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Has anyone seen this yet? What do you guys think about it?

Wasn't JoeySalad the guy who drunk his own piss
yes, but he claims that he isn't a fag, instead, he was just doing jackass inspired shit with his friends
You dont drink your piss in front of your "friends" and film it if you aren't a fag
>everyone here is rational and white
>moving to cali next year
How hard am I gonna rage
what is gay about drinking YOUR piss?

lel jk. Interesting though.
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>"negro" in country name
yeah okay bud
Is it legal to this while carrying a gun?
and when a google attacks you, you just shoot him in the fucking head?

That honestly seems like a fun thing to do in your spare time.
indians do it

How come Googles are so violent?
It would be legal to shoot the google in the head if he was a threat to your livelihood in the name of self defense.
it's racist to not give googles all your money every time they ask for it

also your daughter's virginity

basically you should just kill yourself you racist piece of shit
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A certain word comes to mind
Peoples are so fucking stupid .. this is why we will all get nuked soon .. because of our stupidity think about it before coming out from you caves..

Bing and Skype made them that way.
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From movie joke to reality. Niggers gonna nig.
As opposed to shoving stuff up your ass?
Shame he didn't have a gun

Could've killed some niggers.
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Why do those niggers take off their nigger t-shirts? Seems fuck to me. Yeah I said 'fuck' cause I'm censoring 'fake'.

>i've never been in a fight with niggers before

that's literally the first thing they do, they learned to fight from male strippers or something

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Wonder why ?!
>Never fought googles before

Yeah dude, they do that shit. I went to a primarily black school. That's normal.
fukin GOOGS
In a fight you can pull your opponents shirt over their head or drag them around with it
Plus niggers are materialistic and don't want their shirts stretched
what does googles mean?
It's so you can't grab their shirt while fighting them
I can grab their skin.
google search:
"American scientists"
And google image search:
"Europeans in art"
Then you have your answers
doesn't matter if the guy holding the sign is a gay or not. the point of the video is to prove that Google's just want to be the victim and gets some of that reparations money.

Yeah, but half the time it's asinine as fuck.

I've seen dudes with dreads do it, dudes wearing jewelry (yet leaving the jewelry on) do it, etc.

It's just some kind of fight or flight thing with them, except it's the clue that the fight is switched on.
This video is fake. All the people in this are paid actors, that's this guy's schtick. All these "Social Experiment/Prank Gone Wrong" YouTubers just hire people off Craigslist to get the footage they need for whatever bullshit vid they make. Manufactured controversy.
>black skin
>white shirt
>baggy pants
>baseball cap or dorag

The uniform of crime. Why do marginal, criminal, subhuman species always feel the need to dress in the same uniform? Is it so the cops have a harder time catching them?

Yeah, just another video of niggers being hyperviolent. But it's all whitey's fault.

I hope Trump becomes just as fascistic as the left fears he will. I really do.
>All lives matter
>"You're saying black lives don't matter?"

And you wonder why people get so pissed off that they start hating every black person and wishing they died. Why the fuck not? This guy is literally berating a guy for a sign that says "All lives matter"

Despicable subhuman piece of shit. Oh, and not because of his race, but because he's literally a subhuman piece of shit for disagreeing that all lives matters. Holy fuck does this piss me off. Good job. I'm seriously fucking furious. I wish someone smacked the every living fucking flying motherfucking shit out of those two stupid fucking apes. (Now that IS racist)
The video is a prime example why you should have one of these babies in your inner pocket
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It's a word I got /pol/ to use because "nigger" is incendiary to the African-American community.

They do it because you can easily grab a persons shirt and hold the fucker while you're punching him in a fight, same thing with having hair long enough to grab on too. If you've ever been in a bad fight the shirt usually gets ripped off anyways.

Also its a primitive way of "posturing" or showing their muscles the same way a dog shows it's teeth when it's pissed off.
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best part
Pretty fucking hard. People here particularly in socal are dumb as rocks. Be prepared for blank stares if you ever say a word with more than 3 syllabels
I kind of like the idea of trump supporters sitting on their porches with shotguns shooting uppity "liberals" who try to take the signs off the lawn
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they dress like that because it's cheap
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They probably do it to spread their nigger stench better. Tbh I really wouldn't like to be close to a naked or half naked nigger myself. In a fight or not.
You guys are all retarded. He showed like 2 interactions with black people and like 20 with white people.
Further, BLM people aren't saying that ALL lives don't matter, they're saying that black lives also matter. They are saying this because, based on all the recent shootings of unarmed blacks, there is an appearance that black lives do not matter.
Basically, this argument is stupid and actually means nothing.
I think if a nigger ever swings at me like that I will put him in a grave.
I remember when that Vitaly Do You Even Lift video and other shit was spammed every day.

Then those shitty "hood pranks". They either stop the clip when a gun is pulled out and blur faces of anyone who punches them.
It's legal, yes, but liberals have never cared about the law.

First the (((news))) will go all-in reporting you as a white KKK rayciss that was provoking the gentle and kind negro-folks who had they hands up and wuz unarmed into attacking. Then they will do everything in (((their))) power to bankrupt you legally, while the (((media))) quite unsubtly invites retaliatory nigger violence upon you and your entire family by (((coincidentally))) posting your full name and home address in the papers.

The niggers are only a small part of the problem. The liberals and the Jews all need to hang from the trees with them.
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>Europeans in art
no googles, hans?
I wonder who could be behind this post.
>0.05 Pepes have been deposited into your account

Thank you for niggering the nigger.
It's the latest version of 'Basketball Americans'
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>joey salads
Yea okay buddy
I don't think I've seen that one yet...

But I've seen this recently

Its greasey with frier oil
youre one to speak, huemonkey
Why doesnt someone just do this, but make it more simple

>just stand on the corner of a predominantly black beighborhood
>hold same sign
>literally just stand there, dont do or say anything
>dodge feral niggers that come at you
>have someone record
>sue for battery and assault and win every single case

Its a win win. Google goes to jail, google also looks incredibly barbaric once you put it on youtube
Yes, very hot opinions right here.

almost like the conspiracophy saying that only one side votes on polls or believes in the flat earth.
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>What do you guys think about it?
Niggers gonna nig.
every time I disagree with you fucking idiots...
That's literally the episode I was just about to watch. :D

Also I'm a beaner.

>Black lives matter

So I don't matter?

>All lives matter

Oh, I matter too.

You see, "all lives matters" is the only sign that applies to me. If some douchecanoe attacked me for preaching it (I have an all lives matter bumper sticker and a button) I would beat the ever living fucking shit out of him. I'd be in my right, because it'd be self defense, and I'd fucking weep the day later because I didn't want to hurt anyone for such a beautiful message. I'd fucking give the guy assistance if I hurt him too much or whatever. That's how good of a person I truly am.
>Where are you from?
>Ethan (((Klein)))
kids, if someome is close enough to grab your hair bite their fucking face off.
No you're right I will take my pants off while crying and offer my anus up to the superior BBC.

Just Bc you're a cuck doesn't mean everyone is
>googles get all violent for no reason

The rather ironic part of the whole "movement" is that people who want to help become alienated by interactions, like the above.

Then they see that, no, a hood rat's life really doesn't matter.
I kekked at this. Still not sure why
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holy shit! i watched the whole thing, god damn, reminded me of one of Roman Atwoods pranks:


Do any of you notice how all the nigger MASSIVELY overreact to his shit, all white people are cool with it and just laugh it off.
why do niggers want to get violent at even the SLIGHTEST fucking provocation??

no wonder pigs are so uptight dealing with nigs, man
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h3h3 exposed this guy as a fraud. You guys like h3h3, right? Because he's more based than this stupid fuck making fake social experiment videos.

Not saying this wouldn't happen in a black neighborhood and that you don't have every right to beat the shit out of someone for attacking you for holding a sign (niggers are violent motherfuckers), but this didn't happen.
And here i am, still havent seen any black person in my entire life. (Im 28)
This shit is so bizzare to me. Im glad i dont live in america.
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>image search
>They are saying this because, based on all the recent shootings of unarmed blacks, there is an appearance that black lives do not matter.

Shit sucks, too many blacks killing other unarmed blacks.

9 were killed and 45 wounded over the weekend, just in Chicago.

Make it stop.
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>joey salad

What a preposterous name
Hows it all going, mexibro?
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Anon, you can't take BLM seriously.
The piss itself is already touching your penis so it makes you gay anyway.
dat redpilled black
>Not saying this wouldn't happen in a black neighborhood and that you don't have every right to beat the shit out of someone for attacking you for holding a sign (niggers are violent motherfuckers), but this didn't happen.

Blacks are killed in their own neighborhoods just for wearing the wrong color shirt or shoes or "disrespecting" someone. Of course they would do this. We should be more surprised he wasn't shot.
>Joey Salads
Bear grylls drinks his own piss at the drop of a hat and he is a hardcore Christian
Do some googles actually behave like that?
What do these people have to believe in that sign "all lives matter" would cause so much anger.
I couldn't think of more positive message, i mean what the heck? I don't have any personal experience with googles myself ( check flag ),
can anyone from USA explain this shit?
There are tons of poor white people who do not dress exactly the fucking same.

Wealthy Arabs do the same shit here: All the same haircut, all the same coat, all the same pants. They all look the fucking same. The description of "young man with tinted skin, furlined coat, baseball cap" is pretty much useless.
he was putting his dick in his mouth m8, his own dick in his own damn mouth and started pissing
Hmm, sounds like something up your alley porn wise.
Are there any videos where a 'prankster' fights back and calls them filthy niggers. It seems to be taboo and all these faggots treat niggers like human beings cause they're p.c. or just scared faggots. I'm pretty tired of it.
Yeah, he knew what was up

Would it be straight to drink a woman's piss?
Yea, you probably would do that
To be fair, he always goes to the litteraly worst places there are.
Manny nogs are a problem in the us, but Salad is always forcing shit like this, not only by going into the worst regions in the worst moments.
He also was often called out for provoking people while the camera is of
Depends on what state you are in, some would declare it self defense others would make the case that you were baiting them with the intent to kill.
niggers are hilarious. many good laughs have been had on the expense of the negro. thank you america
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Oklahoma state badge looks comfy.
I partied with joey in Orlando dudes on 4chan, whats up joey
Yeah, would still be disgusting tho
This makes it come off as fake.
Hope it's not, I uploaded it to goybook.
saying "all lives matter" is like going to a funeral and saying "40k people died today in the world, all dead people matter not just this one lol"
and you wonder why people hate it
Or, like the likely outcome scenario, you will hit him with your fists and may or may not leave with a couple bruises and a black eye.

Fuck, are you 12? Do you think you can post something like "man if that guy fights me i'm gonna kill him" and not expect to be ridiculed?
Stop being a jewish clinton globalist shill then, cunt.
I got into a few fights with nogs.

First lesson is they wail their arms like monkeys instead of gentleman like boxing style. So go low and get em on the ground.

Second. hope that your friends are equal in numbers as his or your friends are able to throw down if need be.

Third. Dont fight fair. They dont. Have no problem with bashing their nuts or bighting a chunk out of em. Theyll do it to you.

When fighting white guys who arent niggertier, you have to worry about none of this.
If a guy swings at you without you even touching him you can assume he's trying to kill you and shoot him in the fucking face.
For some reason I get the impression you're mixed-race. Am I right?
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I want to move to Poland.
Nah, pranksters dont want to get fucking shot, m8
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bump for nigger enragement
im southern and white
nice assumption you german faggot
You don't
We are poor.
Wouldnt it be smarter for you to move to a state/city where there is a huge majority of whites? I assume you still have places like these yes?
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>all lives matter
>so whatcha saying, black lives dont matter
>proceeds to physically threaten 2-on-1
Please tell me this is not real, please tell me it's staged and niggers aren't ACTUALLY this retarded.
those state are all poor too.
This is genius.
Everyone do this.
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Time to delete google.
>social experiment
>social experiment, brah
>just a social experiment, bro!
>JUST A VIDEO! (formerly knows as "prank")
>social experiment (GONE SEXUAL!)
Its JoeySalad, he dont stage his stuf but he always does his best to provoke people and make them angry off camera for clicks
You have to drink semen to maximize gains and the one who makes the most semen gains is rewarded with a refreshing zero calorie energizer.
That's a retarded analogy, much like every single analogy people use to explain black lives matter vs. all lives matter.

>its like you have a house on fire but saying all houses matter so you pour water on all of them

>its like you have a pancreatic cancer but the doctor refuses to treat it because all cancers matter

>its like blah blah blah same fucking analogy over and over again

The main flaw in every single one of those analogies is that it assumes urgency and attention into a situation that doesn't warrant it. There is no epidemic of police targeting black lives for killings. There is no house being set on fire while all the other houses are left alone. There is no specific cancer attacking the body.

Let me correct the house fire analogy so it makes better sense

>guy sets his own house on fire
>it spreads to the neighborhood
>the fire department starts extinguishing houses at the other end of the block, eventually reaching the black guy's house
>guy who set the house fire complains they didn't extinguish his house first

for what? you know theyre on EBT.
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holy shit the irony in your post
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wtf i have more white
the black neighborhood was poorer. thats why they were violent, it has nothing to do with their race.
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All Fucking Niggers Must Fucking Hang

Race War Now
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why did he flee from the niggers?
googles are like dumb animals, no control over their violent impulses, unable to reason past their selfish and entitled desires
Good luck trying to prove that to cops, especially if he's black and you have no witnesses.

Even in Zim Zam's home state of Florida with the SYG laws, there was a nationwide fiasco about it.
who's that ronald reagon (?) is kissing?

also do you feel pride that vincent van gough is from your country?
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I'd still rather live in a poor white country with no muslims or blacks.
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Black lives matter less than fecal matter.
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Also dont you have a dutch version of google or is it just in german and english?
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oh shit waddup
Its Honecker and Breschnew m8
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Why is CWC so fat?
Cops shoot lot's more whites than blacks, perhaps whites should chimp out after every shooting and go looting.
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I knew exactly what was gonna happen but I still laughed.
Isn't Germany into that kind of shit?
nowadays niggers get pissed off for even less
the first instance would only apply to females and faggots
>fuck all lives
>black lives
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you alright bud?
My reading comprehension must be terrible but are you saying that states that are mostly white are also poor? How is that the case? I would've thought more whites = richer, more prosperous state
no ... no... that's really not the same ... why dont the thousands of black people getting shot a year by black people matter? only the few criminals that try to shoot cops and get killed seem to count, ive seen about 3 or 4 videos where the cop has got it wrong, 3 or 4 out of hundreds of thousands of routine stops is pretty good desu.
Why censor the faces?

Only one that wasn't censored looked legit (the dude warning him.)

fake/10 OP
if he went to a poor white neighborhood in the racist South, the whites would get violent to.
Do you want aids, cause that's how you get aids...

states that rely on farming for example aren't usually rich
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im guessing he didnt want to incriminate any of the guys that attacked him, the police might go and shoot another innocent good boy who was just going to church.
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can someone fill me in on the google meme?
maybe so. those fuckers will put you in intensive care or kill you though. Ill take the chance of AIDS to walk away from the fight.
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this fucking guy.
>Joey fucking Salads
why even waste space on the internet with this fake shit and even more shame on the nig nogs who would ALL nig nogs look bad for the fucking 3 cents he payed them to do this.
not when you account for population, retard
was in the thread when it started, guy just said if they censoring words like nigger and kike with googles new AI, fuck it up and call them googles and skype
because the movement is ill named. It's supposed to be "Cops, stop killing nig nogs for the same crimes you aren't killing vanil-nogs for"
But when you account for population they commit a huge amount more of crimes than they should too,... retard
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yo google don't be racist

only black lives matter, fucking whity, our race must PREVAIL fucking neonazi racist xenophobic asshole
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1 is the lowest debtor state 50 is the highest.

heres a list of federal funding by state. states which receive more federal funds. highest 1 to lowest 50

pretty sure when a white guy turns a gun on a cop they get shot too, you got to be a pretty dumb cunt to go up against multiple trained cops because you got your hands on a 9 and play CoD
let me guess without even clicking the video his videos are scripted woo woo
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Fake and gay.
>"It says All Lives Matter"
>"So whatchu sayin, black lives don't matter?"

Fuck me, niggers really are fucking dumb.

>him smiling after the kick

top fucking lel
thanks senpai, ive been out of the loop for a while
Is it entrapment if the camera guy calls the police?

Could be a decent way of keeping the streets safe by jailing a few more googles

What's wrong with drinking your own piss? It's an infinite supply of hydration.
Depends. If LA or SF you're fucked.

OC leans right though, if you can afford it.
Except it was understandable for them to get pissed in the movie, real life has become much more depressing than movies like that could ever predict. I mean who the hell would ever predict that niggers would start fighting somebody with a sign that said all their lives mattered?
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What part of California? Then I can answer your question.
Fake and fucking stupid.

>those niggers taking off their shirts simultaneously
Kek. What the fuck is that?
>pretty sure when a white guy turns a gun on a cop they get shot too
idk. Wasn't there a shooting in an Elementary School in South Carolina and after the shooter shot 2 kids and a teacher, he was brought in with out being shot? I'm just hoping that one day nig nogs and pig pogs learn some accountability.
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>Get in fight
>Shirt gets pulled over head
>You're now blind
Not that it matters, they punch like they're blind anyway.
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>Kek. What the fuck is that?

The chimpout signal.
I understand if you think this place is an echo chamber where nobody respects your opinion, but the least you can do is construct an effective one so we hear your viewpoints. Are we all a bunch of uneducated racists who are not worthy of your superior intellect so you resort to going on vocaroo and mocking us?

"Lives of the world"

I fucking hate it when people say this shit.

"The technology of the human race"

"The education of this world"
Did he maybe drop the gun and surrender peacefully,..... no black guy ever got shot dropping the gun and surrendering

when will this "muh white skin" maymay stop. it's been long enough
sry ur rite
what ever happened in that Philando Castille case? did the cop get off? and the Tulsa case, wasn't she charged for manslaughter?
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That thumbnail was misleading.
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I posted this video on FB and an SJW friend of mine wrote this in response. How should I destroy him?
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I have an idea /pol/ on how to make some blood money

>provoke people in black neighborhoods with ALM signs or maybe even more provocative stuff
>get blacks like in video to assault me, prepared with (armed) witnesses and HQ cameras
>take them to court for damages

this is the perfect plan, oh my god
>black people
good luck with all those EBT cards.
>take them to court for damages
You forgot blacks don't have any money.
if you don't have the ability to articulate responses or aren't mentally malleable enough to change your views stay off /pol/
He's right, though
Bear Grylls pls
"Regardless of how you try to justify the INTOLERANCE of the blacks in this video, the facts remain that the blacks in the video were the violent ones. No act of political violence is acceptable, regardless of whether or not YOU agree with the perpetrators. Also, there is no reason to believe that any of the objectives BLM hopes to achieve would actually reduce police brutality, which in itself is a miniscule issue compared to the criminal, violent, and otherwise anti-social behavior that runs amok in the hood."
Them niggers are playing with fire. The white people are probably getting feed up with this nonsense.
then I'll be doing a public service by throwing them in jail if they can't pay me. Anyway, it shouldn't be too hard to extract $500-$2000 per case in plea agreements, as poor as blacks are.

Ugh...Look at that disgusting thing.
To think that it used to be human at some point in it's life.
Except you don't have to be armed in order to earn yourself a bullet. The premise of your logic is flawed. It's flawed because you've lived in a bubble you're entire life and have never been in a situation of true struggle.
>I'm trying to throw MORE black people in jail and pay for their free room and board with my taxes/
I'm trying to get money. You do realize that the average hoodlem goes through like $200/month in weed, right?
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well there justified in beating up the honkey since whites and cops kill and cause bodily harm to black people every day soo.........
>I'm trying to get money.
>and I'll do anything to get it
and dey gay as fuck.
>tfw you could just have kicked both niggers in the balls while they pulled of their shirts...
>all humans are equal
He was also the one who played both a Christian and a Muslim and threw a suitcase in a crowd to make sure people "didn't judge based on belief".
>i'll do anything to get it
>implying most reasonable people wouldn't be willing to extort shit out of niggers

what a jewish theme, I wonder with what degree of intent the makers made it, kek
BLM is just a bunch of monkeys angry at something
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>his face
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>We should've picked our own fucking cotton.

Black lives don't really matter though.
youre an idiot
Get prepared for the most multicultural society you've ever been in
>pro tip it's shit
SoCal at least
a .22? what are you going to do with that?
convince a dindu that it's a 9mm cause its a Beretta and make a sick profit, then report it stolen and call the cops on him
>I was only pretending to be retarded
In some states yes in most no
Daily reminder to get your CCW
before it's too late
why not punch them while they're taking their shirt off?
It's an ooga booga thing. They take off their short to try and intimidate you. It's national geographic shit, they are subhuman
>North Dakota
>Resident dependency #1
>State gov dependency #50

What's up with that?
pic related
Friendly reminder: Blacks have ALWAYS been racist as shit with as little empathy as possible. Who originally enslaved their people? THEY DID. Europeans never conquered Africa until the 1800/1900s. They just traded with them.

Even today people in Africa are used as slaves. Slavery has been outlawed in most of the civilized world. Only places where it is still practiced in are third world shitholes, like Africa. The Roman Empire ended slavery 1500 years ago. All bets were off when they fell.

So then why is everyone so surprised when blacks only see from their viewpoint? They only care about themselves. They are a selfish animal, much like a lion. They will rip you to shreds and have zero remorse about it.

And people wonder why our forefathers created segregation.

haha. Idiot
0/10 heres a (You) you fucking ((((You))))

As in "You're both idiots."
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>the guy kinda looks like a light skinned Carlton

Just goes to show you that dindus are generally violent chimps. fuck blm, all lives matter but dindus like to think they matter more
Even if the outcome seems realistic. I think that video was staged.
your (you)s are mine

no regrets
With her boob coming out
fucking niggers are at it again
>I have an idea /pol/ on how to make some blood money

It's easy. Go to a plasma center, donate blood plasma, and they pay you with dat blood money.
The groids are not racist they are just tribalist, negros have never once conceptualized the idea of a black race back in Africa they mutilated eachother for no reason at all and didnt give a flyin fuck if the person looked exactly like them. Blacks murder more blacks than whites have ever killed.
Youre (((momma)))
Federal funding for fracking.

Shit is booming out there.
>The groids are not racist they are just tribalist

The groids are not just racist, they are tribalist,


Look at the Congo wars as an example.

If American googles ever figured out which tribes they were from, the'd organize gangs based on each tribe, and start wars with each other. That would fragment "African Americans" into smaller groups, and they'd be less of a problem for whites, and probably actually vie with each other for white support or sympathy for their tribe.
If someone attacks you with fists you can defend with your gun.

also natives sucking up gibs.
Bullshit "experienment"

He went to a rich white area and then a dirt poor black one. Didn't say how many blacks walked by him and didn't say or do shit.
You might get killed or seriously beat.

And if you sue them? What are you gonna recover, EBT bucks?
how do you know it was rich neighborhood?

also he was clearly in a shitty hood. the guy who warned him was right. he shouldnt have been out there. im surprised he got away with his life honestly.
Well no shit, if some motherfucker was paintballing my car I'd fucking stomp em.
This is why all lives matter is bullshit

85 women are burned alive in Africa ALM not there

75 women killed in Mexico by cartels ALM not there

TERRIOST attack in Paris- pray for the lives pray for them. If you ask why they didn't say shit for non white countries they say ALL LIVES MATTER I CARE ABOUT THEM TOOOOOO even though they dont.

If they would just say ONLY white lives matter it least i couldn't call the hipocrites
Dude, check out the crime rate in black neighborhoods. These niggers are wild.
Why dont they? Police brutality affects all races
omfg tfo beaner, cops are at least not violent AND stealing a bunch of shit and then justifying it through some ideology
>261 replies to this slide thread
Fucking hell. I thought /pol/ died with Zimmerman but this is next level stupid

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You can't Flim Flam the Zim Zam
Why is south carolina the only southern state without this life saving law? Fuck that cuck nikki haley
t. newfag
Why not get some pro fighers to do this prank and beat up the ghetto googles when they try to attack you?
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we have castle doctrine. i got conceled carry here. you just have to fear for your well being, or anothers, then you can fire.

we dont have open carry though as far as i know.
nikki haley is trash. will vote for whoever challenges her. her statements on trump and the confederate flag were last straw
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Always going to be.
In some states you would get away with it, in others you wouldn't. You would be socially ostracized and your life would be over no matter what though
American negros already mindless form tribes but we call them gangs these days, only thing missing is the negros abducting negro women into the tribes and mass raping them in hidden areas like in Africa.
Race war
Did noone tell you yet that google is tailoring its service to the customer?
Basically this means you should stop beeing a stormfront faggot and reading so much nigger related crap and then you wont get this shit.

Also noone fucking writes about "europeans in art", it is pretty much always some inferior race trying to make a weak point, thats what you have to expect stop nitpicking.
My blood is boiling. Just kill these niggers (not recommending as it's illegal!!!)
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That's not how that fucking game works, they wouldn't show one 'O' but not the other. Make the 'L' blank for the joke, or the 'E' or 'S', but it doesn't work with 'O' or 'G'
Posted this on my Facebook, left Labor member flatmate said it's akin to walking around in a KKK uniform. I said that's ridiculous and apologizing for violence and why should black lives matter if black people don't obey the same common laws that we all are beholden to?
that's actually .25 caliber. not much better, but that shooting in Washington last weekend proved that the .22 is actually lethal; thus a larger round (barely) should be just as acceptable.

As my grandmammy once said: "if it aint white, it aint right"
>a literal mountain nigger
yo what the fuck South Carolina has the same castle doctrine as Massachusetts?
all you have to do is "fear for your life" and you're good
you're blow up dolls orgasms are faked and staged.
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"Black Lives Matter" was a mistake as a PR move anyway.

It's way too forced and fails to actually address the issue at hand. The arguments that arise from the stupid slogan defeats the entire purpose.

The BLM people are in serious need of a actual PR team.
those fucking dirt cookies.
>feeling "threatened"
no, they were feeling "aggressive".
What's a bing
You know this was staged right?
>I can't believe you autistics still fall for these videos on YouTube
Ok great
You still have to go back though
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>I'm going to be conducting a social experiment
Hold sign
Conceal carry gun
Wait till googles attack
Defend self
Black Lives Matter is the biggest branding fail of all time.
I feel bad for the rational working blacks behind the scenes who have to experience this entire blm movement

>Inb4 there are no rational googles
>nig nogs were more violent
>"Let me know why you think that is"
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Whites once again do nothing to fight back.

They do this shit because they KNOW were are not a violent people.
nervous reaction
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Truth bomb from local braindead college thot:

Racist whitey BTFO
Social experiments and pranks are all made up.

If you truly believe in thoses videos you're an idiot
>Prove nothing
They prove how hostile these black people are about a fucking sign with three words, for starters.

>Sign is contextually racist
Because it says "ALL lives matter", and that is supposed to downplay the issue that black people are the only ones with problems? That's not true. They already came out with the fbi stats that show more white people were murdered by cops. Where's your logic on this one?

>Whole video tries to depict blacks as the violent ones
Joey Salads is notorious for faking his stunts, but this is just the truth. You will get a violent reaction being white and holding a sign in a black community, period. People are simply going to take offense to the fact that you're appearing to teach them something, implying they might be stupid.

>Show the cops who panic and shoot them
This comparison doesn't even make sense. Nobody is getting shot in the video, but if anyone did, it would be Joey for holding his sign in a black community.

>The supreme court ruled it's reasonable to run from police
This is one of the dumbest things I've ever fucking heard, no joke. If you ever run from the police when you're supposed to be getting stopped, you lose. You're wrong. Simple as that. Quit whining like a baby and just suck it up and deal with them for 10 fucking minutes, then go. If you run from police, you lose. Simple as that. So don't. Christ. What a concept, that you have to remind people not to run from the police.

>You owe it to them to examine the facts
I do? "Them" as in blm? I don't.
you are in argentina.

wtf do you know whether this is true or not.
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