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https://youtu.be/Z6OxJMuSnx4 Why does the asian media establishment

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Thread replies: 374
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Why does the asian media establishment love white guys?

If the girls in the video were replaced with whites and the guy with a nigger, you couldn't believe your eyes. Not even in the western world does the media force race mixing this badly. Just saying.
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>tfw tall white guy with green eyes
>mfw unlocked unlimited chink pussy cheat
Lets move to Korea together Hans
That backstard John Kerry with get his come up ins
No idea what you're saying there bud
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>tfw short white skinny guy with mongrel hazel eyes
>i got the "die alone" cheat
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That is just it pal . Bad devts, misspelling scandal. Paris motor show happening crackers.
The guy looks like a low t faggot
>Muah give me kiss and fuck me hard white guy
Yeah of course they want to breed with white guys , they want efficient , smart , good looking children that are actually useful.

Like in the video white guy helping her moving create.

Choose white if you want efficient , good people !!
>only 5'8"
>would never be respected in China or other parts of east Asia

Feels bad

They have white girls in kpop too.
Do u think theyd want a grey eyed chestnut brown hair 6'6 Lebanese boi?

koreans love faggy guys
one of these days I'll find myself an asian waifu OP, we can't give up, the dream lives on
>tfw short as fuck
>tfw handsome as fuck
>tfw still drowning in pussy

Feels good man.
>tfw 6"5 guy with dark hair, pale blue eyes and built like a brick shithouse.
>tfw unlocked attack on titan mode.
No. Sorry Abdullah
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Fucking white piggu!
Nice try schomolo
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>tfw gook

check your privilege
Samuri please kick the jew ass who is responsible.
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never give up OP, you're a giant in NK, when Kim falls you'll be the king of kimchi, with so many afte r you you'll get to choose your waifu

Try Filipinas, they love even the ugliest white guys as long as you don't abuse them. There is hope.

Incidentally, I have the same comic book.
you think the women have any input into the lyrics of their music?

its asian businessmen who write these lyrics and aim this at the anime obsessed men in the western world to get their money

Because white mixes better. Seriously, if you mix and then your twink ancestors only breed with asians, you'll never know there was any white in you. Good luck eliminating black genes though.
Because the Jews/Globalists/International Capitalist want to mix all races and erase ethnic/national identity altogether

I'm tall, blonde with blue eyes.

I'm coming lads
What a surprise that the mainstream japanese media pushes race mixing
The best British comic strip which does not violate the NAP with that horrid backstarding cent Stephan molenyex a Paddy maginty if I am not mistaken .
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Why is it normal for Korean men to wear make-up and get plastic surgery? And then they act all superior because they are more plastic than you are.

I don't get it.

But thanks, I guess...
>getting pussy

Those rice cunts munchers hate race benders. Kek (ironically)!
Asians use jew tactics too but anime obsessed fags here won't ever admit it
whites are googles in asia, that's why
JuR t watched the video, those girl oughten to keep their foregien gravy to themselves a see the dead ships on the cliffs. To put the fear of God in them.
guys.. can I come too?
>Not a clue
Asian women just can't control themselves around White men. Their bodies just take over like on autopilot from their need to take the BWC can receive his superior western seed
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as a white attractive guy you get treated there like a god.
Can confirm.
Same reason why western media loves niggers and depict niggers as innocent and graceful creatures.
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Its almost as if our leaders and media try to make us jealous to encourage competition in the form of consumerism and status signalling for profit.

You aren't doing it right. 0/10
You get treated like a god as a nigger in western culture too. In musical performances, people praise niggers for saying nigga on the mic.
The melody is pretty catchy
asians and whites are the only ones capable of standing up to the kikes. the kikes promote racemixing propaganda to turn us against eachother.
These APRIL lassies need to.be memed into in anti deformation leaves anti semetic symbol database like pwpe. Since they are small and Asian it is Ayy okay for them there pal.
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>>90773239 >>90773249 >>90773292 >>90773544 >>90773646 >>90774045 >>90774352 >>90774384 >>90774386 >>90774663 >>90775565 >>90775676 >>90775736 >>90775763 >>90776017 >>90776242 >>90776543 >>90770163

>ITT: white betas who can't get white women because their dicks are too small for them

thanks guys, white women deserve 8 inch dicks, go ahead and fuck asian women, it's the best you cuckolds can do. Go produce more supreme gentlemen.

mo white wimen fo me son
No, think about your league of legends rank going down after you die!
Also their face are so smooth and nice, a trick of the light ?!?? Smoke and mirrors crew.
come too me
kiss my lips
not those lips
my blue waffle lips

>In This Post: that canadian who always quotes half the thread hoping to get some delicious (you)s
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You fucking reply to know thread piece if radio arse for you you can choose either the hammer
>tfw slav
check YOUR privilege
this sexualization of white bodies is part of the slow genocide going on every day in our neighborhoods, I say white lives matter! Stop objectifying the BWC, asians!
I`ll come too, we could start a boy band or something.
If by boy band you mean a group of men furiously fucking asian women, I'm in
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Ot claw!
Why do you think are part of the top 1 percent of beautiful people? I'm 6'1" with blonde hair and blue eyes and I'm an 8/10 at best. I can almost say with certainty that I am better looking than you. But for every tall handsome guys like me you will see 100's of ugly normies.

It's hilarious when normies think just because they have the same skin tone as me that they are even on my level.

Jesus christ what is wrong with you man?
You guys know nothing, there's a bunch of kpop videos with white people
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Holy shit, nigger and chinx butthurt in comments ahahahahaha

...I don't see your point
He looks like any other kpoop faggot

This sort of shit is disgraceful
I don't know but it's awesome

I'll take the chubby one fellow white friends
Is this where school shooters are born?
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This one made me kek
This shows that we must nuke Korea fast
Hammer or claw?!!? >>90776874
>Not even in the western world does the media force race mixing this badly.
total bullshit

anyone who replies without sageing this shitty thread is cancer
>Live in Seoul
>All the dumb American military whites go for ugly stinky itaewon sluts
>Not going for young fresh prime hongdae chicks

how about you stop being autistic?

go fuck a k-pop star since no white girl will want your autistic ass
this is better white worship btw

I laugh at you for glorifying emasculated men

How dare you try to drag our people into this. We will nuke you out of existence
I'm not glorifying emasculated men what are you talking about
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Look at me, I'm attractive now.

When it comes to that band though, it might actually be that they target white boys because they know millions of white fat anime watchers will adore them.. hence keep viewing their shitty asian videos and provide millions by doing so.
That is what shitpop does

At least Strictly Come Dancing isn't faggy dancing
Let him live his fantasy anon, it makes him so happy
Fuckin sweet. I'd be pretty stoked on culturally enriching some qt asians with you Eurolads.
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Hamner or claw
This thread sucks
Korean girl here, quick come here I need a beta white male!

오빠! 언제 만날까요?
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Tfw you will never have 5 Korean Qts breaking into your home to smell your underwear.
why live even live?

Calm down you moron, no one gives a shit
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Are Korean girls not into masculine men? I met up with a Korean girl from interpals in Paris and stayed with her for a few nights. She wanted me to shave off my facial hair fully and basically be more feminine. The guys in these videos are super feminine
oh yes i would mix with those girls with the power of thousand suns
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In a way this is a good thing for us because it shows the true value of white men and that Korea still respects us in face of whats happening to the west.

But I'm also worried about the future of Asian countries if this type of thing continues. They are secondary to white countries and if they go down the same pass as us then the globalists will have no resistance left and the west will be gone for good.
Some are. I usually have 3-4 day old stubble and some tend to like it, but honestly many don't. The stereotypical "ideal guy" is very tall and extremely thin, babyfaced. Find someone with white fever next time. There are plenty.
Traitor kys
There is literally nothing wrong with being a slav.
borderline homoerotism has always been fawned over by women
Eat some wax there you horrid fuck this tread is not the great one but okay indeef
You have to go back, David.
Just kill them all. It's so simple
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Hopefully videos like this will show asian men their place. The white man has come to snatch all of your punani now.
Koreans admire beautiful people and hate ugly people. I hear all the time from Korean people-"white people are so beautiful and blacks are disgusting dirty ugly monkeys". I hear that like twice a week.
Youu have to kill your whole country kim
>literally into beastiality
Suck my dick saunaboy
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>t. beta white english teacher
Finns are dumb Mongol-SLAV mix

They are useless. Moomim is a stupid cartoon for braiinless cucks
>the true value of white men
>Korea still respects us

Lel. Like the true value of niggers and the west "still" respecting Africa? It's the exact same thing that's happening in the west with the entertainment industry trying to make young women think fucking black men is the cool and hot thing to do. The media trying to pair young women with foreign men. Do you think that there was a big wave of women wanting black cock in the west and THEN the media caught on? They still prefer being with their own here in most cases, despite the best efforts of the powers that be.

This isn't a message from Korea, it's from a small clique of international elites.
Get out of Britain, Ahmed. You don't belong there and neither do your horrible English skills
Calm leaf shitter, All I did was complimenting the melody. Stop being so insecure next time and maybe you wouldn't be such a beta yourself, lad.
Mongols BTFO
Black girls and latinas also bitch all the time about white girls in k-pop videos, it's always "muh representation"
Yeah, it's fanservice, it's really confusing that the girls like it since homosexuality isn't viewed very well in South Korea
All I got from that is literally all asians look the same and even the guy in the video was confused.
I slept with her a fair amount, so it was fine. But she definitely wanted me to be more feminine. I'm 6ft tall but I'm also quite wide because I'm a weightlifter.

She was a virgin before I met her, and she wanted me to be her boyfriend, but I stopped speaking to her when I got home. She sent me a really long letter but I lost it and I can't remember her name now either.

What kind of girls there are into more masculine guys? Only older girls? Or is it just random ones here and there?
>Tfw 6'2 /fit/izen with blonde hair blue eyes

Will I get the wet Nippon hole if I go famalams?
I don't want this to be a meme
Gets boring after a while
So, why is moomim so dumb?

Even a piece of shit at Tate Modern looks better than it.
definitely hahaha

don't expect anything real though, just pussy
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does it say "defenestration" on the screen? kek
Traitor Kys

No better than a nigger
How about you stop being a bitter leaf rapist and go out and get a dog friend yourself.
brb moving to asia
What's so special about moomin?

Nothing. It is just a shitty cartoon no one understands with bad design
why would I expect anything real If i go back home anyway

Do any anons here have actual experience from going on a sexual rampage in Korea or Japan?
Not older girls necessarily. I don't know, I'd say it's 70-30 the ratio based on my experience.

In any case being white automatically makes you considered very attractive here, I've seen some really fat ugly Americans with hot kgirls.

I've had a girl literally fetishise me for being british (It's actually not as fun as it sounds considering Koreans are completely, absolutely mentally retarded and have zero idea about what the UK is like outside of sherlock, colin firth, hugh grant - and also think 'gentlemen' is a man who is gentle)
Those to girls all have red hairs like nice Scots girl only Scots are not foreign.
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Nice meme there you fucking bong

suck my dick you crooked teeth obese motherfucker

I'll fuck your horse-looking face
The globalist elite has a presence in east asia but it's not as strong as in the west as you can see that immigration isn't the same there as it is here. You're right that this could be the globalists trying to push asian girls into fucking big white cock, but what I'm trying to say is that it could be a good sign that at least somewhere 'white men' aren't being dragged through the dirt.
We now know that Finns are abhumans into horse fuck
Does 5'9" count as tall in asia? I have blue eyes and a decent face I think I could be a great addition to this boyband.
Here's an idea stop being a numale and a beta faggot who have to fuck goats
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>Does 5'9" count as tall in asia?
Don't even know what that means, I'm the opposite of a numale
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you win this round bong

but there will come a day when I stuff your ass with fish n chips

you will be sorry then

remain wary, bong
Clinton foundation now sending in numale racemixers to fuck up /pol/ more
Eat heavy and lift big you faggot

Youll make it.
>Hazel eyes

>Cursed with big nose

Kill me lads

No I'm not Juden
You are

This is why you go for asians

Now fuck off shill

You are just a fat nerd in Korea jerking off to ponies making shit to get paid by clinton
Clinton foundation fuck off
Being pale in many Asian counties is a sign of being part of the upper class. In Korea it showed you did not have to work in the fields. Also White men are highly ranked in terms of attractiveness to White and Asian women (the same holds true for men judging women). Also fan service for Western listeners.
Maybe once you stop being so retarded like a moomin we can fuck
It is also you being a CTR shill
It's okay. I'll let you put it in my pooper.
get a surgery you fucking feget

nose is the easiest to fix, it's like 1 snippity snap

and don't have kids with a turk or a jew
We're still so much better off than everybody else that there's no comparison, and the rest of the world is fully aware. That's not because of us being some magical lovers with big dicks. If by some chance our culture and the mark we've made upon the world takes a step back and we become known as homewreckers with big dicks I certainly won't see that as a positive. Going overseas and peeing in their gene pool isn't something to be proud of.

I see what you're saying, but don't degrade us to something like that. Being seen as fuck beasts, like the blacks are, is much lower than what the white man is.
Numale pls fuck off
A disgrace to the white race
Why would I fuck you

are you a gay nigga

maybe thats why youre so obsessed with CTR

only if there is a second wet hole in it's immediate vicinity, yankedoodle
Should I really get surgery

It's weird because while mybnose is big, the only thing that makes it looks strange is the cartilage under my nose rounds out, rather than cuts straight down.

Am I that superficial?

I mostly sleep with white women, and I'll settle down and hopefully have 4 or 5 pure kids in the next few years too. Nothing wrong with sampling other fruits and spreading the seed a bit though. Surely it's our duty as white men.
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>Does 5'9" count as tall in asia?
Yes, you'll tower above crowds anywhere between all them mini gundams
Because they know white losers will watch their videos and buy their music if they include them.
Because whites are associated with good looks, intelligence, and wealth.

t. asian in burgerland
But first stop the yellow fever CTR shills who are trying to derail threads
That's pretty tall.
Hey you wanted to fuck a horse

That is worse than gay. Like the Romans, I will penetrate your Finnish femboy asshole and claim it for Britain
Thanks mate, im just so used to being insulted on /pol/ for being one
I wonder if South Korea has an image board.
White people are objectively the best looking people on the planet. Sorry. Niggers, on the other hand, are hideous so when kikes push racemixing with them, it makes no sense.
sorry guys I'm racemixing with an asian

white women are too fat

remove divorce rape, alimony, and the obesity problem, and maybe I'll change my mind. but even if white women are better, I'll still get suicide bombed in the west.

it's insane to stay here. fuck that.
Nothing wrong with goat fucking

Nothing wrong with lying

Nothing wrong with being CTR
stop being so serious, im not planning on getting anyone pregnant
CTR pls leave
Still a disgrace to the white race

Like all Finns

its for the rest of your life so the answer is yes
They won't because we kill all gooks

I went to China a few years ago when I was 17 and I had girls all over me, some of them literally wanted to take pictures with me just cause my skin was white (my youth group had very strict rules and we were constantly moving around so never got to do anything sexual so still virgin. It sucks bc a couple of them were actually hot). At the time although I played rugby I wasnt that fit. My face is a 6 or 7 out of 10 but according to them it was "angelic". I'm only 5'9 but comparatively to them and their men I was like a 6'5 chad. It didn't even matter that I was really shy since we vcould only communicate through either broken englsih or mandarin or cantonese. Also these were college aged girls

I'm sure you'll have absolutely no problems lol.

Only downside is you'll come back being jealous of niggers and wishing you were black so you could experience that 24/7 here.
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finland pls
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You're the only one trying to Correct The Record here you buttmad jap. Your women are ours now, deal with it.
CTR shill promoting racemixing

Fuck off

>be 16
>have to go to church to help decorate
>vicar is there
>think he's going to try and convert me or some shit
>asks me what I do
>mention learning Japanese
>he tells me he lived in Japan for a while and the women loved his beard
>doesn't mention religion once

Probably the day I avoided become an edgy internet atheist.
Decision, lads.

Attractive to South Korean women

Or unstoppable APM to dominate in SC
>t. Numale who cannot get a proper human
I know what you're trying to say but I'm pretty sure asians just think whites are incredibly good looking in general for some reason.
Like when I was in japan I randomly got asked on the streets to be a male model for some random products packaging and ads. I honestly don't look one bit like a model or anything like that, they just seem to really like white people aesthetically.
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>tfw manlet meme is weak on /pol/
Asian women want white men.

White women want black men.

Looks like spics will conquer the world with their mongrel bloodline.
>more CTR RACEMIX propaganda
>being a cuck
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>trips of truth

deport the cucks
naw m8, I'm dead serious

in the west we have
1. fatter women
2. atrocious taxes
3. niggers
4. inability to self-defend
5. reparations
6. broken families and divorce rape

and if you dare say anything about any of those, you get shoah'd.

fuck that man. there's NO reason to live in the west. call me when the race war starts. until then, I'm out. I'm not going to slowly waste away with you fags who think sitting and doing NOTHING is "resisting"
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I wonder if koreans are mad in their own form of imageboard and talk shit about white people like we are about niggers and the media forcing racemixing.
It's how they think (((they))) can get some of the better white males into the melting pot. Asian females cannot bear white childrean
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are there anything worse than white people muh dikkin'?

The ultimate redpill is when you realize whites are only considered superior because we compare ourselves to whites and the inferior race will always muh dikk the superior

>blacks muh dikk white people
>whites muh dikk asian people

Maybe in the future the asians will muh dikk the aliens

>grabs groin
>green women crave the asian dick
>beta green boys can't compete with the superior yellow alpha male
>readjust glasses
>u mad?

have you taken the ultimate redpill yet?

You only want whites to be extinct. Traitor shill
They do, this guy >>90782996 is probably one of them
>tfw 6'5", wide-shoulder, muscular, blue eyed ubermensch
>white girls cast me aside for nigger dick
>first Asian girl I ever saw couldn't keep her eyes off me
Truly, Asian girls were made to make half-breed white babies.
Then stop racemixing and kill them
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Breh I just want dat pussi. But seriously I'm just advocating the use of chinks as cum dumpsters. Try to find a white wife that won't cuck you. If you're unsuccessful however move to the phillipines when you hit your 50's and live like a king for the rest of your life.
Only if the problem is in their own country. But last I checked none of those places are being overrun with white men and full white families
Here, the CTR shill tries to pathetically defend himself

that sloot is pretty old and fat too, yet she has the nerve to do that. western women are fucking awful
More lies from CTR
you were part of the mass of random quotes
calm down

I don't even know what you said.
We should leave asia alone, though I suppose we also shouldn't let the nogz take our place in this case.
>compare ourselves to blacks
No. That is like using pigs as cumdumpster
Fair point.
Fuck off, roastie.
We need to nuke asia

How am I a cuck?
0.000001 cents deposited by Clinton
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>6'1 8/10
>"tall(?) handsome guy"
>"l-look at me I am a-aplha"
It's hilarious when betas like you think I can't pull up in that new Benz and flash my money at those females,while still being taller than you King of Manlets.

There is so much more to pulling hoes,than just looks, I know tons of average looking dudes who can pull pussies on a regular basis.Money and Status are just a bonus and probably even better than pure looks.
phils sucks dicks, but I'll probably go there when I'm 60 and slay college girls

even when I'm fifty I'll be able to slay young girls in better areas. phils should just be turned into a giant retirement home, desu
It's pretty pathetic. Especially here on /pol/, of all places. I'd understand if it was on /r9k/ with the losers but people here say they're red pilled.

Also, we have to compare white civilization to white civilization because at this point in the we're objectively the most successful one by far and have been for some time. Definitely superior to all others.
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i actually had some nip tourists stop me for a picture in Helsinki lol, the omens are good my boi

where are my master league zergs at

stfu dumb cuck nobody cares
I'm not gonna have a fucking kid
>be Finland
>be already Asian

not race mixing to fuck Chinese bud, sorry
You go to church and intend to betray your own race

I have seen enough numales with ugly asians to be ashamed and pissed off that the eternal Anglo is going to shit
I haven't written off white girls, anon, but I'm for damn sure not working to get a fat white bitch that's surely no virgin, when I can find a willing Asian girl, that is a virgin, to be my wife. I can even find a devout Christian Asian girl.

White girls take us for granted as if we'll always be there willing to take them in after they've sucked off Tyrone and his 60 cousins and become a single mother.
Sorry finn. But the Swedish government wants your destruction

Stop shilling them moomin

I don't go to church and I am against race mixing.
ITT: Race traitors except for the Finn mongol.
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Why do Chinks worship white dick so much? Just because whites are more attractive?
You sure are and want whites to go extinct

This is against evolution. Against nature
>more slant eyed Finland dogs
>oh fugg etc

what the fuck do you know about winter
Here, CTR trying to divert white men to destroy their genepool
Is it because you are a Swedish Gov shill dumb moomin?
Are you offering your sister?
>be nasty Finnish dirtbag
>am I Russian? No
>am I Nordic? No
>am I Mongolian rape baby? All signs point to yes
underrated post

look man, people follow incentives. asian societies work because the incentive is to put your dick in a woman, and they provide that power to smart people who work hard.

if we stop giving our own people incentives, they're gonna go around muh dikkin', or go work hard in a different society

that's just a fact. society needs to be imposed from the top down, or we don't have it at all
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are people actually seirous about this shit?
Do people even know what normal finnish people look like ?
No. Not to a traitor like you
didnt zyzz die like a fucking retard?
Asian society is like an ant colony

That's stupid
Then you're a hypocrite.
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Shut up, Mr.Li. You don't have any room to talk.
>glorious mongolian race
>t. Mongol
>when I can find a willing Asian girl, that is a virgin, to be my wife
No, you wont. Not even asian women are interested in forever alone beta virgin autists like you. They fantasize about tall handsome strong and bigged dick men. Sorry to tell you this but you are never going to get a decent asian woman unless shes using you for a free green card
You are a traitor

A mutant deformed
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breh u telling me you wouldn't fuck this? U gay or something?
Why are they so ugly and fake looking?
Is it the plastic surgery?
How do Asian men feel about it?
Asians are not humans
>facial average
Yea, of 12 soccer players.
That looks revolting, an engineered monstrosity

Don't get me wrong.. Love smashing the yellow dragon with my long sword.
But as for this particular post.

I cannot stand this type of uppity sounding pop music. It gives me a headache beyond all comparison. I mean, a guy could smash my head with a baseball bat and i'd think my brain would hurt less, then trying to sit through and give this type of music and honest listen.
They want to destroy us

All Asians. We must stop them
>implying dirty Paki's who immigrated to londonstan are human
you're a fucking idiot

smart people deserve more money, more women, and more control

if we let retards have those things, our civilization will crumble, and the smart people will go elsewhere.

this is a fucking fact.

you have two choices

give the smart people more resources


civilization crumbles

take your fucking retard metaphors elsewhere
>forever alone
Sounds like projection, anon. I am tall and handsome, and have an above average size dick.
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I don't get it

Does she look like a mongol to everyone else?

Are my eyes so used to mongolism that I don't even see it?
Yes, be a traitor

Betray your culture for the soulless chinks who are stealing your country
Koreans hate racemixing though, this is literally just fetishization. It's the same as white women who "love" bbc when they were 19 and on spring break but then settle down and marry and have kids with a white dude.
tips fedora my fellow redditor
r/asianmasculinity crew
Nah, I'll stick to Slavs. Slav women are just asian enough to be good at math while still being white qt3.14s.
Hah! Fuck islam

Fuck you. Chinks in your country are like MUSLIMS here
>I am tall and handsome, and have an above average size dick.
No, you arent. Idk who you think you are fooling. I cant possibly be projecting as im not even the right gender.
so accurate it hurts

facial averages resemble extremely attractive/masculine people because people with high symmetry are attractive, and symmetry includes expression of masculine traits equally throughout a phenotype (e.g. both jaw and forehead and strong chin, etc. vs strong features but a glass jaw)
You don't ask animals for help
>wishful thinking
>im not even the right gender
Ah, I see. When the handsome men stop giving you attention, you shame them. White women live for attention.
You are a weak woman who fails to guard her country from chink horde
>Oh God no i dont want to jerk off again but that booty so enticing

>Oh nvm Jesus what the fuck man
So pretty much taking over? Yeah we already knew that
right, so, explain to me how your plan to let 90 iq whites rule the world is going to work, again?

you'll either hae to enslave the 130 iq folks, at which point, the will not breed, and your iq will fall, or they will leave and your economy will be run by 90 iq retards

Mate what are you on about. I said i'd fuck them. I didn't say i'd invite a family of 53 over, marry one and make mix raced kids.

Get out of your sky castle you 'race is purity' psychopath.
Oh JESUS might as well fuck a sextoy
Looks bretty mongol to me bud
Fucking them is an invitation to treat for them to come
False equivalence. Niggers aren't human.


>This study finds that 92% of biracial children with African American fathers are born out of wedlock and 82% end up on government assistance.
I agree with everything you've said. I think that those who go to asia with yellow fever because they can't get a white woman are as bad as mud sharks. But on the other side it's good that somewhere still respects the west, even though they shouldn't be letting their women fuck foreigners.
First we nuke all asians
Im not interested in men im only here to laugh at the pathetic weaboo cucks who think that asian women are interested in them. Iv been to Japan and China, Iv seen so many weaboos get completely destroyed when they realize asian women arent going to fall all over them and usually just want their money
And you do nothing
I love it when canada is kill by chinks
Im 2nd generation Chinese. Im telling you that Asian women arent interested in anything but money
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>black men upset over how they were treated by whites
>cuck them by fucking white women because white women are superior

>whites upset over this, don't know how to cuck the blacks
>cuck asians instead

>what the fuck did we do?
>slant eyes disguised by makeup tricks
>fake blonde hair, dyed to cover dirty black Mongolian hair
>white skin from being bred by a superior white Canuck

Oh yeah totally not Mongolian rape baby right
No. We should nuke them
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if that's mongol then 40% of europe is also mongol

I don't really get this meme, I don't look in any way mongol nor have I ever heard of anyone IRL saying anything about finns being mongol

it seems to be some esoteric /pol/ shit

and btw, the mongols never made it to novogorod and finnish settlements at the time were 500km away from novogorod

>doesn't know how to fuck and chuck
the difference is that the white guy in the video isn't the one singing and he isn't doing anything degenerate like singing about "killing" and "bitches" and "drugs n beer" and destroying your language by making up new disturbing words, infact english is a language and the singers are actually using a little english. also that boy in the video seems to be doing nothing wrong unlike a video with a black man with a bunch of white women. a video with a bunch of white women with a black guy would have all kinds of horrible unspeakable things going on in it. and some how you think asians are cucked, you must be out of your mind sir. asians have nothing to fear since white society is much worse off since most whites hate white culture now.
And I am telling you we will kill you
Colonize and cuck blacks, of course.
Fucking sluts
It is the same shit.

You only give superior genes to make our enemies stronger

Fuck you
Literal degenerates, who the fuck cares.
Hmmm... I wonder (((who))) is behind this...
He is an emasculated faggot

The video is actually a soft warning to whites that asians will emasculate us

We must stop it by killing them
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b...but finns are statistically the most likely in the world to have blonde hair blue eyes

I don't get the meme, it's too deep for me
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>Im not interested in men
tippety top kek

Every Asian girl, from the first to last I've seen, has looked at me with attraction. White girls take me for granted, and fuck around, hoping I'll be there when they're ready to settle down. They can sense from my demeanor that I'm only interested in marriage, not "fun." White girls have no desire to be wives.

>implying i'm making children with them

What the fuck do you smoke and where can I buy some? I'd love to be as paranoid as you.
Finns are weaklings

They lost WW2 to a single german soldier with a mere pistol
>smart people deserve more money, more women, and more control
>explain to me how your plan to let 90 iq whites rule the world is going to work, again?

not sure if ur baiting or if your logic is based on some evil anime mastermind philosophy
>t. CTR fat BETAWEEB shill
Look at you being a nigger

Fucking traitor
shes touching him though....
used to have blond hair when i was a kid, now its brow
what happened guys
eyes still green/blue
Take a look at the first 3 items of my ID.

Call me a traitor again.

You should be ashamed mate.
Stop shilling racemixing CTR
i remember seeing a youtube comment on one of those living in china vlogs from some guy with yellow fever, said something like "in my experience they weren't interested, i think it had something to do with me being a westerner." he looked like a cave troll in his picture

just a hilarious anecdote for you
but we're the only eastern european country that didn't get conquered by soviets famalam

It's the reason we're the only ones with western-europe levels of gdp per capita and the rest are ex-commie
Look at you wanting to fuck animals and invite them into your dying country

That is traitor
>75 posts
You're either one assblasted manlet or one jealous used up old cunt.
>I have a great plan anon
>instead of putting the smart people in charge
>howabout we systematically put the stupidest people in charge
>I think it could work
r u srs m8?
Kill all asians
Why are your men all like girls?

It's more gay than kpoop
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holy shit you're blessed
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get a load of this untermensch.gif
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>not diplomatically pleasing the Fuhrer's allies
I am stopping CTR shills like you from derailing /pol/
thats not true. You could enslave smart people, and force them to work or starve. You could even not allow them to leave as a bonus!

Read it again.

The Furher is stupid

This is why he had to kill himself in the end

We are Nietzche
but they aren't anon

i think you're confusing us with sweden

they produce pic related
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>all these Asian women defending whites when Asian males posts racist stuff against whites
Bullshit you are dressed as a girl now
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>We are Nietzche
same, my hair was almost white blonde when i was a baby, now its almost naturally dark brown/ black

w h a t d o e s i t m e a n ?
>it doesn't even happen

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The most common Y haplogroup in Finland is from Siberia.
It means stop being CTR
Brown brown or "brown when clumped together, but individual strands look yellow"?
We are the overman we kill all who stand in our way
yeah, the problem with this model is that eventually your genetic iq declines, which makes civilization impossible eventually
now I know why I got so many messages from Koreans qts from interpals
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...and ?

is this somehow supposed to be bad ?


the 1930's anti-finnish anglo eugenics memes are true
whats interpal ?
I fucked one tho :^^)
The ultimate red pill is when you completely disregard women, and take the size of your dick out of the equation to begin with. "Oh no, they wont reach an orgasm"
They all look like SLAV shit boris

R1a is slav.
>things that never happen

According to the comments, their best song is called Pepe.
why are finnish people orange

I went to school with a finnish girl, she was also orange, and had that same kind of long, high set face
i'M saying she is a whore for touching him, and shes positng it online in an attempt to make fun of him. Only her other skank friends are making fun of him in the first place.

Also, there is nothing wrong with fathering children to another race and then abandoning them, as long as you don't do it in your home country.
It is just SLAV shit
Site where you can talk to people from around the, made for a language exchange but it's used as meet up site. Usually there's a general on /int/

Why are you so autistic?
Look at you

You love racemixing which is sin

We are overman not them
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I don't fucking know man

I don't think finns have a specific type of face

And I'm obnoxiously pasty so I think the orange-ness is also a meme

/pol/ gets really spergy about this shit sometimes
Says the idiot who lies to get CTR cash
Now you can't have your shekel betaweeb shill
i dont get the sardinian and south slav relation. We wuz Illyrianz?
SLAVS are not human
idk man this guy seems like he's completely fumed out on something:
dude youre sperging the fuck out and ruining a decent thread

get the fuck out man seriously
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>Haplogroup I2a may be the haplogroup pertaining to the first anatomically modern humans to inhabit Europe, Cro-Magnon
Make another one senpai, this one is well past bump limit.
stop using your vpn and go back to the jersey shore, salaminigger
Evolution is false
we're kind of spergy about it because it's interesting.

honestly I think it's pretty cool

where I live it's 95% anglo. I don't think we even have germans, I was one of the few non-anglo wites, and the finnish girl was another. she looked distinctly different from the anglo phenotypes, she just did. even as kids we knew it.

she was beautiful and kind of otherworldly to us. she looked lke a high elf or something, dude

anglos have a strong tendency to look somewhat cretin-ish
I don't even know what CTR is
don't act like you don't know filthy Clinton shill
stop being racist, its not cool
I think it's cool science shows Finns to be not human
Fucking Slavs
Why would I care about American meme politics
Stop being racist against Niggers hypocrite
The globalist elite invented South Korea.
We all know you want the money
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slavs are same IQ and interchangeable with other types of whites

niggers are objectively not
Which asian city should I go to for some qts? (by myself). 18 and good looking if that matters.
cuz the koreans need them to breed the ugly out of their women
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