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How is your local Mall doing? Mine is dying a slow death...

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How is your local Mall doing?

Mine is dying a slow death...
Just fine. I live in Texas it's been really great so far. How did your local Mall get fucked?
Still going strong.

Its a nice way of killing time.
I have 4 local malls. It's sometimes hard to choose which one to visit.
>Its a nice way of killing time.
spot the degenerate
Why are Malls dying?
My guess is online shopping like Amazon etc.
You can buy anything online now, people only go to boutique stores to get things they can't get online. Or they want an experience like great food court and movie theater and most malls are outdated

the fuck are you talking about, Schlomo?


Because rent is so fucking high in malls, most stores sell their stock at a slightly higher price than online stores.

why the fuck would i go to a mall

they are filled with stinking spics and their 13 crotch fruit MIRA MIRA MIRA MIRA MIRA MIRA MIRA

or fuckint thug ass niggers looking to rob you

all the jailbait is gone too, and its not like anyone went there to fucking buy anything

fuck that shit three times
the internet along with malls attracting dindus
I don't want to get shot for a coffee mug I could have bought off Amazon.

Summet place mall was awesome in michigan.

used to take walks with my grandpa there.

Now it's literally nigger infested.

Great lakes crossing is arab infested.

I no longer visit malls in michigan.
It became a diverse paradise.

All of the good stores moved out.

Mall = Kill
> being this much of a paranoid sheltered virgin
Filled with pinos
Not a clue i avoid the place like the plague
I go to the mall on the weekday during work hours and its empty.. kinda weird feeling being the only one in the whole mall.
It got torn down last year so they can build a supermarket i its spot. The one they are building is already less than a quarter mile away they just want to move it.
Online shopping makes life easier and you dont have to deal with all the fucking mindless drones buying shit they dont need and walking like a slow as fuck or deal with fat people driving round on scooters because walking 100 yards would give them a hart attack or thier knees would shatter under the wieght

its not about paranoia, there is no reason to go.

the last vestage was the chance to leer at jail bait bouncing around looking for chads, but teens dont go to malls to socialize or show off.

King of Prussia just built a bridge/new mall ontop of the two current malls making one huge mall now. So I guess pretty good.

Willow Grove, Plymouth Meeting, Oxford Valley, Montgomery, Exton, and a few others are all still open so I guess the malls here are just fine.
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I guess my local mall is Southcenter in Tukwila WA. Seems to be thriving. Always hordes of Philipinos in there so I tend to avoid it. Alderwood mall up north seems to be doing ok.
Didn't they build some sort of African mall in Colorado? Swear I read that somewhere (probably here)
>Alderwood mall up north seems to be doing ok.
my nig
lots of foreigners still but seems to be doing just fine. I think adding the outdoor area really helped, because that's what people like these days.

whats an african mall? a straw hut next to a dead wildebeast?

selling flies?
Up until 2009 it was doing great.
Almost every available space was occupied by a store and there were hundreds of people shopping there at all hours of the day.
Now 4 out of 5 spaces are empty and all but one of the anchor stores is gone.
Most of the name brand restaurants in the food court left and the space they were in is either empty or is occupied by a generic copy of it like Haggen Daz for example is now just "Ice Cream Shop".
And there are never more than 15-20 people in the mall at one time it's kind of surreal actually sometime it's so empty it's like i'm walking around in a post-apocalyptic wasteland.
If it wasn't for the movie theater the whole thing would probably be torn down that's the only thing keeping it semi-alive.
Its weird. Theres like 8-9 malls in my city, and im not counting strip malls because there are simply to many. Theres at least three new ones being built, one is being expanded; two of them with flagship luxury stores. I guess online shoppimg hasnt caught on yet.
http://www.afrikmall.com/ (Aurora, Colorado)

hahahaha "Afrikmall"

Hilarious. Probably don't have a foodcourt though
The rich people mall is doing ok because security keeps the dindus at bay. It has taken a turn towards the Asian audience but I guess they pay for all the expensive shit

I haven't checked the other mall in a long time but I imagine it's overrun with Mexicans yelling in wallspeak garbage
Mall are we have here in the Gulf.
I can buy anything online with Amazon, Ebay, or the various other store retailers. Why would I want to waste time going into a mall full of deplorables?
westfield malls are top notch

austin is taking their old malls and turning them into community college campuses.
Stronger than ever. Got new owners, and has expanded twofold in the past few years, and continues to grow now.

What was once an empty field outside of it has become a massive outdoor mall.
not being a lazy nigger
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why do we allow lards to cull us cùcks?
Mine is slowly turning into beanerland so I believe it fail withing the decade.
what happened?
You'd have to go out and actually deal with "Americans". It's awful.
Isn't Tukwila a rapefugee ghetto?
>does something faster and more efficiently
>lazy nigger
Sorry, your parents Footlocker went out of business.
The only malls that are doing well are ones that cater to international crowds either Europeans evading VAT taxes or Shitsmearing Pajeets/Disgusting arabs on the dipomatic side spending their funds on expensive luxury brands like the two malls in the D.C metro area or the Flagship department stores like Macys in NYC. Otherwise malls are just shit now. Retail in general is terrible, it's not even the fact that the deals are horrible but also half the stores I go two don't have anything remotely useful or what I'm looking for. It's a vicious cycle, boxstores can't compete with online so they don't stock aggressively enough except for shitty electronics/items that's the common pleb will part money from. Smart/thrifty people will see this and not purchase from malls and go online and the cycle continues.

It's sad too, I grew up in NYC and there were hardware stores, electronic stores that sold shit I needed, and even stuff for hobby DYI stuff like tools, parts. It's practically gone now, they can't stay in business because places like home depot which sucks to fine good quality hardware make it impossible to compete. It pisses me off because for example I had an easy plumbing problem in my apartment that I could easily fix but I had to drive 10 fucking miles to get a PVC true union valve. If this was the country I could understand that, but I live in the center of a major city. Now all the stores are boutiques for women's clothes. How many fucking clothing stores are needed!? I can't understand how they make profit when it seems so saturated.

I don't just blame online sales I do think they need to be liable for state taxes however, but department stores and malls in general have failed utterly to keep up or even remotely position themselves in a way that would make it better to shop in a brick and mortar store.

The only big store I've really like is microcenter ironically not because of electronics but they have fucking tools and ultity stuff I need for day to day.
Buy amazon stock. They are over 800$
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My mall Is doing pretty good, doubt it'll ever die as Its the Mall of America.
How some stores stay in business totally eludes me. There's a store near me in Seattle, where rent has gotten absurd, that sells nothing but books of poetry. Wife and I went in thinking it was a regular bookstore, already a dying business model, and there was nothing but poetry. I don't get how these very niche businesses afford to stay open.
booming here in san diego
It's actually undergoing a $500 million renovation/expansion right now.

They're almost done with their "first stage" where they turned the abandoned department stores into an RC Willey's and a parking lot, got a store for H&M, an A-Class office building, High-end apartments next door, and is just about to open a large park/playground with a ballagio style fountain.

Soon they'll be adding parking garages, a hotel, more office buildings, another mall wing, a couple of outdoor strip malls, and some more apartments.

Add to the fact this is in the middle of a white suburb town, and security is handled by local police instead of >mall cops and there's no surprise it's making such huge profit margins over the ghetto mall in a neighboring city. Only thing that is infuriating is the management between the floor concierge and the owners. Buncha stuck up pricks that refuse to accept that their policies are the reason a lot of stores were being choked out to the point the low traffic caused such a large renovation...
Because for that very reason its a niche business, and bookstores are valuable especially if they carry stuff that's not generally found in a Barns & noble.
There's 3-4 near me. Most are doing OK though business is probably slower now. One did close down and became basically a Macy's and a Sports Chalet and is now just a Winco.
Mine used to be nice, now a lot of the name brand stores left and its either vacant or local shit shops. Also its a nigger magnet and they all hang out at the mall
Why not just go online and get it? How many people are going into a store to find books of poetry? This place isn't some new store. It's been there at least a couple of years.
Wouldn't surprise me. I heard that there has been a lot of violent crime in that area over the last few years. Local media downplay the shit out of it, of course.
One of ours closed down they didnt do shit to it for like 15 years, it literally felt like walking into a time capsule into the 80s
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Sherwood mall and Weberstown mall in Stockton, CA still look to be doing OK. I don't go there anymore, but its the mall I would always go to after school during 2005-2006.

I used to go there to play DDR and Capcom vs SNK 2 at the arcade, but the owner got sick, couldn't afford to pay the rent, and shut down the arcade. And that spot has been vacant ever since.

They aren't bad malls. Weberstown still has a Barns & Noble. Stockton really doesn't have much else in it, and its full of crime everywhere else.
We have like 4 or 5.
Only 50000 people live in my "town".
200000 during the summer tho.
Once up a time we had sears but it became another mall
This quite sad
Granite run just got demolished recently though.
That's what you get for making that septa route from Chester stop at the mall...
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The mall in my city is the Del Amo Shopping Mall. It's over 2,500,000 sq ft. They just did a $350 million dollar remodeling to a section of it. It's fucking great. It's never dead, it's always packed, there's jailbait everywhere. Pic related.

A couple years ago there was a huge fight on the 2nd outdoor floor in front of the movie theaters. There was about 300 people involved. Originally there was like a hundred people fighting then a bunch of people jumped in for no reason. They had to call police help from 6 surrounding cities and then LAPD showed up and beat everybody.

I think it started because this white gang from Hermosa got into it with an Asian gang from Gardena, then all the other gangs were like "COOL A FIGHT LOL" and suddenly people you don't even know jumped in.

But because of this incident there is now a strict curfew. My girl and I would love going at night when all the fucking kids are in bed, but now we have to leave by 9:30pm which is the time we'd normally go. So a bunch of rowdy high schoolers ruined nights out for us. The only part of the mall open late is the AMC theater and a few bars so that's fine I guess.

I've lived in southern cali my whole life so I've been coming here since I was a kid.

I think del amo is in the top 5 biggest malls in America. Ours is thriving pretty well. I visit other states and malls are practically nonexistent. There's roads with a bunch of stores but it isn't a mall.
Three factors

>They were a great way to launder money so way more were built than what was reasonably needed
>online shopping is cheaper and has a greater stock variety
>due to their status as a popular public gathering places for youths and undesirables (who almost never buy shit) they tend to get run down and nobody with actual money wants to go there

Rent can be an issue in some places, especially for local businesses, but is usually pretty affordable. Not as cheap as a dedicated storefront, but if there's a lot of foot traffic it won't matter.

t. former mall employee
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Pretty good
>member playing in that shit little arcade, eating at olgas and taking drivers training at the sears on one end.

For real though. Great lakes is nothing but a outlet mall for middle easterners now.
google it?
Is that Centrepoint mall in Toronto?
one that was around my house for 24 years was completely gone last time I visited in August. Malls are dead.
It's tough in Estonia.
I had to go to the mall a couple weeks ago, to the Apple store to get my phone repaired. Hadn't been to a mall in years since I do all my shopping, even clothes shopping, online.

It was all Mexicans and Indians there. Enormous 300 lb Mexican sows with their brood of future welfare leech and gangbanger children, and nerdy 5'3" Pajeets with their dumpy looking wives. I was pretty much the only white person. Not a single person having a conversation in English. It was like I was visiting a foreign country. Not in a rush to go back.
>rent is so fucking high in malls
Why don't they lower it? It is because they can make a killing with opening offices instead?
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Only old malls are dying

New malls are getting good restaurants, movie theaters, better food courts, and more mainstream retail stores
Nice micro-parking lot, I bet that makes your micro penis look not as bad which is why you built the parking shitlot so small, like your small penis. Fucker.
It's an outdated way of delivering products to consumers. It's like asking why CD sales are declining.
Fucking googles took it over. Googles ruin every thing they touch. I would love to be able to go to a all white mall amd not have to worry about getting mugged.
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Pretty good, minus the niggers and muslims.
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>nobody has done a horror movie in one of those abandoned malls


You literally have the entire set ready for you.
my local mall has a chink restaurant called malibu wings that has some dope sweet and sour chicken. it's the only reason i ever go there
Whenever I walk into my mall it's a horror movie

there's blacks everywhere
Have you ever been to a mall?
They exist to rip you off.
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not bad, it's genuinely a nice place to be during off hours, nice and quiet, rich neighborhood so not too many chimps
great spot to grab lunch
also security and cops are crawling all over the place, always feels very safe
>That parking lot size

jesus christ...
I dont go to malls, particulary because im not a capitalist.

For me, going into a mall is like a muslim going into a jewish church. Its disgusting.
Search Dan Bell I think on youtube, he has a bunch of tours of dead malls, it's oddly interesting
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Not bad tbqh
My closest mall is a ghost town. Renovations are planned but they are struggling with legal battles to kick out the few remaining store owners who are holding everything up because they can't afford to move or close for a year. Even before this its a tiny mall with awful stores and full of thieving niggers.

My other three close malls are busy all the time and very nice.
yep same here
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We're going *to* the mall.

I am going to the mall *too*

There are *two* malls to choose from.
Guess you don't have many Chinese immigrants, bro.
btw, that mall looks to be dying a rather fast death.
Where do you live?
Yes. Yes it is.
>Its a nice way of killing time.

wew, Pedro.
raise your standards, bro.
a park
a library
botanical gardens
a museum
an art gallery
doing some exercise
a forest
do some gardening
move that old car off those cinder blocks and off your lawn
I grew up in Torrance in the 80s and I think Del Amo was the largest in the nation at the time. Been awhile since I've visited the area, glad to hear it's still a decent place even if the city still hasn't found a way to completely keep the ghetto from bleeding in
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>I live in Texas

Used to live there, too.
NorthPark Center was my jam.
Stop breaking my phones formatting

I have 4 malls within a 15 minute drive of me, 2 are doing very well 2 fairly well
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malls in my fucking city (łódź) are horrible and i wish we would go back to the times when there was only galeria łodzka and nothing else

>galeria łódzka used to be popular because it's few steps from Piotrkowska st.
>then they built the largest mall in europe (manufaktura) that noone fucking goes to unless they want to eat outside which is pretty nice. and there's theatre too.
>then they built port łódź which I actually like because everything is on single floor so you don't have to use escalators and the underground parking is so massive they organize kart races in it and of course IKEA
>then some retard thought it will be a great idea to built yet another one but it's been a year or longer since it was opened but half the store spaces are still unoccupied

fuck them.

There's a massive 5-level parking garage which most people park in
my nearer malls are all paki/indian/shitskin fests
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I remember that Arcade down stairs, great times. I remember that arcade called wimsies? that place was fun as fuck. I remember I wanted to get some shit at hot topic because all my scene friends had it back in 03 and 04. That was over 10 years ago. I still go to the barns and noble and read once in a while during rainy winter days.

bcos economy is dying and your green paradise will soon collapse
the mall near me just did a 150 million dollar expansion so i guess theyre doing ok
It's regional. In the Pacific Northwest, malls still exist and function largely as they did in the 80's on the east coast. On the east coast, they all got overrun by thugs, so white people fled to shop elsewhere or online. I lived in the midwest for a while but never visited the mall even once, after living on the east coast, so I can't tell you about the midwest malls.
my mall is just as busy as ever actually
Most malls are probably owned by kikes and they're disgusting nigger hangouts. Let them die. I hope it's even faster.
In the Midwest they are overrun with nigger thugs if you are in a city with a sizeable amount of niggers, which is sadly most cities.
Shitty 80s town centre with no good shops getting half torn down with larger shop units put in and a 10 screen cinema put in.

Hoping it'll boost my property value quite a bit.
San Jose or NorCal area I bet.

NorCal now is Indian and Filipino shithole.
The nearest to me, Eastland in Harper Woods, Michigan, formerly one of THE premier malls ON EARTH has been laid to waste by googles.
What city anon? The part of the country im from malls are alive and well
You guys have a fats on scooters problem? I thought that was just murica
Well let's say my Mall is comfy
>malls attracting dindus
this, fucking this man
Hah, I give it a year before it goes bankrupt. Nobody gives a fuck about "African Culture" not even blacks.
All the white Germans stopped going because all the refugees and tanned German hang out there trying to ficki ficki the female shoppers. It's dying slowly but surely.
pick one autists
>doesn't notice it's a 2 level parking garage
>doesn't notice the huge parking lot in the rear
>doesn't notice the massive 5 level parking garage on both sides
American observation everyone
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Phoenix here. Metro Center used to be fucking amazing, but is just dying a slow death lately. I really hope the Wal-Mart they're adding helps them revitalize.

what the fuck they are built of ?
foam and paper?
>Well let's say my Mall is comfy
thats 3rd world status
You are also 3rd world status based Pooland
my mall is beautiful https://www.google.com/maps/@33.3849803,-86.8095002,88a,20y,174.19h,83.5t/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=en
Who actually goes to the mall for anything? Their overhead is so high thanks to theft and high costs of brick and mortar buildings that you are just getting ripped off.

>The true redpill is being thrifty.
>American constructions
Those are not made to last bro, America is not a real Country.

we got cucked by merica
>tanned Germans
Is that what we are calling them now?

Dear Kek Hans im so sorry about what we turned you into
Yeah I know, you will rise again, and please understand that you imperialist material.
The Church shall rise once again.
>Pretty good, minus the niggers and muslims.

it would also be empty

everytime ive been in ive been shoulder to shoulder with africa the middle east and chavland.
Stop Christcucking this is a Kek worship board, convert or die.
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This was my local "mall." Booming was the term always used to describe it to me.

I haven't explored malls in the place I moved to yet.
All you need is Scottsdale Fashion Square man. Place is fantastic.
>go to the mall in australia
>as densely packed with people as any major american airport or disneyland, etc
any theories on this?, why do australians spend so much time at the mall?
Kek was predicted in the bible.
I fully accept him.
It's meh, I like south coast plaza way better.
supposed to be one of the biggest malls in the world right?
it honestly looks marginally larger than my local one.
There is nothing good about malls they are temples of moloch and centers of degeneracy.

Malls are our new cathedrals, the money spent there dwarfs the global budget for space exploration.

The idea of the modern "service economy" is fundamentally retarded.
It's pretty big really. If I remember there are 3 floors in the mall, a themepark with a roller coaster inside, and a walk through aquarium in the basement. It's been probably 10 years since I was last there though.
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Holy fuck that's a real bible passage.


Mine just got shot up
Malls still exist and are up and well in Germany actually
But they never had the same function malls had in america, they were never meant as places to simply hang out at or spend your day in

They are exclusively for shopping here. You go if the missus wants to try on some new clothes. Else you don't
>Malls are our new cathedrals, the money spent there dwarfs the global budget for space exploration.
>The idea of the modern "service economy" is fundamentally retarded.
did you even read the thread? Malls are dying in america
yeah witness it, things have gone off rails, 'something' must bring balance back

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Mine is experiencing groidial fuxation.
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I live in eastern Mass, and there are a few malls/shopping centers near me. The outlets a town over is ok I guess, plenty of people there usually but imo there aren't really any good stores. Everyone who goes there is asian which is weird because mine and the surrounding towns have an almost nonexistent population. The mall that everyone would go to back in highschool seems to be doing ok. Used to be scene kid central back in the mid-2000's but once that generation grew out of it so did the rest of the social scene there for some reason. Patriots Place (located at Gillette Stadium) has been doing really well. Annoying kids and dindus dont really loiter around there and it has a phenomenal movie theater with decent restaurants. There is one more traditional style mall near me that has all but completely shut down. Almost every store is shut dowwn and most of the lights and all of the fountains are kept off to save money. Theres literally about 3 stores still open, two being dindu clothing stores and the third is an awful dream machine arcade. The layout of patriots place also looks like a giant dick.
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Victoria gardens is doing alright. But slowly the blacks are seeping in and less and less whites are coming
metrotown needs to expand or build a new mall

shits so fucking crowded
>malls are dying
good. kill all malls.
>live in Edmonton

Yeah, pretty sure the WEM is doing fine

On the other hand I can't even remember the name of the one closer to me.
malls getting more concentrated, more supermalls while smaller ones die out

OP picture is from SEARS which is ded, dragged down some malls that were carried by it
Post Dead Mall videos pls


Am I the only one who find these vids ASMR-tier?
why do you even care
you are comfortable on your island. I thought your financial crisis was over
my local mall made news recently, so yeah, things haven't been good.
Googles took over it, now there's 2 armed police at every entrance/exit. Still big mob fights happen there all the time.

They had this dope playground for kids that I'd take my nephew to and he loved it, but now I won't even go there alone & armed.
why do niggers and spics love malls so much?
Trust me its YUGE, although it has been many years since I've been there and it was full of jolly basketball americans and whites, now its probably full of stinky muslims.
what the fuck
listen i just hate malls ok?

There are 4 huge malls here. Why do we always have to make huge malls all the time? Why can't we just make nuclear space elevators or whatever? Answer: jews.
> I really hope the Wal-Mart they're adding helps them revitalize.

Oh yeah, what could possibly go wrong?
West Town doing good I suppose, a few stores closed, some coming.

East Town, absolute ghosted. Many closed stores, no clue how its still even running.

the one top one is symbolic. If you queue during the night you get the pleasure of entering the mall through the main entrance like a supreme shopper
>There are 4 huge malls here
Jesus Christ. Wouldn't that be bad for your tourism industry? You need the image of the isolated fairy tale island tbqh

But they are building malls all over yurop actually. It's weird that they are coming here, now that they started dying in the US
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You people need to go to Century III mall outside Pittsburgh. Holy shit! The place was booming when I was a kid and it hit a brick wall around 2000/2001. Amazed its still open.
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One's getting niggerfied. Another has already been niggerfied so much, it had to be knocked down. The other three are doing okay.

>pic very much related
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theyve pretty much killed off the mall less than a mile from. brown people hung out there and they raised the lease price so all the stores said fuck it and built a new store developement center where they have individual entrances outside. ive seen this trend all over america.

internet and minorities killed malls.
that shoe sculpture is ugly eww
/pol/ pretending that they've always liked malls cracks me up. you just want reasons to be mad at online shopping because its popular.
The malls I went that near me aren't dying and here's the list and I'm going to describe it.

>Eagle Ridge Mall, Lake Wales
Small and rural, it takes 12 minutes by driving because it's rural as fuck. The bowling and arcade part are awesome, will go again.

>Plaza del Sol, Kissimmee
Formally Osceola Square Mall. Small and urban. Full with Hispanics, mostly Puerto Ricans. Also had a trade inside. Boring as hell, no fun in there.

>The Loop, Kissimmee
Outside mall, full with parking lots, and the weather can dictate. I heard it had an apartment. BAM (Books A Million) is my personal favourite, though

>Orlando International Premium Outlets, Orlando
Outdoor mall

>Orlando Vineland Premium Outlets, Orlando
Outdoor mall

>The Florida Mall, Orlando
The third biggest mall I went, after Aventura Mall in Aventura and The Galleria in Houston, TX. It's an indoor mall. It had a hotel, a M&M's store, and Crayola store. Cool and futuristic as fuck. Tried Bubbleology's tea for the first time and I want to go there again.

>Disney Springs, Lake Buena Vista (north of Kissimmee when driving I-4)
Not a mall, formerly Downtown Disney. Outdoor, WestSide is the crowdest. Good place, though.
I liked malls as a kid. I use to love going to the arcade and getting some food and looking for clothes. that was i0s 90s though all that shit chqnged with console and pc gaming and Internet

most malls had awesome as fuck laser tag go carts and putt putt golf or rc racing
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I like it personally.
Living in the Central Valley of CA, I would expect this answer from a Mexican. No self-respecting white person goes to the mall here. They're inundated with droves of spics, none of which buy anything, save for a fucking Cinnabon or a Hotdog On A Stick. Don't even think about going to Costco on Sunday. Ever since Costco started allowing EBT, it's been a disaster for the rest of us.
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Absolutely fucking crushing. Both malls are literally printing money
You need to own your own business or have a business related card in the UK to shop at the Costco here.

Also the hotdog and drink is £1.50 not $1.50 equivalent but it's not bad so I can't complain.
Why do they even bother photo shopping people into these
Great. Two new malls have been built last year.
One is been built about 5 blocks from my house.
Dan Bell is the king of dead mall vids.
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Galleria a best
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whoops forgot the image
I love them. His other videos about abandoned motels and shit are okay, but the almost dead malls with two food outlets, an alterations shop and a second hand furniture store are perfect metaphors for America/the west. You can still see how awesome they were 20 years ago, but it's only going to take another year for it to all close and die.
There's 2 malls in my area, they're about 15 minutes driving distance apart from each other. One is open air, huge, has pretty much everything including the biggest and best theater in the county.

Other mall is tiny, dinky, they're closing one half of it to remodel into open air but they've been planning on that for years now and haven't done anything. Food court closed down years ago. Now there's an entire wing of the mall that has no stores. People only go there for JCPenny and Macy's which make up one side. Pretty much nothing else there except some random places to eat, a Christian clothing store, and a used book store.
Is it just me or is there nothing comfier than walking around a nice mall around Christmas time?

As long as you don't work there, of course.
mines in its death throes

all the kiosks are run by swarthy turks and armenians and a few assorted asians
all the security are short, fat and/or female
the primary customer is now brown
this degenerate as fuck shop called spencers opened up recently too

and I swear the mannequins are getting lewd
>New South China Mall
>No. of stores and services
>47 (20 planned) (Total spaces: 2350, Unoccupied: 2303)[1]
There was a small shopping arcade, built somewhat like a maze, in the old Merrion Centre in Leeds. It had an experimental and unused underground connection to a railway that was only in use for a short time.

I spent about a month exploring (it was for work, primarily) the place. All the old adverts were still up from the 1980s. The shopping centre itself still had some shops in it as late as 2011 or so, but most of them had been abandoned. The last guy to go was an Indian who ran a shop called ABC tobacco that sat in the entrance.

Very strange atmosphere. I can see why urban exploring is popular.

comfy as fuck, I agree
Yes, the arcade at Sherwood Mall was called Whimsey's. It was pretty awesome, a great place to play Capcom vs SNK 2 and DDR. It closed and has never found a new tenant for that space ever since.

Hot Topic and Barne's and Noble are still in business. Scene/Goth/Emo clothes isn't as popular now as it was 10 years ago. I miss the mid 2000's.
just completed a major upgrade and opened a new level.

Huge new food court, giant new H&M, among other things
Of course it's in Aurora. Nigger capital of the state. But, shows you how much anyone gives a shit about it. Colorado lifer here, this is the first I'm hearing of it.
why would we be mad about things we use ourselves? It's good old nostalgia to member malls

spencers is based as fuck bro they have a great selection of flat bill hats, sex toys, and gauges with marijuana leaves on them all for an affordable price
Many of the shops moved out, I heard they were planning on demolishing it or turning it into something useful.
that's not even funny man
one of my coworkers took me in there one day like she was excited to show me the place
I ended up saying the place was degenerate filth a little too loudly and the cashier called someone I'm assuming the manager but we left at that point anyway
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>tfw used to work at Sears

Press F to pay respects
SoCal nearly every mall is just full of spics and an occasional like pack of Asians. Malls kinda died out really fast in areas that became hispanic. On the off chance I have to go to a store rather than online ill drive north to where it isn't a ghetto filled with spics and screaming spiclets. The one mall that isn't overrun by Mexicans is doing great all the other ones are dead because only Mexicans that don't buy anything go there.
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The new Brentwood mall will take away a good chunk of people, and looks pretty damn nice I think. Even Laugheed is getting redone but that won't be for years
Do you live in Reykjavik? I've visited once, and the city is basically america, with european characteristics, the public housing and some of the housing in the old town is european. But, the rest of the city is just suburban american style housing (houses are smaller than american once, but are built quite the same), malls, freeways, parking lots and arterial roads. It's like Dubai, but opposite climate.
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Ooh, rare flag. The pearl of my collection.
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>all these ugly uniform malls full of blindingly bright hard white surfaces and glass, and nowhere to sit
not comfy
cool mall, Jim
places to sit encourage loitering
buy shit and get out
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bingo bango bongo, this guy knows what's up
same exact 3 points with movie theaters btw
1 built in 1986
1 in like 2000
2 "warehouse" style malls with a few huge international companies built recently.

Yes, Iceland is more shart in mart than we like to admit. We fell for the neoliberal US/UK Regan/Thatcher scam in the 80s. Our Reagan was in influencial positions from 1982-2009 and ran for president this summer.
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My nigga.
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I live in Denton, TX. The Golden Triangle Mall is a fucking ghost town. I guess you could chalk it up to the fact that Denton is a small town. It doesn't have any big name stores in it. That being said, Denton has two colleges, so I would imagine there would be some student that would like to go to the mall.
>I really hope the Wal-Mart they're adding helps them revitalize.

Really? Fucking really?

Wal-Mart means no one is going to the rest of the mall because they can all get their goods at Wal-Mart and leave.
My local mall: http://bodonu.no/video-slik-blir-innsiden-pa-det-nye-city-nord

It's not a new mall, but it got renovated again, it has been expanded several times because of high demand, since it's stealing so much competition.

tfw you know Sears could have moved from their beloved catalogs onto the Internet and have been in Amazon's position.

tfw when a fucking bookstore beat out Sears and their shit practices to become the must go destination for shopping
When I worked at my local shitty dinky mall it was in a cruddy small clothing store, and my manager was mexican. Tried again and again to be like "I'm not racist, but please look out for latino/black shoppers, they always steal". Finally she just said fuck it and told me to straight up profile.
Mine in independence, no is still alive with all 3 anchor stores Sears, Dillard's, and Macy's. Only 3 empty spots but now occupied. You could argue we have a 4th anchor store since dicks sporting goods moved in
There is no mall in this city. In fact, I think I know of one mall in the country. We mostly have shopping districts in town centres.
I live in SoCal so I can only talk about spics but I think it has to do with the weather and how they live. Its normally nice where I live with a couple days a year where it'll be really hot (been in the mid 100s last couple of days) and I live on the coast. So mexicans don't live like whites live in the US they all live in a tiny house with like 10 people. Its crammed with no room and it smells like mexicans and there is no AC because its an old house, now most houses out here don't have AC because you normally don't need one and you just have fans. My mexican friends they all literally own the shittiest ghetto tiny personal fans in the world and theres like 8 people in their house and it smells bad and is super fucking hot so they go out to the mall since its air conditioned. They don't go to the beach because mexicans don't own bathing suits and go in basketball shorts and wife beaters and just don't go in general. So normally if its hot if you are white you stay home or you go to the movies or the beach, even if its not hot you just stay home and do stuff because its a tourist town and there is nothing to do but drink. But spics have too many people in a small house and its hot so they all just go to the mall rather than being home with their grandma, aunt, uncle , other aunt, other uncle etc etc because who the fuck would want to be in a small hot house with their family day in and day out.
>I don't get how these very niche businesses afford to stay open.
They likely own the building and have low property taxes, because it was purchased a long time ago.
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Redpill me on american "drive-till-you-qualify car culture". Is it good or bad?

>pic is our based immigration minister filling up her Expedition with a better than good conscience.
I went into a Sears about a year or two ago and it blew me away that they still have the same failed business tactics like selling shit that nobody wants and old shelves and etc, but invested undoubtedly hundreds of thousands of dollars on a new handheld PDF system / iPads to help salespeople check out customers even though they still needed to use the cash register to finalize payment AND it was more slow and inefficient

The CEO is an absolute retard
our mall used to have an arcade called the red baron that was two floors full of arcade machines. They closed it

now the mall is infested with niggers who shoot eachother and harass everyone.
Forgot to even mention that lol on the rare occasion I've had to drive south to a mall to get something thats out of stock online it's always been a shit experience. When the N3DS came out they were out of stock in my area and up north but if I drove down to Oxnard they had them in stock (I guess because spics couldn't afford them???). Made the drive to get one for my fiance so we could play some monster hunter together. Couldn't find parking that wasn't next to a bunch of beaners hanging out and I drive a convertible BMW with nothing in it but it doesn't stop spics from breaking in. Parked next to a construction site because there were white people. Got to the gamestop had to wait in line for ever for this guy to argue with the lady working there since they don't accept trade ins on the original playstation games and while I'm waiting for this argument to end some dude just walks in and takes some random shit thats on a rack and sprints out the door. Buy my shit and come back to my car and theres a bunch of construction workers scaring off a dude from breaking into it. Had to go down to Target with my mexican friend and saw that literally everything has a safety thing on it or is in a locked case. I'm never at the places enough but do they really fucking steal that god damn much?
What is it like in China? Crowded, I bet. Are you come from China?
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Isn't the green pump for diesel?
>Dan Bell I think on youtube, he has a bunch of tours of dead malls, it's oddly interesting
awesome, thanks. I love this stuff.
Nah, green is gasoline in Norway.
Valley view and Richardson square mall are kill.
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I'm not Chinese but I'm living here. Yeah it's crowded.
I've always loved Great Lakes Crossing despite the niggers and dune coons and they have a decent Bass Pro even though the people who work there are total fuckheads

On second thought, fuck GLC

Is it comfy?

>never been to a proper, american mall
>now likely never will

I was raised on media blaring the joys of american culture and the dream, now I will never get to pretend its there.

is that the dallas galleria? ive skated at the ice rink inside a few years ago with a big titted date. it was fun.
Fine. Sears and the Bay are pure shit and I'm glad they are failing.
The ghetto mall is being torn down. They were going to replace it with a walmart, but that fell through and it's probably just going to be a giant parking lot because all of the nogs from the housing projects moved there years ago and it's where all of the illegals live.

The other mall is still somewhat decent because it's not really close to residential areas, so very few non-whites.

you will never visit a white american mall. Otherwise there are still plenty
Because Northland was literally destroyed by googles and now they've all migrated
You could always go to the Mall of America in Minnesota.

And get stabbed my Somali's? No thank you.

online shopping, high prices, and niggers
They keep sprouting left and right like mushrooms. Condominiums too as well as business buildings. Our condo is at the very middle of three huge malls just +5 minutes walking distance of each other.
If you play video games, I suggest the first Dead Rising.

This thread really reminds me of that game.
>Foyleside Shopping Centre

Too well desu
GOAT. I love open area malls.

Are Americans really that lazy they have to buy a t shirt online instead?
Mine is doing just fine. We get so many Illinois idiots coming up to it and asians from o'hare.
Retail has been shit for at least the last ten years. Except for small, empty boutiques and high-end malls, most are messy, dirty, poor service, and ugly outdated styles

I dunno what we're going to do with all these excess commercial properties and strip-malls after the boomers die
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Mine is now nothing but a Sears on one end and a LifeChurch.TV on the other.
Yes, they steal fucking everything that isn't bolted down. I worked in a mall (macys) and the mall I work in is slowly turning brown. More and more theft and more and more things we need to tag. This year alone we are tagging all the kids clothing. By the time the higher ups figure out that more niggers=more shit stolen they will lose big time.
Fashion Square was in danger a few years back. It was going stale just like most malls. They did a lot of construction, got new stores in, and it's in good shape now (I still hate all malls). Scottsdale development is more about shopping plazas now, eateries, park areas, and ridiculously priced residences included.
My local mall is about to become the biggest in on the east coast
Queens center mall full of students, dindus, and trash.
Only go there to cool off while walking.

Yep. They even let their well established Craftsman brand go to shit which was one of the few reasons to even look at Sears.

Sears is currently used regularly in business schools on how to not run a business. I really hope their embarrassing shitholes shut down soon so we can all move on from Sears onto a new business who doesn't have a retard for a CEO.

malls keep getting built either In suburbs or white flight areas or the "outdoor mall" type thing because becauseniggers spics and shitheads linger in old malls so people dont go

Work near our glorious stadium cock. It's true the outlets are plagued with Asians. The reason Pat's place is doing well is because there is no public transportation except maybe for some events. Anywhere in Massachusetts that is wealthy/quality has no bus, no train and hardass cops. Hingham has done well to fight it off in that regard as an example.
>lazy they have to buy a t shirt online instead?
It's about spending your effort elsewhere and not physically shopping.

A playground for muslim children sits on the bottom floor while white wombs grow with cobwebs
It's really pathetic, they had the ability to be as successful as Amazon / Wal Mart but it's like the CEO is a cokehead or something and just says "WE ARE STAYING THE COURSE! IT WILL WORK! IT JUST NEEDS TIME!", like they have no ability to adapt to changing times and rely on Protection Agreements which cost 1/3 - 1/2 the price of the product and 27% APR Sears Card to get the backbone of their revenue.

Shit is literal insanity.
Why would I want to pens my time at a mall? If I want to shop in actual stores, I'll visit an actual downtown. If not, I'll buy from Amazon since I'd rather not waste half a day when I could pick out and buy everything in less than half an hour online.
Mine has probably grown. The area outside of it now has a bunch of restaurants and new shops
It's about avoiding you and your people and getting it for a reasonable price since malls jack the price up on everything because your cousins steal everything that isn't nailed down.
They're still standing. Honestly, I hope they will, because shopping is my major social activity beside of work

Thats cause it owned by Westfeild

Westfeild owns malls all over the world

all the malls around me that dont have the Westfeild name a getting torn down

Muslims have to have some place to spend your tax money
There used to be three, now there's only one, and it's always empty, Even during major shopping holidays, the parking lot is never full to capacity, and yet the population of this town has nearly tripled.

And all of this change happened in just the last 10 years.

I'm amazed more people aren't talking about this, but I still run into people all the time who say the economy is fine, everything is great, jobs are everywhere, what are you talking about?

I guess it's that people think whatever they say on the news is true? But that's just so crazy in 2016. (I know, I know, current year, lol)

Seriously though, I don't think the people will ever wake up.

Hexavalent chromium in 75% of the US water supply, too, and nobody's talking abou that either.

I hear people joking about water filters, like it's crazy to filter your water, what kind of paranoid nutcase would even THINK to filter water.

Hexavalent chromium, that's the shit that Erin Brockovich movie was all about. The one that was melting people's spines and ovaries and shit.

I guess people will be lying bedridden with no spine with a computer stand to hold the computer above their face so they can see and they'll still be shitposting about how only a tinfoil hat retard who believes in lizardmen and flat earth could EVER filter their water.

Does everybody else just not care? Is that the secret of their success? They truly, truly, truly do not care?

consumerism is dying.
There were 2 malls in my city. One was torn down around 10 years ago and turned into an office building. The other, bigger mall is still open, but a lot less busy than it used to be. Its mostly high-end boutique stores for women now. I mainly go there for the food court. They must be doing pretty well financially, because they're expanding it next year to add more restaurants. Doesn't have the same feel that it used to though, and about a 1/4th of the store space is vacant or high-turnover.
my side of town slowly turned into little Tijuana, in fact I am a minority in this city/state (CA)

slowly but surely the big mall on this side of town got shittier and shittier, shops all closed up.

all thats left is like a Jewelers store, an arcade or someshit, and shitty Movie Theater that has 1$ movie nights every week
Mine's dying because all the dindus go there and wreak havoc, which leads all the whites and families away from it.
They're finishing construction on a revival, about a third the size of the original. Rest of the space is restaurants and detached chain stores, a movie theater, and a parking garage.
My local one was dying, but now it's kind of stagnant. About 3/4 of the area malls are dying, but the other 1/4 is doing great and expanding (mostly outlet malls).

Along with online shopping, I also think shopping malls were a 50's-70's fad that is slowly fading away.
Part of gone girl was filmed in an abandoned mall by me in socal. But ya you're right wasted opportunity.
Damn how old is that picture? That looks like the west valley of today.
My local mall is like something straight out of the 1950s, except with modern technology like smartphones. Everyone is white; elderly couples, big families, cute teenage girls, etc. Place is packed on weekends. Only black person I saw in the entire mall was a qt whitewashed black girl working at Zumie's.

Bro this is a good thing. Developers here in Los Angeles have gotten so greedy that they just build and build and there is no room left, for people to live. It's all commercial buildings and stores, I cannot wait till the internet completely puts all of these businesses out. It's all about on-demand right now, sooner or later you'll have everything, right in front of your door. Im not saying they will go completely, but for example here, you dont need ten fucking frame shops, or 5 pizza shops in one area.

I wouldn't really say its because of a shitty economy, but because of a few other market factors.

1) Too many malls were built in the 80's - early 90's. The market was saturated. A lot of malls were doomed to fail eventually in the first place.

2) In the mall heyday of the 80's-early 90's, Wal-mart and Target weren't as common as they are now. Large outdoor shopping plazas containing those big box stores weren't as common until the late-90's to early 2000's. This took a huge chunk of the indoor mall market.

3) Amazon, other online stores took a huge chunk out of both markets. Most media is now bought digitally over the Internet.

Unless its something like groceries/household essentials or something they need immediately, consumers tend to default to buying things on the Internet now.
The one near my house is still booming. I live in tax-free New Hampshire though so that's a big draw to the out-of-state (Massachusetts) shoppers.
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Pulled this off my mall's website. Clearly hasn't even been updated in years.

>RadioShack is gone
>Union Bank is gone
>Fashion Bug is gone
>most of the lots are vacant
>Sears will probably close soon as its a franchise run by an old guy with no heirs
>when I worked at the mall I used to get lunch at the little snack stand run by a nice old couple, but even that's gone now.

Feels weird man. I remember as kid when this place was buzzing, even being a shittly little rural mall.
One's a shithole with hardly any business and where hanging out in the parking structure will likely end up in a mugging. The other one a few miles south is doing well enough that it now has a full compliment of anchor stores.
My local mall was dying but then they filmed Paul Blart Mall Cop in it and business has been booming since.

Thank you based Kevin James
By sweater in mall - $139
Buy exact same sweater from Amazon - $89
>Tukwila WA. Seems to be thriving. Always hordes of Philipinos

Even though this Tukwila is right outside of Seattle it always triggers me that filthy third world encaves have sprouted up even in the suburbs.
Malls shot them selves in the foot when they started chasing away teenagers.
That's why you get a career and live in affluent areas anon. I used to wonder why gas was really expensive in some neighborhoods. It's so I don't have to de as long with scum.
Shopping centres here tend to be way smaller and usually only one level. They seem to be doing alright for themselves. Feels good being a low population white country.
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