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employer straight up told us that Trump supporters will be fired

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what can i do exactly? i've posted numerous pro-Trump things on private social media but i also have a yardsign. i'm really afraid that someone from my work might go by my house (has happened before. sometimes they drop in to give us files or work we left at the office that can be done at home, but my mentor and superior always told me the company just does this to 'check in on how the workers live their lives'.

what should i do?
Sue them for firing you because of your personal beliefs
Record him saying it....

Congrats btw, if you aren't lying you will own the business
You can easily sue, I hope you recorded his dumb ass saying Trump supporters will be fired. Record everything from now on, it will save your ass in court.
Claim you worship Trump as the God Emperor of mankind and sue them.

It'll put you in your places so you can understand that the workplace is degeneracy.

Self-employ yourself or kill yourself.
dude, do everything in your power to obliterate the guy.

do not play around. don't think about doing it. do it.

do it.

sue him, raise hell, raise a stink. don't let people get away with that.
In america politics arnt covered by anti discrimination laws
Lawyers must be making bank with all those "TOTALLY NOT TEXTBOOK POLITICAL DISCRIMINATION" fires.
They can't, cannot fire you based on political affiliation.
tell him you're a trump supporter , get fired and sue his ass , you will win 100%
Lmao, you still support drumpf after that shitty debate performance? Enjoy getting fired.
It absolutely is you pleb..
what is said belief is upheld by religious preference?
Who do you work for? I want to know so I can boycott their products. Quit and get on NEETbux until you find a pro-Trump employer or become self-employed.
>land of the free
make all the cuck jokes while you can next year granny clinton will flood your nation for the globalists just like merkel did
How many people are employed in this company?
Easy win in court, if it comes to it. Fucked up company desu. do they not get legal advice?
>Easy win in court
there's no such thing in the US. If the company is large enough, they'll tie OP up for years in technicality while he goes broke with legal fees, if he's lucky, it'll end up before Supreme in fifteen years

only rich people can meaningfully sue
Invest in one of those hidden cams, pen-like or whatever... hope you'll record the right moment
>I have a job
Stop telling lies, faggot.
Just name the company and we'll raise hell and end them

Don't hide this information. The most effective way to DESTROY these kinds of companies is by raising shit and stink around them and making sure that everyone knows, anyone who acts this way will be destroyed.

Leftists are the ones who invented this tactic. Why do you guys seem so afraid to put them in their place? You do realize the only way to stop a bully is by one upping him at his own fucking game?
>what should i do?
stop make up bullshit stories and LARPing on a Mongolian image board, faggot
>Self-employ yourself
Who else would I self-employ?
you sue him and bleed him dry
>1 post by this ID
>claims to be employed but he's shitposting during biz hours.
what are you sliding, you fucking filthy kike
Sue, as long as you're not giving unsolicited propaganda, it's not okay to be fired for personal beliefs.

OP could easily get a lawfirm that would do it just for part of the settlement. And the company would absolutely rather settle, much cheaper
Creed is faith, not one's political affiliation.

This. We'll handle it, OP. Give us the company name.
>but my mentor and superior always told me the company just does this to 'check in on how the workers live their lives'.
Well, that's hellishly creepy.
even worse

the local ambulance chasers in my city take 80-90% of all settlement fees, the biggest one boasts about being billionaires, if OP were real he would be just plain fucked

in the US, never get arrested, drafted, fired, or sick
>Mongolian image board

I dont know where you think you are nigga but this is a bangladeshian shrimp-catching board

Fucking newfags
In most states it's perfectly legal to fire you for your political beliefs, but in a few states it's not legal. You need to find out whether you live in the former kind or the latter.
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Whats the name of the company, anon? Let /pol/ fight this battle for you.
lie to them if they fire you cuz your a muslim call them islamophobic, its just dump enough to work
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Nice, so much advice from people who do not know what the fuck they are talking about.

If you are employed in the private sector, the law says that the boss can generally fire you for whatever reason crosses his mind. Including political affiliation. CAVEAT: Some states and localities have laws against firings for political beliefs. so where you live matters.

Contact an attorney, most will give you a free hour of their time to talk to them and see if you have a case in the event you are fired.

In the meantime, keep your politics strictly away from the workplace (some local/state laws that protect you have exceptions for instances where you can be claimed to be politicking on company time or being disruptive, bothering customers, etc.)

If you belong to a Union, check into what protections you get there.

If you want to do so, AFTER talking to the attorney, you might see how many co-workjers would jojn you in a mutual suicide pact, walking out in the event you or any employee is fired for politics. If you are fired and have no legal case, you may chose to bring action through picketing him (there are presumably a few Trumpsters in your community who might join you, as might the ACLU, just for grins.) You have options outside the legal system.

But know your legal options first, and not through asking /pol/... ask a local attorney who actually knows.

Get a recording of him stating that and prepare to sue him to oblivion.
You better fucking research the law on THAT before trying it.
this, record, get all the evidence you can first

Demand trial by combat. It's still n the books here, it's just that very one is a pussy cuck faggot and doesn't want to get cut a little while feeling the life drain out of their opponent.

Some things can only be solved by blood. Some day some faggot lawyer for XYZ Corp is going to be shocked, shocked I tell you, when some poor worker legally runs him through with a reproduction rapier.

> make swordplay great again
Yeah it is
t. Lawyer
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>shrimp-catching board

Come at me. bro.
AND THE LAND OF THE FREE---------dumbs
That's fine, there are a bunch of openings once occupied by illegal opening up.
krill yourself
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>Demand trial by combat.

I retract my earlier advice and switch to this, for the Lulz.
it's not about OP's legal options, it's about the plebian ignorance of our rights and how the guys with the deeper pockets can use that in their favor, it's hard to get cases like this heard in some cities because they're always busy frying bigger fish

they count on us feeling defeated, and that works most of the time
Not at a federal level it ain't, and not at the state.local level many places.

Do you do, what, real-estate closings, Mr. Lawyer?
if you get fired you fuck him up what have you got to lose ?
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Tell him that as a bourgeois scum, he should be all aboard the Trump train.
Well shit, didn't even see what you did there at first, well played, punning English k'nigget.
>all these fucking retards giving armchair legal advice
What a fucking embarrassment this board has become

It highly depends on the state and most will let you be fired for political reasons. Only governments have that sort of absolute restriction

You fuckwits
100% wrong and you're a complete fucking faggot
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>implying the church of kek isn't a faith
That's for public employment

You stupid fuck

Who's the employer?
>not knowing about krillcen
dude have you any idea what year it is ?
Get fired and get a good lawyer
>Demand trial by combat.

Please tell me this is real

>Some day some faggot lawyer for XYZ Corp is going to be shocked, shocked I tell you, when some poor worker legally runs him through with a reproduction rapier.

I want to live in this dystopian cyberpunk future
In the US, political affiliation or beliefs don't create a protected category. If your employer is the government (state or federal, e.g. you ), your speech is protected by the first amendment. If your employer is private and you're not in a union, they can fire you for your political beliefs. Your only plausible claim may be that they really fired you because of race, age, gender, nationality or religion, using political beliefs as a smokescreen.
So what's the company gonna do when trump is president?
>idiots falling for a personal army thread
>idiots falling for a blatant shit that never happened thread
>"The government should have less control and laws over the economy"
>Liberal wants to fire based on political beliefs
>"Fucking bullshit, this should be illegal!"

Anyways, if they find out and do try to fire you, they probably would just dig up some stuff in the past as the reason for termination instead of just stating that you were a Trump supporter. I would play it safe and remove that sign
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>Americans can be fired for having political beliefs
This is standard practice in Europe as well
If he does it would be a long drawn out case with an assured loss, or possibly a Supreme Court appeal.
Physically assault your boss for being unamerican
Just hide your political beliefs then. I mean, surely you see how obvious this is that private employers who hire people under at-will employment can fire those employees for their political beliefs.

>you're fired

everyone knows it's fake, what's important is the discussion it provokes, my point has been that even if fictional OP has a case, he won't magically teleport to a docket and get a fair ruling. It is going to be a fuckawful process full of re-filings, paperwork deadlines, dates being bumped, and all of this will cost money. The bean-counters at the fictional employers will calculate immediately whether or not to settle, and whatever lawyer you hire will get the lion's share

smartest move is not to play
fuck em, find a better job where they aren't leftist fascists
Creed is a tactical genius.
I hate to infinity + another infinity Trump with every fiber of my existence, but firing people for their political beliefs is unethical.
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>scream 'muh freedums'
>can't freely associate with political parties
Find a different job. You don't want to work for an employer like that: neither one who threatens employees, nor who brings you work to do at home or checks in on your life. Your employer does not have the right, legally or morally, to govern your private life. They certainly don't have the right to govern your politics.

You should quit. You should tell other employees why you're quitting and why they too should quit. You should write a letter to the editor of your local paper and to the local TV news stations. Word needs to get out about what your employer does, so that nobody ever goes to work for him again.

It's your right to support whichever candidate you want, to do what you want at home, and to keep your work at work and home life at home.
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>Supreme Court appeal
this isn't 1961, you don't get to go to the supreme court for willy nilly personal things like that. it's reason enough to sue, assuming op is telling the truth, esp. if the employer claims to be "equal opportunity"...and you know how much we americans love to sue each other when something similar to this situation happens. that is, of course, assuming it actually did happen in the first place.
>record that shit
>profit eternally
>maybe shake Trump's hand becasue it gets blown out of proportion by liberal media
hide your powerlevel
Buy a bunch of Trump bumper stickers

Put them on the cars of coworkers you want fired

Sip tea
Even if you can't sue your employer, just call your local radio/tv station with this story. You'll get enough publicity to find a better job (maybe Trump will even reach out to you).

Get your 15 seconds of fame and do something with it.
what company is this?
there's no law against firing someone for their political believes
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This is a ruse
>CTR still trying to push that Hillary won the debate
Quit your job ASAP. You will never be happy there if you are constantly thought policed by your fascist boss.
This, that is unlawful termination, if they fire you based off of political views, you can sue them.

Also give what your boss is saying to Trump, it will reinforce his campaign as it will prove that dissent is being silenced out of fear.
>what can i do exactly?

call a lawyer, find others who faced similar treatment, don't allow people to know your political views directly
That frog is hate speech, your IP address is being reported to the ADL
It's unlawful termination if you get fired for being a nigger not for your political believes. maybe there's a law about it in some states but I don't think so. The boss can just say he doesn't want negative people in his company.
They'll just find another bullshit reason and fire hin for that.
Fucking this
Your employer is based.
Sue him and make sure the news talks about it
CTR everyone
You should post the name of the company for anons to fuck with.
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I'm the op and ok I'll name the company.
Go Go Go

that's illegal as all hell and so is dropping in to spy on their workers at home

sue the fuck out of them, not only are they idiots doing illegal shit they're subhuman scumbags
>employer straight up told us that Trump supporters will be fired
That's the free market at work, goyim.

You don't have any right to remain employed regardless of your political beliefs. Don't like it? You're free to quit your job and find someone who will hire you despite your politically incorrect beliefs.

What, no of course the police aren't going to investigate the matter.
They're too busy taking mandatory diversity classes and investigating that hate crime of a White person wearing a shirt that said "The White race deserves to exist."

Your employers have every right to fire you (and hire a cheap immigrant, minority, woman, or homosexual in your place) for whatever reason they see fit.

It's free market capitalism, after all.
>What, no of course the police aren't going to investigate the matter.

it's more of a civil matter to be honest
>get fired for political beliefs
>laws protect you from wrongful termination
Get fired. Go right ahead. Then, sue the living fuck out of your boss, get many years' pay, invest it and live off of it
Have a wife ? Say she's a Trump supporter but you're voting Jill Stein.
>it's more of a civil matter to be honest
Well, then we'll just call a local government agency and tell them that a White, Conservative, Heterosexual Male was fired for openly supporting Trump aaaaaaand they hung up on us.

Okay then...let's go talk to the Republican mayor. Oh wait, they're at lunch at that five star restaurant with the owner of the business.

The media? Nope, they didn't even return our phone call because they're covering the black man who is suing the city because he tripped over a racist curb.
You can even support Trump by buying a Jill Stein yardsign also and putting it in your yard.
Thank you for correcting the record.
Tell them sure thing and then go vote for Trump
That's discrimination and you can get him fired if you record him saying that
>That's discrimination and you can get him fired if you record him saying that
You seem to imply that the law protects everyone equally.

It doesn't.

Why else can the Attorney General get away with stating that hate crimes against Whites will not be investigated by the Justice Department?
>1 post by this ID
Not if he has his boss on record stating that Trump supporters will be terminated.
>n-no your honor he was fi-fired because of t-tardiness, it just so h-happens it coincided with the discovery of his T-Trump yard signs!
I remember this happening when Obama was elected and people threw a fit.
>Not if he has his boss on record stating that Trump supporters will be terminated.
All the employer has to say is that their employees support of Trump is detrimental to the image and profitability of the company and then the employer has every right to fire their employees for supporting Trump.
If it's a right to work state they can fire you for no reason at all.
>If it's a right to work state they can fire you for no reason at all.

Again, free market capitalism at work.

You exist only to serve the economy.

The second you threaten the economy, you're expendable.
That's why you let them fire you, then collect jewgold for it.
woah, antisemitic much?

Write a letter to Mr Gowdy
Oh well, that business will go bankrupt then. Who gives a shit.

Trump supporters aren't a protected class dumb fuck. This is free market capitalism, his boss can do what he wants in the private company he manages stop getting triggered.
If you get fired, sue, and enjoy your hundreds of thousands of dollars.
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After he fires them all start a competitive business on the other side of town with the hardest workers (the people he fired)
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Nah senpai we gon stop it. Then we gon cum save Europe as per usual
>find better job
>wear trump hat to current job
>get fired
>get severance pay

Political affiliation/activities: Not all states have laws prohibiting political affiliation discrimination or termination for political activities, but many do. So do some counties and cities. The Civil Service Reform Act of 1978 prohibits political affiliation discrimination against federal employees. In Michigan, the laws prohibit direct or indirect threats against employees for the purpose of influencing their vote. It also prohibits tracking of political activity. In Ohio, West Virginia, Pennsylvania and Kentucky, employers are prohibited from posting or handing out notices threatening to shut down or lay off workers if a particular candidate is elected. In Oregon, it’s illegal to threaten loss of employment in order to influence the way someone votes. In Washington State, it’s illegal to retaliate against employees for failing to support a candidate, ballot position or political party. Some states, like California, Colorado, New York, North Dakota and Louisiana, say it’s illegal to retaliate against an employee for their off-duty participation in politics or political campaigns. In Florida, it’s a felony to “discharge or threaten to discharge any employee in his or her service for voting or not voting in any election, state, county, or municipal, for any candidate or measure submitted to a vote of the people.”

>TLDR; Check your local laws faggot
they'll fire you for political reasons, and they "check in on how the workers live their lives?" what kind of company do you work at?
>Still in the books
Literally not, as cool as it would be. But I am sure Trump might even pay his legal fees, or that someone would do it pro-bono
Delete everything
Lawyer up
Hit the gym etc...

I worked in an HR department that did this level of surveillance on it's employees at one time

Shit sucks for you, trust me.
We were better at our job than the NSA
Anytime an employee we were watching posted on a forum, made a facebook post, registered a domain, wrote a letter to the editor, or called into a talk radio show... we knew instantly
Idk about America but there's employee rights in Canada.
Tweet your story to Trump, especially if you can get a recording of it. Let him paste it all over his Twitter and publicly shame this kind of shit.

Hell if it becomes a major story he might even pay your legal bills to sue.
Begin documenting now, plan to sue later.
>sometimes they drop in to give us files or work we left at the office that can be done at home
Such horse shit.
No he didn't, it's illegal and everyone knows that.
Class action lawsuit.

This is totally illegal.
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Just make sure that you are the best at what you do at that company. No one would fire their best employee unless they were a google.
Seriously this all day like crazy.
If the country and the judicial system weren't completely corrupt, you could have sued them but...
Slowly but surely, (((they))) are making it so that an armed revolt will be the only option for us.
In the meantime, start to look for a job that isn't run by googles and skypes. Once you do, leave your current one before they fire you for "hate crime"
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