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What an asshole

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Thread replies: 262
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>Small business owner sells Drumpf Co. $100k worth of pianos.
>Business owner get's stiffed for $30k.
>People are still voting for this guy.

How can anybody even try to defend this?

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Perhaps he didn't do a very good job.
Boo fucking Hoo
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He's a con artist like all Republicans. They promise you unicorns and magic, but guess what's gonna happen when he gets in? Tax cuts for wealthy and a couple wars for Israel. Eat shit you Amerilards if you vote for this orange fuck.
This guy is literally the worst human being ever to run for office, it's almost cartoonish how evil and stupid and horrible he is.

Washington Post, Huffington Post, Vox, Salon and New York Times totally expose him over and over with these amazing articles, it boggles my mind that Hillary isn't leading by 20 points when this guy is one step away from becoming Hitler, and just goes to show how many old racist bigots there still are in this country. The sooner these people die off and we young progressive millennials take over, the better. It's clear that all the smart and intelligent people in the media are against Trump, and are using facts and logic to prove why we must put Hillary in power.

Trump is the first candidate that if I found out someone supported him, I would try everything to distance myself personally from that person and would view them as a lesser person. Nobody with any self respect or shred of decency should vote Trump, everyone has a moral duty to vote Hillary at this point and be on the right side of history.
Wow that's really unfortunate. If he was running against a human being instead of a demonic witch I might care.
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>Boo fucking Hoo

Trump voters showing their "love" for small business owners and the working class right here.
rather that then war with russia

eat pork ahmed

have a sage my dude
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>rather that then war with russia

You have to be a dumb faggot if you think we are going to war with Russia when they have NUCLEAR WEAPONS

>eat pork ahmed

Oh your one of THOSE people.....
>owner get's stiffed
Trumps an absolute alpha to be able to fuck so many people, man or woman
Sounds like Trump made a good deal.

What's more likely here is that the piano maker sold him the pianos, made a profit and then had somebody tell him that he could have made more from them.
I can just hear all sorts of world leaders saying that to President Trump, starting with Mexico.
Love watching liberal cry babies complain because trump "art of the deal" them in their face.

Fuck your pianos nigger. MAGA
>I took the $70,000

so it's your own fault then
>oh no, facts that go against my narrative!
>better cry SHILL! that'll win me the argument!
also, reversing your sage :^)
pretty jewy move, i respect that.
Or what, spend $200,000 to litigate the issue in courts?
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So why didn't this (((small business owner))) sue?

Oh that's right because he didn't have a case. Good thing there's always slander.
Must've been some really shitty pianos.
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No one cares what a poor Muslim from shit Malaysia this.
>sells "100k" worth of pianos
>writes up contract selling them for 70k
>gets paid 70k
Yeah you would hear that, leaf. Fucking faggot.

We need to start treat other countries this way.
yeah and win a million dollars, sure
Thanks for Correcting the Record!

The real question for you CTR shills is this:

Will Julian's leak in October include Hillary's ties to White Supremacists? Since past members have confirmed her previously ties, how do you plan to do damage control when/if this information comes out?
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Just shills here
Does he have receipts?
>I was thrilled to get a $100,000 contract from Trump.
Maybe you should read the article first.

That's not how the legal system works over here, weedman. You can't get punitive damages from a contract dispute. You get however much the guy stiffed you by. If that's not enough to cover your legal expenses, you're shit out of luck.
where is your proof?

do we have a copy of the contract and invoice?

was a lawsuit made?
next time get your money first.

negotiating with freelancers you have the same issue. whoever is more desperate makes the first move when it comes to the transaction.

The piano dealer signaled he was in a weak negotiating position.

sucks for the uninitiated but this is how business works.
I am now a #HillaryMissile
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>Hillary almost literally created ISIS
>Hillary played the revolving door politics with cash directly

even the worst stories about trump, if they were true, are NOTHING when it comes to the confirmed dirt on hillary.

Its like that cartoon, hillary has a huge mountain of dirt on her. Which nobody focuses on. But everyone tries to zoom into whatever marginally boring business shit he was in.

Its a base rate fallacy, kinda like this. Fucknig jew stream media.
Interesting how he quickly mentions the contract and never talks about it again. Clearly there was something in the contract that tied his payment with the performance of the casino. the business owner probably just looked at the amount of payment and didn't read anything else on the contract
>>I was thrilled to get a $100,000 contract from Trump.
>Maybe you should read the article first.
maybe realize that he lied and if he only got paid 70k it would be an easy win in a small claims court.

now fuck off retard
We're all shills down here

And we float
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And if he had a contract for $100,000, and was paid $70,000, it wouldn't take $30,000 in legal fees to prove that to a judge or jury.
>actually paying poor people

that cuck should have given those pianos to trump free of charge. It's an honor for the lower class to have the opportunity to serve the higher class.
nice pasta, gook
>Maybe you should read the article first.
But the mainstream media lies!!! Trump would never commit such an act. He's an ethical businessman who NEVER rips anyone off. I'm appalled that you have the audacity to claim that Trump would do such a thing. You HAVE to be a paid shill hired by Hillary Clinton. It's just the only explanation.
if the contract says the owner gets 100k entirely independent of casino performance and they decide not to pay him because of casino performance, it will not cost 30k to win that case
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>Linking Washington Post

If there was weight to ANYTHING they have ever done, the rest of the MSM that hates him would say something as well.

But SOMEHOW, Washington Post, of all rags out there, puts out stories like this daily and none of them latch on or bat an eye.

Why is that, CTR?
So did the Obama administration fast track citizenship for this beaner girl that the Clintons are trying to turn into the next Khan family?

Funny how fast Khan disappeared too, never mentioned again, because they know none of their proxies can stand scrutiny....
>shill responding to a shill

Find plane
"ethics" is a liberal code word for cuckoldry.
>it wouldn't take $30,000 in legal fees to prove that to a judge or jury.

Lmao it's almost like you could write anything, say it's from an interview and retards on the internet will believe it
Obviously, you don't know business, especially the construction business...
When an owner wants to get a project built, he puts it out to bid... the owner specifies everything that goes into the project... The specifications list the quality of the materials...
contractors submit bids, and owners often picks the lowest bid... contractors often try to substitute cheaper materials, that fall short of the specifications... When an owner discovers such substitution, he is not obliged to accept it, and can deduct the cost between the specified quality and the inferior substitution...
For example, the specification can call for stainless steel brackets on toilet partitions... a contractor substitutes the stainless steel with aluminum, and pockets the difference... an owner discovering the substitution could deduct the difference, thus the contractor will be "shorted" the agreed final amount, because the contractor didn't deliver the quality specified...
there are literally thousands of line items where contractors can attempt to substitute, so conflicts and differences of opinion over quality, are inevitable...
If Trump specified a certain brand of piano, at a certain fixed unit cost, and the contractor delivered a cheaper substitute, or passed on a previously not agreed to increased cost, then any decent businessman will refuse to be slammed with increased cost or substitution, to avoid getting cheated...
>trump offered 70k
>i needed the money so i took it
>but now i'll never get that 30k

>contract for 100k

So whats going on here is this all just a lie or why didnt he sue instead of crying for years he had fewer pianos in his showfloor and he felt embarassed cause he was 30k short?

Is the entire article a lie or what. It doesnt seem to make sense if it were true.

Pardon me for asking but what exactly is wrong with that pic of a "Trump voter?" Seems like a working class dude. Is that bad now?
>I asked my lawyer if I should ask for payment upfront, and he laughed. “It’s Donald Trump!” he told me. “He’s got lots of money.”
where the hell did he find this 'lawyer'?
exactly this, and it's just going to get worse and worse the more trump wins. considering how every other attack has failed against trump it will be interesting to see where this goes.
Yea Trump has lots of money, and he'll spend it all fighting you because he's a closet jew who never settles even if it would be cheaper
s m h
>Do business
>Don't succeed in a deal
Trump personifies everything that is wrong with the modern American capitalist corporatist business owner.


that meme has been debunked for a long time you dumb fucking google
>how many old racist bigots there still are in this country.
yeah its really sad about how the chinese and indians are treated as second class citizens by the evil, lazy malays
Fairytaleland. The same place he got a lawyer who would advise not suing for damages of $30,000. The same type of lawyer who sees $10,000 sitting on the table and walks away.
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No CTR taking the bait? I wonder why.

I mean, it's not that strange to think that MSM would be jumping on things like this like ants to honey if the story has half the relevancy and legitimacy that you so desperately claim it has.
Well if you win, the defendant pays, so what do you have to lose? RIGHT?

hey fuckhead

your queen has recently said that cyber attacks by nation-states would be met with military retaliation.

the Dems are turning Russia into the next boogeyman, even though four years ago they laughed at Mittens for claiming that Russia was our biggest geopolitical adversary

The Dems are pissed that Putin has made Obama et al look like like chumps over and over again in places like Syria and Ukraine, and with leaking the DNC emails that showed how corrupt the party is
100k worth of pianos is like 2 pianos my guy.
Silly Anon, dont you know that working class jobs are only for losers? Never mind that I am a 28 year old welder and I am already looking at grabbing a 2nd house to rent out for near effortless income while most of my college grad friends still live in apartments.
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> I asked my lawyer if I should ask for payment upfront, and he laughed. “It’s Donald Trump!” he told me. “He’s got lots of money.”
why not sue the lawyer?
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This is worse than all those Iraqi kids that were killed in the war that Hillary voted for.

I with her now.
>Washington Post, Huffington Post, Vox, Salon and New York Times
Came here to post this. Maybe one piano.
pianos are overpriced anyways
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remember - direct linking to trolls is still helping trolls
But when I requested payment, the Trump corporation hemmed and hawed. Its executives avoided my calls and crafted excuses. After a couple of months, I got a letter telling me that the casino was short on funds. They would pay 70 percent of what they owed me. There was no negotiating. I didn’t know what to do — I couldn’t afford to sue the Trump corporation, and I needed money to pay my piano suppliers. So I took the $70,000.

As usual, the story is not what the left says it is.

Voluntary transaction between customer and overcharging merchant that ended in voluntary payment for voluntary delivery.
indeed, if this guy was any sort of legit businessman in the musical instrument field, he would have advised trump to get casio keyboards, not only could trump have purchased like 10,000 keyboards that sound just as good as a piano, but a samba beat as well.
because fuck you and fuck hillary that's why

why does welding look so hard. i read some shit that if i burn the wrong stuff i'll die from the fumes.

Here we go again... Desperate liberal shills resorting to class warfare... Stronger Together?
Hillary is sick and divisive... Trump is the only one campaigning to bring everyone together for a common purpose, to make America great again...
CTR™ just stop your not funny. Type your comments out and say them out loud. You make no fucking sense.
How is this not good? Imagine if you had a politician who could do more with less money. Hell I can't even imagine that in Sweden, all our solutions are based on throwing endless amounts of money at problems by sinking them into ineffective institutions. And now we're raising our taxes, again. God damn it I want a Trump
legal fees will be added to the judgement as well as punitive amount for pain and suffering and damages... It wouldn't have cost him anything to sue... If the case was so obviously winnable, lawyers would have taken it on contingency... He had no case. period.

Who cares about some Piano kike. Hail Mickey
The only thing I know about Malaysia is that you can get fined for spitting on the street
>small claims court.
>$100,000 contract

That's not how things work. Still, wouldn't take much to get a judgement if Trump stiffed him.

Anyway, the piano guy is lying. How do I know?

> I’d been running a music store for more than 30 years at that point ... And I had a great relationship with my customers — no one had ever failed to pay.

Absolute bullshit, and anyone who has been in business will tell you the same. It's impossible to be in business for 30 years without having unpaid receivables.

That's like claiming you run a corner store for 30 years, and have never had someone shoplift. It's astronomically improbable. There was no reason to include such an unlikely statement in the article, and it seriously calls into doubt the rest of his claim.

But that's not the only bullshit in the article:

> I asked my lawyer if I should ask for payment upfront
>I couldn’t afford to sue the Trump corporation

Some guy who casually talks to his lawyer about contract details can't afford to use his lawyer to enforce what is presented as an open & shut case? Also incredibly unlikely.

There is obviously more to this story than this guy is claiming.
The Washington Post, lol.
And the person has no proof, the contract was probably for 70 grand and the person just wants attention for their fucking piano bussiness, or it never happened.
Are you going to publish about this thread on vox later?
>>I couldn’t afford to sue the Trump corporation
In a civil suit, the attorney usually gets paid from the settlement. I call bullshit.
No one is being paid to shill for Hillary. This is a Republican-funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear her campaign.
No one is being paid to shill for Hillary. This is a Republican-funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear her campaign.
No one is being paid to shill for Hillary. This is a Republican-funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear her campaign.
No one is being paid to shill for Hillary. This is a Republican-funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear her campaign.
t. ctr shill
The SHILL bot just fucked up.
No one is being paid to shill for Hillary. This is a Republican-funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear her campaign.
>Hillary complacent in the murders of million of middle eastern civilians
>still voting for it

How can you vote for a murderer.
>Le Republicans are dumb meme
Shill harder CTR skype.
It's funny that these CTRetards actually think they're going to change our opinions.

Come back when you've got something worse than causing the refugee crisis, destabilising the whole middle east, funding/creating ISIS and stealing 90% of the money raised for the people of Haiti after a lethal earthquake.

If hell exists you're going to it for working for these scum bags.
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>Washington Post

Too much detail.
That's it. Once you start telling a story, the goldfish just get the Trump didn't pay part.
Also, kind of ironic that during the debate he said NATO countries need to pay for the security services of the US but idgamf.
Trump or bust.
>implying you don't want him to do this to China
No one is being paid to shill for Hillary. This is a Republican-funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear her campaign.
No one is being paid to shill for Hillary. This is a Republican-funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear her campaign.
No one is being paid to shill for Hillary. This is a Republican-funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear her campaign.
No one is being paid to shill for Hillary. This is a Republican-funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear her campaign.
No one is being paid to shill for Hillary. This is a Republican-funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear her campaign
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All of this is within less than a minute. Sure, whatever you say, shills.
holy shit
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Be that Trump. Europe will fall ever farther if she waits for someone to save her. Become that man. Lead Sweden away from modernism and a return to Christianity. Remove the masonic influences of homosexuality in the Swedish Church. Destroy that heresy and unite Sweden with Russia in Orthodoxy. Burn every last mosque to the ground. Save Europe through Christ.
Hah, drumpf shills on suicide watch

Hah, drumpf shills on suicide watch
Hah, drumpf shills on suicide watch
Hillary is the one promising to do something about police brutality, and free college and first a 15 dollar minimum wage which she changed to 12 because she won't do shit. Hillary knows she can make any promise-lie she wants and then not follow through, shrug her dilapidated shoulders and blame congress. Bill did the same thing. They are some worthless lying fucks.
Hah, drumpf shills on suicide watch
Hah, drumpf shills on suicide watch
Hah, drumpf shills on suicide watch
Hah, drumpf shills on suicide watch
Hah, drumpf shills on suicide watch
I'd rather have an a rich asshole than a lying traitor as POTUS.
Wow this is worse than Benghazi
Hah, drumpf shills on suicide watch
Meanwhile Clinton destroyed Libya and opened Europe up to massive African immigration to Europe.
No one is being paid to shill for Hillary. This is a Republican-funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear her campaign.
Free college. That's cute
I would like to know the details of this particular case before I judge.

I'm not taking this guy's side of the story at face value without hearing the other side.
>Hillary laughed at helping a child fucker go free by calling his victim a whore.
conservanon here. I occasionally write blatant anti-trump or pro-hillary shill posts just because of the rage it generates.

You guys need to learn to ignore the shills. Yes, people have different views than we do. Thats just how life works guys.
Thank you based Kraut.

As an American lawyer who does construction litigation (typically on residential), I can tell you this is entirely what I thought when I read the article and when Hillary was bitching at Trump during the debates.

Every single property developer I know, represent or have litigated against wants Trump in office.
>opened Europe up to massive African immigration to Europe

explain clearly
Your bot is broken

(I'm glad the spamfilter doesn't apply to CTR homosex mods)
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you could do that one more time with types of guns used in gun deaths.
Sounds like Trump got a good deal. Not going to read that smut, but he should be able to negotiate like that with China.
>I asked my lawyer if I should ask for payment upfront, and he laughed. “It’s Donald Trump!” he told me. “He’s got lots of money.”

Blame your lawyer, not Trump.
>Tries to stiff Trump
>Gets stiffed back
Okay? Fuck that jew

sage in options field
possible power outage to hit you, aussies lose power now leafs are out of power stop sliding this
People here get easily ass-blasted. Its fun to fuck with people like that.
Wow, I used to be for Trump until I discovered this board. You really ARE a bunch of racists and bigots. We can't stand to let your type to lead this nation.
Wow, I used to be for Trump until I discovered this board. You really ARE a bunch of racists and bigots. We can't stand to let your type to lead this nation.

Wow, I used to be for Trump until I discovered this board. You really ARE a bunch of racists and bigots. We can't stand to let your type to lead this nation.
I agree with you and the Kraut, but what gets me is the last comment in the article by the "small business owner":

>He’s always suggesting that the people who worked for him didn’t do the right job, didn’t complete their work on time, that something was wrong. But I delivered quality pianos, tuned and ready to go. I did everything right. And then Trump cheated me. It’s a callous way to do business.

As I said, I want the details and won't trust this guy to tell a correct story at face value without hearing both sides. We don't know how they set up the deal and what Trump expected from the pianos, compared to what he got.

The guy also claims that the Trump lawyers' excuse was that they "were short on money". Would this ever be used as an argument by a lawyer?
Wow, I used to be for Trump until I discovered this board. You really ARE a bunch of racists and bigots. We can't stand to let your type to lead this nation.
Wow, I used to be for Trump until I discovered this board. You really ARE a bunch of racists and bigots. We can't stand to let your type to lead this nation.
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Wow, I used to be for hillary until I discovered shills don't understand how the internet works. They really ARE a bunch of aging, out of touch Skypes. We can't stand to let their type cuck this nation.
Is this the yamahas with white trim instead of gold trim like purchase order said?
CTR here, thanks for the help goy!

Check your bank account!
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>Have a "Contract" that legally binds Trump to pay you 100,000 g
>He pays you 70,000 g breaking the contract
>Doesn't do anything
Then show people the legal contract. Oh wait

ok, time for some high school level education.

When a business declares bankruptcy, a bankruptcy court decides who gets paid out of the remaining assets.

A business has to live and die on its own. An owner of a thriving restaurant opens a laundry mat. Laundramat fails and can't pay its bills. The owner can not dip into the thriving restaurant till to support the laundramat that is failing.

Say the laundramat goes into bankruptcy with $8000 in its bank account. And it owes: workers, staff, taxes, a bunch of painters for remodeling, and a washing machine manufacturer, totaling $142,000 of debt. All of the assets and all of the debts are handed over to the bankruptcy accountant, and under the bankruptcy court it will distribute remaining assets.

IRS, bank loans and other liens get paid first. Those painters wont see cash. Because the business failed and couldnt pay its debts. That's why it went bankrupt.

The court decided. Trump didn't 'stiff' anyone.

Every day I re-learn Im smarter than every liberal and democrat, every Hillary shill, every SJW and every feminist. Every damn single fucking day. Feels good, man.
>looks like a 36th generation JPEG

this is the i'm a (((businessman))) who sold trump eight pianos for 100,000 thousand dollars. he said his bid he won was at 100k and trump said he could take 70k or the (((businessman))) could force trump into bankruptcy.. sounds like a skype got 360noskyped by a god tier businessman and then cried like a bitch , muh 6 gorillian.
i was going to vote for Trump until he said I was 400 lbs.
>I was just pretending
what does that make you
Why are these people complaining now? Why didn't they just sue him for breach of contract?

Hey guys I once sold Trump 100 Pepes and he only paid me for 10! Where's my Washington Post interview?
This is worse than that fat drug dealer on Joe Rogan saying that his fat drug addict friend did a shitty job at one of Trumps hotels and didn't get paid in full because the shit was done by a drunk jewish drug addict and his drug addict employees.
dude if you aren't stupid it's easy as fuck.

Blue collar jobs are great, I can actually see myself retiring
If its even real you idiot all you liberal faggots are the same. Never mind all the BS Hillary has done.
>didnt actually read the article.
You can't sue someone who can counter sue for everything you own.
kek it's a pretty sad attempt by hillary clinton, and it is proving to backfire on her, looking to miss piggy and her checkered past that everyone should ignore because it was a long time ago.. but muh feelings. i really hope trump goes on the offensive next debate.
Wow, I used to be for Trump until I discovered this board. You really ARE a bunch of racists and bigots. We can't stand to let your type to lead this nation.
i read several articles the bulk of them are from 2015. the guy won a bid for 8 pianos , said he was owed 100k, got paid 70k. it's just his word, no documents to back up his claim.
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>Tax cuts for wealthy

>mfw wealthy enough to benefit
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>not schlonged

>not a good job


not everyone can be as fantastic in craftsmanship and care in his trade as Trump Steaks
“He put out a bid for pianos about a year before the Taj opened. I won the bid. I delivered the pianos, and I waited and I waited to get paid. And finally I heard from them that I had three choices: to accept 70 percent of the bid or to wait until the casino could afford to pay the bill in full. Or I could force them into bankruptcy with everybody else and maybe get 10 cents on the dollar. I took the 70 percent, and I lost 30 percent.”


i smell bullshit

I don't even think CTR exists anymore, I think it's a bunch of fucking lonely autistic fucks try to get replies for attention.
exactly this
Or perhaps he's wondering why his company bought $100k worth of pianos.
Yep. Idea of him dominating the world with his talent of finding the best solutions makes me cum rainbows

> Drumpf
mocking an identity, either a women, or a nu-male.


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> 1 post by this ID
> 1 post by this ID

Nice try Shlomo
/thread. Hillary shills BTFO
I'm not using the wapoo link

did this guy back up any of his claims with paperwork, like a copy of the bid, the contract, a copy of the 70K check, and correspondence between him and Trump's company?
>but a samba beat as well.
Wow OP, you successfully trolled so many Trump supporters. Epic for the win!
>unsubstantiated hit piece

Unless they show proof this is straight up propoganda
he writes all this shit but provides no proofs other than his word? surely he has some receipts if this is true

yep. The store owner could ask for and receive triple damages if he can prove Trump negotiated in bad faith.

For a $30k claim this store owner could get $60k and his jew ambulance chasing attorney would get $30k, bc contingency fees are usually 1/3rd of the total award
this was on reddit word for word, you lazy ctr sodomite
>Man comes to my business
>He needs 3 pianos custom built, wants a price
>Tell him 70k
>Later I charge him 100k
>I tell him 70k was just an estimate
>He pays me the 70k he says we agreed on
>Says I can sue him for the rest
>Law agrees with the goy, I don't get to cheat anyone today

This is EXACTLY the sort of man the government NEEDS right now. The sort of man who looks cheats right in the fucking eye and pays them what they're due and not a cent more.
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>idoit makes bad business deal
>settled for 30K
>mass media is anti trump
>makes I into ebil rich racist drumof story #4868804383957

come on CTR your better than this
If he was so obviously stiffed why didn't he just sue and auto-win? It's almost as if he's spinning bullshit either out of butthurt or shilling, or both.

And you could also do that with murdered by terrorists.
So you agree it was a mistake dealing with Trump because he uses dishonest business tactics?
Fuck off leafshill
No one is being paid to shill for Hillary. This is a Republican-funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear her campaign.

Why did he deliver all of the pianos then?

Why didn't he take back 30% of his inventory?

Do you really not understand how IDs on /pol/ work?

there must be some big budget cuts at CTR's headquarters after trump raped Hillary in that debate
At least you use the loo. Who are you?
You could easily get a summary judgment against his company if this were true

If you have a clear agreement you don't need a lawyer even, you bring the documents to court and request a summary judgement

More lies from a kike magazine
t. someone who doesn't understand business

its not about honesty, its about superiority
its a bs story anyway CTR
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people give away pianos like candy on craigslist because they cant move them. this smells like bullshit to me.
well probably because he is lying about the whole thing, like every other anti-trump article , they all happened 20-30 years ago, and there doesn't seem to be any proof to any of it. the miss piggy was the only thing that had truth to it, and if you read about that trump actually helped her by giving her a chance to get her shit in order because the miss universe organization wanted to kick her out for not living up to her contract
>If you have a clear agreement you don't need a lawyer even, you bring the documents to court and request a summary judgement

what? Of course you need a lawyer. A Complaint has to be filed first, and there will be some discovery no matter what.

Who is going to draft the Motion for Summary Judgment, and the subsequent Reply that Trump's lawyers will file? You?
>"Bitches and Hoes can't stop shitting on my dick."
>-Abraham Lincoln
>Clinton Foundation get billions of dollar for Haiti
>Clinton Foundation gives Haiti 5% of that
>Clinton Foundation stiffs Haiti 95% of billions of dollars
>People are still voting for Hillary Clinton
It's more because their pianos are shit and haven't been tuned in a decade.
Hah, drumpf shills on suicide watch
Oh, it's this copypasta again. It usually has a leaf flag attached. DO NOT FALL FOR THIS POST. It's all over /pol/ right now, and it's as phony as a Harambe 20 note.

Hillary Clinton is a mass murderer and she has done it for money. 500,000 deaths in Syria has been added to her death-count, paid for by Saudi and Israeli donations. Her hands will never come clean.
The shills are here to discourage you and accept the coming election fraud - DON'T FALL FOR THIS TRICK.
Keep the Faith, Correct the Narrative.
>Trump can counter sue people who have done nuffin wrong for nuffin

Hope your shit country burns to the ground.
Must not have had a good case then

Come to think of it, there are these things called '''Contracts''' and '''statements of work''' that when violated allow you to be sued.

If Trump '''stiffed''' him, why didn't he sue? Surely it's airtight ? Right???

As my grandmammy once said: "if it aint white, it aint right"
>implying you're not a shill who wanted to bump this nearly dead thread to the top of the catalog
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>$100,000 worth of pianos
What kind of pianos? Some grand pianos go for $80,000

Also, why the fuck does Trump need multiple pianos?
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Not the fucking piano vote! Trump is doomed.
If this story was true it would make him cooler to me
You guys almost had me voting for Trump, I refuse to believe in this trickle down economics bullshit, in any shape or form, give us all the champagne to drink so we can then piss it down your heads. No thanks.

PS Wont vote for Hillary either.
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>tfw trump loses the piano vote.

Expect a 0.00001% drop the polls. Trumpets BTFO
Not to mention how he treated the scottish farmer like total shit and harrased him for refusing to sell the family farm.

Trump really is a turd of a human even if you like his policies
Dude got $100,000 worth of pianos for 70k. He always said he's a master negotiator.

This just proves that there's a mole in CTR. They don't even know they're promoting Trump.
if it was your parents or someone you knew you might give a fuck.
Trump is a bigot, racist and an all around asshole. Fuck this orange dude.
yeah we need more people in the government who will pay 4 trillion for 2.5 trillion worth of airplanes
Defective pianos that can't even play chopsticks properly

look at the shills. are you people even changing proxies orr.....?
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An mean, lean, rude, brash, narcissistic business man

A murdering sociopath that made hundreds of millions of dollars literally selling out america (hundred billion in your taxes go in, a couple million in bribes go into her coffers)

I wonder who is the worse person.
only literal autists will vote for this asshole
If you believe the democrats Trump took 9/11 money meant for small businesses. Anyone know the story behind that?
Is this supposed to make Trump look bad? CTR is, you're a bunch of fucking retards. Here's a tip, PROMOTE Hillary's ideas, and bash Trump's IDEAS and stances, and don't just say "he has no stance"... bash them. You need to convince people that Hillary is a great choice that won't ruin America with the destructive path we're on. Otherwise, what you're doing is worthless. Stop being retarded CTR.
No one is being paid to shill for Hillary. This is a Republican-funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear her campaign.
No one is being paid to shill for Hillary. This is a Republican-funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear her campaign.
No one is being paid to shill for Hillary. This is a Republican-funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear her campaign.
No one is being paid to shill for Hillary. This is a Republican-funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear her campaign.
No one is being paid to shill for Hillary. This is a Republican-funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear her campaign.
yeah, this guys an asshole
selling pianos? who does he think he is, steinway?
No one is being paid to shill for Hillary. This is a Republican-funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear her campaign.
No one is being paid to shill for Hillary. This is a Republican-funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear her campaign.
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Hillary belongs in prison libtard. Stay here longer and slightly adjust your media diet and you'll see that we're not nuts.

<3 kisses
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They obviously had a loose contract. Your business is only as good as the contracts you agree to.
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Cry more Drumpkins
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>Trump displays his jew tier personality traits
>/pol/ still likes him

Oh? Are you now a #cruzmissile?
Wow its odd how, people keep doing business with Trump...maybe its because he's a good business man?...
>post everything
>including anecdotal faggot bullshit
>Donald Trump directly dealt with a piano dealer
He loves to screw Americans?
Holy shit all Canadians need to die screaming.
>Washington Post

Thread should've ended there
>things that never happened
>The worlds smallest violin
>And its playing:
>"I got stiffed 26 years ago
>and I am Correcting the Record only now"
>and no (You)s were given
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> asked lawyer if I should ask for the money up front

> "its trump he's got lots of money lol"

He should be suing his lawyer for not giving him good advice... And he paid him for that conference I bet

> took the $70,000
He got jewed twice
The truth is that Teflon Don has some yuuuuge Mafia connections

I heard whispers that they're even helping to fund his campaign

Mob labour built his eyesores, remember.

Stiffing people for work is like child's play for someone like Donald Trump
"Heh, your candidate who is in charge of a corporation fired someone one time. Checkmate. Better luck next time bigot." >:^)

>Washington Post

Why not just cite HuffPo?
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