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Brit/pol/ - Emergancy Karen edition

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 299
Thread images: 118

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Saw my brother-in-law give his son a smack for being naughty lads.

Where do I report him?
I spelt emergency wrong. ;_;
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1st for Amelia.
What a shit thread.
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Who depressed and scared of learning to drive here?
I didn't have time, lad.

The old thread was about to archive.
Who /passed their test and owns a car/ here?
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How was work lads?
Contemplating the military to be honest. I know a few lads on here are too.
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Here lad
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>tfw 5'7
>tfw going to need a booster seat to drive
How do we make Europeans more ethnically conscious lads?

I've taken SSRIs so I think I can't do that kek

Meant to go jogging today but cba
Couldn't imagine how inconvenient it would be not having a car as an adult
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Morning lads

Can't imagine life without owning a car now lads, wouldn't be working had one and been driving since 17.

It was pretty essential in Cheshire and my parents were sick of chauffeuring me about.
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Pretty good, enjoying the last week of the only without students.

Teaching my first classes this academic year next Thursday.
you alright fella
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Not at all boy. At least I have my karens.
I'm a student and never go anywhere so doesn't really matter atm
I hate that cars are so necessary here and public transport is shit. I want nice comfy Japanese or Danish style trains and metros
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False flag as migrants and troll them about rape and terrorism.

It will when no one will employ you because you don't have a driving license.
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Youve done a terrible job
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Is academia full of SJWs?
what's up m8
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Where is the Pippa Middleton leaked pics? were they released?
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My life has been spiralling out of control for years and the chickens have came home to roost desu.

I-Is this real lad?
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Fucking toothpaste
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Depends la. It's mostly undergrads in humanities. I deal with postgraduates in STEM courses so I don't see much SJWism.

Mind we do all have to undergo Cross Cultural Competence training.
If you're not going to put links in the thread, just don't bother making a thread at all, you fucktard.

This might as well be an /a/ thread.
Hand over the colonies you fucking dental monstrosity
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Dogshit our new Sgt is trying to make their mark on the section. Basturd.
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>Cross Cultural Competence training
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Who else /NeverHadACavity/ ?
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What colonies?
notice me

Only had two small ones around 12 years old.
Social democracy saved our childrens teeth
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Consequentialist argument, tbqh
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>Cross Cultural Competence training
It makes a bit more sense in academia than in most situations tbqh.

We've had situations like a Muslim woman doing an MSc course and her husband accompanying her to meetings, answering instead of her, and insisting she can't be left alone with another man (e.g. an advisor during a meeting). We had to make sure the husband accepts that he can't go to lectures/labs with her and plan around the alone-with-another-man issue (e.g. meetings in public places like the campus cafe).

The training is mostly about learning how to deal with situations like this so we can continue charging the Mussulman £9k-£15k for doing his course with minimal fuss.
That's such bullshit. How the fuck should a driving licence affect someone's employability? Plenty of people live in cities
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Faith saved our teeth. Faith in Blair.
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are they going to ban memes?
Me. I had braces though

Free thanks to based NHS
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Literal alternate reality
>trump caused this
I am bewildered and confused.
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If a shits going to happen about pepe the frog I'm going to crack out the spray paint and make a template of him.
Spray pepe on every corner of the town.
Viva La Meme
We own 71% the planet clog nigger. Almost everywhere is home.
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What are Nige's Runescape stats?
Nice quint quints
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I think this entire election can be summarised with that image of "WORLD MEME DATABASE" reflecting off of some guy in sunglasses.

I've been doing interviews with my manager this week and we had two really good guys but both couldn't drive so blew their chance.

Its essential to get around, my company normally always puts me on a plane or train and arranges a rental car at the other end. If your working in a professional career or towards management you will need to be able to drive.
99 magic tbqh
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Meme wars become real
I've done it this time lads, just bit my hand off
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post pics
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It's not bullshit unfortunately, employers often do want someone that can drive (most people don't live in cities). For certain outdoorsy jobs it's basically a necessity to have a license.
We need Nigel Farage facts

>Nigel Farage went flying and his plane crashed, so he took it back the next day for a refund
>Before going to bed, Jeremy Corbyn always checks his closet for Nigel Farage.
>When Nigel Farage does a push up, he isn't lifting himself up, he's pushing the EU down.
>When the Trump pushes the big red button, Nigel Farage's phone rings.
>Nigel Farage won the Presidential Debate for sitting in the crowd.
>Nigel Farage doesn't tell lies. He changes facts.
>There is no Political Elite. Just a list of Politicians Nigel Farage allows to live.
>Global warming is caused by transient energy leftover from Nigel Farages EU speeches.
>They once made a "Nigel Farage" brand toilet paper, but it wouldn't take shit from anybody.
>All Politicians are treated equal. Equally inferior to Nigel Farage.
>Nigel Farage once caught a cold, and then he debated it and won.
>Nigel Farage walked right into Area 51 for a pint, he got one.
>New Zealand kept their current flag because Nigel Farage said so.
>Nigel Farage doesn't need twitter, he's already following liberals.
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Channeling his inner American to bite off his hand.
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best thing I've seen all day
I got bit by a somalian fellas dog today

He didnt even apologise he just ignored me

...have I been cucked?
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Kill the dog and report the somalian to immigration/DWP/special branch he's bound to be doing something wrong
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>tfw being impersonated by bullies on 4chan

Fuck off normie you don't understand
Get a tetanus, rabies and AIDS test
strong lel
You the retard that bit yourself so hard you had to go to hospital?

can't hold the camera, I'd ask my mum but I threw my hand at her with my other hand

this is how some of my liberal friends see themselves
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No it was fine in the end, but I couldn't move my arm for a while. Going to the doctors for my mental problems though.
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TFW that retarded you have your own impersonator on a Mongolian weaving forum
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It's my only accomplishment.
International Court Of Human Rights, Shami Chakakakakaborti will have him under lock and key in gitmo in no time
Owt on't telly tonight?
Bake off lad

this has to be a pisstake
Sure it wasn't that Afghan guy called Zardad?
City v Celtic
Moon is on at 9, decent film.
Why do people keep posting this 2D whore?

Sometimes /r/ukpolitics can be comfy, but other times it just makes me want to kill myself.

What gives, lads?
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>Going through Jewtube
>See video called "Irish people try American pizzas"
>Deep Fried pizza is one.

>Just left Uni
>Useless degree
>Parents told me i need to get a job soon or they'll kick me out

What is the easiest office job i can apply for?
Kill yourself desu
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My uni debating society is having a debate on weed tomorrow and their website says that morality man himself will be there?

I already pretty much know what he's going to say so should I still go?
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>going to reddit for anything other than porn
Here is the problem
First time on /pol/

I don't like it here.

Very negative.

I'd give my experience a 2/10.
Unpaid intern.
But only if you have nice tits and a short skirt.
Don't come back
Just record yourself saying "wicked poisons immoral pleasureseekers" 100 times then play it back while looking at a slideshow containing pictures of his face
It might cheer him up to see that some young people agree with him.

Karen has nothing on Holly though.
Stick around.
After for first 5 years it gets better.
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You have two paths here.

1) You leave a happy normie
2) pic related

I wish I left early.

Just started lessons.

I could have done them at 17 but waited until I was nearly 19 and regret it now because I like to do things immediately and hate wasting time.

Lads, is it wrong that I feel proud watching this?
I'll probably get some shitty job

Roooooo normalos

Aye. Except I own a bike and drive me mam's car instead.
>hate wasting time.
>Posting on 4chan
Fuck off back to /int/
>Starting to bring back "paki bashing"
Proud to see an old past-time coming back again. Like seeing a kid using a yoyo.
Beat up your parents and exploit them
>A police officer is being rapped over the knuckles by his superiors, just for standing up for himself.

>Faced with Kurdish protestors in central London who were telling him to “get out of here”, the PC responded by saying “you don't tell me what to do in my country”. Was he backed up by his superiors when outnumbered by a shouty mob? No, of course not.

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That's what I thought, I was hoping I'd get a chance to speak to him at the end and maybe ask him something but I don't know if that's possible

The problem is that I kind of want to make friends there and siding with morality man might not make a good first impression
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Don't forget we're here forever
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>Tried to make an omelette
>Ended up making scrambled egg
>Feel sick after eating it
Avenge me lads.
Meanwhile in Rotherham.
For 20 years.
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Wasting time always seemed like a silly phrase to me. I enjoy a peaceful quiet life. No desire to get rich or go out partying
>fucking up an egg
How did you manage that?
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Ask him if we need a new "noble lie" and wink as you do. Trust me. Then melt into the crowd.

come on lad it's not hard to make an omelette
Nothing `cause we`re already on GCHQ`s list anyway.

Not a fan of getting jammed into overcrowded trains tbqh
Although I`m not looking forward to paying the shitshow that is young people`s car insurance.

Have the memes gone too far?
He came to my university about a year ago. We all went to the pub afterwards and talked for a while. It was /comfy/
Depends what people mean by the phrase I guess. You could for example waste time not living a peaceful enjoyable life by being angry unnecessarily. Then it would make sense in your context
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>tfw this kind of imagery is looked down upon here
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Ah shit yeah. Haven't got into it this year, I missed the first episode, then kept seeing shills for the 'quintessential' contestants, so I couldn't be arsed.
The absolute state of the Labour Party:

>It all
>To nothing
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>tfw 20
>tfw I've made a proper sandwich, cup of tea and vacuumed for the first time in my life this year
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Why are all Karenposters so dumb?
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Some of us are redpilled on Syria mate
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That does sound pretty comfy, I think you've convinced me


Downvote, lads. He's obviously implying it's linked to Brexit.
You've popped your cherry lad. Well done.

Fantastic. They went a bit soft on the little shitskin though.

>Deep fried pizza
We should have aborted America tbqh

Assad taking a page right out of Mein Kamf.
>American Government arm Syrian "freedom" fighters.
>American media paints the Syrian government as authoritarian oppressors.
>Make the rebels look like freedom fighters.
>The fact is it is the other way around.

Yanks are a bunch of mongs.
Probably because its fucking stupid

>worshipping some guy like a god because his dad happened to be the leader before him
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>Politics on Reddit

Are you sulod?
>Being a Republican
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Thanks lad. My next goals

>learn to drive
>kiss someone
>make one friend
>learn how to cook
>We should have aborted America tbqh
I'm reeee'ing at the fact the deep fried pizza is Scottish, not American.
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We're supporting it too.

This is literally worse than Iraq.
No, my username is /u/Grekel.
Learn to drive and you'll make 2 and 3 easily.

Surprised the Conservatives are below 40% really?
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>1 post by this ID

We should have aborted Scotland too.
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Is he (pic related), dare i say it, the most pathetic person in the entire country at the moment?

Vince Cable is the only respectable lib dem left

>if you dont worship the queen as a deity/military dictator you are a republican
I think not sunshine
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>not being a proud anti-fascist and siding with the democratic syrian rebel freedom fighters against the evil national socialist assad regime
For some reason I'm scared my roomates will break into my room and look at my anime collection and dumb /pol/ shit on my external HD

Who here /paranoid/
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who /sabbath/ here?

If they keep bashing New Labour they'll lose even more support.
I have a cavity right now but its tiny and my lovely Polish dentist keeps an eye on it for me.
The embodiment of Harry Enfield's Tim Nice But Dim.
Rate Peter Hitchens wife

She is Jewish
This is the most ironic thing i've ever seen
They are going to do what they done with Gaddafi and Saddam. Replace Assad with a American puppet government. It's like a new but more spaztic way of colonising.
Assad is a God compared to the so-called moderate islamists to be fair.
And the Queen is a God compared to people like Blair and scrambled clegg.

Who do you share a room with lol
Y-yeah, that was certainly the case for me...
>tfw 21, drive a nice convertible, maybe 6/10 looks but still a kv (with no mates post-brexit)

Why are there two beds in your room?
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Nah, me mates already know I`m a weeb anyway.

They replaced Gaddafi?
Libya just seems like one big clusterfuck because nobody actually put any effort into it.
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>(with no mates post-brexit)
Blairites aren't friends anyway lad.
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To be fair even during the Thatcher years the Conservatives were at around 42% at most and that was before Scotland went full lefty and before UKIP

Reminds me of an overeager scout every time I see him. He's absolutely pathetic and he has 0 presence or authority

>FSA flag
>One Piece

Looks about right
I support assad, i just think the cuckold authoritarian regime worship is stupid

He is still miles better than the mongol horde of islamists
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>when you have perfect teeth
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Fucking kek.
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>That underrated riff in The Thrill of It All
We all feel like bashing a paki sometimes... but that is not going to get us anywhere.

We need to be morally superior, otherwise we're just NEET National Action members. Bashing pakis is only going to fuel the left and turn moderates (who are getting sicker of pakis by the day) into paki sympathisers. Perhaps in Mudslime-land it is ok to publicly beat people for any old reason, but it isn't here... and that's why we are better than pakis.

Having said that, nice to see a good old fashioned bit of paki bashing A+ would watch again
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>No fillings
>No problems with gums
>No unaligned teeth
>Mfw Dentist appointments take 2 minutes
I don't like the shade though.
Is (((national action))) controlled opposition?
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We should rationalise Jihad to our children.

Employers should Islamise the help the poor Muslims.

Even though it was debunked, there was a 'horrible spike' in hate crimes since Brexit.
Anyone who thinks their race is better then doesn't act like it may as well be a nigger.
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Doubt it. That would mean talking to women for more than 5 seconds
Reverse image searched that - she lives in Arizona famalam
This pic makes me laugh every time

If he was actually Antifascist he'd have a kurdish flag lol, the FSA are Turkish puppets
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american teeth.jpg
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>amerilels think this is healthy
Any Scots ever stopped for a chat with the Scottish Socialists when they're out campaigning in Glasgow?

pmsl just print it lads
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I think admiring a good leader is healthy.
When was the last time we had a strong leader?
Do they use a milling machine?
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>tfw healthy gums and teeth
>no fillings
>slightly crooked teeth because I stopped wearing my retainer and had to get a new one
I am acting like it though??????
It creeps me out how smooth they are.


>muh Enn Aitch Ess
Walk past their stand most days on my way to work. Never actually had a chat with them before though. The free Palestine stand is right next to theirs also.
No but I did laugh at the 2 commies parading in sheepshaggerdeen.
A small group of people with drums started parading down union street shouting "save out NHS" but at the back was 2 lone bull dyke commies.
There was a bigger crowd watching them than participating.
Did have a chat with a UKIP representative down in Scumdee.
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yes m9
This obsession with "we iz morally superiho" is exactly why we're in the situation we're in, pathetic. You do realise that our nation was built on being morally dubious and savage, right?
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Used to make fun of my mate who got a retainer.
People sound like a spaz when they wear it. Good luck anon :^)
I had a dream last night that I woke up in the morning, came down stairs and saw the BBC on telly saying that Abbott had died from her long battle with cancer.

Who /regularwetdreams/ here?
They are living proof that most committed commies are just LARPing, similar to how bronies love MLP and dress in MLP clothes and talk about the philosophy of MLP.
How do I get a qt ginger scottish girl lads? They all seem to be massive slags.
Savage? We brought law and order to savage nations. Not our fault it all went to shit once we left.
Did you have a chat with them? I so, how did it go?
The good looking ones normally work for companies as eye candy.
Pic related
Get good money standing around looking pretty.
Reminder that the Kurds are terrorists that use feminism and progressivism as a front to fool westerners into helping them so they can gain enough power to form their own non-secular state and kill all the arabs and christians

stay woke
It only affected my speech for a week

Plus I only wear it at night
What's this person using to hang the flags? I am thinking of buying a Union Jack. Maybe a Nazi flag too.
And how did we bring law and order? Did we ask nicely? Nah, we cut down everyone who dared to fight back or talk shit. I'm not saying it's to be ashamed of, I'm quite proud of our savage history, I'm just pointing out that our country was at it's best when we were openly aggressive and morally peculiar. Everything has gone down hill since we started fooling ourselves in to believing we are the moral gold standard.
I want to laugh, but I just get sad whenever I remember that Are Nige isn't here to protect us anymore
>nazi flag
Are you a fucking kraut? No? Then stop being retarded. Get a BUF flag if you want to show off your politics.
Most of my dreams involve chases and escaping death
True... best mate was a muzzy anyway. We had our differences and I put up with his shit ideology for the best part of a decade, but apparently the final straw was when I briefly questioned going to a halal restaurant. I was more than forgiving of all his religious bullshit now I look back on it, so fuck it.
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>kill all the arabs

Omg I love the kurds now
They were wearing woolen green trench coats and berets, I was looking at their pins they had for sale (pins with lenin and shit on them) and he asked me if I wanted to buy one. I said I was far-right, he looked at me disgusted and frightened, and I thought for a minute he might man-handle me or hit me. He said, "what? like ultra-nationalist?". I said yeah, then he went back to talking to a comrade of his.
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>tfw moral purely because you're a skint NEET
When's the next presidential debate lads?????????????????
Idk but question time is on tomorrow lad which is infinitely more important to me
Rojava isn't a front

Plenty of leftists voted leave m8
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I know one that certainly did
Kurds are Communists, but absolutely not feminist or progressive. I'm not familiar with Kurds using feminism or progressivism to attract useful idiots, but maybe they are these days.

The Kurdistan movement was pushed by Soviet agents in the 1970s to destabilize the region and harm a NATO member, Turkey, so that the USSR could spread their influence.
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>people unironically want this
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Who's on?

I'd watch it too but I'm a bad boy who didn't pay his TV license and needs to be punished by a sexy latex-clad dominatrix
His only use is reminding me that we have run of milk.
I'm not trying to say that we are perfect at all, just that we built superior societies.
>The Big Bad Woolfe is on
People actually pay for TV licenses?
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Just be yourself lads ;)
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Priti :3
Hitchens wouldn't ban Alcohol
He isn't a dirty muslim
Anybody know the name of the show thats in a similar format to question time but they talk about controversial topics?

It's where the meme of that fitness insructor and the fact activist comes from I think.

I don't understand how people get this pozzed, I mean it is literally alien to me
>You're a sexist, he's a sexist, everyone is a sexist how dare you ask me basic questions.
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>Those green felt lapels
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Reminder that oratory politics died with him
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You`ll be fine la.


Pick one lad. Take a look at the demographics of that place:

For example...
>Who did you vote for at the most recent election
Conservative - 197
Labour - 465
UKIP - 56
Liberal Democrats - 295
Green Party - 227
SNP - 96
Triples confirm, virgins represent
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Hopefully the Brave White Van men of Boston will fuck that bitch Thornberry up.
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>thornberry and liddle

Here we... Here we fucking go
>attempts to shame an audience member for driving a white van and being a proud Englishman
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Different subreddits goy
The fat activist meme comes from Australia's version of question time called insight or something
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We are refugees if you please~

We are refugees if you don't please~
Some Aussie programme called Insight, fatty episode is called Fat Fighters


Meant to post this one

Not as bad as /r/unitedkingdom, but just as unrepresentative of the UK population
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They're coming after Karen next
Cheers lads
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Absolutely we did, I just believe we did so because we weren't afraid of being the bad guy and I think that our obsession with being the good guy is what's crippling us and causing our superior society to quickly become inferior. There's no rationality in believing our society is superior still, it's a society that actively represses the native population in favour of a foreign one. We need to go back to what we do best, being the bad guy.
Smug priti with a few jabs at Thornberry
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this pic gave me so much fucking nostalgia

flashback to being 14 and in the local youthcenter common room, people wearing total 90 trainers and freddos were still 30p

panda pop was 30p too

>Tfw they cost like 1.50 in London
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vote leave.jpg
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Karen did nothing wrong.
Karen is our pure sentinel
It's not even 30p yet in the North-East.


What do yanks have against some bint in the labour party??????????
thinking back to walking to the train station with my dad before he went to work and him buying me a freddo every time before he left ;-;
Are Boston you silly plonker!
Theresa May turns 60 on Saturday, lads
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>Those comments
>There are people that actually get off to this shit

The Article turns 50 soon, lads.
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karen flag.jpg
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We should make her a card from Article 50.
Not sure I agree with your methods but seems like we're after the same thing. The point is moot anyway because we're fucked and will never be able to unfuck ourselves. Britain will never again rule the waves, in this chap's opinion.
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A good time to announce cuts on teacake tax.
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Wait until you find the hour long washing machine videos.

>all those bored housewives in the comments erotically talking about how soapy the suds are
That's a chocolate barm you pillock

>diabetes cakes
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>implying you haven't eaten a box of tunnocks tea cakes for breakfast before
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New thread boys, hop on over.




Sorry if it's early, just setting it up before some bloke posts one and we have a thread split.
Wtf why doesn't it work anymore
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>yfw woolfe and priti embarrass thornberry on television, which will be broadcasted to the masses.

>12 posts early

Off yourself
Nigella is 56


+Football Stomp Thank you getting back to me let me know when done other in the football trainers and hoping the hole on your feet and tell me what size are thy ? I love to know also can do the next bit long and TURN ME ONE PLEASE I mean the trainers has to turn me on so make the video more ? and please send to me soon you done it I be looking for to it.Please do the soon as your ready and send t me than you sooo much { hope this OK to do ? }
very busy, stock take finished and there was three days worth of delivery to catch up on.
What's the point of her doing it then?will he follow her to work too?
is one of you going to do something about the muslims or what
based t*rkroaches will kill the k*rddonkeys
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