us'

So during a war, neutral countries are automatically on the side of the oppressors?
>Choose wisely

I don't follow.
>Can someone explain it to me?

It's literally just a false dichotomy.
It's the same as saying "you're either with us or you're against us."
No, you're neither. Neither is an option, even if they pretend it's not.
some people need to be oppressed, or else they will tear up their own assholes. fact
It's literally the "if you're not an orange you're a pear" argument which /pol/ likes using too.

Fuck any faggot who does, using it is a good way to get people who aren't against you to be against you.

>You're not siding with anyone. So how is that a side?

If something is morally outrageous, you should be outraged.

If something is right and normal, you should not be outraged.

By not being outraged by an act, you're saying it's fine.
>pick one
Yeah! The German people should have banded together to stop the Nazis!
>So during a war, neutral countries are automatically on the side of the oppressors?

A country isn't a person. And even neutral countries still have opinions on the war.
I gladly choose to be against them desu.
Neutral is for pussies.
You you wouldn't give a shit about either side, so how is that siding with someone?
>TFW those sort of statements make you give less of a fuck

>you're either with us or against us

literally the black-or-white logical fallacy. it's on the front page of /pol/. it has no merit.

>that means "everything is right"

No it doesn't.

And no amount of stuffing words in their mouth can change that fact.
>So during a war, neutral countries are automatically on the side of the oppressors?


Example: Belgium. Twice
but picking one is doing something

You're replying to a post in which i said how it is siding with someone.
To be fair, /pol/ does the same trick.

You're either against feminism or you're a cuck
You're either against race mixing or you're degenerate

I believe the most fundamental human right is the right to not give a shit about something if you don't want to
Everybody already does it regardless of whether or not they want to admit it
>If something is morally outrageous, you should be outraged.

not necessarily. there are hundreds of reasons why someone wouldn't be outraged by something morally outrageous.

being morally bankrupt for one. that doesn't mean they side with the oppressor.
>And no amount of stuffing words in their mouth can change that fact.
Like i said, it's a semantic argument.
Your reasoning is bullshit.
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I am one with the Dao which stays neutral in all situations.

this. i am obliged to care about nothing.
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I welcome their futile admonition.
>Neutral is for pussies.

Or people who don't like to fight every single battle that could possibly come there way.
I don't need to have a stance of the oppression of black people. I don't care about the issue.
>being morally bankrupt for one. that doesn't mean they side with the oppressor.

Morally speaking, it does. Someone who is morally bankrupt says "might makes right, and whoever wins is right.". That's a moral statement.
Only a sith deals in absolutes...
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Fuck those people. Reason is relative.

"Believe me white boy or ill kill you and yo kids gimme yo stuff crackaaa can't you see we be oppressin??"
She likes white dick and has rape impregnation fantasies
It's the same on a bigger scale, deal with it
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>I think it's literally a way for people to guilt those who don't give a shit into doing something
Well yeah, that's the point.

And to be fair in many ways she's not wrong. Western "Neutrality" in the Spanish civil-war for example was de-facto support for the nationalists, since the Germans and Italians didn't give a fuck about neutrality and the USSR just wanted to rip the popular front off and test a few airplanes.
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>If something is morally outrageous, you should be outraged.
Your opinion =/= absolute morality. In order for something to be "morally outrageous" you need to be able to point to an existing moral framework that people agree on and say "see look, this goes against what we believe in."

The problem is none of these people have a real moral code, they just base their "Moral outrage" on their personal feelings of anger then try to project those feelings onto society. If you don't agree with their opinion you must be evil because obviously their opinion is right all the time.

Of course this could be proved wrong if they simply justified their accusations with reference to a real moral authority, but being moral relativists they don't have one.
What about Switzerland?
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Literally a different way to say " All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."

Also fuck niggers.
>countries are people
no they aren't.
There's an old poem about the Nazi Governments take over that goes something like this:

First they came for the unionists, i did not say anything because i was not in a unionist.

Then they came for the communists, i did not say anything, for i was not a communist.

Then they came for the Jews, and i did not say anything, for i was not a Jew.

Then they came for me, and there was no one left to say anything

Roughly 3 of 4 police shootings happen against white people. Ignore the media narrative. We have a fascist police force that will kill you even if your a girl who punches a cop.

I believe in BLM simply because the marginalized are the canary in the coal mine.

Everybody is people, if anyone gets dehumanized, you can too
>someone who is morally bankrupt says "might makes right, and whoever wins is right."

you should never assume things. a morally bankrupt person doesn't necessarily think like that.

this statement makes as much sense as your previous one, which is to say none.
but that doesn't give her reign to go oppress people that have no fucking idea what she is talking about.
Also jesus christ just stop being oppressed everyday. Parents are oppressive, school is oppressive, the cop that gave me the speeding ticket is oppressive, the college is oppressive, this job is oppressive. Maybe you're just a shitty person and need to listen and improve.
>Your opinion =/= absolute morality.
This statement agrees with one of the premises of the picture in the OP.

The point is that you can evaluate the moral framework that a person uses by examining what things outrage them.
>a morally bankrupt person doesn't necessarily think like that.

Then they aren't morally bankrupt
Neither isn't always an option of any practical meaning.

Support oppressor: They're oppressed
Remain neutral: They're oppressed
Intervene: They're not oppressed.

Though the descriptor on the shirt is wrong. More accurately if you are neutral in situations you have de-facto chosen the side of the victor. If you remain neutral and she shoots the oppressor in the face, obviously your intervention was unnecessary and would've had no change.

If someone is sitting on the bus calling her a nigger, it doesn't take too much brainpower to deduce you should tell them to fuck off.
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>Black lives matter
>All Lives Matter when Black lives matter
Most of us can see this is a poorly veiled attempt to get America to choke down a racist group with a racist name. The statistics they use to prove WHY Black is more important than White can be used against them.

Male Lives Matter. When police stop shooting a larger portion of males compared to females then we can all be equal. The same arguments hold true, a disproportionate amount of men are shot and killed when compared to females.

#MaleLives Matter.

Or even better, #BlackMaleLivesMatter
To turn the feminists within their own movement against them. Statistics can EASILY show that this is less of a Black Female issue.

Disorganization of these nu-hate groups.
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Its a way to guilt trip whites into thinking that opposing Black Panther Lives Matter means you dun care about black people
>neutral countries are automatically on the side of the oppressors?
How else would Switzerland swim in Nazi gold?
so you would go from Good to Evil by not doing anything to help someone in need you'd get out your camera phone and film a baby being raped to death wouldn't ya big boy ?
a morally bankrupt person doesn't take stances in the first place. the idea that someone like that would believe in an ideal such as 'might makes right' is ludicrous.

you're still assuming things.
Because (((repressed))) people are the real oppressors.
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No shit then I would tell her too Fuck off too and then you.
To sum up:

If you are not gay: YOU ARE GUILTY
If you are not transexual: YOU ARE GUILTY
If you are white: YOU ARE GUILTY
If you are not jew: YOU ARE GUILTY
If you are conservative: YOU ARE GUILTY
If you are christian: YOU ARE GUILTY

If you report a crime of a black guy to a white guy. YOU ARE GUILTY RACIST XENOPHOBIC... They have won the "debate".
if you choose not to decide you still have made a choice
>t. rush
You believe in an organization who's only given a voice due to the vile mechanations of one of the most evil kikes who's ever breathed.
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>If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.

Woah, I guess all those black people who were admitted to U of Michigan (before the state Supreme Court ruled against it) due to affirmative action are oppressing whites and asians.
>the idea that someone like that would believe in an ideal such as 'might makes right' is ludicrous.

It's implicitly true. They don't have to identify with an ideal. That's what it means to be morally bankrupt.

The things I'm assuming are the meanings of words. You have to assume things to make any statements at all.
>countries are lifeless entities with no people in it
The way countries behave relating to each other is very similar to the way individuals behave relating to each other

It's precisely because countries are governed by people that they behave similar to individuals
It implies loyalty and duty to a group that is owed none, ignore it
>your worldview says that the oppressor is in the right.

And what if the oppressor is right?
Slavery was the best thing that happened to niggers they were incapable of murdering each other qnd smoking crack
Its a way to justify violence against innocent people.

I can kill you because if you aren't with me you are against me. Litterally how terrorists see the world. Isis, ira, Timothy McVeigh etc, they all believe/believed this Bullshit.
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>Injustice anywhere is a threat justice everywhere

Well guess what, injustice is already everywhere. If people want to take the argument of OP's pic, then everyone is an oppressor. Our clothes and electronics are built in sweatshops, our food comes from CAFOs, using electricity pollutes, etc. It's a nig tier argument that only works when you ignore the rest of the worlds suffering.
What about Spain? It was neutral during WWII, just like Ireland, Portugal and Sweden to name a few

Clearly, those were evil oppressors
>nose ring
>sweaters with socjus quotes

I'm imagining how fucking insufferable this chick must be
Countries aren't moral agents. We're talking about morality. The actions of countries are governed by millions of people who have conflicting moral ideas.

Countries don't have beliefs.

>And what if the oppressor is right?
Then you should side with them.
The Nigger's deepest darkest fear in a nutshell.
Remember that the African American males that make up a substantial (although it is debatable that they are a majority) of the protests do, in fact, not agree with the beliefs of the SJWs that attend their rallies. They can be divided, leaving the SJW nu-males and feminists fighting with their own cause. African American males (and real males in general) do not care for the plight of the SJW. The organizers of these "rallies" are predominantly feminists and can't allow for a focus on only the male population.
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Regular people are not in the hotseat BLM is just wasting Energy.

They need to get woke and see the real enemy, Redpill blackfolks.
>Then you should side with them.

Way ahead of you senpai.
>a country isn't a person
>a country has an opinion
I blame Bush. Today's young leftists grew up under him and just flipped his rhetoric to fit their corner of the political square.
I guarantee you, we'll be invading nations for "woke" reasons within the next 10-20 years.
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fucking google
Spain was explicitly on the side of the oppressors, though acting in her own self-interest. (Spanish soldiers fought against the Russians.)

Ireland gave unofficial support to the British and Portugal got British permission to bow out.
the problem is that you're assuming how people are likely to behave and taking that as fact.

>if something is morally outrageous, you should be outraged
>someone who is morally bankrupt says 'might makes right'

that's insane.

but you're right, though. being morally bankrupt means being devoid of any ideals, except 'might makes right' is an ideal in itself, so morally bankrupt people don't necessarily think like that unlike what you're assuming.

if anything a morally bankrupt person will side with whoever nets them the most personal gain. and all of this is to prove that being neutral doesn't necessarily means you're OK with oppression. it might just mean you don't give a shit.
>bankrupt people don't necessarily think like that unlike what you're assuming.

But i just agreed that they don't have to explicitly think like that.

It's implicitly true that they accept might makes right. That's the morality of nature.

>and all of this is to prove that being neutral doesn't necessarily means you're OK with oppression.

If you're not OK with it, then you're not neutral.
>>a country has an opinion
you misquoted me, you naughty boy
>Roughly 3 of 4 police shootings happen against white people. Ignore the media narrative. We have a fascist police force that will kill you even if your a girl who punches a cop.

Stop fucking punching cops then.
That's the main issue with all of this shit-- very rarely does anyone decent get gunned. It's not doctors, lawyers, or honest hardworking citizens.
Criminals get gunned down. Ghetto monkeys and trailer trash get gunned down.
We're not losing anyone important unless you have some odd attachment to thugs, crooks, and druggies.
That, and/or Balkanization. They are either willfully ignorant or too arrogant to realize that neutrality is called neutral for a reason. It has no association with any side of a conflict. They are basically saying neutrality does not exist, which makes no sense.

Like with starving people around the world for example. It is not that I wish starvation on the world's people. It is just that outside of the people I am close to I do not care. Why should i be concerned with the problems of others? Should I only care about the victim of the week? Should I care about every single victim in the world? Of course not, I'm only one man and I have my self interests.
I just realized we're discussing different things. you're focusing on the logical aspect of the word while I'm going for the psychological component.

I suppose you're right but you do realize none of that is applicable in a practical scenario, right?
It's the same argument as the Bush administration's "either with us or against us" and the Athenian position in the Melian Dialogue. It's an inherently unjust argument whenever used against liberals and an inherently just one whenever used by liberals, at least according to liberals. In other words, it's a commonplace.
>countries don't have beliefs
>and even neutral countries still have opinions on the war
The actions of a country are ultimately governed by the people at its head, so yeah, it does act like a cohesive individual with its own interests

And talking about morality, didn't america ever invade other countries in the name of democracy, like Iraq? Anon pls
>I suppose you're right but you do realize none of that is applicable in a practical scenario, right?

Well I think it's a reasonable framework to talk about things like "is it ok to stand by while people die in africa" or something like that.

The point is to get people to intellectually connect the morals they espouse to the actions that they do or don't do.

Is it ok to have a friend who doesn't donate to africa?
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When they argue that black females also get killed by the police cite statistics that show that black males are "victimized" much more.
Call them racists and sexists for pretending to know what a black male goes through.
Cite the uncaring attitude towards the black male victims from the females within their own shooting videos.
Cite it was a FEMALEuropean officer that killed the African American in Tulsa.
Do so as if you are a SJW and this is the natural progression of the movement. Call Racism when they disagree.
Remove the SJW and Feminist backing from the equation and divide them as they try to divide us.
>The actions of a country are ultimately governed by the people at its head, so yeah, it does act like a cohesive individual with its own interests

What's the united states' position on guns?

Our leader wants to ban them. His morality is fundamentally different from a majority of the country, yet his actions are bound by our will to some degree.

The US is a many headed hydra
>guilt those who don't give a shit into doing something
That's the literal blueprint Jews follow to get rich.
>And talking about morality, didn't america ever invade other countries in the name of democracy, like Iraq?

You believed that?

Good one, anon
What about Afghanistan, kek

You can't suggest that every single country was an active protagonist during WWII, some just didn't care

So yeah, going back to the thread's main subject, being neutral doesn't always make you evil, sometimes, you just don't have an interest in a particular conflict, which is very understandable imo

Otherwise, there's a paradox, it means that if you're not involved in every single conflict in the world, like in Yemen or in some obscure African country, you're automatically with the oppressor
Honestly I think all this statement does is alienate BLM even more. They are losing potential supporters by making this statement. It's some authoritarian shit, I thought they were the oppressed ones? They're forcing people into having a political stance, it's pretty fucked up.
>some just didn't care
And the implications of them not caring are usually clear.
>you just don't have an interest in a particular conflict, which is very understandable imo
Then you de-facto side with the winner in practical terms, even if ideologically there's a balancing act at play.

>you're automatically with the oppressor
You're automatically with the victor. Or at the least, you automatically value a given thing over standing up to oppression (i.e. Iraqi allies not siding against the USA during the Iraq wars valued their own survival over helping Iraq.)
Yeah? What kind of question is that?
In Spain we fought by Franco (Hitler's and Mussolini friend) dictatorship. I mean, w/ Germans being defended by the Spanish soldiers "División Azul (Blue Division)".
>Yeah? What kind of question is that?
it's a moral question!
It's called none of my business.
Why do you care? It's Africans responsibility, not ours. Jesus Christ
>It's called none of my business.
Is it ok to have friends who torture their children?

What if they torture other people's children?

None of your business?
Africa has all do to with my life or America.
Are you a liberal?
>Africa has all do to with my life or America.
So if they cross the border and torture mexican children, no problem?
It's not Americans moral responsibility. It's Africans.
>It's not Americans moral responsibility. It's Africans.
I'm talking about having a friend who tortures mexican children.

That's mexico's responsibility, right?
>If you're not OK with it, then you're not neutral
Someone can have no opinion on something you know
This is about your Africa hypothetical.
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her shirt looks like mine
>This is about your Africa hypothetical.
Yea but i'm getting you to understand some of the premises of that hypothetical.

Premises which i believe you will accept.
>I think it's literally a way for people to guilt those who don't give a shit into doing something

bingo. know this: its ok to not give a fuck about someone else's shit.
why are you such a fag?
Hmm, an American doing something immoral, illegal? Americans and Mexicans can care. It's not up to anyone else to be expected to care.
I can see the point this argument tries to make, but it's literally impossible to be emotionally invested in every injustice in the world. Most people have their plates full just dealing with their own personal problems. And in the case of the black community, well...they're responsible for much of their own "oppression." People just aren't going that cops are maybe a little too trigger happy with blacks when niggers have done so much to cause that situation and the black community refuses to recognize that they have a nigger problem.
>why are you such a fag?
Why are you such a degenerate?

You can't name evil when you see it?
Are you afraid of what it says about you?
Your example of Africa vs American scenario is poor.
*People just aren't going to care
Things are not black and white. There is a possible continuum of positions on almost any issue. Some people fall on the extremes, some in the middle. People who say what's in OP's pic are just saying "if you are not as extreme as me, you are against me". Only a radicalized cunt would say such a thing.
Consider the following:
>walking down the street at night one day
>going past an alley you hear a woman scream
>you look down said alley and see her being beaten/raped
>you shrug your shoulders and continue your walk
>you could have saved a life, and put a criminal away by just calling the cops
>you decided it wasn't your business though

By doing nothing, you actually helped this guy get away with murder. That's the idea. But it shouldn't guilt you into caring.
i'll take that as a yes.

>Americans and Mexicans can care. It's not up to anyone else to be expected to care.

Ok, so is it ok to be friends with him?
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>Comparing literal murder to esoteric things like "privilege" and "institutionalized racism"
Just stop dude.
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The shirt assumes I believe most cops are racist, but choose no to act.

If I don't believe there is a racist cop problem, the argument falls apart
>Just stop

No problem. Run along to your safe space. I won't ask you any questions.
Lol safe space. You libshit fags are the ones that need that.
You can't even answer a simple question.

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Shit like this makes me want to go from passively supporting the oppressor to actively supporting the oppressor.
I already did.
Some of what we've seen has been literal murder though. I'm no blm supporter, but when you shoot a 12 year old on a playground and get off scot free, I think there's a problem.

You can argue away most of the other scenarios because they're just cases of niggers being niggers. But cop pulls up to playground and floors a kid with 3 shots within 2 seconds? I dont think so.
Oh shut up.
look, i hate to break it to you , but you are one of those people who should kill themselves
>if you're not with us, you're against us

Only a sith deals in absolutes
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>but you are one of those people who should kill themselves
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A bullet from a 12 year old is no less deadly than one from a 22 year old. My parents told me not to point even toy guns at people, nor take them in public, and that was in the 90s.

>Spoiler: I didn't and I'm alive to funpost.
wtf i hate injustice now
Somewhere, a child being raped in the world. Why aren't you stopping it? Why aren't you helping? You must be ok with children being raped then.

This is your argument.
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>Pic related

This is your argument
why arent you helping that child?
How is that not an argument? Do you agree that everything bad in the world you're not actively trying to solve you must be ok with?
>Do you agree that everything bad in the world you're not actively trying to solve you must be ok with?

Of course not. I never said anything like that.
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I'd say that they're right, just not in that context.

A wise man once said that the true enemy of justice is not evil, but apathy, and that is for the most part right. Applying it to the context of SJWs doesn't work because they aren't experiencing any injustice in the first place. Especially when it comes to problems in the black community; what are they angry about? That someone didn't cooperate with and then threatened the police, and got shot because of it? I honestly don't know how they could care so much about all the victims of their movement when they don't even try and learn a little bit about them. If they did, they'd know that the only one who didn't do anything wrong was the guy who was reaching for his license and the rest were criminals. If anything, the Black community themselves are doing the oppressing, because spreading the narrative that all policemen hate blacks and want to shoot them gives them the justification they need to hate them back. It lets them block out the fact that cops are people, mostly nice people who took their relatively low paying job because they want to help others and keep the peace. But the people they have to deal with are violent, and now they worry that they may not come home to their families because they had the nerve to want to do their job. They can't even try to stop the damage BLM's "peaceful protests" cause to cities without being labeled and treated as subhuman. But they still try and keep the peace, despite the constant danger they're in from all the rather large group of people who want their heads.
Quite frankly, the fact that this woman is claiming she's currently being oppressed in a country where the very group of people she hates is also the only thing keeping her own people from destroying themselves is a disgrace.

TL;DR: It's a sin to kill a mockingbird, and this bitch needs to repent.

Pic unrelated
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>This is your argument
Finally someone with a sense of virtue
I wonder what sweatshop that shirt and tapestry were made in?
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This is a (you)
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This means in clear words:

We will force upon you what we want, regardless of your opinion
Right, I understand that, but this is supposed to be a trained professional. You show up, no "drop the gun!" Or "dont move!" Or any sort of warning whatsoever. Just hop out and start unloading? That's not policing buddy.

Would have been a completely different story had he said something and the kid resisted or ran or whatever.
> spending effort on shitposting

Sorry I just cant compete
So nearly all black people that got shot was a criminal? Lol, what you just said is racist and offensive, you must be with the oppressor

Not true.
It's just not my problem.
You(they) need a mediator.
Exactly, and this is coming from a nig nog. BLM probably had good intentions when it began, but like all movements when left unchecked, you get a bunch of retards hijacking it.

Now they defend every nigger shot even when the majority of them are already proven criminals.
Yet the black slaves worked away instead of rebelling, meaning they're just as guilty
He was pointing a an airsoft pistol at people without the legally mandated orange safety tip. Airsoft are typically designed to look effectively identical to the real firearm. If somebody reaches for their waist whom you know has what appears to be a weapon, are you yourself OK with being shot to find out if it's fake?

> responded after receiving a police dispatch call "of a male black sitting on a swing and pointing a gun at people" in a city park

>Rice's gun was later found to be an Airsoft replica that lacked the orange safety feature marking it as a replica and not a true firearm.

Facts cant be racist buddy.
You're leaving key bits out
> police receive reports of a guy at park pointing a gun at people
> kid points gun at police
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..and too dumb to realize they are being used and lied to.

>cops are supposed to shoot at criminals, even suspects, who are pointing guns at them. That's what they are FUCKING PAID TO DO. Working as intended.
I was kidding, I'm just tired of arguing with idiots...I actually agree with him >>90801371
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Says who
Perfectly understood, I already know the details. Again my point is as a cop, you don't pull up and unload into someone.

You kinda have to be a cop and think on your feet. He's waving around a gun didn't shoot anyone yet. Tell him drop his weapon etc. If he resists, blast him.

The officer in question did none of that.
hey, this is the new definition of racist. get with the program.
Not really. But putting it through that lens (oppression and oppressor being a matter of perspective), it would be best to stay neutral.
It's an extension of the belief that "all that is needed for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing". If you do nothing, you allow evil to spread. If you refuse to side with the oppressed, you're allowing the oppressor to continue in their oppression.
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The argument really means "fight our battles for us" or "you're either with us or against us".
It is a valid argument if you accept the premise that injustice is occurring. However what it's really playing on is that most white people don't believe injustice is occurring but they are afraid to say "I disagree with BLM" so they are silent or beat around the bush by saying like "I'm a moderate, I'm not really sure."

So the attack is on those white people who in reality feel something is wrong with BLM arguments, so actually she's right, these people are against her and it makes strategic sense for her to target them. But she's targeting them using the implication of social criticism that will be directed against those who don't vocally support progressivism, based on the already accepted premises of PC, such as that black people are always oppressed, etc. She's saying "you aren't in line with us, why is that? is there something you're not telling us? you're secretly racist, huh?"

So the strategically correct position to counter her is to attack the premises, the idea of systemic oppression, rather than her contention that moderation is fence-sitting (which it is)
I agree
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Wrong. I am outside of the situation. I am not affected by it in any way. I have no control over it either, so picking a side is meaningless. I am neither the oppressed nor the oppressor in any way, shape, or form.

I do not regard it as how things ought to be, or not ought to be, I simply do not care. If you told me that a hundred billion lightyears away, a planet-shattering bomb was going to explode and kill quadrillions of lifeforms, I would be completely indifferent because I am completely and totally outside of that situation. I did not cause the bomb to explode, nor am I being killed by it. Nor can I stop it, or further it's detonation. I am as outside that situation as I am this one. I am not affected by it, it does not affect me, and I have no control over it one way or the other.
Alien lives matter, friend

The decision to say their lives don't matter is a moral decision.
That depends on your definition of life. Do you consider bacteria alive? What if the organisms are not actually carbon based, or for that matter, not organic? Are they alive? Can they die? Is an advanced artificial intelligence alive? Is it moral to keep them 'enslaved'?

Trust me buddy, I'm getting a philosophy degree as my pre-law BA, I've had to sit through plenty of morality lessons already, and while they didn't change my mind much, they've helped me figure out what my own beliefs are by contrast.

I'm aware that it's a moral decision. But it is not what you say it is, by indicating that I am somehow taking a side by being completely passive. If one side wins, I don't care, it doesn't matter which side, as long as they don't come after me.
>I'm aware that it's a moral decision.

If you say it's not wrong to kill them, you're agreeing with moral perspective of the person who is killing them.

That's the meaning of "siding with"
Interestingly put, some people seem to have a misconception of what 'being neutral' means
What if I benefit from being on the side of the oppressor? Why should I stop what I'm doing?
I stand against law breakers. Why can't they follow the same rules as I?
another binary way of saying you either hate minorities or you love minorities, no inbetween.

of course this conflicts with the SJW concept of sexual and gender fluidity among various other spectra they propose.
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Racism was created by the communists as a method to shut down meaningful discussion and label people who disagreed with them. This crap is the same concept.
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I can see we have very different philosophies on morality.

You are a VERY black and white kind of guy. If you don't protest against something, you must agree with it. That seems to be the point you're sticking to.

I'm more of a shades of gray kind of guy. Just because you're not actively fighting against something doesn't mean you like it, or that you agree with the person performing the actual action, you just may not care enough to put in the effort to bother with something that doesn't affect you. There is such a thing as apathy or just laziness. I know people who will be too lazy to save money at times. It doesn't mean that they agree they should be paying a higher price, or that the seller is justified in jewing them, it just means that they're too lazy to go back and get the coupon they forgot, or return the defective item that only cost them $2.

It's the same concept; if something doesn't affect certain people directly, or at least, not directly enough, they just don't really care. It might piss them off a little, but not enough to really put much thought into it.
really? communists invented white people enslaving and genociding other races? that's a new one.
Look it up. Communism has been behind all racial strife in the us since the 60's in an active effort to destabilize the US.

There's a difference between thinking the current state of things and thinking the "oppressor" is right and actually doing oppressing though.

As a really shitty analogy, I think you're within your natural rights to cuss out some poor child, but I wouldn't do it myself.
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Communist Goals (1963)
Congressional Record--Appendix, pp. A34-A35
January 10, 1963
What's the point of justice if it doesn't serve me?
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It's called the "false dilemma" or "false equivalence" argument.
It's a great way to isolate moderates.
I agree with this sentiment. Nothing makes my blood boil more than passive cucks petrified by the thought of standing up to a blatant wrongdoing.

Those asses really ain't that great... 6/10
>Just because you're not actively fighting against something doesn't mean you like it, or that you agree with the person performing the actual action, you just may not care enough to put in the effort to bother with something that doesn't affect you.

The quote in the OP talks about "opposing" the oppression. I don't read this as physical action. I read it as intellectual opposition.

I can oppose the war in iraq without running for president.

Either you recognize that the oppression is bad, in which case you oppose it... Or you do not recognize that it is bad.

I accept the existence of the gray area, and things can be evaluated in more complicated ways.... but for the case of the OP's picture... it's not wrong.
leaf fag get out
Nothing more than a variant of this old saying:

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
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>Not plotting omnicide for the beneficence of it
truly low class

>Either you recognize that the oppression is bad, in which case you oppose it... Or you do not recognize that it is bad.
>I accept the existence of the gray area, and things can be evaluated in more complicated ways.... but for the case of the OP's picture... it's not wrong.

The Principle of the Excluded Middle is not a law of nature. A or not A is only true when we make it.

"He is wearing shoes" is either true or false, but "He is tall" isn't neccessarily true or false. He is tall relative to what?

The same goes here, "This oppression is wrong" is not only true or false. Context matters. There are parts of the oppression that you can agree or disagree with.
Remember seeing that MS paint drawing of the guy that goes, " Hahahaha, I'm so smart for staying in the middle ground and being Apolitical!" That shirt is supposed to invoke the same idea of that comic.

But what if I don't care?

If a mexican gang banger shoots up a google crip, I don't give a fuck who's doing the oppressing.


Meant to reply to this guy lol
they both think it's you doing the oppressing, honkey ass mutha fucking whitye boi
>There are parts of the oppression that you can agree or disagree with.

This is a good point
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In that scenario most people don't care so long as they kill each other someplace out of sight.
>There are parts of the oppression that you can agree or disagree with.
But I think that if you take this road too seriously, you're going to lose your ability to talk about complicated things.

In other words, "oppression" is always wrong. We are opposed to it by definition of the word. Otherwise we would call it "paternalism" or something.

There has to be some definable circle of attributes such that, if they were met, I would agree that what's going on is oppression (and therefore oppose the situation).
Except that's your op.
>you're going to lose your ability to talk about complicated things
in what way and to what extent
>in what way and to what extent
If we always examine everything looking at the finest details of an object in reality, the concept of "Separate" objects starts to lose meaning.

I can not talk about "the table".... I would have to talk about the table in the context of the air particles around it, and the microbes living on it, and the photons bouncing off of it, etc etc.... In order to say "the table is smooth", I would need to describe thousands of effects going on at the microscale.

Thus, in order to talk about anything, you need to talk about everything. This way of talking and thinking would be extremely cumbersome and would effectively paralyze us through mental cpu overload.

Simplifications on categories allows us to talk about them in a finite amount of time using a finite amount of mental energy.
>I'll take "Pictures for Ants" for a thousand, Alex.
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