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http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/71 5172/Sadiq-Khan-defy-Bre

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Thread replies: 306
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>SADIQ Khan is hoping to maintain the number of migrants entering London by implementing new visa plans for the capital when Brexit is finally put into motion.

>The London mayor said a team of business representatives were "working on a model that will ensure we can carry on recruiting and attracting talent".

>When pressed on the issue of a separate work visa for migrants coming to work in the capital, Mr Khan said: "In principle I want to make sure that my job as the mayor means supporting businesses to grow and expand, encouraging business to come into London.

Thank you London for being so progressive.

It is 2016 after all.

Also thank you cuckservatives for pushing this meme that "muh business" and "muh capitalism" matter more than nationalism.
Nobody deserves to be enriched more than the white guilt cucks who elected a muslim mayor in The Current Year©.

May Allah rule over their once proud country with an iron sword
Londoners are subhuman, what else is you
looks like London will burn again.
I fucking hate London. Can't even have an expresso on the strand without being harassed by some nigger. Can't even walk around fucking WESTMINSTER at night without being harassed by alcoholic druggie homeless subhumans.

Carrying a knife and blackjack now.
I mean technically this Is what most people in London want, so he's technically doing his job
He can still go suck a pig dick
London fell many years ago.
I avoid that place like the plague.
Nuke it already.
That's a crime chap
Why does he think that they need more people? The city is crowded as fuck.
As a citizen of a small city in England I want to ask my fellow citizens, do any of you like the shithole known as London? Or any other big city for that matter?
When will he get kicked out? He says first that 'oh well, terror attacks happen so let them happen' and now he says this shit? Fucking ugly pakis
You brits would be completely justified to kill that man.
He is an enemy of your people bringing in foreigners to displace you.
Don't be stupid, sitting around while you have someone like that in any kind of position of power is foolish.
Let's be honest, Khan ruling London is better than the Rothschild's literally having one of their family members as the mayor
Not even possible kek, the man has control of buses and trains, not visas.
Knife with a blade under three inches with no lock mechanism is legal carry dude.
When will the EU revolt?
You are still majority white. And Syrian muslims fucking hate white people.
Yes I live in Central London
>Excuse me, Sir?
>Is that a spoon?
>We're going to have to take you downtown.
Bin that blackjack fella
Don't worry Britain. One of these days, we will shut down the internet and all communications technology. On that day, we will have right wing death squads pop up everywhere to purge the degenerates.

We will also target London with a nuclear ICBM and make Britain great again. We will liberate the mother country from the cancer that is London.
>Ugh! Did you just say 'brown town'?
>How dare you, the correct word is 'diverse', you RACIST, arrogant SHITLORD.
>I can't even right now, ugh.


He's breaking law you damn leaf. How is this capitalism?
At least we'll never have a fucking muslim as the mayor of Paris i can guarantee you that.
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London City is falling down,
Falling down, falling down.
London City is falling down,
My dear Sadiq

reminder when you're speaking to a British flag you're actually speaking to a brown skin.
It's a padlock attached to a piece of string.

wow we ban one weapon, so you have the audacity to pickup another?

better jack that black, citizen!
Municipalities are subservient to the federal legislature and the Crown.

This is illegal and treasonous.
It's time to sack the blackjack m8
I'm 100% ok with this as long as we can build a wall all the way around London which Mexico will pay for
holy shit UK do something about LONDON for fucks sake
But what are you going to do about it? They can just leave London and move next to you.
>attached to a piece of string

Yeah, that'll surely hold when you use it as a weapon..

Fucking british pussies..
Build a wall?
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I propose we do this to london
defend your country yourself faggot
How is that even legal? Would that not be considered treason?
It's ok because muh poor muslims
you wouldn't want to be seen as a islamaphobe would you :^)))
Don't know what knots you're used to in Jersey faggot.
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I was gonna say, since when does a municipal leader have the right to unilaterally offer national citizenship
Why has noone assassinated him yet? Are they putting something in the water to pacify you guys?
Hard to assassinate without a gun or knife
the assasin wouldnt want his 300 cousins beating on the door
I've lived in London my entire life and I've literally only been harassed by some bum /nigger once or twice so stop exaggerating faggot.

Or maybe you just look like a fucking cuck so people don't give a shit about harassing you.
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Should be hung drawn and quartered for defiance of the crown

someone kill this faggot already,

every fucking day he's making headlines, how fucking long until this dune coon is promoted as some sort of sadistic 'savior' and made PM of Britain or Head of the EU?

He should have zero power to do any of the stuff he's claiming.
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When you look like a goatfucking desert pedo I'm sure alot of people leave you alone, they don't want to get snackbarred.
Let me recommend a falchion/messer with a thin type 1a blade (in Elmslie's typology) rather than a black jack or a knife. Cuts well through cloth and flesh and can easily be hidden under a regular jacket. Even a Roman gladius would do.
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By the will of Kek, bin that jack.

Get a wheel instead.
In the US, pretty much no city or state could get away with this, as the federal government has complete autonomy over immigration. Wouldn't Parliament also be sovereign in this case?
well, considering London has absolutely no federal power whatsoever, I would like to see London stand up to parliament.
This. Does the London government have any authority at all to issue visas independent of Crown or Parliament?
Oh yeah, where do you live?
britain is more white than the USA
Sounds expensive. I want something legal that I can explain having on my person.
>Carrying a knife
Whoa knuffar relax... Mazallah you are a true fighter, kur far. But you should consider the law m8 inshallah. It is illegal for kur farms to carry weapons, both sharia and brittisk law says so.

Sorry m8. I'm going to have to call the religicops and Jamal Bondullah at MI6.
>Blade under three inches
>No locking mechanism
Completely legal
Fuck off we're full.

London already has an affordable housing crisis and he wants MORE people living there?! Even non-Londoner Brits shouldn't move there due to overcrowding etc.
he has literally no choice in the matter, even under a labour government they wouldn't allow it as it would be seen as undermining the prime minister.
It's ok to visit friends there. Spending any longer than a week there is really draining.
this so much this, i have played 5 chambered Russian roulette every morning my entire life and i have only been graced once or twice, so stop exaggerating.
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Good luck with the Trojan Horse bongs
since when does a mayor have anywhere near this kind of power?
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ummah soon insallah
In the clickbait-era
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London has been an open city for a long time.
You mean the Rothschild that seemed to be throwing it to let khan-bitch of tony-bitch to the house of Saud win?
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>Carrying a knife and blackjack now.
Oi, bin that knife!
Rachida Dati was pretty close to being the right's candidate for mayor of Paris a few years ago.
It could happen.
Same as sharia courts in UK. Technically illegal, but muslims are new rulers and you cannot deny them their wishes.
London is a big city
>for you
so it matters where you live you retard. Try going to Paki neighbourhood and then come back.
lmao people losing their shit over this.

Sadiq Khan has precisely 0 power regarding immigration. We don't have federalism to the extent that Canada and the US have. Even a seperate country like Scotland doesn't have that much influence (say setting tax rates)

This is just people losing their shit over nothing. Nearly 80% of people want immigration reduced.
What is wrong with the talent and skillsets of Londoners and the rest of England?
Lynch the shitskin immediately.
London is fucked, but to set the record straight, white people are still the majority. Just not white British.
oh my god
when the day of the rope finally comes can we start with this cunt?
i thought it was illegal to injure someone even if it's self-defense
I lived in Tower Hamlets when I was a student, and never had anyone harass me.

Muslims are a problem because they want to impose their bullshit religion on everyone. And if you're a woman with no family you might have some trouble living in a muslim area, but street crime is barely an issue in the areas where they live if you're a man who doesn't look like a complete cuck.

Niggers are a different story though. Black areas of London are legit crime ridden.

Something to note from this article that's a bit more worrying though:

>Mr Khan said: "We are talking to business leaders, businesses, business representatives to see what we can do to make sure London doesn't lose out on the talent, the innovation the partnership that has let us be the greatest city in the world.

>"The good news is the Government gets it. The good news is in all the conversations I've had with members of the Government, from the Chancellor to the Brexit Secretary to the Foreign Secretary and others in Government, I think they get it.”

>Mr Khan added: “I’ll be meeting the Prime Minister soon to discuss our issues but I think the Government recognises it is in nobody's interests for us to get a bad deal with the EU."
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we must ban all assault-bikewheels.
>dying for shitty laws.

A fitting punishment for WW2, pity that Germany has to suffer the same fate.
This paki cunt is a MAYOR and not the Prime Minister; he cannot create his own laws or willingly conspire to subvert current and upcoming laws.
He is DEMOCRATICALLY elected and he is taking BACK control from faceless bureaucrats in Westminster.
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Calgary Alberta also has a muslim mayor.
Democratically elected to uphold the countries laws, not subvert and create his own, aquafresh.
Top bantz
I hate Nenshi so fucking much.
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Well, send all the shit of the jungle.
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Why does anyone care about this? London has ALWAYS been a horrible shithole. There is literally nothing that could be done to make it any worse than it has been for years already.
London is majority non-white
Guillotine that fucking poo
There's a hole in the world like a great black pit
and the vermin of the world inhabit it
and its morals aren't worth what a pig can spit
and it goes by the name of London
How anyone has not killed him yet is beyond me.
20 years ago, you get stabbed for doing shit like this.
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Oh wow, no British neighborhood.
Post yfw Britain disavows London, walls it off, and starts exiling undesirables to it Escape From LA- style.
calgary, a bastion of leftist faggots in a sea of based conservatives, serves as a sweden-esque warning to the rest of canada. Toronto is hopeless, and MTL is going down.

Everywhere else needs to resist liberalism at every level.
I'll plastic gas can the shit out a nigga.
Can't you Londonfags impeach this turd?
We should never give up our capital city, a hub from where global history has been made. Send em all to the Isle of Wight
London is fucking cancer. Praying for another fire.
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You have my Sword Anglos. Time to set the hatreds of our forefathers aside and fight the real Enemy
It sounds like he is going to run afoul of some very dangerous forces. The Brexit thing has not truly been resolved yet. There will be mighty pushes to nullify it by creative means.

True Brits better get ready for a fight.
he honestly needs to kill himself
>liberals voted for a sharia loving fascist simply because he's brown

Fuck Sadiq khan, the cheeky cunt!

>"We are talking to business leaders, businesses, business representatives to see what we can do to make sure London doesn't lose out on the talent, the innovation the partnership that has let us be the greatest city in the world.

What has this got to do with migrants after free gibs? Bollocks mate.

Do people think there will be protests to this? he's essentially trying to steal London away from England
>omg like whats the problem, London is literally like amazing, Daddy brought me a new car and i drive around Chelsea all day rah rah!

id fucking hate your kind if my gf wasnt also a spoilt rich brat. cunt.
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Rome fell for this, they accepted the subhuman Goths, and they fell.

Sadiq Khan let in all the shitskins, London fell. When can we just have Anglo Invicta.
Build a wall!

Make London pay for it!

Make Britain Great Again!
londons fine you just can't handle it faggot
did the police literally just walk along and pick up garbage?
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Leave the Isle of Wight alone, if you send them here where will all of the based old people go?
send them to mainland Europe, i'm sure Germany or Sweden will take them.
theres a serious shortage of white women and it will lead to civil unrest.
>tfw Paki boy is arrogant enough to think that the UK is his to give away.
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Whenever they're lacking a scary weapons story they just rummage through bins.

They aren't safe in packs of less than 10.
Sadiq Khan has finally lost it

time to remove that fucking paki's arse from office
It will be a beautiful wall.


And we'll make them pay for it!
sadiq khan thinks his opinions matter
whats he holding in his hand, the US constitution?
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Googles are way worse than pakistanis
I hope London becomes an independent city state.
Ahmed, how many times. Please fuck off back to Islamabad, for your own good, day of the rope is coming my sub-human compatriot


London in 1 year
Fair enough. No worries, Icke
London gonna look like Islamabad.
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>Brits haven't invented tasers yet
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On closer inspection I think you're right.

Looks like Obama got out again guys.
Nationalism over business. Sadiq on a dick.
>be me
>be 23
>was in Portugal and could walk around with dick out in the Algarve on a nudist beach
>not a single fuck was given by anyone
>perhaps that is why Britcucks love holidaying in Portugal

Now compare that with the United Caliphate of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
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>that image

i remember reading in another thread anon said

>london should be the jewel in the crown, not a cesspool of the worlds undesirables

its truly sad, me and gf used to live in Stratford. Luckily her mad crazy father, who paid for it, gave her more money so we could live in an apartment away from scum after he visited.

hes a very posh professor, can you imagine this older man in a suit walking around with an expensive watch walking past groups of africans shouting outside a barber shop and walking past eastern europeans drinking in the daytime and looking homeless. i remember when he turned to me and said "look after my daughter".
most forces just can't afford them.
Thanks lad. You're welcome to come here on a shitty holiday whenever.
>Also thank you cuckservatives for pushing this meme that "muh business" and "muh capitalism" matter more than nationalism.
>be american
>walk into libcuck college campus
>walking down hallway
>60" tv mounted at intersection hallway area
>"becoming a global citizen"

>be in english in libcuck college
>reading material provided by jew liberal feminist
>Everthing is: "whitey is evil" "muh slavery" "Muh holocaust" "global citizen" "muh melting pot" "white people need to integrate better" "why should spanish people give up their culture just because they move here"
There was even a nigger author that says "white people dont exist" "and over time more and more races will be considered white, just like jews and italians are now", think he even said how are muslims and asians not white.
Well, all this shit is brits guilt, they were the ones to unleash rothschild, so fuck them

Nice bait.
I hope people finally understand that Muslims are loyal to Islam first. Not to you, not to the laws of their host countries, not to their governments.

This is the great danger they rekresent. Because even the alleged "moderate" Muslim will do anything they can to advance the cause of their religion and bring the world closer to caliphate
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The caliphate of bong (PBUH) is near
English and Scottish need to switched
>article says there are 1k comments
>Comments Unavailable
>khan vows to defy brexit and offer city visas to migrants
>muslim vows to break the law
No one is surprised.
fuck off dindu

You deserve every bad thing happening to you, f a m
ww3 please

or at least a western race war
The " scottish " aren't actually scottish anymore. The picture should depict some paki or jew instead of a scotsman.
t. 63% white
Whoever played a part in voting this paki in should be ashamed.
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Definitely not treason.
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Does he even have enough power?

Isn't the mayor a meme position for redrawing bus lines?
day of the rope is the only reason i havent killed myself man.
>He was voted in
>As the elected leader he goes through with what he campaigned on
>Jamal Bondullah

kek, Sweden YES, for once

>Already declaring a caliphate.
>Rejects Parliament to institute laws as he sees fit.
>London is a state unto itself.

Good job, Britfags. You asked for this.

traitorous scots voted to stay in the EU, it's accurate
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i fucking hate that dirty poo in loo! I HOPE HE GETS ASSASSINATED!
London hasn't been majority white since 2010
New visa conditions a "2016" thing? The Germans were doing that in 1938 and wow.. look how well that went.
t. triggered paki
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Congrats Brits, your major capital is control by a megalomaniac Paki Muslim shitskin who is fundamentally opposed to the very idea of England and English culture and independence. This heart of the empire is now in the clutches of evil, but I'm convinced you'll pry it back from those wretched claws.

be vigilant.
there's nearly a 50/50 chance you arent white lol
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fuck off burger!
There's a nearly 20/80 chance you aren't white.
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I get it that this guy attracts all the /pol/ hatred like a lightning rod, but shouldn't be some of this hatred be directed at the London business owners that demands more and more cheaper workers from migrant backgrounds to come in the workforce to keep the existing workforce on their toes....and who selected this man to be their voice to meet and convince the PM to make policy changes to reflect that ?
Londistan is getting purged soon ok you pay taxes ?
Corbyns Tax Gestapo ..
Big firms ... sole person
Yeah and I want to hear what "The City Of London" has to say about this shit

(For all the uneducated burgers there is "London" and the "city of London" which are seperate)
looks like london has fallen was a documentary after all.
>Sadiq Khan
>Mayor of London

Holy shit England what the fuck.
okay then jamalshawn jimenez
I wonder if he really is deluded enough to think he commands such power.
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I know that feel

We barely make it non worthwhile for foreigners to move here to fix house shortage and the fucking unemployed Albertans flood in
Less leif Burger Fuck OFF !

shitcunts never paid get scupped up an deported !
sent home !
Don't you have laws against treason?

T. Paco
What should be the new Capital of the United Kingdom after London is razed to the ground and its citizen are impaled as a warning to other ?


Who cares?

>city visas

Lol worthless.
make mine a crappachino
we caliphate now
are slav not white? if they are london is whiter than the usa
>majority Votes NDP
>based conservatives

Other than rural Albertans who farm that's a myth. Everyone there who lives in a city over 50,000 is a complete egotistical asshole leftist faggot

t. I live in the Rocky Mountains and those faggots would always come here for vacation and complain about us
being too white among other things. It's the oil. Alberta got poisoned when faggots started pouring in for the oil jobs.

KEKgary and Torontostan need to be nuked

Even Vancouver isn't that cucked. At least most people hate Muslims there (and so have very few of them and the ones they have are the rich kind that lives isolated)
Wasn't it good in the 60s 70s80s and early 90s?
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Im thinking about moving to Greenland lads

nobody gives a shit about it, too cold for shitskins, barely any people there, seems like paradise at this point
thats a map of the biggest non british group. brits are still the biggest group in most of London and bromley and a few others are majority
Hadji cunt.
most of the met have tasers

>London will become an islamic city state in your lifetime

Not sure if saddening, or the first step towards Reconquista Numero Dos.
London is 45% british white and around 15% white from different areas like poland or whatever.

>60% white us

>Next president a woman

USA is JUST...
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mate in 50 years america will be 40% white at the most, and the uk will probably be 70% unless we do something to curb it. we have the advantage of being an island of course. dont know about the rest of europe
>Also thank you cuckservatives for pushing this meme that "muh business" and "muh capitalism" matter more than nationalism.

Can't have it both ways m8. Labour are even worse for this than the Tories
Wow what a fucking surprise
So, a britbong tries to kill Trump yet they let a fucking invader with ties to terror continue to invade them.

>just cuck my shit up
You're spewing jew anti-White indoctrination that they pawn off as "education." Rome fell from a combination of the plague, depleted resources and soldiers after a long war with persia, the muds invading at that point.
no... no we are shit mate. at least New York feels american. London feels like Calcutta. Thank god we left, thank god.
>literally who the politician

I love how amerilards care about this so much.
In the Uk we never hear about him, because he's an irrelevance.
He's less import than a cabinet minister.
And, what, 10% whites kept South Africa in check until the cucked world reasoned success could not be allowed?

This demographic folly can be turned around, and easily so. The means we must employ might not be savory, but mate, the moment I see a caliphate on European soil I'm likely to not give a fuck about what leftists and muslims consider savory or not.

Captcha: Middelfart.
I don't see how he has the authority to do this on his own. Theresa May might very well tell him to fuck off.
>nobody gives a shit about it, too cold for shitskins, barely any people there, seems like paradise at this point
This but keep the eye on the prize, the jews that have orchestrated this event, they have to be hunted down as the first thing during this fog of war.
It's a difficult problem. London's position as THE global city means it inherently must be easy for those around the globe to visit and work in. London truly does attract the best professionals from around the world, and restricting this would make London less appealing to global companies.
Christ, they really must sow them everywhere in the Western world, don't they? How many of these faggots end in the 100% safe sub-saharan African countries, or Saudi Arabia?
yeah i don't think the syrian refugees will all be highly skilled professionals somehow
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Just physically remove this kebab already.
They'll be dead come January
>Implying Khan ain't just a puppet.
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That's very positive, London needs more white people imo
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holy kek
God damn, you ruined it. Kek
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>mfw i always say expresso with extra emphasis on the "ex"

watching you cucks squirm as you bite your tongue and say 'yes sir' makes me erect
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were gonna need a paramilitary soon for these muds and muslims.
Chosen have been pushing for more autonomy for cities for the past decade, but especially the past couple of years. The Economist have backed the idea of a city-state of London for a while.

All according to plan: plan being the sacking of states by (((corporate))) power.
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t. Dishonest sandnigger Paki that knows he blends in
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Not Greenland.
This is why no one likes Pakis.
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I hate London so much. It is hell on Earth. Just as bad as Paris.
It is a colossal pile of shit. It is full of foreigners and the water tastes bad. Tap water where I live is fresh and clean. It comes from the mountains. Pic. Transport is a shit there, and everything costs a fortune.

Unfortunately I have to go there sometimes for work. It is a shithole and must be purged by radioactive hell fire.
Thankfully I live well away from London.
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Carrying knife, eh ?

Good poika
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you may have destroyed the UK but at least you stopped the evil nazis and save the jews

good work britcucks.
>"working on a model that will ensure we can carry on recruiting and attracting talent".

So these Visas won't allow Africans or people from the Middle East?
When is y'all's next mayoral election?
This. Elites want a Muslim leader and Muslim city because it's good for business. Lull shitskins into a false sense of security so that they will take on crippling loans and get jewed. More importantly, though, once we're all coffee-coloured cultural Muslims they will just merge Europe with North Africa and the Near East.

Or so they think.
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>Carrying a knife and blackjack now.

i know this sounds horrible but i hope they fucking die. no really if i hear about them dying, i will have a good chuckle to myself.
Does this sand google have enough power to actually do this?
Just fuck my 8th biggest economy up senpai
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>tfw those were supposed to be my (You)s
Seriously though it's a bit late to be carrying just a knife and blackjack for self defense, isn't it?
So...Brexit did nothing?
Go to Iceland they said.
Its not really made of ice they said.
Its just a name they said
It pushed forward his plans to make London an independent country
nice bb gun
If sadfreak khan even tries to break the law by doing this when we leave the EU he should be assassinated for treason
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blackjack? like the chewy aniseed sweet?

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London really is a shithole. I am 58 years old and I remember going to London as a child how awesome it was. I remember the punk rockers and all the other really cool things from the pubs to the chip shops and museums.

Did you know you could walk right up to 10 Downing Street and get your picture taken right outside the door?

I was back in London this summer. Now everywhere I look I see 3rd world scum with angry faces. I miss the old London. I miss taking the tube and not being worried that I was going to get stabbed.

Saddest thing of all for me was it was next to impossible to find a shop that sold 99's. (Soft Serve Ice Cream Cone with a Flake). That was when it really hit me the London I loved was really gone.
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ty nofuns faggot
>Does this sand google have enough power to actually do this?
Does he fuck.

He's a shit-stirring gobshite.
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I want old Britain back and all the non whites to fuck off
Just a total fucking meltdown of society and VIOLENCE seems so very enticing. Just so we can clean out and take out the trash.
In China this is enough to get your family exterminated. TWICE.
I am just glad my grandfather never had to see what happened to his beloved London. I used to love to watch a lot of the old BBC shows but I just can't right now. It is too painful to watch because I know those places and areas are now gone to the dark side and lost.

The Last of the Summer Wine really sums up England now.
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Fuck that, we have about 5 blacks and 12 Indians here and that's already too many. Make Solent City and call that the capital. Winchester will be a nice gated town
what your job
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dont underestimate the wheel
Spent every single summer of my youth in Sea View and Seagrove bay my dude. Some ancestor of mine built the Sea view pier but it collapsed like a junkie's vein
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London is burning.jpg
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This song from the 80's shows what London used to look like.

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Come home to the colonies, the true bearers of Anglo heritage. North canada is how man was meant to live
I remember visiting london in 1999, i saw nothing but white people.
>t. english lit major
I know mate, it is truly sad times. Even my uni mate from Oman thinks things are fucked. Told him about the whole being a minority by 2050 and he was shocked, he thought it was going to be way sooner than 2050.

Though I did bring into the conversation that this is depending on there not being a war, intervention in Libya by Putin etc
Reported to MI6
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If London were to become a Paki run city state it would still be more legitimate than your so called country.
Good thing im in the north however they'll come further north.Look at Bradford or now know as Islamic State held Bradistan...
Nice trojan horse
that banner isn't real, right?
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is that dog raping a man in the top-left??
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Do it Your self faggot.
I don't wanna live if Hillary wins.
>Also thank you cuckservatives for pushing this meme that "muh business" and "muh capitalism" matter more than nationalism.

You actually should thank the libertarians.
Is this not literally treason? If Britain actually leave the EU that is.
I think its mauling him
Why the Fuck hasn't that Sign been tagged yet?
Buy a fucking Spray can and Spray RESIST on that mother fucker.
Those mexicans are gonna need a third job in another country
Once or twice is still a lot, bro.
>I can vote to allow people into your home to murder and steal from you
>majority rules neener neener neener
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It's treason, then.
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This is modern England.jpg
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What a beautiful picture. The Bobby isn't armed. He looks in charge and the scene is beautiful and serene.

I hate what it is like today. I want off this ride.
>"This will either be the best fuck or the worst fuck you've ever had..it's up to you."
Bin that shit boi
But I, as well as all my friends in the Chelsea/Kensington area voted for Zac Goldsmith. My father went to school with him. Why should we get chased out of are houses by angry rag-headed poo-in-loos? My father would never hire a non Indian shit skin and I never make friends with any of them. We should be spared from them!
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>AAHHHHHGbgbgbBbgbwbnwlll *has seizure* *delets emails*

Since when does this fuck think he's a God damn prime minister?
I hate the guy but this might be a realistic comprimise. Let the globalists run Londonistan, New York, and Tokyo as special economic zones, while their countries tighten their borders and pass laws that discriminates in favor of citizens.
Muslims now rule London so he's Prime minister to them

Whoa there, My parents lived in Liverpool in the 60's till 1971, looks Noice !!! most of the pics they brought from there got destroyed in the war, so I never got to see them
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it sounds quaint but then, everyone knew the local bobbie by name and he knew everyone personally.
They respected eachother.
You could leave your door unlocked , the police only needed a truncheon a whistle and a bicycle.
That's all he needed as the first line of defence was the Army , Navy and Airforce.
That has been bypassed now. They've been let through.
He wants to ram it full of more muslims of course
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Damn man, the local street workers knowing your local bit bobby by his name is never a good sign tho !!!
Attracting (talent)
He means muslims. He is a fraud.
Under-rated post
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Winter solsis
Come alone
Bring tendies

Securing that next election I see
he has such dainty feets
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