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"I never said climate change was a hoax."

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"I never said climate change was a hoax."
Global Warming is not equal to Climate Change
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b-b-b-but he's literally hitler!
>climate change is global warming

Kek, CTR shills really grasping at straws now
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Hey, non-shill yanks. We beat the entire establishment despite them literally murdering an MP and trying to pin it on Leave voters.

Trump'll win. I genuinely think he's a bit of a twat, but he's better than Hillary, and he offers an alternative. That's what won it here, and it'll win it for you too. We've got your backs, bros.
he was referring to china starting it
Which he said was a joke long time ago
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Global warming is what's causing climate change. Some scientists decided call global warming "climate change" because whenever there happens a warm day in the middle of December in Bumfuck, Nowhere Town some dumbass trying to be smart says that it's proof that global warming is a hoax.
Trump built a seawall on his resort "because of climate change"

he gets paid to tweet this shit
Wow a issue litterally no one but CTR shills care about
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>Global warming is what's causing climate change
Could you be more bluepilled?
>only shills care about rising sea levels

t. Koch cock sucker
>He's the one tweeting
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Could you be more retarded?


Oh I'm so sorry...
The climate is always changing. It's changed who knows how many times since the Earth's atmosphere was formed. Furthermore, there's no empirical proof that humans are causing the current climate change. If there was then it wouldn't be a debate, it'd be fact.

TL;DR- Any and all global warmers are fucking retarded.
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Women continue to suffer from a genetic deficiency as far as humor is concerned.

CTR™ Should try hiring men. It's too easy to spot and crush female posters.

So whatever bucket shop Jew that they have running that rinky dink operation, take note .
Brexit was a popular vote referendum. Not comparable to the US presidential elections
TIDF in full damage control, SAD
>believing in AGW
>calling anyone a retard
Top Kek
You need to rewatch the debate. He clearly corrected himself to saying "I do not say that." rather than "I did not say that."

If there's one thing I have to give Trump, his campaign, and his supporters credit for their ability to throw out the most completely asinine bullshit like this with a straight face.

It takes balls to say something you know is total horseshit to someone who knows you realize it's total horseshit.

It's one thing to lie to someone. It's another thing to make up an argument that's so brazenly bullshit that they completely forget what they were arguing with you about.

That's a gift.
He's got Zika. Please ignore the vegetable.
The premise behind it is the same. Populism is resurging massively across Europe. Hofer will without doubt be elected in Austria's re-election, for example. It'll happen to you burgers too, for better or worse.
>global warming is climate change
>gore was right, an inconvient truth is 100% fact
man u retards sure are desperate
How us climate change the same as global warming?
They are LITERALLY 4 different words. They are not same
Are you seriously insinuating the only type of climate change is global warming?
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>Some scientists decided call global warming "climate change" because they got called out calling it "the next ice age" just thirty ago. This way (((climate scientists))) can't ever be wrong no matter which direction the weather goes

t. a Jew
Your point?
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I plan on voting for Trump and even I know he fucked up on this detail. But it really isn't relevant to the more urgent issues. We still have 2 more debates to go and I'm sure he'll do much better then. On the subects of immigration and ISIS - he will leave Hillary for dead.
It's one of Trump's biggest problems. He will pick a fight over anything and everything. When faced with jokes about his debate sniffles, instead of just rolling with it or amking up some shit about a cold or something, he puffed up and drew a line in the sand over it. He's the exact kind of fragile faggot that thinks anybody else ever being right means he lost.
Are you really this fucking dumb? You think climate change and global warming are the same thing?

Go take a high school science class. You're arrogant as shit while also being ignorant as hell. Not even a trump supporter.
trumpers "win" arguments by being condescending and patronising as that's what they think an enlightened intellectual would do.
Including those who believe it's a Chinese conspiracy?
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Hillary was "against" gay marriage (despite being a rapid carpet Muncher herself). Then she was for it, when the politics made sense.

She was for the Iraq war, and then she was against it. (Many innocent people died).

So don't tell me someone can't change their mind you phony fucking low level propaganda CTR™ Cafeteria dykes. Your elderly grandma fuehrer did it daily.
Are you truly so retarded that you don't understand the difference between climate change (a real phenomenon that has existed as long as the planet has) and "global warming" which is a bullshit based assumption that human beings are driving climate changes that have been occurring on this plant FAR longer than the human species is? Why the fuck do you think we've been thru ice ages, and warming periods where the sea level was so high that the Rocky Mountains were once waterfront property?
Kochs are one of Hillary's biggest donors...
>"I never said climate change was a hoax."


> to make up an argument that's so brazenly bullshit that they completely forget what they were arguing with you about.
This could be in the dictionary under the word "Politics".
Venice will be underwater any minute now and it's your fault.
This is pol anon
If you had a legit picture of trump fucking his son while blowing putin itd still fly
Pol would shake it off as trump being quirky and funny and is just making a statement
Remember when they said NYC would be underwater by now. I remember.
You cannot deny that the current co2 quota bullshit is nothing more than a ponzy scheme!
Liberals think calling someone a doo doo head is winning the argument.
Why don't you respond to my post, and we have a civilised debate?

Or do you get paid by the post?
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Everyone knows anthropomorphic climate change is a hoax.

Solar-cycle driven climate change, however, is real.

You should probably read up on the vostock ice cores before you make an ass of yourself.
Trump is such a fucktard. Did he forget all these tweets? What the fuck was he thinking? We all know his legion of dick riders don't care but the independents will.
*slow claps*

*steps out of the shadows*

Heh... not bad, kid. Not bad at all. Your meme, I mean. It's not bad. A good first attempt. It's plenty dank... I can tell it's got some thought behind it... lots of quotable material...

But memeing isn't all sunshine and rainbows, kid. You're skilled... that much I can tell. But do you have what it takes to be a Memester? To join those esteemed meme ranks? To call yourself a member of the Ruseman's Corps? Memeing takes talent, that much is true. But more than that it takes heart. The world-class Memesters - I mean the big guys, like Johnny Hammersticks and Billy Kuahana - they're out there day and night, burning the midnight meme-oil, working tirelessly to craft that next big meme.

And you know what, kid? 99 times out of a hundred, that new meme fails. Someone dismisses it as bait, or says it's "tryhard," or ignores it as they copy/paste the latest shitpost copypasta dreamt up by those sorry excuses for cut-rate memers over at reddit. The Meme Game is rough, kid, and I don't just mean the one you just lost :^). It's a rough business, and for every artisan meme you craft in your meme bakery, some cocksucker at 9gag has a picture of a duck or some shit that a million different Johnny No-Names will attach a milion different captions to. Chin up, kid. Don't get all mopey on me. You've got skill. You've got talent. You just need to show your drive.

See you on the boards...
point out the part where he mentions climate change.
I was responding to your TL;DR. Why don't you answer my question?

wtf I
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wtf I hate tru
wtf I hate trum
wtf I hate trump
wtf I hate trump
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wtf I hate trump no
wtf I hate trump now
wtf I hate trump no
wtf I hate trump n
wtf I hate trump
wtf I hate trump
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wtf I
wtf I
Literally did not say climate change is a hoax.
Who cares?
Fresh off the boat, from reddit, kid? heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never make jokes like that. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long on 4chan by saying stupid jokes that your little hugbox cuntsucking reddit friends would upboat. None of that here. You don't upboat. You don't downboat. This ain't reddit, kid. This is 4chan. We have REAL intellectual discussion, something I don't think you're all that familiar with. You don't like it, you can hit the bricks on over to imgur, you daily show watching son of a bitch. I hope you don't tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here, unlike any other place that the light of internet pop culture reaches. You can be anything here. Me ? heh, I'm a judge.. this place.... this place has a lot to offer... heh you'll see, kid . . . that is if you can handle it...
Wow you fuckin mongoloid
global warming is caused by all the co2 we put in the air
the ice age nearly fucked up all life on earth as there was so much co2 in the atmosphere that sunlight couldnt come through the thick smoke after the volcano errupted
but your a fuckin american sigh why am i even bothering...
disregard this post
Who's poll is that?
Global warming =/= climate change you stupid liberal faggots.

Read a fucking book besides rules for radicals, you do nothing dipshits.
If you make broad generalisations about race without case studies your bound to be called racist, No matter what political ideology.
I'm not the burger you were replying to, you fucking moron. My point is why have you just chosen to ignore my point about the resurgence of right-wing populism, ie - via Brexit?
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that's true, he typed that, not said it
They changed the term global warming to climate change because its getting colder not warmer and these retarded "scientists" have been scamming losers for decades.

all they want is your shekels. ever notice their solution to all of this is for you to pay them money to stop the "climate apocalypse"

last time i checked a 1 degree temperature increase isn't going to kill anyone.

donnie is red pilled he knows it's all a hoax.

they been saying every 5 years since 1960 that we were gonna all die if we didnt pay them toi stop global warming/ climate change.

it's a liberal lie and if you believe it you are fucking stupid

>b-b-b-ut m-muh b-bill nye!

he doesn't even have a degree in science you fucking morons.

Trump is more red pilled than you think, he just cant say this openly now because the public is too stupid
Fuck off, Chang
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Wait, but he said in the debate that all of his plans for ISIS are secret. How is he gonna blow hillary on that subject if he refuses to talk about it?
Because I didn't see it, dick. No doubt populism's on the rise. My point is the actual structure of the US electoral college is designed to lessen the impact of that populist wave.
Illegal immigrants aren't any particular race, but really your biggest fault is believing being called racist is actually an insult.
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there is no such thing as climate change
Ok I need anon help
So I was in a discussion about this I told the bernvictim he said global warming was a fake and I reminded him of the al gore faking emails thing
Then I said he never said anything about climate change
Then the bernvictim told me to tell him the difference between the 2 and all I could say was
Global warming was politicians trying to make scientists prove its us fucking up the earth and climate change was just data showing the earth changes everyday and will always change
He wasn't satisfied with this answer and to be honest neither was I
Can someone tell me the real difference between these 2?
>How is he gonna blow hillary on that subject if he refuses to talk about it?
He doesn't have to, the democrats are literally blowing themselves on that subject.
you're a fucking moron t b h

1 degree temp raises can do a lot of damage.

every month this year has been the hottest on record.

we only have one planet. there isn't another one we can pull out of our asses when we fuck this one up.
>had to change the term to climate change because global warming was clearly a load of shit

Still a sham either way.
How are you possibly this fucking stupid? A debate is not defined by people voluntary accepting each others views as legitimate.

Second, there is literally ONLY proof that current climate change is human made. Where the fuck do you have your information from?
I for one support global warming.
Moron detected. One degree increase can and will cause massive destabilization in most parts of the world due to flooding.

Being this stupid... Are you 17?
It's a zionist conspiracy so they can one day tax you for breathing and increase the price of food due to "global warming" and "climate change"

If you don't know this yet you aren't truly red pilled.

You know it's a scam when their end-game solution is to give them lots of money.

It's genius really, the perfect scam. They know how many suckers there are in this world willing to give up their hard earned money to fear porn scammers.

They were wrong every single time. Why would you believe them when their wrong 100% of the time?
Which do you actually think is going to happen?

The world slows down its production output and the US will stop being the largest consumer base on the planet?

Or world governments will continue to push for CO2 taxes and collecting more of your paycheck to ward off the evil warming spirits?
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>"I never said climate change was a hoax."

He never said that either
He's going to BTFO her by identifying the root of ISIS and whatever other mudslime terrorist organization can be built up after ISIS is defeated- radical Islam. Guarantee you that Hillary will start spewing horseshit about "b-but not all muslims!!!" and it is at that point that Trump will ensure his presidency.

see pic>>90770504

So which prediction was right?

Because they've been wrong EVERY SINGLE TIME YOU CHUMP
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Blacks are, on average, less intelligent than whites. Everybody knows this. Grow the fuck up lady.

i fucking love it

we deserve everything thats coming to us

You're a degenerate.
Wouldn't a warm day in December make it seem like global warming was real?
Quotation marks go around quotes. I hope you enjoyed your stay, but you're going to have to go back.
Yup, just look how much the Obama administration has given these new geeen companies. Total sham, he's lining his donor's pockets.
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What if I make broad generalisations about race with nothing but case studies? What am I called then?
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here's a bigger version might be able to see it more clear.

daily reminder if you believe global warming/climate change I hope you also support food prices doubling because if we fall for this scam that's what their gonna do.

They want to tax you for carbon emission and that's everytime you breath.

Only true morons will believe this lie.
>there is literally ONLY proof that current climate change is human made

You mean your organizations manipulated datasets? Correlation =/= Causation you stupid nigger.

Kill yourself you worthless NOAA/IPCC shill.

But it is a hoax. Climate change all the time.

Pollution, however, is man made. The heavy burden is taken by Europeans and US citizens who actually pay for their bills (mostly white), while the main polluters China, India, Russia, Brazil, Middle East, Indonesia, Malaysia, Africa as they are China's back yard now, pay zilch.

What? Oh yes, it was Clinton the Rapist and all globalists mimicking left and right who moved industries in those countries not to be bothered by environment laws and wages.
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"global warming" is possibly the greatest propaganda campaign ever undertaken and will be studied for centuries. The disingenuous and extremely unscientific way it is pushed is a HUGE blemish on the record of "science" as a whole. Serious academics should not be on fucking TV yelling at goyim that the world is literally going to end unless they elect marxists

there are 2 distinct physical outcomes:

we will saturate the infrared back scattering spectrum of CO2 and stabilize a slightly higher temperature and the Earth will not respond in a positive feed back because it is dynamically stable

Or we start a reaction the leads to a rapid warming until we hit the earth "high" temperature setpoint (that we have been at for 100s of millions of years at various times) At this point the oceans will be higher and the planet will become a more hot humid tropical place, this combined with higher CO2 will lead to massive growth in biomass

neither of these outcomes are THE END OF THE WORLD

climate change hysteria is a product of the anti-industrial left
So what caused the Northwest passage to open if not for receding ice caps caused by warmer temperatures?
Do you mean like climate is deciding to change because its upset with gay marriage?
>They want to tax you for carbon emission and that's everytime you breath.
>carbon emission and that's everytime you breath.
>everytime you breath.

kill yourself you fucking troglodyte
>Second, there is literally ONLY proof that current climate change is human made.
no there's only correlations between increase in co2 increasing the temperature but that doesn't mean more co2 = hotter temperature.
> perpetrated by the Chinese
You're missing the most important part
Too bad every rich and famous person under the sun has ghost writers
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Listen Madison, I bet you haven't been fucked properly in years. That's probably why you're pretending to like Hillary and high taxes.

But for the love of God, learn how to be funny.
lmfao can't even refute the point, just resort to pointing out arbitrary mistakes
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>Global Warming

>Climate Change

Same thing?
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Lol thats what the Jews call chutzpah
Basically a Jew will give you the most asinine explaination when faced with being an obvious liar/fraud

Its a useful skill. Very jewy. https://youtu.be/9SQWB36uKkw
What's the point when you don't believe in it any ways. It's bullshit globalist science.
google the "rain tax" in Maryland, you have to pay tax for every square inch of roof you have
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ice caps aren't receding, their is more ice than ever and more polar bears than ever. poiar bears and the artic are thriving

how dumb can you be? the real climate crisis is with fukushima leaking and chinese pollution to the point the citizens have to wear surgical masks in the city 24/7

Those are the real problems. Carbon emissions are GOOD for the environment. Plants needs carbon and the higher the carbon emissions the more oxygen is produced by the plants, improving our air quality.

Which is why george soros & pals want to SHUT IT DOWN
I love how mad the shills get. You know most of them are females that atare having to look at pol day in and day out. They must get so enraged they go home and beat their nu-male.

One can only hope.


what did you think i was joking? the jokes on you bud
>Global warming is what's causing climate change
I knew the leftist niggers would find some circular logic to explain this.

When months ago they were saying, "it's climate change not global warming" instead of saying what this nigger said.

nope that was trump typing that and he still believes it. he's 100% right but he can't say it now because even his supporters cant handle the true red pill yet. he will denounce global warming as soon as hes in office though, just wait
What's sad is you actually believe this
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Really causes my neural cells to depolarize by opening gated channels in the membrane and passively diffusing potassium ions out of the cytoplasm down its concentration gradient leading to a sequence of action potentials to stimulate in accord with long term potentiation pathways developed through the release of seratonin at key moments of sensory input.
media will push climate change = GW all day. theyre using hitler doctrine after all.

any lie told enough times is truth.

no what's sad is that the globalists manipulate the goyim into thinking the world is gonna end if they dont give up their shekels

so you are willing to pay the breathing tax?




I hope you are also a vegan because if you aren't rich, you won't be eating much meat in the future

have fun
CTRetard you're having 0 effect on us.

Hillary is responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands of people. We don't care that Trump said some silly things or had memeable hair.

Suck a dick.

You're getting europenized. We have that shit for some time.


I don't get why all you morons are so concerned with Isis. You do realize your police officers kill more American citizens than terrorism every year?
>scientist literally changed the name global warming because it wasn't accurate
FACT: climate change has the same name of letters than global warming, 13.

FACT: He said the same thing number of words, 2.




Police officers tend to kill people doing bad things to begin with. If terrorists concentrated on that sector of the population instead of innocent civilians, then we probably wouldn't care so much.
>Global warming is what's causing climate change.

o lawd
Global warming was a discredited theory that blamed man made carbon emission on climate changes and proposed to fix it with carbon tax... China, India and the developing world were to be exempt... This plan was exposed as a hoax that would have allowed emission for a fee, and would have shifted emission from one place to another, without reducing net global emissions...
Climate change is a more generic term, and includes the study of non-made causes in climate change models... "Climate change" is less politically charged than the discredited "global warming" hysterics...
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Someone call obviously unbiased political shill Sean Hannity. He'll tell you I never said multiple times that climate change is a hoax.
This guy is literally the worst human being ever to run for office, it's almost cartoonish how evil and stupid and horrible he is.

Washington Post, Huffington Post, Vox, Salon and New York Times totally expose him over and over with these amazing articles, it boggles my mind that Hillary isn't leading by 20 points when this guy is one step away from becoming Hitler, and just goes to show how many old racist bigots there still are in this country. The sooner these people die off and we young progressive millennials take over, the better. It's clear that all the smart and intelligent people in the media are against Trump, and are using facts and logic to prove why we must put Hillary in power.

Trump is the first candidate that if I found out someone supported him, I would try everything to distance myself personally from that person and would view them as a lesser person. Nobody with any self respect or shred of decency should vote Trump, everyone has a moral duty to vote Hillary at this point and be on the right side of history.
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but i don't see the words "manmade climate change" anywhere in those posts....
It is...?
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ITT: /pol/ learns the truth about this age old shekel scam
Your police officers are way too under-trained and trigger happy. Just look at that negro that got shot when he "lunged" into his car, and then got shot to death by an officer that got startled by the guy getting tasered. That's just embarrassingly negligent.

Terrorists by comparison kill single-digit numbers of people in the US most years.
Literally another shoah in the making.
thanks for correcting the record!

It's literally the rest of our lives at stake in this election. If these fucking trolls win an election the debt is going to double and human rights are going to be taken away. The world will fall apart with Trump as president.

My little brother just left for basic training with the Army and Trump wants to treat them like a personal attack dog. Shit's terrifying.
Global warming =/= climate change
new copypasta?
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>The truth is that the threat we face is not an abstract concern for the future. It is already upon us and its effects are being felt worldwide, right now. Scientists project that the Arctic will be ice-free in the summer of 2013. Not in 2050, but four years from now.

>Make no mistake: catastrophic climate change represents a threat to human security, global stability, and — yes — even to American national security.


You should probably read up on how to spell the word Vostok before _you_ make an ass of yourself.
And not to mention that 30 years ago they were saying we were going to see a new ice age in ten years.

Before it was climate change it was global warming. Before it was global warming it was global cooling.
quit being a pussy

Global warming = climate change
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This is the worst post in the history of 4chan.
global warming has been the scientific consensus since the 1950s, yet because 2 studies in toilet-paper tier journals in the 70s predicted an ice age, global warming must be a hoax
This is the seventh one-post failing to read your own evidence. This is surely now a reportable offense. Before reposting this please read your own image.
Saged and hidden.
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feck off la. Trump is scum. He's a crook. A dirty fucking thief.

>Fucking over workers and not paying for the service rendered under threat of suing them with his team of expensive lawyers, causing them more trouble and costing more than just letting Trump get away with his disgusting scamming and stealing is SMART.

Trump will fuck the American people like he fucks his daughter if elected, t b h

frig off skankhunt
>Global warming = climate change

No, because climate change also includes temperatures getting colder in certain areas and over certain periods, and also more than just the temperature changes. "Global warming" was always way too specific and not reflective of what's happening in every region.

When you have to say that "colder winters are caused by global warming", you know you have a problem.

>global warming
>climate change

Choose only one.

Inform yourself anon.

it's so much fun that the leftists can't keep track of their own bullshit.
It all started when the projected cooling started and they went full
Then they fudged the numbers a bit more and got the warming they wanted and went back to it...
Now they are super confused and can't keep track of anything.
I'm have such heartfelt laughs these days!
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It's settled than... 2014 and no ice in the arctic during the summer... The science is solid! don't even argue... If you see any ice in the picture, that's your lying eyes deceiving you... Climate science is a fact! deal with it!
What's your solution? Deport all cops?

I love the damage control from hillbillies though
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They use the terms interchangeably but they went from global warming to climate change because the earth is actually cooling and they dont wanna be any more discredited than they already are

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>on /pol/
Literally never mentions climate change. Saying climate change doesn't exist is retarded. Saying global warming doesn't exist is smart thinking with evidence based arguments.

but the proponents of global warming now call it climate change. it's the same people pushing the same agenda with a different word because global warming is hard propaganda to push in the winter when its record freezing temps
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Stop being a retard m8.

"Climate change" includes "global warming", it's just less specific.


The scientific consensus is that climate change is partly man-made, and that global warming is in fact happening.

You have no reason to deny this unless you're wealthy corporate owner who doesn't want any regulations or additional taxation to prevent you from destroying the planet just so you make more shekels.

Go back to watching to Fox News.
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Nah man, I just don't care, it's not relevant.
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>climate change
>a big deal
I honestly don't give 2 strokes of a fuck about it.
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$0.05 has been deposited to your America first™ Account.
Who fuckin cares about Climate Change? Don't you think there are other more important things that need our focus right now?

For example....

We got niggas shooting everyone, we got sand niggas shooting everyone, we got mexican niggas shooting everyone, we got police niggas shooting everyone, etc. etc.
you better care about it cause tax man is gonna come a knockin and you best pay up for all that breathing and farting you been doing.

>less specific

of course they want to use a term less specific because the artic has record amounts of ice and polar bears havent gone extinct like you've been told so they had to cover their asses by saying its just climate "change" now.

>back to fox news

CTR detected
>being scared of carbon dioxide
>being scared of exhaling
>not focusing on REAL pollution

fucking kek
Because you fucking hillbilly, you have to think long term. Black crime is easilu fixed, if they actually wanted it fixed.

The world dying off because we cant come up with better energy sources isnt an easy fix. It takes time.

There are hundreds of species dying off in our oceans. Its fucking sad how toxic humans are.
>Increase in CO2 increases the temperature
>More co2 doesn't mean higher temperatures
How are you this stupid?

Yes, one of the biggest threats to the planet, that will irreversibly alter the environment and eradicate countless species is more important than a couple humans killing each other in the United States.


You're a fucking moron.

You make everyone with right-wing opinions look bad when you deny hard scientific data so you don't get taxed, it's almost as bad as the flat-earthers.

>>The UN had a CC summit in 2007 to conclude that there is a 90% probability that CC is human induced

This isn't a cuckservative board, just because you support Trump, doesn't mean you have to agree with every stupid position you hear on Fox News.

>There are hundreds of species dying off in our oceans. Its fucking sad how toxic humans are.
>he blames carbon dioxide
>doesn't blame fukushima

I want to offer you a free ride through college, all you have to do is send me 10,000 in the mail and you'll get your free ride to any college you want.

I blame humans.

We need to hurry up and kill each other off completely already.
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>so you don't get taxed

yes i don't believe in taxing humans for breathing. i'm sorry you do.

>The UN having any crediblity
Then why the fuck did his statf try to delete those tweets right after he said it?

Come on, this isn't a deal breaker, but Trump's whole appeal is not plauing political wordgames, which arguing semantics of Global Warming vs Climate change definitely falls into
> Carbon emissions are GOOD for the environment. Plants needs carbon and the higher the carbon emissions the more oxygen is produced by the plants, improving our air quality.

So it's like a carbon economy that we're stimulating ourselves? Far out!

well yes humans are responsible for the fukushima disaster and china's pollution epidemic so you aren't completely wrong.
When did "I do not say that" become "I never said that"
No, he said he doesnt believe global warming is a hoax created by the Chinese

yep, it's a symbiotic relationship between humans and trees/plants. we give them carbon they give us oxygen. the more humans and more plants/trees the better we are

this is basic middle school science

So now you don't believe NASA, the UN, and Wikipedia?

Is there a single source that has credibility according to you?

How would it be in their interest to lie about this?
Global warming isn't the same as climate change.
>there's no empirical proof that humans are causing the current climate change

There literally is. You might disagree that the proof provided is conclusive, accurate, or is a complete explanation, but what you just said is objectively incorrect.
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>created by nazi' on record
>created by globalists on record
>need i say more?
>Last 400,000 years is representative of all time

No seriously, I'll never get why you retards insist on denying climate change.

Not only is it dangerous since it's one of the biggest issues facing the planet, but denying its existence doesn't benefit the average citizen in any way.

How would your life change if it turned out that man-made climate change was in fact 100% proven to be true, and that doing something about it could in fact reverse or slow down its effects?

Even China is now addressing it.


I fail to see how your post addresses mine or the point I make.

Since we are doing hypothetical questions.

How would your life change if it turned out that man-made climate change was in fact 100% proven to be false, and that doing something about it could in fact cause it?

because their solutions are crap.

the solution they give is aways: we need your money to prevent this.

that right away tells me it's bullshit.

and the fact that they'v been saying this for 50 years with every 10 years being an 'apocalypse'

it's like beliving those people who keep giving dates when the world is gonna end and everytime those dates come and go they give you a new date and tell you they need your money still

it's also like the nigerian prince email scam. they ask for money, don't deliver, ask for more money, don't deliver, and they just keep repeating the process until the gullible victim is broke. the victim becomes so invested that they go into denial. global warming hoax victims are the same way. they keep insisting were all gonna die but it never happens.

>trusting the chinese government

now i know you are low IQ
>Global warming is real!
>pls ignore the record ice groth in antartica in the last years
>it's r-real, I-I s-swear.
It is a hoax, the earth has been changing since it came into existence. We've been in a 3 million year cool period.

There is no direct evidence that humans are at fault for the very small increase in global temperature over the past 100 years.
climate change is nonsense, sorry. there have been countless examples of government funded propaganda to coerce the populace into various states of thinking. climate change was first about co2 emissions, that fell through because we do not produce enough co2 to even compete with volcanos and the decay of organic matter, now the biggest cause of climate change is h2o gas


Water Vapor Confirmed as Major Player in Climate Change

"Everyone agrees that if you add carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, then warming will result,” Dessler said. “So the real question is, how much warming?"

The answer can be found by estimating the magnitude of water vapor feedback. Increasing water vapor leads to warmer temperatures, which causes more water vapor to be absorbed into the air. Warming and water absorption increase in a spiraling cycle.

this is what government funded science does to the scientific community. 'it's co2, we are going to tax carbon emissions' oh that fell thru, well ok, it's water vapors now, and everyone is made up of like 80% water so you gotta pay body tax now.
Our company is actually called TrumpTheRecord®
>"I never said climate change was a hoax."
That's not what he said. But he's right, in that global warming is a myth.

>Is there a single source that has credibility according to you?

yes, anyone who doesn't believe in pseudo science has credibility.

>How would it be in their interest to lie about this?

because they want to force everyone to pay to "fix" it

you don't think money is an incentive?
>I fail to see how your post addresses mine or the point I make.

Because it's a stupid point. You can see the trend over 400k years, and the correlation with human activity and climate change and an increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

>How would your life change if it turned out that man-made climate change was in fact 100% proven to be false
I'd be glad because I wouldn't have to worry about it. But I'm a fair-minded person who cares about facts and preservations of the environment and animal species, so why would I deny all the evidence of climate change and its impacts over the last decades?

>because their solutions are crap.
[citation needed]

>the solution they give is aways: we need your money to prevent this.
And you don't have to. Only corporations are forced to pay the carbon tax. How would they would address without the money to do it, and without incentivizing corporations to avoid pollution with an additional tax?

>and the fact that they've been saying this for 50 years
And the effects of climate change have been continuing and even getting worse in some cases.

>>trusting the chinese government
When a government signs an agreement, they have to abide to it whether they want to or not.

>We've been in a 3 million year cool period.



>There is no direct evidence that humans are at fault for the very small increase in global temperature over the past 100 years.
There is. See:

haha trump supporters rekt
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Autism: The Post



it affects us because they dont just tax corporations they tax everyone and they increase everyones food prices you dumb fuck

Have you ever been involved in scientific research? All of these points are disputable, and as such, none can be taken as fact. Generalizations from data can be applied to the sample source, and that's about it. Any article, even our own nation's published statistics, must be judged critically with regard to how case studies are conducted. If the government weren't self-policing its own methods, most of this data would be redacted. Stop following this flaky pseudoscience that makes you feel good (i.e. large theory with small data).
No, anthropomorphic is the furries' fault.

Well. We are waiting for your critical analysis of all the cited sample statistics.....
>Two shitty solutions exist
>muh autism
Kys my man
I did a key word search through those tweets and couldn't find "climate change".
>implying he writes all his own tweets

nobody is listening to your spiel, let alone the undecideds who will make or break this election.
"he says that climate change is a hoax!"

"I don't say that."

>He doesn't say it anymore
>He wasn't lying
well played sonny
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Massive Cover-up Exposed: 285 Papers From 1960s-’80s Reveal Robust Global Cooling Scientific ‘Consensus’

Dumb leaf, the global cooling fear was very real, with an 83% scientific census.

>a conservative estimate for the number of scientific publications that did not agree with the alleged CO2-warming “consensus” was 220 papers for the 1965-’79 period, not 7. If including papers published between 1960 and 1989, the “non-consensus” or “cooling” papers reaches 285.

More papers
Even more papers
why u canada. go truedeu

Leaf boy:


Kosiba, A. "The problem of climate cooling after 1939 (in Polnisch)." Czas. geogr 33 (1962): 63.

Fletcher, Joseph O. "Polar ice and the global climate machine." Bull. Atomic Scientists (1970): 40-47.
"... the cooling effect of the 1950s and 1960s shows that some other factor is more than countering the warming effect of CO2.... Man's contribution to the atmospheric dust load is increasing at an exponential rate.

Rasool, S. Ichtiaque, and Stephen H. Schneider. "Atmospheric carbon dioxide and aerosols: Effects of large increases on global climate." Science 173.3992 (1971): 138-141.
" An increase by only a factor of 4 in global aerosol background... is believed to be sufficient to trigger an ice age.”

Lamb, Hubert H. The current trend of world climate: A report on the early 1970's and a perspective. Climatic Research Unit, School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia, 1974. "Much has been written about the global cooling... has been overstressed as regards to its practical implications... There are solid grounds for regarding this as a dangerous misconception."

Kukla, George J., and Helena J. Kukla. "Insolation regime of interglacials." Quaternary Research 2.3 (1972): 412-424. "...the prognosis is for a long-lasting global cooling more severe than any experiened hitherto by civilized mankind."

NEEDS, ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION. "LAWRENCE UVERMORE LABORATORY." (1972). "Global cooling of natural origin could exceed in magnitude changes experienced in historical times.
Kukla, George J., and Robert K. Matthews. "When will the present interglacial end?." Science 178.4057 (1972): 190-202.

Gribbin, John. "Cause and effects of global cooling." Nature 254 (1975): 14.
those were CTR shills and you know it, OP.

He never said climate change is a hoax. Everyone knows the climate is changing. He only said GLOBAL WARMING is a hoax.
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> Wikipedia
> Unbiased information
Wikipedia helped push the myth that there was no global cooling fear. That was blown out of the water.

Do you really believe those fraudsters? Back to mommies basement, CTR boy.
>Everyone knows the climate is changing.
thank you for correcting the record

The hoax isn't about if climate change exists or not, it's about how it's used to fuck over western economies. The chinese don't care about air quality, pollution, or public health. Only economic growth. We are being hoaxed into solving a problem we have largely cleaned up in our societies, while they pump burning coal smoke directly into the air.
>be american
>care about global warming
why? it literally does not affect you in any way
>Global warming is caused by CO2 put in the air
>In the ace age there was so much CO2 in the aitmosphere that the sunlight was blocked an life almost was extinct
>Calls other people retard
Oh, look, it's just Hungary shitposting again,
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