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/sg/ Syria General - MN7EBAK ASSAD EDITION

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 249
Thread images: 83

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Everything you need to know

>Newest Interviews w/ Assad

>Live hohol with ticker
>Interactive military map
>Timeline map of Syria

>Fan maps

>Latakia Sept 9
>East Ghouta 2 September
>West Ghouta 18 September
>North Aleppo City September 24
>Shirqat September 24
>South West Aleppo September 24
>North Hama September 24

Developments Sept. 27
>SAA Tiger Forces reportedly preparing to launch Al Bab offensive
>Erdogan: Mosul offensive will commence October 19
>YPG/SDF capture Hasieh and Hasajek after clashes with IS in north Aleppo countryside. 20km from west entrance of al-Bab, Aleppo
>Russia: Bringing peace in Syria 'is almost an impossible task now'
>Syrian Army surrounds east Aleppo as zero hour approaches
>Lavrov says during talks US admitted Islamic State is a ‘bigger threat than Assad’
>Obama vetoes bill to let 9/11 families sue Saudi Arabia

Assad to AP: US airstrikes on Syrian troops were ‘intentional,’ lasted nearly 1 hour - https://youtu.be/s2GUfBppapA

Previous Thread >>90759280
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“To your descendants I give this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the Euphrates…”
(Genesis 15:18)
Everyone on /sg/ is gay.
pic related mossad and onur are poisoning my water
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fuck off kike. eat shit and die in a fire

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Being Turk is paying depts of Ottomon Empire... like a son of naughty father

In Kosova, Bosnia , Greek, Mecedonia, being responsible of really old problems

Being Turk is massacred in Anatolia, in the Balkans, in Hocalı but being blamed as responsible of geneocide that you did not

Being Turk is being named as fachists when you defend your history, your nation

Being Turk is being democrat and modern one someone swear your history

Being Turk is seeing that ur language is forbidden in Europe

Being Turk is being despised in Europe, being not welcomed because my fathers sieged Vieanna,just siege not like Napleon who burned all Vienna

Being Turk is walking in front of monuments that insults turkish flag in malta or selanik or vienna

Being Turk is hard, difficult, painful ...

It is returning from three continent and now being treated as guest in small Anatolia

Being Turk is founding many empires and destroying other ones

Being Turk is waiting foreign help from world to develop in such a valuable land in which first written agreement is signed, first horsecar is founded, money and letters are invented

Being Turk is destroying west and east roman empires themselves and now trying to join europe.union which is new roman empire actually

Being Turk is dying in wars, but before dying giving water to your enemy

Being Turk is chaalenging world in your weakest days and trusting God, and believing all darkness will finish with sunrise again

Being Turk is being thankful for each raindrop,being greatful for each crop and being patient for each rebellion

Being Turk is difficult , being Turk is staying forever in Anatolia which is knows as grave of civilizations…
>it's a name faggot's and faggot faggots clash thread
this, especially the namefags

kys autist
couldnt find strong enough rope

now im just trying to get a laborer job my neighbor's helping me with
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Ah, I was too late
Transferring nostalgia here
Old namefags, lost comrades on screenshot
Expect feels
>Being spaniard is paying depts of Iberia... like a son of naughty father
>In South Ameirca, Central America, being responsible of really old problems
>Being spaniard is having your land stlen and reduced only to europe but being blamed as responsible of geneocide that you did not
>Being spaniard is being named as fachists when you defend your history, your nation
>Being spaniard is being democrat and modern one someone swear your history
>Being spaniard is seeing that ur language is forbidden in Europe
>Being spaniard is being despised in Europe, being not welcomed because my fathers sieged Vieanna,just siege not like Napleon who burned all Vienna
>Being spaniard is walking in front of monuments that insults spaniardish flag in malta or selanik or vienna
>Being spaniard is hard, difficult, painful ...
>It is returning from three continent and now being treated as guest in small Anatolia
>Being spaniard is founding many empires and destroying other ones
>Being spaniard is waiting foreign help from world to develop in such a valuable land in which first written agreement is signed, first horsecar is founded, money and letters are invented
>Being spaniard is destroying west and east roman empires themselves and now trying to join europe.union which is new roman empire actually
>Being spaniard is dying in wars, but before dying giving water to your enemy
>Being spaniard is chaalenging world in your weakest days and trusting God, and believing all darkness will finish with sunrise again
>Being spaniard is being thankful for each raindrop,being greatful for each crop and being patient for each rebellion
>Being spaniard is difficult , being spaniard is staying forever in Iberia which is knows as grave of civilizations…
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Why doesn't the US stop fucking halting Assad from destroying all these jihadists and ISIS?

Seriously what the fuck is the benefit?

Why not spend that Money on increasing the Living standard of Americans living in the US?
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Being Turk is seeing your cities overrun with shitskin k*rds who will outnumber you in a couple generations

So he was unironically a islamist and not just shitposting?
honestly how do they expect african americans to produce high quality crack with water looking like that
Russia downed the Malaysia flight in Ukraine according to all evidence.

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You are obsessed with /sg/ when you can hum that nasheed.
yeah, pretty much
he got fucked hard for it by the law
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I still remember the days when Leaf was making posts and I was racing with the "1st for SAA" german autist for the first post
And Leaf would look at us and laugh and bless us with his kindness
Pic related
OP is by Leaf
SA flag is Deep Cover pre-namefag days
We wouldnt make it from thread to thread without 404ing back then
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>minnesota is a faggot
remember my ancestors conquered half the world and is responsible for destroying inslam in europe next time you say that
Everyone in israel is gay.
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>defending being a nonwhite
into the bakery with you.
You really shoudlnt have learned the natives to crucify themselves though
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Romaniabro is that you?
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Sleep tight, baby Baba.
>was once most powerful empire on the planet
>conquered almost all of the Americas
> issued royal decrees in 1492 and 1502 ordering Jews and Muslims to convert or leave Spain
>we are responsible for islam not infesting europe in the 1500s
yes and I'm fucking proud of it Minnesota was once Spanish clay too!
So you're admitting you're a rapebaby of greek boipucci and arab babybatter then?
I'am greek
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Remember our conversation?
Sleep tight, baby Baba
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>Minnesota was spanish clay
>even though most of the settlers were swedes

the spanish didnt like the cold either.

As my grandmammy once said: "if it aint white, it aint right"
All those immigrants are from sunni-aligned middle eastern nations actually.
Really makes you think.
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no but I wonder where is he


dude jokes aside director Comey said today most of those "americans" who go and join IS are from Minnesota, they are somali jihadists who go and join al shabab. careful
>trusting anything Comey says

man is a 6ft8 political snake
conquered half the world and saved Europe in 1500s
Fucking Somalians. I will reclaim Minnesota as rightful clay of SPAIN
second inquisition soon
liberation of Aleppo when
weebs and Spanish Inquisition dont mix, famalam
Isabella the first watched anime
LMAO , get raped in the bumhole by niggers
You are pussy, You family is such a pussy

pussy generation

2016 USA
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>>90789030 (not white tho)
D-Did Onur break him guys?
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I would trust him on this one, this one makes sense
he didn't say
>I don't remember
>I can't remember
>I only trust my wife and my wife`s son
this time
>tfw no pious empress to tie me on the wheel and discipline my sinistrous and heretic ways
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Looks like a child hand.
She looks jewish.
You will be destroyed,my not anymore helenic friend
this isn't the balkan war anymore balkanigger, Istanbul alone has almost the population of Greece+Bulgaria combined and a larger GDP than both combined (according to wikipedia), and the Turkish military by itself is as large as the population of Sofia

I wish you fucks would be so stupid though, so we can jump start the 2nd empire asap.
>and a larger GDP than both combined (according to wikipedia)

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>that damage control
Come on, don't be embarrassed of your aztec blood.
Why is northern hama getting sweeped by the rebels? They've gained more ground in the last few weeks than in the whole of the last year.
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You know he's legit when he got arrested for it.
refer to this >>90790613
>Minnesota a spic
The bombshells keep on coming. For how long will he resist being mindbroken?
disgusting. long live Isabella the first
Onur pls
1/3 of your pop are Kurds that hate you and we are long prepared for a denial war against a larger force
Remember the Russian Kornet missile that blew up your tank like it was a toy?
We have hundred of those
Remember the S-300 that you dread
We have those too
Good luck on you "War of Conquest" fag
Namefags should be purged from this general.
*throws spear*
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namefags were a mistake
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They always shit up this thread with their bullshit attention seeking.
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OP is out of date btw

I can get behind that.
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>mfw all the gentiles start turning on each other
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Any updates on that there audio recording the Syrians said they have?

you know, the one between the USA and ISIS
Grube who?

all i see is anonymous
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Spain was once the greatest country on earth and will be again some day
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turkey will be 90 million by 2050

greece will drop to 9 million

what the fuck can we do with a shitty balkan socialist hellhole which is half the population of 2050 istanbul?



You should check latest logistics and engineering equipments Turkish military acquired.

They can pass through rivers with the assistance of systems like SAMUR, AZMIM, HGMS and amphibious vehicles like Cobra, ACV-300 etc...

First Turkish army doesn't need roads or such. They make their own roads.

Greek defensive lines will collapse in a few days under the fire of superior Turkish artillery. (Turkey outguns Greece 5 to 1)

And during retreat even if Greek military destroys infrasturcture this will have very limited effect.
You were cucked by the Austrians
>IDs are a coincidence goyim. Move along now.
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this is the army you are joining

what a bunch of cucks
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>No Greece
As another poster said in the previous thread, there was a time when namefagging was useful for organization purposes. However I agree that the current generation of namefags are attention seeking, the twitter whoring race and onur's birth are crimes against humanity
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Then maya blood? zapoteca blood? You definitively have some indio heritage. I believe I have chichimeca heritage mixed with spaniard heritage, nothing wrong with that.
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Honestly now. No one here cares that you're Mexican dude. Trump won't actually deport you.
What is wrong with that? There is kayseri 2nd Special Service Brigade right?
I will be in there soon,insallah ^;)
First purge the turks.
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>They make their own roads.
>In Greece

Thats a Greek island 4 u
Have a nice time landing it
>t. south africa
you should know best. s africa is a black country but you are not black you are probably British in heratage
>picking fights with saffas

why dude
look at their cuck stance.

Is it made up of twinks? Then it be perfect for you.
off-topic but:
do you have a gf?
Litvak oven-dodger to be precise.
don't forget in 2050 it's name is Konstantynopol
LOL that's a training dude
okay so you know that living in country x does not mean your heritage is country x
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Even worse
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Shit, one got away.
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Yeah I know.
>Lithuanian goy detected
Oh shit!
so don't call me aztek or whatever
>lives in 3rd world america
come home brown man.

>first to taste my dick?

I bet he's already tasted it himself.
He's probably sublimating the desire to be penetrated into the desire to penetrate.
When/if he fucks a sissy, he'll be imagining what it feels like the whole time.

t. zoologist, specialises in the behaviour of turcus vulgaris.
>Special Service
so you will be a waiter in officers social facility.
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I was the one calling you aztec :^), which is an ethnic group that one of your ancestors was probably part of.
Commando Brigade*
I don't have to take this from a Connecticut faggot
Being muslim is giving alms to the needy and the orphan.
Being muslim is massacred in bagdhad, in spain, in the crusades but being blamed as responsible of geneocide that you did not
Being muslim is being named as fachists when you defend your religion, your nation
Being muslim is being observant of islam and seeking knowledge of all forms
Being muslim is seeing that ur language is arabic
Being muslim is being despised in Europe, being not welcomed because my fathers sieged Vieanna,just siege not like Napleon who burned all Vienna
Being muslim is walking in front of monuments that insults islamic conquerors
Being muslim is hard, difficult, beautiful...
Being muslim is founding many empires and destroying boastful proud tyrants
Being muslim is waiting foreign help from world to develop in such a valuable land in which first written agreement is signed, first horsecar is founded, money and letters are invented
Being muslim is destroying west and east roman empires themselves and now trying to join europe.union which is new roman empire actually
Being muslim is dying in wars, and embracing death, as it is a bridge to God
Being muslim is chalenging world in your weakest days and trusting God, and believing all darkness will finish with sunrise again
Being muslim is being thankful for each raindrop,being grateful for each crop and being patient for each rebellion
Being muslim is difficult, being muslim, is being steadfast in islam, even if the whole world is against it…
askere gitde pkk seni siksin.

>tugay komutangli

So no organisation is tugay for you then.

They'll break you in so that your anus is loose enough to hide ammo in. Old turk military tactic.
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Being muslim is being a mass-murdering, woman-hating, homophobic lunatic. go fuck yourself you subhuman
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>They'll break you in so that your anus is loose enough to hide ammo in

fucking laughed
americans kill more, you are real terrorist
islam respects woman, we have entire chapter in quran for woman, and some of the best women are in the quran
>homophobic lunatic
not lunatic, all gays are deviant perverts

Fun fact: Kurdish seperatists can often hear a Turkish commando approaching by the sound of his gaped arse flapping in the breeze.

PKK veterans say that it sounds like a black man smacking his lips.
Kek, I was just joking a bit. I don't give a shit about skin color. I usually make fun of the typical brown mexican that believes he is white, or the typical white mexican that believes he is an aztec and hates spain. You were acting like one of those guys so I couldn't let this pass.
>some of the best women are in the quran
Yes, like the 9 year old bride turned prophet assassin
Best women indeed
Really makes you think
I'm not brown, though.

>americans kill more, you are real terrorist

Add up all the pointless killings attributable to the structural violence of Islamic societies worldwide, and it evens.


You have an entire chapter about how women should act, and some of the best people in the q*ran are women because Mohammed and his bumchums dreamed up perfect waifus and then projected those characteristics onto their slave brides.

>not lunatic, all gays are deviant perverts

Hence why Muslims constantly fuck each other in the asshole, and then proceed to develop insane complexes around gay rape, like Russians.
No, this is not in quran, we have respected women like Mary, wife of pharaoh, mother, sister and wife of moses, Sarah, queen of sheba, wife of imran, wife of abraham ect..
>Add up all the pointless killings attributable to the structural violence of Islamic societies worldwide, and it evens.
not even close, even american shootings in america kills more than terrorist attacks

filthy dumb anglo scum
The assassination of momo ain't in da kooran? Interesting.
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If you are really the kid from this pic you look brownish, but whatever.
you write like a nigger
yeah, but that's our own countrymen we're killing. not others.
you kurdish m8, or are you just trying to trigger turks?
>its not terrorism if its against your countryman
>what is iraq
>amerifat logic
>t. alawite genocide when?
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Some anon posted this and I was reading the links and it 404ed with no replies. Any /sg/ experts give their opinion?
>t.non white amerifat
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that's the darkness in the room and it was summer in texas so most people are somewhat tanned
refer to the pic related
>t. non white egypnigger diaspora
the bit regarding hillary, no fly-zone, and conflict with russia are correct, but linking this directly to the RPG is just memetics. It's true that Israel wants Bashar gone because he serves as a highway for Hezbollah, but it's not just the RPG and it's not just about Hezbollah
>we wuz leafs
Hohol hohol go away
You're a nigger and you're gay
Capped :^)
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why are you so butt blasted about being half white?

i'm the same and call it "pale" brown
>americans kill more, you are real terrorist
for the most part, we don't kill unprovoked. you do.
I'm just angry at being called aztek and shit when I have Spanish heratage
The West created this mess.

It was you who divided up the land.

It was you who put in the puppet governments.

It was you who built the oil wells on Muslim holy lands.

It was you who allowed the Jews to exterminate and enslave the Palestinians.

It was you who played geopolitical games with Iraq and Iran during their war.

It was you who gave Saddam chemical weapons.

It was you who caused the Ayatollah to come into power in Iran.

It was you who created the Mujaheddin, Osama Bin Laden, and Al Qaeda.

It was you who killed 1 million children with your economic sanctions on Iraq.

It was you who, with your gluttonous oil consumption, gave power to Saudi Arabia and turned a blind eye to their funding of Wahhabi extremism.

It was you who abused the Arab world so much that they felt they had to attack your soil on 9/11.

It was you who started an endless massacre across all of Afghanistan in retaliation against a small group that lived there.

It was you who invaded Iraq unprovoked, destroyed it's infrastructure, massacred it's people, and left it in shambles in your wake.

It was you who covertly ignited civil wars in Libya and Syria because it suited your geopolitical interests, only to let the bloodbaths stagnate when your goals failed.

It was you who not only caused ISIS to exist, but allowed them to grow like a cancer unchecked.

It was you who destroyed the lives of millions of Arabs and forced them to leave their homeland.
That's the whole point, in calling you aztek n sheeit to begin with, to make you angry.
I missed this pasta
well it worked
I thought you loved ISIS, Aaron.
post some more (s)pics and I'll shop you onto glorious aztec warriors
>into consistency
Well that's why they use it, because they know it works.
fuck you I'm dropping this.
im moderate,and its Harun
but seriously though, what'z wrong with aztecs? I think it would be a bretty cool heritage to have
since you're Mexican it would be like mixing up mexico with brazil
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sounds like you're gonna have to make due with what we have
oh wait you're new york not the mexican guy in connecticut, but my point still satands

the aztecs are pretty badass tho desu
yeah go to spain and call them azteks they will like it
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>Being Turk is paying depts of Ottomon Empire

Sorry I only read the first sentence

That's a hard image desu, and I'm not even new.

Life is tough as fuck, and we keep crying about our comfy sheltered little lives here.
>control + f
>no matches

what do you think the OPEC decision will impact ?
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is your mom FOB from spain?

if not, she's a spic and so are you
Yeah but if we weren't stirring shit up with you, aztecs by themselves aren't that bad

So how Spanish are you anyway? Literally half or less? Any parents Spanish citizens?
Aztec were retarded savages who degenerated the colony that was built for them after the ones who created them abandoned them to go kickstart another civilization somewhere else.
Not that much has changed other than the act they got a donation of iberian genes but still hasn't helped them very much, they're still chopping off each others' body parts and diddling their kiddies like in the olden days.
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Nah, I´m not that evil to photoshop you as an aztec.

Yeah that seems white. Mine is pic related.
>this pasta again
Nothing. Saudis are always shitted on this.
>everyone agrees to lower oil production
>only saudis do it
>saudis get more fucked
Happens every time.
hope some nigger lynches you
>colgate lite
It looks like Saudi Arabia is finally starting to give in? My uneducated guess is it will somewhat strengthen Russia and Iran's economies and that will help in Syria. Though obviously Saudi (and thus rebels) will gain from this too. I looked at how much they decreased barrel production, but I honestly don't understand how big of a decrease this is. It doesn't look huge to me
maybe its a sign that the Saudis and the Iranians will ease relations.Not much but a some.
have you goys seen this yet?
>SyAAF SA-342L Gazelle Shot down by Militant TOW - September 2, 2016
reminds me of my BFBC2 days tbqh
>t. deserter
I hope you finally grow a pair of balls and go back to Syria and help them fight instead of shit-posting here.

Yeah that was the tigers personal heli didn't you hear he's ded
We covered this extensively back when it happened, in fact that heli may even have been sent out due to some overzealous people here the day before, fuck off.
Is the tiger really gay?
>in fact that heli may even have been sent out due to some overzealous people here the day before

Maybe that's why he fights so hard to keep his secular non-islamisized nation intact.
Really makes you think.
I honestly think that may be a lookalike, but who knows. Maybe a faggot is responsible for a great portion of the SAA's military success. He gets my respect nonetheless for his sacrifices
jesus fucking christ
sorry sperglord
Highly fucking doubt it. You realize how easy it is for rebelshitters to find some guy who looks like hassan? all they to do is grow out their beard and mustache a little.
I call bullshit
yes, so is ASS-A.D which stands for ASS ANAL DESTROYER
Let's pretend that it is him (we all know that it is).
How do you think Iran is taking it?
They have a very weird attitude (and policies) towards gay people.
syria was never secular and homesexuality is illegal in syria.
Nobody is going to care because it is not in their interest to care about where Suheil sticks his penis (based on how he's cradling those twinks, he's definitely a top)
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Suheil is homosex?
Asking for a friend

>not even close, even american shootings in america kills more than terrorist attacks

So there' no gun crime in Yemen? Afghan? Pakistan?
Brainless little immigrant leaf boi.
You realise that organised criminals make up a significant percentage of Assad's armies, yes?

Islam is a slimy cunt religion. It says that the only people who will get to heaven are posturing faggots with their peacock chests puffed out ('mujaheddin'), and that mandates a society which encourages all men to act like prison rapists, or else they will get raped.

Western culture may be degenerate, but its closer to God than Islamic culture, which can't degenerate, since its already at rock bottom of lies, deviance and hypocrisy, since its a shopkeeper's religion with nothing transcendent in it.
Would Jesus have said that?
Go get lynched by some nigger, faggot
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>suddenly, this picture has an entirely different meaning
t. jesus
>So there' no gun crime in Yemen? Afghan? Pakistan?
only because of filthy anglo scum like you who ruined the middle east

>the only people who will get to heaven are ('mujaheddin'),
>encourages all men to act like prison rapists, or else they will get raped.
yeah you know nothing about islam kek

>Western culture may be degenerate, but its closer to God than Islamic culture
>gays, whores, alcoholics, drug trade and corruption is god like
ebin memed

Shoo shoo slimey limey
Your a big gay.

'I come not bringing peace but a sword.'
'That which you sow, so also shall you reap.'
'If someone SLAPS you, turn the other cheek'

Considering that the deicide followers of the Pharisees continue to attack Christians, manipulate and degrade them, insult their God and savior, then yes, he would have said, at the very least that it would be a mercy for some black to finish you and your decrepit race.
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For you
>first horsecar is founded
No, that was somewhere in the Pontic-Caspian steppe. Your entire ethnicity deserves to be removed.
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rotate or flip.png
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cannot into paint faggot?
saleelul sawarim, nasheedul ubah, wa qawtim musawtim, jamilun sadah!
I was on phone

>only because of filthy anglo scum like you who ruined the middle east

Nice meme, did you read it on AJ+?
Turks are equally responsible for 'ruining' that abomination, and then the Mamlukes before them. Shall you also blame the Safavids?
What about the Mongols? Pretty sure they are partly to blame.

Fact is that the Middle East has been a smoking ruin for centuries, and for centuries, disgusting hogs like you have been making excuses for that fact.

>yeah you know nothing

Islam as a dogma has little bearing on the society that its precepts create. Islam calls for mandatory charity (paid of course to religious institutions) so you get many mosques, many rich scholars and lots of penniless beggars kept just above the starvation line so that lots of greasy criminals and rapers can virtue signal.

Islam says 'take as many wives as you'd like', so you get mass homosexuality as harems emerge and one rich man deprives a hundred poor ones of wives - hence the endless stream of lumpen thieves and killers that pour out of every stinking Islamic hovel society.

I know more about Islam in action than you do, indoctrinate.

>gays, whores, alcoholics, drug trade and corruption

All exist in Islamic society. The difference is that Westerners give people the choice, rather than lying, saying 'we are pure', and then doing all this shit anyway.

Muslims are stinkng liars, immersed in sin, which they also lie about in order to pretend that their religion is anything more than a Straussian mechanism of social control, that they do not even sincerely believe in.
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damn son.jpg
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I tried finding Suheil pictures to see if this rumor had already been dispelled or whether there was a facial/body mark that shows that isn't him, but I found these instead
>Turks are equally responsible for 'ruining' that abomination
nah we did fine with ottomans until you came along with schlomo

>take as many wives as you'd like
nah its 4 max and not recommended unless you are rich and can handle 4 women (alpha)

>I know more about Islam in action than you do, indoctrinate.
you clearly dont, your just another anglo islamophobic bigot

>All exist in Islamic society. The difference is that Westerners give people the choice, rather than lying, saying 'we are pure', and then doing all this shit anyway.
i dont say otherwise, they exist, we just kill them if they dont stop ruining our society
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this one's obviously out of respect, but it's still funny
"id suck that fukkin tit"
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Also, his transformation still weirds me out.

Last vid of Suheil before injury/wax mode:


Pic related is with injury
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suheil guard.jpg
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"moderates" holding one of the guards in the earlier pic, captured/killed after the clash that gave suheil the injury

getting these from "mr grey ghost"s posts, so take with a grain of salt
>wax mode
top fucking kek, he does look like a fucking straw filled puppet

>nah we did fine with ottomans until you came along with schlomo

Ottomans did in the Middle East what the Habsburgs did in the Balkans. That is, they balkanised, and made sure everywhere was so diverse that opposition to their rule couldn't materialise.
Then, when we bulldozed their faggot empire, all the tensions that they had created boiled over, and the Middle East they had prepared came fully into existence.
Which you won't accept because you are a stupid piece of shit, amped up on Al Jazeera's lies and the babble of Western uni leftists.

>nah its 4 max

Still disproportionate. Obviously its only for rich men, because its a way for the rich to take advantages over the poor. Muhammad was a rich man, stupid, he was just like any other cult leader who says 'I'm allowed to have more wives than you because I'm special.'

Obviously Islam encourages 'alpha' peacock behaviour, that's what I said, that's how there is an endless stream of human vermin, all thinking it is hot shit, streaming out of your shithole countries into places like leaf.

It encourages you to act like a prison rapist ('alpha male') and to see people who don't as prison bitches ('beta male'), to the extent that any other way of seeing the world just makes you a bitch in Muslim eyes.
No wonder you don't eat pork when you see the world in the same way as a pig does.

We are becoming more 'Muslim' in sentiment because if we don't, you animals will take advantage, like you were trained to.
Just look at the Russians post-Afghanistan. They were exposed to the Muslim mind, and it turned them into freaks.

>your just another anglo islamophobic bigot

Tell me what a dayouth is. What is a munafiq?
Bigotry is unjustified. Islam is something that anyone with sense ought to hold in total contempt.
It is itself bigoted, as you demonstrate when you talk about killing gays and junkies.
There is nothing articulate in it, every Muslim who has tried to see depth in Islam has been executed.
agent of the devil, most likely a fat beta male
Based on his continued success in the battlefield, I'm guessing it really is him.

The extreme weight gain and facial change may be because they used hydrocortisone to treat his injury. I'm not a medical expert or anything, but the usage and side effects of hydrocortisone match Suheil's situation (in my very limited knowledge)

>it encourages you to act like a prison rapist ('alpha male') and to see people who don't as prison bitches ('beta male'), to the extent that any other way of seeing the world just makes you a bitch in Muslim eyes.

Oh, you proved me right. Not unexpected, but pleasant regardless.
Keep it up mate, lets see what else you can verify.
low test beta detected

>ko ko ko ko ko

Puff that little chicken chest out for me, boy. I want to hear you 'cock-a-doodle-doo'.

Post a pic of yourself, I want to see how girlish you actually are.
That's always how it is with the Muslim trolls, no matter which board. Girly hands, eyes that look like they've been caked in makeup, skinny, chubby cheeks, thick lips.

You should come to Britain, I'll make a woman out of you.
kek i would mop the floor with you

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There is literally a gay pride in tel aviv
, in the so called promised land , faggots are wandering around

>i would mop the floor with you

Of course you would, because you are a little sissy who ought to scrub the floors when he's told.
Sadly, I'm a man, so I won't be mopping the floor with you, you'll be doing it alone, unless you want to invite your gal pals over.
you're fucking gay, i wish i could fight you, guess i have to wait for the racewar in europe

You don't count as a man. Your clit is vestigial and useless, and your tiny balls are purely cosmetic.

For all intents and purposes, you are a girl. A virgin too. I can't wait to break you in,
I bet you're tight as a vice.

You're right though, I'll have to wait a while before I can properly feminise you, and pass you around.
You should bring condoms with you.
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I could have been shitposting in comfy /sg/ but had to work.

Fuck, do I wish I was a refugee getting some of dat gibsmedat so I don't have to work.

>Third party joining in to say how laaaaaaame both sides are

Are you a bot, or are you generally predictable?
This may be the worst /SG/ in history, this "conflict" needs to end for the sake of all of us.
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Famalaman, I....

*unsheathes katana*
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How white is this brave warrior?
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as white as pale, rotting flesh can get
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*nothin personnel*



As white as the maggots who eat him.
witnessed and confirmed. jesus is with assad boys.
Recite to me the hadiths that talk about cringing.

*unsheathes scimtar*

pfffft, nuthin haram....talib
And namefags are thought to be bad..
blackest nigger ive seen
shiia magic bump
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