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Gary Johnson Spergs Out Over Aleppo

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What the fuck is his problem?
He's not wrong at least he isn't some sniveling cuck triggered by a cunt mentioning daddy dearest.
lol, aspergers confirmed
>cuckoo on the table
>Trying this hard to justify his lack of competence
He's far too reasonable to be American President.
Why does he dress like a standup comic from the 90s?
Wow, Ray Romano got old.
Jumping up and slamming his hands in his pockets is a bad look
>there's the question I expected
>time to do the angry rant I practiced
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Unlike Gary, William Weld was once a child of the establishment. He once had aspirations of high office. And now he's holding Gary's knees while he squats on the training potty. Sad!
He seems legitimately autistic. He has a point though.
> doesn't know what's going on
> gets angry over it

Legit crazy guy.

Is that Lou Holtz?
>A presidential candidate wearing denim jeans

Even shillary isn't that stupid
>trying to sound tough
>with hands in his pockets

key sign of insecurity right there
"Undocumented immigrants get in illegally because they can't get in legally."
Gary "I can't believe someone can be this fucking retarded" Johnson
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You mean Gary "I raped her because I couldn't fuck her" Johnson
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Top kek, look at their faces.
>blazer and tie with jeans
>probably wearing sneakers
>collar askew
>sperging the fuck out when asked why he spends his time getting high instead of boning up on policy and current events

He is the reason I left the Libertarian Party. What an absolute fucking joke.
do people actually support this fucking spazoid? Literally people call Trump unhinged but Johnson is literally unhinged personified.
Where can I get a leppo?
that stance, those jeans, that unbuttoned jacket

Just because people dont want establishment doesnt mean they want a fucking hobo
>jeans pants
>hands in pockets
>"grr I'm mad!!"

This guy is either a plant to make the libertarian party look stupid or is genuinely an idiot. Fucking hell his vice president pick is silently cringing the whole time.
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I found out what a leppo is.
He is right, fuck all these dumb sand google wars in the middle east, complete waste of western money and lives. How people can be so relaxed about the fact killary is a war hawk yet see her as this sweet old lady is sickening.
>fw I voted for GJ last election because Ron Paul got laughed out of the election and he was the only one to represent the Libertarian party

I live in California so it wouldn't have mattered who i voted for anyways
I-is he wearing jeans?
This guy stopped me from being Libertarian. I became a Trumplican and never turned back. Fuck Libertarianism and anybody who supports.
I know this term gets thrown around a lot, but I think he might actually be controlled opposition
>tfw I will regret voting for gary Johnson in 2012 for the rest of my life

I should of just wrote in ron paul. But what the fuck happened to gary Johnson over last 4 years? He was a lot better. It's like he lost his fucking mind.
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Christ I could only 30 seconds in before the cringe factor made me close it. The fuck is up with this guy.
All that weed cooked his brain
I think a real 3rd party candidate could have made real waves this election.

Gary has something wrong with his head though and if you watch him for an extended period of time it becomes obvious. That's why his support never grows.
pls no tred
No, and anyone who claims they do won't actually go out and vote.
Bernie had legitimate enthusiasm from his supporters, this fag has "well he's not the other two but I ain't voting"
But what IS Aleppo?
>hands in pockets

God it's sad that the "most sane" candidate is the most inept at such easy things. This is like public speaking 101. Does he not know that this is the most retarded thing a person speaking on the spot can do? I'm suprised he's not looking down at his feet and shifting back and forward as well.
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Who the fuck are you?
>"I fucked her because I couldn't get consent, and her pussy was there, and YOU WOULD'VE DONE THE SAME THING!"
This guy is actually autistic.
haha it just gets worse and worse

People really pissed away money on this turd? On the Libertarian party? Really?
behold the new king of memes

this guy should be in the debates, it would be very funny
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The Jeb virus infected him. Slow and steady, Gary.

Slow and steady.

jesus christ what a speg.

i cant believe it he thinks its okay to yell at that poor black woman

is this what weed makes you do?
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Was he really the least weak and inept candidate libertarians could dig up? Holy fuck, why do libertarians always fail before they begin? Is it because they know deep down that their "ideologue" is a guaranteed fail due to human nature so there is no point trying?
Well, he's not wrong
Read the board behind him.
pw: cuckoo
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Reefer madness.
>He is the reason I left the Libertarian Party. What an absolute fucking joke.

He's the reason I stopped taking the party seriously. I respect some of their core ideas, but there will never be a Libertarian candidate than isn't a cringe-inducing sperglord like Johnson.
>libertarians actually thinking they deserve to be taken seriously
>pls shut up gary

The video was actually posted by Reason Magazine, the "leading Libertarian" journal. They think this is actually great.

and the other is redbirdpunceflag?
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This. Complete cringe.

Kek at the fact that there is an autismo silence at 0:57. Sounds like one of those /r9k/ audiobooks.
He's almost as bad as Bernie Sanders.
adam lanza was autistic. so was cho. I don't think any country should have an autistic leader.

Yeah as soon as he stood up and started ranting I couldn't handle it.

Too fucking embarrassing to watch comfortably.
"Oy vey. And I earned my right to say that, sucka"
It seems like he's trying to be more ridiculous than Trump. It's a pretty tall order, if you think about it.

Autism Petersen would unironically have been better.

Fuck, John McAfee would probably have been better. At least people expect him to be crazy.
>Gary has something wrong with his head though and if you watch him for an extended period of time it becomes obvious. That's why his support never grows.
He's a hardcore pothead.
This is some Trump like typing right here
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I have been laughing for so long my sides hurt. thanks. I needed this good laugh.
> his campaign will crash any day now

Says increasingly worried /pol/ poster for the third time this week.

At some point he realizes that him fucking up and acting autistic gave him free media coverage - and that him acting this way does not at all hurt his numbers.
He flips out again at 5:00.

>increasingly worried

Why the fuck would we be worried?

He takes votes from Hillary. That's why she's attacking him.
He has a point. Just because he doesn't have the exact names of certain locations or people doesn't change the fact that the policies enacted there have nothing to do with the names of the places, and the policies are all shit.
The most popular candidate at the Libertarian caucus was a doctor with a wife and one kid and supposedly another on the way. He was a soft-spoken, reasonable man who spent most of his time talking economy and government overreach instead of dude weed and muh undocumenteds. Somehow he lost to Gary "I only showed up for one panel at the party caucus" Johnson, even though Gary was only the third or fourth most popular candidate who was running for the party's nomination.
The neat thing is this friendly, happy, successful doctor who was the popular front runner for the party decided to commit suicide before leaving his hotel to go back to his family. Guess where he shot himself.
Then consider how hard Johnson has shilled himself to Trump supporters and look up any donors who might share similarities with another candidate.
The Libertarian party didn't wilt before it could bloom, it was strangled in its crib.

Do you know what free media coverage he got from this?

You're looking at it.
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No one made this yet
He doesn't have a point. He should know the name Aleppo if he's spent 5 minutes studying Syria over the past 5 years.
grrry johnson
>The neat thing is this friendly, happy, successful doctor who was the popular front runner for the party decided to commit suicide before leaving his hotel to go back to his family. Guess where he shot himself.
What? You got a source for that/
he seems to not be able to keep his cool.

not qualified.
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Wait, you stopped taking the Libertarian Party seriously because of Gary Johnson?

This is "Starchild." He's a male prostitute and HARDCORE libertarian party activist. And yes he shows up to every single convention dressed like a bad acid trip. The whole party is basically high functional autistics and batshit crazy retards.
>Jeans and sport coat and that tie
What in the fuck gary
here come dat faggot gary
What does this guy even do anyways? Does he have a job or is he just a useless bum that lives off donations?

oh shit what aleppo
is that the lead singer of kings of leon?

kinda based
This guy is literally Cruz without a Texas accent.

Get out rato 2.0
>lvl 5 golem
>lvl 20 golem
he's upgrading
No, I regulary invent stories on /pol/ to mislead people who don't know how to look up information for unsourced claims.
its like pottery
Ah just like the Piraten party here kek
he still hasn't answered what a Leppo is. SAD
Dude on the left looks like he slept in his suit and rolled out of bed for this "event."
Not enough weed
Libertarianism has always been a failed ideology for edgy teenagers. No wonder Gary Johnson is a retard.
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Aside from being an "erotic services provider" Starchild is also a member of their board.
Gary just grumpy cause he's 4 weeks off that Joe Rogan weed.
>Being a stuck up faggot only makes people discredit (you)r story

kek, beat me to it

Why didn't the choose Bill Weld to run for president ? Gary is a fucking retard
weld was only a member of the LP for 14 days before they nominated him VP

this is what weed addicts are like when they don't get their fix
to be a delegate for the LP you had to have been a member for 60 days, i believe

the LP is a fucking joke
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>Ya think yah som kinna AWWRTIST?
Why the fuck has he got his hands in his pockets? No wonder he gets no votes.
>poor black woman
I doubt he gained her vote.
He has a worse temperament than Trump, holy fuck
>men and service women
>service women

Can this meme end.

It's like he still doesn't even understand why his gaffe on A L E P P O was so widely criticized. How are you going to solve Syria if you don't even know the name of the city where the major conflict is taking place?
That girl is gonna go home and cry.

Weld's career is a shambles, it's really pretty sad. As a Republican he won re-election in Massachusetts by the highest margin ever. Then he ran against John Kerry and was destroyed.

Bill Clinton nominated him as ambassador to Mexico just to get rid of him in Massachusetts ahead of census redistricting in 2000, and Republicans sabotaged it. So he resigned office as governor for a job as ambassador to Mexico of all places and never even got it.

The last I heard of him he tried moving to New York to run for governor and couldn't get the nomination.
Good fuck that anti gun cuck
Surely you're talking about Gary "I sold my eyebrows on the free market" Johnson?
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this is such an idiotic point. He DOESN'T want to be involved in Syria, and if the US were run by him instead of Obama/Bush, there wouldn't even be a civil war there.
Fuck off lyle

He could have just said OH IM SORRY YOU SAD A'LEPPO, LIKE THE CITY. And then gone into whatever he believes about the Non-Aggression Principle and how it could possibly fucking relate to a 10-sided civil war in the Middle East.

Nobody would have even noticed if he did that. Instead he acted like he had no idea what it was, and continued to draw attention to it in further interviews.
yeah but there would be a civil war here when he lets in all of the beaners
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Watching this hour long Johnson/weld interview on MSNBC

>Who is your favorite living politician?

Cruz is actually a good politician though, and not a cuck besides his neocon bullshit

It's not an idiotic point at all. If someone has a plan to "solve" Syria by non-intervention or at this point disengagement (which is a completely defensible point, I don't think we should be anti-Assad at all) he should at least know the name of ... not just any city but a city in the headlines because US/Russian diplomatic relations are crashing because of it.
He can't pull it off.
You can't stand up angrily and then shove your hands in your pockets.
Just saw him on hardballs
"What's a world leader you admire?"
"The former president of Mexico"
"What's his name?"
"I dunno lol"

He is so retarded

You're assuming that he's competent in any way. You're giving him too much credit.


It shows how clueless he is. A month before that happened, the big news story was that photograph of the kid in Aleppo. Syria's also been a big story for years, and Aleppo has been in the focus recently as well. Johnson doesn't have a fucking clue and based on how he acted in OP's video, he's incompetent and unfit to be a leader when he spergs out and screams at reporters for asking a question.
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whats his fucking problem?

Yea, not like the dude has been in the news constantly feuding with Trump for the past year.

Even I knew he was talking about Vicente Fox.
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1. beaners wouldn't want to come if we didn't have welfare and free public schools and other benefits for illegals
2. Beaners commit fewer crimes than blacks, and the ones that do commit crimes tend to commit drug crimes, which would vanish if weed was legal
3. that's unrealistic and you know it. We already have open borders because of Obama right now and there's no civil war
He dresses like my teachers did in the 90s
He wants attention he thinks he can control media like trump, ignore
dude weed lmao and you better bake that fucking nazi cake
So before the election started, this lolbetarian faggot was still in debt from the previous election.

Did that financial hole just get deeper? Because if so, he doesn't seem all that bright, Aleppo aside.
this was the reason you stopped supporting libertarians?
>aspergers confirmed
As if being libertarian wasn't enough.

I feel sorry for William Weld. He should have been the presidential candidate, not Gary Johnson. Weld is the one holding that "presidential team," the team that comes with "two heads for the price of one vote."

Are these Giga-Jews?
>This guy is either a plant to make the libertarian party look stupid

kek they don't need a plant to make themselves look stupid.

Libertarianism is retardation: the party.
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If he wasn't for open borders, gun control, and locking Hillary's boots I would still be voting for him.
He's a highly successful businessman who spends his days traveling and climbing bigass mountains when he's not campaigning for president of the united States, while you post about niggers and kikes on an image board for Malaysian knitting enthusiasts.
>If he wasn't for all these things he isn't for, I'd vote for him instead of a retarded orange who is literally a Hillary Clinton supporter
how presidential of him

Holy kek. You libertarians really are autistic. No, Gary Johnson is not playing 4-D chess. He's not even playing checkers.
Yes, it is. If he wants us to stop giving aid to rebels and stop conducting airstrikes, which you yourself admit is a reasonable position, the name of the city you want to NOT intervene in is immaterial. Fucktard

>unfit to be a leader
you're just shilling for Trump. Knowledge of the name of foreign capitols doesn't necessarily have anything to do with having good policy recommendations, especially if your policy is to leave foreign capitols alone.
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Don't like Trump? Kek

He is for those things though. He said them himself
jesus christ what a literal autist

america please dont ever elect the first autistic president
I wish this cunt would fucking just go away so he can stop taking voters away from Hillary
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>Wi-Fi network name: Cuckoo

What a fucking joke lol
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Are you talking about "That Gnome Libertarian" autistic who was screaming at the end the Libertarian Party Convention debate? He died.

RIP Marc Allan Feldman He was THAT Libertarian
>literally cuck on the whiteboard

what in the shit
Have I crossed into a realm where /pol/ merges with reality?
I find the fact that posters here hate Clinton while shilling for a person who is literally the same person but dumber and dyed orange to be hilarious, frankly.
He's right, but he still gets angry like Michael Scott.
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>you wanna waste your vote on Trump or Hillary, go right ahead
This fucking guy
There is a Johnson town hall in msnbc someone create thread
I can't put my finger on it, but Gary "high rise" Jonson is definitely hiding something
>wearing a wrinkly white shirt, tie, blazer and jeans
>has hands in pockets
>bad posture
>slouching while seated too

This is why he's not at the debate being taken seriously. I've said before that I don't think most Americans care about Aleppo, but you can't present yourself like a fucking slacker AND give terrible answers to questions and expect to be taken seriously.

for the newfags
>b-but Trump!

Fuck off back to Plebbit. It shows a lack of basic knowledge that any person running for President should have. You can play damage control as much as you want, but Johnson failed miserably. He had a chance to give people an alternative to Trump and Clinton when both have such bad unfavorability ratings, yet all he did was make a fool out of himself. He's a fucking loser.
How is he incorrect? Either of those candidates being elected would just be 4 more years of the exact same policies we've had for the last 8. Regardless of what you think of Johnson, how is he wrong?

You notice a lump on your throat. You go to the doctor. The doctor looks at it and says that his advice is to just leave it alone.

"What is it?" you ask.

"I have no idea," the doctor says.

"Then how do you know I should leave it alone?" you ask.

"Anon," he says, "let me tell you about the non-aggression principle."

That bump COULD actually be nothing. But I'd rather get treatment from someone who has the knowledge of what it is.
Come on dude, Aleppo is so basic shit you should know about from the most basic understanding of what's happening in Syria.
>blue jeans
>sport coat

>Either of those candidates being elected would just be 4 more years of the exact same policies we've had for the last 8

Are you retarded?
This. It was a perfect chance for the libertarian party to get itself out there and probably even stand a chance but this fucking autist ruined it for them.
I find it hilarious that you Correct The Record shills say "TRUMP IS THE SAME AS HILLARY" when your "TRUMP IS LITERALLY HITLER" arguments fall flat. A bunch of Trump's policies are the opposite of Hillary's.
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Reminder that this is who you're voting for.



>"If you use the term illegal immigrants, that is very incendiary to our Hispanic population here in this country," Johnson said during the interview with Townhall's Guy Benson.

>"Why's that?" Benson asked.

>"It just is," Johnson, a former governor of New Mexico, responded. "Just so that you know. Just so that you know and you don't have to use that term."

>"They came into this country because they couldn't get in legally and the jobs existed and you or I would have done the same thing," a visibly angry Johnson said.
The problem with this analogy is to make it more accurate you'd be going to the doctor with your neighbor and asking what the lump in HIS throat is. The doctor says it's none of your concern, he won't talk to you about it.

"Yeah but what's the lump called?"
"Fuck off you autist, it's not your throat."
>i was da GOVVANA of new MEHIKO
Real Libertarian here,

The only thing more cancerous than the Statists are the closet Statists and apologists ruining the party. Fuck all of you, you are not libertarians. If you are like Gary Johnson and his stupid fucking running mate who wants gun control, you aren't actually a libertarian. You are cancer. Libertarians would not commend people like HRC for their past service. Libertarians would not advocate for war (like Johnson has, though now he is backpedaling), real libertarians would not be in favor of much of the federal government like Johnson is. Libertarians, like Ron Paul, like Darryl W. Perry, like Mark Warden, they want to roll back government, not support it. Government should exist for the sole purpose of preserving life liberty and property, it should not fight wars, it should not ban drugs or make new taxes, it should not kill people in drone strikes or in the legal system, it should not decide if people have the right or privilege to do things.

Johnson is cancer, so are the fake libertarians who made him the representative of the party and have thus, given all of us a bad name. Fuck him, and fuck all of you who support him.
>Starchild is also a member of their board
Holy hell. Board of what? The Libertarian Party? You know what? I was considering voting for Gary Johnson despite being such a sperg but I can't support a party that hires an unrepentant prostitute, not even for muh protest vote. I'm not a social conservative mind you, at least when it comes to creating and enforcing morality. This is just unprofessional and embarrassing.

So this year we have a woman who started her career taking down Richard Nixon, only to become corrupt as the one she sought to impeach; a man who is a narcissistic buisnessman who has a questionable business past and constantly lies about his his own actions and rhetoric to save face (No, I don't think he's Hitler 2.0 or a racist or whatever the Social Justice Left is making up this week.); a literal pothead who is either literally autistic or has smoked himself to behave like one; and a scientifically and economic illiterate GILF. Why is American politics so toxic?

Thanks, you really Corrected the Record!!
I would love that
what an autist, this is hard to watch
It wouldn't be that bad if he wasn't wearing tight ass pants with the tiny pockets that he can't even fit his god damn hands in.

Also on a side note why the fuck is his VP better dressed than he is? What a JUST
>should exist for the sole purpose of preserving life liberty and property
>should not fight wars
Lolbertarians in a nutshell
I don't understand how these people try to become president of the US. This guy being so ignorant on such a big topic and Trump continuing about that birth certificate after it was provided. In normal countries mistakes like that would not be acceptable. I know they would not here. Not for a member of the parliament, let alone for an aspiring president (not that we have one).
>Trump and Hillary are the most widely hated presidential candidates the USA has had in a very long time
>for the first time since the 90s there's an opportunity for a third time to shine
>the libertarian party puts up fucking Gary Johnson
Why is the libertarian party so hopelessly retarded? Surely they have someone that's more competent than Gary.
I might change my vote from Trump to Johnson if this is the level of retardation I can expect from a Trump presidency. I live in VA, kek

funny shill meme xd

>basic lack of knowledge
Why is it basic knowledge?
>because we're involved in there
He doesn't want us to be involved there

Obviously, he has enough knowledge to have been a great governor of New Mexico, so he's not an incompetent idiot. He was just painfully unaware of the latest place our foreign policy has fucked up.

>Knowledge of the name of foreign capitols doesn't necessarily have anything to do with having good policy recommendations, especially if your policy is to leave foreign capitols alone
>Why is American politics so toxic?

More like worldwide politics. It's woeful everywhere lad

Be happy you get to live in a time where uncucked politicians actually stand a chance
>third time
third PARTY
Hillary and Trump are secretly Leppos in disguise.
Weld looks far more reasonable than Gangry Johnson too
This guy is an absolute joke, the only reason hes even around is to siphon off votes from Trump.

Hes not even a Libertarian.

Yeah, Starchild is another problem, another sign of how far the party has fallen.

We are infected with aggressive malignant cancer, multiple forms, non operable. We have closet statists like Gary Johnson, we have crazy autistics like Starchild. I was going to go to New Hampshire to join the Free State Project and be active in the political scene there...

...it just took one 5 day visit to turn me off of that last October, I met with some of the most autistic people I've ever been around in my adult life, out of touch mouth breathing loners, and the only women (and there weren't many), were either hambeasts, pasty autists, aggressively anti-social, or almost at their breaking point from having to deal with the awkward borderline harassing advances of their autistic male counterparts.

Don't get me wrong, there were good people too, but they were outnumbered and most saw the same problems I did but were committed at that point or simply unwilling to move again and were content to deal with it.
Gary Johnson singlehandedly set back the libertarian movement by at least 30 years.
Sup VA bro. Fun fact, Johnson is now polling at around 15 percent here, despite how hard both major parties and the media are trying to keep anyone from paying attention to him.

He looks like this

What the fuck happened to him
Aleppo is the main battleground and main source of refugees. So it is in fact highly relevant.

That being said I think Trump is the superior choice for libertarians, as he's against interventionism and more likely to get elected than Gary (so in that respect he's Gary on crack), and he's more about freedom of association than Gary.

On the other hand Trump doesn't have the childish DUDE WEED LMAO stuff, so that may turn people off.

And we have the real autistic libertarians here who believe their idea of government is any where platable for the general American population, including conservatives and liberals. And I'm not just talking about the federal government either. Most Americans actually like our libraries, public schools, hospitals, fire brigade, and police force in our cities. Sure, you can convince a lot of Americans that the federal government is too big for it's own good. No question there. But it's another thing to convince the American people to give up on things we actually like and use or may use in the future. Muh roads is literally your downfall in mainstream politics. You can only play the Washington Card for so long.
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Allepo has been a center of the islamic world forever and you can read about it in almost any basic history of the world.

For example Napoleon talks of its importance during is campaign in Egypt.

Johnson is a fucking meme. Its sad 1/10 support him.

Atleast Hillary will get the Jews indirectly when she 'goes for the banks'.
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He's right on this specifically desu

doesn't justify him being a cuck though

So what's the problem?..

Nothing says we shouldn't be willing and able to defend ourselves, but no, we should not be fighting wars of aggression, why is that a problem?
Literal shill meme. Pls kys newfag
>Knowledge of the name of foreign capitols

It's not the capital.

It's also not the capitol.

You guys really don't pay attention to anything beyond muh kush, do you?
Which is why they're performing the best they every have in a presidential election, even though it's literally rigged against them, to the point that Hillary actually had to drag out Obama to beg people not to vote for him, right?
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>Atleast Hillary will get the Jews indirectly when she 'goes for the banks'
yeah, that's not going to happen
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>This guy is an absolute joke, the only reason hes even around is to siphon off votes from Trump.

Which is funny since in almost every poll he steals more votes from Hillary in a 4-way race.
The memes do get tiresome, people here can't even discuss opposing ideas without getting memed to death.

As my grandmammy once said: "if it aint white, it aint right"
Johnson is fucking horrible but his partner guy seems based.
wtf is wrong with his clothes holy fuck this is your wardrobe on autism
Five trump steaks have deposited into your account

OK, but again, what's the problem? Nothing says we can't have all of those things, of course. There's a market for fire protection, there's a market for personal protection, a market for health care, a market for education. Why do we have to have this big obstructive organization you call government holding a monopoly on those services? Who says government has to have a monopoly on the roads?

You act as though without government, the cities would burn and people would be dying in the streets. It's the 21st century in America, that's unrealistic
He mad AF lmao I can't even watch how mad he gets I can tell when he instantly stands up all aggressive and shit
I'm fucking dying, 30k for memes and this is what you get
He's not wrong because he didn't answer the question.
>I don't want to send men and women to die in any wars
Aleppo doesn't have any US soldiers in it. Also he's wearing fucking JEANS with pockets too small for his god damned hands. What a buffoon.
Dude you'd better believe I would shill myself to death for steaks
>Atleast Hillary will get the Jews indirectly when she 'goes for the banks'.
Come on, you know that's never going to fucking happen. Hillary is owned by the banks.
Wow it's almost like that's not the case at all, huh?

Wow. Free State Project, huh?

Why do these things attract so many autists? Is it just like a political SANIC to them?
>open borders
>anti second amendment
>anti first amendment
>for increased federal taxes
>wants to give MORE power to the federal gov't
>literally he only vaguely libertarian position is DUDEWEED LMAO

He's a fucking abortion of a libertarian.

No dude.

They are polling their best because their general ideas, compared with Trump and Hillary, actually sound sane and logical. Even still, because the system is rigged for two parties and because Gary Johnson is an idiot and a shill himself, the numbers are still low.

Ron Paul would be polling 4 or 5 times as high as Gary Johnson is.
>mfw he's 100% right but at the same time he's a fucking moron
His numbers are like because pools literally aren't asking about him at least half the time, or they're completely skipping demographics he does well with such as millennials. This is well documented stuff.
If he's right, how is he stupid?

Literal Trump shill logic
>Wifi: Cuckoo
Is the free state project full of ancaps or is it Ron Paul style libertarianism?
weed. not even once kids.

They poll high I think for the same reason that John Kasich polled high against Hillary and Bernie Sanders polled high against Trump...


Neither of those people have nearly the same recognition Trump and Hillary had walking in the door. Not knowing them means you don't necessarily like them but you don't hate them either, and most of the people who know who Trump & Hillary are hate them.
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bretty gud feaf

It's frustrating.

The ideas are great, I love the core ideas of libertarian politics, but, no doubt about it, it attracts anti-social people, many of whom just want to be a part of a group that accepts them, because the Free State Project literally will take anybody! The original idea was to literally get numbers, so long as you were willing to call yourself a libertarian (20,000 people).

If you are against the Nogs, about 98% of the movement is pale whites, so yeah, that's your paradise if you are against minorities.
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Is that a screen name and a pw behind him on the board?
Gary "Open Borders" Johnson does have a point here. Who the fuck cares where Aleppo is or what a Leppo is. We shouldn't be there.




>Johnson has sane policies which align with the desired of most Americans, and is literally running against the worst candidates in US history
>People are upset he wore jeans

You fuckers deserve what you get in November.
>people still think that spammers haven't figured out how to turn "<name> AT <domain> DOT <tld>" into a usable email address
>they don't understand that it makes it even easier to find by searching "* at * dot"
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What a fucking autist.

It's the wifi password. Probably not useful unless you're in the room.
>sane policies
>align with desire of most americans

"Did you just say illegal immigrant? It's called "undocumented" shitlord. Borders are racist and statist, we shouldn't have borders."
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looks like an old kike now

When I went, it seemed like it was a nice mix. There are plenty of big L libertarians, plenty of Ron Paul's, a good deal of AnCaps, and a small smattering of AnComms (mostly hated). If I had to say what was the majority, probably AnCaps...but not by a lot.
Absolutely no awareness as to how he comes off. He doesn't sound passionate; he just sound as someone who wants to intimidate the person he's talking to. This is legit autism.
He's stupid in that he's against core Libertarian tenets, and has no real convictions of his own.
>weld's face

jeeze, kek
>hurr how dare they ask me about geographic places
All lolbergtardians really ARE like aleppo johnson, neat.
You all should see how Alex Jones talks about Gary Johnson

I swear at some points I expect literal fire to spew forth from his mouth.
Hahahahahahahahahaha what a fuckin' retard.
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That guy whos probably posts, on the left
I always get scared when he approaches the camera
He's a well meaning fool, an affable dunce. Just look at him.
He may have done a great job in the very small state of New Mexico, but he's no where near capable of handling the whole country.

I say with COMPLETE confidence and conviction, I could be the governor of New Mexico. I would do what he mostly does, delegate most of my tasks to lackeys, and do what I have the ability to do.

Clearly public speaking, not a strength for Senor Johnson.
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It would be just like the Piraten party if he murdered dudes then raped the corpses.
>Johnson has sane policies which align with the desired of most Americans

• Eliminate the Department of Labor.
• Eliminate the Department of Energy.
• Eliminate the Department of the Interior.
• Eliminate Health and Human Services (HHS).
• Eliminate Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
• Eliminate the Department of Agriculture.
• Eliminate the Department of Education (DOE).
• Eliminate the Department of Commerce.
• Eliminate the Department of Transportation.
• Repeal DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act)
• Add a 28% consumption tax that would make everyone stop buying shit
• Supports the TPP

>desires of most Americans
CTR you've been here for months. Do you have a learning problem?
I thought he was about to strip to his bare ass like that fat libertarian guy did.
Does anyone else believe that names represent or influence a person's character?

He is the epitome of a fucking GARY JOHNSON. This is how I would expect a person named GARY JOHNSON to look and behave.
He's right though, dude is flat as my girlfriend's tits
You forgot:
>Gun control
>Open borders
True, instead we should elect Trump. I know he's run a lot of failed businesses, but you have to admit that selling steaks is a lot harder than running the entire united States.
gary the chameleon tries to imposter an angered person

then the guy on the left explains why the dunce that has been acting up is a good guy and why his parenting has not failed
>Gary is an autistic fuck
>Libertarian confirmed

When these faggot Hillary plants are gone I might consider calling myself Libertarian again.
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He looks like he's drunk or fucked up on ludes.
>The TPP is good, goyim. I'll sign it as soon as I get in!
>We need more gun control!
>"sane policies"
Kill yourself.
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>The CTR is supporting Gary Johnson

I hate Gary Johnson...

...However, the only ones that are wrong on your list are the last two. What's wrong with all the others?

Please, tell me.
Good luck with your weed and hacking. I guess taquitos and child porn are okay perks of your worldview.
He's just autistic and socially awkward, like 80% of libertarians.
God what a goober this guy is
Atleast Jeb was self-aware
He's a Trump supporter, you can't expect him to understand what he's saying, surely.
Haha, true.
Guess I'll stick with the Independent label if I have to have one.
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You think the JIDF likes Wojak?

Why does it say cuckoo on the whiteboard behind him?
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>Gary Johnson, what is your Opinion on Mr. Aleppo?
why would you wear an oversized non-matching tie, oversized collar, and jeans

>Failed business

And? People who build a lot of businesses fail a lot of times as well. Have you ever opened your own business? Ever invested? Ever gone to business school, taken a class, or read a book about being a business owner?

The majority of businesses in America fail, it's just a fact. Donald Trump is rich as fuck, and, regardless of what CTR morons and leftists here will tell you, the man is not living off of his daddy's money. Did he start with it? Sure, but his empire now is his own, that he maintained. He is VASTLY more successful than you are, and now he has run a campaign that is leading him into the White House.

What have you done lately?
@ :58 wheres Jeb to ask them all to clap??
One of those northeastern effete white collar NIMBY fucks. Sad.
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I'd like to take him on a hunting trip

and let him get lost in the woods
Why would you dye yourself orange and wear a dead skunk on your head?

Why would you be a dying hag whose skin is falling off and drape a carpet over yourself then have a seizure in public and claim it's pneumonia?
What the fuck is wrong with him...?

Disgusting. In the extremely unlikely event that Trump fucked up majorly, Gary "dudeweed" Johnson was who I was going to throw my vote away on. Literally disqualified in my eyes now.

Feel bad for Weld, poor bastard can't control this autist. He should be at the top of the ticket.
>he's right
because he's condemns USA foreign intervention
>he's stupid
because he's a libertarian

Is it that hard to grasp?
My thoughts echo this post soundly. What a cringe faggot that Johnson is.
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Libertarians are autistic.

Gary Johnson REEEEEEs Over Being Called A Spoiler Vote (You Will Too)!
@ 4minutes 48 seconds
ask your dealer, but leppos are in high demand.
is is though. maybe you think about libertarian forethinkers or something, the party is literally spergs
>blazer and tie with jeans

Jesus Christ you're right. It's Jeb "Can't afford a suit that fits me" Bush all over again.
Well when your only claim to fame us being a "business success" and it's a proven fact that you're a failure who literally would have been better off just putting your inheritance in the bank and fucking hookers, that matters.

Johnson on the other hand has successfully started a business from the ground up and been successful enough to fuck off and enjoy his hobbies. But for some reason it's more important that he chose to wear jeans.
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Dayum, I want to punch that weenie in his faggoty face now.
>A wild LEPPO appeared!
[ ] Attack
[ ] Item
[ ] Party
[x] Identify
[ ] Escape
What ethnicity is Gary? He looks like Ray Romano.
He's an undefinable mongrel like most Americans. It's really quite disgusting.
He's of Australian stock

Hence the baked potato look
>he isn't for open borders
>has literally argued in favor of open borders

This says his mom was a Ukrainian whore but he didn't know who his father was.
This coming from fucking Canada. I hope you enjoy being culturally enriched by weed man.
Wikipedia says he is russian and ukrainian
Will anyone ever top Jeb!?
I am pure French going back to the 16th century, my family has never race-mixed.
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iam an artist
What do pure french people look like? French of the late 19th and early 20th century are portrayed as dark haired, short, tanned skin angry people.

Since neither Trump nor Hillary will get anywhere near him, no, but Gary's getting all jebby up in here on his own:

Your daughter is gonna end up racemixing with Ahmed.
Gary "Gypsy" Johnson
I would rather murder my children and end my bloodline entirely than allow them to create half-breed abominations.
>mine is shimon perez

>angela merkel

But if you kill racemixers, they win.
Holy fucking shit

This man is stupider and more transparent than my dog
Pls answer
I don't know what a pure French person "looks like." All that matters is the bloodline.
Well you are pure french. What do you and your senpai look like?
Nice try CSIS but I'm not going to post any photos.
>name a world leader, any one

>what is a-leppo?
>He was just painfully unaware of the latest place our foreign policy has fucked up.

the civil war has been going on since 2012. he's a fucking moron.
im not asking for photos. just vague descriptions
Same here man. He seemed pretty alright last time but I have no idea what the fuck happened between then and now. The guy is just sperging out and making an ass of himself all the time. I don't remember him doing anything like this 4 years ago. Probably wouldn't have voted for him anyways since I've shifted farther right since then.
>78 78 78
wew lady
White skin and coloured eyes and hair.
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Gary "I'm having an Aleppo moment" Johnson?
But he's right
"I have a brain... I have a brai"-
How the fuck did they let him be teir nominee? Are they determined to be a joke?
Weld, who admires Angela Merkel. I'd rather hammer my testicles flat than vote for him.
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