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Does anyone else have that instinctive drive colonize some weak country? Either in Africa or some other shithole and live comfy.

How can you do this without getting BTFO by America?
Become a bigshot in a big corporation or bank. Then you can get away with murder and the government will protect you

Make sure you're advancing the national interest and keep everything under wraps.
Not interest in that, Plus too much effort
Humans do not have a colonization instinct. What you are suffering from is "The British No Longer Have An Empire" syndrome. Many Brits become afflicted with this illness after being mocked by foreigners on the internet. Instead of trying to do the impossible, you should accept your new role as the producer of the best English language television. Of course, since you are slowly killing the BBC, this era will also soon come to an end and the British will be left with nothing.
What is that? I heard that on Hearts of Iron 3.
make africa great again
this anon. im sorry
>gone are days of land empires
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You can't. Instead, just sit back and laugh as the rest of the world tries to insult you but in doing so they are forced to learn your language.
Your empire was dead long before you were born. How have you not adjusted to this already?
It's more about having an urge to create something, to lift a place up that could be doing a lot better. I'd sure as hell reward myself for the trouble though.
I will recreate it! Just W-watch m..me
Start by walking out of your mom's basement autist
Well that will come with it
Watching with my breath held.
Yeah, about that m8...
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this is weird. i've thought a lot about taking over a country ether by coup or full military occupation. some part of me has always wanted to be a dictator that could build a country to become an international powerhouse

if i had to it would be some country in central west africa. from there i would expand into smaller countries building my army and infrastructure as i went. i would brainwash my people using western style media and try to organize the different tribes into one culture that backs their country with unquestionable loyalty.
You don't say.
Like any of you fucking neets are capable of taking authority over your mother when she denies you teddies, never mind a damn country
I am heading for the uk right now.
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>i've thought a lot about taking over a country
>some part of me has always wanted to be a dictator

>if i had to
>had to

>i would expand into smaller countries building my army and infrastructure as i went

>unquestionable loyalty

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Every continent has a (((union))) now. An attack on one, is an attack on all.

So, keep out, Davis.
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This guy gets it

>That Anglo feel
For a long time I've dreamed of subjugating the Greeks, but they're already Germany's turf.
Going to africa for my winter break to help out the groids. (Doctor here)

Where could i go to dump my load in some of these type women. White wash africa.
Why would you help any if these throwbacks?
theyre ugly, youre white, put that doctor brain to use.
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That's a strange fetish i must say. Tbqh i wouldn't mind a island like Rhodes to myself if i say so senpai
Crimea was fucking pathetic, besides oba being weak, we couldn't do anything because our cold war policies are outdated and Ukraine isn't part of NATO
They have decent tits. Plus i bet theyre not as slutty as the women here are
Eh. I say let them take it. I don't give a fuck about the Ukraine.
RIP sweet prince.
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It was pretty good before humans
10/10 would rape and enslave senpai

Can you imagine what life must have been like when all you needed to do to achieve greatness was get barbarian gains, get in a boat with your bros, and murder and plunder some weaker people? I can imagine the incredible having nothing standing between you and earning a years worth of income in plunder in one day, dozens of women at your disposal, and glory - and all you have to do is fight other men to death with your hands. its a fucking inspiring feeling really. it gets you in touch with your deeper instinct and history.

I'd colonise her country, if you know what I mean.
i have a fantasy of impregnating hundreds of african women until i got aids, then going to american and infecting hundreds of fags with aids before i die. i would be like a living biological bomb.
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I have no idea what pipedream you are on about, but I love Himba.
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>How can you do this without getting BTFO by America?
by having an armed forces capable of fending America's military off.
i.e. you can't.
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>Be Chinese
>Make roads
>Collect Minerals

Just need to get some gravel anon!
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what? it's a nice thought finland, don't shit on me for thinking about shit like that
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You could take her shopping
She appears to be looking for a boyfriend.
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Daily reminder that this tribe practice female circumcision

They get my dick going too but then I realize they all look butchered between their legs and blood begins to return to my brain.
Fucking Davis. Hate that faggot.
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having that shit around your neck all the time seems like a pain in the ass
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Man I'd totally fuck one of these clay golems. Their titties are so perky.

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Wtf does that even mean? They cut their clits off? Fuck is wrong with people?
>They cut their clits off?


Also that's mostly because they're like under 16 years old.


Keeps women from slutting around. It's actually kind of popular in the BDSM community. Sex still feels pleasurable, if it's done in a sane way.

Like circumcision, it can range from a trim to outright chopping everything off.
>Wtf does that even mean? They cut their clits off?
Unfortunately yes. That's what FGM is.
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The Chinese are taking everything not nailed down in Africa. Except the people. They're pretty much taking everything they have and leaving them to wallow in the shit that's left.

The leaders are making a fortune. The "people" left to rot. And the Swiss banks just keep raking it in.


But not the United States. We have "morals" and "values". That kind of activity is simply below our shit don't stink asses.

We're too busy putting niggers on our money to bust out and take what we want.
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>Niggers on money
That's not actually happening, is it?
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Had the same thoughts, annex a small area of an african nation. Invest in good security. allow african workers to work in quality factories producing cheap goods for themselves and neighboring countries. exile anyone violent, permanently.

after 25 years of success begin expansion using model of industrialization, education, ENFORCEMENT. Give africans right to vote once they've worked enough to own a mature share of their co-op factories.

The worst parts of Africa need a stern benevolent guiding hand. Theres no way around it.

Equilibrium society in a poor, uneducated area, with ample access to modern firearms is a recipe for violence and chaos. The type of person that thrives in that environment and is genetically successful passes the worst kinds of behaviors and tendencies that are detrimental to the foundation of a stable productive society.
Am i shadow banned? I posted itt but it never showed up
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I wasn't aware you got shadow-banned here.
You can literally form a small compound in which you and your African harem will slowly produce a small clan of Mulattos, and thus possess the man power to take over a small tribe, then village and so forth.

Why the fuck haven't you started this you dumb wigger? You can value your medical aid of up to two wives as payment for service.
Go to swaziland with a large amount of American money turned into their currency, buy a few farmers, you'll know what kind, then live out your dreams OP.
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It's normal for us, Western Europeans.
They have such nice, puffy nipples
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If they're Africans that look like this, why the fuck are we taking in fucking Somalis?
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Other tribes don't do it for me like the Himba wimmenz
Exactly fuck this shit
Can someone explain to me how the British got to this point of maximum cuckoldry?

You basically gave Canada away. You lost a war against us that you should have won easily. You even gave up India because they were getting beaten up too much by you. What the fuck were you guys thinking?
Jewish corruption of the Aryan mind
>Wants to colonize a fucking country
>Not interested in becoming rich too much work
Because these ones are happy living in their little villages, Somalis want to fuck shit up
Falling for the bags of sand jew
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Then there are these. I have no idea what they are.

As my grandmammy once said: "if it aint white, it aint right"
>It's actually kind of popular in the BDSM community.


Because would YOU ditch your village and come to America, if you had bitches like that roaming around?

Hell, no.
north sentinelese
Shit tier desu m8
forget africa unless you AIDS or Ebola or some other nasty disease that kills you

Cripplechan has a huge thread of female circumcision pics. It's popular. Most popular BDSM models get it done at one point or another. Looks aesthetic AF.

Removes roastie, too.
Tbh, I just want to live in a little Anglo village out in the woods with bitches running around with their titties out.
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Those are the infamous Sentinelese? Well fuck. I thought there was some sort of no contact deal with them?
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For you
Wow, those are some great tits. Post moar Op.
Colonization isn't impossible if you have the money and right help. There's plenty of places in Africa, Asia, and South America or hell even North America to make settlements.
I was actually toying with the idea of conquering some backwood tribe in Africa,
>conquer neighbors
>instill religion of Kek, kill all who fail to covnert
>go on crusade leading my conglomerate tribes of black people as I capture as many valuable resources as possible, to sell to the highest bidder
Brits should colonize London
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I don't know, but I would colonize that booty. Why do I want to fuck black women so much? Is this the Jew influence or just be wanting to impregnate that hot black ass and put my white genes in there?
I worked in India for a few months and was fucking a Hindu girl. I loved it. Felt colonial, man.
The only problem with africa is the people.

For about US $200 plus a plane ticket, you can probably colonize some african loli's womb.


https: // 8ch DOT net/ bdsm/ res/ 448.html
Just keep these African women coming I'm in love
Nah mate. I'll admit beef flaps are gross and even taking off the clit would improve the look. But all this sowing up looks weird.
Jews don't want you to fuck black women, Jews want black men to fuck white women.

It doesn't have to be sewn up. That's something only really extreme people do. Most backwoods islamic people don't even do that, except for like Afghans. But you can find plenty of pictures of women with clitoridectomies on google.
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Pretty much all out
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Na you are just a oil driller like me. Nothing wrong with that anon black women are fucking great
the truth
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Afghanis do it too? Wtf.
Damn well now I want to go tho Africa because you know he fucked at least one of them>>90785892
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And then you make these.
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Hi Ben
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>Colonize a weak country
Have you learned nothing you braindead Brit? Colonizing savages only ends badly because "Muh oppressive white ppl gib control!". Fucking niggers are more trouble than the temporary resource gains are worth.

Colonizing space or the ocean floor is where its at, at least the fish won't genocide you for not giving them enough welfare
anons do not know that national geographic was the place many saw nude woman for the first time.
female circumcision?
well i guess if it is needed
Reminder that many of these women have or will contract HIV.
Also, in the 80's there was a guy who flew a Hind gunship and basically won an African revolution singlehandedly.
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My how times have changed.
This is a very specific sexual fetish I have.

Westernised black women don't appeal to me at all. But the thought of being a 19th century colonial official banging a qt african tribeswoman gets me rock hard. I think it's something about the power and knowledge differential. An educated, representative of the most powerful and modern nation on earth, imbued with the full power and authority of her majesty's empire, taking what I want from some illiterate peasant girl that knows no more about the world than how to milk goats. Knowing that civilised society back home would think poorly of me, but her knowing no better than my word is law; here in the ends of the fucking earth.

Fucking diamonds.

Nah just fit tribal girls with their tits out

I assume they do FGM to prevent women from finding sex pleasurable, ergo stopping them from sleeping around like whores

Pretty good idea IMO

Nigga I think everyone has that fetish
How is annexing strategic region with 1,5 mil. population and capturing 75% of Ukrainian fleet, while at it, pathetic? That was no colonisation though.
I heard of some german pilots that work in angola and they are rich as fuck from doing contract flights, they have literal castles with armed guards and Im guessing a hiram of nigger whores
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This was an entertaining thread. Is thread dead?
congo not angola
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Brazilian Amazonians are much better desu. Why else do you think Brazilians are more mixed? There literally were naked women brown and flawless ready to be fucked. Literally just dump you cum in.
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It's all about conquest my man. Kill off the rival tribe's men and then steal their women.
>Posting pictures of black people carefully selected to represent black race for tourists.
I actually lived that in the 1970 in south america, had a compessino (cowboy) offer me anyone of like 5-6 of his daughters with his wife standing by smiling in approval. It was very bizarre to a 15 yr old virgin like me but i was 6 ft tall and blonde hair blue eyes and they were living in a house with a dirt floor , if I hadn't left with my family I would have had kids all over that country.
>Sexual slavery was also widespread among the Spanish settlers. In 1500, Columbus wrote: “A hundred castellanoes are as easily obtained for a woman as for a farm, and it is very general and there are plenty of dealers who go about looking for girls; those from nine to ten are now in demand.”
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What if whites had baked indigenous people? I'd go and fuck em.
These are all ugly looking.
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>Baked indigenous people

thats because they were taught that white people were the cause of all their problems. imagine if you if you took control of a nation of niggers and taught them they aren't smart enough to manage themselves, that white people are natural rulers.
Why does this bitch always get posted like some kind of ideal? Her hair doesn't match her eyes doesn't match her lips doesn't match her skin doesn't match her fucking eyebrows plus major rbf. She's a damn mess.
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Nothing ideal about it. It's just an odd genetic mashup.
Wait a minute man, I have an idea here. America used to kill the fuck out of brownies, and you used to colonize shitholes. Can we be friends?
do they taste like clay?
>that look in her eyes

I find the orange hued skin of these himba women oddly attractive. Is there something wrong with me?
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