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Katy Perry Race Mix Pro Clinton Propaganda

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Thread replies: 139
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hey goy
Are you ready to go naked and vote for Hillary on the 8th of November? Katy Perry is.
Women of all denominations worshipping the BBC is the natural order of things. Katy Perry had a great commentary on the golden age direction of society with this video.
What is this supposed to make me want to do again? Has the left lost it completely?
Cuckposting stopped being funny years ago.
It's not cuckposting. Racism is fine, but it just so happens that when it comes to BBC none can compete. it's facts and statistics. not cuckposting.
>sleeping beauty
>literally showing dead people voting for hillary
That beta white boi lmaollkkoookoooo
Facts and statistics suggest that whites are universally the most desired, with basically white Hispanics the only ones close.

Literally no one likes niggers in real life.
I've actually never understood why the left keeps pushing these "go out and vote!" PSAs. Would they make these ad if they knew a potential voter was going to vote for Trump?
>turns 32 in less than a month

I thought she looked old. Another adult child.
>No one likes niggers in real life.
And yet /pol/ is triggered at the mere mention of the lust a woman exhibits when her mouthwatering craving for BBC comes to rise.

It's true that people suggest whites (for now) because for a lot of people it's moving up in the economical bracket (Until the asian countries become more westernized and BTFO all of us). But sexually, none can compete with the BBC.
Tell that to gay guys on Grindr. "No blacks, pls".
Because historically young people do not vote that much, and young people tend to favor the democratic party over the republican party. If you notice lately Shillary has been pushing for the millennial vote.
me to the right of the negro,,
Jesus dude. Do you sit on your chair and feel comfortable typing shit like that out? Pay must be good.

Don't bother replying.
Yeah, whites are a lot more keen on being flaming homosexuals. Gay Men and White Men at some point will become synonymous. Similar to how BBC and near-unobtainable sexual pleasure for a woman is.
yeah, some americans love that Small black cock
Hey, I'm stating facts. Maybe you would prefer a safe space with fee fee's and unwarranted praise?
>I've actually never understood why the left keeps pushing these "go out and vote!" PSAs.

Because are relying on fat internet warrioring SJWs in the 18-25 age bracket who will whine all day online but when it comes to getting out of the house to actually vote, they more than likely will not.

See: Brexit
>stating facts
>post his cuck fantasies
you got something mixed up
>Funny or Die

So when are they dying?
Where do I apply for your job? Posting Canada-tier shitposts on /pol/ seems great, even better if you get paid.
What makes it a cuck fantasy?

Elaborate on this.
Lmfao the white cuck being demasculated as 3 women of different ethnicities worship bbc
>I have no rebuttal, so now i will call him a paid shitposter.

Oh Sven.
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what a literal fucking cuck fetish pic
Her implants are not enough to put Hilary "Help I've Fallen and Get Can't Get Up" Clinton
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I'd fuck a black at least once. Why don't they like blacks?

i guess this one is die then
>mainstream music
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Bernie Bros love Clinton.
Kate who? Dont know her.
Because American blacks are generally not that attractive, or they are creepy.
>mouthwatering craving for the bbc
You've had your laugh, now fuck off queer.
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>mouthwatering craving for BBC comes to rise.
that's pretty gay dude, the fuck?
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Bitch I was promised tits days ago.

>3 days Perry
3 days Perry

How do normies stand this shit...
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>lust a woman exhibits when her mouthwatering craving

If you can write about big black cock, wait no... As a man, if that's what you choose to write about and that's the first description that comes to mind, then you are guilty as charged.

The disingenuous angle you're going for isn't clever either. You can go back to /plibbit/ just for that.
This is the reality of women. There's nothing gay about it.
Katy Perry is the epitome of the decline of our country. She has zero real talent and supports Hillary Clinton as a strong woman, even though her entire popularity is based on her tits and slutty songs.

Ignorance is bliss.
>As a Man
Need not read any further.
They are panicking that nobody but liberal women are gonna turn out and vote for Hilldog.
>covered with black bars

Hmmm... really made me think...
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>undercover Trumpete signaling resistance with her pepe face
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Did they edit her waist to make it smaller in the video?
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Literally only an americuck is capable of being this deluded

>mouthwatering craving for BBC
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>2 minorities
>1 buff black guy
>1 white beta cuck with glasses
>1 blonde staring at the black guy in awe

white people btfo
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And they used a nigger for a spokesperson for the psa. Way to anger people to vote for trump. I mean EVERYONE hates googles. All this is gonna accomplish is a stronger base for lord trump!
women love cucks aka servants and worship aggresivness g ezy lemon sqwezy
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Literally a super-H-ero sign on his dick...
soros should ask for his jew gold back
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LMAO this entire post baka senpai
they know you meme faggots will post this everywhere if they include cuck signaling in it.

Hilarious how easy it is for you to fall into our trap
Wasn't Katy Perry the cunt who retwittered that bbc porn shit? And isn't she an Eternal Anglo?
i think it will trigger 9/10 people and make them hate hillary more or at least think, it's like part of her team are our guys
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Daily reminder that white males are the preferred partners of females of all races.

Daily reminder that the marriage combination least likely to result in divorce is white male/ black female.

Did you fuckers even watch the video? At the end she is put into the back of a police car with an even more ripped white guy.

"b-but she wants bbc" God, I hate /pol/ because your cuckoldry is projected onto everything involving black people. It's sick
>implying /pol/ watched the video
Someone will cut out the ass shot or whatever it will be and post just that without the blah blah.
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>14" arms
>no legs
>no more than 160lbs

Wow...so impressive
The people who watched the video are fapping right now.

is that physique supposed to be impressive?

>no traps
>tiny biceps
>tiny triceps
>tiny forearms
>female thighs
It's essentially how most guys look after 6-7 months of lifting, but when the average American male looks like a fatter version of le cuck™ on the left it's enough to impress 95% of females.
>"You can look like shit"
>Has make up on and just stuck some shit in her hair

katy perry is a cybernetic living sex doll whose only purpose is to distract you from hildawg starting a war with russia with tits and muh dick
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You're basically posting MLG shit or YEE. It's a 2014 meme and 2014 memes sucked.

Kill yourself, you faux pas faggot.
Why is it always a black guy?
6-7 months of lifting my ass, looks like he got lazy half way through a 24 month interval of very low intensity working out.
>White numale looking uncomfortably to the side
>Both asians loving it
>White girl leaning over for a good look
Why is this allowed
Did she faun over him and mention him multiple times like she did the black guy?


Nice comparison there... really made me think.
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sure faggot.
Because gays want to be penetrated by a penis, not a knife

never gets old
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trump is a kike shill

if you care about the jew problem, he is one of their biggest deceptions

hillary is the same so fuck off with the CTR shit
where are the nudes she promised ??
>I've actually never understood why the left keeps pushing these "go out and vote!" PSAs. Would they make these ad if they knew a potential voter was going to vote for Trump?
It's targeted at young people and minorities, a population that lean Dem. They aren't running "Get Out the Vote" during afternoon "Little house on the Prairie" reruns.
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I never really committed to lifting for more than a couple of months in a row. Is this really what you can achieve with 6 months? The difference with 2 seems huge.
no one knows you either you irrelevant waste of life
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Quit fantasizing about it and go suck a nigger dick already
>they are targetting asian women with this propaganda now
Alright Jews, you hear me? You have gone too far. You dont want to touch our market anymore or there will be consequences ill will stomp you into dirt.
just recognized the asian guy on the far left

+ 5 keks
Lvl up!
She wants the BBC
someone post the katy perry bbc tweet
Where are the Katy Perry nudes she promised?
Yes that is Sweden good job.
10% of niggers are gay and yet they hate gays the most.
My wife likes them
You get massive gainz when you first start, it levels off after 6-8 months for most people and it gets harder to cultivate that mass. If i had to guess i'd say it was 40% diet, 30% work, 30% genetics. I've introduced loads of my mates to the gym and diet seems more important than anything, you can work hard and have good genes and train for months with no gains and then when they finally got their diet right they just exploded, it's anecdotal but I've seen it happen a few times. With good diet/work and genes the cuck next to him could have that body in 6-8 months.
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Compare that to this:

Why are you faggots still living in the misandrist anti-White West when you can live in Asia or anywhere else for that matter.

Katy Perry has always been pushing interracial, look at the song E.T.

>You're not like the others
>Futuristic lover
>Different DNA
>They don't understand you
>You're from a whole 'nother world
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I did a 6 day PPL 2 hours a day and went from flab to FAB
This is turning into a daily fucking reminder:
you're not fooling anyone, proxyleaf.
>Being good at sex
Now obviously all porn shoots are atrocious and not many men understand that you stimulate the clitoris until the female has an orgasm the same way males do but sex is obviously not enjoyable for woman and probably aides to why they're empty sociopathic walking incubators. I'm sure all women just really get off to being raped or having their cervix punched while their bodies force all the gas from their anus in protest.
Just did, sorry forgot to link:


T. Nigga
highest % of STIs? and they probably don't find them attractive
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You really need to get outside
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Depends on your routine, diet and genetics. Here is literally 6 months progress for me
Because very few people naturally gravitate toward them, so it has to be pushed much harder.
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The only reasons why women to date Blacks is to rebel (against society, against their family), or out of pure racial fetishism. Which is why there is no way this kind of shit will work on Asians. Their culture of peer pressure and respect of elders/heritage is too strong.

Though, to be fair, I don't know how westernised Asian-Americans are. I'm just basing this on my experience with Asians in France (usually fresh off the boat, first generation, or at most second for the Vietnamese), and a few trips to East and South-East Asia.

In my experience, Asian parents will only tolerate their kids dating/marrying an immigrant fresh from the mother country, maybe a first second generation, and sometimes a White partner. But that's it. They won't even accept Asians from countries other than the homeland. Back when I was in school, Asians at best basically didn't even register the presence of Blacks and Arabs, and more often than not hated them. With good reasons, too. Blacks and Arabs keep attacking Asian shops.
>sleeping with tons of make-up on

What a whore.
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Some of these are pragmatic people.
They know in their soul that what they do is wrong. They internally rebel. They resolve the cognitive dissonance by rationalizing their behavior.

It's only for the money. I know this is bullshit. But it's like acting. Really hard acting, because I don't believe this is what I wanted to be doing with my life. But it's hard so I'm brave.
Brave and practical.

The conflict engulfs their conscience. Most of them give in, and are happy. But when this conflict continues to roil, to tear at their will, it leaks out. However subtly, it leaks out.

This is a cry for help.
do you even fucking lift?
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Goddamn I am bad at GIMP
Check /fit/ if you believe anyone can get huge lean mass in 6 months without juice
You are simply denying facts nigger, nothing more

The worst part is the man with the biggest dick is some white dude

You niggers literally can't even use "muh dik" as an argument anymore LMAO

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>lean mass
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>implying anyone but homosex like bearmode
This thread is over.
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>implying everyone doesnt love bearmode
How can I get like that?

Like 40% of black gays have AIDS or some other funky VD… They are a health hazard
is that adam baldwin?
I don't care about a fucking wall (I'm not a poorfag and I could get over it legally anyway) but I really want trump to win to stop this kind of degeneracy.
Didn't Katy Perry tweet about loving black cock or something?
>I briefly scanned the constitution
>unintentionally displaying your enormous lack of respect for the founding documents

typical leftist
Yes see
She hasn't even deleted the post

Katy is just demonic Tay.

Tay was just too woke so they decided to focus their energy into Katy.
She wasn't really naked.
underrated post

that's brutal, i feel for the poor jap boys always getting cucked
whats your routine? i am like left
> the white cuck beside him toppus kekus
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>funny or die

kill me pls
the FUCK !
If that was a Black girl in underwear !
an rest same ..??
I loved OLD FAGs here ..!
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