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Explain yourselves Russian Shills

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Explain yourselves Russian Shills
You don't need to worry about this. Just carry on.
Lol faggot
>implying KGB was ever dead
People are sure naive. That's why Russia is winning the cold war.
You need a clean master for you designated shiting streets fucker
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>>implying KGB was ever dead

pretty much this.

I mean fuck even when all the names and shit were changed everyone still referred to the KGB.
And you need a MEGATRON 5000 vacuum pump to suck all those sharts from Walmarts.
Thinking the KGB was dead in the first place is absurd
How could such organisation die from a day to another
Will we once more see the KGB wolf and CIA Jackal fight?
everyone in the USA, you mean, due to hollywood movies. OP's shit article is the latest wave of american news media citing an "expert", nothing official about it at all.
It will be called MGB so it's ok.
No just expect a red scare and get offended more by calling them a spy than calling them a nigger
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Good, its about time.
Pretty pointless to go look for pant shitting burgers when we can just go to your literally shitty country and vacuum the fuck out of your designated shitting streets
let me guess the M will look like a K in cyrillic

It was dead. The FSB had much less functions and prerogatives.

Otherwise you are claiming that this changes nothing in Russia while it is obviously a huge change.

The basic idea is the same one that was behind the creation of the National Guard.

Putin basically combines multiple smaller agencies into fewer super-agencies, which makes them much more effective.

The new KGB in particular is meant to tackle corruption.

"“We (officers of the Federal Security Service) only provided support for investigations before, now we will control this process from the moment criminal proceedings are initiated to their submission to the court”, - according to a source at the FSB internal publication. MGB officers will also verify how effectively investigators use sensitive information.

The investigating board of the Ministry for State Security will have the status of a Chief Directorate and will be able to take over high-profile criminal cases."
No, but that's exactly what KGB was called during 46-53, before it got renamed to KGB.
No, it actually looks like M.

On the other hand, MGB is what KGB used to be called from 1946 to 1954.
" the number of specialized agencies, which mushroomed in the 90s as part of the fight against the “monster KGB”, is being reduced, the latter having completed numerous reforms and downsizing.

In the event these proposals are implemented, we will be back where we started, after 25 years of freedom and democracy. It will be a super-structure of the MGB, with a wide range of functions and authorities, similar to the later Soviet KGB, which is probably not surprising, given the number of people in the government (including the top person, who came from the Soviet KGB).

Similar forms with different substance are reconstructed, for obvious reasons. The aggravation of the social and economic situation in the country will require reinforcement of internal controls. And the extension of the conflict with the USA and the wars Russia is currently involved in and those of the future, will require the optimization of power, where squabbling special services, are less effective."
put da fin in da bin :DDDDDDDD
The KGB has always been around.

Its like saying the CIA truly let project MKUltra die, everyone knows its absurd.
any excuss to drink vodka I guess
It's like saying that NASA was dead since the end of space race.
They are placing money where they need them. Remember there are no former members of KGB.

The funniest thing about this is that most of /pol/ (i.e. Russian shills) are against the so called "deep state" in the US, endorsing Snowden, etc. While they cheer on the same thing in Russia.

That's some high level cognitive dissonance right there.

MGB, actually. Same name as in 1943-1953, a good choice stylistically.

I don't endorse Snowden, he is a leftist faggot. I endorse what he did.

And I am against mass surveillance anywhere.

It still doesn't change the fact that Russia are clearly the good guys on the world stage right now, and their special services are more focused to fight against Islamic terrorism instead of supporting it like CIA, and preventing internal engineed unrest instead of creating it everywhere like the CIA.

Yes, KGB may be synonymous with "evil" for the Americans but compared to the CIA, they are actually the good guys. At least in the past 20 years.
Anyway this wasn't even confirmed.
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>How could such organisation die from a day to another
Budget. All the spooks turned """businessmen""" once the money ran out.
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Did he rename FSB back to original KGB?

That's a big atom
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We lost the Cold War a long time ago. The final blow is coming.
>When they'll realize Putin is literally KGB
This. Latvian shill BTFO
Geez you sure are fucking stupid. The KGB did in fact cease to exist. They're doing more than just "placing money where they need them" they're restructuring everything in their intelligence to make it more effective. The FSB is a joke compared to the old KGB and its revival is big.
No. This article is retarded. Putin dindu nuffin. Hes just restructuring FSB because there has been a lot of criticism from the public for the way recent academy graduates are acting. (See FSB graduates celebration on jewtube) And nepotism there in general.

The "new KGB", called MGB (State Security Ministry), would merge the FSB (Federal Security Service), the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) and the Federal Guard Service (FSO)
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Everyone on pol is not a fascist stooge now. I am sure they will come up with some shit about strong leadership and cultural pride.

Hard to believe that in the very heart of counter culture and the greatest freedom of speach it only results in the worship of authority. Fuckin hilarious.
Implying you would know about this. Looks like Russia is serious about removing corruption.
I see someone here understood whats going on.

Americas "deep state" is supposed to be its well armed citizens, whistle blowers and a strong (non hipster) middle class. Not against that.

Corrupted institutions that kill others around the world just leading to confusion is the deep state that has to go. Stop with this /pol/ LOVES Putin meme. We just know he exists and provides a balance on the world stage.

If Europe/America etc becomes a heap of faggots what are we going to do anyway?
don't expect him to understand the world on a scale that's any bigger than his "country"
You are retarded

Putin can you hear me? I will shitpost for gently used military surplus. Rifles handguns of the semi auto variety.

Just mail it to me ups.
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>The planned result is the creation of the Ministry for State Security, or MGB – the agency uniting the currently independent Federal Security Committee (FSB), Federal Bodyguard Service (FSO) and Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR).
So a couple of already existing secret services will be merged together for better control and to reduce of spending. Why is that bad?

>muh KGB
Even if it was called KGB which it's not it's just a damn name. Why are Westerners so retarded when it comes to names? It doesn't fucking matter what something is called.
>Everyone on pol is a fascist stooge now
Dont know how that 'not' snuck in there.
History repeating itself.
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>Hard to believe that in the very heart of counter culture and the greatest freedom of speach it only results in the worship of authority. Fuckin hilarious.
Authority is power, anyone that worships something else worships a false idol.
>The new KGB in particular is meant to tackle corruption.

lmao, what are you smoking

>USSR collapses
>suddenly the main security agency is brand new, I swear guys

I bet you believe in bulgarian """democracy""" as well
Like Putin himself said, "There is no such thing as an ex-KGB agent." They were never gone.
good, if the US has CIA why can't Russia have KGB?

This is 8th grader level of political discourse.

Learn to read maybe, instead of smoking joints behind the school.
Worst idea ever, leave KGB in the past where it belongs.
>Authority is power, anyone that worships something else worships a false idol.

No it is the weakness of fatalistic surrender. You hero-worshipping types with no fathers will never understand though.
This. I wouldn't say we're winning the cold war tho.
KGB wasn't gone, just renamed.

the FSB is a LITERAL continuation of the KGB, the only difference being relocation to nicer digs in the late 90s.

It makes sense, Putin was in the KGB for 16 years up until the Soviet Union collapsed.

He reached the rank of Lieutenant Colonel in the KGB, that agency made him the man he is today.
>we USSR now
The KGB never went away. The Kremlin has been in full operation ever since the USSR "collapsed" so badly they even had to receive foreign aid (more money for KGB!)

Putin bided his time while the cultural marxist subversives in education and media brainwashed a generation, and the neocon Trotskyite subversives in government turned the US into a puppet slave for ME powers, and it brought collapse to the USA.
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>Western media
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>Program is literally named after the Stalinist: "Ready for Labor and Defense"

>Pretending Putin isn't obsessed with Stalin, and isn't trying to continue his legacy by literally resurrecting the KGB and other programs

Nice Soviet meme, comrad.
oh, I'm sorry I dishonored your superior intellect with my simpleton way of speaking

not an argument
Nobody here even remembers it was "Stalinist", it's just something people grew up with in like 70s.

For overwhelming majority that's the period they think about when they think of USSR, because that's what they lived through.

Unlike Americans who don't even know any Soviet leaders other than Lenin and Stalin.
>implying USSR had only bad things
There's literally nothing wrong with GTO except for the fact that it's voluntary and doesn't quite work yet. Also they should really rename the secret service back to KGB just to trigger ameriturds.
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You don't think "Ready for Labor and Defense" is an unusual name for a child fitness program? It sounds communist as fuck, why is Putin so obsessed with resurrecting Soviet programs? Oh right, he was in the fucking KGB for 16 years.

Also curious, pic related, why does the Kremlin pay homage to the Soviet Union once a year? I see Putin praising Soviet veterans at these things. Is that Soviet Union generally perceived as a sort of golden era in Russia's history?
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>Cold War is still going on
Is this some meme I missed or am I just not woke enough?
>nothing wrong with GTO except for the fact that it's voluntary

You believe it should be mandatory, like it was during the Soviet Union?
>Is that Soviet Union generally perceived as a sort of golden era in Russia's history?
I remember a certain Putin quote: "Anyone who wants the USSR back has no brain, but anyone who doesn't miss it has no heart"
Because it's the name that everyone knows so why the fuck not?
It's called a Victory Day and it celebrates our victory against nazi Germany despite the odds and casualties. Maybe you would understand once you have a war that kills 30 million of your people and destroys most of your country.
You're not awake. Russia is one of the last major anti-globalist sovereign nations. This is why Hillary placed so much blame on Russia specifically for cyber attacks, when in reality they come from everywhere.
>TFW Putin's last day in office.
>Gives farewell speech.
>"And now, to my friends in America, I present a new reset button... and one last surprise."
>Pulls a bright red button out of his coat
>Presses it
>All the Russian flags fall
>Maps across the world suddenly have "Soviet Union" replacing Russia.
>It turns out this was just a break from the cold war.
>Putin was playing Hyperdimensional Yahtzee
There is nothing to explain KGB is fucking badass organization that works in the nation's interests. Cry more kike shill.
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>The new KGB in particular is meant to tackle corruption.
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delete yourself leaf

I can definitely see why they decided to skip LGB. :^)
Yes and the state works in the interest of a clique of oligarchs, who get richer and richer, while the rest of the population lives in poverty and alcoholism.

>nation's interests
>implying American population doesn't live in constant debt
>implying American people drink less than the Russians
Be careful with what you say, Ruskie.
Well, you see, OP, what happens is that you have a nice security service, but then FUCKING JEWS work 24/7 to subvert and destroy your country, you need something more potent.

Then when you do that, then the same FUCKING JEWS who made the stronger measures necessary howl and cry to the other goyim about how you are turning into a totalitarian dictatorship and that you must be destroyed.

See how that works?
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